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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1963, p. 8

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- ~. .. , . 11eCanadian statesman, Bow anvIlle, Aug. 21, 193 ~ SPORTropics,, ,/\,~Dy Frank Mohun 623-7234~ -JR. LEAGUE FINALS ALL EVEN After the first two games in the Junior Mens League softball finals, Chartran's Men's and Boys' Wear and Sam's ..)iner Foods are all even. Wednesday, Chartrans took the series' opener 5-1 be- lhind Harold Mickleson's nifty one-hitter. Sunday night .Smscame up with a big effort both afield and at the plate, romping to a 10-0 wîn. Blaine Pickard was the big gun for Sam's, cloutinga hlome run, double and single. The third game was played Tuesday night, withý .zemaining contests going Thursday and the following Tues- .tlay, all at the High School diamond. Starting time is 4:30 p.mn. t i~t t t i. -FUELS - NEW SOFTBALL CHAMPS. Stephen Fuels won a close 2-O tilt over Bill's Billlards,ý :ehursday night, to capture the Men's Town League champion-, :ehip in five games. It was a tight pitcher's battle ahi the way as George, ý;tephen and Mel Burgess each gave up only four hits opiece, 1 4n perhaps the best-phayed game of the best of seven final. The new champs counted the eventual winning run "in the first inning on Terry Black's lead-off single, and speedy tIerry went on to score. Ray Crombie crashed the big blow off Stephen, when -4ie triped In the third, but was thrown out at the plate .attempting to stretch it irnto a home run. It took a perfect ,Veg from second-sacker Jim Coyle to nail Ray for the third! The previous week's holidays seemned to agree with -Jim "Lefty" Alin, who belted a home run to deep 1etcete 4putting the game on ice, the way George was going. - As this corner had pointed out early in the seasOn, 7Etephen's had a strong team, backed Up by a solid bench. jast week with Coyle and Allin missing, Ted Dadson took -vver at first, John Stainton at second and they had Jack1 leond and Curt Vanstone for outfield duty. Bil's had a pretty fair starting nine, but Dan Girardiý rnissed the final and Fred Cowle, "Archie" Crossey andý TGeorge Jones were away for the third tilt. The Bl1rs -lust didn't have the same reserve strength. Next on the agenda is the banquet and dance on, 15epteBbel ards teptmbt t t. Stephen's Hurler Receives Congratulations GOLF CLUBS BUSY The social season at the two local golf clubs Is ln full ~ swing this week. Last Saturday Southview had anotherl* This photo couhd fool you. It looks as though a for tù successful mîxed two-bahh foursome, 'movies by Harold softball rumble is about ta take place, but is actually for a McGee wener raast and dance. a scene immediately following the final game of the and t 4'his Saturday. Erinil takes over, with a big corn r*oast 'Town League Softball playoffs, won by Stephen Fuels, the sc and hootenanay. ýon Thursday evening. George Stephen, ace pitcher __ i.t t t t t_ _ _ _ __1_ _ _ ,e Fuelers is at far lef t, receîving congratulations twonderful series from members of his own team the opposition, Bill's Billiards. The Fuelers won ;ries four games ta one. SOCCER PLAYOFFS In last weeks senior soccer playoff action Courtice STEPHEN FUELS- Cou rtice idged Hampton 1-0, while Soina and Zion battled to a 1-i <(tonight) as ýHampton plays hast ta Courtice, whîle Satur- lay, Zion will be in Solina.19 3 S tbl Ch m s U es - If Hampton can stop pennant-winning Courtice, the1 two teams will go again next Wednesday. The third Solina- By Ted Faireyi This game was a reaI pitchi- home. This would have ta be Zion contest is slated for a week from Saturday, but should c rs' battie throughout as the best game af the series asM c e n Courtice eliminate Hampton tonight, the game in Zion will SehnFel vnter George Stephen and MeT Bur- defensive moves and soidQ u en Wdthird softball championship ia gess each gave up ooly foui- pitching wcre the main fea- . e mnoved up to Wenesday. five \'cars whcn they blanked!hits apiece. tures. Stephen's struck out Courtice upset Bowmanville Meanwhile, the reguhar junior season doesn't end until i Bill's Billiards 2-0 at the Highý Terry Black scored the win- fine batters while Burgess McQueen's Motors 7-6 Friday 1rhursday night' with three clubs, Hampton, B.T.S. and' School grounds last Thursday1 ning rua for Stephen's in the had just twa strikeouts. night in Courtice to even the -Courtice ai battling for the last playof f berth. First place is night. This gave the fuelersl first inning when hie singîrd Summary For '63 best of five semi-final ladies stlh in doubt between Maple Grave and Soina, and Zian1 their fourth win as to Bill's ta right, went ta second on a Stephen's ended the sche- softball series at one win eould- still tie 'for second. onr oo~inte fora pass bail and scored on twJ duhe in third, position and apiece.Çortecrw seven seriîe5 infield outs. The fuels other Ken's Men's Wear wha werpý The unueruog Cutc rw runcmeofIhlbtai"e- defending champions endep traiiing 6-O, counted a pair in tyAllun in the fifth whenl the 1962 season in 4th spot, so fthe ftheand explodeds for hie lined a shot to ieft centre I guess it doesn't pay ta end fv itersvnht o which went ahi the way ta the is o eod Teîau five big runs in the sixth, fence for ar sehome Trun.aguehanding McQueen's its first encefora hoe rn. was strengthened this year îoss in aver three weeks. Bill's threatened several' with the return ta town of Mr ikr mse 1fîmes during the game but John Mason and Terry Black farh inig ripletaashdin N ext Sprïng W M B e Too Late '~Stephen's seem ta be able la who were bath a credit ta the ourhin rpet ahi Effective April 1964 the 8% Federal Sales Tax - Buy Now and Save! right tîme. With men on base havoc with us ail year as ramin s he naluhPicad am kI~AI MC TU TAA Istrike out Biil's big power; crowds down. through aan conecting for NO W IS THUE IIEIEhâtter, John Mason, twice. A tip af the hat s hould go a grand slam home run. Gwen Jim Coyle and Grant Wright[ t oaur executive who handied aIlmes led off the frame with combined in the fourfh inn- ail the beefs and rhubarbs a single, the next two batters in wthtw gadthow a-which occurred. They are were retired, but an error - ter Ray Crambie ashed a bahl President Jack Reid, Vice- oee h ae n al ta eftcenre nd rie taPresident "Butch" Cale, Trea- Piper singled ta set the stage stretch into a home run. Coyhe surer Tam Pearson, Past Pre-forheigbat k:took the rehay lrom Wright sident "Snuifly" H-unt. To the Acolsnonainedou and tassed a perfect strike ta sponsors, Nichais' M ot o rs at first, resuited in a pair of nab Crombie as hie slid in at Ken's Men's Wear, Stephen's Courtice talles in the bottom Fuels, Biih's. Billiards, and hall, foliowing a base on balis ýM CQU enS W , Kramp's Furniture, thanks. If and a single by Bey Cryder- it weren't for these few busi- man. M cAu en nessmen aur Icague wouhd be The winners finahîy gat ta difficuit ta operate. pitcher Shirley Brock in the Las bt othest w cnts îxth, plating five markers faget o lyi as w hoar on a waik, an error and sing- bravd rm ad cod sme-les by Cryderman, Charlotte McQueen s Motars, behind times, ta sec a bail gamne. So Courtice. Shirley Pickehh, Mac- S h irl1ey Brock's three-hit with the end af the 1963 sea- ion Muir and Helen Panas. pitching, downed Courtice 13- son we can only say "Wail Karen Essery gave up ten, I .~~M7 at the Central Schaal dia- 'fii next year," when some- sfte npcigu h i- mand Mnangh.hewil time in May' some flo tory, and walked two batters. ithe best of three semi-finai "Play Bal!" fanned five and issued thrreý x> Dan't farget the Banquet bases on bahîs. -____ Virginia Fairev started on Sept. 2 1. 1963. ..................the mound for the iosers but x didn't Iast the first inning whnMcQueen's errupted for Jr. BEAV R $ igh run. Kaen sser cane Soccer BEAVERo$ inhrelief. KafinistegaeIThursday night the Junior ta n omsMr Pc-Saccer League race tightened GwenHolms, arg ick-.-~ev en more, and with only the ard and Peggy Haynes eacil i nal garne remaining for each' collecfed a pair af safeties tu.j club, the faurth and hast play- pace the attack. off berth is stihl very much in CADET Give1 12 x 20 Ft. UA.i jice oniy one point back. Last I V Iflw eek Zion assured themselves ,'NCEoCRbu rg W in.o at least third place, defeat-1 D EL1V E R ED Smart, trim and practical the 12 x 20 ft. CADET is a terrifie value (shop and com- pare). Good design, solid construction . . . qumlity building material supplicd through- out. Looks good with any home. And the CADET is easy ta buiid from supplied plans. NOTHING DOWN - $12 a Month TWO CAR" CADET OnIy $499 NO DOIVN PAY31ENT OnIy $25 a iMonth DEPENDABLE 16 King St. E. 623-3388 BOWMAN VILLE il ililiI nnaI CADET F"Car and I-aIt"' 16 x 20 Feet Wfth Front Acceus Door Sanie good design and Cadet styling but you have 80 sq. ft. of extra space for needed storage or worshop space with a handy front door. Nothig Down - $18 a nionth 91 .Thursdav, August lSth, Ir Cobourg, the hometown Roy. aIs dropped the visiting Bow. manvihle Legionaires 7 ta 2 t( fie the Lakeshore League Pe!e Wee finals at 1 game each. Bowmanvilhe scared a sing1i rua in the first inning and 1 ,more in the sixth, while Co- bourg scared 5 in the lir3l and 2 in the second fa even up the series. Bulger on the hilI for Ca- bourg struck out 7 and gave Up 4 bits. Robson and Bath- well shared the maund duties for the Legionaires and struck out 12 batters while allowing only' I scratch single, but in- ept defensive plav allowed Cobourg ta score 7 unearned runs. iMacklin straked RayaIs' only hit, a wvrang field bîoop- er that went for a single in the first inning. Bothwell and Robson with triples and O'Brien and Howes with sing- les produced the Legionaires' only safeties. The line scores show Ca- bourg 7 runs, I bit. 4 waiks, il error: Bawmanvihle 2 runs, 4 hits, 5 wahks, 6 errora, Farme If~ so, vau wilI gate the Sun Life take care of any an the hause and the equipment an your deah. Reti can also bce provi eafi me today? BANNER P, Phone 62. 14 Rehder Ave., 0 moved up on the strengfh of a 3-0 win aVec Enniskillen.1 The B.T.S. setback ahso keptl ~ r? idl1e Courtice chances alive.j I animportant cantest,ý ,Maple Grave blanked Solina: vant ta investi- 12-0, taking over the league, policy that will lead by one point aver the~ lasers. Tyrone downed Bow-1 imortgage Ieft manville 4-O in the other at- à any debts on traction. Iiesok t Piaybffs got underway in, n id etc-a the senior Ioop as Sauina and rernent incarne Zion tied 1-1 Wednesday ided. Why flot night, and pennant-winning Caurtice bested Hampton 1-Ô on Saturday. Andy Matthews earned thel 'ASSANT Split for Zion, counting rnid-' ý3-3258 way through the final haîf,l after Al Huggins had con-1 Bowmanvilenected far Sauina, in the apen-ý * ng session. SUN LIFE Hampton's David Rogers, and Herman Prakken of Cour- , SSURANCI fiee put on an outstandingý goal-keeping display in the' COMPANY weekend affair. Grant Down bagged the lone taliy after 45'i 0F 'minutes of play to send thel ~ALIA~A ou rtice fans home happy. S&NAfiV.ý Future plavof f games are iIisted in Frank Mohun's Spor-' topic8 cohumn. Pee Wees Defeat Cobourg To Win Lakeshore Titie T Friday evening, August 16, the mound for the Royais at Vincent Massey Park the claimed 3 strikeouts, while Bowmanville Legion Pee Wee Bothwell on the hiil for the Ail Stars defeated Cobourg Legionaires claixned 9. Ro - als 2 ta 1 in a hard fought Kelly, Thompson. Clarey0tý game to clinch the series and and Gutteridge with singles te cup for the victorjous led Cobourg at the bat. Rob- Legionaires. son with a triple, Nowlan, Cobourg started off theý Bothwell and Howes with gme with 1 run in the f.rsingles paced the Bowman- inning on 1 walk and 2 sing- viThe une corssowB les but couldn't push a run-1 h iesoe hwBw ner past second base all the manville 2 runs, 4 hits, 5 rest of the game. Bowman- wvalks, 1 error; Cobourg 1 run. vill wee cllard utilthe4 hits, 4 walks, 0 errors. vhile wee oariedunlthe Bowmanville opens their 'Juniors Loose singes plted1ripleand in O.. .paof gis jx the fourthth eini,1ut2swtth er gm scrd another run on a walk, I l s t, fo with the o 9penng ili ie a toln bse nd sig. Friday, August 23rd, at Vin- iDale Pegg struck out 21lBulger -.and Thompson oni cent Massey. _____ batters iri a great pitchingl______ Performance Saturday night! at the High School. as Mount, Albert took a 5-2 win over, Bowmanville. It was the first ~jMEMORIAL game in a best of three On-11 tario Jr. "B" semi-final ser- ai Pegg showed plenty or stuff. on the bail, completely domi-' nating the game. The ace' hurler set the locals clown on1 strikes in the first, fourth,I seventh and final frames. Hej threw another in for goodi measure, when his catcher! dropped what would havel been the last pitch in theý game. A walk and a single had two runners on and two out in the visitors' first at bat,l when Dunc MeNeil lofted a texas-leaguer to left. R ay~ Crombie's wild throw tn iho plate resulted in two runs. Bowmanville pres e n t e dl iMount Albert with a gift run in the third on a pair of er- rors and a wild pitchl. The winners broke loose for haîf of their eight hit total in the fourth when singles by McNeil, Ray Goodfellow, Ken Sturgeon and Carman Morri- son produced two runs. Lefty Bill Osborne held thel winners scoreless over the2 last five frames, but by theni it was too late. Bowmanville's Iwo ru ns' came in the seventh on a hit batter and Osborne's two-ý bagger. Centre fielder SmitThi let the bali get away and then madle a wild throw fo allowý Bill ta romp ail th e way around the bases. Pegg tossed a fîve-hitter, wîth Osborne collecting three of them on a triple and two doubles. Singles went ta Grant Wright and Terry Black. Osborne allowed eight hits, but oialy two were solid sing- les, and a little sharper field- ing support could have made a difference, despite Pegg's heroirs. Aditits -S5c A KtINA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, AUGUST 23rd 8 p.m. ADMISSION - Cli jidren - 35c 166 KING PHONE ST. E. 623-3396 * Ail Studs and Rafters Precut * Ail Steel Gliding Up a Over Door * Easy to Follow Plans * Free Delivery 1 Ê 1

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