Il>PIan lea Sept. 19 Re m elect Liberal Officers Newcraçtle-- Prezideot Percy. Harp and bis officers or fthp P Nw rast 1ePLiberal Associd- lIn wene g-is-en a iinauiimouis voie off confidence hb the as- ub.iqtin aPt a tiii.ln-g in tbc' c)mrntinitx ýhall on Frîida.Pven;ng. The rme-eting sWxa.- calted to elect a new slate off nffircrr to vvonk for the elec- tion of Allan Bren. andtdate in the Septemboî' 25th prosvin- cial eloction. It s;as stated tbc exerutive bad rioue suché à gondi job in eîcctinig Ruzsscîl Honey ho the Hocîse of Cam- nions in the paslt 1wo fedorral election!z. il wouid be us:s 10re -consutîîîie the exeenlîve go close fui aiiolbr elertuon. The candidate Allani Beer who was called upon to speak to the meeting. outlined his plans for' the campaign saying he had p]anned a public mee'- ing in Orono on Mondas'. Sep- tember 91h. \whýlen his brother Bruce Beer M.P.. Parliamient- aiv \Assistant Io the Federal Minister of Agriculture woutld be the guest speaker and ano- îher public meeting in Bowýv manville on September 17, wshe i Seiîator Dax id Cru] I ,would be the guest speaker. [le saidi three, mcclt the cari- didatp e [ar had been plan- ned. the fi rtin Rwn e l on VWednesria. September Il. In Port Hope, septembher 12. ilewcast/e CÇoelCI!ati - shnrlly be leaving for W'est- ern Univensits'., London. On- tario. and Miss Joan Manvin for Teachers' College. Peter- horouzh. We exîeod best wishes to aur yocîng fniends. and the local fpa tn hp helti in the Libhena1 Committee Boomn in Newcastle on Thuns- dav. Seplember l9tb. Mn. Been then asked thos-2 preseuit 10 ask him questions pertauning to the issues in the elec' ion anîd an entbusîasîic discussion followed. Lateî'. plans veî'e made ta open a Commitîee Roomn on Kintg Street in the formncu HolUbeuiko properlv uext to E. R. Los'ekiu's nex; Law Of- fiee and pi'eliminar ' plans vveeinade for the Tea iii xxhich voters wilI have ait op- portunits' to meel the candid- aIe Allan Been and Mrs. Beer and pensonallY discuss tbe electuon issues. Local Musician Receives $500 Scholarship I ~ ~ - Ne' caîle congratulation!; Mrs5. R. G. Wright or Toron- ('ossai on Simiriday sund pic-o Mn,. Fred Graham off New.- to pent the holida > sxvrckedýnicked ïat. Wallns Park. castie on bis success ini sehool visiting witb her sister 'vine. Mn sud \trs. Rossa Fblvauîd imuisic. Fî'ed lias beeuî a .;GodonAqh an daghtr sndr ofcen. -studeuit at Bosxmans'ille High Mr. and Mrs. Pcex' 'l'arîîhls îî Iralîs visuted vs tIiMrs. 'l'hos -'eIl( andup off 511000 fra accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. Enwx'iight and Mrsý. Rets Euîîb -':'io;shp f r ,Charlct 'Ry'e of Newunarket.lexvsani otiter relatives aîîd, lie Onhario Dcparincnî Of spei-t laIPFs;eek x itinî. s;thfii îi'i in thevillage on thebRoslatIondî'alory oMusTc' - friends al Smubbs Faits and sveckeiîd. 1 o 'l otnseceiyed xvxor u'dc 'IVlrnicvile. .- Ithat he bas bled with one other Mn and Mrs. H arold Coitd II studeuil. as Sils'cr Medalist * 'iiited witb Mn. aud Mi rii (f m'Oîiario iin Grade IX On- ':George Benne in Gi'eenbank min Enrolia. H33ilonillr Toouit Sci d ay. Ljnvcrtîylstorn nSeptemnber, Mn. and .Mrs. Beni Hoog kamp 1i C ). I ' st udvin Mis( n aga- ,enri farnl\ speuit Ihe ;'ekend id st.J IDay es. igMs'adLnug in Inimbro visit ing ,vitn àndi Mrs. G. Ktipn-E-y. and f; ily. Mr. and Mirs. N il Brit 'mdi, familv of Belleville vi ,ewith Mr. aun Mrs. Hi ;,8ritton on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Toux K Lieck of Oshawa anid Mr. MVrs. William RBarr of Roxni v.ille were Sujnday visitors vMr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodg5 Mn, and Mrs. H. Gilinei ,Bowrnanx le: Mr'. and Mns tuf er And fa mfly of Torr and Mr. and Mrs. B. Staple mejd.fiamilv of Bowniall% ivisitprd with Mr. anud Mrs. Cl- ions Ladies Entertained ,With Steaks 'et thp local Lions Club endc n i r suimîen vacation peri nWPdnesday' evening witi- fficriic six le steak dinner 'thpir ladies and griests, befi ttling imb their failip ,:gram of service work bin Th e dinner, held at the fai home of Mr. and Mis. R Carveth, incliuded luiscut: large harheqcîed steaks wi @Il trimminigs and dessert: Following the diniier present hadi a most en.Io.xai evpringz despite the inclerne tweRther. pla * ing cards or ji eni oyîog a social ge-t'togethi Newcastle C RENTA (tE ffeti AUDITORIUM 'hente <Not hea LIONS R(>OAI (Resid (Non-resiu Large SIove -$ 2.01) Dishe% tn serv'e up te) East Haif of Ba%;eîuen WADDII BARGAI 2 Miles Eas~t ofNei -SALI THURS. -1 LADIES' DRESSI LADIES' BLOUS] SHOES FOIR THE WINTER CLOTHI Ice Skates - Go] USED FI Coal, Wood -( OIL T 1001, 1.,2 If yotî have heatil lie glad to FURNACI ~s'REGISTERS in 'l Furnaceri and il MI n. Aformer plipil of Mirs. M. ai,-Public School Il. Sapes Ofof o e oe Itocst ~ Setu pnt' 10 o nt(flinue hi stuldips in, Or- : nil.e ilage01 'It'sci.NGeFn Of Osha\ssa, wifb 'x'homr nmîrit ing w tb 2331 stlidenIts he is 00w s dv g Times Ilenrolled. :35 of tbery in Giade - and1 \&it" Mr-s.H-.VlunrI"'().; an- thei r teacher. Ms in nu ha. a nia snafier a lt> '<cars absence. rj Other changes in the ec- Siîig Staff IbiS 'car ilICILude MiR a $5.1 )Ito M 'oodland îeaching Grade 'on 3. M rs. Wuiodla ud tauight in ,-11e Newtoiiville last telri. MisF r U I E has. MV. Kent techeiîîg Grade 5, tziigbt at Kindal last vean Newscastle - A Cbildren'sq and Miss A. Liiîdsa 'v teaclîing Carnival heIn last Tcîesdav n' G racle 6 chrmes fronitnMe Loti-the tlx lage ra ised $5.20 to be doti Teachers' Cullege.* sent 10 the United Nations The local pn]le Ii.SChuol lias nîcîlnationa I ChiId ren's Em- fsx'o nien on the tcacbing staff eli'gens' ýFcîod. Ibis cear w'îth Mr. L. Mr.Mi,- The carnival organized .vý lion, formier teacher at Kendal Canolvuaîd Janice Wood- teachîng Gradp 7 and the land a nd Kim Storks had aI] Principal. Mr. R. MNro11- teach- the n suiaI carnival Rames i- rsing Grade S. cluding a Fish Poind, foi' îb- enteria inmen t of the chilîdreri. ledi Th'e 23:31 lidni' 15are si i n-1 md~~~~~~ 'l'alilnxs raei Ms e organizers mwish toi ex- 'iodPte asfolows:Grae 1 T ress their aPPreciation to h a H. M. Mcîunro 3.5: Grade GanrGaham for lier as- for Mrs. H. Nesbitt 34: Grade ' 1.'sislance tii operatîng the car- ore Mns. M. Woîîdland 32: Gra de nival and Io aIl the childien o- 4, M rs. T. Martin 34: Grade who pati'orized the event. he .5. Miss M. Kent 28: Gr'ade 6, ______ MViss A. Lîîîdsav 201: Grade 7,- rli M r. L. Me-Mabion 25; Grade od 8. Mr. R. Mui'o *25. O RS )u S There ss'ere '22 ch Idr'cii 'ilh moved ou11 dLiî'iig the siiiii- Thie deepesi S\vmpat}is' nt s. nier aid 12 nîoved in, MMr. L. nf Ibis commujliitv s exîend- ail McMalton is livinig il, Box;- cd to Mr. and Mrs. MeNaîl I- île marîville and Miss M. Kei, win and famil,\1i n the recent, ptut in Clarke, the rema i der of bhereavemnen t of a lovi ng farthb- ist the leachers live i the vil]- er. graiîdfathei' and grpat. ci'. fg. -aiî'atîer. Tlhe late Mr. Ebcuezeî' lrsviin was known ifan and xvide. He was a wondcr- fUIi li--ibbotir and bis kiîîdly .ommunity Hall Peby avllbemiq picei wllbe gî'ads' iss-. IL A TE of lsýz localit,-v w'heî'e be lived k R TESfor so avvrs vp Spt. st)Mn.'aand Mî's. StaiîleY Clar'k ~'e ept.l~t)and t\xvo chlldren have inoved 'd) ~25.( Inito tîteir Moî'rish home a fter ited $0.00)months of delaved necessarv ted $21.IH) x'onk of re-conshruîct ion, mujcb dents) xork siill] a\saihs completion. lets $3.00 I W'e -welcome our îiew neiigh. dents-. $5.00I) borurs anid \ish them bappi- "css, nlthei' new home. c H E N -R"'gilar worship service wa.s SmIIStmle &1ld on Suinda 'v, September 11:00 a.m. The Rex'. M. $ 1.00 *Fneemiaîu lu charge. There \&as a sîial er than usual congre- ýt SI1 .11(1 galion. marix','e gulan attend- ants, sce presume. making the .JOHN RICKARI). niost of the last few dax's of (Shaîrntan tif l3carci. sumieir holidaYs. _______________________________ The choi' also fe%%,u inlium- Sber-, sang a favoirie selectiouî 'Ca rrv Axav A Song" accom- panird on piano bx the organ. ist, Mis. Heleîî McHolm. 'I luie was a speciai praver N G T W Sfoi' childrniî sx'b ill be goiny to public and high sehooils bv SH O P lite Rex'. M. Freemnan. The IN SH Oevhlîdreli %were reqîuested hto astie - No. 2 Highw~ay stand for Ibis praye\-r. loýt ead off the iisial sermon the Bey. M. Fi-eeman--hax'ing E O N usi *etiii nfd from a werk at E v N Camp QiuM av ae 1 rnnst rtrsu 'eipw of thr, FIR1. - SAT. iegLi!pn routine of a day at thîs c'anmp. Such a lime coiîld be 'a weIlI ES - - 3 - $1.00 platiner! vacation for a heen- agevbor n irl spent inlit a ES - - 5- $ .00 almo.-phere ofidiscipline. kind- E NTIRE FAMILY an duuM a snt in aid ga, pn.lie a t urning pointI for ING now on display ' ond iii the litf of box' or girl. I oshes - Rubbers n'îaiuttauin for the befeitiiof 1Il xoiitg peruiie. On Scînday. Septenbe,' 29îlî URNACESThe .".tiiai'Thauiksgiy-irtg and ~îîîF'orc cd Aijr An ci sar Services xi lbe lîeld* Il is plauî îed Io hase a rANI<S iori-i tg anîd î'veiîing sers ice. a ginst sppik@-i and a vîsiîiiîg 20I0 gallons(c1ho1r. Mtore abocîJt this lter ýg problenn% we iwMIIon. asI~ ~Schluui ax s aie heu c agau1il. assist otIx to exciied îjnîors wil! board thbe Hamnil toit 'chont bus oui :E ]PIPES Tctr'd.\. Latina Gav1e '-n D UCT WORK irr -. r3Aniderson, tock and Nînz Haroldi Rest. Tanks ;,qaranteed Miss Flamnp Anderson, z,- ter of Launna Gax le. will m ELIZABETH VILLE On Saturdav evening, the comimunitv gathered at Camp- bellcroft Hall to honor our recent bride and groom, Gss en ,Mercer and Eric Bat 'v iith Tan'evgifts and best wishes. Teaddress was read bv Mrs. Jovce Fowler. Mr. Y. Gilmore. Mr. Cliff Challice were two 'of lie ones that supplied music for the evening. Church services were at Garden1Hill. Receni ' v Mr. and NMrs. Alan Peacock and famîil.v. Kirkland Lake, spent somne lime %vith Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock. Mr'. and Mrs. Jackson Pea- cock and fai-ily of Kapuskas- ing have returned home after spcnding the holidavs with Mr. and Mrs. Peacock 'and also visiting ini the comnnnit 'v Mr. an~d Mrs. C. Beatty' visit- ed wvith Mi-, and Mi-,. Llo'.d Johnson. Osha\ss a and ton red the R. S. McLatiphlin flower gardiens last week. Miss Bervl l'h icksnî istcach- ing in Oshamwa Central High Sehool this vear. M r. RoY beaY anîd Mis. C. Beatt,\e, Toronto, visited with Mr'. and Mrs. O. Mercer, Sun- d a. Miswilla Muldrew', Long Island, New York, is visîtiîsg wîth Mrs. Walters for a few Mr.Walters. iVrs. ..Mu]- dre, Mrs. Smith, Miss W. Mluldr-e% and Mr. and Mrs. B. Vtldr-ew spent the day at iîa venh cirst on Suinda.v. The school e'hitdrciî are gettirip, îeadv ' b "o hack 10 school afler their long holi- Ia v.a MVr. atiîd M s. Gen. MUhfi Peterhonoîîgh, visilcd ,vit h Mr. 1 and Mrs. R. White recnit l v. a MisDrlemie 'hicksozn spent hf ;ono sveknnd in Detrit S 1 4<I&-lkfre cade94p; Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 fNE WTON VILLE Ril] Slace v And child- tr ispent last week witb hei parents. Mr.« and Mrs. George iCarlu e at Stirling. Mr. aîîd Mrs. John Lock- hart of Niagara Falls, called to sec Mn. anîd Mrs. M. Kim- baIl] last week. _Mrs. Ceci] Dean, Mn. anîd Mrs. Jack Dean aîîd Jackie of Troronto. spent Tbirsdav wilb Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bnown, Caroni Heîîderson speîît a couiple davs last week w,%Ilh Denise TLufford in Newcasîle. Mn. Jim Adamts of Toronto x'isiîed Mr. Reichraîb on Tburs--dax. Vse svould like Io exiend oui' congratltionis aI this time ho Mi'. Fred Gr'aham, son of Mn. aîîd Mrs. AIf. Grahami of Newscastle for bis suiccess in bis muosic exanîs. He bias i'receis'cd the $500 Scbolarship frn I the Ontar'io Departmneît of F.dcicalion and î'eceived w-ord [roîîî the Conîserv- eai ors' of Muisie, Toronto, that be has tied with onîe other sttideuI as Silvcî' Mcdalist fot' Onîtario iin Grade 1X Organ. lie ýsill enter Tocrionto Uni- x'e'sitx' latert' lis moîuh 10 stlidv ,Muisic and Lauigciages. Mn. Boy' MeKa y %-and granîd- soit of Br'onte, bave been vis- lt iug bis sister. Mrs. A. Bou.- Mr. aiid Mî's. Illgh Staple- lind udadsghlers bave ne- triiu'd fi'om thein sx'eek's holi - oia.v tri p. Mn.. snd IMus. Clar'ence Gil- nier antd familx' hiase rovcd Io Ibcîr nîexx boitte uear Lind- s a '. Prioî' 10 tbeii'leaving, a lut t lef cxlIpa rtY'foi' Bon- utie s'.as guveit by lier aurit. Mrs. Don Vinkle.> Mi'. an(]l Mi-S. 1 arrx' Wadc. ,Mn. aund Mus. Ross Browsn, Mn. and Mis. Bill Wade. Gneg and Michael. attendcd the races aI Gn-ceiisx',ood. Fnida 'ut igbî. Mn. and Mrs. Peter Hl- ste Ïeauîd "girls attinded the' .N.E. uit Samcrdax. Mi'. Ravrno'd àBruce spcîîb the xx ekeid in Banceroft, a iet c lie aileiîdcd his ut cees .'d inug iithe Ui ed Ch cîrcb. Safu!di y afternooiî, also the .cîppcr tbci'e and the î'eccp- ion la ton at M-An-tlicur's Milîs. Mn. sud Mis. Ra 'vmond Trim and Trs. ILI.Trimr wei'e aI tbe oî'mcr's cottag-e ai Dalirnip!e Lake' over flicxe cu.Mn. îuîd iVlis. Msliice l'lallowell -nd Mi(rbele .îoined tbemn on si r;îîî . onte,. were Sunday evening 'The Comadian Stàtemen, newm.nvflle, SeM. 1M visitons x;ith r&'. and Mrs. -___ MillnnKimnbalt. n hi riu potos.n Mn. and Nîrs Fned t-eider- tl her-nou oiios nSranbonnugh; Mi, son and family. Barrv Laite, Mns. W. H. Jones retrnos, as Tmlacb ai Stankville. Mr. and Mrs.Aniold Wade usui Pont Hope. Mns. Di- Mi-'. Bart Ton wil anîd Grant aftended the Keni- aite Rowe will be in change miente his couirse ah T, da] - Beetoît Bantam pla 'voff Of oui' Junior Rooni. witb College iii Petenbou'oug gante in Beeton on Mouîdav Principal Neil Ma nleYof luck tla all of them. afternooîî . Bexvdley in the Senioir Rooni. W'e hope to have a ci With the opeuîiîg or the Ms Joan Walke 'v eill be list of the begiîîners ne Faîl Sehool Terni tbis xveek. ieacbiîtg ini Hilîcrest Seltool. &s s;cIl as omie off thosie oui' local teachers will be tak - Wbiîbx': Miss Barbara Os ens iiîg ite s'ariou% High reacherti ]ii. Gond comp1ew FXt weet eattend. i spending à few days wlth Mýr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and fanily. Miss Barbana Stapleton goe-- 7 to Toronto this week to com- emence her Nurses' Trainîing Course wilh the Department ofa Public Healib. L Mi'. aîîd Mrs. Clint Br'owsn speîît the weekend at Keswick aI Mn. and Mrs. C. Deane's 1cottage. f Mn. anîd Mns. Trueman Hen- 1deî'son and family wene at Lake Kennisis. Flawers on ocui churcb Suiî- 1day nmorning wene in memonv' .of the laie Mrs. John Stone, i xvbose fuuteral xvas held in iOrono United Cbcîrch. Satun- day' vafternoon. i Miss Mary~ Lou Taylor of s Verfia anîd Mn. John Griscol iof Walton, spent the -week- iend with Mn. and Mns. R. Messr's. Chanlie Trnii, Ed Rowve aîd Granît Wade attenîd- ted tbe Richmnond - Maple Leaf 1docîble-header aI the Stadium .Suriidav afternoon. 1 Mr. Frank Gilmen was a bearer at the funerat off the Tale Mi'. Eb. lî'win, aI the Rnss Parlons. Port Hope. on Sun- dayv aflei'noon. Had lie lix ed ountil Nov. 1, Mn. Ii'win would have been 102 y ears of age. Sympatby is extended la tie f'aili]iN * Miss Jant Gralîam. New- casîle, Misses Donîna and Di- ante Kimbaîl. Pont Granby, Mrs. -M. Kimbaîl. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood aîîd speni Saftî'da 'y xxifh Mn. ad famils' aid Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fî'ed Wood attended a faînil\' gqriîerng atl i- Lavei'ie Wood's at Lake Chemnong. on Suiîdav. SciiîaY iiigbt suppeî' gîists witb Mn. snd Mrs. Phlîl Gil- meri and Blaiîîe iîîcluded Mn. sud Mis. Willis Faro\;' and Mn. and Mrs. Lloyvd Civsdaîc. Mrs.-. C. M. Jones and Mrsý. W. H. Jones went to Csoîp- bel] fond. Suiida.v afternonî* xx'hc'ethie latter' xisited lier nmothber Mrs. D. Mernill i0 hos- pitl. Mu'. antd Mî's. Wall" Fiaspr.I Mns. Jim Le Drew. Mrs. Sam Tnppiutg anîd sons, al] of Ton- J J J Il Il Il - Pé Cet Your Price For Your Livestock ! throug 9 T A T E 9 M A Nk C 1, A S S 1 F I1F. D DETTOL SPRAY- ----- 1.25 value 1.19,1 Aiberto VO'.SHair sprav witb Shainpoo - 4.23 value 2.694111 LAVORIS Mouth Wash ---------------1.2'5 valuîe 1.14 RESDAN Dandruff Lotion -------1.50 value 1.29-1 PALMOLIVE Shave Cream ------------fSc value 5 9C 'i KOTEX Feminine Napkins 12's - Compare at 5lc 44c ~ DELSEY B THROMT!n ~Pack Reg. 33,,3 for89c WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEI< ROWMANVILLE NEWCAS4TLE COWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE ALEX McGREGOR, DRUGSI ORONO JURY& LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY - - - -. -' .~dI I ___M t,^ rtHERES 1HOW YOU MAY VWIN .* . h.jnurtjus oft iai upite of ci ,uer Io: Co"aCoia Lîd.. Cuêîest. Box GENEMAI. RULES andl ail purpuses. Entranu .waî,e .Ji i its Io0pirintd0l lh, ais oeoi, t aî'ý o' Crf ia, S ùii urî-. e.d 2130. Torontio, Onlaro DO NOT MAIL METAL CARS. briadicasî puhitroy shoiild tfiç,/ru winnirs. No entfrite I nqanda nIFMMeu s' . Dr !U 1 ' co ý i r.t j',avC NtKe sûre xva, pootit (.5.10 se /e (-an contact ot 1) Opeun triaIip ,e ntrs of Canada exuept the ernploye8 î rîun ,nrwIan (A' x ndfC a csn o,,n vrieîrcnL; C'(X,.5 n j o en u c ..Yo. . te.a,,i sorqu Icicorrecîýy answer .- j c os oaLa i oîrc or.lsa sng cagdwî nrnsonrla mlB i c ýin..e.... n. en o o,-rti r i - r'a ie iq cu ef'noii i. ord f iWin. aenc or ina raeperinent j udg r)g organ zation and ~ ~O w M~ 1 aîkI4aaM F o il4 iocier n e La aoiý 'o-e' ' 3)s r mGencteuan lises 'OL eno500 cao 2ailrans areato hêd andhee rlesaodîhejxuqe .l as ,In ,c q a e a e s.ara epc e g aIorL dec ns , w aref a l.En ties and on en ts here cif tieprorle nuniner, Pr ca n BLOCkLETTERS or a Casn tokens ma, De submin ed ai anV lime. becomethe exclusive propenryofCoca- Cola Ltd.forany Authorized botier of Coca-Cole and Sprite under contract wth Coca-Cola Ltd. HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES (OSHAWA) LIMITED OSHAWA - ONTARIO SPECIAL LOW PRICÉS' 1f"' * ON NATIONAL BRANDS* P i At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot.I Bayer Aspirin iOs59cT4 I ii FLASHBULBS -(;,Pilerai Electric" AG-1 or M2 1.29 i Hundreds of Thousands of Canadians Can Win!f tokens worth from $1 $o59OOOuderthe DETA IL S AT CARTON DISPLAYS 'Cx "5CeCINE N C'SrV'E LqC -EP 0TC A CI lMA~ WMICti4 LENTIFY ON.Y 1THE PRODUC1'S 0OOCA'C0I.A 1LM 2 . ef .kâÊm»Mbý