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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1963, p. 12

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DEADLIND, 1Births Coming Events __ Notices- Articles forSale 1 hrticles tor Sale Livestock For Sale Ilieai Estate for Sale RealEstatefrS ej LN SA T LýANGFORD-Ken and Shirleyi Orono Drama Festival to be .MsoLwOfieîAE straw. Call 263-2320. BLACK loamn for tobacco and TWO yotung Holstein cows and'frsl,8 ce,1- ~ 7fas sae L. C.Maisn, Lw Offce:135-2gardens, $1 per yard. East a heifer, to freshen in Sep- FARM for.ale,86Ucres 10 are happy tc, announice the 1held Sept. 26, 27, 28, Orono CIosed until September 23rd,3- ndoWr.Cnesono ebe.PoeFranewkom osban r igM1 W ewrdnwt -,rrival of their son GregoryýToWfl%, Hall, at 8:15 p.m. 36-3 1963. 36.3*;SWEET corn. Phone 263---2788-.edo r ocsino eme.Poe23,Nw omLTD _______ 36-2 ~Clarke. Earl Thompson. 36-1* castle. 1__ 6-1 shed. Clarke 2813. 36-3MranMr.arPewde XKenneth Wayne. 6 lbs. 1! "Save That They Might See" 36- -PNIHoon,5 eah 177 Churcb St.. omnil n aiywr udysp -ozs., on Tuesday. August 20,I-Canvassers will cail - Annual D.Afsf fiewl eWATEfor sse aa d ---eed.PAik our on, brngcontain- 19963,a atmMemoria sptal s Bitta forBlits fort.F0ndDr.-nSept.s 3ffie willbelfpr\alenandrTelIREE-bedroomourhouseingElginin623-3393neper guestsedooofbMr., andn 623- EBowmanville. 36-1 36-1 closed from September 7th toiCallCiff Pethick 263-2131.. lets. wý. Eymann, 1é2 mile east - Street, excellent condition. 189 Acre Stockam.GoM.elttJntile - - -. ~22nd inclusive. 35-4; 32tfl0f Nichoîs Garage, Çourtice,IMAN to work on farm. Call Ternis. Write Advertiser 408, 7 room home,oIfuac * M.nd rsC.rwn LAWRENCE-Jane and Bobnight at 8 o'clock, sponsored IMAN for three weeks at farm fist ornr. 6-1Box 190, Bowrnanville. 36-1 e Stba pndh r.ad rBamrBono are very happy to announcelby the Junior Chamber of Anyone wishing to bowflifor freezer. Ernest Hockaday, H ME-- FREE- ZE -RS -MN Po hnee 263-2473 36-i _ duc4. tefarmispoaedit nay MradMs.A the birth of their son Steven Commerce Red Barn, North1with the Ladies Friday After.1263-2708. 361*1 OM work. PhWoneH2A3-Hoe73. Park- PotiHe ae n sara rw n famil, ampon ~obert, 8 bs. on Tueday<Oshawa - 45-tf League at 2 p-m., pleaseiSTAKE and rack body, 1 4' Top Qualiy - Made In Canada WAITRESSES at Royal-Lunch-, way Crescent, modern styling, buy at only $2,0.0 Exe-adManMr.GBow 'Roert 8Ibs o Tusda,ýs____45 c;aîl Win Brown at 623-2610 orilong, 40" racks. Telephone 17 e.fil. $239- 22 cu. ft. $269 Highway 115. Transportation Sepembre3d,196, a3Oha-Bo1an963,Drmator-OMrio Gbso at62-392nb'ille Dreald ld a.WCa( a6l]Newasle.aIlcovenencslowdow let erm. adloentOsaw, wre ls -wa General Hospital. A broth-,shop wi1I cast for three actiSeptember 7th. 35-2i -1 Copr--riean -upie.paymcnt, easy monthly ternis. 100 Acre BairFam ExSudsvsio. er for Janet Louise. SaYopeya is etnLos__ BOY'S hockey equipment,:sizef oprRfieatCls 6lCnatD er,2 aka eln uli thanks to Dr. Ross and Dr. 'Centre, Sept. .9 8:00 p.m. 4 skates; girî's clothes, size 5 BOWMANVILLESAElay part time. Write Contact D.Beers, 22 ParkwaBcolnt buildin. 3mlsfo lnVvaTrnsp ]Beckett and the Fourth Floor Aý,ewloe 36-j! As of this date, I will flot beiPhone 623-3062. 36-11 FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Advertiser 402, c/o The Can- Ph one 623-226.3. 20-tf I Camerontae Staff. 36-1Annevecm responsible for debts incurred' rden-rt-t--ller- an_ Phone 623-5578 adian Statesman, P.O. Box 10 a rnae sig$500 r n r.Rb.Cm Liberal Meeting, Orono Com-lin my namne by my wife, ON garden eederi gooad con-' 316-1 Bowmanville. 36-1i PROPERTY LISTINGS Te rstokF,7mlst rnatne h od OSAD-y ndAt r*munity Centre, 8 p.m., Mon-i Kathleen White. diio.Phne23-76.36 OSADLnadAtaraiday. etme t.Sekr, rdWie dto. hn 6-73 61D P BOOSTER -HAIRDRESSER, full-time, forl u ropiNvTeDbyr North of Oshaa2-trynan einonauda .happy toannounce he Septemer 9th. Seaker,- Fed White,- _--1modern shop in Bowmanville. Orpopctv uesf ar brick home, inveyodcn- TreChchLitt e aapbaby girl onthearAugustaen28th1, Bruce, Beer, M.P.,SED asParParimen-mak71 50igam St., f Boimanvill1expeUSEDe pWasherdbuPartsunuail theakesrtie tarfAssstatatbth Fierl on3*¼ h. .gmtor. Pady'h gameve,,fAntbeoresEM.P.,cedprefrre bu flt otnubertheproertes e dtion God brns 83,00.00 Ruh-An Cmern ws a 1963, at Memorial Hospital,'in isattAriutue. 3-2 aretHapto,323-241land hlgh levels of 6 Vitaminslessential. Greig's Hairstyling, ýhave listed for sale. partic- Termis. drbefe ila h ïýMnwterofAgrcutue. 36--Mret1amtn,23-21.1 2for combating Scours. Contacti Phone 623-2932. 36-1 ularly modemn and older .50)Acre Farm.10mlsNrh edi. 1omnil.3-ýl115,your local representatives: 1ON homes in the low to medium of Oshawa. rom he.MisBtyAdea an Blackstock United Church FELECISIC a-TÀT0---nd-T-omat-oes-.YUGman Full timeiprice ange. bm 07.Ecletsu'Ms adaDvsadJni L~nqagements Town and Coutmy Club an-Edwin Staub, 1 mile east of JOE SNO'WDEN stock work - retail seîîing. Re-i Our experienced staff cov- $17,500.00 full rc.fr nepieHlwr M-r. and Mr.YIvisnSERYdvi Millnesta.,3BaOt. Ticets:Newicestcauffeu'sRlicnce aniers telentie 2o3-nv655e- 100 tenec Ares ner Beth Frida af1eroon calersAc and M- oune.teir morabrd nDAY NURSERY yMil30St.,.Bae Line, Newcatef R Ens 1e -23-65Grade X or XI. Write Adver-, Oshawa - Whitb y area so, for any. 3 stream- npoet.M.an r y isn *nnounce the engagement off Adults $1.75 (at the door' Government Approved - -___ 1 1 O D ie 00 / anda tae36-tfu ndsed srie Cae .ýp ot h' i MicalKirtoary son o M1pr-school children, 25.e.36-l' I staw, 20cbale. W.PascoeOshawa 725-8857 man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman-ilist youm property with us Ternis tc.wr rd vnn V and Mrs. Lawson Kirkton, the - -'for Pre-School Chilai nfield. Phone 263-2458. 3- il.3-!wietego ete at 28 Acres in Tono1 alr o h .Gbos rnarriage to take place in Trio-i Open House - to meet Allan E16-1- __ EXCELLENT Opportunity - and the demand is brisk. manviiîe. Exceln vet HaigodthrfamM. 'Durham and Mrs. Beer. .at, LOY ay c_________S._Inthe________ Rawleighmeroducust: I day, September 28th at 2 p.m. Mmra ak lbHue 1rwe fbpa espigmcigAlmousoniaeime vadc- ;Phone Ken Morris at 623-5406 estate. Only $20,000.Trs hi~hm nTrnoo 36.1*:Wednesday evening. Sept. Il,' HALF-DAYS - $20,00 Monthiy ýhorse. Caîl Orono 1623J. IîAPARTMENT for two adultslancies. Wr i te Rawleigh's,I 5 Acres with 5ro oeTedy eoelaig hi lfo ý0t 0ncok he -_ -_ - - - - -_1i mmeiatelyin Bowmanville. Dept. I-140-SS, 40.5 iceieu,ih ofieAAld - £AerLid wmot stal] . Laed t.a-teNwPakadLn al Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. public is cordially invited rn Pone I728-2412 * tru temL eaver, Bowmanville, wish to'ated.toKEYS cut automatically, while IPhone 623-7251. 36-1 Montreal. .36-I "More than a quarter-century etville, $8,700.00-82500gtecdatehoefM. annune heenagme tte .36--1163.9 CARTIER ST., OSHAWAIyOu wait, at MeMullen Hard-IBU-NGÏALOW by-office co-upl-e. CASHIER - Part time. 9am- of experience' down. adMs .BkrStra -1heir only daughter, Geraldine' Woodview Community Centre! West of Shopping Centre wae16Kn t EBwa-Go references. Write Ad- 1 p.m., 1 day.z - local storeI1160 IK ng St. IV.- Oshawa 25 Acres bush -WiePneeig u.1.adpeet Lillian, to Mm. Eric Thomasi-Monster B in go. Twenty' --vil6-1 . - - fetie 47 coTe anadian Typing esscn tal. So--ad 36-1 Oak, Beech, Northo saa dtc iltabatflpc Conssno r n r anstet olr;five - SPRING-filled mattress for Statesma o, P.O. Box 190, Bow- helpful for occasional cor-,- Good building sie$400.0.!tran linmry.oh Jack W. ornish, shawa. Tegames-tirty dolars; sis: ~ ~'-"I c 3b9, c/o Canadian Statesman,ý Peter Kowal, Jr. $4'l, Acres of ln ih8 a vnn a n~vdb rnarmiage is to take place onJackpot, and two jackpots at-__- -cellent condition. TelephoneIFURNISHED cottage orca.1399 Saturday, October sth at 3:00 $250. Door prizes. NextICHILD'S crib, also stroller.f1621-5958. 16-I f1 for month of October, in vîcîn- P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville,' or ore l ,p.m., in St. Johns AnglicanrMonday, 8 pro., Red Barn.1623-3102. .36-1 LCOauinmsdig x-f ity of Bowmanville or Osha- outlining qualifications and ex-J REALTOR oTauhone aI onvneceal Church, Bowmanvilie. 36-1 Oshawa. 46-tIIDOUfBLE di ssfor-Cast- clusive Acrylie finish. Doors,lwa. Contact John Brownlee,ip-_____ -2:andMeER sAwa striNct fGrcey toe$itAar-0o0o0h-F0the fn.W1 tor. Phone 263-2355. 36-1 windows, awnings. Lorne1 Whitby 668-2860. 36-1 -Mme fOhw isrc rcr tr Marae Allun, 1 Prince St. 36-2* 1Cas fr -l Real Estate Board ment in thrivigDra ecmete oorrm M raes_ CHARTER TOUR S-__----L---ou-ae-insNw±oteor1 SaleVilae ___ __ SMALL house inl Newcastle-ure Wor Wanted'52 Kin S. V. 623-2453 Cut ilg.Bikbid uiy WALKER - BUELI-At Mal-'T Orono. Phone Orono 1308. UIGo eln uTiue wv~Ae. '54 DODGE,- $75. Telephone!* i- ng. Excellent busns,2,00 Plnhaebe det TO ~~~~~~~~~36-2* or appliances, call Elmer,BBYSTIGdrn da.7816.3- CNTALOAIN Tmssant ilteRdCos lorytown, Ont., on Wednesda' .!Hampton: business 263-2294 BAY-ApTIG t-in qa.t78lt68 n3-TyENTAneOCAIundaris .Auus 2th.193,byRev. H. BUFFALO USED cutting box; smalî sec- rsdne2329. 6t Capable lady. 623-3062. 36-1 ',97 BEL AIRE -Chevrolet, 6i Here is a roal good 3-bcd- Groccry \,Store it O nd-hand piano. John Fayer, ------------ - 1nAv crefor... hoo-cildhrt'room brickbungalw loc ent Mis mly iili lhanksgiving i623-2059. .16-1 * ALM2UMDors8ndi-8 caelressoolenta cs..honppbick . Aplocted _$2000ownvtl,. .0 eoo ,,., oîa .cnd heate fMs m Buellnddows. Contact MeMullen Hard- dren. Phone 623-3467. 36.1* fcndton1hoe 6-5. clos thonsopin. poi ntcd c, lu--$200dn. Sp. .lae eeme endurWlkr sno the late MrL n ekn IVE -poultry, oId featherlwame, 36 King St. E. Bowman- CU-STOM É noats and f __ inurn storms and sre, id bungalow onThr Sretadpc. ArhartW'alker, an heslit ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1. Beth-lville. hn 2-48 4t lvrse. Phone 263-2579..:3.tf'BEA'oYWashersnewhase 36163r2Rent bath andid s nicely landscaped. Bowmanviile. Lamg erainhm fMs oenCr o ,Egad 3- cobr1,13, 14 Poe 281-olet f IT ah sniws 61Easy to lheat and easonable moom, wall to wal ralo, low as $99.00. Full line f BRUSH painting, int er.-ior,IHEATED ýroom.---Telephonetaxos.,; Asking onlN'$350.0 washer and drycv nîîe tq thlcsaet eetot Inclusive BALED and loose hay andfBeatty appliances. P a d Idy' s stairs, porches, etc. Telephone 1623-5543. 36-1 lAbout $4,700.00 down and the $15.000.00. Teris.Pes eebrt mn and Mrs. Rance Dilling. Bow'- Canadian Hay & Stmaw Co., 1 152f h_639( 61ýcuigitrspicpladrc oeo ag o roanville, annouince the mar- Cle rvl ;..2 Oagvle n.Tl MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service,! Pone 62-4. ,i-*Mr.digand Mrs. rincpalbert Vnhoe n of teir ldes dauhter Comer rave R.R 2, ranevile, Ot. Tle - -1 taxes. $18,000.00 - Terms ouhv .rage Sfteredetduh er vie phone (519) 941-3650. 36-2* CARPETS and DRAPES! trenrhes, drains, fou ndations !SI X -ro-omhouüse for ent iniOon-3bd Donia Louise. to Mr. Douglas Sevc 623-3265 WANpED t h -od- -- (Samples taken to the horme). f and septie tanks, dug and1 Newcastle. Phone 2556. 36-1 . BUY 0 F THE MONTH ! - Ord on-edit oon oei ye rdod eeSna 'Michael Stiekels of Vancouver, 36-3~ rnd u-o qua-'IFree estimates. F. A. Knampf baekfilIed. Ivan Mountjoy, - room bungalow on large lot. goodcotion. arg aaeget f rin r.WI ,son of NMm. C. O. Stiekels and,-- _ and Ctri hmi s tr res t.7Kii-t .,Bw a-,phone 986-4737, Blackstock. -bedoom apartment. Cntr .$.0 ah c t~~ ae h ove 1050-'trVaek Mrs. Lillian Downem, both an hrsms reprpr ville. 623-7071. 20-tf' 21-tf .0e 21don prmn. ne.f~~o dw.Mse abr England. The ceremony tok GIANT -BINGO ties. Write, giviog full par---- ----- -I Sublet. Phone 6i23-2657. 36-1 5 Room brick and framne' Newcastle -8roihm, moln onPreLn 'placestoKitsilano404,C/0nited 0, b ig eth GRDN1N..-veeftiy-main- CO M MERCIAL -_buildin-g -_on bungalow on Wellington St.lsalarae logt, $ncc00. plac in itSAanTUnSEd' an90, n Bow man, O. 35-2 manshpguranteedo. reeet- tenance, fences built, trees andiSilver Street. Phone Walter Oil furnace. Fireplace. Priced du'.n. Churh, ancuve, o ___________EPT.___190__ ________Ot. 5-2mats.Hipary Le. WFreeet- shmubs pruned, ototilling, Frank, Realtor, 623-3391. 27-tfto selI. Come and sce tis oZnesow 300.0 u-' r Rbrt2m August .th, 1963. Rev. Ken- in the -_ats.____L_________atossdsed frtlier,____sue.____ 3.000 'nedly officiatedi. - 3- IN OMNT ETEphone Clarke 2420. 39-t iossodUsRd.- roomed apartmentfor3suredropnîco .L>eaLIONS. COMMaNvî.Y CENtTerrngmntEonnlestimatensflowering FOR NwcatleLot in a choice location. m 3 Beo CtaeatCe2m n rs ' .Sih D li t ~~L~~'N".LairsiGLDIO Seut flowens, con- fFree landscape designo lKn S.W. ewatl<Mrsl$2,500. Act fast. mn ae c.bt,~Bwavle eeSna arangmns onadetme. Damlington Gardb.en Phone Newcastle' Broiler farrm with 45 acresaceltbotPatyunih pergssofM.ndM, .NAD-t emralHo-at 8 p.m. IGUARANTEED television andiospîtal deliveny. Caîl Ps-I. Ge63-95,Bwadn 35.41. -36-tif.0f good land. Automatic opý cd. Asking $4.5000 100F .Sih pa, Bowmanvîîeon w jalDraw - radio service, to al makes.lant's, 122 Duke St., Bowman-1ville. 2-fTREbdom oe u-rto hnln 3,0 irds 1down.Mn dMr.WliJhn ptl omnilo e6c- ISpecilDa - $1OO:Tcevision Service Co. Phone.ville. Phone 623-31527.29t-- -B O GI ro for occupancy October per ycar. Loû,k into this for a i Excellent ComntaStesnLidaM.ndM. nesday, August 28th, 196 No3Hve o6e2Pesnt) 883. - 52-tf -- -- - do or-an I-T1 15. Write Advertisem 410, c/omoney-making deai. Price aodliWîtî building onKn tet m ooo n idLt Nma E. Neads, 90 Wellington (De ot Hae- Be- sntALUMINUM dorsaJ. . . ---lglo Bowmanville. Mutbsodtfr.MnadMs.ESmog Street, Bowmanville, daughter 20GMSA 1 AHR-AD-IOa-nd-TelevisionR-epairs.wnos Clstda1o UMIG&HA INGfCanadian Statesman, P.O. Boxitemms at office. ,of the late Mm. and Mrs. Wilso'Prompt service. Pick-up and free estimate. Termis annang- "Duro Pumps and Sfte 90, Bwanile-nt-6--1.0 dw ad$5 er nc. Opengfo l esnbe aei ercn iioso -Neads and dear aunt of Royf TWO SPECIAL GAMES Idelivery. George's, 14 Centre cd. Cowan Equipmcnt, King EFcnaedhtdapr-iohfr.1bromon.owt ems ':Neads. Service was held in, AND $100 JACKPOT jSt. Phone 623-5713. 41-tfj St. E., Bowmanvilie. Phonel Phone 623-5615 ment, beautifully situatcd ilreltnul me1580 STSTTRAE U-~i eh Cbug m r -the Morrfis Funerai Chapel, N- e frtî onh.s 623-5689~. -- 4.-tf Division St. Bowmanville select anea. Thmee and a haîf' MV IHTI! DSIN. TERpaet ieMs oI ako n 11Bowmanville, on Saturday,ý ADMISSION $10-i athRear____ERTES adn 18-tf spacious rooms plus three-, Cozy 4-rooni bungalow nOmn Bowmanvile.Fo plniyGteeSudygst Augusi 3lst nt 2 oclock. In-'11 chines, supplies, sales, service i--ebt.NchlrnAvl JeSre.Gagendoirpintofc. 'terment Bowmanville Ceme- 3- Certified Watchmnaker of and rentaIs. Ail machines A. B A A R S able October lst. Telephonelfurnace. Spacious lot. Only $14,200.00 - $1,6000( ow.gn *tery. 36-__________ I r'sAss623-5406. .61$,0 lw .B lneo o ______________in.____î 'guaranteed.- 36-1 sOffic Mr , ___rd ofThanks M r' ewîey Equipment 10Richmond E. t'iurbing & Heatrng L-ARGEbri-ghtfurgniogi ers.dr i ugei e'd f 623P. . --633.4 eate 0Admht rand Mrs. Frank Jamieson'rltvsadneighbours for: 39KingSt. W. IN ýlDeLA-V:AL;-juni-or-creaml lca' Tyroiie, spentrelac Riar will b at home to meet theiricards, gifts and acts of kind- ___16-_tf sepanator, No. 16 DeLavai, No. 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville suite and wamdmobe, sink, hot:plentiful. Please list'n0W. Brok lre20 oiaswt rvrMrh ~1nend an reaties n St- essshon t rn faiiyand16 K Renfrew. AlI sepanators _______ 46-tf and cold water. electrie stove; ýJoe BrIs :d~ra, etebr t fo:m urn m ta n sanadrrerto in good condition. Also nepairs and fridge, dishes. pots and Eveniigs: Gordon Brown stekadMgo urh to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m., on the Hospital and sinee returning andispmaos hoeBacsokr23>±vr~~-7321.Fred6PrrisbOshawa occasion of their 25th Wedding home. - s* i flTTs. Phone ____________________ P. Kwl - 623-5868' 'Anniversary. 36-1* Mrs. Gordon Strong . Appî îance Service 986-4387. 36-1*WIEAHN TBE om ad Bad'Ro n or e aksbo hlrn P h to ra h y__ __36-1* C m e c a n o e te TYPEW R TERS, adders, cash-1 B RROM K NoR O nd o m av i a leF a n tecu h n n 3 t re h i ych aiyo telieMs rs, comptometens, three hund- PHONE CLARKE 4721 Phone 623-2837., 611JohnfF.Lie wiinfwstvrhpplsces y eaSnesnws otak Phone BERT SYER mcd ncw and uscd. We buy, NEWTONVILLE ONwth ordh Hg Sbol M. n fsuSdeyCr PHOTOGRAPHY Veira an erson is otank, Days -623-5774 sedI, rient, service. Hamilton 3tf j .Auction Sale -REALTOR wtWbo ritd, ns ndfmlvvstc m -Chng ofAdres - friends for their thoughtful ex-! Ngt 623-3177 Office Equipment, 137 Brockch___ ___ 161Kln St E. prssins f ympthy ItLaner ard ar South, Whitby. MO 8-5849. f C M LT WEEKLY -B)raiil - 14 F'rank St.1409, .-/o Canadian ttsaNwatc udvatmon Bowiavilemeant so much to have nur lotf 40 Acre armwihhose2-1ho-gh39et50culei Weddings Anniversarlesfi0in us at the ccmnetery. I2-ftires, $100; new 5-ton fanm at Durham County Sales Arena and harois, machine shed, etc.! Petsdv bhGmyCmih a Speclalty Brothers and Sisters. - wagons, $210 with tires; Kong-' OFFICES - S TOR ES Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 P.m. Asking $535,000. TernmsM.adMs fai r 36-1* Wanted skilde cultivators, $250 up; 1 AD][GT orses, Cattie, Swine, Calves, 10Ar amwt ao OtS al2322 61tadfml eeSna al ASTORl srirmn f ______________used Case staik shncdder. $150., etc. For truck pickup Phone 6roe oe sig8100- --eso m nlMs o a 0f th onewho nce at '-' 'pay top pnice on the spot ac -1 there. ýcording to size and condition. .-Always remnembered by his, We wish to express oun ap- B retF rF r daughter Ruth and son-in-law' preciation to f riends and R ,Stanley. 3-11neighbours for their acts of R.R.7 PETERBOROUGH kindness, messages of sym- Phon~e Office Long Distance patby and floral tributes.1 Zenith 66550 (no charge) ,NICHOLS-ln lovîngz meoiory Special thanks to Rev. J. C. or 'of John R. Nichols who passedverbrugge for bis consoing .Peterborough collect, 742-4330' ,âway Sept. 5th, 1958. words. the Barlow Funeral 'Collector's Licence No. 226-C-63i T'er i o arin ro tos'Home and Mr. and Mrs. Jack'-________ 18tf WCe love, Reid during our ecent be- IC5-JNSED No distance cao divide, reavement of our loving son' om ',Fbr today in memonies' garden, and brother "Charles'. Meme; Nursing H m .We stili walk side by side. words cao neyer a Manor h a .,.ach dawning day a thought'express what your friendsb îp YTNUS Mao hs of bu eatt u umn urtm accommodation for ladies and At eventide a prayt'r, of sormow. Sincemely, gentlemen. reasonable rates. ,And in the hcarts that loved' Mr. and Mrs. Henry' DeWith, Phone Orono 1308. 26.14* hlmAthradMraeOoo "THE Lodge" Nursing Home He always will be there. 36-1 on Higbway 2. Lieensed. Ac- 1-Ever emembered by wife ___ commodation available. Kind ý8snd familýy. 361 came. Nurse 24 lirs. Visitons _____Words just cannot express my welcome. Phone Mrs. Wm.i Man aret loving memory of cer thanks and apprecia- Westover, Newcastle 2701. g J.Oke ho pssedgood cane 1 received froni the &ava September 6th, 1959. nurses and staff duing my SOUTH Haven Nursing Home :Nothing cao ever take away stav at Memorial Hospital, -Accommodation for private The love a heant holds dear, with a very special thanks to a n d semi-private patients, rFond memories linger every!ith nurses on the First Fl00olouflge TV. Fully licensed, day, iMedical. they wene just wond-iflew building, modern. Visitors Remembrance keeps herefui to me. Many thanks to!welcome. Reasonable rates. near. 'Miss Rayworth, plant nurse.iPhn Newcastle 4441.---.3i .....Sadly rissed by husband'for all ber care. Also many Ai0ýbert and family. 364 'thanks to Mr. James Dugan ota e and Rev. Chris. Dugan, mel. _____ atives, friends, neighbouns . MORTGAGE money available. -RIMVAR boys of Engineering and Local' Peter Feddema. Realtor. Cal ~,r'~I~DTNT 1189 for fruit, flowers, cards,i263-2021. - 18-tf 1MLLaJ.I'/L1ULJ ['phone calls and coquinies and NËD- M-Ior-gage-Loan' Dignlfled and Distinctive also for transportation for my Private party to invest in lst -Monumnents - Flat Markeruýwife. With a very special.and 2nd montgagcs, agreements ifn deàlgna for any need. thanks to two of the best, Dr.':fom sale and mortgages pur- 152 Stmcoe Si. S.. Oshawa A. Sylvester and Dr. G. Taka- chaseti. Low rates. Your t.72400 * 28-827hiashi. May 1extend rny sin- mortgage problems gladly dis- SOffice Evei'ntns Gond White, Hamipton. Caîl anytime, 723-3.191 or 36Ut36-1*1725-2539, 34-4' lnAVr.NU'andu cIesLCI'ielUd .#tf.V.1d4 tioneer. 36-21 suites froni $99.50; kitchenIEXCAVATING - LOADING' ---- suites, 839.50; Sealey mattrcss- SAND, GRAVEL anti FILL The undersigî'tcd auctiunuer es, $39.88; G. E. polishers, Four-wheel drive Tow Truck will sel] hy public auct ion on $29.95. Free estimates on wall with Heavy Winch. Saturday, September 7tb at to waiî rugs and drapes. Trade-1 .,thfunurofMs in: Funied oak buffet, tablei REASONABLE RATES iegp.ibbstefnKintuEaMs., and six chairs. Murphy Furn-1 PhRee23-756thlbo.Salon Kîng S.laste iture, King St. W., 623-3781.! hn 2-76 Mlbok aeicue ag 36-1 - BOWMANVILLE 26_tff Viking frig., 18* freezer (al- - - __ most newî. electrtc stove and McCORMICK W4 Tractor, many othen articles. Teris' International B-250 Diesel, UPHOLSTERING cash. No eserve. R. .1. Payne, Farmall Cub w/implements, Save Dollars! Have your chest- auctioneer. 36-1 Allis-Chalmers "B" w/Scuff- erfield and chairs re-upholst- 1er, Massey 33, live power ered. Free estîmates, samples' The undersigned auctioneer take-off, hydraulies, loader; taken to the home. wrill sell hy public auction, Massey 3 pt. Hitch 3-furrow Budget Terms Arranged lihestock owned hv Ossie Plow, Massey 3-furrow Trail RNSUHLTRN Mitchell, Concession 6, Mani- Plow, lot. 3 point hitch 712 ft. 102 King W. Phone 623-5951)vr owsiof iba Cultivator, John Deer Culti- - - 35, 15 miles South of Lindsay, vator on rubber, Cockshutt - - 20f16' miles North of Newcastle, Fentilizer Distributor, 18 ft. IAN' froni Highway 401: 200 head King Wyse Elevator, troughWANS stocker andi feeder cattîe, type; Fleury 4-wheel Spread- MAINTENANCE SERVICE Herefords, Herefords Cross- er, 3-sections of Flexible Han- Rugs Shampooed, 9c sq. ft. bned, Angus yearling steers, rows, 32 ft. Pipe Elevaton, Ail types of Venetian Blinds to be sold in lots fromn 6 to $99.00. Cowan Equipment C,. Cleaned and Rcpalred 12, also Hereford cows witb 134 King Street East. Phone WINDOWS WASHED calves at foot andi rebreti. Hol- 623-5689. 36-1 Hardwood and Tule Floors stein spmingem heifers. Selling _____RefinishedonStraSp.1 :0 Chesterfielda and Chairs on SaturaSepts. 14oa 1:0 SAMSON P SNhmpooed sprve.TedrJsckso.n uo me mitPONE 55i-ORONO .- er. -2j I'V 'IUWL.1b 1 ECONOMY and DELUXE Buy now for the beat price Financing Arranged OSHAWA PV SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBON ST. Phone 728-8180 Day or Nlght BILL LEASK, Prop. O-tf I~] .14 -t ýBARNES & BYAMI. PLUMBING & HEATING SALES & SERVICE 24-HOUR Oul Burner Service SEPTIC TANKS AND TILE BEDS PHONE HAMPTON '263-2288 TYRONE 263-2650 Piano Tuning PIAO un1 n g. Arthur Collison. Phone 623-3900. 36-tf f Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber gonds) mailed postpaid in plain seakrd envelope with price list Six samples 25e, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Iamilton, Ont 1-52 only $7,000 witb $3,0010 down.] 5 Roomed bungalow in Bow- manvtlle witb ail mnodemn cotn-! veniences. Asking $10.900. Ternis. .5 Roometi hungalow with. attached garage, located westi of Bowmanville on 21,2 acres. Only $3,000 dowîî. New, large 5-moonicd bunga- low with double garage on 2 acres, large stream, etc., ntorth' of Bowmanville. Price and terni.;arranged.i 4 Roometi. new. hujnealow,ý on 2 acres. Price $8,5(0. 5Roometi, new, biungalow,, al] modem cn onventences. inf Newcastle. Price $10,500 with $52,000 down. 5 Roomed bungalow in Bow- manville witb separate base-; mcnt apartment. Only $3,000' down.1 5 Roomed hungalow near, Bowmanville Hospital, 10 Cx-, cellent repair. Asking ý12,000.! Ternis. INCOME HOME, Newcastle,, with two sepamate apartments.' Only $2,500 down. 7 Roomed home, Rethany,' vwith new oil furna'-e. Only $1,000 down. 2 Bedrooni home ai Court- ire. Modemn convenieneF On]y $8.200. Ternis. Atter hours rall: Don MountJoy - 623-3950 Ido Wiersma -Orono 1649 Ross Davitison Rethany 30r3 Guy LeBlanc 623-371.5 John M. Sandy Omemee 799-a,589 36-1 S TA T E S M A N c il A s s I F i F D s Phone 623-3303 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective March I. 1962 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI( FOR SALE FOR RENT ' HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOSf rOUND AUCTION SALES ETC. Cash Rate bc per Word with a minimum of 75e Milst bp paid biy deitt of insertion. If charqed, on additional 25e wiII be rxdded. A charge of 25c will be mode for ail replies directed ta this office, DIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGF.S DEATHS AND CARDS 0F THANXS ',l.5O per insertiO NOTICES COMING EÉVENTS Se a 7' rd with a mnInIm um cf $1.25 for 25 words or le& IN MEMORIAMS $1.25 plus 10c a 'me* for verso Dispicy Classifîed cc rL 75 pet in'rh w ith n minimum nit one tinrh. Additioncl risertinns nIt hs same rotes;. Ai Clnssitîed Ars muast ha.in this office flot Inter thon 4;30 p.m. Tuesday Send r.ash. stlamps or money order and saive money. CI'p Ibis out toi, han d yreference OFFICE HOTJRS Monrcy Ihrow1h Friday Scoturdocy 0.30 a.m. trif2 Noon The Canadian Stateaman Dial MArket 1-3301 for Cîossilied Ad Servir*. davs at Jini Stainton's. Mm. suri Mrs. Mom1ep' Flini- ftoff, Maple Grove, Mr. and ýMns. Wes Canieron visiteti at Jack Canieron's. Maple. Warrl Skinner anti Terryv Skiotner-, Oshawa, socot th, weePkcnd at Jini Stainton'. Billýv andi Charlie Shaw. Oshawa, spent an evening at Jini Stainton's while theïr parents xisited the C.N.E.. Toronto. Mr.s. H-arrv Poloz entered Ithe, 0'shawa Gennrl Hospital n Montiav for sîîngerv. Mr ant Mr5. Tom Cumrim andi fimilv. Tomonto, visiterî nt Robent Killen'.s for a few davs. Mn. and Mns. George Gor- don, John andi Joanne, Osh- awa, were Sunday callers at Keitb Stainton's. Mrs Auibney Hircock andi Mrs. Fred Canieron took a motor trip to North Bay, Par- rv Somnd and Pembroke and spent a nigbt with Mr. and Mms. Percv BrYce at Moun- tain Lakp. Mr. anti Mm.e G Franc%,\and floreen. Stoîîftville, visit e-ýat Hr.nrvDa' Mr. antiMr:, Fred Camenon visîteri at Lloyd Giîmour's, Peterborough. Mr. andi Mm. H. Harrison, Mnr. andi Mrs. L. Dale, Bever- f ev anti Jîimie, Milton, Mr. fand Mrs. Fred Dart and fam- I1v, Miss .Iav Dart, Woodvi.lle, jwerp Sundav visitors at H j v Dart's. I Mr. anti Mrs, Starnley Cov5 erly were supper guests at Wes Camenon's on Monday. 7) i.-l

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