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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1963, p. 13

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we'eé Mr. Dennls Marshall, Kim and lenm , 1Bapo,,Mr. and Mrs. James Ross, Toronto. The Orono NewsRiver, is visiting ber parents, W ' Mr. and Mrs. George Gilbert. Mrs. James E. Richards. Editor Mrs. L. Cyemnswr Mrs. . Nash, Miss Mavis Nash, both of Michigan, Mrs. September Srd, 1963 ~Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Keats, Mrs. M. MeGregor, Caesarea, Naily, Coibourne. MeMahon, Bowmanville, Mrs. ~Mr. and Mrs. Mac Campbell in honor of bier mother, Mrs.. Mr. jand Mrs. A. A. Drum- Haines and Mrs. Osborne. On epening court Magistra of Chatham were guests of: Elizabeth Spratt an tbe occa-imond spent Tuesday of last M.ad Ms .WrRB atrcnrtltdI Mr.an. irs D S Hrness, so fbr9t itdya week with their son Mr. Alex Wbitby, and Miss Ruby Dew- G. F. Bonnycastle on bis recei -Tuesday te Thursday of last'Labor Day. Drummand and Mrs. Drun-- ehl, Oshawa, visited with Mr. appeintment as Crown A -week. Congratulations to Miss Vi- imend, Willowdale. and Mrs. Percy Deweli. terney for the United Coui -Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham ola Gilfillan, Toronto, former-i Mrs. Victor Robinson has Mrs. Doris Holroyd is a ties Of Northumberland ar -and Mr. Vernon Graham spent. ly af Orono, who will cele- been iii at hier home the past patient at Oshawa General Durham. He wisbed him su, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.,brate bier 9tb birtbday on few weeks and bier daughter where she is to undergo a cess in bis new work and ho] Donald Graham and daugbters, September 9th. Mrs. John Shetler is assisting knee o eration. We wish bier ed that the same geniai a Oshawa. Mrs. Catherine Seal spent in1 the Hydro Office, a speedy recovery mosphere weuld prevaîl asj 1Mrs. Thomas Pethîck and Sunday with bier niece Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Bow- the tenure of Mir. H. R. De: Mr. Rex Shereli of Detroit, Hank MVachmer, Mr. Mach- en and daughter Susan, Tor - Mr. John Bonn and family, man. Michigan, are visiting Mrs.1mer and famiiy, Scarborough. ente, were weekend guests of MsaFHolrod's r.end His Worship toid the cou: Ivan Farrow. Mrrý. Charles WoodvsidMranMs.enthBIad - that the new Crown AttornE Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn Mrs. Gee. Crowther, New- famiiY.. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Faulk- had studied law with hlmj attended the party given by castle, on Sunday. Mrs. Rosa 1il n le Gamsby ner and Bobby of Scarbor- Osgoode Hall. "After gradui ___________________- Douglas Rate, Tarante, bas Downing, formeriy of Orono, ougb, Mrs N. S. Faulkner, tien Mr. Bonnycastle entere returned home after visiting widow of the late William AI- Toronto, were recent visitors the armed services and wer "For QUALITY Cars i bis aunt Mrs. Manson Patton bert Downing, mother af of Mrs. Niddery and Miss overseas," hie continued. "C and Service" !and Mr. Patton. Mary, Mrs. C. Slacle of Oak- Mary Niddery. bis return be was empioyed b SMrs. Cocil Powers returned ville, passed away at bier home Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverl SEE.ihome last week after two 21 Thorncliffe Avenue, Tor- were recent visitors at Mr. N weeks visiting with lier son ente, on Sunday, Sept. 1, after and Mrs. Deug Caveriy's QU EMr. Roy Powers of Scarbor a.lengthy iliness. Funeral ser- Bowmanvilie. 1'ILad ies' M ajor ougb, who was convalescing vice conducted by Rev. Basil Mrs. A. Hills, Tyrone, visit ýafter a recent knee aperatien. E ogwsa h rl u Mrs. Fred Tamblyn vîsîted eral Home, Tarante, Wed.edwih M. ndMrsSBrt ~~Uu - ~Stevens last Tuesday.FrsSe MUNUN SALES M'Haton M rs.Wm.ilbu, a on e~ent ont Mrs. Frank McGill, Toronto, Date AIIeys 1 - 2 3 - 4 iCheryl Cornish and Mich- Julie Jones bas returned was Sunday guest of Mr. and -LIMITED - ýael Hutton have returned home after spending twe Mrs. B. Stevens. Sept. 9 1. 2 3-4 EarI MeQueen, Pres. ýhomne ta start attending sehool weeks with hier brother, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray visit- sept. 16 10-11 9- 8 after spending a week with R. George Jones, Mrs. Jones ed with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wray, 219 KING ST. E. their grandmother Mrs. Nor- and family, Bowmanvilie. Oshawa, on Saturday. Sept. 23 3- 5 12-2 B W NVLE man S. McNally and _Mr.__Mc- Mr. and Mrs. P. Pbilip, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kessier, Sept. 30 4- 7 à- 1 BW A VLEMaidstone; Mrs. David Hicks, Toronto, spent the weekendOc. 7-6 101 AuhrzdDae o L E T N Harrison; Mr. and Mrs. Dean witb Mir A. W. Prescott. c.78 01 AuhoizdDele frYE V TW odgoley a Ms MaeorCaI- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Staples, Oct. 14 12- 3 4- 9 Ra blr ar Wodeyan MssMaelChl-Bowmanville. Mrs. H. S. Price Oct. 21 2- 8 6-10 Ra~b1e Cars Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. lis, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mc- and Mr William Price, Scar- Ot" -1 71 Phone 623-3356 Norman Edgerton accompan- Cay of Bowmanville visited borough, were weekend visi- Oc.2 -1 71 ied Mr. and Mrs. David Wil- Mrs. D. G. Hooper. tr ttehm fMs .E o.4 1-4 2 * * ~ ~ son and Mrs. Annie MeQuade Mrs. Wînnifred Athlen Wan-tosathhmeoMr.AE.ox. 4 I-4 26 ta visit Mr. and Mrs. Lincolni nan Stone, wife of Mr. John Billett.No.I6-9 17 D.emonstrator Pridham and Mr. and Mrs Stone, passed away at the Mr. Douglas Billett. Scar- Nv l6 Ge. auesafCohigwo4MeoralHapial Bwmn-borough, visited witb Mrs. A. Nov. 18 8-12 il- 5 S AL EandStane. Tey lsocaledville, on Wednesday, August E. Billett recently. at other points of interest in-2th 1963, after several Ctrhsrie n u-Nv 56 0 nlydig te$ncLeft ts months illness in ber 57tb day Scbool will resumne this Dec. 2 12- 1 6- 7 Q ludingf ttheh EehantRue daMts vear. Funeral was in Orono Sunday, September 8th, with Dec. 9 10- 8 il- 1 6 cl. nd8 cl.Schol ay! Rle daz.United Church on Saturday churcb at 9:30 a.m. and Sun- 6 y.ad y. Back ta sehool go those two afternoon. Rev. R. C. White day School at 10:45 a.m. Dec. 16 3- 6 9-12 These 1963 cars carry lh a ded little mansters whr> afficiated. Interment in Orono Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Luke, approximately 20,()00 mile lhave bedeviled the liver out Cemetery. Robbie and Terry spent Mon- No. 1 - Captain Doris Joll wrat.of their mammas ail summer. Mrs. D. N. Myles returned day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Don Enid Tennant, Connie Wise warraty. cither slamming the doors t;1i home last wcek from spend- Jonah at their cottage on man, Marion Brooks, Shirle: the *v echaed or else not at ll ig h summer with ber dau- Lake Scugog. Greenham, Hazel DonahuE tramingpeant btterandghter, Mrs. Henry Smith, Mir. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith Joanne Sudsbury. 1963 Chev. baney into thp broadloom inl Smith and sons al, Graven- visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Or- No. 2 - Captain Onie Etcher Super Sports front of theç TV set. Today, lurst.Nmbr evnhd miston, Enfield, Sunday even- Joyce Major, Marlon Siaghl Convertible :littie boys with baie slicked their Sept. meeting at the On Monday, Mir. and Mirs. Duaine Palmer, Rieckie Tay hack first time since last home of Mrs. Robert Hancock H. Smith spent the day belp- lac. 8 cyl., autoinatic, PO%%er June, and littho girls demure on Tuesday afternaon and Unit ing Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith o ati o ro brakes and stecring7, bucket ýin their allen frockls a fIer twn numbor five meeting was held and family move ta Milton. N.3-CpanDtBok seats, console, etc. Local, mnntbs in jeans. at the home of Mrs. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Bab McQueen, Stella Brown, Marion Pear one owner car in absolutely Mr. and Mes. Ray Robinson Dixon on Tuesday evening. Toronto, spent the Weekend son, Hilda Simnick, Joyce AI ne a odto. and famnilv bave' enjoyed a Mrs. Frank Ardean of Tor- ih M.ad rs Wlf mond, Greta Luxton, Laur; week's ten -ting trip in Ottawa onto, is on a tour of Europe. Smale. Hazelton. 1962 Pontiac ýdistrict prior ta Ernostine's Congratulations ta Mr. and N.4-CpanJn ae Convetible back ta the classroom. Mr. Mes. G. M. Linton of Bow-______________ Marilyn Wiggans, Muriel Ho] t C'. o maetie uso Lloyd Wilson back ta Scar- manville formerly of Orono, royd, Eleanor Dadson, Tbelmî 9- y1r, atomtic cutom boroiîgh Teacbing Staff afler on their 2tb wedding anni- orseJa EnlyKr radio, power brakes and atcnding a summe course in versary this week. Accident 1ien White.EneyKa stecring, other extras. Toronto. Mr. Gavin Gardon Mrs. D. N. Myles spent theI No. 5 - Captain S h irle: A-1 condition. I back ta Hamilton l-igh after weekend witb bier oM. , ~ Biekell, Helen Burgess, Shir a summee's muscle condition- Lloyd Myles, Mrs. Myej an RKouflG-UJf Iley Davis, Karen Hayes 1961 Rambler 4-Dr.1 ing here al, Malconia. We, too. daughtors, Wbitby. DiyHyeLnaRnl 6 cl. stndrdtrasms-termînate oiP 9th year of Of local interest in Septei- C b .C H Audrey Cook. sie. oca cr wth20,00sporadic news caverage of Ibis ber lst "Observer" is the No. 6 - Captain Ena Etcheî sorn. oal cm ies. 20erfect ommunity. How lime drags! caver photo and write up of well, OPP, investigated a coi n itin. e We'll beat off the old man Mrs. Muriel Tonge, wife of truck accident that occurred Virgie Fairey, Mabel Lewis condiion.witb the scythe and make a Rev. Walton Tango and dau- at 5:41 o'clock this mornlng Irene Whitney, Audrey Os. n 40 Hib Nl G mond, Evelyn Williams, San. 1960 Po tiac Iry for aur 'paper"' anniver- ghter of Rev. John Kitchen, On01Hghway. Nel ar- dra Ross. 1960Poniac sarvy. foemerly of Orono. diner, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, - ~ 2Dr H rdopMn. and Mrs. Frank Glas- Me. and Mrs. Osborne Bar- the driver, lost control off his 2-Dr. ardtop bergen are currently baby- ton af Nîpissing, Me. and Mrs. vebicle when the load off îum- party watched the splendié cyl., automatie, customn sitting their two grandchild- Harry Wbitehead off North ber heing carried shifted. illumination off the fails. radio, etc. Local, one owner iron, Master Frank Giasber- Bay were weekend guests af There was extensive damage The trip was enjayed by 4, car, immaculate lnside ad gnIid hi i ohri r and Mirs. Wm. Robinson ta the truck. people. Those who went fronr out. in buspital, and Miss Roxannoan visited friends in Bow- Peter John MeBurney, 929 the Bowmanville lst Browni. Vani Dermer while ber mother manville, Kendal and PortiHeleila Avenue, Toronto, waslPack weee Susan Mountjoy 1959 Pontiac 4-Dr. is warking in tobacco. A Hope.i found dead at the wheel off Margaret Stephens, Susar spee__convaescene______.!bis car, which was paeked on Mann, Elizabeth Spry, Pats3 The top Pontiac model Peedy oaesence hsta Mes. the side off No. 35 Highway Bell, Sally Firth and Jud' 8 cyl., automatic with and ta Mr. Frank Glasbergen UTETfT' about two miles north off Vinish. The party was accam. extras. 33,000 original miles. SHAahm"MaPTONb :ii±J.LJ.V Newcastle, on Monday morn- panied by Mes. Marjori( On we sneni. Real lng- uhme ng at 10:10 o'clock. Constable Stout, Brown Owl; Mrs. Les. !inMrt.hoe.Wih fTr We are sorry ta hear that L. R. James, OPP, and Cen- lie McDonald, Brown 0w] 1958Buic Sup r :n. Leasli eW-ihto Te le- Mes. A. W. Prescoît is a pa- stable H. R. Corneil, o-pp, Mrs. Helen Biekle, Tawn: 4-Dr.Hardop bore at Malcania wbile visit- tient at the Memorial Hospi- are the investigating officers. Owl; and three Girl Guides ing ith Ie Rae Mal colms of ta'. Hec feiends and neigh- At 3 p.m. on Monday on wbo acted as assistants, Mis Fully power equipped. Janetville and the Victor Mal- bars wish ber a speedy re- County Road No. 1, Mrs. Mary Christy Tigbe, Miss MarjoriE good automobile. caîms of Nestlelon. icovery. E. Bacon, 27 Queen Street, Bale, Miss Jennie Stuot anc toîýal, one owner car. 1 Anumernf Yeî\ertoîîia.sý Master Tony Balson spent Lindsay, lest contrai af theé Miss Louise Mann. See this one. . . aîîended the C.N.E. as ,velfZthe weekend with his cousin, car she was driving, and il The Brownie 3rd Pa--1 It's immaculate! local faies. Ylverton U.C.W .Master Peter Pingle. Bow- rolled over ah the side af the members wbo made the trip h ad a profitable afternoan at'manville. road. There was considerable xvere Susan Lucas, Lorr. Enjoy on-the-spot. reliabl Blackstack Fair wbere tbey Mn. and Mes. Earl Luke, damage ta lier car, but for- Cowan, Ellen Cowan, Lindý Trdes l~ cs Fnncn sonoedabot wih a Grant, and Me. and Mes. Ron hunately Mrs. Bacon escaped Burton, Patsy Newlan, Debbic "Te ldstal-andin well pateonized.LkobiistdM.adinuy CtaeH. Cook, Bate, Penny Westlake, Jane "The Flndd Stinlons attend! Mes. Clarence Bradley, Bow-I OPP, in vestgated. Large, Heather Wright, Sha. finane copans. cdThe Foyeral no Latenad mnil.Teews w a o-nnBlnhrMr i "The Little Charitable Foundation .TrneaneSrptesuh o eîs Ron Parker investigated. Orono Fair was discussed. of O rria___________ Twelve unifoem well eareci stalks off corn f rom the plot of would like te inform you that a dentist wvill be * Pioncer 383 must be tied in a setting up bis practice iin the D USIO M bundle and exhibited. The hîgbligbt off the evening was a talk given by Me. Garn- ORO O M DIC L CNTR IBwownies et Rickard, Past Peesident of ORONO MEDIAL CNTREthe Canadian Seed Growers' FROM PAGE ONE, Association. Me. Rickard talk- lîghted wîth the special show cd af the purpose ef the As- put n fr lhm, nd fundsociation and alseo of the pedi- the Indian dances fascînatîng. gree system in ceep registra- ivii cmmecebispratic ~They also saw a marvelous peon land and Animal Park, anîd mences witb feundation stock thougbt the performing seals preduced by the plant breeder there weee amazingîy ciever.anthnimuipedan - TUSAOCOE st 93They were able te feed th, ber of sesb mmeso Appointments can be booked froîîi Septeniber 9th ýibe dishes feomn their bands.I.re.-istered seed. This seed is Telphne roo I89The yeungsters also .ejoyd first generation seed. The sec- feeding Sammy the Bear. and generatian seed is aIso The Beownies and others inregistered if it Is approved by O F F I C E H 0>1L R S - the paty also walked acre.s the association, but the third 9 am. 1:30p.m 2 .m.- 530 .m.the bridge te Niagara Falîs,i generalion is certified seed. 9 an. 1230 .nx 2 .m.- 530 .m.N.Y., and each Brorwnie i' After Ibis generalien the seed Saturday : 9 - 12:30 tuen found it exciting ta stand1 can no longer be certified. witb one foot in Canada and Refresbments were served one In the United States. Be- j by Mes. Allin after which the fore Ieaving for bomne the meeting was adjourned. rThe Canadian Statesinan, Bowmanville, Sept. 4, 1963 wouid flot spoil themn buti serve rye were found. poitedou th grviy of sc The chief stated that whE* ist ra e 's o u rtbehaviour. He dismnissed the the residence of the accuse4 lcharge against both men. Ïvas raided immediately after- eld n -Bwm nill Ray Glass, R.R. North wrapr aecnann U<rono, 43, a farmer, was re-: 20 pints of the same brind manded in custody at Co-. was found hidden in a coI4 the Bell Telephone Company, charged on June 7th with mak-I bourg to appear here again air register. in Port Hope." ing an improper ieft band turn September l7th. Magistratel E. R. Lovekin, Newcastl% air Magistrate Baxter suggested at the corner of Liberty and Baxter recommended an ex- represented accused. Ur. King Street. He was found amination by Dr. Cormack, Magistrate R. B. Baxter ad. nt to the police that while re- guiity and fined $10 and $12 Ontario Hospital, Cobourg. ývised accused his residence, At- membering that the crown costs. Constable F. Dryden, OPP,Iwhich had been declared ap . nattorney, as well as the mag- Defense counsel xvas John told the court he had been Ici place for a year i n Y ,in istrate, is on 24-hour dutylhe Greer. Oshawa, and the in. called because accused had ruary, would be ordered the idoes riot appreciate being t'ele-vetatn ofirCosbe chopped down two telephone same for a further period of D-on whether or not an inquest D. Anderson. poles, the property of Orono 12 months. The liquor wis a.t- is necessary for someone who Peter Heavysege testified he Telephone Company. confiscated. in died a :9am was southbound on Liberty "There had been an argu- Michael Shabatura, R.R. 5. at3:9 .m and stopped for the red light. ment over a service charge on Bowmanville, pieaded guilty Mr. Bonnycastle replied fitt- He saw the Kidd vehicie pro- the telephone bill," continued te public intoxication August .rt ingly and commended the ceeding east make a left hand the officer. "The Telephone 3lst. He was fined $20 and iypolice on the way Mr. Dey- turn into Liberty. He stated Company disconnected the line costs or five days. Being on atman had spoken of their high Kidd aimost made It when he at the pole. Accused cut down the interdicted list he was also, ia- calibre. was struck by a car proceeding the pole and joined the wire fined $10 and costs or an ad- * * west on King. The driver of again. Surprisingly, it work- ditional 5 days for consuming ýnt Charles Vincent Kidd, R.R. the westbound car was Geert ed. The Telephone Company lîquor. )n No. 2, Bowmanville, 30, a Gen- Visschop, R.R. No. 3. came, put up a new pole and Chief B. R. Kitney testified by eral Motors employee, was Hugli White, formerly of took away the wire between it hie had receîved a cali frein Hancock Road, Courtice, was and the house. Then accused Bowrnanviile Hotel at 2:30 a.m. Icharged with assauit of Elmer chopped down that pole, leav- reporting a drunk in the wash- Gordon, Ju1y 22nd, He was ing the wires dangling down." room. Constables L. Ricard convicted and fined $15 and Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, 27, and T. Davis had been des- Bo lig ea ue $23.90 costs or 7 days. Toronto, was convicted Of in- patched there. to check, ho lieule- 163Mr. Gordon stated he had paired driving August 2lst. said. I-e also stated that ac- ,hedle -1963taken the Whites and their five She was fined $50 and costs or cused had requested that ho children into bis house rent 7 d&ys in jail. She lest bier be put on the Indian list on'a 4 5 -6 7 -9 9-10) 11-12 free in return for board in the licence. previeus court appearance be. absence of his wife. Friction Constable K. C. Laton, OPP, cause alcohol was his clown- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10 11-12 had developed and it came to stated he was southbound on fall. 8 1-12 4- 5 6- 2- 3 a head on the evening in No. 115 Higfhway at 10:30 p.m. James C. MeNeil, 21, in the. question. when he noticed the car ahiead Army stationed at Camp Pic- 2 8-10 9- 7 1i l 6- 4, Mr. Gordon's next door being driven ini an erratic ton, was fined $50 and $7 costa 1 6- 3 2-10 12- 9 8-11 neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Cam- mariner. -r 7 days for impaired driv- enzuii gave evidence on his "The driver was braking ing. 2 9-il 1- 3 2- 4 7- 5 behaîf. quite often," he went on, Constable J. Bird testified 9 2- 7 Il- 6 8- 5 1()_ 1 Octave Babineau, Carillon "swerving from side to side hie had been calied to inves 'ti- Avenue, Montreal, pleaded and off onto the shouider nar- gate a vehicie in the ditch on 4- 1 5- 9 Il- 3 12- 7 guilty to impaired driving on rowly missing the guard rails. Waveriy Road, April l3th. He 1 3-10 6 -12 5- 2 4- 8 Labour ïDay and was fined $50 1 stopped hier and found ber stated four or five others were and costs. definitely impaired. The back in the car. They had told hlmn 6 12- 5 8- 1 10- 7 3- 9 Constable A. V. Alexander. seat was piled high witb bouse- the power steering had gone 7 Il- 2 12- 4 3- 8 .5-10 OPP, testified hie had met a hold goods and in the front on the car. When be returned Volkswagen panel truck west- seat with ber were hier two a short time later, stated the 5 10- 4 3- 7 6- 1 9- 2 bound on No. 2 Highway, driv- daughters, aged 10 and 5. 1 officer, the boys bad pushed 9 8-7 1-2 1-11 - 3en in an erratic manner by tbe was not on duty and she would the car out and driven away 8- 1-2 2-I ~ accuseri. The constable turn- not believe I was an officer. in it. They bad ail been drink- 7 5- 4 10-11 3- 2 8- 9 ed around and apprehended I sent word with a passing ing, hie concluded. - 1 -9 3 4 -2the driver, he said. motorist te the Detacbment Chief B. R. Kîtney asJg 7-9 - 4 6 2-2 Mr. Babineau stated hie was Office. Constable H. Wight, accused if hie was stili in ife 2 10- 2 4- 7 Il- 8 1- 5 a sheet metal worker on bis OPP, came out in the cruiser Army since they had reported way from Montreal to Hamil- and then she believed me." him AWOL during May. He l. No. 7 - Captain Joyce Lyle, ton to, work. The magistrate Accused admitted leaving stated that hie was and that e-Lorraine Martyn, Dell Vinson, toid accused he wouid have to Renfrew at Il a.m. after in May hc bhad been in Van- y Marilyn Cole, Meg G'ibbs, procure an Ontario licence if quarreling witb ber mother. couver._____ iehelen Park, Anna-Marie Bry- lie wishied to stay in the prov- At lier sister's home she bad son. ince. In levying the fine His been offered a drink and bad Air, Rail or Steamship r.i No. 8 - Captain Peggy, Hay- Worship commented that ac- "three or four" of rye. Then T 1 C K E T S t, nes, Emma Bromeil, Dore cused miust be a musical chap she said she started for Toron- TO EVERYWHERE s, Mutton, Babe Brown, Lii with a name and address like te where her husband is a used Consuit yConnors, Ruth White, Gayle that. car dealer. She had had noth-LOVELL s, o.9 Cptin eln un. ear employee, and Joseph ren had lunch and pop and 2 King St. E. 623-3361 No.9 Catan 1eln Dnn Bothweil, 22, an Able Seaman, potatO chips aleng the way. Bowmanvilie - Barb Buttonshaw, Elsie Spen- wcre accuscd of causing a dis- Lorne Stevens, King Street______ ce Pr. Helien iper, Doreentrbace by fighting on King East, pleaded guilty to keep.--- aWPar.PainWiatsNom Srct Newcastle, at 1 arn, on irg liquor for sale and having Wood. ~~Tuesday. liquor in an iîlegal place. Both L.. kaf .A rNo. 10 - Captain D o n ii a They had been arrested by were second offences, accusedL.J k ieC A, )Preston, Kay Beau prie, Eval Constable G. Evans, OPP. The having been convicted and ia Whitehead, Marg King, Mar- officer statcd lhe had been in- fined February l9th this year. Chartered Accountant, r- guerite Crago, Beth Chartran, vestigating another disturb- This time hie was fined $1,000 Shirley Fowler. ance when he came upon the and $3 costs or tbree montbs WThitby y No. Il - Captain Ollie Pat- two Bowmanville men rolling in jail on the first ceunit and r- field, LoIa Wright, Bernice about on the street "rcaily 81,000 and $3 costs or an ad- P. 0. Box 208 ,, Tprrv, Ada Richards, Jackic swiflging and fighting." He ditional three months on theý e Alex'ander, Kay Ruiter, Mary said lie had to swerve weil second.Ph e Ann Richards. over to the right to avoid Chief B. R. Kitney testificd, 1runirg over them and that that two men had been observ- Oroi ýrNo. 12 - Captain Marg Pei - both were weil undier the ed stopping at tbe residence 0 n 138 s, ris, Joyce Tennan t, Helen~ influence of alcohol. and emerging and driving off. sNicholson, Norma Gay, Mollyi When Luxton told the mag- Wben their car was searched, '¶hitby 668-8197 -Hortsman, Marlon Ma rtinjistrate hie was just starting bis bie said, two pint botties and. _NancY Jarvis. hoiidays the latter said be one quart of Corby's Royal Re- I idl ,H p e.-'. isAHOE' -iUR.ON DON'T colleci rent receipts OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS ..~can show you 110w simple it is to own your i 'V own home at beautiful Parkway Cresceni SU B-Dl VISION LIBERTY ST. S. BOWMANVI LLE 2-ý MODERN HOMES -ý2 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION THESE HOMES., ONE ON A CORNER LOT, WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR OCCUPANCY VERY SOON! Save limne, money and energy by letting OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS show you these homes now under construction at Parkway Crescent Sub-Division or choose from one of our other plans available -or we will assist you in building from your own plans! Our consultants know propcrty values andi their expert knowledge of materials and workmanship can save you money! N.H.A. or CON VENTIONAL MORTGAGES NO PIONEERING . . . this beautiful sub-division is complete witb storin and sanitary sewers ... and paved streets. Ultra-modern homes buit for spacious living, neat, trim and carefully planned for your family needs. We have the home for you! OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS Oshawa Off ice and Showroom - LIMITED - Main Office and Showroom OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Phone: 728-1617 BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 10 OTelephones 0 To Serve You COURTICE - 728-1611- AJA.X - ZEnith 2-9604. I

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