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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1963, p. 5

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~~D hp-d her shortbouffant veil. Bowmanville. adMr. Lyall R ecenti M arried BLEEKI.q* BROWIN white 'mums and stephanotisvid Brown Of Bowrnanvill? Basket'; of muiti-colored Vwith iv..was ring bearer. gladiol; formed a prettv ce,,- Maid of honor Miss; Winnie As the bride and groom .-X g in Maple Grove Ùnited Baker of Adolphustown, Ont.,,emerged fron, the church thev ,jiur4, on Saturdav LisutI a nd bridesmnaids Miss Cathvl paFsed through a guard ot 1.1963. at 3 o'clock when aý Bailey, Blackstock, and Mrs.i honor formed hy several dmabie -ing ceremonv unitePdE ric Carleton, Cobourg, were majorettes from the Tartan »jrmarriage Barbara Joanldressed alike in forget-me-'Lassieýs. Prowr. daughter of W~,. and flot blue street length dresse, Follow!ng the ceremonya Mrs. W. H. Brown, R.R. .3.1Of lace over taffeta. They, reception was held at thei F--wm-anvilh',. and Mr. Barry~ were styled similarly to the Lions Centre where the guess¶"~ Harold Blceks. son of Mr. and, bride's 'gown with identical l were receix-ed bv the bridesý M-.D. C. Blceks of Ottawa. lace. but with short sleeves! mother who wore championi Rev. J. Romeril wa, th, and a xide cummerbund but- blue lace over taffeta, match- Otficiating clergyman, and the toned down the centre back!ing hat, bone accessories and.1 wedding music was plaved by and two fly-away skirt pan-ý corsage of white 'mums. Sheý Mr~.W. air whoakoar-els in plain tafeta. Matehing. was assisted by the groom's1 cornipanied the soloist. Mrs. D. bats of tulle with circlets of: mother who chose "old rose" Shute. lace, short wrist-length gloves: printed nylon with navv ly Given in marriage hy her and blue shoes completed accessories and corsage ofi father, the bride wnre an their ensembles. Miss Lori white 'mums. original gown of French Beeks. Toronto, the groom'S' As the couple leLt for theýir Chantilly lace o>ver pure sîlk niece. wore a similarly styledý wedding trip through north-, peau de soie. The floor length frock to those of the other' ern Ontario, the bride wa gown featured a shallnw attendants in the same forget-ý wearing a Niagara green linL-1 Scoop neckline and long lily me- not blue lace over taffeta.1e hah ihjce- ac- Pointed sleeves outlined w,, ei lwesweec ia~ ng hat, British tan accessor-1 tn'pearîs. The bell shaped bouquets of white shasta1 les, and corsage of yellowi skirt scooped slightly over rus'muntis. TI-ey will be residing' the toes in front and fe" fron, Mr. Donald Bleeks of Met- at 1161 Wellington St., Ot- te sidsit graceful train.-calfe was best mani and thetaa __________________________________________ The bride, who is a publ"c school teacher, attended Cen- Itral Public and Bowmanvilleý Hig.h Sehools, and Peterbor-1 ough Teachers' College. Shp was a member of the Bow-. manville Ladies Softball Tearn: and was also active in batoni twirling and assistant teach-ý ing.. The groom is also a pub- ~ lic school teacher. He attend- MAKESTHE IFFE ENCEed Conaught Public School in' Ottawa, Metcalfe P u b 1 i c YeS, wallpaper can make your roorni School, Osgoode Township look neat, bright and homey' High School and Ottawa Tea- Show n in the above photo are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Core i an se ou ne, utramodm Jchers' College. Both will be Kloos who were married in Rehoboth Christian Re- COme forand 4. These new sltamoe re teaching in Ottawa. Wallpapers fr'4 hs e ape r Guests attended fron, Ot. formed Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, August 10, first quality, top grade, îawa, Toronto, Niagara Fails,l 1963, at 3:30 o'clock. Formerlv Elizabeth Reyenga, * *Bowmanville. Oshawa, Peter-ý the bride is a daughter of Mr. andà Mrs. James Reyenga Local Authorized Dealer for: borough, Orillia Cobourg and of R.R. 5, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Petawawa. flT tb Itu. fAIIPMany parties honored the Mr andMrs._AndyKloos of RR 1,- Hampton._ _ P ITTSBURGH P NTShride orior to ber marriage. Miss Cathy Bailey was ho- M ar0e and :tess for a miscellaneous show- t M a le Gr v er when teachers and friendsý attended. Neigh'bors attended Why settle for less wben YOU can en by Mrs. H. Allison. 1 Amiscellaneous s ho we r btly the best . here! was held bY Maple Grovei * * *Comm unity in the Sunday' -' School Room. Four groups of Paint and Wallpaper Clearance baton twirlers entert a i n e dý with a picnic when presenta- tions were made. The Bow Contnuesmanville Ladies Softball team Discontinued Lines -Lrie unii, presented the bride with ...... Limite Quanities living room Iamp and the On-'M D I ' PAINT and tario Street School staff alsoi A~ ER N T r r Smade a presentation to the AB RN TH YWALLPAPER bride. .1. King $t.W. Bowmanvîlle The groom was honored' with a presentation by theý ___________________ IBel-Air School staff, Ottawa. I KE L ViN A TOR MODEL KR 310 30" Kelvinator ELECTRIC RANGE *FULLY AUTOMATIC *OVEN WINDOW SPEIAL$1 89.00 ~4 (MODEL KR 30 30" Kelvinator _ ELECTRIC RANGE l ... ... ... ...............* FULLY AUTOM ATIC * REMOVABLE OVEN DOOR FOR EASY CLEANING * S'ýrORAGE DRAWER SPECIAL $169-00 Kelvilnator Refrigerators MOI>EL K 500 MODEL K 5501 Il CU. il 11CU T 52-Lb. Freezer 2-Door Sh$2 19in.00r82-1b. Freezer CLEARANCE rCLEARANCE.$2 9,0 Kelvinator Wringer Washer 12-YEAR WARRANTY 10 0 WITH PUIMP ----------- WJTR TRADE 22'/zcu.ft. FREEZER. m WARNING lIG(HT - 2 BASKETS PORCELAIN LINED 5 FREEZING SIDES LEARANCE PRICE ____*0 BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED (owan Equipment COMPANY 134 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 7i Pictured abox'e are Mr. and M rs. Barry Harold Bleeks who werc married in Maple Grove United Church o)n Saturday afternoon, Auglust 17, 196:3. The bride is the former Barbara Joan Brown, daugliter of IMr. and Mrs. W. Il. Brown, R.R. , Bow~manvilir' and the bridic,,room is thie son of Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Blecks of Ottawa. -Photo hY lreland Studio 'WEDDJNG Irw antinendsehn KL4OWS - REVVF\GA o015oni ackqtnnudt ciorsajl leavrs Pnuri leilther fero. Fù'hoboth Christian rirnorm MAr. Geotrge Kions wag hest ed Church, Rowmanville, pret- moan for his hrothpr, alid the tily de(oraîrd vilh rstlndaiirdsi-Sh wnre Ai..,inhii Waze- ot pik and white gladiolus, nPa1'a 11 d Mr. Peter Kîom 'munianother brother of the groom. - ,s and carnations, waz; A rcpinfloýrda thesetin fr te arrag onl'ieAcres Restaurant where Sattirda%-, Aiust 10 163 a the guests wAcî-e received b'> .33 cOck. nOrFlizalbe'th Rev- hie luide«s ninîher. For the vea. dauighter of Mr. and Mr.-,. occra' in, she wore a two-pi'cs? Jamcs PeegR.R .5. Bnw- ensemble nf bie ernbroidered! Imanville, and Mr. Sanipelira. ivrtfewhe 1<Xloo-s, son ofiAMr. and AMrs. o aiao'rtfft. ht accessories and corsage of Aidv Kloos, R.R. 1, l-iarptuîi. . h< eteatroe *Tli" oificiatinug cler-gyman 'and whit.e stephanotis. To as- \vas Rev. John C. Verbrugge sist, the groomis mother chose and Mi-. cnvVanderKooa t uîrq oise sheatn of organza plavc(l thiewedling mui. :C. over taffeta accciîted by ilow- Given in iarriage bY her per opq sWhîite au*Cessor,- father, thue bride wvore a full h's, and coisage of pale length gon nti o chalk-whit2 yellow sweetheart roses and organza iashiOned -With fin- white stephanotis. ger-tip sîceves. Lvaf appliques AMîclr the receptimi, the trimmrd ftic scoop ineckline happv couple cil for a honerv- and rmphpsizi-c îthe vryifull 01000in Buffalo, the Thousand ,kirl Pl the wis.and .Iap- Ilnd.IpprrCanada Vil- ane-p sash Pt the har(k. HrIr lage lrd Montreal. For trax'pl ,white illusion \xciixvas hih ll.the hriide wnre A twn- by ;a rrown of tînv ;Pr,,d]pearls picî roc ofNiue ppure silk and she rarrnd a cascade hou- with scoop nrkline. cap slcev- ouet ni da;rk pink roses, and rs and ahizjcktwh whitr stecpha not is on a back- mav]ntchingjet wi h erelhow -ofengthIsheeves.aThey letrfroud n aa lae ladwiî resicie at 351 Elgin Court, leathe 1c;.Oshawa. Miss Hiennie R'",enga. sis- Th(- bride, who attended fer cf the hride, xvas maid or Tyrone Public Scbool, Bow- honor and I the rideIsmaids nanville and Courtice High ,,ere Miss Herlen Matda andi Schools, is a clerk-typist for Mî,s~ Trene Rc ' enca, another Local 222, U.A.W.. Oshawa. sister of the bride. MissesTh gro atedd sho Hett Reyngaand hirly- in Holland and is employed by Ann ReYenga, also sisters of:General Motors, Oshawa. I Ie bride. were flower girl'z* Mn patehordte ýThe maici oi bonor andi the ayprte ooîe hridesmaids wvo re identical bride prior to her marriage. dresses oi daffodul vlo pure lier co-workers, Miss Domothy ik organ/a onver taffeta w it arnes, Mrs. Doug. Sutton and full ballerina length skirts, Miss Penny Clime held a per- Fet off by attached overskirts' onal sbower at the home of fitted bodices. scoop nerklin- Miss James. A linen shower P., andi cap sleex-es, dramia- wvas given by Miss Barbara tized bhx miniature stdcdec LaChappeli at her home. bows. Their headdresses werp Miss Hielen Malda and Mrs. self-rosettes, highighted wiîn 'Tinnes Dykstra were hostess- sora.S- of pearîs andi tulle illu- es for a miscellaneous shower sio veiling. The flo\ver girls at the home of Mrs. Dykstra. wore aoua taffeta with match- The bride was also present- ing nvcrýkirts and short sieev- rd with a platform rocker hy er. Their hcadpieccýs wr ' the office staff o! Local 222, flowercd head bands. AIl car- U.A.W. iRKLb b ýÂ i 4 1

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