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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1963, p. 7

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[ at Moose Jaw, Sask., tomor- turned to his home in Mon-,u I ( W -i ~ Irow (Thursday) after a thi-ce- treal after spending a few zi é > r o a week leave with his parents, days here to attend the fun-9 0 h Wr P h ne 23-303Mi-r. and M-s. Douglas manville Mr-. Casey was guestH Id at a Phone 623-3303Nichols, Kingston, have i-c- of his cousins, Mr-. and Mrs.I e d t a turned home after spendin gai Tom Cowan and Mi-. and Mrs.1 ___________________________________________fcw davs with the f 1m ;s Leon Connors. Despite a heavy raînfall in adMs uhNn.by plane ls Wed:eizday fori- father, Mr. L. B. Nichols. AlI Miss Carol Maguire bas re- the morning, over seventy sai Mr. aOt. cn tlMrs. ugah ae-ee sit nSct spent a pleasant day at the turned ta her teaching duties down to the 9th Werry Fam. ) o n, Ot.e, rce ncalnd.trewe vsth c Exhibition last Wednesday. at Scarborough. Miss Maguire ilY Picnic held in Hamptoii Sih oesLane. Mi-. and Mrs. Ernest Foley Her many friends in Bow- and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Park on Saturday, July 20. Micae M. eit olel ad'manville will be soi-iy to heax- Jack Maguire, Brown Street, President Ralph Larmcr Mastr Mchal Nlso, Oh- ad Ms. ertColell a- of the passing on August 15 recentlv returned from a conducted a business meeting hs anmteMs Ir'wie' ain with Rev.'fMi-s. C. R. Spencer, S hantyi mon th's holiday i Ireland. at which the following pi-izes hîs i-5.Bay, wife of the late Canon' This was Mi-. Maguii-e's first were distiibuted: Oldest Lady, RraughCarhise Ave.andM s. Er CoeH lle. n C. R. Spencer, who was aitip to bs native countiy in Effa Wiight, Oshawa; Oldest Mi-. and Mrs. George Brownfai.CoHiI former pastai- of St. John's 35 yeax-s. Wbile in IeadGnlmn ae md on im averetrnedî Mrs. Chai-les Wight, Town, Anglican Church here. they visited his two brothers, Wei-iy, Enniskillen; Youngest home after spendîng two'and ber grandson, Mi-. Dane, r.N Wolvan i-'sev'en sisters and a sister-in- Cbild, Jean Werry, Malton, 15 weksa ter otaeBr- ilisof oly odCai, L J. Goodman accompanied law. months, daughtei- of Mi-. and leîgh Falls.i were the scason's 999th andiMs aodSinr yoeGet fM.adMs Mrs. Boyd Wei-ry, who al- Mi-.~~~~~~~~~~ and Mrs.Tr- atr, OOhvstr tBwa-adM. and Mrs. Lai-ne Mc- Clifford Macklin, Marlene thougb seven years mari-ied Kim n d eo fe, hv -- il u o ept. 3. Co', Brooklin, to Toi-anto and Bai-iy, Flett Street, forr îe he prize for newly- undhoeafter an enjoy- Mi-. and Mns. George Gi-a-1anèl attended the golden: the holiday weekend were weds. Mr. and Mi-s. Haroid able week's holiday at Twelve bam and famlly spent the' wedding anniversary of Mi- Mrs. Pearl Hamilton, Deti-o:tTi-ebblc, Port Coîbai-ne, were Mile Lake.1 holiday weekend with his bro- l and Mrs. Sherman Osborne, Mich., Mi-. and Mrs. Mai-vin the couple fi-rn the fartbest M.and Mi.Ae ikjteM- n r.Toa Visitors civei- the holida'v Wagner, Douglas, Brian and distance. nd family, Beloil Station,lIGi-ahamn and family, Bitter' weekend with Mrs. An,.c Sherii Royal Oak Mich. and James Arthur Wei-ry, wno Montreal, visited ber pai-ents, Lake, in the Haliburton High- Wx-îght. Churcb Street, wnee Mis. Percy Macklin, Fenella celebrated his 9th birthday Mrfi. and Mrs. S. Scott, overilansi.and Ms. W.Aiai Others attending Sunday af- this summrndwo ast the holiday weekend. iMi-. and Mrs. -Rance Dilling; and famnily, Ottawa, Mi-. and ternoon for a family get-to- missed a picnic, reminisced Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Tara,; returned last Saturday by1 Mrs. Wayne Wrigbt and fam- gether were Mr-. and Mi-s. about the early days when it has returned to hei- home af-1 plane after spending a weekl ilY, Alliston, and Mrs. Bruce Alvin R. Joncs, Mr. and Mrs. took twa hours in a wag'n trsedingtwoweks wu in Vancouver, B.C., wbei-Lidster and family, Oshawa, Loi-ne Joncs, Port Hope, Mr. ta go fi-rn Solina ta the pic- ter spsening awo wes D. H hyateddte 'edn f and Mrs. Hector Jones, Ccci] nic held at the home of Rich- hersiterinlaw Ms. . . heyatendd he edi~i~o1 I-. and Mrs. Ward Hoff- Joncs, Cobourg, Ross Jones, ard Philp, Cadmus. He also Jamieson, Silveî- Street. 1 their daugbtei- Dona and Mr man, Andrea, Jimmy, Ward TntoMr.ad Mrs.Llerm brd inc hl Mr oadRbM.Wm.' Douglas Stickcls.aioa, ran i. y em bcdpcnc hed t Mi. onldRobMi .1I Jr. and Sally, Elwood City, Crossen, Baltimore, Mr. and the home of Albert Wrigbt Corden and daughtea-, Miss ACI Arnold Maguii-ei-e- Penn. wei-e weekend visitai-s Mrs. Bruce Joncs and daugh- and Thomas Werry. ýai-gai-et Corden, left Maltoni turas ta the air foi-ce station with Mrs. Hoffman's mnother,. ter Api-il of Oshawa. Atlg-r a edf-r Mrs. Ceo. W. James. Andrea A________________ fro remained here and will be- Mr. and Ms. Elton who wee P~LflCTI kl attending Ontario Ladies' Ca:- holidaying in Vancouver. r R FiF1l' ' C RS IA N - lega, Wbitby. .BASEi.i..>aHarvey Ycllowlees read the REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowrnanville Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone 623-5023 WORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 a.m. - Dutch 11:00 a.m. - English 7:30 p.m. - English Proclairning the Wbole Counsel of God "Back To God Hour" Broadcasis CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 p.m. every Sunday TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Minister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Sunday, September 8th 11:00 arn. - MORNING WORSHIP !The Man With a New Name" SUNDAY SCHOOL Junior, intermediate and Senior - 9:45 a.m. Priniary and Kindergarten - 11:20 a.m. Beginners - 11:00 aa.. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL EFFECTIV Recent visitai-s with M and Mrs. Gai-don C. Marit were Rev. and Mrs. Lloy Reaume, Smiths Falls, M: and Mrs. Albert E. Mellov Kingston, Rev. M. C. Fishe: Fenelon Falls, Mi-. and Mn Cyrîl Wright, Gaît, and M, and Mrs. Alvin Joncs, Poi Hope. Misses Cassie and Susi Cai-ey of Gooderham spent few days last weck with thei uncle and aunt, Mi-. and Mi- V. Snider and Brock, Braw Street. Mi-. and Mrs. Snide and son Brock wcre a13 gucsts of Mi-. and Mrs. Peacock, Gooderham, for few days. Mr-. Norman Caseyhas i-i ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister; Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mi-. M. Beatan, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. 9:50 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL Ail Classes Start Fail Terni 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP A Hearty Welcomc ta Al 0 !E ACTION WITH ALLAN BEER Du rham Deserves -A Member Who Is Free To Give Ful lime To the Requirements of Durham * He wilI give constant attention to the problems of his constituents. *He will make the needs of Durham known at Queen's Park. in Ontario's Ir. Mrs. Robert Lapumn and in Jackia, Paterborougb, were rd 1 recent luncheon guests of Mrs. Ir. K. C. Hopkins. W, Mi-s. Roy Matcalf attanded i-: Toi-anto Exhibition an Tues- rs day. Ted Bai-nes was there ar n Wednesday and the Cryder- ,tman family on Saturday. Mi-s. Harold Wilson, Osb- awa, is spending a faw weeks Jthe guest of Mi- and Mrs. a Cliffard Wilson. di- Mrs. Chai-les Pilch, Victor 7s and Vivian, spent the past n weak visiting ber parents Mr-. ei- and Mrs. Aithur Gibson. 30 Oui- sympathy is extended .ta Mrs. Grant Bennett in the a1055 sof bei- grandson. Mi-. Carl Gibson, Toronto. was a Labor Day weekend "guest of his cousins, Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson. kin's spent "thlngwekend' o- os a edi b the spirit of thosa pi-esenl with thain daugbter Mi-. and Harvey Jackson Memonial and it is hoped that mam- ýMrs. Kcnneth Hartlay and Park, Satu;day evenîng when moi-e wiîî be present al Ricky and Heather at Barrie. the Juvenile teami were the Blackstock In '64, especiallý Mr. and Mrs. A. Bannes, guests of bonor. the newlyweds. Already planE Grace and Ted matai-d ad A number fi-rnbhei-e have are baing made for the Cen. Mink Lake on Sunday and Mi- taken in tbe C.N.E. during this tennial in 1973. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp, wbo past week and bave enjoyed ________ hava been bolidaying there, the midway and the buildings retrnd hmewit tem. asSmpth3' is cxtended ta Mr-. PONTYPOOL Mi-. and Mi-s. W. H. Brown, John Stone and other relatives David, Don and Bob were Sat- on the passing of bis wifa, tbe The Orange Hall was fillec urday evening dinner guests former Winnîfi-ed Wannan, to oapacity on Saturday even- of Mi-. and Mrs. Ar-thur Gib- wbo was buried in Orono ing when friend.s and naigh.- son ta celebrate Mn. Gîbson's Saturday. bans gatbered for a pi-esenta« biithday. After nearly a montb's tion and dance held for Mi- 'Miss Mildred Vondracek en- idlenass for tbe Kendal team and Mrs. Lloyd Armnstrong tcrtainad saime friends and the O.B.A. Bantam playoff wbo wr -cnl are neighbours witb slides of bar senies started Saturday atter- Tbey were reented warih . recet tp t Czcbolovkianoon wben the Beatan Bantams cbestei-field, end tables anc on Saturday evaning at the visitad bai-e and ware defeat- lam.ps. Lunch was served a'I homc of ber parents Mn. and cd in a very close garne by a midnig'bt. Mrs. E. Vondracek. score of 8 ta 7 by the Kandal Mns. Lily Richardson spent Miss Eileen Vondracek spent lads. The second game was a few days visiting with Mr- -Labour Day weekend with played at Beeton, Monday, and Mrs. Howard MeMullen han parents Mn. and Mns. E. Sept. 2nd. Thene was nat at Lotus. Vondracck. On Monday, bath much chance to advertisa tha -Mn. and Mi-s. Fred Young- she and Mildrad returned ta garne as it was not known that man» and family spent the their positions in Bellaville. it was ta be played until the Labor Day weekcnd with fnl- Mn. Harvey Coombes, Osh- day before (Fniday). ends In London. ,awa, called on bis uncla and Cburch and Sunday Scbool Mi-. Elgin Budd of Simcae aunt Mi-. and Mrs. George wcre beld as usual Sunday visited oui- village this week- Coombs and Jack on Saturday morning with Rav. R. C. White end. evening. back in the pulpit. The lovely Oui- village seems deserted, basket of flowers wai-a in as all summer gusests have XT'Tr7!TT' memory of Mrs. John Stone,. ore p tersme WESLEYVILLE Miss Helen Boyd, Fred Boyd, bomad p thfir sumeri Dick Wilson, Fi-ad Wilson andihmsadlf o h i This week the 1963 flu tex-rn Jimmy Clancy attended the ci. adMs aaag r of sebool gets well away be- wedding of Maitan Mavin and aMn. aitn Mr. Cvanag i-.o ginning on Tuesday. The tea- Miss Audrey Woods in Tyrone aalsing wr ittgeirso *cher bei-e, Miss Russell, will Cburcb, Saturday afternoon. Mau. inousSi-tvila e trn 1 be staying in Port Hope and Gucsts with Miss Helen Mn. hossSitbaspni-n - Iwill meat lber classes ta find Boyd and Fred Boydf on Sun-_c hme ftrsndgtw about 20 pupils. Neil Groane- day ware Milton Bayd and weeks in Cobourg Hospital. veld, Donald Nichois, Cana- Bnian, Mi-. and Mi-s. Bill Pintas lina White will ba makîng the and family, Mn. and Mi-s. Paul first major milestone in ther Clancy and farnily of Ton- Zion(H p To nh ) 1 lives by starting school. Bai-iy to, and Mi-. and Mi-s. Jack (oeIWSIP Best is keen, too, ta get On Boyd and family of Wbitby. Congratulations ta Mns. W. 'witb this business of leann- Jimmy Clancy returned home J. McCullough wbo celebnated ing bow avenytbing goes and ta Toronto. ber birthday Monday, Aug. will be going witb Wesley ta Mi-. and Mi-s. Eddie Courox 26th. George Hamilton Scbool; Stan- and Lynn spent Sunday at Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Raby ley Parnell, Billia and Betty Cbemong Lake and with Mi-. and Kathy spant Sunday witb Harrison ta Pt. Britain; Wanda and Mrs. Alvin Lowes at Peter- relatives in Fanwick. and Gwen Ford ai-a starting borougb. Mi-. and Mi-s. Norman Gei-aw high scbool in Port Hope, Mi-. and Mrs. Clanence and David spent Sunday witb happy days for all of tham. Thertaîl attanded the wedding relatives in Wrellington. Steven Dinner suffared a of their napbaw, Wayne Then- Mn. Fred Raby was admit- painful injuny on Friday when tell (son of Hai-olâ Thertaîl) ted ta the Bawmanville Hos- ha faîl fi-rn a bicycle. A bro- and Jane Sutton at Sudbur-ypia onWdsay tab ken ai-m and eut on bis head last Saturday and spent an under obseervatio,ad e- gava bim two days in baspi- enjoyable weckand thene. udrosrain n e 'tai and we hope bis nepair Mr-. and Mrs. Herb Max-car cie tram.frsm f equipment will nat be too big are spending a few days witb tirne. a handicap in school. ber daughtar, Mi-s. George r. Turpin and Miss Ci-as- S Several fi-rn this commun- Alcorn in Toi-anto. tbwait, Port Hope, wera visit- ity attandad Ihe funeral 0.- Kenny Martinaîl is borne on lng Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cas- *Sunday atternoon of Mr-. E. leave fi-rn Petawawa witb Mi-. wall anc day last waek. 'Irwin wbose long, long spant and Mrs. Clarance Thertaîl be- Mn. Chas. Maneilley was of lite bas made bis name tam- foi-a leaving Sept. 17 to be: home from St. Thornas for the iliai- ta the whole district. stationad in Gerrnany. weekend. Thene wera 43 at Sundav Mi-. and Mi-s. Stan Tbartell1 Mn. and Mrs. Harold Cas- ,,School with Wanda Ford of Toronto were waekend1 well were visiting their dau- reading the seiptura. AI the guests witb Mn. and Mrs. Clan- ghtei- Mi-. and Mrs. Lucieni evening cbureh service Rav. ence Thertaîl wbo also attend- Lambear and family, near M. Freernan gave a report of cd Dacoration Day at Rose- Coîborne, on Monday. bhis week at Quin-Ma-Lac and neath Cernetery, Sunday after- Mn. and Mrs. Han-y Rabv, brougbt the inspiration of the noan. Stirling, attended the funeral activities there ta bis congre- Mrs. Grady Cox (Evalyn of the lata Mr. Fred Ougb on gation. The choir was back Gai-don) and family bave Wadnesday afternoon, and atter its short vacation fi-arn bougbt a bouse in Columbus wbile bai-e called on relatives 'weekly service ta the cbunch. and bava movad back ta Cana- at Port Hope and Zion. Wpekend visitai-s were: on da fi-rn Oxford, N.C., U.S. Mn. and Mrs. Chas.Rb, Sunday. Mn. and Mi-s. John- The beautiful big maples on Miss Hilda Raby, Mrs.,Chas sôn And family andMis ig the north side of Brimacombs Meneîllay and Mr-. and CMs. non'Maynard of Pearbarough Hill ara being eut down ta Rôbei-t Moi-ton of Zion at- witb Mx-. and Mi-s. Cari-ollMake way for the new noad tended the funeral of the late and ns.G. on-which is ta be constructed Mi-. Fred Ough held lait Wed- Nichais; Mr.adx-G o. thene. It seerms we cannot nesday atternoon, Aug. 28tb, ton of Onono; Mi-. and Mrs. have batha h JxadSit uea Chrvias.dPu. and Mrs. a un Visiting Sunday with Mn. Parlours, Port Hope. Stakvile an M. ad i-s ad Mns. Pency Burley wcre Morley Robinson and family Mrs D. Vannatto ànd Cecil cf ofNewtonville witb Mi-. and Bowmanvilla and on Labor S R IL 1Mi-s. H. Bai-iowclough: Mi-. Day, Mi-. and Mrs. John Bird S A K IL and Mrs. Ernest Cable Of and family and Bob Vannatto. M.adM-.Ca-i at i Rachester with Mn. and Mi- This district was visitad by M.ad rqChli ot Snell; Teddie Corby and Cathy a savane electnical storm Fi- Toronto, with Mrs. Stone. Munroe of Toronto witb Han- day aftarnoon witb a sti-eak of Mi-s. Llew Halloweil visited old Austin's, Mn. and Mi-s. bail nortb of the village that Mn. and Mrs. Don Hart, Ton- ~Pater Clarke, Pbillîp and darnaged soma of the tobacco enta, necently. Steven of Uttenson, witb Mi-. craps. Nad Foster bad ane Miss Betty Savery enter- and Mrs. C. Beigbton. small 5-acre field that was tie ag ru ff~ Gloria, Joan and Ruth Nich- badly darnaged. Sorna of the ends at a coi-n rnant necently. ohm spent a few days Of hast cnops at Castîcton are report- Mn. and Mns. Sid Hallowelh, waek with their gnandparents. ed ta be wiped eut. Nancy and Mi-s. Ross Hello- Mi-. and Mi-s. Shields in Pont Vsiig the Fostans on Sun- well left for Banff last week, Hope and o Thursdav wen ee Bernard Faster of and Genald wili retunn witrh ta Peterborough ta sea the ýOak Ridge, Tenu., and bis tharn, international show. son Mn. and Mi-s. B. B. Fauter Mn. an d Mrs. Orme Falls Friends in Part Bitain and wbo were an thein way back1 had Sunday dinner witb Mn. Waslayvilhe ai-e glad ta hear ta Montreal foirthe Faîl term. and Mns. Paul Burdett, Toi-- that Mi-s. G. Rock, wbo bas Tht garne at Beeton did not onto. bean iu Port Hope hospital foirgo se weil for the Bantama as Mi-. and Mi-s. J. Cromypton many waeks is well, and back tbey were defeatad 18 ta 5. and daugbters, Toronto, at at ber own home in Part Hope. Kendal hit tbe hall but it Mx-. Lloyd Hallowelh's lest Mrs. Cari-ail Nichais attend-, seerned ta go straight te a week. ed Part Hope United Cburchplayer's mitt. The third and Mrs. 1. Plurn, Toronto, spent on Sunday mai-ning, whene 'deciding gama is ta be pae the weekend et Mi-. &rthur se was guest soloit. ihers Saturday et 2:30. 1McKay'a.1 report of the nominating corn- mittee wihch was accepted as follows: Officers for Werry Family Reunion in 1964 - Past Presi- dent Ralpb Lai-mer, President Hai-vey McGill, lst Vice Pr- sident Merrill Van Camp, Treasurer Mrs. John Weri-y, Recox-ding Secretary M rs. Winnifi-ad Weri-y, Manage- ment Committea: Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Mi-. and Mi-s. Ted Wcrry, Mr-. and Mrs. Ronald Warry, Mi-. and Mrs. Percy Weri-y. Nominating Committce: Mi-. and Mrs. Perey Van Camp, Mi-. and Mrs. Dalton Dai-relI. Sparts: Mr-. and Mrs. Grant Wai-iy, Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. KENDAL well and family, Toronto, en-' Mr. n c oydhoan Mrt. er Hall- Te aadtnSatsmniEw ale, Sept. 4, sports Ye oe A E against other schools and ts Mr.e hondys. a wretheir um-.AL M tci ated i manyhespo i r. wand fMrl iie M. rhserLieeone n eBrlortnsile e b twoa m p ton ark iand Mrs. Clarence Allun andýwas in charge of Mr. Morrison. and hockey. i Wrry Keron Reepton family, Woodville. 'Regular church service next The election of officers was ri WrryKedon Rcepin Mr-. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- Sunday at 1:30 with Sunday held on Tuesday and are as tCommittee: Mr.' and Mrs.json and sons spent a couple School at 2:30. follows: President - George Geoge err, r. nd rs of days at Niagara Falls. Bs ihsfra sed e Leaver; Vice-President-Brian i ltn ery.Mi. ndMr. an fie1d fi-rn this dis-' covery to Mr- J. Hall, who il Blackburn; Secretary - Linda Ralph Lai-ner. frict attended the service forla patient in Memorial Hospital Allin; Asst. Secretary -Sally r It was decided to hold the Mrs. John Stone in Orono last following an operation. Prout;, Treas.-David Shackle. picnic on the third Saturday' week. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackle. ton; Asst. Treas.-Jim Burgess; in July in 1964 at the Armour- Miss C. Stewart, Miss Nor- ton, Eric and Ruth spent the Press Reporter-Brian Black- les, Blackstock, rain or shine. ma Hallowell and Mrs. Llew weekend at Niagara Falls. bun The Sports Committee un- Hallowell were dinner guests Mn. F. Blackburn and Mrs. burn. hoke ea wl der the direction oif the fam- with Mrs. A. Dobson lastIL. Welsh attended a shower Slmshce em wl ilies of Mr. and Mrs. Ross week. for Miss Lynda Rundie at the soon be in action sa come dowri home of Mrs. Reg. Burr, Court- and see us play. Also corne Lane and Mrs. Winnifred School opened Tuesdav with ice, îast Wednesday evening. and watch our basebail games 1Werry presented the follow- Miss Dale Imlach in 'charge Murray Twist spent some as everyone is welcome. .ing prizes: Girls, 13 to 15 and Mrs. Dobson again in nolidays at Mr. and Mrs. How- Boys, 13 to 1, e ny Wri gne h argea tCowanville. ard C y e ma ',Maple Grove. Boy, 1 to15,ken10Wito , Misses Norma and Beulah1 A number from here attend- Wesly LneGirl, 1 tO12,Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. Llew ed a coi-n roast at Mr. and Mrs. iC % lEày Barbai-a Wright, CarolWr alwlan Ji e 'l Herb Craig's, Yelverton, on i-y, Boys, 10 to 12, Johnny Goderich Iast week. Saturday night when several Lane, John Larmer; Girls, 7~ The two lovely baskets of birthdays were celebrated. n tm e to 9. Brenda Yellowlees, Jac- flowers at the morning ser- Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and Fer relief front queline Boulton; Boys, 7 to 9, vice at Shiloh last Sunday Murray, Mr. Ken Cryderman, baekate or thal David Lai-mer, Stanley Lane; were in memory of Mrs. Johnl Maple Gi-ove, in company with lired-out feeling Girls, 4 to 6, Brenda Boulton, Stone. Re,. R. C. White was Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist, 1 ~. depend on- Cindy Van Camp; Boys, 4 t O in charge again. Whitby, attended the 3rd An- 6, Paul Larmer, Dennis Yel - Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cornish' nual Reunion of the Ontario lowlees; 3 and under, Nancy and family visited her moth- Steam and Antique Preserversî1 Werry, Wayne Yellowlees; ci-, Mrs Victor Farrow. Association in Milton on Labor Wheelbarrow Race, Georgina Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little Day. and Gregory Boulton, David and Laurie, Campbellford, As the school termn started Lai-mer and Larry Werry: were Sunday visitors at Mr. its year of 1963-64, the Salem Ball Throw, men, Boyd Wer- Llew Hallowell's. Athletic Club continued for its ry; Girls' Shoe Sci-amble, Mr. Dan Shutka, Oshawa,,second consecutive year. Carol Werry, Sharon Lai-mer; visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Shut-' As you recaîl, Salem formed Boys' Shoe Sci-amble, Weslev ka.I this club last year and par- Lane, Wayne Wright, Ladies'___________________________________________ Shoe Kick, Aileen Van Camp, Sharon Larmer; Breaking Balloon, men, Leslie Wright; Newspaper Mix-up T e am, Ross Lane, Johnny Lane, Carol Werry, Ken Wright, Gregory Boulton; L a di es' Time Race, Ann Werry, Mrs. Boyd Werry. There was a peanut scram- ble for childi-en oif aIl ages. Merrili Van Camp won the prize for guessing the number iL e i' p ca a i of Smarties in a bottle. A bal m s W e ' p ca a ig game was enjoyed whileTIeeSE ALPI SedSpt7 others visited. TeeSEILP IE n et Some had to leave while others arrived, so that over one hundred sat down to sup- per. Mi-. Harold Trebble told o the înteresting time he and a e sp rnlo-59 looking up some of the Werry F A L e u u~' family who stili live there._ FLA *SH BU LBmÇ---"General Electrik" AC-l nor M2 1_1 0~ M - - -ý - m a *jas ]r it iy lit DETTOL SPRAY----------. 1.25 value 1.19 [y is 1- Ili Alberto 110.5----- Hair Spray with Shampoo 4.23 value2.69 1 LAVORIS Mouth Ws.--- 1.25 value 1.14 RESDAN Dandruff Lotion----1.50 value 1.29 PALMOLIVE Shave Creai-- 6 5e value 5 9C HALIBUT Liver Capsules.---- I.D.A. Brand 1.15 93c EXOR CIGARETT ES Buy By. 12's - compare at 51c 144C moiEx Feminine Napkins Bahroo TSUe 2 Twin3 for 8 9C COLGATE Dental Cream 1.09 value DYNACHRO>ME Colour Film 8mm. Movie Film or 35mm. 20 exposure .-. .302 9 LOSE WEIGHT a a THE EASY, DELICIOUS WAY!ý A MEAL IN ITSELF YET ONLY 200 1 pack 3 packs Calories N . 1.49 . 4.29.fflDliT BARt WEIGHT CONTROL PLAN ewtwo-layer tabet heps»e and Calm apset hierves. This effec- tive aclentifio formula containing 5 t11ne-teeý;ted intredlento gocesto WOrk clUickly to sipeed blessed relief from InervouBnes. When worc or 'wOrrynake you teel upset, nervous, Irritable, get on-the-spot relief wlth neW EEPÔZ tablets. This bene. ficial formula helps you relax - day and nlghtl Wby suifer an- other day? Ask your druggist for Epôznow- you'Il be glad anteed or your mfoney back. 32's - $2.98 , uî, Prescriptions 1 .D0.A. -Remedies Ailex. McGregor a DRUGS e, 5 King St. W. m Phono 623-5792 *He will ensure industrial growth. DurIîam's participation GO FOR WARD - M GO LIBERAL Durham Liberal Association J 9> r HEAR BRUCE BEER PariaentryAssstnt to the Federal Minster of Agriculture at ORONO MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1963, 8:00 P7.M. t, Beer, lion 1 X m la ýg J. a d tt tt r. n e e e r NOW

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