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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1963, p. 13

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vThe Orono1 Mrs. James E Richards'. 4 fMn. arold Barrowclough Mitchell, on Sunday. Wesleyville, Mn. and Mrs.! Mrs. Elsie Winton cf West . ge Morton visited Mr. Hill, widow af Mr. Harold and Mrs. A. A. Martin of Part Winton and mother of Mrs. Credit on Tuesday. Everette Couvier, passed away Miss Pearl O'Neil of Tor. on Satunday, Sept. 7th, in Onto has returned home after Memonial Hospital, Bowman- spending a week with Mrs ville, after a lengthy illness. Wmn. Seymour. Funeral was from The Ber- Mr. Bruce Chaproan, Mr. low Funeral Home on Tues- Chas. Creey, Mr. Bill Broome day. Rev. Basil Long officiet- and Mr. Gary Graydon of ed. Interment in Onono Cern- Toronto were weekend guests etery. of Mr..and Mrs. Orville Chat- Fair Day visitons of Mrs. terton.Wm. Mitchell wene Mn. Wm. tarton.Jordan o! Ajax, Mn. and Mns. Mri. D. G. Hoopen lu visit- George Mitchell and family big her nephew, Mr. Dean of Oshawa. Hodgson and Mns. Hodgson Mrs. Perc. Lunn is a patient hi Ajax.n . .--norial Hospital, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Rayrnondmenville. Lunin and Sandrea o Oshawa ý_in,,ratulations ta Mns. W. were supper guests of bis A. Gerny who celebnated bier prents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie 83rd birthday on Tuesday and Lunin. spent the day with ber sister, Rev. and Mn,. Basil E. Long Mrs. Herbert Layrnan, Bow- returned home lest week from manville, and ber guests Mr. Fenelon Fells whene they and Mns. Willand Layman of mpent their vacation Bradentoçi, Flonida. 1Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs Mrs. Orville Challice, Don- vislted Mii. Evelyn Hall at na, Donetta and Denise, Mrs. Everette Brownan Evye Cold Springs on Sunday. n'stedhefr Er' vaens Mrs. Oda G. Laing af Ton- Mn. and Mns. Harvey Aiken of onta spent the weekend wrth Mýillbrook, and their weekcnid Mns. W. A. Gerry. guest Miss Agnes Strickland The. Couples Club af Orono of Oshawa who sbowed slides United Church wifl hold a of her recent Mediterranean ern roast et Newcastle Beach Cruise. on Saturday evening Mn. Garnet Garnsby of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lantz o! Kingston and Toronto spent Toronto spent the weekend in the weekend with Mrs. Robent grolle.Allin and attended the Onono Mr. and Mns. Wilfond San- Fair. derson of Columbus, Mn. and Mrs. John H. Leslie of Pet- Mrs. Vern Katz, Beverley and erbonough is staying with ber RO) ofHunsvileMn. and mothen, Mns. Wm. Riddell. Mrs. Frank White ai Trenton, Ms ent erMs MISS Olive Moncief and Mn. Ruby Brunt of Newcastle witb Walr Moncief of Fraser- Mns. Manson Patton paid ie r. lodheir respects ta the late Mns. PeterMnbooydMo ncdie! o! osalin Garnsby Downing in )eterborough, Mon.ofad Mns.Toronto last Tuesday evening, were suppen guests o! Mn. and and arnong the friends and Mrs.Wm.Robnsonon airrelations who attended the Mny..W.RinnonFi funeral on Wednesday wene Day.Mn. G. M. Linton, Mn. and Sandra Lunn, Oshawa, spent Mrs. Jim Patterson o! Bow- the past week with hen grand- manville, Mn. and Mrs. Phul parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anchie Long and Mn. Jirn Garnsby a! Lunn. Oshawa, Mns. W. A. Gerry Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kitt- and Mrs. Kennetb Garnsby, mer and sons a! Lakeside and Rev. and Mrs. Basil Long. Visited ber mothen, Mns. Wm., Mn. Arthun McKay af Stark- HAMPTON Chunoh service M'as et 9:30 Jfnom the hospital and feeling &.m. Sunday rnorning with ber best. Rev. Perc.y Page neading thei Mrs. A. W. Prescott Is feel- scriptune lesson fnom Ma,-I ing much better fnomn her re- wat "A Home for Wang, " and Mn. and Mrs. George Yeo Ji rze on, "The Great Com- wene Sunday guests at Mr. elli land Mrs. Paul Vaneyk's, Ty- All Christian Education'none. CommIttees met this week ta Mn. and Mns. E. Bush and deterrnine plans for the com- daugh ten, Trenton, v is ite d Ing year. ýMns. W. Wilbur Sunday The Officiel Board of the1 Mr. and Mns. Ken Cavenly Hampton Charge wiîî meet in, attended the Damant-Stanley &ie Hamipton Church on Sun ýwedding on Satunday. -0eY, Septemnber 15, et 8 p.m. Mn. M. Siemon, Mn. and There are sevenal rnatters, Mns. Charlie Ganrard, Hay- thet wilî requine attention at don, Mn. and Mns. Russel thet time, so will those onGilbert, Mn. G. Maclean, thls Board please make an cf-: Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. C. fort ta corne.1 Siemnon were et Mrs. T. S. # -we arc sory ta ear that Mountjoy's. (r. Will Wilbur is a patienti Mrs. Tenny Webb and Wal- tthe Memoial Hospital. ter a! Orangeville, Mns. . J. t~Mrs. Ronald Luke attendedi Hooker, Kinsale, Mns. K. Bih- a bridal sbowen et Mns! lett, Bowmanville, and Mrs. J. George Werden's, Kedran, in!Macnab and Gond. were Fni- honour ai ber sisten, Miss [day dinner guests of Mns. S. Cheryl Howes, lest Satunday, Balson. Mn. and Mrs. S. Vincent; Thene was a lange cornn and Mns. G. Vincent, Courtice, roast et Mn. and Mns. A. Ran- visited Mn. and Mns. George dle's Satunday evening ta Armnour recentîy. mark the closing o! the foot- Miss Faye Smith, Burling - , bail season. ton, vlsited Mrs. A. E. Billett Mn. and Mrs. R. Ballard ah- recently. s0 ententained 40 guests Set- Mr. and Mns. Hanry Apple- urdav evening ta a corn noast ton, Whitby, wene guests o! and hayride. Mn. and Mrs. R. Ballard andý Mrs. AImer Trimble, Base girlLlÀver the weekend. LUne, spent the Weekend wlth IJF'~ and Mrs. J. Kcsslen, Mrs. iddery. Toronto, vislted Mn. A. W. Recent callens et Mrs. Nid- Prescott over the weekond. dery's and Miss Mary Nid- Many nesidents o! the com- derv's were Mn. and Mrs. mnunity attended the decora- Johns ton, Owen Sound, Mn. tion day services et Bethesda and Mrs. E. Eldride and dau- en Sunday. ghter, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mn. and Mns. W. Harrison Mrs. J. R. Medcalie and chil- and Kim, Coiborne, were! dren, Mn and Mns. Bill Win- IMs ts at Mn. and Mns. Gil-i nicombe, Oshawa. Eert Adcock's on Sund-ay. We wish Mr. Bert Stevens Mr. and Mns. Gllant, Ron- ,hearty congratulations on bis nie and nephew were recent 85th birthdav which he cele- callers et Mn. and Mdrs. G.ibrated on Mondav. Sept. 9th, Adcock's. ahong witb thein 60th wedding! for a Come-mAs mYou mAre PARTY MEMORIAL PARK CLUBHOUSE Out-door * Square Dancins - efreshmente Meet .e0 e Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carruthers Your Progressive Candidate for Durham D.wmaafflel Progressive Conservative AmestOiB* !ock: 'Unit FOUr wau at the and Unit Six was at the home N ew s "Mr RusseÏl George Carr of îPot Hpehusband of Mrs.1 IVerabelHarper Carr, father Editorof Mrs. Ron West of Orona, passed away at the Port Hope Hospital, Sept. 3rd, 1963. ville, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Funeral was on Friday. In- Harris and iamily, Mr. and terment in Union Cemetery, Mrs. Bob Morton and fami*1 Port Hope. were ~ ~ ~ ln suprget arDy Dr. Ross S. Lang, Chicago, of Mn. and Mrs. George Mor- 1iiighssitr r.J ton. Noden,arnd other relatives Four Units held their Sep- Mrs. Ivan Farrow with Mrs.1 tember meetings on Tuesday: J. Pethick and Mr. Rex Sher-« Unit Three was at the home ell, Detroit, have retunned of Mrs. Chas. Tynrell in thehome from a week's motor -îfternoon; Unit One was at;tnip in the Province of Que-i the home of Mrs. Ulmont BulJ bec.Il SOL Reverend Page was back in the pulpit agam aon Sunday, following a pleasant vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor fav- ored with a vocal duet, "My Prayer". Rally Day Service at Eldad will be held on Setpember 29. The Women's Institute will meet on Thunsday night, Sep- tember 12. et 8:15 o'clack. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grills, Valentia, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and sans. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- lowlees attended a corn roasti et Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bal-1 lard's, Hampton, on Saturdayl INA inight. Mrs. J. Grills, Valentia, was a Sunday visitar with Mrs. J. Yellowlees and Miss Gladys iYellowlees. Mr. Charles Allin, Bow- 1rnpnvile, and Miss Nan Allin, Toronto, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yel- lowlees and sans. Mns. Mabel Westley, Bal- mertown, is visiting ber sis- ten, Mns. J. Yellowlees, and Miss Gladys Yellovwles. A numben from here et- tended Orona Fair on Fridey and Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bruce. '1¶nk and fainily. The Canadian Statesma, EoSm MIss Dianne Tink entered Oshawa General Hospital as a and family, Mr. and Mrs. nunse-in-training on Monday. Bruce Montgomery attended On Fridey night sevenal girl a Montgomery family picnic friends gathered et ber home et Danlington Provincial Park ta spend a social evening and on Sunday. they presented her with per- Mr. and Mrs. Carmean West- sonel giits. Mrs. Pency Dew- lake and children, Oshawa, ell, Hampton, entertained re-1 'stdM.adMs rn latives at a party in Dianne'sstled r. and familyrand honor on Sunday evening Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. when she was presented with M .a d M s l y ron M prad Mrs. BynCak and sans visited on Sunday Mr. nd rs. rya Crokwith Mn. and Mrs. Will Ash-' Bloomfield, visited Mr. and ton a esr Mrs.WesHill an famly. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hacka- Linda visited Mr. and Mrs. N. day spent the weekend with Leach, Taunton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellow- Mn. 'and Mrs. Hanry Grooms, lees, Ottawa. Toronto, were Sunday tea Mr. and Mii. Bruce Taylor guests with the Werry's. W. have Philo dendon Cordatum a hardy attaictive trolph,,?n PUMr s TOILET TISSUE Facial Tissu. Manvtfle, &-Pt 1l,1lm 3f«,1.00 Reg. Price pkg 27c-SAVE Sc 2 pkos ofrh497C Reg. Price 2 pkgs 59c-SAV! I10c SCOTTIES 3 of4079C Scott, Cut Rite WAX PAPER Cooks ln 7 Minutes KRAFT DINNER SPECIAL 1 10-foot r2l 9 Reg. Prie. 4 pkgs 55c-SAV! d& 4 pkgs 4 9c 13: Mrs. Gertie Ferguson Oazh- awa, spent the weekenâ with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont. gomery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Freitag and sons, Oshawa, vWated on, Sunday with Mr. and Mm ILE Cryderinan. Mn. and Mrs. J. Loger and children, Oshawa, were &mn. day guests of Mr. and Mrà. Ross Cryderman and children. GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCE throuth STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Telephone 623-3303 r1- - YOU JUST CANr SEAT THIS C JUICY APPLES AND A MELT- - TRY ONE TODAYI JNE PARKER Rsg. Pries 40@ - SAVE 10o Jane Parker Reg. Prie* 3%o-SAVE 10e SPANISH BAR CAKE each29c Jan* Parker Reg. Pric. loaf 22e-4AVE 7* BREAD CRACKED wHEAT 2 24-oz lonves 3 7c Jan* Parker, Raisin Twist Rea. Pries 49*-SAVE 10e COFFEE CAKE each 3 9c L-D. Smith'& Purs Strawberry Ja. 9-oz jar 3 5 Seshivs CORN SYRUP 1 kIF 1 2-lb fin t 5 Quick or Instant QUAKER OATS large sie box45c Catelli (Ready Cut Macaroni, Long Macaroni, Long Spaghetti, Alphabets) MACARONI & SPAGHETTI 2 16-or plcgs 3 9C Monarch Pouch Pack (10 Varisties> CAKE MIXES 2 10-or pkgs 35 c Detergent Reg. Prioes OS-SAVE AN EXTRA 4@ SURF (18e OFF DEAL) client ire box 5 9c Carnation Reg. Pries 3 tins So-SAVE Se EVAP. MILK 4 16-f-ortfins 59C Betty Crocker Reg. Pries pkg 45o-SAVE 'Ils CAKE MIXES 219-or pkgs 79e Ann Page Reg. Pries 35o-.-SAVE 6s SALAD DRESSING 16-ozia29< Ion& (COleur and Pectin Added> Reg. Prie. 51o--SAVE 0* CHERRY JAM 24.f-z ar45c Gattuso Reg. Pries $2.51-8AVE DUs VEGETABLE OIL 128-o tin.69 Ail Popular Brandt CIGARETTES dH,,IYiesçpUflI Pokiaç a.sa C ude HICEQULITY IMpORTED LAOMBSA ctnf 200.3.09 LOINS LEGS MHORT CUT SHAt4K "1CANADAOS FINEST RIB super.Right, Counltry Style, AlilMeat, Purs l PORK SAUSAGEIb57C Choice Quaiity, sliced b 3 pORK LIVER I33 Mapis Leafi Smnoked 9 9 WIENERS 9 HesAiDDOCK, FILLETS 1.b pkg 43 c e GROUNID CHUCK NEW LOW., LOW PRICES TOOTH PASTE Spsedy Relief From Upsst Stomaeh ALKA SELTZER economy sire tube 9 9< bil of 8 tableîs 3 5 c ENO FRUIT SALTS large izo btî 99e Faut Three-Way Pain Relleve, ofso 0 ali 5 ANACIN bOUttieo f 30 tableiff 5 - FLANK ON SH4ORT o r 5 c -ROSS CUT l ClhoiCe, Qtality BEEF HEARTS tb35 9 Burns Sliced b 9 BEEF BOLOGNA b9 #Aligood - rmoked, Sliced, Rtindless lS k SIDE BACON bpgl Cooked & Breaded rlsd r S S MELTS lials r.il. 3 5 euOICI SHIOW.DEIR CUTI lb I FROZEN FOOD FEATURES A&P Fancy Slijcd Reg. Prias ph. 37c-SAVE Se STRAWBERRIES 2 15-oz pkgs 6 9g Chicken, Turkey or Beef Reg. Prias 3 for 71o-SAVE 10@ YORK MEAT PIES 38-cz pkgs 69c Dragon Cantonsse Chioken or Chinoe Shrimp Reg. Price 6go-SAVE 10 CHINESE DINNER 1oz pkg 59< Red Noss, TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE Dessert Topping DREAM WHIP 2-orpkg29c pkilof 6079c SPECIAL i 4-o pkg 49e ALL PRîCES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGM SATURDAV, SEPTEMBER l4th. 1908 h W. FRESIF RUITS 8 VECETAILES NIAGARA GROWN, GENUINE FJNEST FOR PRESERVING, NO. PRUNE PLUMS ITALIAN FREESTONE, 1 GRADE 6-quart basket Seedl..s, California, Large, Teuly Berri.., No. 1 Grade GRAPES rd l9c *raxiiian, Swsst and Full of Juie, Ne. 1 $raue 1NAVEL ORANGES New Crop, Ontario Grown, Finsst for RatIng, Paene>' Grade NEC 7 8-lb asle McINTOSH APPLESbw @k'9c as359 Frmsh, Groon, Firm, Ne. 1 Grade BRUSSELS SPROUTS Nsw Crop, Virginie, Washad end Brushsd, Ne. 1 Brade SWEET POMMTES 3lbeeCao bug 499 quart box 25< 3n»29« Ontario Grown, Tabls Stock, Fluffy White Cookesu, Ne. 1 Or"*s POMMTES la-b b@0 3 9C M so il1.9 Visit Our Flower Depurtment QUAUTfY REJ) BRAND 51ER BEEF" ROAST c xgrds 0 1 ý 1 9 OMM 1 RE

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