1t p evieéws Aduit Swlnining Classes Ithe Bowmanville Town Hall. 'Registration for the Aduit This group meets each Mon- Ëlwirnming Clases wihil be field day at the Bowmanville Town k_. the Lions Commuity en Hall at 8:00 p.m.. under the + on Tuesday October lsT., direction of Mr. Hugh Martin. 7:30 ta 9:30 i M.Ail interested singera are yuaeinterested in a-ecme to attend. The So- 61nding the Aduit Swimming ciety is in the process of cast-I '5essons be sure to register nt îng for Gilbert and Sullivan's' Mte Lions Centre. Registra- "Mikado", which will be pre- Vtns wîll be taken on a first sented next spring. eÔme flrst serve basis. Dancing Leasmn -A full series of instruction Classes will be held on vWill be held from the Learn Wednesday aftennoons and to Swim level up to the Saturday mornings at the Ptoyal Lite Saving Socxety Lions Comrnmunity Centre. The Awards. Classes will be un- Wednesday class is under the der the direction of Mr. W.i direction of Miss Irenie Har- 'Mill" Bagneli, with classes vey and the Saturday class is schéduled ta get underway on instructed by Mrs. Shirley Truesday, October 8th, at 7:00!iFowler. p.m.1 There is instruction for bal- There will be a few open-ilet, tap dancing and baton ings for teenagers, sixteen'ý twirling. For further infor- and aver who hold their In- mation call the Recreation termediate Red Cross award, Office at 623-3379, Ext. 6. and who are interested in Square Dancing becarning Water Safety mn-1 There are still a number of! structors of the future. openings in the beginnersi Thé fee for swimrniîng les-:sur dancing casshl sons will be $300 for Bo suar te Los classiy es el anaixville residents and $4.0,te LosCrmuiyCn for non-residents for a ten' The class meet every Wed- week course. ýnesday, betinning at 8:15 pa. BowmanviIle Choral Society and are under the direction of The Bowmanville Choral Mr. "Bill" Carey. The first Society got their season un-t lass will be held to-night, derway on September 9th at September 18th, at the Lions Bowmanville Golf & Curling Club FOUR EXCELLENT SHEETS 0F ICE MEMBERSHIP FEES SENIOR MEN - - - - -$55.0 LADIES - 4 Afternoons - 2.4 p.m. - . ... $35-00 BUSINESS GIRLS - Wednesday Nigbts - 9 - il p.m. STUDENTS - Boys and Girls - 2 Afternoons Monday - Tuesday - 4:30 - 6:30 --- 25c per night *Schedules Start Nov. 4th - FREE INSTRUCTION OCTOBER 28th thru NOVEMBER lst Inquiries may be made nt the clubhouse or - JLander, Phone 623-5774 Not Just GOOD Government But BETTER... IN DURHAM VOTE HAtROLD ASHTON X NEW DEMOCRAT Veteran Overseas World War 2 Radar Engineer Graduate Business Administration, 1946 ADMINISTRATIVE Municipal Experience as well as Council. HE"'SFFERS . Medicare NOT Semicare Lower Auto Insurance Rates Better Communities for Better Living Labour Laws NOT Labour Loîva Fanms NOT Fields Lower Property Taxes An Open Door to Education THIS TIME ON SEPTEMBER 25th Vote for a PROGRAM- Not a Picture Durham Riding New Demorcatic Party Your Authorized SMcGREGOR HI 95 KING BOWMAI PHONE1 FOR M POWEI PERFOR ihoot Remington "E sext tino yod te glad yeu did! " NO POWER LOSt " PERFECT POWER " GUARANTEED TO " NO SCUFFINS O0 " PERFECT IGNITIO Availe&bit ln ai 12 ftemington 1'.Expres . . . priced the base paper shails, 0<ig 99effl hgs .1111u AM. l 14a $25.00 Wl ns Tropby at Port Hope Fair Edward Dunn represented the Ch auffeurs' Club of Bowmanville at Port Hope Fair on Saturday and came away with this huge trophy. There were four entries in the roadea, a test of driving skills. The Ramrods from Port Hope, the Downshifters of Cobourg, and the Peterborough Dusters had drivers in the competition, and there were three independent judges including Magis- trate -R. B. Baxter. Ed. is shown here with the award that will grace the club- house of the Chauffeurs' Club. Hits Jack Pot on Last Day Stewart Preston, one of Robson Motors sales staff, was even happier on Sunday than if he had sold a new 1964 Buick. He caught the biggest speckled trout pulled out of J. K. Graham's pond this season. To make matters even better, it was the last day of trout season. The trout weighed two and three- quarter pounds and was 15«14 inches long. The pond is located north of Haydon and is "Private". Centre. If you are interestcd In at tending these classes get i toueh with Mr. Stan Norrish creation Office at 623-3379, Ext. No. 6. (No dancing Wed. Sept. 25). A Men's Basketbali Ifayg arTow n ege skcinh itb y paig ow r nerc Bst-i bail please get in touch with Mr. Ted Dadson at 623-2972, Tremendous crowds have or contact the Recreation Of- been taking evcry seat and fice at 623-3379, Ext. 6. nearly ail the standing roomn The league is scheduhed to get underxvay on Tuesday, and lth. October lSth, at the Bowman- We are in need of coaches ville High School. and managers for the minor If you are interested please hockey teams. If you are in- Jet us know by September terested in helping the young- 30th at the latest. sters learn the fundamentals Minor Hockey of hockcy cahi the Rccrealion Minor Hockey 'Player's Cer- Office at 623-3379, Ext. 6. tificates will be avaîlable The first practice sessions early next week. Ahi appli- wihl be held on Saturday, cations must be returned to November 2nd. We hope te the Recreation Office in the hold a coaches clinic on Sat- Lions Centre on October 15th urday, October 26th. - -V IrvIv - - - - v Remington Dealer tRDWARE Ltd. -ST. W. NMILLE 623-5211 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN 4 R AND IN THE WORLD RMANC E * UP TO 550,, LESS KICK ~Ma ESUPREME DEPENDABILIT- eIONG-LIFE - tests prove4 up to 7 times longer e CUSTOM CHECKERING is ff fne ined, uniform,4 xpress" Plastie sheila good-Iooking 1huntîng. Yeu'iI b. e BIG 5-SHOT CAPACITY e RK-W DU PONT WOOD 4 FINISH is tough, hard, RSEALINC scratch and weather4 FIT YOUR CHAMB[R resistant IR SPLTTIN&* NEEDS NO AJUSTMENT- R ITN I shoots high base, Iow base, 2.1 adN gtt 23/" magnums es. hih6& m od al e ALSO AVAILABLE in aras ' h ;gh.b laamagnum model chambered 4 samoas ay hî~i.for 3" magnum shelis rIÇi1~fhI~'hRemingtion Gumi or@ boit., bec. us LU S. ~O OS b? h.>", mode boiter Packs Arena at Whitby Arena as Oshawa 1Green Gaeîs and defcnding tchampion Victoria Shamrocks batthe for the Minto Cup, ern- blematic of Canadian Junior Lacrosse supremacy. Prior to last Monday this reporter had neyer seen a la- crosse game, but we haven't 3 missed any of the finals. The 1reception following the open- er cnabled us ta pick up a few *pointers from the other press representatives and lacrosse officials who were present. We would compare the sport to a combination of hockey *and baskctball. There are no off-sides and it sure is rough. Huntsville, a real hot-bcd of lacrosse, has eight players on the Gaehs' roster, and many of their fans have been mak- ing the long journcy to see the games. They have nothing I but praise for coach Jim I Bishop, who we were told 'Iwas responsible for putting lacrosse sticks in the hands of Uof our players." Jim, a top coach for 17 years, has donc a remarkable job in guiding Oshawa to a berth in the Dominion final, and it looks ike he's putting lacrosse over big in the motor city. Aone game we encounter- e d Doug Shirk, who was one of Bowmanvîhle's top youngi bowlers. After Oshawa won the first1 game we figu.red the western-, ers wouhd improve with rest.' They didn't reach Oshawa un- til 5:20 p.m. for the 8:30 game. Then in the second, the Gacis werc in complete command with a fast-moving attack and we assumed it would be ovcr in four straight. Then Victoria wvon on a lastî 'minute goal as they showed the pace every time they gotj the bail. Monday night the Shamrocks looked really im- pressive as they rebounded fromn a 3-0 first period deficitý ta win 9-6. The leader was'! East Indian Ranjet Dillon, ai real speedster who counted1 three last period goals. He i and his brother Nirmal, a pair, of little guys, are taking a' real pounding, but they are! simply amazing. 1 The goal-tending on bathi clubs has been outstanding and our picks as the ones to1 watch are Bill Munroe andý Mike Rambcrg of B.C., and! John McAuley, John Davis and Tom Conlin of the Giaels.1 Rlght now the Shaniocha show weli au the experience l fTe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvifle, Sept. 18, 1083 cornes through, while QOshawaL dy .u rlers was quite disorganized ji h tme 6h ih1 im o hscmn esn last half of Monday's tilj fl E ber presen16mený ort i Sh ldcurin g wl]!on scoring only once. However, r repare FrersAilphses f usnssweeSaifoheldieurlngVMbe knowing Jim Bishop, thne, Aischsses aofwllbeibrought e Gaels aren't Out of it yet, but C tithemme rshd ip Octob rt forthladies_______ e we re'tevn gin t a- B us S ea son 23rd, at 8 P.m., ini the lounge tut redicsoti o -ni.t at Southview. Lçtters will go On an average day the Geai. Futueames go to-, ndifht The first meeting of the Out. toalal last yetrs aiembers eral Motors plant at Oshawa enesay), urday i, a i16-4 uctv f h a rging ail to attend this unloads 150 highway transportg esa ry:3 Sm.aturdaty rnta. i 1 .es rti eofte ameeting. and 45 raiiway cars represent- at~~~~~~~~ 8:0pm tWib rn.de uling Club met at the' It is hoped thatanoen-ng ,0,00pud ofna Tickets are available fromlhome of the president, M&s. teetdii uln i onten is for building crs o a. the Arena and Hotel GenoshR. K. N. Morris, Monday, Sep- hand ta learn what la lin store trucks. 8 kow 3 28-fl- oz tins Reg. Price 1000 tin 37c 1 SA ME lc CASE 0F 24 TINS $8.00 - SAVE 88c HENLEY CHOICE QUALITV Case of 24 tins $7.08-BAVE 84. Reg. Un 33e-BSAVE 7o FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 200oz ns5 9c ROSE BRAND, COLOURED Reg. Price 4-lbs 96e-BAVE 6e MARGARINE 4 1lb pkgs 9c BETTY CROCKER Reg. PrIe. pkg 3le-BSAVE 17o PIE CRUST MIX 3 8-oz pki.OO00 - A &P Hon dies OâIy Meuts Purchused Froma federally Inspected Pucking flouses CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF BEEF RIB ROAST SHORT OR CROSS CUT AND MACARONI c&EEsE LOA F ROASTS SHOULDER ROAST IDEAL POT ROAST, ROUND BONI. Super-Right 6-oz pkg 2 3 Vac Pac 23 MEATY CHOICE QUALITV, BONELESS BLADE STEAKS ib59c BEEF TONGUES ib49c CENTRE CUT, LOIN CHOICE QUALITY, SLICED, SKINLES PORK CHOPS ib69c BEEF LIVER tb39c CHOICE QUALITV ALLGOOD - SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLES CHICKEN Giblets b29c SIDE BACON ý,-bpkg67c Your Dollar Buys More ci A&P TRY IT WITH FRESH FRUIT OR ICE CREAM JANE PARKER LARGE CAKE Reg. Prie *&ch 59o - SAVE 149 (4o Off DeaI> Re. Prie 2 tins 51oc-SAVE AN EXTRA 2c ,AJAX (LEANSER 2 gant sze ns491 Shirriff's Lushus (Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Pinoupple, Raspberry or Strawberry) Reg. Prie 3 pkgs 35--SAVE Se JELLY POWDERS 3 3-zpks32C Lancia Macaroni or Reg. Prie. pkg 41ol-4AV o SPAGHETTI ASSORTED VARIETIES 2-lb pkg 3 7C Gattuta Reg. Price tin *2.59-BSAVE %W. VEGETABLE OIL 128.foz tin.69 Geisha, Bauid Faney White Ment Reg. Prie*stin 4lo-BSAVE 0* TUNA FUSH 7-ozn 35Sc GoId Standard Boekeye SPECIALI SALMON Yoti49 Jans Parker Plain Reg. Prie@ loaf 27-BAVE Ilie RAISIN BREAD 2 1&ozoaèvs 43C AMIfIA~No. j Grade 5lbcello bg29e Ail Pricea ln This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, September 21t,1903 fIecrea tion JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE large 24-oz pie 3C Reg. Prie. @&ch 49o-SAVE 10e I THE NEW §eREMINOTON SPUMP ACTION MSHOTGUN il, 16 20 GAUGSE PI> PI> PI> PI> PI> PI> PI> PI> PI> PI> PI> PI> hh - ý& ÀL ÀL Aý 1 1 6- q