Kirby Repeats Tug - of - War Win at Orono Fair Trhe Canadlian StatAsman, Bowmanville, Sept. 18, 1983 NEEDLEWORK Robin Rood pee!a! - W1ilt@! cil Appl!e Pl@,j W. a. lst 2ncI 3rd Bread, Mrs, W. Cobbledick.ýHoar. Mrs. M. Jefferies, Mms ýrce Chant. 6 4 1 Mrs. C. Tamblmn:C1over Lepf E. Stapleton: Layer Cake. Mr& Buns. Mrq. C. Tamblyn, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. E. Stapleton. *Patterson.. 4 2 2 S. Moore. i Bowmanville Locker Spe. Walker ..... 1 Fleischman's Yeast Special - cia], for mnost worthy entries R.B Hoar.. 2 White Bread. Mr. J. W. Bur- lst, Mrs. S. Moore; 2nd, Mrs, ,nne Werry.. 7 5 2 ridge. Mrs. W. Cobblcdjck, MI. Cobbledick. Prout ....... 2 2 Mrs. C. Billings: B3rown Brcad, Magie Baking PowderS Scmdý~Mrs. C. Tanblv n' Mrs. W. cial - lst, Mrs. S. Moore: 29 Schmd ... 4 1 lCobb]edick: Milk- Roîls. MNrs. Mrs. A. Walker: 3rd. Mrs, R. D. Morton 1 3 W. Cobbledick, Mrs. C. Tarnb- Chapmnan. *Killeen 2 v:Cnao nMr.S Simpsn Sears Award for R. utam 3 Moore. Mrs. Audrecv Walker, most points in Needlework E. Bryan 6 3 Mrs. W. Cobbedick. and Domestie Science - Mrs. E. Byant 6 1 l'Dorncstic Shni-renînr Spe- Sandv Moore. Port Perry. - Coates ...... il 9 3 - Mrs Gr ¶Mrs. L. Mrs. J. Mrs. W. Miss Ar .Mrs. E. Mrs. E. Mrs. R. MrsM. Mrs. G. Mrs. L. *Mrs. M Mrs S. Mrs. V. M rs. G. Mrs. W. Mrs. E. Mrs. St. 'Mrs. R. Mrs. F. Mrs. M. 1 4 10) 3 12 2 2' does ià earn its keep ? .Most profitable farm tool I own!., Speclals: Competition for the tug-of-war trophy was assisted by Warden Earl Walkey and Darlington Reeve struggle. Newcastle Lions downed Solina and Oronoï exccptionally keen at Orono Fair on Friday, Sept. 6th,' A. L. Blanchard. Ed. is in lower photo in a posterior also defeated Solina who were quite content to have with Kirby repeating an earlier win over ail corners. view and the Kirby teamn is at top during the first "Newcastle andi Kirby pull In the finals. Ed. Youngmran, Statesmnan columnist, was in charge, match when they outhauled Enniskillen after alengthy r...,. J. Brooks; Six plia film con- D. Brent, G. Hi]], R. Sadier. mu rS tainers Melba, E. Cobbedick;. ois OronoglePonyIn hResuitun O r n a r R s ls Six plio film containers Duch- igePn nhres n ess, E. Cobbledick; Six plijo der 12 hands, C. Vernon, R. FRUIT Squair E. Cobbiedick; Bald- fl containers Scarlet Pip- Cochrane, G. Hill, G. Hill; Apples. vin, 5 apples L. Squair, W pin, E. Cobbledick; Six plio Best Pony under saddle, un- six varieties, five of each'Farrow E. Cobbledîck; Green- film containers MeIntosh, H. der 12!2 hands, boy or girl 12 kind, R. OsborneR. Kent, ngs, 5 apples, Don Staples, J. Brooks, E. Cobbledick; One vrs. or under, L. Atchison, D. Don Staples; Duchess, 6 qt W. Farrow, Talman Sweets, 5 6 qt. basket Clapps Pears, E. Brent, Carol Lovekin, L. At- basket, E. Cobbledick; Grav- apples, Don Staples, R. O$ ,Cobbledick, Hi. Jose; One 6 qt.Ichison, G. Hi]], J. Guest; Best enstein, 6 qt. basket, H . j. borne, L. Squair. Ibasket Bartlett Pears, H. Jose, Pony under saddle, over 121,2 B3rooks, L. Squair; Melba, 6.Pears: E. Cobbledick. hands, boy or girl 15 yrs. or qt. basket, R. Osborne, E. Cob-! Six Varieties 4 of each HEAVY HORiEs under, G. Hill; Team of Pon- bledick, J. H. Jose; Duchess,'kn LSuarFie aret les, Linder 121 hands, R. 5 ppes Dn tplsE.Co-Don Staples, R. Osborne, L. 'ans ls:Cochrane, G. Hill, G. Hi]]; bledick; Melba, 5 apples, R. Squair; Five Sheldon. R. Os- Clvdesda]e Teami, C ha s., Single Pony in harness, over Osborne, Don Staples, L. borne, L. Squair; Five Fleni- Hallidayl, Chas. Halliday, He-ý 12!!2 hands, C. Vernon, G. Hill, Squair; Alexander, L. Squair, ish Beauty, C. TamblYn, H.ý ber Down, S. Dawson; Perch' Ivan Cochrane, R. Saddler; C. Tamblyn, E. Cobbledick: Jose. Five Buerre Rose, C. eron Team, V. Cookson,1Team of Ponies in harness, St. Lawrence, 5 apples, Don Kent, L. Squair; Five Clapps Clarke Trent, V. Cookson; over 112'2 hands, R. Sadd]er, Staples, C. Tambl - n, E. Cob- Favorite, C. Kent, R. Osborne, Belgian Team, Verdin Mark,! R. Cochrane, C. Vernon, G. bledick; Grevenstein, 5 apples, C. Tamblyn. L. Bennett, L. Bennett, C., Hili: Mare and Foal, G. Hil], L. Squair, H. J. Brooks, Don plums: ýBuckleyv: Wagon Teami, Alvin D. Brent, G. Hll, G. Hi]], R.ý Staples; WealthY, 5 apples, Mark. C. Buckiev; Sin g] e'Cochrane. R. Osborne, C. Kent, J 'wI Ten Bradshaw, H. Jase, C., Wagon Horse, Alvin Mark,i Saddle Horses: 13oyd; Snow, 5 apples, J. M,. Tamblyn, Ten Burbank, H. Alvin Mark, C. Bucklev; Best Best Saddle Horse, English Bayd, L. Squair, H. J. Brooks; Jose;, Ten Reinclaude, H. Jase; 4 Horse Hitch, C. Hallida, j Ilsadd]e, Anne Mitchell, D. Melntosh, C. Tamblvn Ten Prune Plums, H. Jose, Down, S. R. Dawson, Ve rd:nBet .Achsn .Fit Squair, J. W. Boyd; Scarléet W. Farrow, C. Tambl "yn. Mark. 'C. McKenzie; Best Saddl1e Pippin. 5 apples, R. Osborne,.Commercial Feature - ApPles: Ileai'y Horse Stake: ýHorse, Western saddle, Skip Dan Staples. E. Cobbledick;' Five 6 qt. baskets Melba. lst prize, V. Cookson: 2nd, Ambrose, W. Charlton, Linda' 13axter, 5 apples, R. Osborne, E. Cobbledick, H. Jase; Five C. Haltida * : 3rd, S. Dawson;ILuke, E. Burton, Pat Holmes, E. Cobbledick; Wolfe River, 6 qt. baskets Duchess, E. Cob-14th, Heber Down; 5th, L. Ben- Best Parade Turnout under . . Doan Staples, L. Squair, E. bledick; Five 6 cil. baskets nett: 6th, Verdin Mar-k: 7th, saddle, Anne Mitchell, D.1 Cobbledick; Blenheim Pippin, McIntosh. W. Farrow, E. Cob- Alvin Mark; 8th, C. Buckley.11Brent, L. Atchison, L. Atchi-1 li apples, Don Staples, C. Kent, bledick, H. J. Brooks: Five Clydesdale: son, W. Charlton. Crab Apples, 12, J. W. Boyd, 6 qt. baskets Scarlet Pîppin, Yl aeo ednCa.LgtHreSae W. Farrow: Spy, 5 apples, E.: E. Cobbledick; One. bus. ham-: Hallidav, Chas. Halliday, S. R.J Sponsored by I* Cobedick, R. Osborne, C. per Melntosh. E. Cobbledick,' Dawson, H. Down: Colt, one M. .J. 'ramblvn, Orono 1 Xent; Deliclous, 5 apples, D. W. Farrow, H. J. Brooks; One vear nid, C. F. Halliday; FilyBes1t Light Horse on halter:' Staples, R. Osborne, C. Kent;,bus. hamper Baxter, E. Cob- or Gelding, 3 yrs., Hl e b e r 1 st prize, Ralph Saddler; 2nd, Lasalle, 5 apples, R. Osborne. bledick; One bus. hamnPer Down. Ivan Cochrane: 3rd, Ivan J. W. Boyd, H. J. Brooks: Snows, E. Cobbledick, Hl. J. Percheron: ýCochrane; 4th. Claire Vernoirn $- Golden Russet, 5 apples, R. Brooks: One bus. hamper . Yel....d .... Maeo ednVrt, ai rn:6h a Osborne, C. Kent, L. Squiair;I Wolfe River or Alexander, L,' V. C.hrne;.th.Clire.e.on. Stark, 5 apples C. Kent, T Cobbledck,FE Cobbledick, H Cookson, C. Trent; Mare and 8th, C. McKenzie; 9th, AneI c Foal, C. Trent, Percv Mount- Mitchell; lth, Garnet Coch- iov, V. Cookson; Foal of 1961. rane.P C. Trent, V. Cookson, P. .......t Moutjo: Fil orGeling*' BEEF CATTLE Fiiltv:r Gldinorg, eliul,3 r. i, .B.R AWA rs., V. Cookson, P. Mountjov. Shorthornis: Cookson: Colt, one vi'.,' P. ard: Bull. 2 i'rs. old, John C Mouritoy V. Cookson, C. Rickaid; Bull, 1 yr. old, JohDIYCATECn ony:Hy îtct jo',Rcad . .RIad .Jerseys: uin' C. Tamblyn, Mru- Stan,1 Belgian: Collie; Bull Calf, senior, John Bull, W. F. Batty, Wayne F A I Trn . RckadG.,., ., llng C. Turbne; 2n Yeld Maie or Geiding, V ýRieýkard, John Riekard, F. Kerr, C. Bradley, W.Kerr., n C ab~nCTr F AIR -Mark, V. Mark, L. Bennett,!Collie; Bull Caîf. junior, John Milch Cow, C. Bradley, W. F.ner C. Buckley; Mare and Foal, L. FRickard, G. B. Riekard, F. Col- Battv, W. Kerr, W. F. Batt\ý; TOBACCO Bennett, A. Hickslon, C. Buck-ý lie, R. Osborne; Mileh Cow, Hei fer 3 yrs., C. Bradley, W.' Sanîd - Jake Van Dam, J. ley: Foal of 1963, A. Hickson, 'G. B. Ric.kard, G. B. Rickard, F. Batty, W. Kerr, W. F. Bat- Mikutla, Gea. Van Dam, H. -Moore, Andre Plancke; Cut- lev: . Fillv or Gelding, 2 yrs., John Riekard, F. Collie, F. Batt.y; Heifei' Sr. yearling, W- Dam, And-v Sutch, Jake 'Van L. Bennett, A. Hickson; Fillv Collie: Heifer Sr. yearlingIF. Batty, W. F. Batty, C. Dam, Hi. Moore: Leaf - J. Mi- or Gelding, 3 yrs., C. Buckley", John Riekard, G. B. RickardIBradley,; Heifer Jr. year.lîng,, kula Geo. Van Dam, Andy C. uckev.R. Osborne, F. Collie: Heifer!W. F. Batty, W. F. Batty,W.,S]ci Dav'id Sutch, H. Moore; KIN S OW & ID AYC.Jr. yearling, G. B. Rirkard,'F. Batty, W. Kerr: Heifer Caif Best tc Leaf - J. Mikula,' K N SH WM I W YLIGHT HORSES ýG. B Rickard, J . Riekard, R. rW F atW.KrW Carnge arss: Obore; eife.Ca! r. . F. BattC.Blv ;H. er, .Aiîdie Plancke, H. Moore, Da- !Osbrne;Heier Clt S., .!F.Batt, C Èrale.ý; ini Sutch, J. Van Dam. FillY~ or Gelding, 1 yr. not Gilbank, J. Riekard, G. B.: Caîf Jr., C. Bradley-, W. Kerr, FEastern Ontario T o b a c c pony, B. Lawson; Filly or Riekard, J. Rickard; Heifer W. F. Batty, C. Bradley; Bull:Kn 936 - J. Miua H orse Racing Gelding2 yrs. B. Lawson, Caîf Jr., J. Richard, G. B. Caîf. W. F. Batty,, W. Kerr,ýR.R 1, Kendal. Ann Michel: inge HrseRiekard, R. Osbor ne, G. B. C. Bradley, C. Bradley; Year-ý oac ue o uhm TUES. and WEDNES. AFTERNOONS in Harness, over 1512 hands, Rickard: Herd Bull and 3 Fe- ling Bull, W. F. Batty, WT. Nr oumeranu aenffrewhm Ail Dair Cattie uesday AternoonR. Saddler. R. Saddler; Single maIes, G. B. Rickard, J. Rick- Kerr; Herd Bull and 4 Fe- Cute 9316 sMs Ali air Catie uesay AteroonHorse in Harness, under 15ia rd, F. Collie, R. Osborne: maies, C. Bradley, W. F. Bat- JuyTie 9631942-nd , Chiss hands, R. Saddler, B. Lawson; Get of Sire, J. Riekard, G., W. Kerr. W. F. Batty-; Get Stankiewicz; 3rd, Mrs. Jim Ali Bef CttieWednsdayAfternoon Pair Horses in Harness, R. Rickard, J. Rickard, R. Os-,o f Sire, W F, Batty, C. rd 1 4 H CLUB ACTIVITY DAY - WEDNESDAY 1ad .bre eW.Kr:S hmin Tobia-co Ticinîg Champion- ______________________________________ Roadster Horses: Aberdeen Angus: Female, C. Bradlev; Junior hi si, Steve 'rozek Farm: Mare and Foal, Joe Guest, Bull, 1 vr., G. B. Beatty-CaPl Fmle .F.Bt nd, .ohnRcn Farm; .lrd, Garnet Cochrane; Foal of 1963,iBull Cal! Sr., G. B. Beatty' ty: Sr. Champion Maie, John 'Andrcw Sulch Farm. R O D EOG. Cochrane, J. Guest; FillvýBBull Cal! Jr, G. B. Bet* Battv; Jr. Champion Maie,, or~ Gelding, 1 yr. not pony, Mileh Cow, G. B. Beatty: 1-je].. John Batîy. POITLTRY Monday and Tuesday Evenings C. MeKenzie, J.- Guest: Single; fer 2 yrs.. G. B. Beatty;"Heifer No Ayreshires. R.M.~(\ I. lst 2nd:r to Rodeo orse in hartiess, over 151, Sr. Yearling, G. B. Beatty. G. GRIRA.) EEMS.PBî 7l 7 A GRASY PIG ONTST piorhands, Ivan Cochrane, Ivan B. Beatty; Heifer Je. yearling, Cochrane, J. Guest, D. Brent: G B. Beatty, G. B. Beatty: Bus. Faîl Wheat, A. Bian- S. alx Don't Forget Nursery Display of Single Horse in harness, un-iHeifer Cal! Sr., G. B. Beatt.y;Ichard, G. B. Rickard; Bus,. Port 1-MIPe 1 4 2 der 1512 hands, Ivan Coch-lHeifer Cal! Jr., G. B. Beatty;]BarleY, 6 rowed, G. B. Rick- G. Guiiiiicer, Ornamental Shrubs, etc. rane, Ivan Cochrane, Garnet Herd Bull and 3 Females, G. ard; Bus. Barley, 2 ro'vcd, G.,Cîon Cochrane; Pair Hoi'ses in Har- B. Beatty; Get o! Sire, G. B3.iB. Rickard; Bus. Late White Mrs. Robt. Aluin, -ADMISSION ness, Ivan Cochrane, IvaniBeatty, G. B. Beatty !Oats, Wes. Yeliowlees, G. B. Nexycastie .. 6 6 2 Cochrane, Garnet Cochrane:'Hreors:Riekard, A. Blanchard: Bus. ib ill :' Adut-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -----75c 'Single Speed Class, 2 haîf Bull 3 yrs., Claire Coad, N.'Eaîly White Oats, C. TabjJane:yiiie.. 9 17 23 Stuens,12ta15xcrs-------------5e mile dashes, W. Reid, IvaYcLo:Bul1vr NfM~ llarold Yellowlees, B.lL-n Pears, Stitent, 1 Io15 ear - - - ic vanMcLod:Bul 1 ., . Mc -Tin: 2 Ears H\ brid Cor-n, c.ý Orono 8.... Chidrn, ndr 1-------------------------ee Cochrane, G. Cochrane, 1- Leod. Ted Samuel; Bull C'f 'Iambi\ ni: 12 Sak -n oi et rl. Childre, unde 12 - - - - - Free Cochrane, G. Cochrane: Aloý- Sr.,N. McLeod: Bull Cal! Jr. tlsDn o, e Carruthers Special, Lady Dri- Claire Coad: -Milch Cow, C foi, ensilage, R. Osborne, C.-Nwovle. 6 6 4 ______~---- ver, R. Saddlei', C.Ve-n, Coad, N. MeLeod, C. Coad 'abNwSha 'I WîaD1 nîes Heiter '2 vi-s., N. Mcleod, C ts, E. Ci .laStiuf Wl;.j Bi. Iue2 lleifer i'. \aliw N W (iLii, .H.fir- L ude MLoN. MuLeod: il 'EGIi'I'ABLS ,u i ......rt2 T R E W IH A V E N J.veriiN. MeJ.eud, C. à* iibat Cod .Coad: Heifei' Ca!f Beets, W. FroEverett J.îT. Csboine, or -Si'., N. McLeod: Ileifer Cal! llarness, G. GLommIIer; Canot1S, HCourtice s 2 2 Jr., Iugh Allin, Ne]] Allin, E. Ilariîess, W. Farrow, Mes. Rox'Forrester, c O N S IG NI~M E N iIN. McLeod, N. MeLeod: Herd C. W. Downey; Corni, yeitow, Oî-ono 2 Bull and 3 Females, N. Mc- J. W. Bovd, Mis. C. W. Dow- Johin Siater, 4p ÀL M MLeor], C. Coad; Get of Sire. Inev;'Cabbage, winter, C-I.u- O'o-o2 eligible ta enter llsted or certified area herds. 2nd Wavne Coad. Brooks, -Mrs. C. W. Downex'; G. Gomymer 9 8 2 Fat ('alit Show: Potatoes, late, H. J. B: ooks, Mes. G, ato 5 2 1 NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD OCTOBER 3lst lst, R. Baker; 2nd, Gea. W. Farrow; Potatoes, collec- Mes. R. Chapn-an.-I12 Ih gale Manard by:Carson: 3rd. J. Rickard & Son): tion, W. Farrow: Collection of Mes. M. Coates ---I 2 il TREWHAVFN FARNM LTD., Auctioneer: 4th, G. B. Rikard: 5th, G. B .Pickling Vegetables, C. Tu- Ms G. Brown -1I h R.R 1 Bnkeon Ot.Ri<kard: 61h. Grant Yeo: 7th.' ner,. Mrs. C. W. Downvv: Coi- MIr s. W. B. Hoae. Phone1,Buretock 9Ont.5 HOWARD TREWIN, Blarkstock. Don Harris: Rth. Wes Woori: 1 tnon o! Onons, C. Ti ,: j.;J.i. bjn(2 Phone__________________________________98_____-___957______ 9th. Russell Osborne; lOth, Dispiav Gardon Vgybl; arr0w 1 il Wm Hqày. W. Farrow. Don Staples. Mrs. I4rs, S. Moor-e ... To exhibitor from Clarke and Darlington having the most points - lst, Mes. Grace Chant, Hampton, Certificate Ellis Shoes; 2nd, Miss Anne WerrY, Bowmanville, Certifi-' 'Ïcale Wideman's Ladies Wear.' Goodbrand Fabries Special for Best Mother and Daughter, Aprons - Mrs. Grace Chant,! Hampton.1 Pauline's Spec. Shop S.pec-I ial for Best Child's Dress Mrs. H. Schmid, Orono. Mary Maxim Special - lst, Mrs. G. R. Putnamn; 2nd, Mes.' M. Jefferies: 3rd, Mrs . V. Skerrat. Rickaby's Special for NEWi exhibitor with most points Mes. E. Smale, Hampton. Simpsons Sears Special, most i points in Needlework and Do-ý mestic Science - Mes. S. Moore, Port Perr v. Women's Groups Special, "Kitchen Kapers" - Ist, Black- stock Women's Institute; 2nd,l Hampton Service Clubh; 3i'd,ý ,Wooler United Church Wo-' men. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Name 1 st 2nd 3rrl Mes. W. Cobbledick 6 6 1 Mes. C. Billings ... 4 I Mes. C. Tamblyn 6 fl4 1 Mes. M. J. TamblYn .9 2 Mes S. Moore ....... 16 Il1i1 Mes. W. B. Hoar.. 4 4 Mes. 0. Challice.. 2 3 Mes J. Walker . 3 5 1 4th Mes. L. E. Beyant. 1 Mrs. R. Chapman.. 3 2 21 Mes E. Stapleton .. 3 2 Il Mes. M. Gartshare 1 Mes. Gerald Rainey 1 Mrý. M. Jefferies .. i Mrs. C. W. Downey 2 4 i1 Mrs. G. Chant ...... 1 i Mes. G. Brown ......l J. W. Burridge ....i (only male entry) Grand Champion Cake, Mes.ý S. Moore, Port Perry; Reserve; Champion Cake, Mes. Carias' Tamblyn, Orono; G r a n d Champion Pie, Mes. S. Moore, Port Perry; Reseeve Cham pion Pie, Mes. Everett Staple- ton, Orono. Five Roses Special - Breaýd,ý ,Mes. W. Cobbledick, Mes.C Tamblyn; Layer Cake, Mvrs.L G Brown, Mes. S. Moore; Pie, l'vrs. S. Moore. PIONEER'S NU-i17 - . The chain saw that tomns your woodiot int a profit- able yeariy harvest, eases the normal work ioad on farm maintenance and construction, cuts firewood, fence posts or clears land - makes ail woodcutting chores a breezel conîp1rfr ivilh 12" <a l c nts $165.0() less tradc-i& thie NEW 700 comphh' ii/h tiro 16" cin.s $238.00 less trade PfuiPOWER L! LUNE 0F CHAIN SAWS I" à. SMORTON'S- FARM SUPPLY LTDv'i Bowmanville - Ontari. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 King St. E., Oshawa IWOF THE MANYWM REAS ON S WHX( Good Government deserves YOUR support 1Iniprovement ini your living standard -more and better goods and serv- ices for you because your Govern- ment gua/'anlces aid to enterprises contributing to Ontario's growth. 230,000 new jobs by 1967-your Conservat ive (iovern mcnt's Trade Crusade (buy Canadian) aimis to create new n'anuracturing and job opportunities in the Province. 3 m proved agrieultural rescarch-co- ordination of ail researchi by the Ontario Agricultural Research Iii- stitute makes new techniques and opportunilies avaliabie. 4Advance road sttl?'Jdv paNynîntç- On ta rio's coui jeq, t osýNsii ips, Citl es and vJIIageý receive advance pav- nient to assist roadbulildng, proý,ide ernployment. Fair wiages for Goi'ernnient works. - 5your Governnîcnt set widespread minimum wage standards by includ'. ing a wage clause iail public works contracts. 6larm management assistance-for farniers, a program that helps im- prove your business and marketing procedures will be cxpanded. Aid for export manufacturers-trad- 7 1ng groups arc formed and a co-or- dinatcd effort promotes business. M can s more prosperity for Ontario. 8Brighter future for your children- partnership or your Government and industry in the Ontario Re- search Foundation is cnsuring a solid future. 9Expansion of vocational schools- in 1962, 217 vocationat sehool pro- 9 jects Nvere cornpieed or under con- SI rucî Ion. 1OMcdkcal and Dental Student Aid- 10 'our Governrnent gives bursaries of SI,OOO a year to students who agree to serve in areas in the Province mlicre they're nceded most. Vigorous leadership-good goveru- 11ment leadership gets things done for t he people. John Robarts' adminis- tration i s for you. Vote Progressive Conservative ,l in Ontario ruýwMTUEJIID Y fl<ARlePROCIMM-.ÇVE CtONrVTIVAnASot4o Moore.. *Skerratt.. Brown Van Eyk. *Smale ... tan A]lin. .. Knudsen .. jase. *Jefferies. HARVEST SPECIAL THIS COUPON 1$ WORTH $10.00 on the purchase of "j R em Elect Alex CarruthersY Progressive Conservative - Durham