Gordon Agnew, Edi lor Phone 3621 Newcastle Girls Reclaim Championship mU Itearq mgn. eombined wordqThe Canadian Statestman, Bowmanville, Sept. 18, 1083 ýUCW He r Trav logueand pictures to give acon! rehensive Travelogue on her- d osneuain erlynosdb *lp. D escri i ng Fin la ndnative land. Her pride of race 1towa h ounin, educhaioinhentl rdre yalp iws evident as she described 1 consration mhszn et the history of Finland and thei r respect for their forests A briet business perlod wau es ecillythebrae dfene which rrake up '71% of the conducted, which included a Newcastle- More than sixty The guests, Mr. and Mrs. îbev had displayed against leitY ointatteSca uc ladies, members and guests, Leroy Brown, Sandra, John Ru ssia in th e "Winter War'.1 She closed hier talk with the tions Committee set the date gathered in the United Church and Robert of Lindsay, werc Pictures were shown of their tribute paid to Finland in Jan- immediatelv for the Annual Sunday School roomn on Sep- introduced by Mrs. Francis national shrines, war memnor- uary of 1940 by Sir Winston Turkey Supprs' hti ih tember 11, and enjoyed a, Jose. Sandra delighted *her;'jais; and wavs of life. While Churchill. John and Robert be advertised. Members were "Smorgasbord." audience xith two piano she xvas showing a portrait closed the prograin with two urged 10 continue to save the The meeting wvas opened by solos, -Waltz in 'A' Flat", by of Janl Sibeluis, the fainoos trumpet and piano duels in- proper portions of the Canada the President, Mrs. J. T. Brarns and "An Important Finnish composer, bier soi, clud i ng Leroy Anderson's Packers Labels, for the kitch- Brown with a prayer written Event-, bv Schumann. Roetpaeono!is'et ru etsLlab. enrley by the Rev. George Fenton, Rbr lvdoeo i et-rmee'Luay"enrle. formerly of Newcastle and i Mrs. Brown, who was born. known works -Finlandia". A vote of thanks to the The meeting was adjourned thedeotonsonth thmeinFinland and had returned Mrç. Brown illustrater? how Brovn family was expresser? with the repeating of the Miz- the cievonds on heee ltiere for a 10 week visit fiveiadvanced Finland's ideas are by Mrs. Jack Hoirnes and pah Beniedictiohi. by Mrs. Norm Rudmnan and Mrs. J. -H. -Jose. CONSERVATIVES OPEN ROOMS FOR ELECTIONI Newcastle- The local Con-, servative Association bas op- ener? its committee rooms oni King Street east in tbe for-1 mer Heatlie building. Inform-, ation and literature is avail-! able regarding Alex Carru-' thers MLA, wbo is seeking re- election on September 25th. Voters are reminded to check tbe three voters lists in Newcastle to ensure that their right to vote is not den- ied themn. A welcome is ex-' tended to everyone to drop in to the Committee Rooms any aflernoon or evening or phone 4776. An Open House will be held on Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. to give voters an opportunity to i meet the candidate Alex Car- ruthers. In¾ âneck and neck series that Nvent seven gaines, Newcastle girls softball teamn came out on top last week by defeating MeQueens Motor Sales girls here ln the final game to win the trophy. Newcastle's team is as follows: front row, lef t to right, Donna Jones, Contradicts Press Report WiII Complete King Si By Oct. ll1th, States C Newcastle- Mc. Alex Car- Street will proceed as sched-2 ruthers, Progressive Conserv- uler?.ivr uirtit ative Candidate foc Durham announced yesterray thal. *î optrarv to statements made GLthe 1Zewcasle News of las, 4 '.ek the paving o! King, cd confirmation froni the Port Hope District Su prri ntendent of the Depacîment of H-igb- wa yZ, thal bidding 0on the contract closes on Sept. 17Tth, Award AttendancE To 10 Lions Club 1 *Newcastle- A good turn- out of members of the Lions Club attended the first re- gljtar meeting of the club for tii. Lal season on Wednesdlay CONSERVATIVE COMMITTEE ROOMS KING ST. E. (i.n former Heatlie Bldg.) Open Af ternoon and Evening OPEN HOUSE SEPV< 23, 7 - 9 P.M. Cne and 'Meet ALEX CARRUTHERS You r Conservative Candidate for Duirham PHONE 4776 evcning in the Elmburst Ho- tel dining rooni, with Pr-esi- dent Lion Harold? Gibson pre- siding. Following a dcliciouis din- ner, Lion Howard Gibson, Past President of the Bow- manville Lions Club made the presentation o! ten 100%r at- tendance pins 10 the members of the local club who had per- fect attendance during the 1962-63 Lions year. They were ! Lions George Wallon, Bill Storks. Brenton Rick a r d. Maurice Pedwell, Murray Paterson, Chas. Megit, Frank Hoar, Chas. Gilkcq, Harold Gibson and Gordon Agnew. International Coun ci 1 I o r Brenton Rickarr? pcesented a 15' vrar certificate aond Oc? Monacch Chevý,rni o Lion Chartes,;Gîlke- from Lions Interniational iin recognition o! bis earq o! ,zrv\iceIo th,, Association and inho is club. A 10 vrac Certifîcate and Old Monarch Chevron was also presente.ci [o Lion Murray Paterson foc' bis 10 years o! Cathy Scott, Nancy Simpson, Nancy Gaines and May Alldread; back row, Coach Aif Gray, Peggy Pacey, Veina Parker, Vieki Gray, Frances Rickard. Vera Wrigrht, Jean Wagar; absent, Barbara Adamsg and Darlene l3owen. THIEVES ENTER BOOTH, AT WALTONA PARK Newcasle- A tbiet or tbiev- es sprung the lock on tbe door of the booth at Waltona Park on Friday night and made away with a small quantity o! cigarets from the bootb. The entr ' v\vas made some-, limne aftcr 11:30 p.m. Fridav eveniflg wlben Mr. and Mrs, Walton relired for the night. i.Paving 1llewcast/e arrthrsSocial andc1 6Personiai; iMc. and Mrs. Albert Dredge Mrs. David Simpson and soni r? Ie wîk i s becom are visitîng their oncle Mr.Robert and Mrs. Peter Mitch- altdb Ot lh and Mrs. W. T. Hawkins, _ eh.and daîîgbler Lorie were Mr Carruthers also ooted route borne from England 10, tha dr g helaI cr heCalifornia. Sundav visitors with Mr. Gor- village of Newcastle rece ved Mrs. Arthur Drew, Mis. dnAnw n su bsidies from the Provin- Lorine Jacobi and Air. and Mrs. A. H. Fisher of Belle- ciai Government over $13,000 Mrq. Leslie Alldread of Osh- ville visited with ber sisters, for monicipal secvices. awa were Sundav visitors with Mrs. Howard Aluin, Mrs. H. Mrs. Fred Couch Sr., Mrs. R. Peacce and Mrs. Irvin AI- Norman, Sarnis and Mr. Les- lin on Thursday afternoon at lie Allun. tbe borne of Mrs. Howard AI- Mr. and rVIs. Dudlev Sale in. Mrs. Fisher recently cele- ors vit Mr andMrs Jon n011 omeof ber nieces cal- 1 Voutt.cd on Mrs. Fisher. V lem bers Vor. andMrs. Georg~eWalton Mr.aîdîG:îGU service 10 the Association. visited %with Mr. and? Mrs. Lynu ant of Sommerside, P.ET., and Threxvs o peke frat Keswick on Suinday. iof Hornepayne, speot the ths eein ad rein Messrs. John and Albert weekend visiting witb Mc. Harold? Gibson asked the merm- Hoogkanip and ]lin Eisen and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and bers to discuss any project or of Arthur were Sundayv vsit- Eric. other malter tbat would be ors with Mr. and Mrs. Boin Mc. anr? Mcs. D. J. Cunning- beneficial 10 tbe club and H-oogkax1np and? famîl ' . barn and son John sprnt tbe man dffeen thng wee'Mc. and Mrs. Il. C. Bona-1weekend in Ottawa visiling than and? daughlters Ruth and w-%itb Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bre- discussed of importance toIhe! Mary Margaret bave returu-: reton and famil.y. club. c d home follo\ving a trip t1 M . and Mrs. A. E. Bon(, of Acommittee was appointerteEî tCai Columbus. Geoigia, anr? Mr. 10 set a date anr? make ar- Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickar&i 'and Mrs. Win. Boitterill of rangements for the club's an-!attender? the Silvrr Wedding Smith Falls, spent last wveek nual Turkey Shoot in Waltona1 Anniversarv observance o! visiîing \vith Mc. and Mrs. Park and a commitîe wasitheir cousinsq Mr. and Mrs. Williamn Storks and family. appointer? to make arrange- Leslie Hienson in Trenton 0onMc. and Mrs. Met Hargett o!l ments for a Christmas Cake Stindray\. Columbus, Georgia, visiter? for Sale similar to the 001' con- Mr. and r? 'V ugbh unIer, a couple of diavs. ducted hy the club last Christ nma s. The seccelary %vas 05 ný;(ter? to wvrite tb hie Commuinit.vI Hall Board? asking foc a (lac- i fication of the position no! lb à club wlth respect In club ac tivities and club sponsocer)" . gcoups tising the Lions Roo duie 10 ibe, new scberlxle o!f' rates heing charger? bv the Board. RESULIS NOIT PROMISES!I On his record of sound judgment and sensible action ... for the best interests of Durham County, at aIl levels of govern- ment under present dlay conditions and growth ... The Durham Progressive Con- servative Association are very proud to endlorse Mr. Alex Carruthers as their can- didate for ire-election on September 2.5th GOOD BOWMANVILLE Phone 623m5201 71ýSPECIAL LOW PRKÉES'11 Iii' * ON NATIONAL BRANDS* l:" At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri - Sat. l III: MODESS 12's -reg. 51c 39C.1111 iii BRE(K Hair Set MIST (Extra Large 14 oz.) 1.69 4111 ~BUFFERIN Tablets Reg~. 99çc887c ' 1COLGATE Dental (ream S.9 -111 EVEN FLO Nurser Units------ 45r 3 for 99C * t HALO Spray Set $1.9s value 1.29 Ill >ý Lady Esther ---- 4-PUIRPOSE CREAM - $1.75 1.09 1 I LYSOL SPRAY ------ - -Reg. $1.25 99C 'I iOID SPICE After Shave Lotion ------ - $1.50 1.29 411 k~ TAMPAX l's -Reg. 51c 49C 1 WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK HO WMAN VILLE NEWCASTLE COWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE " I LEX McGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHRARMACY Today', when you can buy almost anything you want 'on turne', you may flot have thought of these advantages of our Personal Loan Plan. 2. WITH A PERSONAL LOAN YOU HAVE CASH ON HAND ... y<o>i have the freedom to shop and 'bargain' ,wherever you wish. 2. WITH A PERSONAL LOAN YOU PAY LOW INTEREST means of financing your purchase. 3. WITH A PERSONAL LOAN YOU RECEIVE COMPLUE PROTECTION ... each loan is 11f e-in.sured. With a Bank of Commerce Personal Loan you can obtain your money quickly. Repayment.s are arranged to fit your own budget. Best of ail, you'll find your local branch manager helpful, understanding.and-iii. trpçd.pd in havinzi vou for a customer. When you'd like tdenijoy the prmatTOf'elOfl11 difference between hoping and having,. awayr make your first sto>pL.th Bankof Commerce. Over 1260 brchlm u~r~d!U I R, G. GROPP, Maniager - Bowrnanville GOVERNMENT DESERVES YOUR SUPPORT For Transportation and Election Information PORT HOPE Phone 885-m2419 INSERTEII RY DURHAM PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATIONi PERSONAL LOA N from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE I vou use ine MOSL vrdulcal anu týculluilllual 1 ï;x - - --. , -.- 99