14 ' The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmmnvffle, Sept. 18, 1082 DEADLINE Tueda, :3 liirths G;arc±s of Thcmks Articles for Sale [Articles~ foi baie klelp Wanted Pets- Auction Sale IReal Es tefrSlRelEtefo HEïNNIN-G-Donald and Gracc -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Turney, QAT straw for sale. 623-2202. SOFTWOOD slabs, one foot APPLE pickers, men ta handie MALE Beagle pup for sale, 5 Stocker Sale- Durham BUILDINGot6' 16 wh (nee Webb) are happy to an- Bowmanville, would like ta 38-1 lengths, $4 per long cord at ladders, W, Forster, 623-2898. months. Phone 623-2491,l Farmers AnnualStceSaeserndwerBwm- GegeBy vn nounce the arrivai of their hank relatives and friends -Mill; apple boxes, standard pces ei 38-1 38-1 tSbtel onday r Sae ile 623377.381 EAan son Kevin Donald, ai * ora or cards and gifts epesn SMALL gas heater. Phone size, 75c each. Phone 1 r 6 - ODE arao u ,b 0hl Mat the Durm- il 2 HsiaBwat Mlem ngo hsornal exressng ___37_9 APPLE pces.LwsClark, FR o ae 6ars 0 ai6350 Toespial, SBomanv1, 1on3. oodingishes atry 538-123-5846. 38-I V. P oro . -South of 401 at Newcastle. thoroughbred. Phone 263-2604. County Sales Arena at 1:30 AMf Tue da , ept mb r 80, 163.ewcdastleni er0ar. 38-11 LO R M de V P o eCARPETS and D R A PE S 38-1* 38-1 p.m. For further particulars room houeia: rvn m ,d o m b n ao 38.1* Newastle 204. - 38-1(Samples taken In the home).- PUREBREDBoerpps-Jh Phone Orono 5 - 18. Jack Reid, shed. CIak 83 63wt argo i o.Fi Words cannot express aur esDWitE Bxrps.Jh LOCKE ---Ken and Colleen thanks and appreciatian ta aur WINTER coat for sale. Tele- Fre~e estimates. F. A. Kramp'FULL or part time waitresssD it R.R. 1, Newtonville, auctioneer. 37-2 BOWMNVIL RA bsmnaIcneine (ne Brto) f shaa refrind, elaivs nd eih-phone 623-7285. 38.l* Ltd., 37 King St. E, Bowinan- wanted, Apply Mr. Campbell, Orono 2 r 1M. 38-1*WE Threebero buglAsngpie$30wth75 (neBro)o saaaefins eaie n eg-1ville. 62.3-7071. 20-tf Genosha Hotel, Oshawa. 37-tf WEKLYdon happy ta announce the arrivai bors for the wonderful gifts SWEET corn stalks with small bîaUnPSet- IRSIEx weeks aid, mothe nice area, ae rvnw Trebdomhmwt of a son Jonathan Eîîiott gix'en to us at Blackstock for cobs. RobertCale. .1- INSULATlON, boigmt-FRSD Restaurant, High- black and tan hunting dog. LIVESTOCK SALES garage, reaoa( onpy lbs. an hurday.Scptmbe aur25thWedîng nnivrsay. o, wt rok wol. Wrk-way 15,rocures itchn hlp Pone623-848.38-,* a Duram aunt Sals Aena ontat JePCrwfor 62-367.8prce 8,30 *ime$nt.0 oFi 12th, 1963, at Oshawa Generali Ken and Pearl Gilbank. GIRL'S Winter Coat, size 10, manship guaranteed. Free esti- and waitresses. Apply in per- POINTER,7German, shart-hair, Orono coventhact :0 .m iv u nJffr H-ospital. A brother for -81 ~e an hn 6-13 iae.HryL ae ee o.-2-- registered; good on pheasants, Eforses, Cattle, Swine, CalvesKehMpe rv , Christopher. Special thanks .38-1 phone Clarke 2420. -39.41 RESPONSIBLE young woman $7.5. --Phone 623-54789.- 38-1 * etc. For truck pickup Persbugloewt bdro to Dr. J. O. Anderson. 38-1 1 wish tn express my sn- SINGLE bed with good spring GLADIOLUS cut flowers, con- ta care for children and help SHETLAND pony, well brok- Orono .5 r 18 by 1 P.m. day of REALTORi7872 aae obndwt ok cere thanks and aplreciatian and mattress. Cali 623-3273. taincr arrangements, town and with housework. Telephone en, really gaad with children- sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales 103 KingStE.Oawshp Locabeeene TUERK-F/L and Mrq. Fred ta my friends, relatives and -.38-1 hospital delivery. Cali Pass- 623-3087. 38-1 alsa wagon ta fit pony. Cal Managers. 52-tf 3- ent eapeitd s, ETur(eeanyKcr)neighbaurs for the lavely -. ant's, 122 Duke St., Bowman- HUEEPELfrmodern,-Van-Nes---n- price $12,5alewith $2,500 are pleased ta announce the cards, flowers and fruit sent COLEMA.N furnace and pipes, ville. Phone_623-3527. 2-f~OSKE~ o 6-70 __- Acinslfr od Setemberfth, 1963, onm wil n opia adat raVie-e hoe 23borne. hoefr nemothHreor ctte tXcor cr- hoe.38-1 ALUMINUM do or s andwîemthri hsital. W-'- anted Hrfr atltatr omteblne birth of 1thir963dautero ewhVincspt-adatraoabe hn 6331.Cai tdy a riemothr ione ontbine, farm machinery, 1,000 REAL ETT RKR on1n nemrgg o toi eea optl in- Ms antWih.windows. Clius tdyfor Phone 263-2408. _ 38.1* BuHanig n~~blshy 0 ae tad 1 lg~To bdom bnao tora enra Hspial Wnn- rs.Gane Wigt. WATER for sale ana cdelivered. fe siae em rag PL ikrne rwmnStaipches , . Telepon ropaerthyof0 Fre G.Tfr -.Bomavtheei atah18gaagKadnug peg, Manitoba. 38-1* 38.1* CfrCee ehik26-13. e Cowan Equipment, Kng tis ocesfu.llpon rpryo Fe .Tfod VAN BELLE-With thnks ta ~ wishlta hank my friends,32-tf1. E., owmanvEqilleP aing _ I or pakrt tme.orComntatNewcastle 4132. 364* Lot 22, Concession 4 oePloe6333iprhon½ar o.Pie S.EBwavle Phone-- Township, one concession 2 Semi-deahdoieln-a l,0.3- the Lord, Albert and Shirley relatives and neighbours for QIL stove, deep freezer, both 6235689.~ 45 - ilfi artes6352 rA xeine ihsha north, 1/4 mile east of Morrish, tan St. Cnrl o ae _ - _ ~~~~Bob Carruthers 623-5485. 38-1 student is requesting baby- selling FridySpebr2 heated withol ahpie (nec Feddema) are happy ta, cards, gifts and acts of kind- good condition. Telephone ONE 50,000 BTU Caleman FULL-TMEcaher epe.sitting jobs during week days at 1p.. emcaheNr a ei2Pee My _23272._8___T ______,exer a 1pK. erisacshN Jr.ll announce the safe arrivai cof ness shown ta nme during m 2-72 81 floor fumnace complete wîth ienced preferred but not neces.1or weekends, Phone 623-5082.rerv Mainyanlv- 7-RoombrcOaraS, their twin son and daughtem, stay in Memorial Hospital and SMITH-Caranacash- register, pipes, vacuum draugbt and sary. Phone 623-3541 or write~ 38.1* rsac inex Mcheet cnditionventat ls.sae ELO John Calvin and Anita Grace since returning home. Special used only five months. Phone thermostat; also one large Dykstra's Variety Faads, Bow- MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service, Jack Reid, auctioneer. 38-2 3-Apartietbik nSle n EEA NUAC on Monday, September l6th ithank you ta Drs. Rundle and 623-7252. ___38-1* wooden ice refrigerator. Tele- manville. __38-1 tecedanfudto~S.Go netin rpry ebro saa&Dsrc 1963, at Memarial Hospital hHubbard5. 8-andns, nuanrsing stafefth poprt n Bowmnanville. A brother and (Mrs.) Russell Anne Franklin. NIAGARA Cycla Massager, Pl-o 2-3085. 38.l EXPERIENCED waitressè-s- and septictakdgad FriueSlheppry 6-room eidtceLb elEtt or sisterfor Jke, Slvia nd 38- goodcondiion, ill sd reasISPANSH onons, c each; part time, 75e per boum; ex- phofined986-437, a Motjay, fRaer Sen, e1 ing Snaur etViS.ll wdagaeet 2RigS.W. 6325 ssEmfry. 38Sylia *ndonable. 623-3693.--,--.8-- tomatoes, $1.25 bushel. Pick perienced kitchen help at hn 8-77 lcsok aSpebr2 tKna.Vlaegnmlsoewt ero uglwwt We wsb a exres au GURNEY electmic range, heavy your own - bring containers. time weekly, 95e per boum. ___2-fSl acmec mmtya w apartmnsieygo erainro.Vr t Engagements thanks ta friends and neigh- duty, 24", fully automatic. W. Eymann, 12 mile east of Ontario Trading Post, Orano, GARDENING1-Weeklýy-main- 1:30 p.m. Kenmorc electriebuiestrcvebouht sî,o -bors for the presentation paty Phone 623-3245. 38-1 Nichals Garage, Courtice, go telephone 10 r 19. 38-1 enance, fences built, trees and stove, Kenmore washing ma- A fieltihsrices nTms Mm. and Mrs. Roy McDonald held for us, and for the lavely USDWserataIrae; ta t first corner. 38-1FLLTMEcmbntin sales-' pruned, rototiîîingcie Coldspot refrigemator, Prospect St'Ç'0 onad 5 e ennounice the engagement of gifts mceived at that tume. 1/4 h. p. motors. Paddy's TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash- lady and marking clerk, 4olPatioes, oscdertilîzrs 5piece chtrmeldkitee, Co- Slsa ri rde ot ilbyti .~.o their daugbter Marlene, to Special thanks ta those who Market, Hampton, 263-2241. iems, duplicators, cbequewrit- boum week; employee benefîtsevFree lns laweig an n uPececheTeRaynd suigCr-Phoni 2-50hm n ag o.T~rc Edward Jarvis. son of Mr. and helped make it such a lovely _____ 11-52 crs, comptometers, three hund- Write Advertiser 418, c/o The Frelnsap ein anc nt2"TRamn eig38Iol 58 Mrs. Samuel Jarvis, Oshawa. evening. rdnwad-sd ebyCnda t . siaes alntn e es as tns POAOSadTomatoes.Irdnwadue.Weby aainSatesman, P..Bxetiae.DalntnGardenmahnbs, as stds- -6Rom uglwoncu [ Th arig il ae lc ayadDoi omkn.Edwin Staub, 1 mile east ofIsell, ent, service. Hamilton 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 38-1 Service, 623-3901 Bowman- floar covering, 12 gauge shot-IN BOWMVILE hieggS.Saiu o n en Satumday, October 12, 1963. 38-1____ ___ ville. 28-tf gun, dishes, glassware, cooking double resintabulngotare.Talpcel1O. 38-1 Mill St., Base Line, Ncwcastle. Office Equipment, 137 Brock RAWLEIGH business now open ~Eyu r utensils, etc. P.S. - Electrical in the seletcnrlaaofTms 38-1 Jack -f South, Wbitby. MO 8-5849. in Bowmanvillc. Trade w_1ell Yor rveway need apine are ail like new. town. Sew, wtradbak ero uglwwt Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Cax,INickerson wisb ta express KEYS eut autamatically, while 10-tf established. Exellen Apor- th newlokSWhyrfoe dounery.retmngtosheOdNoporoad.Atrcienghgageoncequtstet Orona, wish ta announce the their thanks and appreciation you wait, at McMullen Hard- DAVENO and chesterfield tunity. Full time, Writ wihat quay er oe ContRy Ter ms ac eicas. o buha.Cos apbi $,0 on wae 6KngS.EBwmn utsfrom $99.50; kitchen Rawleigh's, Dept. 1-140-189,ApatRsrae eoete eev.Jc ed uto-scbool andLinCo-mit 6RombgawonPnc tie n h ade'AxlayVille. ____ 3-tf suites, $95;Sae ates 05Rceiu otel .Audrey Jean, ta Laurie James tivsndt$eLaie'.uxiiay G.-___E-. 38-1 out and saves repair job later.372rmis Buckley, son of Mr. and Mrs. ta the Royal Canadian Legion CASE forage harvester with's,$98;GE.pise, - - ___- For free estimate caîl T. R.! ___372eIN, SO ct oa.Pie a d t$380 James Buckley, Leskard. The for their kindnesses and cx- corn head and pick-up, in goodi $29.95. Free estimates on wall LOCAL firm, bas opening for Rabme, 25 Prince St., Phone'IN NEWCASTE.tNewcboree ofedroom bungalowlo rnarriage ta take place in pressions of sympatby. Special condition, $250. Blackstock ta wallrg n drapes. Trade- a bright young man, 22-40, no 623-,5727. 37-___ The undemsigned auctioneer Centrally-loae1-ambikwt hsoe 1,o.Tr~ Orono United Chumch, Satur- thanks ta Rev. J. Frampton 986-4209. 38-1 in: Fumed oak buffet, table previous experience necessamy T has received instructions from bungalow,cetrchaigi- day Otobr 2that3 'clck fo hs cnslig -rd. 3-1-- and six chairs. Murphy Fumn- Starting salary, $350 ta $450 J. D1ROUGH iJ. Mms, Frances Staccy ta selI by maculate anatrciensd da, Ocoerltba 3oclc. o bscoslig wod.38-1 BULKY knit white sweater, iture, King St. W., 623-3781. m ntly, witb future increas- PLUMBING & HEATING Public Auction on Saturday, and aut. Ta n atr Im dobe g ae. hi isavm - he famîly of thelate W. J.;brown, size12.Telephone 38.1* es in six montbs. Write, in "Dure Pumps and Softeners ii September 28tn, 1963, at hem mediate poseso.Lse tdsrbepa naga oa TefmloftelieWJ.bon ie1.Tlpoeown handwmiting ta Advertis-Ito. nl$156.Tris Mr. and Mrs. RusselIGimb-lRidd l ih xpesthei 2-96 81Poe6351 eiec nN.2Hgwy ny$35 dell wîs ta express ___Notices er 414, c/o Canadian States-oe 2-51 estidle On.,2Higbwayonly 1350Weiol tofewortRohbnglw nQue lett, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, an preciation ta everyone forBUNGo elnuntrl--- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman-: Division St. BawavlehueodWl ot npcig a'~ *noince teegmn flthe acts af kindness and orapinc real Ime,' . . aon LwOfic:vile 7.* _ 8-feffeets and large quantity of dclay. a 560 Eor-jesge sa eeaeet .poncebsi - ,me, .C Msn awOfc:vil.3-211-fantique fumnitume and dishes: NEAR HAMPO.Badnw 2Bdombnao thi agtrSao lz-msae fsympatby during Hampn:usness 263-2294 -1 Closed until September 23rd, Tfeml lrk o eerl> anf4 lcti tv, ce6rom bikbuglwo beth. to Mr. John Dauglaslthe recent sd bd 2avI office acexpe frlenea .Boe24 with toe cm.6romb * oris onofMr ndMr.1 usan adfahe.residence 26-2695. 6-tf 11963. 36-3* BArARS.~I a_______and_______ofice_____oneexp-ienA I'lstudio couch and 2 chairs, jbeautiful2-celt Tofieaeilurcendie Jack ssnofris.Osaad The.IvIrs. W. J. Riddeland ALUMINUM Doors and Win- ---for bookkeeping, some cash Pu bn Ha1'r leti eig ahn,îcreeks mergeo rpry i 5Ar amwt oej rnarriage ta take place iný Eileen (Mrs. J. H. Leslie), dows. Contact MeMullen Hard- Dr. Anfossi's office will be and inventory contrai, and I single bcd and spings, 1 double moonis.are saiu n iig uglw adsalbr. Maple Grave United Churcb atl Peterborough. 38.1* ware, 36 King St. E., Bawman- closed fromn September 7th ta correspondence; anc for gen- PHONE 623-7127 !bcd and springs, 1 scttee, rock- room is agin15x7. ilnrhotonCostacho4. 3 'lc nStraOtbm il.Phone 623-5408. 34-tf 22nd inclusive. 35-4 eral office work, payroll, fil-;35 Nelson St. Bowmanville ing chair and side chair match- heating, twobtmosyosGo el rcdt cla Sth, 1963. turdy, 38-1beI VsIatak yfinsORE a!Cen p -ing and typing. Phane 1501 46-tf ing set, antique; 2 antique af cupboardoulgage$60.Trns eaths163.-1- 1v1îs ot m n niy tayin themriaerviw!c, th.lepnil o et numdBwanil 2-43 p TCT N qaetables, 1 pcd. table, only partly fnse.Arrl '- yhm ni~ar and relatives for cards and wreaths and Nroembor me- As af this date, I wili nat bc Orono. Phone after 6 p.m. SEPTantiK que; oîetbe ok paradise fortefml htlta Ceaecoet tr. - ----- - --1 hospital and at home. Special Phone 623-3524 before Oct, 5.1in my name by my wife, Curvply Wood P r o d u c t s, PUMPING case, 1 upright piano, medium enjoys gardeigadln-Oe o esnbealr ABRAHAM-At Oshawa Gen-1thanks ta staff at Robinson .38-2 Kathleen White. Orono, Mm. E. Samuel. 38-1 W EAHNGSALSsîze; 1 small rocking chair, 1 scapng IfyacokingOtraStet anht1 erl osialonMod ySetMotors and special thanks ta Fred White, WOMAN who can drive - 1'WITWSIG TBE clothes stand, hand carved;1 for an abov-aegepprtbnlo wth aae, e, 'rlHsptlonMnay et.s0BEATTY Washers, new, as 7 ihS. omnil.I o oudejywrig3BB O P IS writing desk, antique; 1 book inspect thisan.mmadmnyxts.Sl 16th. 1963, Gertrude MableiDr. McKenzic and Dr. G. Taka- îaw as $99.00. Full lune of 7 ig t. 36avil.*f or 4 ousadajy caîîîng* e ERT4721 N rack, .1nurse's rocker, smaîî IN BOWMAVLE rc n t$ 570\em rtae the late George W. Abraham1 Gilbert Aîîdread, Make Hmpan26-241sie; 2" hicoTV ac eaobugaowannathen, nl ola, aed83 ear, ifcMaarh.eat aptnes. 221.Phi a d d y e hta o.udiGyrlac mont ancaientupNEWTONVILLE old, 1 fIat wall dock; 1 easy years aId. Teakn rc ILs lhIsfrBte eu nddear mother of Mab1ce Newcastle. Tis1ta1v-5thta2iStdi3ir8oseieciet (Mr. Buce Mathewson),138- 1 50' x 75' lot locatcd in Caes- an a route ta be establisbed i8-t chair, 1 buffet, 2 leather rock- $ 15,000 includshasaicî vnni Windsor; Harvey W. and Eve - RUELENE arca and known as the Weir and amaund Bowmanville and Plastering Repairs 'n cars1 gt-lgdrplefal xra wl-t-al (Mrs. W. K. Ripîcy), both of 1 We wish ta express Our A POUR-ON TREATMENT or Downer property, being are willing ta make light de-UItabSERVICE agn ibchaisr, 1 dube wt aascn ahroP oa 2-8 Bowmanville. Service was ~~~~~~~~~part of Broken Lot 13 in the liveries, etc., write Studio Girl UCSEVEwao,1hgcai,1dulwt bra Bowmnvile. Servce as1sincere tbanks and apprecia- for WARBLE FLY CONTROL 9th Concession of the Town- Cosmetics, Dcpt. CW-39, 840 STUCCO AND NEW WORK [oxen yoke, 1 single oxen yoke, laundry room( t uoai hpel, BotheMorvise, nWefrinds or t h oyeeînr loTsU'snl Chel attheManilorrsFn eraltiondrtahu eîlours eennand Six Months FREE Lice KiII ship of Cartwright, and Reg- LaFleur Ave., Montreal 32.1 R. L. TAF T 2snl chairs made in Bow- washer and rym -w ncsday, September I8th, at we spent together at Hamp- Phone istered in Arrears af Taxes as Route will pay up ta $5.00 peTr mamiville, I laddcr-back rock- washcr and medae, FakEit 2 oclck Itemet amto to o Studa, epemer62 - 6 for the said Corporation, boum. 37-3154 King St, E. 623-5030 cm, 1 square dining-room table; aluminumso sen cres isbig feedfrSaeb 16-tf 1 Findlay Oval caok stove, 2 enclosed vesiue(aoayLD Ccmetery. 38-1 14. Alsa for the lovely gifts JV1.aWOOD gie s hn o l o7585 edr h ieo lsn fLoa itiuo sunporch rocking chairs, very kitchen cabiesadtm.m-17CrcStBwanll GUNN-At the residence aof much.1 which is .9 p.m. af Tuesday, FOR STUDIO GIRL ý'C'I\ERANtW..tU large quantity of antique dish- medîae pSseso.633 ber daughtem, 39 Snarcsbrook, Stan, Bcth, Bob and JOE SNOVIDEN October lst, 1963. Tenders, EXCAVATING - LOADING es, 4 oval pîcture frames, 2 LISTINGSIVTD.fyo Mus n1d ihtei fe OMTC SAND, GRAVEL and FILLj wasb stands, 1 cbest of draw- are thinking Islhnwy 5 cefrMlbol Dr., Rexdale. on Tuesday,, Keith Grills. 38-11 263-2655 te> puchse a Cetiîc E NA BA ER For-bel rie owTmckcr, - av poseciv Ojraman fmnce lrg b1 September l7th, 1963, Gem-; orKVT epeet tri Ceufr h FULamantife orwhecarve TWirckes17 power mower, 18", one flot discuss i ibra odbuewt ah trude May Cawker, in ber 83rd W ws t epes ur K E.RpeettvsCeuefrteFLcmut E N .A E ihH yWnh 1 u. It. deepfreeze, Gilson;,hbueyers, year, wife aI the late John sineme bash ta xreds -___ __1_38-1 af their aller. if unsuccesfuî 23703REASONABLE RATES I hall rack, 2 flower stands, aur experiene tf oessl, tcm xeln au Albert Gunn and dear mather relatives, ncighbors and organ- cRMC W4 Tractar, the same will be rcturncd 3c3rakaddies CysteenieBw nil-sh tony$800-$,0dwn of Helen (Mrs. V. E. Lynch), izations for their kindnesses International B-250 Diesel: sbortly. Registration of the decd -Phone 623-5756________________________ Huse, ba38and strani. Pav Restîe nd Lte Marrishunea.land expressions of sympatby FarmalCub w/implements, and any survey requircd will FEMALE HELP WANTED BOWMAN VILLE 26)-tf1 1 __-phone Ken" orsa 2~46dra rnae gso RsigathMorsFnrl1at the time of aur recent Allis-Chalmers 'B' w/Scuffler, be at the expense af the pur-' EPE Cars__for __Sale _ Chapel, Bowmanville. Service bereavement in the oss af a Massey No. 30 Tractor, Massey chaser and the higbest or an1v BOOKKEE WAIVYNE'SShfed-AALd em.gl Jn St. John's Anglican Church da ubn n ahr -be pcdr nrbe Tender not nccessariîy accept MAINTENANCE SERVICE 1962 CHEV. Impala, white cx-Scofel on midy a 2 'clck.Inear ecatas ta the wba Asscy 3 lpt. Hitchon-fubr c. urhcPifomaio my required by Town oet 'Rugs Shampaoed, 9 q t eir c neir o ie Mr hnaqatrcnuyore ie at IBw on riayaiI2 Baoc.emte-entso e. anderinGarage ay9cs agtrir e itro, ie.-23310."8 M ore xerec" a il.Tw-toe,6-o nient Bowmanville C emetery. served a deliciaus lunch at Plow, Masscy 3-furrow Trailibe procurcd fram the Clerk] Bowmanville Remao'al of alunwanted itemsa - home,6 bamn,-3 c15re0.k3- $260,Kng0S 38-1 Memoial Park Club House. Plow, Int. 3 point bîtch 7 1, ft.!of the Township and ail Tend- I WINDOWS WASHED '57 BEL Air Chevrolet, 6 cyl.,30RIgS.W OsaaTrs Mrs. Russell McLean Cultivator, John Deer Culti- crs must be received before' for Hardwvaod and Tile Floors automatic, in excellent con- __ ______3- 5Sei ce ihfs LUNN, Andrew-At Memorial and family. 38-1 vatar an rubber, Cockshutt closing time of Tender. Refinisheddton Phone 623-2858. 38-1 Hospital, Bowmanville on Sat- FrilzrDistributar, 8f .Mlom raue nj Municipal Offices_ F.'t-a- 3 mles-Bwmaniohn ft. V. alcolmTreasuer and ffices PHONE 255 - ORONO '56 CHEV. Bel Air, 6 cyl., Jh e ihs, an urday, September 4th, 1963, We Would like ta thank ur King Wyse Elevator, trough Tax Collector, Blackstck, On- 10fcrs hacegade lnd Andrew Lunn, in bis 87th relatives, fiends and neih- type; Fleury 4-wheel Spread- tario. _____38-I Application foam available a 37-tfstandard, two-door bardtop, REAi RIml omnîl,$,0 ea.Rested at Northeutt &bars for their cards, flawers cm, 3-sections af Flexible Har- 'TW alUPHOLSTERING Acoipptio t o and bady inBo,% anvîe- 4Fan t Tms * Smith Funemai om. 3and many acts ai kindness and rows, 32 It. Pipe Elevator, ReiDairs 17.2 SaA-lar! conditchst p on;-b05estaer. Tele-Dial6395Crerstean -on manville. Service was heîd death ai aur dear uncle, 191 Combines, anc with 10 ft. GUARANTEED televisian andl FEMALE HELP lerfield and chairs me-upholst-190 FR -tn log 4AcefronN.2Hg-$00 l,0dw. ne. short OR wheellng 8 Aref 1______________an26-tf 190, Bowmdanvillte. a, .3* VENF.TIAN BLIND R. R. 4 BOWMANVILLE , 5 Raomed uglwWTi- l_____ Leta M. Jackson wish ta x-HOLLAND ____________________ CENSNG GARDý PhneT623-C1ARD 'acres. Only$200lon PHOTOGRAPHY press their appreciatian ta TULIPS TSTORE FRONTAL ýVSHSICEPn 63- 1750 crs l Change oftheir relatives, îiends, neigb- (25 varietles) Pa. 6c up -_92_________________ W LL W Street____________ e7nc ed, rnbnao iltaPPL Rad !.Sm 4n Chne fAdrs -busfrcards, flowers and Only Top Quallty Bulbs> ______ _______ 11KnStE. doain oteCanadian DAFFODILS 10 for $1.25 '- DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO 623-3924 W2te i e ric8o 0 ems ____ Portait Paspors toDr.H. B. Rundle for bis Sec us for the best in: Supply Contract N.S-330 aho h pt$,0 on Wedns Anvraiskindiness. We wish ta thank FUNERAL ARRANGEMENT Bring Your Car In-Today ifor Da rCipe am7Roe a Spciat.vthenurses and staff af Me- WEDDING BOUQUETS NOTICE TO SUPPLIER$ F ETIGOJLfoaStc.Pke prmtl i unc. moilHospital for their kind- HOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS Tlpoeclet2322 ore ATRSUI esand came ta aur sister. A * * *Separate sealed Tenders niarked 'Supply Contraci SA-63-3001' SA.FETY CHECK TelePone lletu2632721 7 Ramed omei ehn ML bue eta aa Phone____ 2____020-2 K. al ander fo tre Do I a ndsol- yurWe will check: !arwllF ri itanld em ovnecs in.Rfrne,3 t02.hnks t h e. .Da nanderpick up consol-ivill be reccived by the District Engineer, Deparinient Of Brakes - Tires - Steeringi TYRONE Nw ag --- -ing wordas atak m lwr yFREE PiieLinctece Noange.262-597.63 -- - - IV o hakMr Foer b ire Catalogue. lghways, 138 Hope Street, North, Box 129, Port Hope. Windshleld Wlpcrs LienceNo. 45-C63 e, laebuglwitSI-omosalcnv- Ro an Bor litfo hi idesas Contains 26 beautiful Ontario, until 12:00 o'clock Noon, E.S.T., Front Lights- Rear Lights --- Bowmanvilco crs 2-42._34 eliatsotherkficinnes as arrangements. 0"stneam, etc. Aiiu asI omcutyhmmd \Vanted wl ste evefcin a-Stop Light% - Horn - Glass 2ash for Deadstock .5rnc tye mcoveincs iefdn, ___ - -men in whicb they and theirij Corsages Monday, September 3Oth, 1963 Raamed, newo an t YOUNG man desires board staff took came af each and and alilDa ,h h rvr ewl bnao j and raam, five davs a week. every detail during aur mecent Cut Flowers 4 Specîfications, Information ta Biddems, Tender Forms and RExar View tmiroran Daltth river the potlsbuglow 2 it attce a-PoeNecsl 15 8t Phone à r 3, Orono. 38-1 bereavement af a loving sister. PhneExhausi Stem. paYoucrito pie a onditsotna- gean laceWsaIowCOERALbidn PhEveonsemy e btanclb calig t oab mil ddes- Rmebei. .th Lie oucodin t sze ndcoditonrmrivll. mayil00 don.SiverStee. Pole.te ___________ - * The Jackson Family and Orders tram e d ta the District Engineer at the abave mcntianed address. Save May be 1'our Own I Burrett Fur Farm 310 Acres uihsraprl rnRatr_2-33 - 'Wanted ta Rentj The Gay Famly. 381* Newcastle The lou est or any Tender not rîecessarily accepted. '~w R.R. 7 PETERBOROUGH wooded. Askin 380 ens EF-otie etdaat Bowmanille rea. Panoolle-trornopeOnaro.Phone Office Long Distance After hours cî:mnbatflysta~ FacNiSitE, .Lwthktc- Pin uning i623-7141 e Zenith 66550 <ne charge) Donald MoutJo 2- Write Advertiser 417, c/a The PIANO T u n i n g. Athur' Afer Heur. -623-2184 D PA OINTA0FRIGHt.WAYS iePeero o rpece bth. o ch742-43Ava0 Canadian Statesman, P.O. BoxlCollison. Phone 623-3900. We .end flowers by wlre PThoOiSK ne t. 3134Bwnnvlletoroughicec No.2.-301dGoyWersa Ooo149saiumospu 190, Bowmanvije. 381* 36& ,Ywhere 38-1 38-11 8-1 18-tf Roms DavÎdoi ehn 0r 2-46