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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1963, p. 15

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I SGllbank of Balleyduff spent, The Canadian Statesg ,~wavle et 8 93 1 1Sunday in Orillia. C l lLAf*e d Orono: A delightful dinner _________ mUI~~~ arty honouring Mr. and Mrs. mnan, Mr. and Mrâ.BbHn * * Classified'sAdsu*t*lJh~n D. Brown on te ca-na, Bwm; Mr yks Mortgages- In Memoriam Coming Events so fter5t edn Mrs. Bob Johnson nfaly RTGAGE money ax ailable. ANDERSON-In loving me- Orono Drama Festival ta be HeId owmanille was held tMi ie wr iioso r Feddema, Realtor. Cal] rnory of my dear mother,*held Sept. 26, 27, 28, Orono H ld iI vanileýeniSepuat 13.Therîk- ay tuay Liev elgwthM.e 83-2021. 18-tf Lottie Christina Anderson who'Town Hall, at 8:15 p.m. 36-3 varnng et 3 herfm --drîvîng on No. 35 hîghway, ter StreetlTorontoatpveaded theirnd Mr. Leroy Brown EED MorgageLoan? 'pssedawaySeptmber17,Reserve October 30 for a held September 17th, 1963 'Russeil Hill Road, Toronto, or did not heed. bae ihte.Ms e or n agt RE!- ED a Mrgg on 1957. turkev dinner at Orono United i h becea rw was charged with careless Wal]y Agnes Kosa, 26 Hun- On ehaîf of thegr, al Mr. and 45h DE ioa rivate party to invest in îst'Nothing can ever take away Church. Furtsenparticuars . t ers , oauttlb rs MrEY for saend mortg.ag reeents T e loes ihear od earaer . 8 *at tore sG. F Bn onnurgastIMay 14th. She was represent- flot guiîty ta careless driving Lindsay, and Mr. Everett wedding anrùversay o-POE6334 for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t saeohn'rtsgs u- onEmmris ine eerg B a the ssizein, obouvllrg,1E ed by T. A. Sawers, Toronto, on July 28th on highway No. Br n ro eprs edgratulations- may mr chased. Low rates. Your day, St onsEeigBac j ida.Bwavlesr and pleaded flot guilty. Mag- 35. This charge too was dis- cronratlton t, tepreslec years of wedded 1ie E -SIE xnortgage problems gladly dis- Remembrance keeps her W.A. Rummage Sale, Oct. 4th vied ably as Acting Crown 1 stnrateBxe diise thmss.oulatindbs ta ihes o Mhanarpp.y.Wht fIU cussed. No fees, no waiting. near. at 9:30 a.m. Good used cloth- Attorney. srt atrdsisdemse. copeadbs ih fr M.nd r.I Cal] anytime, 723-3291 or -SadlY missed by daughter ing. Pick-up Phone 623-2492. charge. Arthur Trollope said, "My their contine hath ndwr Suay ists wthIE P D1 38; William Arthur Porter, 21,: udhat n eeSna i '25-2539. 38-4 Jean. son-in-law Eastmnan and 38-2 Oshawa, was charged with 1 Constable J. C. Cartwright wife and I were southbound happiness. They also acknow- their cousins, Mr.adM. ____________________Louise. OPP, stated bis investigation from Bobcaygeon toward Tor- îedged the 47th wedding anni- Wilfred Woods, Netnvle Pesoal8-1ngmeor Atstet.23-28.bleSetycon- Trouna gh i c Jl 1s.1 h isPaterson, driv- onto at about 11:30 p.m. and versary of anather couple at and also called on iran20o.Tn Personal vass, Sept. 23-2. Please con- Through bislawyer, T. Kelly, linKî anEnglish car, a DKW,! traffic was heavy even for aSTO -head tableytrbteasgeeru-y s as Ohwa andlede nMrs. Mrs.d a as aca Addieiht AgrenFergusonbl, M. ndMr.jrCob-i Fr HYGENO supl:esupp Rube -f aRdarbsnrandfroterasblsta thncanasserwhouiltytoete chagehbt guntyaadsarcttle ruckiInydina iacepscedatga ibhtate o tened bet wihesJfom al. CogratlatiosxtaMr. ad EA gseaLdeveoe ih rcelst awYSet.ltha16. ster3ing2 Thu s e xas odnicerod nd ine.dahoulde ukidded i n g t a ed au t ahse rvisation o n, Elleswen and Catharine CSnratSnatin nth god)mailed postnaid in plain!Bruce Ashton, who pasdal.3-2-sed- aneosdiig sa she went off onto the left speed. A black Lincoln pull- Granddaughters Evelene ýMrs. Bob Goodmurh ne G E N P A Sixsamles25c 24samlePeacefully sleeping, lies onenight at 8 o'clack, sponsoredI$100 and $27.60 costS or one shvel, struck a ihigheay insied t fora seveftadtrMi lonpnnd c rsageSand rent ariae. *.00. Mai] Order Dept. T-28.! of the best, ;by the Junior Chamber ofïronth in jail. and rolled lier car aver. and the Pontiac plowed inta boutonnieres on the honaur- N tSna en al Nov-Rbbr o. Bx 1,In ods wngade h ~Commerce Red Barn, Narthl Magistrate R. B. Baxe Garrie MeGiîl who w as ed couple. Day, Sunday Seho il - MRamilton. Ont. 1-52 now at rcst. Oshawa. 45-tf isud a rder Normangdiigth a h atmt cOsme wt h He left us suddenly. ise a hiNormpoaitnnrvigte a h atmt Harry Davis, Peter- Following th i e delicusmewthheCrhse- E20ZTn35 thoughts unknown, Reserve Wednesday, October' Porter from driving anywhere ed ta pass said he was follow- borough, driver of the Lin- dinner, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. vice, 12 nmon. Schlrswl "For QUALITV Cars Deep in aur hearts his 23rd otey Hmpe tna nnuahldin anaa o apridof2ing the 3-ton cattîe truck hdainsate h ae ad sKrens Milîson entertained ail guests'gather in the chuc ae Teoyi et u rksiney ueta b e theld i ntalTDvs es clasely when lhe heard grave] hdasme paea e-at their home. Movies and ment at 11:45 a.m. ST LE adService" Wesmile with the world, btChrs n Euain Cnr. CntbeT ai etfied and looked in his rear-view'service statione for a teoaf of Iyprviushap ande mem or s etDetaîls later. 38- 1,that lhe had observed pccused mrodal ele evieanhaione urta thsoda f anopev:u'hp . iMrs. J. Jagger, MsNarln F neyer forget. . dig wst huh B mrrr. Ter h aw the bea.occasions xvere reviewed. La- 1'Peters, Toronto; M.McalI H I -SEE -Lovingly rernembered b ylCame one- Corne ail, ta the sedn es ru ýcar skidding sideways along rs oapede ebretraershet ce e-Jgerdt.ahaiewr moter nd amiy. 8- 1Fist anc oftheFa] Sesonficer said lhe gave chase and fheha p e dut ttemtingt 1case and said she saw fia sîg- ved including a lovely wedd- .Sunday vîsîtors wit r.L M UNat Solina Community Hall, mnl at 10tpm he of- adbidepte hodule.Hdned a thti ing cake. ýC Snowden and Mr Bo M eQ E N HILDERLEY - In cherished'ISaturday, September 21. Jim a h vredbig u ta pass the truck at the samne nal for a left hand turn on the John D., now in his 85th ISodn r n r.J 8o.Tn memnory of my dear mather- Fisher's Orchestra. 37-2. on the fender light and dame time as Miss Paterson. Davis car. year, amazed ail when hie quo- Hunod, Oshr.aarlocle ____________ inla, liabthHidele. Don Cossack (GeneralP latIh t Acuedvfron fteoe aI imsin hreted easiiy 3 recitations learn- o e ohr Sn-a anyEling a e h apeed f)fmuyhrsadPa-th.eti rn fteplc Leslie Charles Angus, 204 His Worship said Davis was ed in his school days "Kingi r n r.CrisCy M U S L So Sineyou wghere a ed faosco rus p.m. danc- cruiser and reached speeds of Victoria Avenue, Hamilton, just a., much ta blame as Mrs.k Bruce and the Spider", "Far- n ider maOhaawer e au-LANT EO S aytigtasawafinColg Caoug80ta90 miles an hour bet- lae o git ocr- Kosa and that it was too late mrJh"ad"Somebody's dray vningshasw ithMrs -LIMITED - Smay tig o hr it algat et Adtru.!ween there and Brooks cor-ls rvn;Jl 4h h ta charge bim and not fair'Mohe."H.R.oey. W ING STEAKr Er cuePe. Hdyou be et asa.N o reserve- se ats. 37-2'e fier. , charge was dismissed. lta fine lier and fiat Davis. _______H._.___ey Ear Mcuee, P es. H a i ou b e lef t wsay omnil uss s- 'hr aton ars 1Defense Counsel was N. D. r Constable P.C. Harte-Max- M.adMs ec ln way. conemySale in the P.U.C. offices on the officier continued. "He igating officier Constable A. Kosa car at $650 and ta the A L GR Vdaevngvito BOWMANVILLE Thubasn, o r vrFriday, September 27th at 1:30 pulled aut and passed a west- IV. Alexander OPP. Davis car $0 H. R. Foley. near, pm 38-2bound car and immediately The officier stated the acci-1 Ivan Martel, 17, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Stew-. Mr. and Mrs. 1ec î~ SVE! - SV! Authorlzed Dealer for Stili missed, loved, always 1 Square Dancing-Bob Scott box was hurled from the p)as-. dent had occurred on 401 appeared June llth and plead- art and family beld a family toff and family weeuda dear. with Harold Harton at Grafton; senger side of the Porter ve- just east of Courtice sideroad'ed guilty ta discharging a picnic with relatives from thefguests of bier sisterM.ad SALE - LA ]Rarnb1er Cars ý-Lovingly remembered bylArena, Friday, September 20.1 bide. It landed right in frontiand had claimed the life of firearm on April 27th with-:Toronto area on Sunday. !Mrs. Wm. Stark, Ohwa ronS E K one62-356 daughter-in-law Maude. 38-1 Admission $1.50. Auspices ofý of the car hie had just passed. ýMrs. Aileen Berube, a pass- out due care and attention Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Den-, a family dinner in ooro ,,ý1jone62-336 Haldiniand Municipal Recrea- Around the sharp corner two jenger iii bier husband's sta- for the life and property of sem, Mr. and Mrs. Fred John- i their parents, Mr.,n Ms * * * ILDERLY-In lving e-tion 37-2 ore estboun cars uliedtion wagon. He said the other others. There was a second son, Mr. Jack Ashton, Tor- O erOhwa h c HIDREYI ovn _ _ _ _ _ _ 2)mr esbun as uld .9 3rOsaa De ontrto rory of o I oving grand-1 Zion Soccer ClÏu b -areol-d- 1 cff ta the shoulder ta let hlm vehicle involved was a tractor charge of hunting witbout a' onto, Mr'. Win. Ashton, Caes- casion of their 40thwdig ;mteEiaehHilderley. in ac i h saaby.i trailer driven by the accus- license. He was found -guilty area, were vîsîtors with Mr. anfliversary. - o y 'Agrandmather who gave us Airpart Hl"nSaudy1 At Maple Grave store he ed. and the rifle confiscated. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow and;~V! - SVZ S LEthe best of her life, SpemH 2.a rchie Cotu rt-, decreased his speed ta 40 and' Frank Grundy testified the He advised the court hee badber niother Mrs. Fred Ashton. . Sh A L E u ecesISptme 2.ArheCor-I drew, alongside and stapped. station wagon passed hlm and been working in tobacco and Mrs. Jean Marin, R.N., LJ KC Wo crsheowd rseret, ice Orchestra. Everyone wel- him. He smelled strongly of attempted ta pass the trac- boped ta get work pikigMoteaJ.enl vsie a'aie RS Only 2 Lef t Who taugbt us ta lave, wba corne. 38 1*alcohol. I arrested himi and tor trailer. apples. His worship remand- bier sister's, Mr. and Mrs. R. i.. ~a r iSAIN AGNtaught us ta pray. Friday, Sept. 20, Beehive brought him ta the office. "Just as it pulled along- ed him until November l9th,' Walls. ULUEeedAc 1SAINWGN Dear Grandma in Heaven,,Lodge Penny Sale, Lions The OPP were notified and side,' be said, "The driver and advised bim ta get somne Mrs. H. R. Foley visited KA E 1 AUTOMOBILE God bless yau today. ýCentre, 2:30 p.rn. Afternoon checked the area. They found of the tractor trailer puîîed type of work that wouîd re-wxith Mr. and Mrs. Clarence VVhitby Your Last Chance to Your life was unselfish, for tea 25c, variety table, homethe box which contained five out ta pass a car ahead of it lieve the burden on bis par- Bell and daughters, Bow- "' o ny~ w SV ON'3.others you lived, 1 cooking, candîy. Door prizes: braken beer botiles with the and the station wagon was lents. manville, an Sunday. P. 0.Bo SV ON'3sNat for what you received, every hour. .37-2l caps stili on them." forced off onto the median. Gordon Lorne Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beechra6q.Bse * * * But for what you could give.f pe Hus a MmoIa Magistrate R. B. Baxter 1-e must have panicked andi Toronto, cbarged with per- wcre Sunday guests with thePhnSAE! - AV ! Loving thoughts and silent;Park Clubhouise, Tuesday, Oct. pointed out ta accused, who cut back int the bighway jury last week. was further former's sister, Mr. and Mrs.îr 1963 Chev. Impala tears, îst, 7 p.m. - 10 p.m., ta view works in G.M.C., that sus- and right ino the tractar remanded in custody ta appear Harry Larmer, South Mona- 1 Orono 18OE HR.&FIA 2D.For a beautifijl memory ofithe new section of the Club- pension of his license for two trailer," September 241h. ghan. 2D.Hardtop a Grandima sa dear. house. Buffet refreshments. years would probably bit hlm Yves Berube stated bie saw Rab e r t' Higgs, Toronto, The sympathy of this cam- UTL9PM -Allaur love, the grandchild-lEveryone welcome. 37-3,harder than the fine. the signal came on the trac- cbarged with attempting tomunity is extended ta Mrs. WNhitby 66889Efryu .8cyl., automatie, custom ren: Charles, Lamna, Lynn, h lr aenwa- Rager Thomas Kane, 21, tor trailer and hie flashed bis'defraud, asked that hie be ai- H. R. Foley in tlhe passing Sopn ovnec radio, power brakes and Robert, Luke, Elizabeth, Marg.,ThCvaiesr__________.Osaw,__________________nanof__o"____otfusod a e f ie cuin M. m.Col steering, tinted glass, posi- Ted, Michelle. 38-I cepting bookings for Faland RH. 1a chawo aplededgil-tybeaits on a ed f 7 olwd ont ofrcsttton.He ofderOsinw. WmCol tievratin eatareaction____ Wntr anes Bok yor a careNewarles ri- tme t idiar t te ri- oud ak rsttuioke dg, shwa orheta ary Rsev teing June 28tb. He was fined er that bie was boxed in but was remanded in custody until Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Colla-i car condition. f MOORE-In loving inemory orhetr an e svhe $50 and casts or 7 days in jail. the driver either did eltsenxek __ __ uit were Sunday vitosDU H M RDN * of Victor, who passed axvay Cavalie8 r 5051 3- Constable T. Davis testified, wiih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spry il 1962 Pontiac ýSeptember 17th, 1956. i-3 o 75-59.-8- that hie found accused had and Miss Mable Robinson, al i 1 -Ever remembered by Main Chartered bus gig aBas- been proceeding east on No.! T of Columbus.Lua 9-Pas. Wagn :ý-nd Dd Moris an Art.38-1ton, Oct. llth ta 141h inclus- 2 highway. Just east of the I rin r. tatMr 9-Pass. V~A~A an DadiMoris and it. 38-1v*fl e iWandlfl N ew s eMr bridge.Stuart or- iit TDEMOCRA IC PARw cyl., automnatie, custom v.nrx eevtos n rde h aev-1 itnwere Snyvisîtors with N ED radio, power brakes. Real SMITH-In imemory of Harry tour ta Cape Cod arranged. bide lefi the road, snapped te former's sister, Mr. and, Irood family transportation. Smith who died Sept. l9tb, Phone Port Hope 8852527.l0ff several guard rails, went iVrs. James E. Richards, Editor !Mrs. Howard Budd, and at- I F R A IO E T E 1955. ~Rowe_Travel Agencýy. . 37-2' down the steep embankmeni tended the Bethesda Church NO Fond miemaries linger evemy!-Don't forget aur Hot Turkey to the south and rolled over Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Chat- p.m. from The Barlow Fun-f Anniversary. Converotiblc Rrnmbancek Supper, Oct. 23rd. Adultsi on ils top. terton have returned home,ý eral Home. Interment Orono Mr. and Mrs. Arhur Bell- BW ANVLE -hne 2325 : Rnimbane eep limner $1.50, schaal children 75c.,I "Bath Kane and bis pas- after visiting last week with! Cemetery. --- - cy.,atoaie c ýtm -Ever remembered by bis Tickets available. Phone Black- senger, wba was a minor, had Mr. Pnd Mrs. Cleveland Cav- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Maffat Air, Rail or Steamnship radio, uothrntextras. Loally Brie3- stock 986-4797 or 986-4487. been drinking and it was aiso erl3r at Wes]emkaan Lake and enjoyed a visit from theirT cKET DURHAM VET. Po.7820 owned.In A-iconditon. *Settings -5 - 6 - 7 o'clock.fa case of taa much speed," Mm. and Mrs. Jack Kerr at * cousins, Mrs. C. Scool of, T VRY'HR RIMAR - 8-1 rconcluded the office.Buier.1 Charlotte, North Carolina, 1 isl Cm 60 Çhev Be Air MEMO IALS ~ garless of te outcom! Miss Reta Paterson, 303 Mrs. S. R. Caldwell of Port U.S.A., and Mrs. Roy Lang-Cost"anpinV unerWlomd theProincalEletio fHope returned home on Sun-!mi fSalina. J U RY & LOVELL j. 2-Dr. Dignified and Distinctive jSeptember 25th, Mr. and Mrs. and familîv visited Mm. and day after spending a week r Mrs. Win. Mitchell wiih 2 King St. E. 623-3361 Inserted byDuhmNw eocalPry .. ylstnad rnsi-Monuments - Flat MarkersAlex Caruthers will be pleas-, Mms. Lammy Rasevear, Walker- with Mm. and Mrs. H. E. Miili-lber grandson Mr. Tony Mitch- Imnvll sion. Loeally owned. Gondr in designs for any need. 'cd ta welcnme their friendsi ton. on Sunday.soanduger.lioKeeadMssJnBo avle dlean car. 152 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa and supporters at their home~ (Iniended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wat- 723-002 7286627iii Garden Hill that eveflifg. Master Kenny Sawdan won: son, Betty Ann and Larry ý723l002 728-62738-1 2 third prîzes on bis caîf atiand Miss Susie Bennett of! * 1959 Ford Office Evenings Wove oîuiyCnr the 4-H Achievement Day ai Waterdown, spent Sun dia y -. - - -Monster B i n g o. Twenty Orona Faim. One of the prizesi with Mr. and Mrs. Alex \Vat- Galaxie 4-Dr. wsor__wmn26-tnthfsn -- cyl., autornatic. Immac- LICENSED r.s-wnt olasCfv aforClubmansdiphen thesn ulate Inside and ouI.games-thirty dollars; $1501 Jr.Ci lb n h te Congratulations ta Mm. and ulat insde nd ot. ursng Home jackpot, and twa jackpats aLf'for the Jr. in the Black and Mrs. J. D. Brown, who cele-! $250. Door prîzes. Nexi; White class. brated their 58th Wedding - 95 ~4-r.LYTONHURST Manor h a s Cu 19accomodatio for laies an Monday, 8 p.m.. Red Barn, Clu 50 held their Septemn-;Anniversary last week. 6 cyl., stanardctransmisionenlme. reaoale a tes. ndOshawa. 46-tf ber meeting ai the home of. Mm. and Mrs. Mar'ii-i Ken-1 This car ?rnust be seen ta o neOoo13816 ,-Ms B]Cr it 6mm nedy of Sault Ste. Mariwr Phoe Oono130. 9-14- CHARTER TOUR bers and thmee visitors pre- overnight guests of bis cousin! ,TELodgre" NursingHm TO sent. Our presideni, Mrs. Mr. Orville Chatterton, Mrs. bon Hapware.cicated. ATHE- Kathleen Davey, opened bbc Chatterton and family. 15 - '5 commodation available. KindBU AL meeting with hymn 388, "O, Mr. Andy Lunn of Bow- Several makes and models came. Nurse 24 hrs. Vstr atrltm akwt manville, formerly of Eighth to choose from. Priced .welcome. Phone Mrs. Wm. 'Tbce.' Mrs. Davey conducied Linie passed away Saturdiay, to cear!Westover, Newcastle 2701. the necessary business and: Sept. 141h, in Memorial Hos- . * __________ 2-tf Veekend th orsodence was read. pitai, Bowmanville. Funeral SOUTH Haven NursIng HomeW cetdtoivttos was on Monday. Interment, VWatch for -Accommodation for private coer1,13 4,onle frohrn 9ky Hubbardd 10)n therfam'ly plat in Oronaý _ a nd semi-private patients., InclusiveBuktn areyNhte Vsios ihM. id rs Erlr McQueen ýBobby, Ajax. with theMc were Sunday dinner guests!" hBe ir"T gans onSuMd-v close one? with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weldon Brown MUTPELSIGSRIELgasoSud.anatnedhe BudLFoggLCoLuSTIaNMemERVIE M..John Johnson, Oshawa, Thornpsonan ted h: Jim Crg oni shaw a Ditrith and Mm. and Mrs. Bert John- Qiiite often n vou sec an Manvers Anniversary Service -JckMllr saw &Dstic son enjoyed a mtor brip ol accident or pass the scene or f!and enjoyd baring the. re- 1-jA a ler lBancroft and points north on one, -%ou*][ tel[ar rienlyfier ited W m i OW ________Real______a____Board_________ M. -oa en tr tahom e mPe reumnsd 1695A0 Mae elEtt o rand. about h hy.later. t sually you'Il Mm. Ernest Hamm rtr*e 155 0 A o ___________________________________________ and Trevar weme Sunday sp-! d o uhda"loehmiatwe rm the Osh- _________________________ pergusi o th Kyas;and ue atweek. '"ou might awa Genemal Hospital. per gueA ndrofsthe Tarantasu M m."ands rMm and Mrs. Sandy Vandam, end thinking, "Jtcould have Rev. an d Mrs. T. W. F. G. H V l D N O A L ...o Emr ployrnent Officers lmn il, uktn were' been me.",Adeso orno r n Sunday callers. ~Mrs. Victor Hooper of Orillia H V T D N O A Sal r $441 - 4,50Club 50 and Tyrone Red; Completeinsuranceco'veragef and their daughter Mrs. D. Salay :$4,10 $4950Cross ladies quiiied the Cen-! is vital . .. cafl us today for Hasbrooke of Hudson, Ohio, 41tennial Red Cross quilt lasi pcaç) f Mind visited Mms. D. G. Hooper on ORDER NOW FOR NEXT S RN NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE week and on Monday morning audy il was tumcd aver ta Bow- Little Karen Atkins ith Oshawa, Ontario mnil Red Cross unit, hem grandparents Mr. andNOAY v E 'TS TIF B....1 6 iSorry Ibis foliowing itemf o!.Tm ew Documnentar.v evidence of High Schol Graduation news was omîitted two weeks mother Mrs. Gardon Atins wilI be required. Several ycars of experlence related ago. but a belated welcomc is' was a patient in Memorial to the duties af the position. extcnded ta aur new icacher, Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. John Butler, Toronto, STAI RT R. Mm. and Mrs. Ceci] Janesi For full partîculars as to residence. qualification from the communitv. Five vîsited bis sister Mis. Mary M Fipa tteNtoa mlynn evc n ot ac ~teltl c eol eoilHsîaBwa HW ODPOUI reqtr!rements and application form secC posters on f girls made their first- appear- uam ,.. O'Neil who is a patient in ~>~Jfice. namely, Linda Brown, Ann ville. * AI~ Penwamdcn Cathrine Pen-f INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Mm. Allen Cathcamt, age Oshawa Office and Showroom - LIIIIED anOfc n hwo L.!->ApplY before SEPTEMIBER 26, 1963, to the warden. Mary Cornish and 97, husband of the late Mms. C IVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Pat Woodley. King St. E. Bowmanvllle Mary Anme McKclvcy Cath- OHW HPIGCNR 10 TeIephones 0 ORIE-7811 25 St. Clair Avenue East Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Crago cari and father of Mm. Gar- Phone: 728-1617r Toronto 7, Ontario and famaly, Shaws, wcme Sai-, Office Residence "land Cathcart ofKndlpass- BOWMANVILLE- 728-1611 To Serve You AA Eih290 competition Number 63-T-909 should be quoted. Cornish*z. 6235686o3-493 d a ay af erp..ength i]- aM. iknd Mrs. John Vaneyk' Puneral on Thursday aI 21

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