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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1963, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, Sept. 18, 1963 vincially equalized assess- ff EI more Mercy Hlosplial, Bluffalo,, Constable Don Anron!. ment.Adeiio(71tI ,.. c to which is situated near her vestigated. NW EDOh .A eiinbetwen the£ eter cŽo (ihe & io home. A :8am hrdv w programme of the RobartsAt95 . T 4. e ~~~~~~~~There was about approxi-cr collided onKig tre Weerttxt *t&f C om m ittee P re pares 'oeneti peeta el NEED HELP AT BEACH 'Dr. Ireland. Mr. Ritchie, Mr., not a slum but signs of decav rnately $1,500 damnage to Mr.ibv the TBeaver Lirbron nlxo otclm ment, substantially reflected 114 Cattingharn Street ing our residences in repair should be done now, and ifi ang o M.Cobe~ rw Hayne, Linaadaveiinathels Fo 8 B i z H re in Durham County, and that Toronto 7, Ontario and present a nice appear- is not done, the region will vehicle. Constable K. Laton, rs. Susan E. Wigh,5Pakthtalreqntyofe Fc r~ PIIB B it -e outlined by the opposition. teDa September l7th, 1963 ance. A lot of the year round get worse." This appiies here, 1OP, investigated. way Crescent. K. O 5pogAmmecisof entheeRobarts th:eir es t arne s keeping I h oot n o- On Sundav afternoon at 5:07 FreethY. investigate.hl vr a Govcrnment in the field of As a Summer resident ofifact, the odd one has changed did not think this was a love-cokte ehce novd O n M o day, Se t. 3 health with its expansion of,IEast Beach for 30 years frorn hands fairly recently t prices ly spot rnost f us would flothon No 35 igwesauropst.Te meetin of te Boman- Hawthorne, Ms Fac 1 s and increased assstance for * oÇonto I am aig ta he lib-ý bet en ten and twelve thou- have been corning here for so drivers of th tw casn vle- West DuhTime'sryCrareadMrs asrg ofe; manya sevies.anrte.po-It-ayofnirsurev s asadlollrs.vothlvedhmay inr. thtsue collisioni th cllsi erere gramme presented by the op- part of your edîtoriall 0Tieae si te etoso f the year round residents Joh~n Allin, 274 William St.,. Committet to finalize plans Jack Dunn is the CNIB position. for Reason". tht Town not every house is here would aise like to keep Osa1 n hrdnGbo, for the annual Blitz Carn- Blitz Campaign Chairman for 6. A decision between the To start wîth, my wife and the same value. il a lovely spot. It has been 63haain Srid West., paign for the Blind to be heldBoraileanGogeVc onMnaoeeigwSpe-isttairmeand forge lizVicyof the Robarts' Govern- ont of rny three daughters Aies, however, sorne pe 1 le noticed that the Town resi-î6KigSreWst ber 30th. from -j to eight apinfrteCIinh' ment with respect to welfare, were born In Bowmanvilla. living here ail round the year dent do not corne down her, Mrs. Velda Allin, a passen o'elock was held in tht Lions Cuampaign forTh etBine thtassistance for elderly citi- When the girls were small due possibly te circurnstanees like they used to, and I arn ger in the car driven by her Auto Libly Isu nc Comuniy ente o arecntthis year's campaign is $4 ,000,' zens, the blind, the widows,!rthey spent their Summers beyond their contrai or ta sure t.hey mnust miss the old husband, was taken ta Merný evening. Jack Dun. the Ad- the disabled, the orphans and!here and now my two grand- lesser means, cannot keep uo Beach as well. The people in aria] Hospital where she wasý visory Committi'e Chairman,an the o mît ttepese those requiring general wel- ýchildren are doi'ng the sarne. their places. The Beach area the Beach area are, an the treated for minor chest in-' P REMIUJMS sLWa 25prya presided. hehp ththep o f fare with that outlined by the: We intend ta corne here for should not be eondemned thenwoe, eihurv bt it juries and bruises. She wasi 10OOO the town and surrounding area Ihlnihory u An invitation fromn the Bow- will given generously ta en- opposition. rnany years yet, God willing, on accaunt of these few. It Iwould appear sorne are la abîetet return ta her home an;l manville Lions Club toaet- able the great work of the 7. A decision on the policv and give aur trade ta tht gas would appear that action need of better housing. In th- Monday afternoon ta recuper- SE KN M RI tend its annual Sight Con- CNIB for tht blind ta be car- of park expansion, as refleet- 'stations, stores, etc., in the should be taken ta help these long run this will help the: att.1 for Auto, DmelnBsnsFr nuac Servation Dinncr Meeting ta ried on. ed in Durham Caunty underiSpring and Summer, as 1 arn few ta find better places ta Town and the Beach. Darnage to Mr. Allin's car i H hS be held on Monday evcnîng, the Robarts Administration sure the rest af the Toronto live before the decay growsl In my humble opinionti ronted to approximatelyIomnl, ioeu~~l September 23rd, xvas grate- Bob Padden. Peterborough, in camparison with the pro- ývisitors do. 1 was ont of theand is then very difficult andproblem should have tap $250, and there was about' Rpeetn fuly acepedby the Advis- the CNIB Field Secretary, re-!gramme proposed by tht op- persans respon sible for gettinglexpensive ta solve. Mr.: Mat-1 priority. as it canntb oryormitcetath CNB oredtha te owrani ,e'position. Town ater down hrandIthtw B. Lnored Toilntolot go ig- $200 damage ta Mr. Gibson's SCHOIE -A R LMI D members. West Durhamn Advisory Corn- 8Adeiio asIona wish I could heon urPnigDre, awo, Tor noreand wl e oaway. car. Constable Murray Joynt, 30K The follwing hav been miteheopeonedours oPlanning. D rector, hassedsand pOPPntpasbtht 1inve tigeting, asitheSt.esW.gOSHAW36072ng 22.5 Th fllwig av benmite oerte is or or' arison of the Portableprsnprbe. about a certain Toronto erea,! Yours truly, offcer pponted and agrccd ta serve thPeidduigthseaiit 'on Plan of tht obrt Years ago ail tht cottages"Two thirds o hsae s Edward Gingell. I cr rie-b-Rv.G.V as tearn captains for tht an- a diefcth wye of $l31. y e, Government based on pro- 'ail closed up by Thanksgiv,- Leahy, Kinount, Ont., andi nual CNIB Blitz Mrs. Juein so oghrtotpe fE essiveLI I Dr ot drven b EardA. rmis Calë, Mrs. Wayne Purdy, Services paid for by tht com-,gressiveprincipaspand Ca-M fEUEý on. Witenby col A.d et snFA M 1I L~ James Bell, Mrs. G. A. Edmo-,mittee and of tht library,-both i'operation with the endorse- in. a ny happy tr anok d DJ'clkon, hiMy old a eveno mciefo hs otri-Pension Plan by tht opposi- .egryt pau gi.Tt Brile an tiniomn fttpUpsdCnd:ec umr eeloe frM LV JNo. 35 Hgh a t ounty FAAIILi aton, Jak Dnn, rs.Ron achnes or hostnottrai- .first year round resident.Hg ay t C ed ta read Braille.ti, carne during tht war-time by JiIi Ames 'y») sang their favaurite nur- Road NO. 1. There was about, ~T'rTI'These issues I leave in the housing shortage, and from1 On Friday, 13th, tht 'Frosh' sery rhyme. I neyer knew $75 damage ta tht Leahy car,i ENFIELD '~Tht expenses also included cpbehnso h epeteewr omn ifrn n prxmtl 9 salaries of the Field ,ertr aal ad fttpal then on it wvas no longer a garbed in curlers, ties, beads.teewr araydfeen n prxmtl 9 am- an hHm ecer os of Durham, concluded Mr. Summer Resort, although still nylons, turbans, gym suits words and tunes ta "Twinkle, age ta Mr. Orrniston's. Con- e Mr. and Mrs. R. Bea, Hemn- adteHm ece h Carruthers. a wonderful place ta corne ta signs, boots and runni nd LthtnsleStr"Clssme-s tivstabeHwr igtofier. Iùton, were overnight guests et Office is in Peterborough, Mr. fanacoddct aue-sosstndt aveafung beganan hgswrsoewsteivstaigofcr. ehe C. G. Bowrns. nsi. ly now we do not like tht filed day daîng odds and what back ta normal. The A car driven by Mrs. Mari-ES - r.R oet n Mrh'Teewr 3bln epe ttmn that values are ends for seniors. day passed quickly and fin- 'lyn Rat Fisk, Pontypool, sus- JO F S HE RPR Mr. . ners ndM rth'ererer nte a bl uin opllsatenen .carne time for Our tained about $1,000 damnage n Jane, Oshawa, were Thurs- reîseedi tt ra uin dropping, as we have an ia- Someoftifu includedi seniors. who had extracted a collision on No. 35 Highwavi day afteraoon gucsts with'the year. Tht number of reg- vestment here. We, along1shining shots, carrying books,. ' intaldytopa tEtepieHllo hr- bIr. . G Bwmn. str. bladba reeiedPU awih the Smme rsient, ectin dfiitins sngig,.paîsmet il ayta la e Enerrîe HlionThus- KIG S. . OWM NVLL constnt athouh tw deahs -- - - ý_ - -, ý ecitng dfiniions sininghast and welcorne tht "nines". day et 4:42 p.m. Tht driver1KIGS.W Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- cnsat lhog todets and pushing peanuts down This of course wes tht 1 of the other car involved in Xeown and familv Whitby were reported. Tht two and! avle r n r.Br ordr.'rs et it ac. hsacdn a ae oa were Suadav guests w i t h Mr ýothers who have rnoved out of' <FROM PAGE ONEI avle r a r.Br ordr."rs et it ec. hsacdn a ae oa theditithv enrpad Stevens were dinner guests! At aine arn. ail grade Tmln rn.Dmg o is ls aa r.L ohaeand districtneyechrearepiant President Jefferv presided,with Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy re- niners and seniors met for Our presideat, Walter Ilick-Taby, roo Drae F stC ssR p rsfrY u Sh family. by others who have corne ta adëcte arMefo tt r. a blycsca emuned Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cochrane reside ia tht area, and a ne% et the meeting. Tht rauecnl Asserbly. There were e few riatd sMCfrhe r.Tmli'craouei Mrs. Helen Park, submitted a[M.adMs.WlimDo 1upis h euedt byevening. Each grade aine re- t bu 60 osal .C and Allen, Whitby, were Sun-rgstto. satisfectory financial state- broshiasky and son David, tht drtss rules but this wesceived a sheet with 20 phras- Harte-Maxwell investigated. W e carry a fui] n f rn day eveaiag diaaer guests ment, end moved its dp Courtice, were Sunday after-, quickly rernedied as it just so0 es on it and room for 20 Mrs. Mary B. Pkack, Hamnil- SatMnsn WIt M. Mr.adMs. Don Lee * *to This wes seconded bV o!alr tMr a r.hpeedttEeuiehdpeople ta siga their names. ton, who was westbound onSatMnsadBy'Sos and Keith. ~f O O I Mrs. Greta Luxton, and car-1 arl Luke's. a few extra articles with They had to find: 1. an Exec- 401 Highway, lost contrai ofý Rubbers, Sllppersas unn ýCc im "d ie. Ms.Par rad heren Snda clles t M. nd hen.utive member; 2. a cute the car she was driving on1 Shots, OvershoesadWr tlriepo rs.Pakin the bec f rea-' S n alLuers e Mr. d he.blonde; ?, e persan with tht No. 401 Highway, onternile oos Ec * M tl eprtinth aseceofMr. onldLuiswe i r.Aftir everyane was made- same sîze shoe; 4. boy andest of Bowmanville, on Fri-' SU ms U p j Mrs. E. Mitchell because o! and Mvrs. Clifford Swallow, cornpletely 'frosh laoking" gr ihreses ar .dye 82 ..Ttvbcl1 I# 7»1 N:Tht Euchre report was pre- 'Mrap nd G rav. ttnBcnfrîjsilliHariso person with most winning rolled over and tht darnage, 'PROM PAGE ONE) sented by Mrs. Annie ClaPp. and Kim, Coiborne, were Set- ýsrile and maay rny more. it sustained totalled aboutý Clearing our EireSokc IS II wise use o! egricultural lands Mrs. Dorcas Mtîtton was ap- urday guests et Mr. and Mr, Tht thrilled winner of this $ 1,000. Constable T. J. Ballan- lrns he vo itAO1/Q~ ~Çfrand its progremme of market-pite oneorfrlh te4i0et doc'. r.was Jan Black, 9B, who re- itynie, OPP, investigeted. Childe F»#OV XA Z4 RD O ion which rnust consider tht which will start on November' holidaying for a few days iS a C V S So ances were htld lision on King Street, near: Girl',Boys Ji alternative opposition program 8th et eight o'clock. Northera Ontario. throughout tht tvening and Gaage, S ec rch in spt Stckr'sGae,12onclck.Thed IfCT~/CALURE:of co-operation with Ottawaý Mrs. Vi Thornpson gave theý Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton and PROtPAGnONEaurainnes3w1e2 en, Socker' SThea - in the development of nation- Bingo report, and it was de-'sans, Enniskilltn, were Satur- 'me Rnîs PAGlsfvE O Eet oRehm ersand Don ourt drivers of tht two cars were' ai aretig oars.cîded ta start tht Bingo each day 'supper guests of Mr. and tw nce aian tghs, Cheryl Ana Luxton and Don Ms oad efr,10 J. Van Munstr rp two inces Wah and w - 3. A decision on the educa- week et 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Thomp- Mrs. S. Kersey. Wligo tet n rhl tional policy o! tht Robarts'snwsapitdBnocn Sna uprget tM.about 100 pounds. She bsReed arlnWlhad ~ o tet n rhe son as ppoitedBing co-, Snda super uest atMr.short brown hair worn wîthi Doug Raby, and aur two E. Masters, 4 Lamnbert Street.i Administration with its pro- venor for September and Oc- and Mrs. S, Ktrsey's werejbangs over ber forehead. She pest presidents, Nancy Wool- Demege ta bath vehicles gramme of acadernie and va- taber. It was also agreed that Rev. Ted Kerseyadfri "a wern awhtblue1t and Do atesn ach o3iated ta Iess then $100 . cetional training; a programme tht ceguler meetings of Me- Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. L.oag waebakjasîinrrcie ml e idrdesigned ta give equelity of Irnorial Park Association an' Player and sons. Bowrnan- orane swesaerblck jeans, îer rcie .salr- education toaell and with tht evening of tht secondIvill, edM.at r.Jak i1scs ndbakrn od leandMr.an Mr. Jckning shots. It was reported Eeno'lkcaequk- generous financial assistance Tuesday each month wili com- ,Lyon and farnily.tatse aylobvebn Elvnolckareui- through scholarships, burs- meace at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fer- werga he -quyartohae lenhl and tht dance carne toaa aries and student loans. It isi Mrs. Dorcas Mutton pre-, row and family were Sunday imitation leather coat.cls. urdnehlfott tinnoa providing in eddi- 'senteti tht Outside Property visitors of Mrs. De Hart and 40poî 0 a vnn was traasforrned back % roremriig n great report. She informed thteMs' .Rsso roîa Yesterday bten30adinto an Assembly Hall reedyý retraiRssofning,. 40 poletokpat nthejfor Monday rnorning eand epninin tht field o! Uni- meeting that several parts for 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Killenssacto Nre.Ttcow>vroewntbrermn EL CTN ARIC LTD. ILvesîty adtechical edthe nwbcso bt ened aiN pntawee covered tht entire area north iscing about tht crezy nd TOWN 0F BOWANIL CONTRA tIN EPAIRSto.I sadeiinbteni receîved. Tht Sick report was recently with Mc. and Mrs. o! Highway 401 ta tht Third exciting events of tht day.1 13 Ci tht above progrer, financed 1 submnitted bv Mrs. Greta Lux- Berry o! Alymer. -Concession o! Darlington,in This past Initiation Day is 16 Temperance St. substantiel grants related tao Mrg. Vi Thompson moved weekead tauring northn Bowmanville, also betwten, about ta forget for a long, long' local assessment and a pro-I that e letter a! thanks be sent i Ontaria by a steem ran Mrià&e ni el fjottatorFos r y-Law To R e u a e Th * , ~~~ gram o! tht opposition under ta Bowrnanvillt Town Coun- ' which was sponsoccd by tht 1 asweîaNrtonMti which a tex is levied by acil for tht installation o! the'Upper Canada Reilwey Socie- 'Road. Enough for Initiation, now prvnilset rate an a'pro- hardtop for parking et Me- ty. Charles Stainton, Chief o! ta tht new business et hand. __moriel Park. Mrs. Greta Lux- A br'idai showtr was htld et th.e Duplate o! Canada, Limit-» I hope everyane i5s aving U se 0 f The B w r any le ton seconded this motion, and Mrs. Ronald Luke's on Tues- ed Police, Oshawa, where ber' Fridey night. Sept. 20, for thte it wes carried. day evening in honor of ber father is ernployed, orgenized B.H.S. "Martien Hop". A lot: THE M AN YOU KNOW Mrs. Anniee passed an! sisttr, Miss Cheryl H-awes. tht search. Ht expressedr o! work and effort is bting, M unicipal D rm 1 medmntte te motion1 ayHapo eintwr, pcal appreciatian ta tht! put into it so let's meke it I S TH M N E Ei passed et a previaus meeting1 preseat et this shower. Bow'manvxlle Police, a shift ont of tht best or -tht best cancening ht sik. Hec Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ceei from tht Goodyear plant, oth-,dance ever. 1 hope you have W EESttCuclo h oprto fteTw fBw IS T E M A W E EEDameadment was as foilows. ettendeti tht Buttonvilît Air er volunteers who took part ail observed tht posters as T'lhat tht active members who Show on Seturdey. They were la the search, ead ta Rebo- this was e team effort by Dou" manville deems it is expedient to regulate hi adondb h uii TNt.~ are seciously ihi et home or'aiels dinner guests et Mr. and bath Christian R e fa r rn e d NichaIls (who designed the pality and used for dumping and disposa! fGRAEadRFS to represent Da.urham Coufliy in tht hospitel receive fruit' Mrs. Doug. Caverly's, Bow- Church, Scugog Street, for the~ Martien men), andi Audrey locatcd on Jackman Road. or flowers. andi tht non-work- manville, on tht occasion afuseo! its large parking lot asi Hayes, Kathy Osbornteand in the Ontario Legislature ers who are ill be sent e card their grantison Mark's birth- an assembly acta for tht seerch Jan Black, who met et my oal y. This was secondeti byi day, during tht week. parties. Ihouse lest Saturdey. Tht time AND WHEREAS Sec. 397 (1) Paran p 1 f h uiia ýMcs. Helen Park, and cerrieti. is 8:00 - 11:30, tht dress,, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, providts that B-asmyb asdb V O TE and RE-ELECT Tht president, Mrs. Mar-I casuel, andi tht prices onlyý Councils of local municipalities for prohibtn orruatn adisp- gacet Jefftry, Mrs. Annie 0k2. * 140c single and 60c couple., hf I tt' h'lt o n the immediate past president, Saesuettyuen ah ing te use of any land or structures m î uncpi and Mrs. Vi Thompson, who i D n isT ee erfo.. your friends came ta aur defined area or areas thereof for dumping rdsoigo abgrfs I also e past president, wte _____1 "Martien Hop!" or domestic or industriel waste of any kirîd ALEX CAR RU1H ERS ol'h uc omte fr M UrA /l I B.H.S. Football Schedule .Ppe- .mcivu('ncu ert October. feI Senior AND WHEREAS tht Councilcftt on of Bwnnil a For information or transportation on Election Day in Darlington : Polling Sub-divisions 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 1:1 - PHONE 725-4377 Remainder cf Polis : PHONE 263-2086 or 263--2295 Inserted by Progressive Conservatîve Association - ~ - .iIi~ Ves. wallpaper can make your rooms look neat, bright and homey ! Cone in and sce our new, ultra-modern mallpapers for '64. These new samples are first quaity, top grade. Local Authorized Dealer for: PITTSBURGH PAINTS and CANADA PAINT Why settît for less when you can buy the best.. here! Paint and Wallpaper Clearance Continnes l'HAMPTON Mr. end Mrs. Hoard Hans- fard and son Denny, Caledon East, flew on Sunday ta visit Mrs. Hansford's sister, Mrs. Charlts Wheelack antiMc.'r Wheelock. They landed in M.!, Harold Selter's field et Hamp- ton. Hampton Home & Scbool met on Wednesday, Sept. 11lth, et 8:00 p.m. et tht sebool. Tht !ollowing students receiveti athîttic cups as a result of field day et tht closing o! lest year term: Primer girl, Lyn Halroyd; Primer boy, Ed. Ko- sak; Junior girl, Nancy Mack-1 lin: Junior boy, Grant Luke; Interniediate girl, Richi Van' Heuven; Interinecliate boyý, *Daniel McLean, Senior girl,. Susan Holroyd: Senior boy, Victor Hiane. Tht follawing' students acknowledged gradu- ation pins: Linda Lee Killens,' Beth Robinson, Carolyn Dew-I eH., Sally Payne, Susan Hol-ý royd, Alex Rogers, Victorî1 Henc, Cesy Van Heuven,i Christine Hoskia, Lillian ag, Linde Strewbrîdge. Mrs. H.' i Coutts presented tht Eileen'l Coutts Memorial Tcophy ta Linde Lee Killens for tht highest standing la Grade 8. Guest speakers were Mrs., Creamare and Mrs. Edmonds, o! tht Oshawa Home & School r Counicil who spoke on tht ali vantage o! Home & School andi that your yearly tuition' gots for school burseries. The president also introduced the two new teachers, Miss Beech and Mrs. Horaick of' Baw- jmanville. Tht executives o! the U.C.W. met lest week et Mrs. H. Bel- so' ta meke plans for the The Sundav morning church service was et 9:30 a.m., with' Rtv. Percv Page reading seripture lesson, Phiippians 3: 1-14. Tht children's taik was titled "Separation,' with j tht sermon, **Paul's Lasses." Choir practice will be ia the. church on Thursday l9th ei- ening. Mrs. Burgess andi Mrs. W. Taylor. Tyrone, Mrs. A. Si- phens, Toccanta, Nrs. W. ChaI- lis and Mrs. C. Baretît, Bow- W KOTEX 48's - Reg. $1.86 LISTERINE $1.49 Value- ASPIRIN Reg. 93c size Now $1.42 Only 99c Now 59c Coricidin COUGH SYRUP Reg. $1.50 Only 1.19 GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE Reg. 98e sîze ORADETS Reg. $1.00 DODD'S PILLS Reg. '79e ------ - Only 69c ,Special 88c Now 61c KODAK INSTAMATIC 100 OUTFIT Reg. $21.95 Valut --. Only $19.95 STOPETTE ROLL ON DEODORANT Reg. 98c size Now 69c Lady Esther 4-Purpose Face Cream $1.'75 Value- Special 99c PALMOLIVE RAPID SHAVE Reg. 89c- Only 68c HELEN CURTIS HAIR SPRAY Extra Firm Hold - Reg. $1.49- - Now 99c at Your Local Rexali Store JURY & LOVELL 2 King St. E. Phone 623-33611 Thursday, Sept. 19- Cour- tice at Bowmanville (exhibi- tion'- 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26- Ajax at Bowmanville, 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3-- Bow- manville at Anderson St., (Whitby), 3:30 p.m. Thursday,. Oct. 10- Bow- manville at Clarke, 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17- Cour- tice at Bowmanville, 3:30 p.m. iThursday, Oct. 24- Bow- manville at Henry St. (Whit- by), 3:30 p.m. Junior Tuesday, Sept. 24- Bow- manville at Henry St. <Whit- by), 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1 - Bow- imanville at Courtiee, 3:30 p.mn. Tuesday, Oct 15-- Henry St. (Whitby) at Bowman- ville 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22- Cour- tice at Bowmanville 3:30 p.m. Accident Round-Up Three people were injured in a two car collision on the, iMiddle Road, near the South- view Golf and Country Club. ocn Saturday mornîng at 10:4.5 o'clock. Donald Mairs, the driver of one car, sustaîned knee lacerations and several fractured ribs, and a passen- ger in his car, Miss Peggy Dent, age 27, 446 Woodland Drive, Buffalo, N.Y., suffered Ia broken right arm, facial la- cerations, and lacerations Io both legs. The driver of the other car, Raymond George Crombie, Liberty St. South, also received facial lacera- tions ini the crash. The three injured were tak- en to Memorial Hospital hy the Bowmanville Area Arn-, bulance Service. Mr. Maîrs' and Mr. Crombie are stili be-I ing treated for their injuries there, but Miss Dent was taken bNy the Bowmanville' Area Ambulance Service on' Sunday alternoon tn the Ken- satisfied themselves that the responsibility of tht prevalent f ires at tht Dump lies with Non-residents of tht Corporation: AND WHEREAS the smoke f rom tht fires is deenied a nuisance and injurions to tht health of residents of tht Town of Bowmanville; NOW THEREFORE pursuant to tht provisions of Section 379 (1) Para- raph 112 of tht Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, tht Council of tht Corporation of tht Town of Bowmanville eneets as follows: 1. The Bowmanville Municipal Dunip shahl consist of land owned hy the Corporation bounded on the South by Jackman Road on tht East, by Berbour's Creek on tht West, by the Easterly limit cf the proptrty owned by Rhea Burns, and on tht North by the Southerly limit cf tht propcrty owncd hy Tht Working Boys' Home cf Toron to. 2. NO PERSON shall deposit wveste et tht Bowmanville Municipal Dunmp unless he is a resident o>r taxpayer within tht bouindaries of the Corporation of the Town of Bownmanville. 3. NO PERSONS shall be allowed to set f ire to any garbage or refuse deposited in tht Bowmanville Municipal Dump. 4. NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSON %hall remove anything which bas been deposited in the Bowmanville Municipal Dump. Any person violating any cf the provisions cf this By-law shail, for each offence be hiable to a penalty not in exccss cf Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) exclusive cf costs, tht same be recovereble under the provisions of the Ontario Summaryv Conviction Act. Any By-law inconsistent with tht provisions of this By-law are hereby repeled. READ a first and second tirne this 3rd day of September, 1963. Y </ IVAN M. HOBBS, Mayor. JACK L. REID, clerk Read a third time and finally passed this 3rd day of September, 1963 IVAN M. HOBBS, Mayor, ZACK L. REID, Clerk. Argesv %.'. AUnber~AA~AV aiLAV e SEPTEMBER 25th Darlington Discontinued Lines Liînited Quantities ~I!I DEDUEUV'CPAINT and MDLREIRYFSWAIJ 33 King St. W. Bowmanville

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