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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1963, p. 4

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IDITORIAL COMMENT Political A B C's Enter Final Stage . or thé first time in our memory, thé ballot in the provincial election next Wedrtesdav will follow an ABC pat- tebrn, Aslitnn, Beer and Carruthers. This constituency is probahly the orily oneb of the 108 in Ontario to have this distinction. To date. the campaign has been éxtremply quiet local. There lias been thp odd argument reported in the press where one local candidate has taken exception ta statements made by an opponent, but in the main, ail has been sweetness and light. The candi- dates havp made se-veral addresses ta public meetings in x'arious parts of the county. autlining their programs and pointine out what tbey considered weaknesses in the other parties' plans or records. Most of these meetings have been well attended, but> not crowd- ed, giving an indication that there is con.ciderable interest afoot concerning the outcome. Possibly, the custornarv nortli end of Durham will lie a deciding factor. Always, in the past. the south end's élection resu its have reached héad- quarters earlier on election night, but candidateus in recent years could neyer quite be sure how solidly the narth mrould follow the Conservative patterni. Howpver, if a PC candidate rolled up an impre'ssivP lead in the lakeshore arràs, hli didn't need ta wait. ton long ta eich.rate, lie was assured of victary. But, in this election when for the first time in. manv years the Liberal candi- date cornes from the north, ail parties undoubtediy are pondering what this new situation wiil bring about. At this point, nobody knows for certain. Ail three candidates have been piacing great reliance on house ta bouse canvassing as their main method of contacting their constituents. In fact, tliere haven't been as many public meetings, coffee parties or other affairs as in tlie past. How many miles they've traveiled and how' much shoe leather has been expended by the hard-work- ing contestants lias not been disclosed but it certainly lias been monumental. Now, tlie election is coming toa close and it is time for the electors ta have tlieir sa\' at tlie poils, ta determine wlio' their futute îepresentative in the provincial legislature wiii lie. We editorialiv xviii neither make a chaice nor pick a faot-ite for aur readers. Sa far as we have been able ta determine, ail tliree are upriglit, responsible citizens of good cliaracter who would be good, active rnembers of provincial parliamnent. Ail of tliem are friends of ours, and we hope ta keep themn that way. Su, go to the poils next Wednesday and express your opinion cancerning the candidates, the parties and the policies that have been lotit.linéd to you over the past few weeks. Votp as you like, but make certain you do vote. Le tter to the Editor Doesn't Agree With Editor PC). Box Q17, 18nwmanville, Ont., So.ptemnber 14, 196-i Dear Mr. Editor: 1 cannot agree xNvitli ail of Nvour editorial of this week's Canadian Statés- mnan. It seems to me down through the yeaî.s a blindness has covered the eves of aur- town's officiais and some remain blind ta the needs of aur people. 1 bought a liouse on East Beach knoiwing I1xvas twa miles fromn any rrhool. I also tank the îesponsibility In sec' that mv- chldren get tb school. Th-is is also th'e responsibility of every parent on the two beaches. HoIwever. when it cames ta fanfare and large publications. wliere is John- con & -Johnson? At least two headlines inn mv time of seven yeaî-s. crossed our C-'adanStatesman. About a year Pao oe lonelv shoveful of earth 'vas t!jrn<n-l lfor the Sweet factory. Please ,chow me the building and tell me how rnn\, re xvaîkinçg there? "Ph- m Beocliat-ca is slum. is it? H-ou~r rn-uch effort is aur council doing ta improve things? The.v refuisç permits ta improve buildings and the road-, Are nothing ta Wvrite home about. In the past the tawn counicil lias had the oppartunity of stîpuiating the size of propertv and the value of build- ings ta lie erected but thev should lie the same as îiptown and fhev are flot. Wli x? If il is good ta impraxe buildings uptown il should also lie for the beach area. In late August 1 \vent up t<o the Cariadian National Ex\hibition. There I saw a booth containinc a map oil Ajax, Ont., adx'ettisincg factorx- sites, but as usual nothing for- Bowrnanville. 'h 'v is relief handed ta people without the îeturn in labour ta aur town? Cain vu tell me of a town or citx' wxheie the Zai'hale is taken from peaplp's hback sheds or gariages. If vosu feel t-bis 'uva:-« v o f printing i N'oui- paper \'ou max- do sa. Ytiuî s I rul v, George A. lleeks. Th e Harm of Fixed Opinions Oner of the most difficult things ta accomplisb is a change in R habit of thinking. An example is reactian ta the ighly optimistic Juiy empioyment Statistics. Thle labour department in Ottawa reports, 6,742.000 Canadians at work, an incî'ease of 207,000 over last year. The work fat-ce stood at 7,035,000, up by 158.000 from last \'ear. In ailier words, riew jobs increased a good deal faster thani new job applicants. As ta the rest of the picture, the so-called solid coi-e of the unemplo ' ed - persans withoutt work for seven monilis or more -in cluded only 59.000out of a total of 293,000 persans listed as unemploved. Sîîîel *v those figur-es show that tliere iF no widespî-ead, emct-gency' proli- lem- of unemplo 'vment in Canada. Yet somp. commentatot-s have been saying for so long that iliere is sucli a con- dition that tlieY nom, s'mply adapt the riew data tri tleir aid tune. A Toronta evening newspapeî-, for instance, re- v'iexvs the labor department's figuies and then wamns iliat we "not lie corm- Slacent becauise we had a recor-d num- eî- of p rople in jobs; in Jul 'v. Wp need exver * kind of pî-oject thai xxill make Somp \vork. ight now-. . and for a good long time ta came." Thle country does nul. need, and cannot affard, a vast w'astefui make- woî'k programn. We do need ta foster growth of indîîstrv in cet-tain localities; we do need ta provide training, or trans- portation, or bath, for a relatively few perso ns. Il was nults>o far back that a mem- Ibel' or bbc fedei-al cabinet estimated that spending $10,000 on public works prtmvided one job l'or anc pet-son for one ~-ar. On the other hand the manu- facturing industm-y creates a permanent joab for ane persan thmough tlie capital inx'estmnenî of about $20. 000. But the added taxing and borrowing ta caver the higli casts of gox-enment. make- work pragu-ams inevitabl.v im pedes the grawth of permanent, productive em- pi oy ment. 'lie facts of tînemployment have changed. Unless we change aur thînk- ing about the îtnemplovyed and what miglit le dune ta find themn jobs. furth- er economie recover w ýilI lie impeded. SIMOKER'S DILEMMA Wliile Healîli Minister Judyv La- Marsb is making laud anti-cigarette noises. not a wvord. significantly, is com- îng fu'om Agrictulture Minister lia*vs or from Rex-nue Ministet- John Garland- The fact is that the gavet-oment, like the smoker. is hauked h'u- the habit, sa',-s The Financial Post. Take the Rev'enue Minister. 1-is excise tax pulls in nearl 'v $200 million a vear from cigartetes and bis Il 'V sales tax pushes the total tax take frsîm cigar-ettes îip ta almost 6', of bttdgetarv rex-enues. Ou- look ai the pliglit of the Agri- cutltcure Mitîister. His departmeîît pro- vides research on tabacca .gt-as'ng and helps -Zuaa-antee boans ts) gr-aweîs when sctrpluses mount. His policies xeîv directlv affect the v'otes of the 7,660 fai-mers in tbis $100 million-a-year indctst i-v. Miss LaMlat-sli av lie able Io kick the habit. but cao eithier of lier cabinet colepagues afford ta do so? Z)t ýUaan enn~ate#mnui Durham Ceunty'sr Great Famiiy Journai Est.,bished 109 years ago in 1854 Also lncorporatinq The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent US q- 4 p -' The Orono N ewsm 14 fl,& -' -Auth,,r,,.d lsSecond clMasMeil ht he Pont Office flap.Ottawand '"" l"îpnyment Oet9o.o1oge In ceait" Produced *very Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMTTED PO. Box 190 62-6 Kng St. W.. Bowmanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS EDITOR.tNMIUKSNEUADVTG. MANAGER BUSivrgsRMGRt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $400 a Year, strictly in advanc. S5.50 a Yt-or ini the Uinited States Aithouqh *vazy preoution Wil ho !aken I0o vod P!.ot he FarIcic.nn Sti~Itýman accepta radvenui. ilq n a a i oumns on the Linc1n r.%rrdnn tbct -,t i )l - r f n t' , 't, n rct : nry dvprtiseimnt puklhed heroinador unlessa laprf nt etavrh VIj-qte ,tre ii -n wntnq bv the adivertisr mi<t retir»i e, oThe Cnjodl(Ina Stosm-inn is-nesI u-r in ',e- >.v thp -dýrivoriene' miwdh a&t'Ch er, i ntcorrection Vp1nY nted in wrinq Iharonn nnd in fnit ýo f 'ny Sun, rn ,nnzS'. snnt mtrelctpd by The ConeTdion Statun Il ti uhtlity sh<ml manerf e.p--1 i i mnnuimr, n- il - Snt Ialoti ci sud, edv.rtîn.mnemi di th. e emmeriol hy th.*,,-,.'4 .nnn -mems tn, th*whme.lmapr,e M<e'u'r.d hy msuri Bdv tlmi. Ontario Bound Nurses Those thr-ee British nurses are getting readv Io emigrate ta Ontaiiota wark at the new $8 million Biverdale Hospital in Toronto. Thev are, from left, Maui-ene Gilding, London; Frances Atkinson, London. and Christine Smith, Southampton. The Immigration Branch of Ontario House prox-ides a selective immigration service for industrx- and professional groups which ire uinable ta find skilled personnel in Ontario. 8d ~Joariginau's C0L1~11 I Attitudes, Training at Homele Contradicts Schools' Teachingt Rotary Club Fable Points Out The luncheon meeting of the Bowmanville Rotary Club' at the Flying Dutchmnan Mo- tor Hotel on Fridav, Sept. 6' 'h, was entertained bY Dr. C. M. Elliott, Oshawa, with a clever modern fable, "A Tale of Two C urr icu la", (Home and School), of which beis the author. The Ruest speaker was in- troduced by Rotarian AI With- erspaon, principal of Clarke High School. He toid the club that Dr. Eliiott is the Super- intendent of the Oshawa Pub- lic Schools. and bas received Degrees fram Queen's Uni- versity, the University of Tor- onto, and Columbia Univer- sity. Dr. Elliott etarted his fable by saying '«Once upon a timne in the latter hit of the 201h Century. parents and eiders in a prosperous rity' in South- ern Torontarlo began 10 mur- mur against their schools. They said 'Our children do flo)t cibey us as we obeyed our par- ents. Surely the schoois have fa il1 ed -, He eontinued by stating that these parents and eiders aiso decried the children's iack of respect for property, and their destructiveness, whîch theyv contended mneant thai the teachers were flot doiing- their jobs. In the fable, teachers were also blamed for thie chiidren'sý iack of exercise and poor de- portrnent. The 'y also said that moralit ' and good groomning should be taught in sehool. "One father bemnoaned the tact tiiat his sons were reluc- YELVERTON I(Taîended for last week) *Mm. Frank Glaghei-gemi Jr. h as the uiistortcine ta fall attid break bis misl - a painfîmî Iinicurmc necessiiatimîg a tbree- dav enforced holida.v in bas-' f tant to help him shovel srnow, a- in çechonnl. ior eut grass. until they were "Orie father tnid asio paid the going wage.'y et.- principal that he lortged for diuring the same discus'sion. his %on to becomne àacsh61g Mr. Fllioti stated that thé, but that the lad was nnly ini. rparents talked of the need for terested in çportç. The bo, longer coffee breaks, shorter had mntioned press rePorts î working hours, longer vaca- that a university professor tions, and more paY. had bis stipend raisèd to The Cit «v Culture Club de- $13.000 a year, while the clared the sehools were fail- sport pages disclosed that ing ta produce students that Mickev Mantle receives $100,. could express tliemselves, but 000 a season. il found ils cluibs discussion The fable ended with th@ groups were poorl.v attended realization by some parents because the members were ah- that the *v had been forcing sorbed in televîsion, nor wal; Iwo curricula on their child.. there ever any diSCUSSion n ren. that the attitudes and their homes. training in their homes often "The Chamber of Comnei-t& undermjned and contractt decried the poar spellinR and the teachings of te schoois,. writipg of commercial gradu- "There w-as hope that there ates, w'hiie the cil 'v editor wouid no longer be t.wo cur- strained bis eves ta decipher ricula at least for some of the the report of the meeting.,;ehildireni." sent bhv the secreiary: the Rotarianl James S pe ptr .', druggist could ni read the principal of Cotîrtire High dactors' prescriptions: and the School, rnoved a vote ni lawver coniveed messages to thanks Io Dr. Flliott for bis his secretarY b'Y tape for, even able presentation of his il. bis awn signature was i]leg- lLlminating fable. The pri-s,- ible. dent, Dr. G. Edwin Mann. aiso Mr. Elliotts fable stated expressed his appreciation in that a judge had advised that the giiest speaker, and he prp- studetoLs be challeniged more.îsented Dr. Elliott with a eopy butl he forgat that 75 per cent of "Seven Paths to Peae, R of the students had been chaI- P.atar 'v International publica- lenced sa mucb that the.\,flan, a souvenir of bis visit threw in he sponge and led t t the club. school, and parents had not Dr. H. B. Rundle, chairman onlY allawed this, but had of the Plav Committee, an- asked for permits for them ita nounced that the piaY 1 hp do so underage. presented b.vthie clVèjýhîs1 Tt toid also of chlldren \vio seasan bas been selecte'd, and had becone nerVnus abouIt thatilù is entitied "I Killed a examinations heing snothed Caunit." hv tranquilizers ordered foit 'Plie birthdays of Rex'. John thern bx- t1icir pli \sieians. Verbrugge and Jack Reid "Then a psycltiaîrist and a were ceiebî-ated b', their tel- ps vchologist said to the peo- low Rotarians. The immpdiate ple: *Youî- (hildren aretienlt past president, Dr. Keith Bul- si<-k in bodY but in mmiid.' loti, was the leader of thie The.v infornied sone parent,;s i ngs ong. and .Jack Reid wax that the 'v epcterj m uch the piano accampantisi. Guesta of their chidren, therebY preseîît at the luncheon me.et- fi-uistîaling them. Otheî-s were mig were Robert Tay lor, Her- told that th(, *v nîust give the bei-t Winiter, and Bertramn yauingsters lov'e and affec- Caggin. al] of North Tcowni, on, also tuai thev inced care N.Y. R. P. Ric'kab.v wa.c the and disc-iplitne at honîe as .v,'u1 winner of the football draw. My wife and] T did NOT Its acî-eage isî't m-nih mai-c with sut-h gnad Irish rames as Wle ai-e pieased ta report attend the Toronto 'Ex."; in- Ilian 20 times the size of ours. Ithase? that Mr. Bert Gibson bas been Lio s e m be rs ToJ stead. we saved aur cs.and Tbey have amidway, o Aotalapricr dat Hspiaate roa Port we ' energies for the "reeely big we. .Thev' quit 'girlie" showvs th 'Fxaila rsoisandmieat sial fer ciruivaI- r short---Ot-ona Faim, wbich tbis year: we nex-er started tbe "pic tur showbut a iron catwe nwith the girls-in-white. we look in on Fridav after- them: always being content lI a t, ad itolrli of eWeicame borne Bert.t en C r i a iîoora but wcasnt able Io on Sat- do aur ogling in the open air, kiloigIia iearit r On Fi-idav eveniîîg the pla-y- urdav because of car clutcb and i using a ur- magimnat ion as'our nexgt am- the righbours ofts betweeîî the Intermediate e rnW re $7 0 trouble %whicb had. supposed- ta whal's 1under the dr-esses. ,'wisasetlens weneyebr ss em tCvnadBtay jy, been remedied bv an Euro- Oui- gaod Standard-bi'ed'pected uni il we saw their Yelverton w e r e concluded pean factor.v-trained "expert"?'* troiting races are ofteil more signed offeî-iigs, on displa,.ý witb the Betba ny-Yei vertaon: At tile diîîîîor me eting of niait. the pa.ql presiden who iad îcrely succeeded inl exciting than tlîeir "boked-up" Mavbe none o tf them ,wil ever leam winniiig Hie series witli theBomnil Lions Club Tbn current acraunts wer@ botching, the job. We askvd afternoon graiidstaiid offet--lbe 'a Van Gogli, and neithor tbree wins, thuIs taking the a on da Sept. 9 ttapoetdb h ertr aur local amateur. Ke'n Maore. ings. They have implement, wili thîe\- be lke Iiir - nutslHonier Oueliette tropby. This Lions Conmm9iiîitv CrrentreitBo Wilam t inatioa about il. He peî-used tle fruit. seed'. flawer, cookiimg. Penough ta CUt, Off one of their' tmophy was won last year bu ws nnumt - t eat re turns aunsillr l-erb Inamernoa- manal -rwid ude t eile-work, animîal, fowl and own ears. Cavait and Millib-oak the year on the- recent Lions Caînival ed th'at the bis be paid. Thin old sardine tin ,vith a fev tv other exhibits - so do prior. The Rame on Wednes- anjitmlkd t pr)iaeywa eaddb Ic un wî-enc-hes. and iin about I10we -The "Ex" k tops Ini "A". 1day, tho' interrupted by dark- $4,Jack7m111 minutes had the clutec'lutc-b- Miss Bayko, the yaui11g lady Ciass Faims. Sa w-bat? Os-ana ee eo opletionr, bad Brtîdvs of Dr'. Ivan WaoI- af the Bland Com-ed but tus) ]ate for the day who won the titlleaf Daiî-x-Is tops iii *C' Class F*aiis. The Cavaîî holding the edge aIl sey, Jefferx-. Harî-y Cmitîe.and t.airied. befor-es fair. Queen had nothing on aur To-*Ex' is 8.5 'uars aid; Orono ish j-ýdemr ady Annylîna, \what cdoes thr bacco Queen. Miss 'l'a-eb. 110. 'l'lie 'Ex' brags abouit ils' hewy.O FiavuittBb rdra aî oim Bu-CitnadteicoigCr "E h ave thal Oîono lacks? could eithem girl miss wînîîing SPOîts piograini but i'd like tbe eetme ih o itewr eeî-îdb hi i- Cliais-man, Fred Co1,, audiiic- exitemnt lianwasRyiey's charges taking the 1eili Lionsos.Oiaild Pluionrner. headed tbe discuso nmt ta see tirent geîei-ate more îead eaî ly and holding il ta a Bowinallx ilie, was a guesl at teî-s peîtaining ta the recent eviien. i O'oro urig teý8-2 win, tbo' sîrangiy Ibreat- the dinîmier nmeeting. The successfui Camnival heid ini evideiit ýat ol-ite.ur, g te eed in the last hait ofthIe Caîhalir Wonîeii League t-at- Memoriai Park by the Lions. in th e î tlîe local isikels ftoi Enniskil- svnb iigwihCaeedfi the delicious meal, 'Booth cbarmien Ubrmiti.d lii. Nex'ucastle. Oroîîo, Kimbv, getting three men on bases. witb the piesident, Mis. E. J. their reports, and recommpn and Salina. The "Ex" draws, Tbe winning balteîy' was Ranîd as caterîng con venar, atm ns were made for next ndattention ta a Couple' Of costil Bob Edmnunds pitcb-ing witb assisted by Mrs. Michael Hee-lyear's Lions CarnîvaI. r andgafewýayýs, Orano gets along Case Glasber-gen î-eceiviiig. j usl fine w -illi a few raoils ofý Scott and Smith were the Ca- itiexpensixe siinow fesîce, bar- van batterY in charge in the[ r3t~ i~ (4L rowed firn the township roads final innings. Winning o ul- N sy St eon. Anîd whien il's time standing recognition were Bill From Thé Statesmnan Files ta auIclion off tihe pri-ze <aives, Smeit wth twa 3-baggers and U A ____________________________________________,the few praospes-,(ti\e bux-ers are Case Giasbeîgen witb a 3- 25VERSAG 9 EAS GOfot -ooped tmp iin a speciai cor- bagger which be stî-etched for and I 25 YARSAGO49 EAR ACOî'al iii a iausoîetîm witb a a borner an a wiid pitcb. The (Sept. 22, 1938) (Stept. 24, 19114> fancu name. Instead., a few wioîîing team. capabiv coach- Fite ongine pîows inoatIk Mrs }iuigh Singer s visit- hii at -a- oec vBbRly nldasS Ic aI ~ ~ i KmgadDvsincre ng ber parents in St. Cat-steel POStS 0a1 w-bis-h l iu ng Bill and Bob Smelt,. Case Glas-C a ing sanrmDtvisonornerîgCaminessanie noufemite, on the race bergen, Bob Edmund.s, Rom Fie hif erg Lie ~trac-k. Ili fi-ont of the gr-and Scotît. David Staples. Ken FieChe Gog Ll n M iss Katp e Port-vý is takiimg a stanîd. whvrtei-eALI. c-ail see the Wilson., Henry Marionfelt and ~~ u m e serlous condition io bospital, -us IMfoadisitt.fn ntasbigatloid aeSisn Neil Taviai- R. Sudds, D. Bick-clig lMDnl nttt.fn niashiI lCile.Dl tno. eh L Hopr ls hrt Ms W H Caile aid«a, The-'"Ex' w-li have ta step The Cavais team coibr-d bu Ttîci Care ceita inn moimth,; lbrommgh the mep p masses Jlack Colvilie 'uvon the Seiir Toronto, recentlY visited ber lively' Vta Piovicde as god a Harru"Rv Kennedy\. wbic-l of tlle car mn %which 1 wnmmiiki of foliagr inthie worid. We Boys' Cbampianship at B.H.S. mother, Nb-s. Isaac Hohbs. dinner al, as imasaiiable a prite' maintained the pressure titi gladlY ,haki- tile sn\aw' off ar- give,-n water ,so bilie it Field Dax ain Tuiesday after- M- n i.Gn eoa as wo, have emîîoved ait Orona. the last bail waq pitched, corn- my boots and 'us alk nul of Ibis.rap u yA cp n ma nonn.Tom iiierned NIr and r-. ;Po.KeltlmilTbev bave thoir Warriot-'s Dav rsc endWii.;1oyutY f\(t o rti-,s ihw a lots' non.To Dpes.inerne- vbited their son Walti- iýat Val-Pae- \r*av. prPb ised-Kny it iaW cut1.0\c a rlmrM hg e a lls e iate -hamp., cîeated a notable srirCm ae ' ek Prd;'sehaearPic Hodgson. S c ott Kinsman. wit bout a bar-kward glance. behaven. record wben be came firtýz in (a'i-rCm v tewk Sm-bonI Childieetis Par-ade lid Smitb. Morden. B. Winsloxv B 1ut Septenîhet- s flot one of W'e ai-e RiVer, jilis for @ iine events, as welII as bieak'- end. bv tihe fille hbanI of tihe ass': anriR. Marton. Congr-atiaip- thIlemr. mantb. new eyen, pve ht îîîg, tinofficiailb , se-et-ai re- Mmr. tswald Pol laid. Tormon- Pi ainiîmg S-iîonl, froni Bo'- lýions at-e extendod triho: h AI this t uic- ,f r. il smridenly sep the p.. h o cords. Rowe \\on tihe.JLJIIiOt' ta.lbas heen visiting lus faîb-mr, niau-ili1le. Omanîns Faim was teanîs. bath for win and for, wotild take a rr-ammir'ent ci orV1lo the zinnias make Championsip. Marion Me- Mr. Samucl Pollard, Reita.'vehll attrimded e'u-er if il w-asý their spoîtsmaîîshîp in losimig. horsos .tai drae me., kickînc. g, s the, fencfb the thrii- Donald was air easyv Senîior Mm. and Mrs. MI. Riu-keîî ad niaie thaisn-oc nu illion short The lî-ophs- was tinofficiaili. s-reaming, and roarinc "0 ing 5n.5eep of hrownq andt GirlIs' winner; Gladys Drtwnev chlrn orno pttof th'n 'Ex'"teidiî-.whei-e presented b'u' Harmy Kennedv. CanlarHa"- across tihe boîdr, gi'eefls acmos. the viiev and Wh inri h uirtheWo Pda r.W .a tirson motld 1-0aii1 aIlday Yel'uemton u.C.W. Met -r it aI f i rn'home, mx- native rmdgr.thie sid pumple of dis- Girs';ine Jueiii the Jv.ii iricthe ts-eknda M.W.Bsmlîommt scepimîg a honîe-town Thursda.v aftemnoîîîîai tile land c. taritilis. iii girls' evenîs. Marv PEiiîet't. fu-c shile at (lanro. ' otm ieu't haime of the Fred Stace'us wit i Tivire. pîet Johin Keai k I1s-an st-arr fnrmbea r towPPU Mm-s. Char-lotte Mýorgtitson Mr. Claiemîte Rouss, of tihe smds ni irlumicis. some oif w'honî saine two dozeii memnbers ,ait-1 expressed il. tlroi,îli he never w-til ou wis 1 think af aîîd soir Wil fîed visiieri lier Standar-d Bank staff, ecent ix voit a-utsuait smrmîe the .ltevstrpeci.Bsns ati aaao us Pfl 11roj il ft.;rw site aîdbrohritmd ,sstc h aru .Yr dpmc'umacss cumr. or îlongt.er. 11i aim iseiorp resnt. Busines,ýs ~"ib o is nmuasof ours atsteWh ioSemîsgft f ate Miss E'ua aîîd Herbert Wake- Mrs. Thos. Boss, Wliitbv. fu .thmat is ttu' oifIlme cîîarîîs cmrisd plinig fr\7ic spîîkeri f "the S tf o! ms.tPs ur Seteber reîîîyn lia. uf ami s sial oliwtn ifair. 'Pie Oist Aîii'ersary SrvT-es nd îis ofruietfîlem.li. haesaurpaae. add y MisesEîeeî Wgh, aien Rev. W. S. 1Blytb. B.D., anmd - ( 'lii aTIm uies'sireon Sept. 22 and the Fo\vI SLmP- 'hskorS~tnbr ehmmîs and bot dogs, rmuq- MiS. Bivth, wiîa have bc-un wmil ttiatssi uas e per- in Ociaber. Mare itîfor -SPOke Of "a tiling of beauty tard anmd relisb, chamred steak PertadMre htgai isitinierig ter r. -C -lch0olowa - nia tiot iniifuture Com iîg E\-a fnda .ioy toiever." And Ibis anmd skutnkY beem utates ot Boss-iiaii i Hig elîdeî-, have i-etu rîed ta tt eilît-i iiiusis-lt miig a bimct in Rs okod omr ut-m s r S uti er sI f u ppls, goldenPar. Scbool. are attending T1orontou borne at Hawthîornîe, Oni. h esud n\lthll fluatind f nsclri espe.MsJi Nor-mal.RosLcwoa fre iie sa eYwIino ' apegle cr. Mm. îîdMis Keiumth ur- Mi. E J.Kin ottheBaîk ii 'v lc raI stt:gmafi-cezudelmaber now liviniînuLind- ils plat-e. Animis Place, as Tl'uiute -tingiing tartness of ris left on Wednesday for!o! Motiteal o! this towii, bas a bîass iuîoike\ . Qi-ou doesîî't sa-.vaspeeîd wt fra n oî-rîd siiltg.ci oaos an Moîtîeal, afier speîidiîîg a 10-.i ieteiîtlv beeîî trarmsfemred ta 'us aut tire*'Ex' airsios be-; fai-ewell gifU Otiter Smberia. Sprimig in Can - peac-imus. Earîhness ot scrub- weeks' sacation ai Bossnan-,its br-allc-bhn Guelphi, Omnt., anîd cause we donjît waiît a rick,Coligiatttlationis Ita Mm. ant da ls i iepn s twptte.rnigwt cille Beau b, atîti witiî Mms lefI M~~~~~~~~~~ondas- for Ibat place. i lm _ic-k fi-rit g ýa\s'pimmg p- Mm-s. James McKinmoi îtls)dutlih.mmt ac-dhitm. antcrubieres Morr-is' nmle, Mr. A. H. Moore1\va r d.T'e.i*P:X" e1 iaim't gaI Bethaiitu an celebratiiîg stmîh'inmth(, liit'ad. Sminimcrt s a do-s- or mtmbîs Speaking if Messr-s. M. Canîstock. R. J . J aewo isucinthiim an the 0,-ana Faim, an alispicIOiuS annis'eisaru -peratu- citait toa asrmpiish, ini aimt'. 'inAbout ta, 1 bavpn't Dilling, Frank and Cet-il Tom-. tîaîsfr ettflithi 6tb Mas-tY na- otbitaim- I the hdmxdnnr linson af Sheppard And Gli bouquiet of sheilipink ;asters - - v orp velhmrgs e"u- bec waiin , eptf'Mhf.r solln; r: orna i Lumber Ca. Ltd. attended the- for auir oftic-e desk. They' Are Bnvyg nRP >T4nyaitl'us-toem andi spmtng Ia do, rattlung Off tht' roof: aqîuirrels h D. .. W. Rite COaI deaier' among the finost we hbas-e seco. PONTYPOOL aR JvîakpmaonPsheid I nrnast maotrr' ai hiehark Inthé ueattit-, ribberiiîg nntlhrnhpj,,phtpsprmng .and M'itterunc and serabbling: cavalc-ade at King Fdwarc Mr. And Mms. 'l'bs. Vansine h es oi awl e kte1ieo a-aiwkn he h;d an aksm1- Hotebl.Monday. cp.ltbrpted the 25tb aoni'uemsa-s- (intv'itlddror- la-1 s eluI ucuerd change o!fs<-ney1 uss hfe af a frrsb slirr- hlps and hlg or f football Wom-k is proeeding apare f .ottheir weclding on Fidlay. e wl-uinTs ee nSauds vîmg n-im ith ln.TiCnd.patc and tht' v'st.solt under Roatis andi Stmreet.m Sept. il. Mmr. a nd M -s. B. A PAp(OlpMi;S Pen O audvenngro- er(thhod.TiC aapati; Chairman Jack Guina on t Sisier. Akron, Ohio: Mr. and Tng'harn ai Miilhroo<.1as te- -ero! the Bethan 'v 1e- spriusg k mmrlx a midd.y in- sighs oif the fearth, d lvrd re-layiag of sidevvalk% in th( Mrs. H. Gilbert and Babe. ier ai ti(,linuiarrm o f m qa reWee ea hismssemu lerie Cm!ti bce fhrfn~,ozn lkm bumsiness section. Ptroogwere ho l u oo 0 rmYîeraoeii airfieinmhîs of wjiniem.honey and satisfaction. Mm. Apha iîmr, Osawa g 0oiu\pomî Stîool. She iF welI bers> weîe pleased ta sec 'ue di-a,,sîmi rcvt's tbrotitg .* 'usas iii tos'u-îFiday, calling oan parents. .îiossrinmmIlte Milibmaumk dis- lot-ais take the second igame s-,i il,îîuîh'u untmuîl- hf nt iu Seîlme-ael:btd oid frieads. ris-t aslierrallier 'uas a for,- at e mto iesre.W itm m\,lseih mrs ffyrg altht e rail tir: npAmon- Ibose w'ho attetîded' Urîder the diretionm of Liutth ibhte pi-esem i sandmng tý, Isuc stuirner. shametess, exhaust-;apples lherc's rn smeli likp hiePIkad -AIa eddnginG. C. Boîîny'castle and Lieut. C 'Pmr amenmubsr M te igî mnis for Betbanv and one ta1 îîmg wein-m.j this * : he first aemid gmoke on ~~~~H. Anderson, 461b Regt.. aboli' _chooI staff thîie. She bas êivan. "l f X8IÇ Toronto o1a Ialrm. eu r eîgismcer't hresa-'epeliu u tlm uîîau e'-t t~ iu Iis usmoimit mx, amtun tite h tsfn, I Bowmaîîviile were Mm. anti. 1.the limrn e li the psl é: buses: woad-smoke i Mr.A. W. Pîckard, Mm. How i regular army deil Moiîdau 'achitg pirimiaiv grades a;id Yels-erîtoa, Mm. Tasiar dedmuat- ht-gi.ims to qmirkem. the îmag ýfîreplace, the satt he V ' ue ardPieard Mr an Mr. w Wedesd an Frdavîiibt. as excellemnt iisit-al training cd pulpiî dr-apes and iarker muatoo tcsnai. ' \' v w ahe suent af summer repinan à C.FergUison, Mr. and Mrs. S M is.-W', C. Vvasbiiigttm pslpi*: Ianip amîd tapestries ;11tnationri ttmnsmus recap- atîglki ritr n o R. Jiames and Mr. Alan Os- )i\visiotm St., sufis'red a serjit 'tbath pianou amndvois-e. ie p rma Shoaprsemof urssai -tinm -irerairotlsleatoleadchmag. bor-ne. uss Thursdav eveuîiîg wbem We wvere Miad ir imdv-e a foi-: hv Dr. Hiscox on bebait afiItle chaosnI.moime.aîialdimaai. Mr. J. B. Maîtyn, Bowman- *,wo swinging shels-es in heq- mer citizen durop ini ho pas ' s ihe family hum memors' ai the, 1e last ebap n 'o aei. htvr i : -.iesveteran merchant. cell- -chlar teil with ail lber canne('- hatp Mî-sg. UrsuIha (Uss-i ch. Pa ris la the spring, summrrer iîrated bis 87th biîtbday an truit. It is a loss whicb -ait vstO aoir Day in thýý Gilus. W'e value the appi-ecta-1 But thank% to a hencyntli-nI an bc R ieJpalin hr Saturdav. Sept. 171b . Mm.timnt be repiaced for tbis seasau m.raNirM. Ah. Pear-s-. AX. tiati ai the commuinits for,deiîv. the transition htif, - blsm im. 'i take Iartývn ' bas etireti tram the il list. uitb lus îparent's, resicd on their welcome donation. w-ren the madness OfSOM- Caniadlain September. ,roèr bsies. avngdi- l' CvsalFam heear.* h so fniv wl mer and the seramhIirir ac- The worst thiîig 1 van noet a bs tok a Mm. CrvstaNý,r dllHeFano thsi carh icx ais eetivity of fait h. a painess-,Ihtbitk of. including my wife@ ,oery of îins stockba M.'ing dis- Mdsrse Bare'im is- -ous o iw uies ne a' Suindas' guiests ai the Geraîi ns golu- xeince.,runuîirug nf h i -,mir'u'Allin wha now assumes tugtr 'nsm r i i* :ktan*ilutthue Straîlord ai-ca MeCGilr..îowgt i srtue arr-gi'riou a eie foofarfm' itis tîrlngmil -tdpst gror-er un pointiof 'ears -entre St. 'formed um, thai hbe bas abali! Several Vehvertonians ~domnM', arc ieven a ýzraad-uikF, is ti dip eariy in Il r-oitinious bus,,iness. (rorno: Mm. H.Hiuuiplir ' au-e;(i ai etîthus *ve ar. tneiOaoFi h'we atre unhur-c agaiit SepemP e.Ti wudkl Tni-ont, :Mi,s zLori-nFIloup- -cf Rowmnaniilîc. ha.- fitît 'fur escng ouehp soIlti Miss zBai-bama Wilson rip~es' eaeetl t'anti-m , iicrally. As theysaa e'r cai-rieti off st number oa i uphote gaiiery ini Halleti 1-nroorhs tvhere to the Crvs- I-bp woobkeud wuîh MisqpF MAr-jsn adwa e - iin ootoTîexdm Nw prizes at Oshawa Fair. block. tai jarniuly. , lealiand Darierie Malcolm. golden sunlight, b evc

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