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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1963, p. 5

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CacA~ius UCW! HoId'Meeting The September meeting of edm us UCW was held at the of0 Mrs. Russell Larmer Tuesday evening. Sept. 1th. There were 1.5 mem- bers, 1 visitor -present. Mrs. Gray openied Ž meet- ing with a short reading. Hyrmo "Safely Thro' Another Week" was then sung. Mrs. Jim Gray led in Prayer. The devotionai period vas taken by Mus. Keith StinFon. Scripture was read by Ms FREE NIGHT S(HOOL TO ALL Home Study Students 0 Study at Home BUT Corne to NIGHT SCHOOI, Twice Weekly - FREE! 0 PLAN YOUR CAREER NOW! Ae h y taking this simplé step . . . perhaps the most important you wil take this year. Whether you are Just finishing school or already working, you must recognize the value of specialization. The Canad- lan School of Business train- ing techniques are designed to meet the increasing de- mands of modern business. Every Canadian School of Business course Is tailorcd ta a specifie job category - eaeh subject planned to round out an accepted pat- tern of required knowledge. Why Wait - Do It Today! The Canadian School of Business Home Study Divsion 52% Simcoe St. N. OSHWA Phone 728-7081 '.,elebrates 6Oth Wedding On Sept. 9th Mr. and Mus. W. E. Stevens, R.R. i, Bowmanville, celebrat- ed their sixtieth wedding anniversary and MuI. Stevens' 85th biuthday. Tbey received rnanyv \isitors and messages, 'including a telegram .f rom Her Majesty - the Queen. Roy Phayre. Mus. Norman Rohrer gave a very interesting reading on Missionary work heing done by Mu. and Mus. Tong in Hong Kong. Roi] caîl was answeucd and minutes of last meeting uead and approvedi. The treasure then gave a report. The resuit fuom pictures shown in the basement by Mu. Claire Fal- lis %vas S13.55. Coruespondence was read. A motion was passed we send a bale to Mus. TEonîg* Roll Cail next month to be answeued with an articl½ !for bale. We decided to have our turkey supper again this yea r iin Oct.. and to invite Miss Tina Kozub fuom INew- castle with lieu Accoudion ta entertain between settiiigs. Seveual other motions \veue passed and the meeting c]os- ed with -What a Fellowship" and the Mizpah Benediction. The programme consisted of several ueadings and a con test. Lunch was zerved by group in charge. H appy Firsi Birthday s s Anniversary The happy couple wer-e wed in Kenilworth, Ontaria, On Sept. 9th, Mr, and Mrs. hx' the Rev. Jas. Webb. Mrs. W. E. (Bert) Stevens ni Stevens xvas the former Mary Hampton joined that most ex- Elizabeth White of Kenil- clusive graup whose privil- worth and Mr. Stevens wvas Cge it is ta reaeh a Diamnond a native of the Tyrone - Hamp- Wedding Annivesary. ton area. This well knawn and much Bath Mr. and Mrs. Stevens loved cauple ceiebrated quiet- have been active in church ly, but nonetheless joyfully, and communit:v work ail their 60 years of wedded life and lives. Mr. Stevens wvas well Mr. Stevens' 85th birthdav. known for his musical and Mus. Stevens mauked her 82nd elocution numbers on many birthday on Sept. l5th. local programs. Before re- Neighbars, friends and re- tiring ta Hampton 25 ,,ears latives fuam Oakvi]le, Tor- Pgo. thevý, farmed an the Brown onto. Ancaster. Hamilton, hornestead, Lot 14. Con. 6, Kingston, Bowmanville. n-west of Tvrune. niskillen. Tyrone and Hamp- Mmiv. many beautiful cards tan, called ta wish themn and gifts wcre received fuomn wvell. their host of friends and re- Mr. and Mus. Stevens re-J latives frvm near and far ceived their gues's, inform- awav. Brothers and sisters, ially in their home which was nieces and nephews presentedi made festive with a profus- them with a record player ion of flowers. many of which and records. were gifts for the occasion. Special momentos of the The lace cavered dining raamn ocasion weue congratulations table was centred with a received from Her Majestv charming floral centrepiece. 'The Queen. Prime Minister Tea wa served by the mcmn- Lester B. Pearson, Premier bers of the immediate fam- John Robarts, Russell Honeyi i ' M.P. and Mrs, Honey, Dar- The Canadian Statesman, Rowmanville, Sept. 18, l9g 5 lingtan Cauncil and fromn BURKETON The good wishes of the en- tire community go ta Mr. and '.uI. and Mus. K. G. Roblin Mrs. Stevens. s pent the weekend with - friends in North Part. Mu. A. R. Hubbaud called on Mrs. Oliver Hubbard in M inisters Ohw on Friday. Congratulations to, Mr. and H aid Fi rsi Dafoe) ontheir marrige i Whitby on Saturday. 1 IMr. and Mus. B. Hubbardc F ail M eeting were Satuuday evening tUa guests at Mu. and Mus. B. The first rail meeting or Slingerland's cottage. the Bow,\manvilie Ministerial Mr. and Mrs. Ouville Greeri Association xvas held at st. and girls. Oshawa, weue Sat-D Johni*ýs Church Pauîsh Hiall on urda'.' evening guests of Mrs. Monday morning. E. Bryan.r Allr alie o dicusio IM. and Mrs-. Robert' Bell Aftr atie o dicus '11and family, Oshawa, w.'e r'e and dievotion, plans were maide Sundav guests of Mus, Pearlè for an election of officeus 'inAve rv. the near future, an agenda Don't forget the Ladiez; Tria wvas set for the next meeting from Bawmanville on Suinday and aspeaker was suggested morning at 11:15 a.m., Septem- for aur November gathering. ber 29th. The meeting was elosed with Our thank offering ser- Captain Donald Ritson lead- vices wvill be held on Sunday,ý ing in pae. ____ October 27th, at 2:30 and 7:30 heMnBhn h etCone OIINRcme for Succulent Flavour .. Low Cost! A tender, juicy roast of pork fs always a welcome change for Sunday dinner. And right now it's a bargain, too! Pork is in big supply, and Dominion's experienced meat buyers have stocked up on a choice selec. tion. Treat your family ta a Ineaty, flavou-ï. f ul roast of park from Dominion ... and savel Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KING ST. W. The BEST in FOOT WEAR We cary nationally advertised uines. . . HUSH PUPPIES .SAVAGE NATURALIZERS PACKARD SHOES The Comfortable Fit for Children FvUjý lne of: >îMcBRINE LUGGAGE DON'T MISS THE COME m-AS m-YOU m-ARE PARTY MEMORIAL PARK CLUBHOUSE THURS., SEPT. 7:45 11:00 P.M. OUTDOOR SQUARE DANCING Featuring 0 0 0 "SIim Gordon' Broadcast Live over CKLB - l9th RKevin Douglas Rahme, who was one year old on Thursday, September 5th, is the son of Mr. and; Mrs. Douglas Rahme, Ontario Street, town. 1-is very, proud grandparents are Mr. and Mus. T. Wilson ofý Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. T. Rahme of Bowman- ville. HAMPTON W.. The meeting was Nild ln the C.E. Building opening with the WlI. Ode, Lord's Pray'er. Mary Stewart Col- Ject, also two minutes silence for ouu departed member, Mus. S. Dewell. Who was a veu.y valued memnber at every meeting. There were many, cards of thanki, rend and coruespondence deait with. Mus.- MacNab gave somie partieular.- on the Guelph Convention which shp attend. cdi. Arrangements were made to send a delegate ta the Pro- vincial Convention at the Royal York on Nov. 6, 7 and 8th, also ouc visit ln the Bowmanvi]le Museumn on our next meeting da ' . The trip In Kitchener on Sept. l7th, the W.l. evening tea, apuon and candiv sale in Oct., cam- mittees wveue appointed. Al members were remembeued of the invitation tu the Golden Plougl Ludge 0ou Oct, l9tlî ut Cobourg, al1so the neediecraft courise on Oct. I 6tl 1 7thi and I 8tlî iiithe C.E. Build- ing, Hanmpton, Pî'ograunin charge of hie West Group. Thle roll t'ai was well ans- weued b '\ many of the mem- bers, hein g -What part of the faum \vouk does a womnan do." The mollo xvas laken hb' Mr5. J1. Gilbert heing -Tomorrow i-- the reaping of todia,"' iii which many good points were stressed. The topie was very ably taken by' Mus. Rosevear ot Tyrone Who .vas the guest speaker. She spoke on Agri- culture Past and Puesent dat- ing bauk Io the second world wvar. Agriculture is Canada*s leadiiîg industuy. iii 1960 only a vrv srnali peucentage of people, worked on f ar m. Not rne hall of population en- gazed in agriculture, chiefly cattlî_, raising. 671r' of Can- ada., wheat is expouted. Ag- ricuilture is this country's basi- indLiîslrv\ must not over- look il. il is ouu dail v liv-ing. Nleutt îîg uosed %with corn- i II:t\ >1 ' ngig, National An- them and lunch. An estimatcd 160.000 visitors have touued the GM of Canada South Plant passenger car assembly lines at Oshawa in the past fine vcars. alk- ing louir w oîld take days to comple r >n \izilous travel by motoruzed .Lrain". and his Recordings 9 to il p.m. Iuteet a Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carruthers YOUR P>ROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CAND>IDATE COME ONE . .. COME ALLI1 A FULL EVENING 0F ENTERTAINMENT Bowmanville Progressive Conservative Association SHOULDER Roast Pork Deep Cut Specials SOLO - COLOURED Margarine ILb5 ST. WILLIAM'S 24 oz. Strawberry JAM Jr4 9C Mix 'em or Match 'em TOMATO or VEGETABLE SOuP SOFT-RITE BRAND - WHITE - PINK - AQUA TOILET 42 Roll 9e TISSUE 4a9. BUTT Roast Pork Baker y Feature RICHMELLO Scone Rolis *FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS* CALIFORNIA GROWN ONTARIO GROWN ONTARIO GROWN RED GRAPES GREEN PEPPERS Wealthy APPLES Lge. bsktA9 2 Ibs, 29c iz ach bsktc9 closing time Sat., Sept. 2lst, 6 p.m. [k' jr BUT Pork C' IFrozen Food Specials 16 oz. Pkg. YORK BRAND- BEEF - CHICKEN - TURKEY - STEAK KIDNEY md&a % l SIMPLOT BRAND FRENCH FRIES CRINKLE CUT POTATOES1 32 oz. Bag GUARANTEED QUALITY MEATS 's c HIGHLINER Cod- Flulets 29~ Pkg.c of 12's 27c Ail merchandise sold at -your Dominion Store Limitcd is tinconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. A M P L E FREE PARKING p.m. with a gZuest speaker and qpecial rmusic. Plans have bcn made. to hold oui' Bazaar on Wednes- day evening. November lSth. at R p.m. Don't forget to cast your vote on Wednesday, September 25t h. 'vr. WV. H. Cra\\ford deliver- ed a fine sermon on Sunday morring en ittlod "Bring A Larger Vesse,". The choir ren- dered a Iolocvatîelm It Io We1 with My SouU' NI\r. and Mrs. 11arrv Strîîtt. Oshaw a werc Siindav even- ing calicus atI the home of Mr. and NMus. B. Hujbbard. There \wîl lit-,a special meeting of session and the congregation imimediately fol- lowing choir practice. Thitrs- diay eveîîîng, September l9th, at 9 p.m. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES t hrou gh STATES31AN CLASSIFIEDS Telephone 623-3303

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