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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1963, p. 8

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nhe Canadian Statésmen, nowmanvllle, Sépt. 18, 1§83 .SPORTopICSIl By Frank Mohun BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! This reporter has had a buay schéduleb since returning Imom holidays last Tuesday. W&'ve workèd overtime every 1iight, attended a lacrosse reception, four lacrosse games. dniven some 300 miles and Saturday night'à Southview Golf Cub dance. -' This week we&ve got more of the same schedule, plus tinding time to bowl our gameq for the Men's Major League, ,ibich officially stat Wednesday night. t t t t t JIM CROMBIE 15 AVAILABLE We don't think a better persan could have been select- ed:to attend the government-sponsored sports clinic nt Kings- ton, than Jim "Ticker" Crombie. Jim was telling us that it w'gs the best endeavour of this type that he had ever been associated with. 0f great importance ta this area Is the fact that Mr. Ciombie, armed with ail thîs knowledge, is available to con- dupt sessions for hockey players, coaches, managers and referees. lnterested groups from towns in this vicinity shouldi contact Jim, because he sure has the answers. i. t t t t N.H.L ON EARLIER Good news for the hockey TV watchers --- Gamnes willU be on a. 8:30 p.m. this year, which means two full periods,I in&tead of hall a gamne or less, as in past seasons. t t t t t ]BASKETBALL Players, coaches and referees are needed for the Men's' Town Basketbail League, which will be getting underwayý &non. Anyone interested ls requested to contact either of thé foilowing: Ted Dadson, Don "Pop" Martin, Tom Pearson orý Recreation Director Doug Rigg. t t t t t Bantam Bail Club Loses Ouita New Hamburg T GOODYEAR BOWLING ' Goder oln officiai-1287, Arnold Lobb-278, John lygot underway Thursday Luxton- 277, Fred Smith- night at Liberty Bowl with! 253, Ron White- 263, Wait Hose whipping Belts 7-0 and ýHateiy- 247, Ait Randie Tigers trampiing Braiders by 245, Tommy Graham- 244 the same score to tie for the and Brian Martyn- 242. . leageu iead. Low scores were rackedi up,J. Other contests aIl wound by F. ColbarY-92, Jack Ged- up via 5-2 scores as Cornetsi des-95, Ken Maynard- go downed Office, Combines d e-, and Tom Milson- 98. fleated Banbury, Laboratory Team Standings lost to Machine Shop and Pt. Lead Press were victorjous Hose ----7 over Beits. Tigers .______7 Farewell Blackburn took Cornets _______5 the initial high triple, roll- Combines ------ ____5 ing up a 748 total. Other big Machine Shop 5 series went to Bill Shotter- Lead Press 5 733, AI Wray--705, Ted Bag- Laboratory 2 neii-704, George Dadson - Banbury 2 686 and "Bud" Henning-683. Office----- ~2 Russ Hately's 318 game Beits . _____ 2 took high single honours fol- Braiders ---_-_----- __ iowed byHoward Brome- Fan Beitso Mixed League Bowling Th MyA Rwinc .ic ildiUnLU itil, inge oousWi 'swung into its second weeký a 323 game and Hilda Brock of action Friday night with !ied the ladies in both div. Perfect and Prout holding isions, bowling 260 and 662. the lead. Perfect led the shut-. Dick Perfect racked up a out parade sweeping ail three ý778, total followed by Harold games from O. Etcher, whil'e Bennett- 775, 'Hap" Palmer Palmer downed Harrison 7-0. 37 Frank Wright- 729, It didn't take long for the HoadBoel-8,Anl Broks o rnewther fud Lobb-681 and Bob Leaman- this time Elton winning over 671. Hîlda via the shutout route, 7-0.1 Other top singles went to HaodBennett- 306, Joe Lobbwentdownto teirNowlan-276, Dick Perfect- second straight ioss, taking 273, 264; AI Lobb-259. Joant oni on gae fom owin.Fry-258, Lew Welsh-258, Bennett captured a pair from "ýHap" Paimer-258, 255; El- Bromeil, with Prout remain- tnBok26adBbLa ing in first place on the tnBok26adobL - strength of a 5-2 decîsion rnn26,28 over tail-end M. Etcher. Teani Standings Vince Prout camne up with Pt. a big night, roliing games of!Prout........... ------- 12 LAD>IE' GO~LF T1ITLE 269, 261 and 251 fora gPefc-.¶ We Incorrectiy reported iast week that the Southview triple of 781. FrankWrgtEBoc Ladies' Golf Title was ta have been decided on Sunday. 4~ v O LN Instead, the final gaes this Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. COF 'Beniet and there is a strong possibility that the Junior Girls' Championship will aiso be played then. The Foresters LeaguegtBoei t t t t ~~~~underway on Sept. thaH.Bok___- JUNIOR BOWLERS NEEDED Liberty Bowl with aileg«Nwln--- JNO O LR EDDteams pretty well reprsne.Lb Junior bowling impressario Harold Bennett tells USI Harrv Snowden Ka h .Ethr- thit 115 youngsters signed up for league play, but he stili After a most successful season, Bowmanviile's Legion Bantams Donnie Forsey, Randy Beauprie, and Dennis Ferguson; back row: high triple with 780, folaeiO thr- bas room for many more. Bowlers cari sign up this Satur- lost out to New Hamburg recentiy in the Ontario finals. Team Coach Bert Perfect, Brian Peters, Kari Waversveid, Ashiey Osmond, by Ev King with 744 anRa day morning at Liberty Bowl. lmem bers include, front row, lef t to right: Bobby Howes, Jeff Capt. Doug. McFeeters, Chantie Ewert, Joe Reader, Wray Rendeli, Westlake with 685. Fo1 he t t t tGiihooly, John Taylor, Don Ruiter (batboy), Dennis Tierney, Mike Bothwell and ManagerIrwinBeauprie. ladies, Shirley Brock hndad 6errs 02 NgWCASTLE WINS LADIES' TITLESotaiU lemon league the floig k As we had predicted, the Durham Ladies Ru n rs;, Iin'f INtII -4.aI il-oev klI bowlers made it with soe Ru n r p i u ir T w o t alL a u e tnvi under 100, Vera KingMs final series was quite a battle. Last year Bowmanil Hockin, Veima Luke,Mrin McQueen's Motors upset Newcastle, but this year with ~.IMcNab, Marie Borek,Cesr McQueen'.s favoured, Newcastle won twice iast week te akeSa IleBrk ea eit the crown in seven games. l ~ owest score being recre Coach Reg. Willattsç has asked us ta pass on ta his G rlBo l players, his appreciation for the time and effort they put w b arie or e w i55 forth ta try and keep the title. PVUs. The..tea..of.Betty..West..ak..... t t t t tForget-m-nots ...... ...2 al 7 points, dfaigte tI SOFTB A LL D A N CE k . ii Sunflow ers ........>. ........ 11short handed R. Brock t a Saturday night the Men's Town Saftball season officiaiiy #M'~Atr g. O ',n20ail -ý teeamSdn cornes ta a close when the annual banquet and dance will 211; Dorothy Stark28;MrHarSnwe.2 i ' b.hl.ion Hate-Maxweil 204; En Bob Marshall 2----5 t tt tElliott 201. Seth Hunt....... 2 i t t # t tHigh Triple- Marie Trim 564. Marg Perrk 2s-C ne l1nr ZION SWEEPS SOCCER TITLES ~ We bowl at Liberty Bowi a etae..i 2 2i yuwr adewieyu The past week was a big one for Zian as their Racy WnThrda iht.G enn Prout1 2 2crde eesiiyug ol clubs each won twice ta sweep the Junior and senior Dari-RnBrcO 3 O twnttmtaotnu Ington champianships. Maple Grave were runners-up In the, Ron op 1......0aisj h onomwoe Junior loap, while Courtice pravided the senior finali MixeAd veae hy ae sabsedmomn opposition. .. S.. .. îkllM jrBrock ..«................27ros e etl STRANGE GOLF GOIGS-ON -~ ~ i ~'Beauprie M.P...s..........20.Su.Lf...Mrt2ge3ro0cio 2 308 C. Roberts........ ......17î ....i..afgur yu hm While on holidays we encauntered a faursome af yaung J-05 Gibson............... 176fortho.....lve fellows, one of their group in partîcular was having a rough Maihr.............MKing y............ time. Teeing off on the fourth bis driver flew out of bis HV.hKning- E.ne.Pe..G..enni ..............15,Poo6335 grasp, over the bridge and into the pond. Then at the riext . fect 331 P. DMarsa..................46 hale ho drove the baIl right inte a golfbag about five yards . High Triple- M. Burgess 778. Ms okn......184Rhe v. omnil aa.Over 210 Averages jI________ mwy 4- ý-_ Mel Burgess .... 10............. 25 Ion1 e afttrnoon we attempted ta land a few apples on the ixth fairway. 0f course we wanted the ones at the top of the tree. A iusty toss af a club ought ta disladge a few - only thing was - nat an apple fell, while aur wood sat perched way up there. LU * Te winners carne up withl This Sam's Finer Foods cntry in the Junior Softbal Newcasie T LieS five miscues in a contest that ýlo u scarceiy resembled a possible Io u up a tremendous struggle in the playoffs, but me Ifinal playoff clash. !were unabie to stop Chartran's Men's Wear on thcir Ladies' Series i Jean Wagar paced New-Iway ta the titie. Team members xvcre, front row, lef t !castie, who also collected t ihSeeBrs i cngt ar ens Vera Wright, making her eight safeties, with three _____ ______ Buns, _____ _____rryPeris first rnound appearance of the j singles, while Barb Adamsi __ __ series, tossed an eight-hitter belted a double and single. Soccer Hi - Lites te enable Newcastle ta evený Marg Pickard was the top1 _____ the Durham Ladies' softballiperformer in a Iosing cause,Iý final at three games apiece,' tossing one-hit hall îin relief * Wednesday in Newcastle,. lover the final three frames, hrey clinc , wsthe ictimiwihahkome n indfoua sieZ . Mk s ( e n Sw i hile ro, stry ig for and hkockirngindfour rnll *o as e n of shoddy fielding support as'Karen White hada three- MeQueen*s Motors, defendingi bagger and single andý Helenl champs, made eight errors.I Nicholson a pair af sngles. 1 f S . a d J . S c e M Oir adJr oce E Ernie Perfect.............. 257 John Carter ............. 250 Shirley Biekeli ............. 248 0111e Patfieid ............. 240 Muriel Hoiroyd ........... 238 Dot Brooks.................. 238 Onie Etcher ............... 231 Bill Heani.................... 227 Joe Nowian ................. 223 Wayne Devitt, Brian Forscy and Coach John Osborne; DOris Joli ............... .222 back row: Sam Annis (Sponsor), Alan Brown, BMaine Pete Dobbins.............. 220 Pickard, John Kilpatrick, Capt. Bob McManuis, E.. George Bebee . ............ 219 Wiiial Gore eney bsntWistnDorc Mutton ............ .214, Wilial GogeKeney;asetWistnVanstone.!Ross Wright 211, i Over 700 Triple Mel Burgess...........-- -7781 Ernie Perfect ....... .....'172. Cancidian John Carter ............... 7511 Ca a inShirley Bickell..........74 Muriel Hoiroyd .. .. ..... 7 1,9 Grn rxDot Brooks.- .. 7141 Bella G a d Prx 2 Bickell's team aopen season M wîth pin shaking 3837 teamni September 28 total. r Sli q6ruwns In a big week of soccer for Zion, Gary Neal picking that stood up ahl the way asj, action, Zion swept the junior1 up Maple Grove's lone goal. Zion won their third straightl and senior champlonships b,î: In the senior division Hank atter an opening game tie. winnîng ail four games. i Hoo0gkamps goal mid-way Mondayv night the juniors! through the second half gave Trophies will be presentedý edged Maple Grove 2-1 as, Zion1 a 2-I Wedniesday n iiglîtias follows: Ernest Werry Me-, Doug Peeling and Larr N,_- ýv in. Dick Denhertog shot the !norial to Zion Jr. Cham1pio11s;ý mis scored 'agairîst a 'sing,,'e vnîers in front ini the open-liJohn Nemis FamilY TrophY tu replY bY Verle McLean. On, in.g minutes, but Grant Dow:î Maple Grove Jr. Finalis1s;' Thursday jl \vas 31 tougive'netted tlhu ecjalizeir just be-iJ:îck Reynolds Memuoriai lu Zion the title in twvo straig-htfore haiftime.' Zion Sr. Champions; "Moe' games. Ernie Kozenku, Mik Satnrda.v night Denhertog Breslin Trophy to Courtice Kozenko and Larry Nemisht counted early again - a goallSr. Finalisîs. :Win Ladies' Championship Newcastle Downs Mc Queen's Winning Final Series Game 5 m 2 Toronto- England's John, Muriel Holroyd 317, 250; Surtees, currently second in Me] Burgess 305, 296; Onie Etcher 310; Ernie Perfect 331, the world champion s h i p 261; Ollie Patfield 257, 259; standings, will comipete in the John Carter 292, 293; Dot third Canndian Grand Prix Brooks 270; Molly Mairs 275; Shirley Bickell 269; Pete Dob- at Mosport, Sept 28. bîns 266; RossWrht29 The entry of the 23-year- Norm Hiennin, 2< 'ill Hearll 01(1 formner wurld moturcycle!2 C6 Joe Nowlan 253. champion was aniiuunced tu- r . dayv by the British Enmpire Motor Club, orgarlizers of the 250-mile race for the W A TC H 1 Pepsi-Cola Trophy and $Il,- 000 in prize money.I First of an expected lengthy list of top international driv- rers to) battle the twisty Mos- port rircuit, Surteç's wili make lis initial Canadiar i ppear- anre ai, the whr'eI of a rear-1 vrngine'd, ihrre-litre V-12 Fer- rari. It xiii be the first timPe this car has raced on the North Amenican continent. Four unearned runs made bv Brock and Gwen Holmes on base and Pace's dube The Number One Ferar1 the difference as Newvcastle roduccdi a run. and a single by KathY Scotl, factory driver, Surlecs won defeated Bowmanville -Me- i Nem.castle added a pair off scored the runs. his fi-rst world championshipi Queen's Motors 5-2 in thelinsnrance markers in the McQireen's ended the scor- event carlier this month wheni seventh and deciding game sixth after the first two bat- ing with a single îally in the lie look thc German Grand for the Durham Ladies sot:- bers had been retired. A walk seventh on Karen' White'z Prix at Nurburgring. bail championship, Fridaviand an error put the ronners single. Ti i, angwt night at the Central Schocl --- ýqecond-place finish in the here. British Grand Prix in July and 1 Vera Wright chalked up her second successive v i c to r v iimiting the locais to six safeties over the distance~. Shirley Brock allowed fivc hits, but for the second tinie in a row, errors proved costv,%. The new champs broke intro a 2-0 first inning iead on a single by Jean Wagar, a twn- out bobble and Vera Wright's singie. Barb Adams increas- ed the margin %with a third ýnning homer. bcfort, Bo,,-- manvilie hilthme' corc .;hpo'& 'in the bottom hall, Singles, 3 Weeks in Europe (OCT. lst - MAY lst) SAVE $150 - at FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA Phone 728-6201 a third-place finish in t he Dutch Grand Prix in Jun. put hlm right hehind pointsý leade-r Jim Clark of Scotland' in the world championship race. Surtees also finished first; in the Mediterranean Grand' Prix in Sicily two weeks ago. Belore switching ta racing, cars, Surtees was world Moa-, torcycle champion in 1958 and 1959. Ife quickly hecame a top flight Grand Prix driver and was fourth in last y-ear*s Iworld standings. tora H. Snowden ----- ..... E. K ing .............. R. Westiake .............. R. Brock.................... J. Smith................. ... B. Marshall .............. C. Bell ............... .... M. Dakin ................. H . B ain ............. ... D. Bishop .... Aduits - 50e 260 206 ~ COMPANY) 201 178 o 177CANAD. 165 ________ MEMORIAL ARENA HO WMAN VILLE > Telephone 623-5722 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAYI SEPT. 20 8 P. M. ADMISSION - Children - 35e THIS SPACE nnouncemenf of 1964 MODELS BUICK m PONTIAC m ACADIAN and the new a .BEAUMONT -Coming Soon- I4. .ý LE Attenti1on. Hockey Fans SEASON TICKETS for the Oshawa Generals 1963u64 Schedule go on sale FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2th - 5 p.m. :pt Memorial Arena, Bowmanville SIDES - - - $35.00 per seat for the entire 24 home games in Bowmanville ENDS - - - - $30.00 per seat for the entire 24 home games ini Bowmanville Get your seats now for the entire season to avoid line-up, delmys and bad weather. *Ail tickets wilI be mailed to you for the entire season. Akabout aur post dated cheque now with 3 post dated cheques: Oct. 1, Dec. 1, Jan. 15. jr~ :1

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