Ibild Lard Party fo«r Cerebral Palsy Clinic M ~(7)/I The card party held last A't present, school sessions weeî< at the club bouse, Bow- for these pupils are held at cocia l alnu g ersonai ,manville, for the benefit of Simcoc Hall. In the near fu- the Cerebral Paisy School and ture the location will be chan- Mrs. H. C. Dennis spent last ton spent the weekend visit- 'Clin ic, Oshawa, was well et- ged ta the school et the in- week visiting with her bro- ing with friends and relatvs tended. A speciai feature of tersection of Harmony Road thr r.Jme Tylrand in apelod Foxboro, I'the evening was drawing the South and Highway 401. This S hMr. Je Taylor Cainsapbd ellfvlean nord iucky ticket on the Hi-Fi, building bas been completely attended the Lindsay Fair. Miss Peggy Pearce and Mr.î Elwin Bacon who et anc time renovated, most of the work Albet Vsse of oroý,'attended thc Oshawa Schoai, being donc by valuntary help. Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Mr. AlerttheVisse of Tarpto drew the winning name- Mr. ers wha have shown a great and rs.Brenon ickad 1with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Z. Uszyz of Baldwin St.. Osb- deal of interest in thîs pro- and Miss Mariorie Clemence iPearce and family. awa. ject. The pupils, staff and of Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs Sam Clement and ber the members of the school Mrs. Ewart Clemence of Osh- daughitcr Ms.Stnly en did live there, Thomas F]eet, board will be pleased ta have awa were guests at the Julien- kins of Hamilton celled on an Englishman, came ta Am- anyone came and visit the Ricicard wedding at Bridge 'their cousin, Mrs. Percy Hare erica in 1712 and set up schaol when it is open, the Street United Church Chapellan Monday when returnîng bis print shap in Pudding first part of October. in Belleville on Saturday, home froin their cottage at Lane. He soon met the wealthy September 2lst. 'Hay Bay. 11 Goose family, formerly from Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt Mrs. Verna Legge, Mrs. Ethel Engiend and merried anc of acCompaned by Mr. and lMrs. onewaand M arl a of tî a~ughtrsFleet's mother- Ce nota ph Fu nd weekend in the Owen Sound cil, Lakeshore, were Sunday deiighted witb her first grand- Newcastle - The fallowing district. guests with Mrs. Marie I. child that she spent ber whole donations ta the Cenotaph Mr. and Mr&. George Wal- Gartshore. time in the nursery singing. Fund have been received in nlot the most melodiaus sinre the final repart was aud- strains, the ditties she bad ited and we publish them C n tp Conntee learned in Egad hmsblw C e no cph Co m tt e Fleet lovcd quiet, but be was Donations a shrewd man and decided Wellington Farrow -- $5,00 A u u e t t r e tta capitalize on bis affliction Lloyd Alldread -------$2.00 À& ud ted tate ent havig telisten ta the smng- R. B. Rickard $ls.oo ing) se0lhe had a collection Annonymous ------- ----$5.00 Receipts of these jingles and in 1719 Newcastle-on-tbe -Lake Donations-------- - $2504431, I printcd "Mother Goose Melo- Ratepayers Ass'n- --_$25.00 Interest . --- - 3.30 B utton Clubu dies". trcad The Committee bas decid- Total receipts------- $2507.73 Here 'anya n heOl ,edt keep the fund open for AiGranaiy r y gGrudin!a who stili wish te a t Expenditures ,vleets H r the heart of Boston the cere- in order ta develop a fund O~Ia~we Ca.Newestl- Te Sptebertaker will point out a flock of for the maintenance of the Ogaa ecate-Te etebrlittie tombstones witb the ,ouetad t elc Monument C. $1900-00 mmeetingd t relac R. B. Rickard- 158.56metn of th.e Button Club namne Goose on tbem and williflags and wreaths etc. wben r Gode's Hardware - 6.54 was. held at the home of Mrs. show the particular stone thet'inecessary. well umbe Ca. 79-Marie Gartshore with 8 mcm- is the resting place of none _________ rubs andlbourCo. 3 791 bers and one visiter - in at- other than the famous Dame D. F. DrydenboSrîgn «95, tendance. Three memb e r s Goose herseif. When we teach D .Dr ydicets, n 95 drave marc than 50 miles so children "Little Boy Blue'",St StawTickryetc, 0030they had the opportunity ta "Little Ba Pee", "Humpty S Georg ExcatinePstage--- 10.0enjay teBate fNature Dumpty", or find buttons r-E A Echne---------2.e as t bey travclied ta and from. presenting these rhymes, hawni g V / Winner 50% of The Button Cards for dis- little do wc realize or know 50 - 50 Draw -------- 100.00 play were buttons witb geo- the real story or history of Newcastle- The first fal Newcastle Veterans ta metric designs on them, and tbem. Legion for wreetb 11.75 irridescent black glass. These A rcading an Black Glass meeting of the Evening are black glass mixed with buttons was given by anc of Branch of St. George's Wo- Community Hall oiilclur f.h hemm!rmndadscsin's Auxiliary took place in Bor ------------ 2O any or 'the ParisfbthetHali on Sandeptembssio Lunards-Re - ~ ' rainbow and are a very beau- hcld on aid buttons exhibîted îthPrsHalo ptm r Dedication Ceremony 59.61 tiful and attractive button. at the close of tbe meeting. 1th. Mrs. Dewdney conducted Totl xpediurs $3984 Many button designs were Lunch was served by the hos- te opening with the W.A. Tota exendturs --- 239.841 taen romillstrtios fr tss.Prayer, the Primate's Prayer Balance------------ -- --ý$111-89 tknfo lutain o es and the collect for the pre- Bank balance ----- ----- $142.58 children's literature and be- -- Cheques outstanding $11 .75- ind some specific nursery viaus Sunday. rhymcs depicted on buttons is The minutes of the lest two September 19, 1963. ualsoy i5b .ual . cs d and reports were given Whn e hikofNuseyioweyte rSecsrery. angte We have audited the Ceno- Whelwethik aSNusereuaHou e C~andgte tapb books and find the re- Rhymes "Mother Goose" com- Hod penf prtebcorc.etemnams tonce. were mentioned in the way port ~~Baston's earlicst histarytab orc.re amd îote shows . food was bcing brought and r r C. R. Carvetb and that a man nemed Fleet and For Cand idate in the Dorcas department it George Bonathan, auditors. a woman named Dame Goose was reveaied two quilts are Newcastle - The Liberal reedy for quiling.. Commîttee Rooms were filled Mrs. Dewdney spoke at IE Uta cepacity Thurs., evening as some lengtb about the Angli- EV EN I G C L SSES ughaut Thursday evcning as can. Congress descrîbing the _____________________the ladies of the local Liberai services held at the Map]e Association cntertained in hon- Leef Gerdens and a chorali 1 aur of their candidate in the cvensong held at St. Paul's Provinc iali Election, Allen Bloar Street. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL Beer and Mrs. Beer. The annuel Deanery meeting1 During the evening, voters wiil be held on Thursday, announces that came ta the committee room September 26, et St. Paul's ta meet Mr. and Mrs. Beer Church, Perrytown. Tbreeà IRE G IS T R A T I ON S and were served tee by Deiegates from the Evening members o the association. Branch are expected ta attend. FOR NIGHT SCHOOL There was e steady streemn in A service of Holy Communion wiIb1md and out the door during the will be held et 10 a.m. foilow- will e mae onevening and the cailers were cd by a speaker. After a box greeted by Mr. Percy Hare, lunch the meeting will take TUESDAY, OCTOBER lst president of the local assac- place in the efternoon. Mrs. iation, Mr. Glen Hughes, Pre- Dewdney mentioned that tbe at 7:30 p.m. sident of the Durham Liberal treasurer of the Evenîng Association, Mr. and Mrs. Branch, Mrs. K. Stephenson, CLASSES WILL BE HELD IN THOSE SUB- Allen Beer, and leter in the will be the Deanery Off icer JECS W ER SUFIIEN REISRATON evening, Russell C. Honey in charge of the Girls' Aux- JECS W ERESUFICENTREISTATIN M.P. and Mrs. Honey. iliery Branches in the Dean-E WARRANTS AND AN INSTRUCTOR 15 Though there wcre brief ery. e ýwspeeches made by the veriaus Two Thank Yeu cards re- AVAILABLE. officiais and Mr. Honey and ceived during the sumnmer e brief outline of the issues were reed from Shirley Denny Possible classes include Industrial Arts, Home by Mr. Beer, it wes net a time and Shiela and Jack Wilson.f for speecbmakîng but rather It was ennaunced that a Economics (Sewing), Commercial Subjects (Typ- an appartunity for voter and bale of good used clothing ing), Physical Fitness, Academic Subjects. candidate ta get together will be packed et the next' and talk over the paliticel is- meeting ta be held on OctoL'er FEE - $5.00 sues of the day aver a cup 2nd. of tee and become better ec- ___________ __________ quainted.BA E LN r r r(Intended for lest week) Mr and Mrs. Robert Gra- ham, Cobourg, were recentk cleswitb Mr. end Mrs. r. and Mrs. A. C. Weîr,1 The September meeting ofè > At Yo r L calDruggist's - Thurs. - ri.0 Sot. ' theescs Line Good Neigh-o L .ý11i bour Club met et the home oft SULU OU5 IPINS.- Black or Blonde - 75's, reg. 25c 19YC LYSOL DISINFECTANT- 5 oz. bottie - Reg. 83c 77c FLASH BULBS-----A- or M2 - 12's, reg. 1.56 1.29 Pepsodent Dental Cream Economy tube, 1.09 value 79c AGAROL Compound 16 oz. - Reg. 1.50 1,27 jFLUSH « A « BYES --Disposable Diapers - 181s 1.09 Il: WILDROOT Cream Oilu - 4 oz. - Reg. 79c 64C 118 m.m. Movie or 35 m.m. 20 Exposure IFi Dynachrome (olour Film (Processing included) 3.29 IIIItADY ESTHER----- 4-Purpose Cream - 1.75 Valuel 2 11rWATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK 12 BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE COLNG'S DEUG STORE JOHNSGN'S DEUG STORE ALEX NcGREGOE, DEUGSI ORONO JUY& LOVELL STUTTS PHAENACT "Names" was conducted by; Mns. Hopkcins and Mrs. J. .a Metcelf won the prize. Ms A. Bernes possessed the lucky Iý cup and saucer. A delliciaus lunch was scrved by the bas-! u tcss, cansisting of fruit bneed i and cheese, chocalate cake: i and ice cneam followcd by 1 tarts and cookies and tee or r coffce. The club was deligbtedC that Mrs. Hopkins felt like1 having the meeting et ber il home and al aur best wishcs go with ber in the future, ýc Mr. and Mrs. Kennethr Hartley, Richard and Heather i were Thursday evening dinner I l guests of ber parents Mr. end 1 Mrs. K. C. Hopkins, when a!I family party celebreted Mrs. 1 Hopkin's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Denny Tom. linson and son Martin, Osh- o awa, wene Sunday afternooniv cellens with Mr. end Mrs. Fred 't] Wright and family. i M.Jack Woodward attend- 'C Mn.or Hope Fair on Setur- day and entered bis hanse in 1i the berrel race. He won third 'rI prize. h Mr.William Woodward and S Mn. and Mrs. Lee Woodward Il !and son Martin, Toronto, were Mondey visitons with Mr. endiC Mrs. George Coornbs and Jack. i ii Mrs. Arthur Gibson, Mns. S A. Bernes anid Grace attended i a sbower in bonour of Miss a Juanita Fraser an Monday b: evening et the borne of Miss a Carol Cbumbly, Solina Rd. 'a Bowmanvîile's Brenton Hughes will be seen here in action on Sunday evening at 7:30 when Minneapolis Bruins and Rochester Americans meet at the Arena in an exhibition game. Minneapalis, under new coach Harry Sinden, bas been working out several hours a day ail week, while carpenters have been hammer- ing up an enlarged press box ta handie the inf lux of newsmen expected here for the Oshawa Generals home games this winter. Incidentally, the Arena has had a complete face-lifting and presents a most attractive appearance.___ NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Bob Henderson spent the Gahey of Oshawa wcre re- weekend with Bill Gilmer et cent visitors with Mr. and Lindsay. Mrs. Don Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Saules Mrs. Berthe Dean of Tor- and Mrs. C. Wcbber of Tor- onto spent last wcek with ber onto, were Sundey visitors et sister, Mrs. Clinton Brown, Mr. Jack Eliatt's. during the wcek they visited, Kendal Bantamns journeyed relatives in Oshawa, Baw- ta Fcnwick on Sundey for Mniseedo ort Hlope. the second geme in the play- MissDorthyEllottw as off series. Arnong those layai ane of the many students supporters who eccompanied from, Port Hope High School the teemi by bus were Mr. wha enjoyed the trip ta Stret- and Mrs. Arnold Wede and fard Festival, lest Mondey. Grant, Mr. and M.ns. C. H-. Three bus loads went from Lane, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hen- thet school, in ail, and a num- denson, Miss Marilyn Mac- ber fromn Clarkce High School Donald. Fenwick won the went by train, Fridey. game 10-9, so the series is Mr. Don Owis underwent tied, with the deciding game an appendectomy in Bowman- t epae tKnanx day. osia, atWens Seturday, Sept. 28, a 2 p.rn. day. Miss Daratby Stapieton of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc- Kingston wes home aver the Knigbt. Milibrook, and Mrs. wcekcnd. Lamne Todd werc visitons with Rcn iiase h es Mr. nd rs. on tepltonwere: Mr. Wendell Fisher of on Wednesday. Fenelon Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Eileen Aluin of Ton- Ewart Robinson and family,ý onto, was a recent visitar Stankville; Mrs White was with Miss Berthe Thompson. pleasantly surpris-ad ta ne- Mr., and Mns. Lawrence ceive a telephone caîl from White of Mepie Grave visit- ber brother, Mr. R. S. Gill- ed Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood ingham of St. Louis, Mis- lest week. sui Mrs. Margaret Staey bas son1 moved inta the bouse former- Mrs. M. Walkey was bon- iy occupied by the Hartford orcd on Monday, the ocea- family. sion of ber 8Oth birtbday, when a numben of her immed- Mr. Bert Tompicins rcturn- iete family and frîcnds gath- ed home Thursdey from, Mcm- ered et ber home ta celebreté oriel Hospital. teeet W ol ie Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown athe even gratwuldioeao and Mrs. Raymond Trim caîl- ,d u ogauain lo ed an Mr. and Mrs. Clarence - Gucsts included Mrs. Vere E;ilmer, Saturday, and attend-1 Anderson, Mornisb; Mn. and ed the Lindsay Fair. Mrs. Herny Holdawey, Port Mr. Pennctt of Valleyfieldi Hope; Mrs. Jean Cochrane Quebec, was a recent suppcier nd Gondie, Mn. Jack Wade, guest witb Mr. and Mrs. C. INewcastle; Mrs. W. Glanville, Mv. Joncs. Orano; Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Mrs. Mabelle Lcushner ofr.Jaynes, Lakeshore; Mr. and N'iagara Falls, and Mrs. Alice Mrs. Allen Holdawey, Mrs. Rowe - Sîcernan of Tononto, Alf. Hoidaway, Mrs. Pheobe' spent the weekend with their Holdaway of Weslcyville, Mrs. sister, Mrs. F. Gilmer. Harny Wade, Mrs. Eanl Walk- Congratulations are in or- cy, Mr. and Mns. Arnold der for Mr. W. J. Hancock Wede. of Peterbonough wha celebra- The U.C.W. meeting bas, :cd bis 80th birthday on Set- been postponed for anc weck urday et the family cottage and will take place, Wcd., at Chcmong. Oct. 2, (when the smoke of Guests from this vicinity Election bettie has cleered who spent the weekend there 1away) i n the United Church wvith the gucst of honor n ii basement et 8 p.m. Unit :luded Messrs. Willis Fer- Leader Mrs. Mary Vinkie raw, Tupper Johnston, Roy, will be in charge of the pro- Smith, Dave Deneuit, Frank grain. and Raymond Gilmer. Mrs. M. Joncs accompeniedr Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lcuty HAYDON ofPort Hope ta Toronto, Set-' urday, where they visited Mr. r r n r.RyMCn and Mrs. Bob Leuty and fam- Mer.,aJd, sRikeaynd Cro- ily, Rexdeie. nel udWe ckead ao Messrs. Cccii Burley. Truc- * eWstan, Mr. and Mrs. R. man Henderson. Don Vinkie Ormiston, Enniskîilen, spentý Clinton Brown end Raymond Sunday et Mr. Lloyd Ash- rrim were ail out duck hunt- ton's ing over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, At our Sundey marning Linda and Janet, Enniskillcn,., bhurch service the following Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and! cbildncn wene baptîzcd: Bon-;famnily, werc Sunday tee ny Dawn, infant deughter afi r guests with Mn. and Mrs. Mrn. and Mns. Glen Stepleton.! Lloyd Ashton. Donald George, infant son afi ýMr. and Mrs. David Mor- Mrn. and Mrs. Wrn. Stecey. row and Alexandra, Dan Milîs, Misses Anne and Allie Nes- wene Satunday evening visitons bitt accampanied their sister,, et Mr. and Mrs. Walter M4rs. John Segsworth ta Tor-i Lovcnidge's. onto, Sunday, wbcre Mr. Segs- MisLnaPtsadMs worth joined them. Mond ay Barbare Ruticdge, Whitby, I he Segswonth Ieave by plane setSna ihM.ad for their home in British pn udywt r n Columbia. Mrs. J. Potts and femily. Mn. and Mns. George Car- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomp- isle of Stirling, with Mr. and; son and Cindy, Bowmenville, Mrs. Gcnald Russctt and fam-, were dinner guests of Mrs. ly of Wellman's Corners wceei A. Thampsan an Tuesdey. Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mr. Laurie Thompson, Leýs- Mrs. Bill Stacey and farnily. kard; Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mrs. Don Vinkie andî Mrs* Taylor and femily, Enfield, Gordon Àqnew, Editor Phono 3621 Smart, Trim and Very, Very Practical D ELIYEKEU The Beaver 12 x 20 ft. single car Cadet et $229 is a lot ocf garage. Good design, sound construction, quaiity mateniai COMPLETE MATERIALS throughout and the ail-steel gliding action door Is inciud- ed in this low price. Delivered complete with easy ta -STUDS and RAFTERS follow plans .. . ready ta build. NOTHING DOWN... el7w irrr p.&Q i rj, ONLY $12 A MONTHE PREt-C.LJL. . . LJ2i I:uJ FOLLOW PLANS. CADETT'AR AND HALF' CADET "TWO-CAR" TEMPO Ali New Winterseai AI uminum Combination Door! CARLOAD VOLUME SAV- INGS. The sturdy 1" thick- ness TEMPO is pre-hung on frame, ready ta install. In- terchangeable storm and screen, pneumatic door clos- er, starm check, guaranteed quality and craftsmanship.. 2' 6"x6' 6" size DELIVERED. S2d4.66 2' 8"x6' 8" and 2' 10"x6' 10" sizes $27.88 INSTALLED, $37.88 EASILY ACCESSIBLE STORAGE SPACE The 16 x 20 ft. Cadet Car and Haif has 80 sq. ftL of side star- age space or workshop. . . a sensible front access door.s$ 3 4 9 Complete materials. DEL1VERED ONLY -- -------- IMAY BE AN EARLY WINTER . . . NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILDI Spacious 22 x 22 ft. TWO-CAR The Two-Car CADET has 44 sq. ft. storage area along the rear wall and the added featur s9 9 of twa convenicnt individu swing-up doors. Completes 9 Materials. DELIVERED ONLY EXTRA STRENGTH SEALMASTER HeaVy DUty 1'/4" Thickness Buit to last a house time, the Sealmaster is heat treat- ed for extra strength. pre- hung an frame ready ta in- stall self staring screen, clos- er and check. DELIVERED COMPLETE ONLY 33.9,5 INSTALLED ONLY $43.95 Exclusive Seroil Grille 5.00 extra GUARANTEED QUALITY AND CRAFTSMANSHIP GUARANTEED FOR YOUR PROTECTION AND SATISFACTION WINTERSEAL Alumninum Storm and Screen Windows Opening Sîze 0 ta 43 unîted 48 ta 60 unîted 60 ta 80 united 80 ta 100 unitcd 100 ta 110 united Installed AS LOW AS inches inches inches inches inches 10.95 12.95 13.95 15.50 18.95 14.95 16.95 17.95 19.50 22.95 Custom made, double hung =--bin- ation storm sereen windows of heavy geuge elurninurn, factory assemblcd ready ta instal, (ail you need is a screwdriven). Compictcly wcather- stripped. s12 A INONTH Nothing Down Nothing to Pay tili '64 on a Deferred Budget Plan NEW DURACLAD ALUMINUM DOOR IN COLOUR Winterseal 1 i'V" extra strength aluminuin, warp free, combination door with the Duraclad finish is aveilable in a selectiari of colours. Delivcrcd Corn- picte Only White, Beige, Turquoise, Black and Pastel Green JOHNS MANVILLE PIai..ic Surf aced SIDING Practicelly maintenance free for a bousetimne, this ncw JM siding bas the samne weaning qualities as stone. NEVER NEEDS PAINTING, i mhbeIdde d plastic surface self weshcs clean. Free Estimates and Planning Hclp et Beaver D E PEN DA B LE BASEMENT.9 STORMS 79 Winterseal cquaîaty starms foir each fuel saving basement. protection ADu -Delivered Only ------ 7 ADU sister-ln-Iaw, Mrs. George The Canadian Statesman, Bownianvllle, Sept. 25, 1963 i Ferguson, Oshawa, has re-I turned ta stay with her dau- ghter and son-inr-law, Mr. morning at 10:30, Church ser-; A heavy white, frost covpr'- andMrs J.Potts. vice Sunday evening at 7:30.'ed the graund on Tueday i an Mr. ~Rev. A. W. Harding will be morning, freezing the flowers. Mr. Roy Graham attended taking the service. tomatoes, etc. The tomatoes tudae f r t Too toe 96 Sorry ta hear Mr. Maurice have been very slow ripen- Sturday. t oonoo Pollard is a patient in the ing this season. U.C.W. Ladies took the ser- Oshawva Hospital having had Thank-offering service wîll viceon undy eenig. re-an appendix operation on Sat- be hcld an Sunday evenîng, siden Ms. J. otts ong.Ped urday. October 6th. More particulars the meeting with hymn nor Mr. Peter Boshan, our pub- next week. 2 and prayer. The responsivý 'lic school teacher, attended a: ETCSH- -A reading was No. 692 Jn the i teacher's meeting at Bethany FOR OLCAHPLIANC Hymnary. Several ladies sang Ofl Monday afternoon. and Mrs. Crawford spoke on1 We welcome Mr. and Mrs. through the Namon the Leper. Rev. Lars Christensen and daugh- STATESMAN W. H. Crawfor closed thelter Mary Ellen of Oshawa, ta LASFID service wjth the Benediction. aur community. having moved LSIED -Sunday School on Sundayinto the Bertrim apartment. Telephone 623-3303 SBEAVER GARAGES llewcastle 4) a ', ý ý ý qr - ýw w AW