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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1963, p. 12

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12 The Canadlan Statesman, Bow aIIe, Sept. 25, 1983 1964 CHEVELLE 1904 CHE-VROLET Darlin gton Coun cil ~tir ln amrwsh: At the meeting of Darling-th 'n the Township Hall, Hamp. ta af h w 1on nThursday afternoonengwtantedaco 0 accounts amounting to $52,- At O on E.ai. 635.46 were passed for pay- menit. This was moved by .. AtrteOe r.W r Proy S P pUja loncillor Richard Gibbs, sec- Proves Popularlr Car Down, and included the gen- eralcomedtsalseierlrvisitors special attraction at thej list, and special accounts.Cnserbecrepdne Orono Fair this year was ai1 Couriwaidcr.lt svnh isecond- .Fat Cal Show and Auction onilrDwscnd etro hns I~el onFrîay ept6thTheed by Councillor Mary Budai . st h dpe o nKra ~oow ponsred y Larenc moved that the 1963-64 Win-Thr wa adicsjno ono O aroeou lner ok rgamb eeThe strikingly beautiful new lune of Chevelle cars combines new pateokt edn nMmra Orono, Jack Rogers, Union ýred to the Road Committee, ness and luxury with new size and price range. Buit on a 115-inch wheelbase,~~Pradterslto o ,,rtox arsToonoan Uî-Iland Rond Superintendent R.1 four inches shorter than regular models, Chevelle is shorter, narrower and te o - ad oroto andUni- The hot1964 eprt TisloChevrtholetarca, utmoJuxurjouseio dmesinsarlongTh 164Crestyleda or lxuioslocnlok ndfet Stock Yards Yards, Toronto, jwas carried. wtlo neicwfrgl16 oe s. hvele inror uleanio"bns r el a amr ook nd etes c~tah et proved interestmng not only 1on motion of Councillor ithin om ne in erfrach of reuat1h oelfu ai bd tls. C veeinrdc s hne type per- front end, rear fenders and trunk lid. The grill has'~ ncmltl eeindPr er optl mut to Lvestck daler, buealeibbssecndedby eputGiimterrameengieere foreachof he fur bsic ody tyle.nShwpahrrkinandparing ight recssedin tn buher.The mpaa sprtseedanshawlhespedrotsvrsedano the general public attending; Reeve H. C. Muir it was de- the Chevelle Malibu Super Sport coupe. is one of the 15 re'rnlar-size Chrltdl s ~ . tc h ul the fair. Icided to have the Township aog hevr f h bd o elng oueis. o etcethe funt egh trni Te oîcîl Th frs Thie .udge for the show held Clerk, Walter Rundle send a lent presided for the busi- aiotnc thie of teabadmoubing tor ad uto meet threfontwel ela m f tend ett:30p:30 wa ArhmeCly- sttrAtrMisiAeHoginste lettneseprio.oMnutssostA.ditictie Ipal maktnheOtios nd ustm fatues nMainute-sz Cho- ntheedby ver mebe clale of Peterborough and the solicitor for M. Stainton and LargeIDDernsey S ow4 ast general meeting we,: rolets are offered in the widest range in Chevrolet history, permittn a194pen. îesults for this class are inform her that Darlingtoni rend and approvcd. Rolc' Chevroiet to be virtuaiiy custom built to personal taste. Lound in the publisbed prize Township Council iwiîî awvalt a u ' showed 24 mnembers presenit. fm h ru c d list. There were 17 calves a definite request from Uni-rL ro i Treasurer's report was givenand fmly, Oshawa; Mr and cousin Mrs. H. R. Foiey. Memoriai Hospital omn rsdd o .r>hown with top places going ted Counties Council befori e treof On F i by Mrs. H. Cooney. A num- Mrs. Jim Killen, Janice and The family of Mr. and Mrs. ville. We ail wish hras~vrn h ot,'o' olk -Io R. Baker, Geo. Carson and taking action to close the bro eoiedtoswr rnaKleOhw udyvs eoey John Riekard. At 6:30 p.m. TIownship side rond referred to The Big 4 Guernsey ClubGrand Champion Cow. This bro eonaion eeBed KleOhw eeu Milîs wereSndyvsrcveyarain chralmto *I&ith Jack Reid as auctianeer in ber request. Show at Orano Fair had .1 was won by Woodring Noble ndbrouht i te s exd etv- ew Mrs thH.RFoey set istrs with her. n- au. dn and e.and Mr.faminnWs-adoprre."MsNny t. ~-ecalve were old fr an eputy-eeve uir mved vcry large showîng o! excep- Lace shown by Frank Fry. of ead acptegd asrnd.tevfeur w dS T ays lvth Brosseouke r n r.Gadnlk n aiy saa Dreirnoe in oo -,v:eraes! 1½ets pafr l.a t ept-e nsirs oiitrtionally gaod quality cattle. Janctvijle with Reserve gaina rlctrn dtsi h ea r.Sl.Eatet roin. 1Shuffi, Port Perry. . ,wore Sunday afteno ii- Apne ossigo r avrageof 31heproment e b-.H. tre tand E. R. ove-torA total of 123 head were to Euchcroft Noble Va e cuuembere mine Tm e ' Mg ratndMr. ad r. Hr'oo Miss o auyceMafstrnped- CrslacttMr. and r.TdDrel r elBi n mong the prominent buy-'showH.These keptnddge.How-Lsvewnby Bob Batty. T("oeo audyatrape-Claut U.a ors were Jerry Todd, Mili- km ho asked for a report on ar ro.Te ks fParsbuyaiJ u nio CamponFew-ewa Tee old on Dceal r l2th. old Cr)olns, rv adMr. Handsant visit with friends in Cal- Hoar and girls.MrHrodKtgae uc bok er rsEnnis- Mrs. Mildred E. Alldrend'S atternoon. mo yHwl odSelTeiieetingl closed with the Mrs Win. Munroe, Baltimore, gary, Alberta. Mr. Don Brown a eun necsig ifrain o r ki e ; W er rld MB r a , Ow onpb y H o w ell R o ndse hS tel nlaM iz p a h B e c i e ditio n . A so c ia l w e r e i i o s w t r n r n r . W l e o l d aG e p g i u t r l c a g s i u e o l s s Irilen Hral Mffa, r- ropsa tareeas br sm* For Grand Champion Bull, shown by Harold Guthrie, a aîf hureolocd M s S rtn o rSunaynd r.d L rs io altxere unDoyle ta rue bssuiphtm hvasoasee ona; Pete Levine, Whitby; mer cottage from the terms hheorselloectedr. Buchcrotonft SVictorsd i4-HRicClub, member. Reserveoresu Jack Wilson, Wbitby; Frank of the Watson sub-division Teorshoxvn bBuceob tty. nt a 4-Hdlubmmer.CRéierve Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me- Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton, day visitors with bis brotherý Mr. and Mrs.L.CCoi-odnonqutiossedb Groff, Hampto; Dunham Le-agreement. TisIlvsenecMi-sThoacy Mw bl BobBwith wtheirocompanyC visited and wiMieNaMc. and Mrs., StevetcuttcospentSundayd evening, Mt.taedaudience.elMrs.spMcArthnr Grof, Lampton; Dunham Le- agreeînen Thr is bas ecnd- This bul was just reentlyi Winners a! the Groutn class- Miss Marilyn McDonald, Osh-, ith Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mun- Doyle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ro., a g ads exrso h ppeito i UkTorontocYa; CnaaJackRg rrid, fseeve went ta Glenville But- Farms; Junior Herd, Lînle Thornas, were Suniday visit- home they called ta see Mr. Sunday with ber cousin, Mrs. Mr. n -r.Shî, hr &,dmîs eywrh inStock Yards, Toronto, Reeve and Councillor Budai. Lindîey Farms, Garden Hil1. Batty: Senior Get of Sire, orsnd Mrs. Lob .Snowden ad bouoar Co rhMr Gay effershasre- M .ad . RnBok e.W .VnCm ernd United Farmers CO-OP it was agreed that the Road The big feature of the Bob Batty; Progeny o! Dam, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs turnd to Kemptville Agri- ar ttending th Kiaibrutnîupadte n Union Stock SYar or nSuperintedettrb see to hwwste bti o rn r.Fred Stevens wore Mrs. Fred accomrnanied Mr. and Mrs. cultural Coîlege ta resume his Convention at Nigr.CrrtEvn.Meincls property in the Pollard sub-1,o'y Toronto; Mrs. Char- Dick Bilyta their cottage at studies. ogauain Durham Central Ag. Society division, ai1 s o Prestonvale - m . . uu les White, Oshawa; Mr. and Mink Lake aver the weekend. The many friends o! Mrs. R. Stevens who wl e9 db oeylnho ri Roadn Sauthedatd OkeonLanef M ALE y VMrs. Friiik O]liffr'. Stouffville; Mr and Mrs. Fratik ýllv. Allin Snowden are sorry ta years yaung onWeesacokilmfin ad Canda ivstok rapy o dSth and a ke reomnains Mr. and Mrs. Win. Loveiock Guelph, recently visitcd their learn that she is a patient in (today). adasca ie the exhibitor in the Dairy ta counicil ln each case. A generai meeting o! Maple ardsbip was given by Mrs. çattlo- clarses winning the Councillor Budai movcd Grave United Church Women M. Burgess. A meditation wasM most points. that Reeve A. L. Blanchard ývas held Sept. 19th, in the gîven by Mrs. D. Bowman, and .Competition was keen this and Township Clerk Rundle1 church basement. Preqident prayer by Mrs. Dubeau, fol-UNM 3ýcar with top exhibitors in be authorized ta execute a re-1 Mrs. S. Morton opened the iowed by the singing a! Hyma UMN ho- Holstein, Guernsey and lease in the matter o! Ray J. meeting by reading the pur-,500. The offering wns ce-- Jersey classes. The point. sys- MoCol, J* . H oosn and pose o! the U.C.W. Theme ceived. The pr'agram wvas i O0 h OIlt tom ta determine the winner the Township o! Dnlington. hymn 16 wns sung, fo]lowed charge of Unit 1. Mrs. C. Ru- Li. 3 points for Ist, 2 points This was secanded by Coun- bY prayer. The worship ser-. sel rend an article on church for 2nd and 1 point for 3rd. cillor Down and carried. vice xvas in charge of Unit 2,r vocations. A skit on church The winner of the Silver Deputy-Reeve Muir, sec- with Mrs. RHec Dubenu acting vocations and stowardshirp ~ntrece Dsh for 1963 is W. F. onded by Councillor Gibbs as leader. She opened the wor- wvas presented by Mrs. W. Hl. l3atty & Sons, Jersey Breedl- moved that the application o! ship service by reading 1s tiBrown, Mrs. R. Brooks andi Prr-,o! Brooklin, ont. The Hilton S. Tink for a tile drain- Corinthians, verse 2. Hymn Mrs. C. Russel. A Bible rend-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __BgIx ybgs le Pnincey Farms, Gardon Hill; age lban o! $3,000 bho anprovcd 356, was sung. The scripture ing Romans 12, verses 1-16, t.W. Batty, Broaklin, and subjeot to the appraval o! the roading. Luke Chapter 12, ver- wvns given by Mes. W. H. J. H. Jase & Sons, Newv- Treasurer al Ontario. This Fes 13-21, was read by Mes. Brown. A poem was read by castie, were close contenders. wns carried. Dubenu. A reading on Stew-, Mrs. R. Brooks. The Presi- You are cordially invited IVRLevr to attend our0fcusyudeet '64 Chvrole Impal Spor Sthan- oueofr15fromsmoChevroletCevr-" .. .. . . . - -I r .~~~~~~ AnÈo>gti.Thr' - Fire V8. Lots of things make AFTENOO AND EVEINGfor loweî' upkeep - and make AT OUR BOWMANVILLE SHOWROOM C'64 CIhtops n vNoue iNew pep and new comnfort f'~r c,"64 CORVAIR! 4Yfor ail ladies j Big nexv ai-cooled 6 goes into RnOttedanei every '64 Corvair. It's stili at n ttn anethe i ear, of course, for better .... tr action and easy handling. SFREE DRAW PRIZES " 64 CORVETTE! Major suspension refinements make Coirvette ride more go with the four big V8s. '64 Corvair Monza Club Coupe. 64 Corvette 5tfgRySotCue H R~ I D 0v! ~ I bi i~ u ~ ic See ive entirely different lines of cars at your Chevroleieale' R O Y*W,, N IC H OSe fure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channeanti. HiEVROLET -OLDSMOBILE DEALER ROY V W . NII<H.ILI Silver Street Bowmarnville 623-3671V. ' EM~ _________________________________________COURTICE - Phone 728-6206 BOWMAVLE hoe6335

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