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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1963, p. 6

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6The Canadian Statesman, Bowmaillie, Sept. 25, 1963 BLACKSTOCK 0 ROYABOWMNA NVILLE Thurs. to Sat., Sept. 26 - 28 MATINEE SAT. 2 P. ELVIS PRESLEY lit Happened Sun. to Wed. Sept. 29 - Oct. 2 OINE SHIOW -7:30 P-11, 14E USED 1 L LEKE MOST MEN USE MOMEY GERAWDINE PAGEâ CNMS PE -* e e-O MAPLE GROVE (Intended for last week) Maple Gi-ove Home and School Asgociation held is fi-st meeting on Wed., Sept. ilth, at 8:00 p.m. in the East School. Graduation exercises tor grade 8 students af the East Sehool was the highlight ofa the evenlng. Mr. R. Rowe, Principal, presented 24,pins ta the graduates. Mrs. How- ard Cryderman, President ai the Womans' Institute, pi-e- sented an award ta Elenor Walls, for the student wha had made mast pragress dur- ing the year. Mrs. Mofiatt presented an award ta John McGuik Ibr the best al- round grade 8 student, and showed the inembers the two plaques which the achool bas purchased. These plaques are toi- the athletic champions, honour awau-ds af the East School. Mrs. MacNeil read a poemn called "Teachers". The g uest speaker was Mr. U. Lucas, Principal of Bowman- vile HIgh School. The attend- ance banner awards were won by Mi-. Rowe's room, Princi- pal of the East School and ýMi. Lewis' rooni, Principal ai the West Sebool. The meet-i ýing clased by aU sIlng g "God Save the Queen". An gradu- ation cake was senved ta the eigraduates, and a social time wau enjoyed by aU. i e The Candace Unit af the' present. Meeting commenced Ken Lee'u home. FaUowng 'vBla,,kstock U.C.W. met at the at 1:30 p.m. with dessert lun- the eiosing exercises, a delle- home af Mrs. Ernest Lai-mer cheon. MNrs. Ralph Larrner ious lunch was served and à with 1 ladies and one chid, gave the worship on Steward- social turne enjayed. - ship. Mrs. P flnmeril canduct- St. John's W.A. held thelr _ ed the Bible Study discussion regular monthly meeting ln - on the l2th and i3th chapters the Farush Hall, Sept. 1Mt, of the Book of Acts. with an attendance af 13 -ENIER Plans were made for the members and one visitor and 'Nprogramme which this unit js the president, Mrs. John Hamn- he '>,"\ tagvatthe enrime-iiton, presiding. Litany and ing on Tuesday evening, opening prayers were taken Sept. 24th. Also planned ta by Mrs. Ashinore. Mrs. W. have the "Sweet Adelines" W. 'VanCamp reported cards A ~ ?pi-sent as entertainment on sent ta Port Ferry Hospital Oct. 23rd. Closed with a and that Mrs. J. Scatt is stili short prayer and Benediction ln Oshawa Hospital. Ralll eaU by Mrs. Romeril. was answered with an article -CUNILES todaiy! 1 The Anma unit met at the 'for the bale and a good as- home of Mrs. Boss Duff Tues- sortment was received. A re- dcay afternoon. Leader Mrs. quest for a quit was receiv- Duff opened the meeting with ed and a quilt top in Colonial o a reading entitled "Tuning". Lady pattern was given ta the 9 piece After the singing af the WA. by Mrs. Clare Wilson,J FR EE hvmn- "Oh for a Faith that who bhas recentiy moved ta, will flot shrink". Mrs Lai-ne asr fo.Ton.Ai n ,iLI,,/<I~?4,Thompson gave a fine cm quiiting wiUl be held in the I~TflVV~ mentary on the th chapter Pas Hall maOct. othe. IJI#I(K ,of The Word and the Way- Chicken Fie Supper and Baz-1 ~'~~? .//~/DdV "God and Evil" xvhich was aar the latter part of Oct. f/'w~ If folloxved by a wonderfui dis- Meeting ciased with prayer 1 TR V LK T cussion. The roll cali was tewicMr.idred For RAV L IT answcred by the number of ate sihwed piturestaor gîven n thisarea for improvernents for aur he ubn'adgrswr every day meetings. Closed with the holidasiginFoda Th 1Mizpali Benediation, after 1hldyi nFoia h whih he 3 adis nd nepictures were niuch apprec- whic th 13lades nd ne ated. Mrs F. Staniland and chiid present enjoyed a loy-, Mrs. Ashmore served a lov- ely lunch and social time. eylnha ri aa n Eleven ladies and two child-cae i-enattnde th metin ai O.N.O. Club met Thursday the Doncas unit, at the home evening, Sept. 12th, at the L of Mrs. Joe Bradbuî-n, Wed- hm iJsi utrwt nes d a y afternoon. Leader ho memofbesiean anriitor Mrs. Hill opened the meet- 1 ebr n n iio ing with a short reading on present. The rall call-Bring FTriendship". A hym your favorite book ta boan Si mwas for a month - saw a good I ung and the worship on "Mir- ado" olowd ~it Ms.~.many books exchanged. A Bce"loss d rs. F.sD W.- littIessbake sale plus a 1 Rssan Mr. . ayes readlte donation fi-rn the club 1 ng seipfture passages and funds amaunted ta $25.00 IMrs. Lloyd Wright giving the frFr er opti h nioitaionandrayr. rsclub was asked ta cater ta MWltr Wih edavr the Federation af Agriculture- j Wtersnghlteread a Misy lu ncheon, Nov. 30th, and ac- ~ ~ /IDore a ap Indore, In - pted. A cooking schaol was dia.Discssan o te t discussed and a tentative date chapter of The Word and the stfrsrn 94 eie SAVE A QUART War - "Miracles" failowed. da have a New Year's Eve numben of calîs made but canducted an interesting sur-. 2 iflot too mnuch reading done. name contest aiter which bar- Closed with hynin and prayer, bacued hamburgers and cof- Day in ... day eut, th roughout the followed by lunch and social fee brought a pleasant even- yearthousands upen thousands of time. ing ta a close. people just like yeu save 2e a Mrs. Neil Mvalcolm was has- Mrs. Ross Duff was hostesu cfmik tess for the Esther unit and on Wednesday evening for a Pi quart on every quartofml they the Candace unit wvho were miscellaneaus shower in hon-1 huy. The annual saving is substan- guiests of the former unit on or of her aunt, Mrs. Edna Gib-A tiai. And the quality is JERSEY 'eledy eening n son ai Bowmanville. Thirty- QUALITY. As our grandparents Glenn Larmen presided. The five ladies, relatives and knew ... and as we stili know 1worship froni the theme - fred noed a pleasant JEREYQALIYhsnechage. i"The Heigth ai Christian Ex- evening and the prospective _ JEREYQUAIThasnochage. p eience" was given by Mrs. bride was the recipient af JERSEY is traditionally better! 2%a Anncld Taylor. Miss B3eryl mny usetul gitts. Ai-Jersey partly skïmmed milk is Hlibhs gave an address n Sna onn n tej 2é a quart less only because it is "Peace" and showed a film. Uited Church, the choir sang pa partly skimmed. Only butter fat The Esther unit decided ta an anthemn "I've Found a lia hen rmevd. he ERSY ake more bandages ta be Friend". Rev. Romeril chose hasbee renoed.TheJEREY sent ta Miss Muriel Stevens, as the theme for his sermon QUALITY remains. Angola, at the next meeting, "Learning ta let go" tram whichi is ta ho held at Mrs. Hebrews 12. I - At St. John's Anglican W INChurch a group ai Girls Jun-- ior Auxiliary tram St. Sav- a Beauty Counselor laur's Church, Toronto, wr f Holiday TRAVEL KIT arnong tbose worshiping. Cani-1 We want te lhank these who use fi-rn the subject -'Citizens on 2%1 Ail-Jersey partly skimmed af na-mean Country". The initiation dance for- mjIk and at the same time entice ~ Cartwright High School was still more people te try 270 Ail- - ~ ~heid in the Community Hall- Jersey. That is why, once a year Friday evening. AUl Grade 9 Di we conduct a simple contest with students had ta attend in 75 ~e~. laughter pravaking costumes. OV numerous prizes for peeple in this Prize for the best girls cas- area. EVERY DAYstarting Septem- Before yjou me 111 tumne was won by Shelia Sharp Cl ber 23rd 2% Al-Jersey are giving know the facts and for the best boy's costume c aBEAUTY COUNSELOR Holiday by Warren Rohrer. Dancing toHo rravel Kit, valued at $17.50 and about insurance records was enjoyed. A spot continig avarity f csmetcs. Fac 1.dance was won by Linda Gray :onaiinga aritycf osetis. Fac 1 Fine insurance alone and Bob Kyte. Lunch af on home and contents is flot hamburgs and pop was en. 100 enough. Your home could joyed. end Your name, address and b ey. and M.rs. P. RomnerlilOft lephone number wlth bottie be destroyed by windstorm, visited Mi-. and Mrs. David Lp or trademark from 2% xlso rohrhzr Romeri.l and family, Wolfe CIi 1-Jersey and enter the Fact 2: Theft coverage Of Island, Tuesday. D& your possessions, at home Mr. and Mrs. David Wat- 3L N R E and away, should bec tenToronto, visted Mrs. 75 1 G LE - A 3: Aed.LMiss Jsenry WTer, Brnook-C R'Y F 3:ct laxsuit judgment Wednesday. IJA IRY gayin yould ost YOU lin, visited Mr-. and Mrs. Leith Tel 2% A - J CONTEST never i ytin ya ow. You Byers, Tuesday. D ncedliailiy inurace.Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fenneil, SEPT. 23rd ta OCT. 18th Fact 4: You get ail this and Kemptville, were gueuts afi ff more in anc Horncownens her mother, Mrs. Charles 'au niaY win a Beauty 1 policy.. . withl one lJow Smith, Mr-. Smith and Oliver, unselor Holiday Travel Kit.' preuîýum rlatives.advsie te Buâsiness Directo] Accounianic RAT J. ILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Street LRONARD JAMS BROC Chartered Accauntant Accountants - Auditoi Trustee iBankruptcy Suite 205W 7254! WM. . .COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Libi-ary Building Cor. King & Temperance TAILE, FRIEDLANDEÏE & COMPANY Claartered Accountantp Llcensed Trustees ln Bankruptcy 1I Ong St. E. 728-7 Oshawa, Ontario ry ne ls. 371 MONTEITHf - MONTEITH RIIEHL & CO. 135 Sirncoe St. N., Oshawa Chartered Accountants 728-7527 lartners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. h. B. Monteith, B. Comn., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightoot, C.A. WILSON & BUtJEOWS- Chai-tered Accauntants 4 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. lrtners: Ronald F. Di. Wilson, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A.. Phone 728-7554 Chiro prac tic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C, fiee: Chu-cpiactai- iEgnSt., cor. ai Harsey 9 Phone 623-5509 ffiee Hours: By Appointme Denia RM W. M. RUDELL, D.D.5 King~ St. E. Bowmanvi 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally loed Saturday and Sunda Office Phonie - 623-5790 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office tin bis home 0 Liberty St. N., BawmanvmUe Phone 623-5604 !ice Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p .r. daiiy osed Wednesday - Suday LC. F. CATTRAN, D.D.8 Office King St. E. Bawmanville fice Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.rn. daily >sed Saturday and Sunday elephone: Office 623-5459j st. Lnt ie R. R. A. HESTON-COOK B.D.S., L.D.S. ice: Orono Medical Centr Telephone 189 Land Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG., 0.L.S. Queen St. Box lf:Sb ius. and Res Telephone 63-7251 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristerb, Solicitors Nataries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edwand C. Wildman, B.A., LL.B. King St. W. - Bowrnanville Telephone_623-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Bai-rister, Solicitor Notai-yPublic King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office 623-5688 ]Residence 623-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Bai-rister, Solicitor Notai-y Public 14 F'rank St. Bow-manvllle B. ICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor King St. E. Newcastle Phone 2246 Houri: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 M or tg age s SADIE HAMILTON -ORONO Phone 1 r 16 Vinst Mortgage Funda Zeadences - Farina Business Properties Moztgage Loans Prompt, caurteous servie IRA OLD C. PEDWELL Real Estate and Mortgage Broker Newcastle Phon 3856 Opi o met ry KEITE A. BILLETT, O.D. Optametnhut 141hI t.E. BowmanvMle mon. - 1es. - Thurs. - FnL 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. TB * 13 Solina (Intended for last week) The U.C.W. wili meet on Manday night, September 30. The 4-H Club Girls will meet Friday night, Sept. 20, at 7:30 to begin their .new praject, "The Milky Way". Mi-. and Mns. Bruce Tink were guests at the Harvey- Sm.ith wedding at Huntsville on Satunday. Mns. H. E. Tink visited Mn. and Mns. Percy Dewell and family, Hampton, on Sunday. Mrs. C. F. Schah aif Chai- lotte, North Carolina, is visit- iag her sister, Mns. Roy Lang- maid and Mr. Laagmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mrs. C. F. Schahl and Mn. L. Squalr, Salemn, visited an Sun- day at Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Norton's, Markham. Mr. and Mns. W. Ashton, Lois and Ken were Sunday visitai-s with Mn. and Mrs. C Langmaid and family. LAC Gilbert Tapp, Centra- lia, Mi-. J. Meaneli, Toi-enta, visited Mi-. and Mrs. B. Fraser and famiiy. Mr-. and Mns. Bruce Taylor, Annette and Colette spent the weekend with Reverend and Ni-s. R. Sherwin and boys at Durham. Mi-. and Mrs. E. Thornton, Mullbnook, visited on Tuesday5 with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tay-1 Mi-. and Mrs. Sid Mitchel Bowmianville, visited Mi-. ani Mi-s. Fr-ank Westlake ani tamily on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West lake Jr., PIîyllis Ana and Joai enjoyed a trip ta Niagara, las Monday. Mr-. and Mrs. Han-y Knoi and sons were Suaday teý guests af Mn. and Mns. Hiltoi Tink, Ebenezer. Mr-. and Mns. Rae Pascoi and childi-en attended a tamý ily gathering ta honor af Mr and Mrs. Glenn Glaspehi Taunton, on fleur tenth wed. ding annivensany. Mr-. and Mrs. Wili Tonkin Oshawa, visited Mi-. and Mrs N. Wotten. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten accompanied Mn. Wesley Pow- ell and Miss Mabe] Powell o. Oshawa ta visit Mrs. Walter Rahme, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. T. Andersor and family, Zephyn, Mn. anc Mrs. Grant Down and Heath- ci-, Ebenezer, wene Sunday tea guests ai Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and family. Mn. and Mn. R. Sturmar and daughten, Prince Albert, visited Mn. and Mns. Keitii Oryderman and daugîtens. Mr-. and Mrs. George Knox and family jained a iamily gatherng honouring M r s. Knox's parents, Mn. and Mrs, Hioward Farrow, Starkville, recently on thein 40th wed- ding anniversany. Miss Gayle Laphamn, Hamp- ton, is spending a few days with her cousin, Katînyn Mi-. and Mrs. George Knox and tamily visited at Ken Pascoe's and Mrs. Wm. Knox's, eBrougham, on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Hockaday at- tended a shawer for Cana] Yellowlees, her cousin, who is taking a nursing course at the Ontario Depantinent of >Heaith Schaol af Nursing in Toronto. The shower was giv- en by Mrs. Crummy. Mn. and Mrs. E. Hockaday and daughters attended a tam- ily party for Grant Wright, Bawmanville, prier ta his leaving ta enter Univensity at Landon, on Monday. He was presented with a gift by thosei present. Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Oshawa, were Sunday tea guests of Mi-. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Fat. Reynolds Famly Reunlon Ninety descendants af the late Joseph Reynolds attended the annual tamily reunian at Sauina Cammunity Hall an- Saturday, September 14, 1963. In the atternoon a lively pi-agiarn af sparts was con- ducted by Shirley and Art Reynolds, on the hall grounds. The results were as toilaws: Peanut sera-rble for ail littie ones; Race for ail bildren under 6 years af age; each i-e- ceived a pnize. Girls 8 years and under, Susan HurI; Boys 8 year and under, Chris Met- cait; Girls 10 years and under, Jane ReYxnolds and Clieryl rd d n ea )n 1- )f u Williams, Boys 10 yeans and 1unden, Steve Reynolds; Box-s 14 years and unden, Jimmiy Teni-y; Girls 14 years and un- der, Weady Reynolds; Balloon 7bneaking contest, Janie Rey- nolds and Stuart Reynolds; Guessing number of jellv beans in a jan, David and Cai-olyn Reynolds: L ar g e st family present, Mrs. Isohel Reynolds. With heanty appetitcs cverv*- one then sat down ta a de- licious meal pnepancd and served by the ladies of tihe Saline Womnen's I n st itnt e. Russell Penkin of Picton aof- fered grace. Following the supper the presideat, Dr. Arthur Rey- nolds, gave a comprehensive summany ai the onigin ai the Reynolds family. We ai-e verv grateful ta him, for his ef- forts, thus fan, and hope that relatives will assist him by obtainiag the listai-v af their respective families, *sa that ini the neai- future the farnily tree may be completcd. The afficens elected for the 1964 reunion: Honorary Pr'- sident, Dr. Ellis Reynolds:, Toronto, Pnesident, Dr. Art hur. Reynolds, Toronto; Vice Pre- sident, Jim Rcynolds, Por t Hlope; Co-Secretanies. Jin- ancl Sadie Reynolds, Belleville; Sports Committee, Art and Shir-ley Reynolds, Hampton. The date for the 1964 i-c- union will be Septomber 12. Evei-yone planning ta attend is asked ta reply promptly ta he secretai-y 50 the Solina V.l. may prepare for that number. Plan ta came at 3 "dcock for the sports pro- nram. Relatives wene prosent from Balmertown (1300 mni 11e s Rway), Picton, Toronto, Mark. hai, Uxbridge, Belleville, Pont Hope, Bowmanville. Stneetsville, Hampton ancl aoIma. It was a Pleasure to ave sevenal ai the relatives n their eighties showing sucis ikeen intenest in the day': otivities, and trust they iviii )e present with us next vcaIr. ti r g a h p s hý in a a( bE Sel tel cai Col Wv tao aa Be He Se NEWS 1 Mrs. W. W. VanCamp and Miss Mable VanCamp were Sunday supper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Swain VanCamp, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. B. deJong and fanùly, Nestieton, were Sun- day supper guests af Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock. LSeveralImfrm this arca at- teneded Lindsay fatir Thurs- day, Friday or Saturday. The McLaughlin broth er s ai-e stiil keeping up their records ini horseshoe pitching. On Sat- urday, Roy, won lat pi-ize and Harold 2nd prize in the singles local class Mrs. Ernest Swain and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin at- tended a dessert luncheon ai Columbus U.C.W. Tuesday. Mi-. and Mru. Grant Fergu- son and faaily, Toronto, were Sunday dinner guests of Roy and Mr. and Mi-s. Bill Fer- guson. Mr-. and Mrs. Sam Toinkin- son and son Ei-ic, Weston, were Saturday visitai-s with Mr-. and Mis. Orr Venning. Satui-day evening visitai-s with Mr-. and Mrs. Wilbez-t Archer were, Mi-. and Mrs. Bob Patterson, Tor-onto, and Mi-. and Mrs. Vincent Archer, Bowrnanville. Mrs. David Hil retui-ned ta lier home in Richmond Hill dbY Jili Ames Representatives have riow t. FiaSetme 0 been eiected and our first gen- On Piday Sepembe 20,eral meeting of the Students' r. aur assexnbiy hall transformed Council shouid be this weecn into an out af this worid Mar- If you have any important -tian pianet, was our setting suggestions to help or improve *for the 'Martian Hop". Ex' our student body in any way, ýe cellent decorations by Dianne give them to your form rep. e Biggs, our Art Director, in- and he or she will bring ther.- Scluded a huge seven-plece Up at the meeting. combo composed of bongo Well, I guess that's about eplayer, sax player, clarinet it for this week, so we'il sce' eplayer etc. Rackets and fly.. you at the Senior football ing saucers added ta the et- game, Thursday, Sept. 26, on. feetiveness. We had a good the back campus of BUHS. crawd who seemed ta reaiiy Let's see a big B.H.S. cheering fenjay themselves. The spot section! dance was won by Randy The fallowing write up iwas » Deweil and Judy Cooney, submitted by Audrey Hayes. who happened ta be under the Trip ta Stratford right racket. The elirnination On Tuesday, the l7th of dance was wan by Audrey September, a group of stud- Hayes and Daug Nichais. The ents went ta the Stratford Martian dance, (explanatian: Shakesperean Festival to see broom dance with a Martian the Canadian Players produc- substituted for a broam) was tian af "The Comedy of Er- won by Bob Dunn, who re- rors" ceived an "Ail-Hits L.P." Last- After an enjoyable trip up iy, the door prize was won everyone including M. Scott by surprised JiJl Nichais wha and the bus driver were given receives a school ring. Ail inl time ta do saine sight seeing aUl it was a very successfui af the tawn before the play dance thanks ta you- the began. After lunch we pro- students. ceeded ta the theatre and Last week aur senior foot- anxiousiy awaited the bc- bail team piayed their first ginning af the play. Just bc- icaway tramn home" gaine at fore it began, the iights went Clarke. Although we can't out while the actors came on say we trounced thein, we did stage. The play was excellent end Up the victors. This Tues- and as the titie indicates, ex- day, the 24th, aur juniors are tremeiy humorous. After the playing Henry Street at Whit- intermission the play contin- by. The recentiy picked jun- ued and was over by four ior cheer-leaders, Sharon Bur- o'ciock. At the conclusion, one gess, Jili Nichais, Ginny Sie- of the actai-s came out and mon, Jan Black, Shirley Pat- explained the foundation of field, JilI Ames and Janice the Elizabethean Stage. Moses, are preparing to cheer We stopped in Kitchener aur team aon ta victory and I and had aur supper, after know aur team, wiil give their which we headed home 'arrv ail. ing in front af the school)a BEST BUY! - Save 30c! Pkgs. of 200 20-oz. Tins BEST BUY! - Save 44c! - 2c Off Pack - Dr. Ballards 15-0z. CHAMPION Dog Food 101R'$1 BEST BUY! - Save 17c! - Layer Style PILLSBURY Cake Mixes 3 i $1l DOLLAR FEATURES Save 17c! - Evanporated Tail Tins Carnation MiIk 7 for $1 Sve 15c! Choice Crushed or Tid Bits 20-oz. Tins PINEAPPLE 5 for $1 Save Ilc! 15-oz. Tins PEAS York Fancy 6 for $1 ,Sa-ve 80! Catelli Long Macaroni Iteady Cut 16-oz. Pkgs. SPAGHETTI 5 for $1 Save 35c! - Target Fancy Red - 3j'a Tins Cohoe Salmon 3 for $1 Save 16c! - Libby's Fancy 15-oz. Tins Fruit Cocktail 4 for $1 Save5c! -E. D. Smnithu li-oz. BtUS. KETCHUP 5 for$si Save 6c!'-Ifeavy Duty 18-inch Regular Size Rol Foil Wrap Reynolds 59C 'Save 10e! - Floon and Wall Cleaner Large Size' 8c Off Pack AJAX CLEANER 34c Save 5c 12-ai. Plastic Honey Billy Bee 2 for 53c S ave 4! - Culvehouse New Pack Choice 20-oz. Tino Corn Crea m Style 3 for 55c FrozenFoodFeature! - Save 4c! 6-ai. Tins BIRDS EYE Oran ge J uice21 61c- LIQUID - 22-03. Suze TREND Detergent 59c' I NSTANT ,%ASHIED 6-oi. Pkg. FRESH BAKED! - Weston or Sunbeam - Pkg. of 12 - Regular 35c Brown 'N Serve ROLLS 31c Sweet, Juicy, California ORANGES 3 doz. $1ý CARROTS 2 for 29c Pepper Squash 2 for l9c Crisp, Iceberg, No. 1 U.S., Lge Head MiId and Swect, No. 1 - Pkg. of 2 LETTUCE 19c Spanish Onions 27c 1~~~ BEST BUY! - Save 6c! - Free! - Regulation Ilockey Puck with 3-jb. pack ROSE Brand MARGARINE 65c BEST BUY - Save Sc! - Free! - Bavai-ian Art Figurines - Pkgs. cf 60'9 TÊA BAG S Mother Pa rker's 7 7C -,il -jloS P E C IA L L Y S E L E C T E D Value Check'd Branded STEAKS ROUND 8l T-BONE l iýSpecially Seleeted- Value Check'd Boneless RUMP ROAST lb 89c ýWîth thie Sweet Smoked Taste Frch linced - Weil Blended Trend BACONPk: 73c Ground Beef 2 Ibs 79c Prices effective at the Iisted Red & White Food Stores only MAPLE GROVE MARKET . . . Maple Grove CORNISH'S MARKET..... Oron~ PORTER'S RED & WHITE . . . Newtonvillo gifc coupon fund which will ail those ~vho had assisted 1- (Intended fan last %,el-1) aW-1. Meeting n Miss Evelyn Flaxman, EN. nwho is connected with tise tDurham and Northumbenlanci hHealth Unit et Millbrook xvas; guest speaker at the Bcthany Wamea's Institute meeting, Monday nigît at the homoe of Mrs. Han-y Ryley. Speaking on the goneral duties ai a public heaith nurse,, Misa Flaxmnan saici "The officiai public hcalth, nurse is a member of the statij aio the local Board of lIIeidt jor County Heaith Unit whiclî is aân officiai. anganiizatiojn Ccharged with ovenali nespoi-! sibility for the health of tihe community. She must le a graduate of a i-ecognized school ai nursing and regis- tered in the province of On- tanao. She must have at leasi, tone year of post graduate, funivenuity study in public! 1health nursing. .,iWorking under the mecdi- clofficen ai lealth and the, family Docton she visits ir, the home and school, organ- izes and interviewvs in child lealth conferences and c-lin- ics and penticipates in gnoup teaching. She gives bedside nursing cane on an orner- gency and demoastration bas- is; under certain arrangemns nts ntirsing cane in the homo is part ai her prognani. She helps expectant parents and whien the baby is born she continues her services. She visits the school and sees the children perîadically. The aged and those confined by uhronic iliness have many needs. Here again the public heaith nurse cari assist the family ta pro- vide or secure care for thein. She is active in helping ta control the spread ai tuber- culasis. She promates the use af imunizing agents ta, pre- vent any commnicable dis- ease. Also important are her records af every child which cari be referred ta at any time. The speaker was introducedl ni Coming, Oct. 6 - 9 ""West Side Story" (Adult) 1 31C BETHANY and thanked by Mrs. Hlector go ta fui-ther Institute work .with the piagi-arn. - hm cnmean elh io ehl ttehm Monton, cammittee convener of and education among the Es- The October mneeý Mrs. Ralph Preston presid- Announcement %vas made of Eanl McQuaid with Hisi cd for the meeting and wel- the short cours e in Cop por Research as the themne. comLd two new members Mrs. Tooling which will be hcld Ann' e Cheshire and Mrs. Tedibei-e October 22-23. Spencoly- Plans wene also made for B C A R Announcement was made i a bus trip ta Kitchener and that Miss Muriel Neals, a surrounding points of inter- l member af the 4-H Club spon- est which wvill take place Oc- *,flt I sorod by the W.I. had received tober 1. For relief l'en provincial honors in Club Mrs. Vincent Jackson ,%vas backachec work and will represent Dur- chosea as delegate ta attend trd-u ham County on a trip ta the the nnalcovenio ii on United Nations, September onto la Novemben, -xvith Mns. Idrd< Han-y Ryley as alternate. The îiow girls club projeet iMns. Ina Palmer. Mrs. Hec- Iii for the caming year is "The tor Moi-ton and Mns. George Milk 'v Way" and Mns. Pi-es- Neais assisted the hostoss in ton wvith Mlrs. H. Ryley will serving lunch. ;attend a school foi- leaders Mns. Claronce Rowan ex-' next %veek. pnessed the thanks a the 'The membens agreed ta mnembers ta Mrs. Rvlcv for sent SIO.OO ta the UNESCO Ithe use ai hon home îrcd to 1 m. -- -- - - 1 -1 ir. ioli lui Ln(. C re -= 1 -1 v :: 1 zl gF froaF or thal ýý feelinig en- BEST BUY! - Save 17c - Raspberry - Strawberry - Fruit Conserve 9awa ROSE Pure JAMS :3 R$ 1 = -.-. j- 1 =-- BEST BUY! - Save 9c! - Fancy Quality Ta.sty, Nutritioug, No. 1 - 3 lb. bag Table Qijeen 1-

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