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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1963, p. 9

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1964 PONTIC SPORTropucs pde, By Frank Mohun 4237231 BASKETBALL STARTS OCT. lOth Another basketball season gets underway ln two weeks at the high school gymrnasium, but players, coaches and lieferees are still needed. Anyone interested should contact Ted Dadson, Don "Pop"' Martin or Tom Pearson. The schedule starts October 16th at 7 o'clock. This yeari regular double-headar action goes every Wednesday night, one nlght later than in past years.I t t* tj* 1' f SOFTBALLERS PLAY GOLF Softball is over, but the players haven't tossed away the batting equipment yet. However, it will be a smaller size ball and various clubs requirad for the annual golf outing a week from Saturday (Oct. 12th) at Southview Golf and! Country Club. If you haven't planned yet to attend or been contaotedi by the time you're reading this, get in touch wlth teami representatîvas: Don Mý,astr-rs, Ted Dadson, Gary Tighe, Bruce Cole or Alex Wisenman. The new bolder, longer and wider look of' the 1964 Pontiac blends IPontiac's venturi body lines with smart new front and rear styling. Pontiac's 1964 lineup totals 14 models in four series with Parisienne Custom Sport models offered in a new full-fledged series. Shown here is the 1964 Parisienne 4-door sedan. Ail of Pontiac's advanced 119-inch whe.ebase chassis features are con- tinued, including rug'ged -X-built frame, full cSil suspension, self -adjustingr * .~ JLaI'p-g nnd IrnqIv ULlpr £1A11iw nULd~A~UlUlInni" à llrlaiUft - I n I ,dLU U WIIA A IGH orthe standard V8 for 1964. The finest and most complete range of options and Although it wasn't whiat you would caîl a good displayl custom feature accessories in the Pontiac history permit a 1964 Pontiac to be of pugilism, that was quite a heavyweight fight betw-een' Mike DeJohn an-d George Cht.îvalo, Friday night. . virtually customn-built.______________ Chvl uldoff the dirtiest effort we've ever seen M x i S. Carson 16o w hal knocked DeJohn into the daisies by oontinuing toM ixed eague Bow ling T. Bennett . . 1601 punch after Mike had gone back over the ropes in the second W. Charles 154154 round. He lost It on a foui, after DeJohn was given time l Only seven points separate inito a tie for show psto.W Lewis14 to recover. tan of the Mixad Leagua In a pair of upsets 0.Ethe N GWnise .............149 We'll hastan to admit wa don't know much about box- teams, bttesienme ktogmsfroin Harrison H. Moore 147 Ing, but than in the sixth, with DeJohn down for the secondý give Prout a cornmanding (for an d Nowlan stopped M. Etch- ýB: Morgan 14,. this early) lead. Friday, night er 5-2. P. Prout 144 time in the round, the referee hauled him frorn the bOttom the paca-setters took two Frank Wright had hlmself A. Luxton 142 rope to a standing position, before cornrencrng the count. gaines Out cf Bennett, whilei quite a night, racking up a I. Carson------____18 That's diffarent! Perfect dropped a close 4-3 huge 815 triple and a 326i J. Thonipson 136 decision to H. Brock and Pal-i single. Best for the ladies were R. Spicer Chuvalo also threw a couple over the ref's shoulder, and 124, nier feli to third, bowing to' Onie Etcher- 703 and Aud- ID. Palmner 1231 that!s somaethîng you kind of don't see too muoh eîthar. Bromeli 5-2. irySep 29.iM.Pret18 Incidentally, the Canadian boxer wvas the winner,' despite' A 5-2 victory over cellar- Hoey rdSleep- 296.he . Perfctis ___ 108! bis savage tactics. Noiv George meets Cassius Clay, and h's'ý dweiling Lobb n-ovad E. Brock HoadBmelwsheLLwi10 oiily other bowler at the 7001D. Thompson lui, 10 flot likely to last more than a couple of rounds against the MXDMJRLAU plateau, rolling a 775 triple, J. Bedford ~ - 84 "Louisville Lin". MXDMJRLAU followed by Maryv Harrison- ________~_____ Team Standing 695, Murray' Grant-687, Vince t - ' tPIs. Pins Prout-664, Glen Fry-657, WELL-DRESSED BOWLERS Bickeii ........ .... 6 9916, 1arold Bennett- 651, Dick Etcher .. ............ 6 9246 Perfect and Morley Oke, both AI Osborne, secretary of the Mens Major League, informs' Terry................6 9131i at 649, Bob Glanville- 648, us that the bowlers are again going to be well-dressed, i Jolil................ 4 9437 Elton Brok- 647, Jim Bed- thanks te the following business people who are sponsoring Bapi..... 77fod 2,Ade le Mairs. 2 8478 620, Mal Burgess- 615, Joan the tean)s: Lander Hardware, Liberti 1flowl, Smnith's. Papsi 1Hîgh Single - Doris Joll 351,, Brunt- 614 and Betty Lobb- tola, Jury & Lox ail. Seib-v Grant Heating, Nais Osborne'High Triple - 'Doris -fol] 827. 6310. fnisurance, Beaver Lumnber, Frank's Variety Store, Olympia Over 215 Averages Other hiigh gamiesware roll- Restaurant, Hoooer's Jewellery, Dykstra's Fooçls and Ken's D. JoIli --2441 ed by Howard Brornal- 307,1 Men's Wear. G. Elliot.....................2_)3 8 252; Mary Nowlan- 273, Joan P. Dobbins ............ ....237 Brunt -271, Murray Grant- + t t f ~~~B. Barter ....................232 268, Ortie Etcher- 260, 253; PAIR 0F 900's ALREADY M. Burgess ..............2,0 Bob Glanville - 260, Mary G. Beehe .................... 224 Harrison- 256, Betty Lobb- This reporter bowlad earl-, for the opening Mens Majorl R. Wright..............223.2...Mr... tche- 252, El- night, se w-a didii't knov. Dr. H. B. Rundle hiad baggad a big B. Hearl ..................219. ton Brok- 251 and Dick 919 triple untîl this week. The doctor had gamnes of 351. 287B. orv .. . ... ýy Prc 4 J8~. Caorrd.. ........... 2198Peret- 246 lng -and 281 for bis total, then Thursda- niglit in -the Goodyeai- i Cfier........11ea tni loop veteran bowlar Bill Shotter scattered the pins for a, D.Brooksd. .............. 218 Pts.t 2 tfemandous 935 record. Bill put together gaines of 373, 2901 B. Broks.........215 Peroet 172 and 272 for his mark. Ganes Over 200Pamr1 If this early seison fori mis any indication, me right se ' D~. Joll 259, . 51:B. RairLeyî F. Drok.16 someone hitting the 1,000 miark W'efore long. m6,_ 7: .l gs 8~ Harison.______ 14 S.Biekeli 288: N. [kîî' 1'19Broml .___________14 ft t t t t i2'4: B3. 1-earl 273; G. ElliotýH Brook -_________13 t YA KEE TOWIN273: B. Holroyd 268: 1' Dob-H __0.________ 13 T YANKEES TO WIN bin,ý 264; B. Buday 2,52 OEoer-____ ___Nowlan .. ______12 By the tima you're reading this, the Yankees xil be, Bennett 11 _____ i J e game up in the World Series and wil] make It two in a M. Etcher -_____10 iV time 15 12:45, while West Coast games corne our way at Aeae 3:45, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, (the latter if necessary). C V. Prout .. .....___232 VYItThen possibly we go back te Yankee Stadium for Wednas- D. Perfect -_____224 4~I da an Thrsay gan. ..E. Brook 223 Ia n hrda gi.F Wright 222 No doubt the Yankee-haters (those whio root for the lÀ. Bromell -_____222 19 other tearns) are saying we're oalling the Yanks to %-.In, H, Bennett _______220 because we like 'arn, but we are Argo fans (disillusioned 0. . Etcher ______213 thought It may be), and we don't aven prediot a victory for AH. Bock________210 those high-paid idiots. (But that's another story.) . H. Palmer _______206 The Yankees will win becausa they always do. The B. Glanville -_____203 todgers have strong pitching, whIle two of N.Y.s front-linersi F. Bradley _ ___ 202 t I L.Welsh ______202 haven't been in a World Series, and it's hard to say how J. Brunt ... - 200 they'll go. However, Drysdale doesn't seem so bot when Jim Bedford -___200 It cornes to the big crnes either.i --. B. Brunt 199 ,4m An gelas ara fastar, too, and although there isn'tM*Gat-______19 mnuch to choose in fielding, they have home-run sluggers - . nLîîSlpîcr-.-194 Davis anîd Howard. . Lobb -----194 And there peoples is the big difference - our boys ail Mtt Harrison -____194 are capable cf belting the bail out of the park at any tm- U TM. E______1_ the job. STARTIN G K. Luton - 8 The old scribe isn't too happy about the World Series C)UT . NMutton 189 tbis year, howavar, because we're only going to see the week- Tt now[Sthel M. Burgess 187 end contests, and maybe a few innings Monday if a fifth f5 time, while you are yotung and in M. Wilcox 187 .ood health, to la>, the foundations M. Nowlan -______186 needed. Last year we ware kept waiting for days while the oryu ieiitrnemiri.iG rr---- 8 etorrn finally departed frorn San Francisco, but at ienst wa Sun Life is a compar,' wîrh odern, fB. Leaman ... 183 saw the gaines, up-to-date policies railored t o .our 'R. Malanson 182 individual rîac.Js. is Siri jje's l - ocal repILeLttve, 1v.ould ap- R. Grant ~182 preciate the epportunity off having E. Cox ..181 NO MOSPORT a chat v.th vou. A. Slaa .______ 181 Great reporter you are- didn't even go to the Grand BANNER PASSANT J. _________180 Prix at Mosport, eh? Well - er - that is - as a matter of tact 1hn 63328J, Cox ..___ 176 we - that is- who ,von anyway? And so the truth is out D. Chai-les 175 we had an ace reporter getting the details, but we haven't 14 Rehder Ave., BoiwmanvilIe E. Moore . 173 heard froni him yet - and here it is Sunday night. Neyer G. Wilcox ...172 M Harrison _______172 fear, we'll have the facts though (I hope). SUN LIFE Mael Wisemnan 172 Actually we don't even know who won yet. We wuz SUA C H. Burgess -_ ___ 171 over at Whitby's Ashburn Golf Club Saturday afternoon for . , B. Nicholîs -_____170 the wind-up of oui G.M. Golf League - we shoulda goe te I' COMPANYE rmi ______ 6 M. Walsh-______ 169 Mosport. Neyer took Il penalty strokes for 18 holes bafore . OF D. Mutton 168 i ~~M.Leaman -____ 6 u I ~ CANADA G. Winnacott _ _ _166 ___J. Fry . 164 I -Bowrnanville - ýME Golf & Curling Club FOUR EXCELLENT SHEETS OF ICE MHMBERSHIP FEES SENIOR MEN - LADIES - 4 Afternoons- 2-4 p.m. $5O BUSINESS GIRLS - Wednesday Nights - 9 -Il p.m. S)>CDENTS- Boys and Girls - 2 Afternoons $25.00O Monday - Tuesday - 4:30 - 6:30 - 25e per night - Schedules Start Nov. 4th . FREE INSTRUCTION OCTOBER 28th thru NOVEMBER lst Inquiries may be made at the eîubhous. -or - JLander, Phone 623-5774 SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS 4 te the FRIS. OCT. llth KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BU1 N GO0-- z at the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE î. VER $8,200 IN PRIZES includlng 1964 FORD or $2,000 Cash, $1,00 Hi-LeO am@6 *$1.700 Bit Snowball (55 Nm) $1,006 SmSll SnOw- bail (5o Nos.), plus $600 Regular Game.. $450 Speclal Ganses. FREE DOOR PRIZES Don't Forget to Buy the Economi Pack for Ybi.. and Save 'Money ! j LARGEST BINGO IN EASTERN ONTARIO J - KINSMEN 1 9... ~ , . .M J .1.1 ftRe. price 2i ns J/c-SAVE 1lc ~~~p 'CORN 6 20f-oz insl1800 ,SV*,A~p ~b £000 .d West Durham Advisory ommittee to the Canadian ational Institute for th~e mid. The Blitz will take lce on Monday evening, Oc.- )er -.. Members were asked )meet at the communitv Ill at 7 p.m. when the chair- îan of the blitz will be on nd to give each member his Leipt bock and other equip- tnt and the area he is te war. LADIES' MAJ OR DnBaker__ __ _ Per Lions Club team in the Tug-'ani Ladies Major League bowl- O. Etcher it -War at the Orono Fair had C( ing swung into its second Haynes won the second prize of $10.S week of action last Monday E. Etcher - -3iness por- Lion Brenton Rickard report- B31 night with Preston continu- Biekell ----, conducted ed he had started on the tab-p ing to show the wvay. The Patfield --------Id Gibson, les the club is building forto leaders downed Haynes 2-1, Averp was moved the Lions Roorn iin the Coin- l but/ had to share top billing Mârg King ---- d, to Harry munitv- Hall and that ha would lia with Joli who conquered Pat- Shirley Bickell ,rn i t t e'e be callitig for a work bee in niu field 3-0. The losers are the Helen Dunn__ part in the the near future, lia lone club without a point thus Peggy Haynes 'ul Carnival Plans wvere discuisscd for rei far. Ortie Etcher _. this vear. the annual blitz off the village! nnu Perris and Brooks made the 1 Enid Tennant 'd that the on behialf of ithe Bowmianville'eo, big m-oves, whipping O. Etch- Dot Brooks er and Bickell 3-0 respectiv- Doris Joîl - eiy, in the night's other shut-i Joyce Tennan--- outs to climb into a huge fve. Ollie Patfield way deadlock for second. KaY Beauprie Dunn edged Lyle 2-1, while June Baker il E. Etcher dropped a 2-1 de- 230 And cision to Baker. Marg King Marg King walked off with field 295, Pc 811I the honours, rolling up ai Lorraine Ma 57 1 triple and a 313 single; Wiseman 2. game. Shirley Bickell aIso 273, 236, SY îbit the 700 mark at 723, fol- 264, Muriel lowed by Enid Tennant-677i en White 2 and Ollie Patfield-670. 1247, Onie Other high singles vent to Ena Etcher Ollie Patfield- 295, PeggV 241. Helen Haynes- 291 and Lorraine 'Hayes 238, Martyn- 290.,232, Deri Team Standings Hg r 751, Shre Pts. Tennant f Preston . 5:670, Haler Joli ~- 5 Wiseman Brooks 4 644, Onie Lyle----------4 Beauprie 4 1 W ee s 'io El CHOICE QULITY HALVES (OCT. Ist - MAyýEACH *4 S A E $50 -CASE OF 24 TINS $6.00 - SAVE 2 &P CHOICE QUALITY Rej FOUR SEASONS 0, AWATOMATOES 6 Pho e 28 CASE OF 24 TINS $4.00 - SAVE QUALITY WHOLE Reg. Prkce 2 tins 35c-SAVE bc BEET3S 6 15-fi-or tins 10 L CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.00 - SAVE 20C ------- -~ --- on display at your Pontiac 4'excitement" dealer's TOMORROW Robson Motors LoIeted 166 Kina St. E. BowmanviIe Phone 623-3396 1) Reg. Price, tin 29c-SAVE 16e 120 çi or tins i100 ig Price 2 tins 37e-SAVE 1lec 44c Che Cenadian Statesrnan. ]Rowynanvill@. týet- 2- 1992 anviiie, %icT. a, iiona il 1

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