lewcast/e 't gfirçonal The forty-first annual co- Miss C. Butler, Mi.s.,4L. Tr-ci- ference of the Womnan's Aux-lwith, Miss B. Mclntosh, Mrs. I]îary of the Anglican ChurchK. Stephenson, Mrs. P. F. Le- of Canada in t'he North um ber- iGrcsýle.Mr., B. Thomson, land-Durham Deaner.v w a s Mr. Douglas Jose. son of Mr. held at St. Paul's1 Church, and Mrs. J. H. Jose, lias re- Perrytown, on September 26. turned to Macdonald Coliege, Delegates attending f r o ir St. Annes, Quebec. for hls Newcastle were Mrs. D. R. second terni. D)ewdnc.y, Mrs. George Gray, Cpi. and Mrs. 1. C. Matthv.ý; 761Vo Village Vote GivesBeer Majority Newcastle -_6l of the eligible voters of the village turned out to cast their ballots in the Provincial election on Wednesday last and rcgistcred a rnajority of eiglit votes for Allan Beer, the Liberal candidate, despite the trend to, the Conseratives throughout the remnainder of the county! and the province. This is the first linie silice 19,51 wheiî George Walton, that the provinci Hlov fblew a mightv gale te send1 i n e . G 1The Brownies then did their' Grand Howi.* The Guides pr-M sented a short play, and Dor- ak s Ut ci ilaLancaster took charge of, a couple of games. She also Newcastle:- Lions District Du lied the singing at camptire. iDeputy Goveriior, Allen Easo t' f TheCatan, rs Q Ilev'of Keene, made his official by1 told the mothers of the new visit to the local Lions Club a' vo Guide and Brownie uniforms:at its regular dinner meeting by B that would be avilable s,0fl b the Elmhurst Hotel on Jose, Ander inforehm htM17s. Wednesdav evening and spoke Chai] AletPerewas the uni- to the members. reniindinc« fine form conx-enor. Mothers or themn of the meaning of Lion- that others wanting to buy or selI Sm. uniforms are urged to get in' - It touch with Mrs. Pearce. ________________ The meeting closed with ,CNIB Here Monday IL %éis rif-imeai cncLiiaiein urnamricing, Newcastle:- Percy H a r e,, P.iherals have takeîî a majority in the village in a e-hairmain of the Sight Con- ml election. servation Committee of the:ý w th vilage otedlocal Lions Club, lias announc-. Poil 1 Poil 2 Poil 3 Total Pd that the cluh's Blitz for Héirr.ý Ashîton, N.D.P. 5 6 17 28 tù [m Inue Allan Reer. Lîheri l -------7- 2 75 12Il1 268 will be condort MO ALW E T SAlex Carruthers, P.C.. 74 95 91 26() lageon Monda. ______________________________________7th. Members of! A yn ihn oodrW etsfor 151 1706 22-9 556 'and the Lionet Anon wshngtoorerWrats lhrre \were 741 clig-ihie v<)lers in the village. meet ai the Ce REMEMBRANCE DAY -at 7 p.m. and at the village inr zhuddo so before October 12th. j eeiecnrb Cotc A RRTN Pne421 1B o ne ,G i e deserving orgar Conac SA BEREON--=-n-421 oId FIy Up Ceremony.Cou ncil cYJan&~ 1 would like to express sincere tI-anks to the warkers and electors of Durhaia County who support.d aur cause during the recent electian. Also my congratulations and best wishes ta aur M.P.P., Alex Carruthers. Allan Beer EASY TO B UY YOU con buy Canada Savings Bonds for cash or on instalments. Buy them on the Payroil Savings Plan et work-or et banks, authorized Investm.nt dealers, stockbrokers, ta.t or lban compa nies. They d)lne in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1.000 and $5,000 up Io a limit of $10.000 per person. They fit every pocket booki . -ananO~tflJi l dNa efor the Blind eted in the vil- ay eveoing, Oc-, the Lions Club, ettes Club will omniunitv Hall' ttempt to cover' one evening to butions for this ni za tion. NecatI.-On Tuesdfav vv- large liorseshoe, etn ening last the Brownivs or the The Brownies îpened theirýM e ig oi lst and 2nd Newcastle Packs meetinîg with their sixso held their "Fiv Up" and Walk and prayer. The fairy' goI M onday Night, Up ceremonY. livas collected and a large fairy The Guides liad their open- cir'cle fornied. iîîg ceremiony and forrned a Wlîile Pack Leader Ann Newcastle> Due to Thanks-, À'hitiîev read a verv appro-7gîx ng Dayv fallîng on October and fanîi of St. Bruno, Quie-' priate poemn to tlie Browiîies 11 h eon odyi bec, were iveekend guests wlio were leaviiig foi, Guides, hemoiith being the regular withMc.aud ts.111.M. ei- Iowi Ow Mr. Cal 'meeting niglît of the village îiah idad Eri. 1). MtBer- i Bo wi Mje Wiiîgs. Te' couticil, tecuîi etn lias e boul moreedto Mis. Esiel le Benneitt, At tovil- îi g îîto Guides Molias y, bOItobe- 7'h.Aîîv îe -v al Lauw or Ch icago is weie Janie Whitiîe ,KathyMid., ctbt7t.A speiîding a lew daN S visitiîig Lovelciii, Elizabeth P ea rc e Peisoiî having business to ,with ber sister, Mrs. P. F. Le Karen Lee Parker', Gleiîda' coîtîract with the council isi Greslev. Johnisoni, Juaii KimTbaîl, aîîdiasked to keep this change in. L.A.W. Beverley Gilkes o! KathY Wallace. mliiid. the R.C.A.F. Station at Downs- The reiîiaiideir of the Brow- - view lias rettîîrîed to ier sta- nies miade a tunniel with th e ~I weekslafte pndn a two seven Browxnies going uiîdei-'vvork oegins ýweks'leae wth ierparelît.-;, the tunnel anîd carryiîîg theli- i Mr. anîd Mrs. Chas. Gilkes anîd oagic key s xvlich they h opedi famil *v. woiild fit the mnagic locks that1 n Kig S r e Mrs. Bert Caldwell o! Tor- tue patrol leaders were lîold- 1..>n Kig S e t ono 0slent a few days visitiîig iîig. The Pat roi leader s greet - with lier cousin, Mrs. George, cd tlîe Browîiies with a poern n tr ct F'rieid.s or MVr. L.eslie All;iuihr'îr îiagiî- ke *vs 1h10 the New castîr - Workmen aîîd *wîll he sorrv tn Irarr fitapi ocks wliieh operird the wa', machines o! the Beamish Con-, s a patient in the Oshiawa to Giîidcland for thîem. 1struction Comîpany started oný Generai Hospilal, where lie lTle 'Walk UJp* Browtliie Mondav morniîîg to tear up' * had an onperation on liN s ý Pegv Darracli fourid lier wa.y the shoîîldei s of thé road oný last Tîîesdav. HP ik projgiPes- 10 Guirleland hl iîsing magir!î Stetprp1ngt~ sing favoiitahiv ;ot 1;;.51report. frr't and al]ilie Rrownifrsfor paving. jThe construction machines siýarted to, dig on the northl side o! the street first and at; the time of writing on Tuesday' aflernoon the. section in frontl of the Community Hall was beinz ievelled and packed IeIl i~u~ /?ready fo 1thepavirug. SIMPLE TO CASH You can cash Canada Savings Bonds anytime at their full face value plus earned interest. When readymoneyisrequired ali you have to do is complete the redemption form on the Bond, and present it to your Bank. You will receive your money immediately. Canada Savngs Bonds are better than cash! GOOD TO KEEP You get interest on Canada Savings Bonds on November lst each year -4'/% for each of the first 2 years; 5% for each of the next 6 years and 5'h% for each of the remaining 4 years-giving an average return of 5,03% ayear when heldto0maturitw. In 12 years with accumulated interest every $100 Bond will be worth $16100. (;ÀNAIÂ SAVNC$ BOI1$/0 ENFIELD.--1 (Interuded for Sept, 21 Issur.) Mr. and Mrs. M. Prescott,1 Susan and Cindy. St. Cathar- ines. were Sundav guests with' the E. and D. Prescotts. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harrisi and family, South Monaglian,i were Sunday guests o! the E., and D. Prescotts. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lee were Sunda 'v afternoon guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sargent: and Timmy, Ida, were Sundayv guests with Mr. and Mis. W iPa scoe. Mrs. Wm. Carr, Bi'enda and Brian, Long Sault, were Tues- daY afternoon gtîests wîth ',Mrs. Don Lee and Keith. Enfield Oct. 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sargent, Mvr. and Mrs. C. Sargent and Tirn, Miss Joan Hahn and' Mr. Don Sargent were callers at the W. Pascoe home on Sunday. Callers at Mis. R. Griffiiî's on Sunday were Mu-s. Will Griffiîî, Mardoîn, Manitoba, Mrs. Thil Combiîî, Mi-. anîd Mrs. Rae Cowliiig, Whitbv, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ciiffin anîd boys, Mr. anîd Mrs. Fred Samis and fanîilv anîd Mir. anîd Mrs. John Giiffiîi, Enniskfl- le n. Mr. anîd Mis. Les Coch-anc and Raipli were Sunday guiests with Mr. anîd Mrs. W. Adanîs and famîly, Bowmanville. NESTLETON Mi-. and Mrs. Cliffoird Hetz of Fairview. Penn., and Mr. anîd Mî-s. Loi-ne Lamb of En- niskillen were Saturdav cx'- ening guests o! Mî-. andi Mrs., Ceeil Wilson. On Sunday Mr,, and Mis. Norman Lyons and Lorie o! Uxbridge visited lier parents, the Cecil Wilsons. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rolirer and Warren and Mi. and Mrs. Donald Thompson visited on Siînday with Mr. and Mis. Morley Long of Walsingham. Mr. and Mis, R. Davison, Mr. and Mis. Carl Elliot, Da- vid and Kimi motored to Glen- coe on Suodav to visit Mr. and Mis. Doug Davison. Mrs. W. H. Jolinston and ?Vlrs. Jas. NaYlor o! Pef!erlaw anîd Mr. and Mis. John Hoch o! Cleveland, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tliomp- son. Mrs. T. G. Laîîgfeld is visit- ing lier sister, Miss Seagrove, in Woodstock. Sympathv ý s cxtenided lu the Bcacock and White fani- liies in the deatli of Mr. Mel- boumne White o! Toronto. Mr. White is an uncle o! Allen Beacock and a brother of Mrs. Harold Beacock, Port Perry, former!y o! Nestletoîî. Local folk held a charivari Saturdav nighit for Mr. and Mis. John Cathcart o! -,A Grill who were married re- centl Mr. Harold Porteous. care- taker of the United Churcli Camps at St. Christopher, h "S closed theni for the season and he and Mrs. Banks have moved back to Bowmanville for the winter. overnor Gordnn Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621 The Ca nadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 2, 1983 il Lions Club team in the Tug-' and West Durhamn O-'a.r at the Orono Fair had Committee to the LAdvlsôry' A&P CHOICE QUALITY HALVES Reg. Price,.tin 29c-SAVE 16e PEACHES 4 20--oz tnsl 100 CASE 0F 24 TINS $6.00 - SAVE 96c A&P CHOICE QUALITY Reg. Price 2 tins 37c-SAVE 1lec TOMATOES 6 201-oz ins 00 CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.00 - SAVE 44c CHOICE QUAUTY, CREAM STYLE CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.00 - SAVE 44c CHOICE QUALITY WHOLE Reg. Price 2 tins 35c-SAVE Sc A&&P BEETS 6 15-f-oz ns0O0 CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.00 - SAVE 20c Reg. Price 2 tins 37c-SAVE li c 6 20-fl-o z tins 100 LIQUID WAX halgaln in 09 MARY LOU ASSORTED Reg. Pric. box 89c-SAVE Mec CHOCOLATES 166OX69C A &P Hon dies OnIy Meots Purchused Frem Federally Inptd Pocki Hms CANADA"S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEIR BIEF BEEF SALE lb Grade 'A", Oven-Ready Young Hens, 12 ta 14-lb Aver. Super-Right Brand, Vac Pac, Mock Allgood - Smoked, SIiced, Rindiess CHICKEN LOAF 6-oz pkg 25e SIDE BACON 6-oz pkg 53C i-lb pkg 79C lb 49C FREE LIGHT BULB BUY 4 - GET 1 FREE DEST BUY (25-40-60-100 WATT) pkg of 1 bulbs 56C JAnPPLEPIE Jan@ Parker, Lemo.U or JELLY ROLI SHADOW BAN (40-60-100 WATT) pkg of 2 bulbs 5 9c Reg. Price. eeh 4g0e-SAVI 10o large 24.ez pi 3 9< Reg. Prise. mah Sic-AVE 10« JANE PARKER - DAILY DATED White BREAD Reg. Price - Loaf 21c - Sève 3c Z 24 oz. loaves 39C ALL PRICES IN TIiS AD GUARANTRED THROUCR SATURDAV, OCTOBEN sth, 1lm o L345C 2-lb pkg 1019 Choice Quality, Sliced, Skinhess SX Brand, Jellied Park HEADCHEESE 24-oz plastic ctn 69C SALAMI(HUBS 12-oz chub 59C Fresh Fruits & Vegetables CALIFORNIA, FLAME TOKAYS, NOW AT THEIR BEST, LARGE PLUMP CLUSTERS, NO. 1 GRADE GRAPES 2lb25C Calîfomnia, Salmon PIesK ,S'ý.ee& end Tattp No. 1 Grade, Jumbo bize 36 CANTALOUPE .acFl9< Cape Ca-i, Best for Thanksa,îving Sauce, Ne. 1 Grade CRANBERRIES 1-lb cello bag 25ec Imp ),ed, WaslieJ and Waxed, Na. 1 Gradt SWEET POTATOIS 3 's 25e Cai,foi-ne. Now Crap, Large Bunoh, Ne. 1 Grade BROCCOLI *ach29c Ontar,o Gra" n. ri, rh Green,, Large, Firm, No. 1 Grade BRUSSELS SPROUTS qO25 c Br;iàa.-d Dascal, .a-.e inch, l.,rder, 8weet Na. 1 Girde CELERY HEARTS bunuelSc On1,ar,.j Crown, 'ite Fluffy Cookere, N.1 Grade POTATOES 10-lb bag29c 50-lb bail 99 C Marvel, Grtt---A Comptite Irird for Befter Lowns LAWN BUILDIR 22iaai2.99 lb43c uring the business por- Lion Brenton Rickard report- Bhind. The Blitz will take of the meeting, conducted ed he had started on the tab- paeo odveeig c President Harold Gibson, les the club is building for plc-nMnayeeig c ote o! thanks was moved the Lions Roorn in the Com- tobe- 7. Members were asked Brenton Rickard, to Harry munitY Hall and that he wou!d to meet at the community ýCarnival C o mmit te e be calling for a work bee in hall at 7 p.m. when the chair- irman, for his part in thie the near future, marn of the blitz will be on hand to give each member his and successful Carnîval, Plans wvere discusscd for receipt book and other equip- was presented this year. ýthe anomal blitz of the villagt_,ment and the area he is to was reported that the on behaîf of the Bowmnanville co%-er. al Id cS(il ila ny 'I 4, F BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN ROAST BONELESS RUMP WING STEAK OR ROAST TURKEYS Shneider's, Vac Pac (OOKED HAM Mapte Leaf, Smoked, Rindies SIDE BACON Satt Link, Tray Pack, Pure PORK SAUSAGE Blitz A-PENN Reg. Price tin $1.35-SAVE 16c