DEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIEDl Tuesday, 4:30 p...4 1~~ BirtiishI Memoricam Cards of Thanks Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Work Wanted Help Wanted RelEttefrSl Real Estat orSl BROWN-Mr. and MrsI Bill FOWLER-In Ioving memory We would like to thank ail EIGHT-foot boat. 623-5968. GOOD reconditioned Gilson SILO filling, West Gate Farms, WAITRESS wanted. Apply BRICK housesiroman Brown are happy to announce of a dear mother and grand- our friends and neighbours inl 40-1 chest freezer, 17 cu. fi. Tele- Newcastle 2571. 40-1 Bowmanville Hotel. 40-1 bath, hardwoodadteforW P!ykl~l5lt~ the arrivai of a son, Stuart mother, Mrs. Wm.Fwe h yoeadsronigae GLADIOLUS bulbs for sale. phone 986-4350. 40-1* LADY will do ironing in lher PART-TIME clerk, aduit, fe- oil heat, garagcnrlsu-" LiAL.Â~I~.~ii James Brown, in Memorial passed away October 3rd, 1954. for the lovely coffee table and Phone 623-2006 after 6. 40-1 FOUR wide wiewl ie, w oe-hn 2359.mi rferd ee'oestantial cash pyetrqi-LD Hospital, Bowmanville, on We who loved you sadly miss floor lamp which were pre- WTRfowaehniteieec .0x x ellentcondtion, DAY care. foe2-590.laled 623-2344. 40-1 hoed.WieAvrie 2,CO17CîrhS. omni Monday, September 23rd, 1963. you sented to us. They are very Caîl 011forsleaPeieethc 6323. 7Phon4ex23-5081 o diion, -ed3066e 40-i* As it dawns another year. much appreciated. CalCifPtik2323.Poe6358 r6336 A aefrpesho gdtz-34 01Canadian Statemn ..Bx6339 In ur only ous o tinkng Lizan Sa Koos ________________32-tf evenings.- 40-1 chlldren. Phone 623-3467. CAPABLE woman for house- 190. Bowmanvle COOMBES - Jim and Mar- Thoughts of you are ever 404RNGTE oo odiin EW-EcusvhoWanre14Are erMyte _______~N -Wethr MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service, 623-7071 after 6 p.m. 40-1 br~ick-dueahe 4rom oidrmhmewtcnennes garet (nee Chamberlain), hap- near. 205 King East. Phone 623-3186. Bar. Self-lined Insulated Drap- trenbrckhosean,4romraaens, 4' 1fo Ga---it puly announce the birth of -Always remembered by We wish to express our 40-f ry. Patterns and plains. ncedanfundations FULL or part time waitresses new furnacesouadgs their wee son, Peter James daughter Margaret and son-mn- appreciation to the Kendal BABY rbwt ates ood n u homae or in the store.adspi akdg n atd pl r Cmblbtr sc .Andrews on Monday, Septem- law Earl, grandsons Larry a epeftermay ctsofoni in. Phoness235954 n GodrahomFabricingst. bphoned98-437Iv acksutjock MENocutelandshaua.Chx-t- dw amentithrmidrbikbue ag an od ber 23rd, 1963, at Memorial Glen. 40-1 kindness and the present giv- _______________ .Gowanvillre 40-1n21-tf Mas tee. appd thoa ad i rn hn p e 6323. ol 2,0.0 Trs Hospital, Bowmanville. 40-1* en us on the eve of our de-4- . Bwale. 40-1 ______________mas_ rke ptoatr ..40 00Ar aiyfrm au GRHAM-In loving memory parture for Belgium. Your 00 i pc eaes od A DOES your driveway need Abbott, _____________________in____. P DORRELL-Stuart and Helen of a dear sister and aunt, thoughtfulness will longb e condition. Phone 623-5128. __________________look________d p.m BO IT tatne îok Wy otdo40-1* $ 2002BDR Mfrmmnvle od biig. (nee Toms) are happy to an- Lulcy Graham, who passed membered. We wish to bid 40-1 1116" - Cash & Car t with quality Super Zone E800.0D0icriinan unao, i ebnyVlaeHat fre al.Akn i~onceth bith f hei awy ctoer th 192. "Farewell" to you all. 31/2~ HORSE Brîggs & Stratton4c Ft ar Asphait Resurfacer before the two helpers. Apply Ber recently redecrtd ev 4,0.0-Trs diaughter, Melody Jane, 7 lbs. The depths of sorrow we The Sioens. 40-1* gas motor, $35. Cali 623-5872.4e q. F*.frast bits. Keeps moisture nweEctiTlpo dywrng oz.,o Sptmerl8h.cnntteo,4n*62576ou ndsve rpirjoeatr nwdn lctic elphn dtcwrig pesue yset5eceslltrutsren 1963, at Oshawa Generai Hos- 0f the loss of one we ioved i oucî li e a ak6tis QI-55v,7o6 c ndti n, ve y aMnd. L L N abm e 5 rein rS.,j o n e E P R E C D w ir s e, an ce n. I m dae p s O l 50 00 îs o pital. A sister for Darcy and so well.1 ol iet aeti I tvgocndinerT.R401htwe, Annie. 40-1 And while she sleeps a peaoeful opportunity to tbank everyone good heater. Phone 623-2782. 19 Scugog St. Bomnil 2-77 74 attm,7eprhu;e-session. Auie aisn on ____who bas so kindiy remem- B40.1* 40 2-572on Taunton Road n5eearr Taun.ex sieepJ4BROUGH tie wekytc er eB n n GRAY-Doug and Eiieen are Her memory we shall aiways bered me sînce leaving Bow- ONE0wo-hee doptrire happy ta announce the arriv- keep. manville. Special thanks taONwit 6.00 x 16 tir al T TVVR PLJ.MBNG & H G tia Trading 95eper ono Hrlu.Pdeltnriî000 1500 on M.and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone.after 6.263-214.ires. 1CaiTV________________&_______ Miiiio atadNewtonville, al of their son, Ernest George, -Lovingly remembered byMr Mrs. Bert Curtis, atr6 6-14 01 5 p"uoPmsadSfees eehn 0r1. 4-:Hrl weighing Il lbs. 11/2 ozs., on Flossie, Audrey and family. CA etr 1.PoePoe6351 CARETAKER, iR udn EWAL September 16, 1963, at Me- 40-1 Black River Rd., COSHA'W'A Di0visie PoneSt. 23-5615lll grae1ggindi or thewcariksunaowlPrka maoriai Hospital, Bowmanviiie. R.R. 2, Saint John, N.B. 623-2109 (between 5 p.m. - 7pSA ADiiinStto raeigngCe oeteres. Fon Thanks ta Dr. Ewert and nurs- SEYMOUR-In loving memoryr 40-1 p.m.) 40-1* TV UP Y LD. 8-tHfomation Cre duties. Fa nd-a,20Acealwrkbe nCrset omavle es. 40-1 of a dear father and grand- USED Wasber Parts, ail makes; 31Gbo t il7888 otc h e.Tesrr 5Hgwycoet idai fatber, Joseph S. Seymour, We would like ta tbank our '/ 36b.Gi.bmotors. Paddy8-81D0 A. BAA R Mrsona.t e ilec.-R a owu 8rm r,3 ickhuehbtnw erw. vn-ooy7 LAMONT-Gord and Helen who passed away Oct. 2nd, many frîends of Tyrone, Long Market, Hampton, 263-2241. Day or Night - Bill Leask, Prop. 18',A.dining-room 9' x. 14',8 own-bric (nee Ciement) wish ta an- 1958. Sauit and Bethesda Communi- 11-52 __ 40-tf PlumbinT & Eeatinri manville. Phone 263-2228. ail furnace, atce aae rtascrd ny$390o _____ ___________ '~~~~~ Applications shouid be in by large paîntedbakbrsSai-$3500don nounenteeariviecftherisnaJsusfusthavearoveontisJfrsteslmeuychiahcbvePTATESondeomates. VIT MINAor HONh62-717 Oc. 1.c4-2noancaab-tbalnce %. unst Trrac Sudivsio Derek Andrew, 7 Ibs. 8 ozs., Heaven mnet presented to us last Fni- Edwin Staub, 1 mile east of 35 Nelson St. Bowmanvlhle GRSIESise ihImdaepseso.Pîe~fLbrySre ot.NH at Memoriai Hospital, Bow- For He chooses only the best. day evening. Aiso speciai Mill St., Base Line, Newcastle. FREE FLOWING POWDER 46-f aGrE- make big mony $2,00. A bickbunalos ude inanville, on September 3th, He pîcked a very preciaus one tbanks toa ah those wbo belp- 3-t onanig 000 l SPcCT NK wr -kinbgFMIL ealer- 25 cen0o00.gwycntrcin $42000-$,0 1963. A brother for Barry and Wben He called you ta rest. ed prepare for the dance and 3KEYS cut automatîca,î0oyninhi4e shi uigo art timE ealbus- 5 miles fomLnsylagdw. Michelle. 40-1 In tender silence He took you, party. aleach one ulgoram tme bs-5 iesfrr Because He needed you Merton and Audrey Mavin. YOu wait, at McMulien Hard- Phone PUMPING iness of your own, tremendous white brick houe ah;bn al6339 ROWAN-Mr. and Mrs. Rich- there. 40-i ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- A osetcs lairg ecessietiesmiiktan, ml otat 2 fe ard Rowan are happy ta an- -Sa sadly imissed by wife vle .tY.V OO HTWAHN TALSpofmis dAlrge varieofbrnik4tank, sachosbl niounce the arrivai cf their Kate and daughter Jo-Ann and We would like ta sincerelyMIEbadod2crsre 725-8857BETT M KN farm products, brushes, etc. Holstein cows n ahnr ak iad --6335 baby girl Janet Irene, born Dorothy and son-in-law Arth- thank everyone for their kînd- sawed, $35.00 load, delivered. 10E SNOWDEN PHONE CLARKE 4721 Write for details: Familex, optional). Sam; aiyfrb arok lre20 September 26tb, 1963, at Me- ur Mairs. 40-1* ness ta us during Herb's re- J. A. Carscadden, 35 r 9, 263-2655 NEWTONVILLE Dept. O. - 1. 1600 Delonimier 60 years. $2200o ot znarial Hospital, Bowmanvîlie. cent stay in Peterborough and Orono. 39-tf Yu .VT ersnaie 38-tf Montreai.4010a rese, na aeSu otrre Weight, 7 lbs. 9 oz. 40-1 VIRTUE-In loving memory Toronto Hospîtais; those who TWO nowKires nd weeis 0-1 lasteiti Rer100o A caireaemde CHL-eeadJakaeof my dear husband Otto L. sent cards, visited and en- TmOndt itesDad wel 0- ser Tracor, QUICK SERVIC mutd oftDdeor Ply- -_' i' Registered Nurse brick bouse, btalfrae OTAEmnyaalbe SHL-eeanJakaeVirtue wbo passed away Oc- quired; in particular, Earl moutb, $25. 6.7Oxi .1* IntMCCRnaina W4 T-r5 a Diesel,STUC SERVCE OK OTRI R IG tule floors tbrho:.Bn ee edea elo.C happy ta announce the birth tober lst, 1951. Fallis, Herman McGilh and 623-5872. 4-*ItrainlB20DeeSUC N E OK OTROTANN of a son, John Wiier, on Sep- The golden gates stood open Mansel Wrigbt wbo provided- Farmal]. Cub w/impimns COLFRBY barn 40 x 80,scoinfam26-01 tember 3th, 1963, at Memor- Twelve years ago today, transportation. Ail was great- GIRL'S winter coat, dresses, Allis-Chalmers 'B' w/Scuffler, . L i.A'. Wllechn liHospital, Bowmanviiie. A With farewelis left unspoken, ly appreciated. size 12. Boy's coat set, size rlc N.3 Ttr MassyCiviilS.E. 62-530 W e eDtyery t Ohawa. C. $21,riae atyt nvs i s brother for Timotby and Mark. You quickly slipped away. Herb and Marjorie Coppins. 6, good condition. Tehephone 4-wbeeîN. 30prear, on ruber4 1n S. .6-tf30 Weeknd 2ndmorgaesageemnt Thanks ta Dr. Ewert and nurs- -Lovingly remembered by 404I 623-3224. 40-4* Masey 3pt.Hitc3-frro es. 40-1 is wife eari.e403* ELECTRCi. h. 3F-furrow Broe 40-1wish ita express0-1ourLchre win machine, Plow, Massey 3-furrow Trail j,&.tViN Salary - $325 - $366 per mlii. Newcastle Poe35 o aeadmrggspr W ihtexrs uchoetbeand four chairs, Piow, Int. 3 point bitcb 71/2 ft. EXCAVATING - LOADING4041mrtaeroesgadyi. VANDER MEER-Sieds and YELLOWLEES-In ioving me- tbanks and appreciation te ahi boys 26" bike. Phone New- Cultivator, John Deer Culti- SAND, GRAVEL and FILL MANWaedCotnemy K i T csd.Nfeno atng Enonee ith banks an-God ahr, ohna ehsy Yandiow- thrinandpeigo cfsy-orN usted MC6 ehecti 1 Fetilizerrubber, Cockshutt Four-wheel drive Tow Truck years cf Rawleigh Service in ree . Cai nym,72-91o the birth cf a daughter Ada lees wbo passed away, October patby and floral tributes ex- eKhateg 'a stnibuvtor, ft. it Hav ginh Bowmanviiie and Durham 7523.3- Erieo Speme 2,163 th 96.tedd ou drngor e b eae,20 gal. cc ingWsEeao, ruh REASONABLE RATES Co. Previaus experience or REATR 1961. tended ta us duning aur re- r ,a$a2tytype; Fleury 4-wheei Spread-cai Erhine, on Hpital, er ' 'er is a home flot made cent bereavement. Special eretwrigodr 2. er, 3-sections cf Flexible Han- cptlivsmn o ee-adGNR tMeoiiHsia, o-"Tee.Phone 263-2536. 40-1 1±Phone 623-5756 sary.You r eiibi f uMeb o0, inanville. A sister for Howard by hands thanks ta Rev. R. C. White, -rows, 32 ft. Pipe Elevator, BWMNVILEy. u wna ar ear ag depyuMme fOhw ititLREbih om ete and Theodere. 40-1 Beyand the golden dean, Dr. A. F. McKenzie and the BL'YING or seling furniture $99).0o; 2 self-propelied No. ____Retal nEr al ndWl 5 ig St.W 2-4362-16 0t Where waits the one who Is staff cf Memorial Hospital, or appliances, caîl Elmer, 191 Combines, crie with 10 ft. WAYNE'S taork 7-8aheursl e ach_________52_King__St.__V 'VAN DYK-Mr. and Mrs. Peter now away Bowmanviile, and ta the Bar- Hampton: business 263-2294 - header, other with 81/ ft. MAINTENANCE SERVICE day. For information Write $1,500 Dewn i ero Van Dyk are happy ta an- Net lest, but gane before. low Funeral Home. residence 263-2695. 6-tf beader. Cowan Equipment Cao Rugs Shampooed, 9e sq. ILta. zioune th birt of heir on, nd inthathome ot mde Mr andMrs. arlad OILcookstove(notco èR-a13eKighstreDept.. PJ-140-914ets aframegesbungalow DetonJlarge4, lote Petsl Peter, 8%./2 bs., on Fniday, by hands Cathcart. 40-1* cd), gcod condition, with biow- 623-5689. 40-1 Removal of al inwanted items 40-iRchle, otea. narct qocly.1 September 28th at Ross Me- The Master wili prepareer.Pieeaobe.PoeBgYurCriToa WINDOWS WASHED 40-1_______Act____ _________________ er rceraonbe PoeBrn ou a i o -$1,000 Down ere rd hoe2320.4- znorial Hospital, Lindsay. A home for us, We wish ta thank Our Betbany 10 R 211. 40-1 for a Hardwood and Tule Floors uto brick bouse inNrbWd E nt 40-1 And wben He cahis we'Ii find friends, neighbours and rela- - Refinished A cinSale Godbuefrterwig 'om g aur leved one there"'. tives for cards, fiowers and LADY'S biege wînter coat, SAFT H C POE25-OOO 5 eeedad uhmfml.od l $,00hlaotuttn Knet Hf Deaths -Lovingiy rernerbered by gifts received on tbe occasion size 14; two-year-old Harmony 15i0 hek 3-ftckcHesfrdand Durha-year-od $1,00 on -2Bdoo oeenDne _______an_______0-_o_____________gAni-guta; bbycarigeand play- W October l9thtok aIe adlY-ya-od 100 Dw PERRIN, Editb Maria - Atveay.Asasecatanse. Phone 623-3971. 40-1 Bk . T-DTires'-'t'DTkTt" sto ker steers and heifers. bungalow onJae tet.LosCnr. Mquad wife ad 40-vcf ory.Silvera WedingAl nksni- itr;bay arag _ EÂRJJJJ±±.'JSfeWednesday, October 9tb. Lovely lot andgagecotmtas9p..4- ville on bursay, epteber IMARte my sister Duaine and broth- ALUMINUM Doors and Win- Windshield Wipers Save Dollars! Have your cheet- George A. McGowan 778-2213 3 Bedroom ngao n_ _ vleonTusa epebrRM Rer-in-law (Hap) Harvey Palm- daws. Contact MeMullen Hard- Front Lights -Ra lhsefedadcar eubît aeok edhvr 01 iet tetNrb m t onsEeigBad 19, 1963, Edith Maria PerrinM RIL er who bad a most delightful ware, 36 Ring St. E., Bowman-- . Liht rfed adcar Fuhit-Hvlc.W eier 01 iet t Kirby Ont.,' beloved wife of 1IMEM0RIALS surprise party for us at their ville. Phone 623-5408. 34-tf Stop Lîghts - Hern - Glass ere. Free estimates, samples maculate andatrciensdWA.RmaeaeO.4h Alfredi T. Perrin, and dean Dlgnlfled and Distinctive home and toa ah these 0who BEATTY Washers, new, as Rear VicW Mirror and Bugen otherhme.rngd ed stern Brsedes 6c.anro. Hea it ifoolyngPckuPoe62-4. Rid)otherbycfOtGrace (Mrs. m iMnuein-Fi ares franhee.eeie t ak mm 1a0ew as $99.00. Fulll une cf Exhaust System. WHYTE BROS. UPHOLSTERY 2nd Arinuai Sale, Kingston $79 a seasan.Ony$lo. H.ei.)Cok)rb, nt.; Hîlda ndMr 152lu dein o r St nyS. eedhaw even i uto Beatty appliances P a d d y'sAl work donc by 102 Kig W. Phone 623-5252 Fair Grounds, 15 Oct., pm.Terms D ntfre .cver3 HA.reCook)Newake t ad 12SlceSt0.-Ohw Hiis n Bl ute.Market, Hampton 263-2241. licensed mechanies -37-tf Value cpportunity ta buy 15 Acre farnwt oe ukySpe nTak aifhered oFuNeasl Retec -1002 -728-6627 4î 11-52 Remember . . . the Life You f superior Unit sired cows - heif- bungalow and ml ar.gvn MnaOt 4 d PrStet rn.Srie Office Evenigs I would like ta express my HUNTERS-Heavy canva etSveMyb Our OwnI BARNES & DI AM n o elcmn rfud- Near school. Lwd1 a-msinony15 n 5.'. was held on Saturday, Septem- 26-tf appreciation to Dr. O. G. Milîs, 10x15, aluminum pales, 4 foot PLUMBING & REATING tien stock. 40-2 ment._____________ ber 21, at 3 p.m. IntermentNoce Dr. Campbell, Dr. Patterson, side-walls. Has been used for SAEL EVC amthacinc h d or $,5n . Sweran ________ y, wate4-r*nSgLtSat 8ERVcEiock, fprn$2red Orono CemecrNotices Dr. Sanderson, other docters deer bunting, $100. Tehephone 4aHUR ntie to c an Equipe.Cocedsrt.Atbth JuirCaibrf and technicians, relatives, 623-5872. 40-1* 2-ORetr tc n qimn ae.COC MORRIS-At Oshawa General Dr. A. F. McKenzie wili net friends and neighbours for the 85 Kig St. W. Bowmanvhlle Qil Burner Service of McQuinn's Food Marketsilow. Cmec e an o Hospital on Wednesday, Oct. be in bhis office fremn Oct. 7tb iovely flowers, cards and gifts, CARPETS and D R A P E S ---Poe6333 ETCTNS N igS.EBwavle el Split-hevel bu1t 2nd, 1963, Kenneth Nelson ta Oct. l2th, inclusive. 40-2 aiso visits from Ven. H.D. (Samples taken ta the borme). Phn 2-14SPI AK N ing FSt. Ec. 11ow maie sd- -ggarwagesbawnd4..t Morris, aged 50 years, 62 Con- MAPLE GROVE WHITE ROSE Cieverdon, Mrs. Cleverdon, Free estimates. F. A. Kramp 40-1 TILE BEDS ing Friday, Oct 10 amc emmencdgrag nd rpor lta cesionStion t Bowt.illWesst.cardBRv. . . Mfft, td, 3 Rng t.E.,Bo3a7 SLEiNnPONStit.f iemh- nxt ee's orgag.PHOcdNaEsi t NwtnvileUniedPruch beleved husband cf Milda GAS - OIL - LUBRICATION Dorcas, W.A. cf Christ Me- ville. 623-7071. 20-tf HMTN2328 sbshne reserve. $15 ,600. TermsOc.1atham.nd73 Moore. Restîng at the Morris TIRES meniai Churcb, Heather R- ISULAT10N, bîowîng meth- A R BOQR IT E HAMON 2632508 JissueiTermscainer 40-1 Ee Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. HARDWARE SUPPLIES bekah Lodge, Orone, and od, with rock wael. Work- (Supply Limited) 19-tf A. L. Hooey - 62764rui.0- Service in the Chapel on Fmi- Let Us Serve You especially nurses and staff cf manship guaranteed. Free esti- 36"x60"xl/l16 Golden Glitter Has Your House LIV STOK SALESw day at 2:30 p.m. Interment 3B, Oshawa General Hospital, -mates. Hamry L. Wade. Tele- o lc 0iRtTre uprîtCd Bowmanvihle Cemetery. In Lloyd E. Dales aise kiridnesses of neigbbours phone Clarkc 2420. 39-tf o lc IET C A E Caaian A fwrth ntins woh 9.since my retur home. 136"x60"Xl/16 Desert Sand Cold Spots?atDrmCunySlsAea Jh F.DW h scoihirn7c.Tckt Cnda rhii udwud9- (Mrs.) Pniscilla Bradsbaw. GLADIOLUS cut flowers, con- Plazarhm- Every hurs.,730pm.aalal. hre lcktc beapeitd 01tainer arrangements, town and P986-4797 or 986-4487. Settinga Jon IF beaprcite.401Lost Allen: Words canet express hospital delivery. Cail Pass- 36"x60"xl/16 Green Miland Ask Us About Horses, Cattle, Swine, Calves, BEALTO SHACKLETON, Roland - At wern e olaaur sincere thanks and ap- ant's, 122 Duke St., Bowman- Marble Addtc.aî roor5ruc8 by 1 pPhayoeo~avle-1 rn t~Tre upr ccsl Memonial Hospital, Bowman. OT erGrfomi preciation ta many relatives, ville. Phone 623-3527. 29-tf 36"x60"xl/16 Sunshine Holiday sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sale~s Dial 623351ntd4hrh ensa ville, an Wednesday morning, Siamese cat ag am. Contact friends and neighbours for SWEET cern, 25c doz., pick 361fx60"xl/16 Chrome YelloW Eeti etn aaes 2t 50 Acre farm, mdmbue cee 3 itns5 October 2nd, 1963, Rolanid with name tgSm Cnattheir kind expression cf sym- yor wneFrstcrnr WstStrdstgod arr.Maienagers. o'iok.Adisio $t5 Sbc1tnc apa nbs290 Dunview Ave., Wilhowdaie oron iscoerWtSadu gdbr. S7hcyeaon.ofemovd hsn BA 5-1252. 38-3à pathy and beautiful floral trib- cf "The Acres" an Taunton NOWea TJ The undersigned auctianeer Termns. ad7c ikt odI d ________________________ dutes durîng our sudden, sad Ra, /Hmliouh Rgae.OLY ____$ 9E~lecticLt.IL of Mabel Martin, dear father eevmetcRadaobs anday% afeoo, tR ale.aNd 16$495* has received instructions from 33 Acre farinWs fNw aie nyfo cf Geraid, Gardon and Ken-N&otice to Creditors band and wonderful fathen, Sunday. 40-1* e prne5* CMn. T.,G.HaTonshLop, t i __________ neh' Resting rt the Northcutt AD1TE6 ilimAleaiespcalZpeDrVance Hp Twshp trecase. New 1ee xeletbr.4- and Smith Funerai Hame. thanks te Dr. A. F. McKenzie, ALUMINUM daoors a n d -3o miles east cf Newtonviiic on $soi0. Partl rhr.AkgDntfretBditnCu Funerai service at 2:130 o'chock IN THE ESTATE 0F ALEX Rev. Basil Long and Barlow windows. Cail us today for LM E Phone 623-30 No. 2 Highway ta si on Sat- A Friday afternoon. Interment ANDER AGNEW, RETIRED Funeral Home for thein free estimate. Tcrms arrang -_____0-1______O_._12__ _____40_56_Are_ Orono Cemetery. 40-1 DECEASED.- -____ head cf Hereford and Hoistein soul. Excellent bidns o et is lbdneo h Oroo C meery 4 -1 ECAl esD thoughtfui kindness. cd. Cowan Equipment, Ring BOWMANVELLE e ar cattle, 23 bogs, 2,000 bales cf cated 5 miles fo sa a esn audy c. Sh Ailpeson bvig dim Canean TrdyAlln.St E. Bwmnviie Phne_____Allen.______St.ha, oh.Deretrcte, uliAsin $7,00. ePshAdmsson 3.0 er oule Phontoqyraphy agZainst the Estate cf Ahexandl- 40.1* 62-5689rou4s-tf96-1 gSt Ehhoe 2-388GARNTEothenio m in c rtracbiry. 77Acre fa$7,030are0i0.ha' Ocetr.3- Nightsgi- 623-3177ll "'pers'- ecm cnveniencesOny$5 UILUJUUUpiiiai Bee us for the best lu:Cah n fl ThT1s ii- 623-gan3lai177per - -ment cscortedabyiNancepCalmer. N ~ Spt îa..~nq omemcwer, garder tracter, gas, Caho h ptNursin Home self-propeiled; 8-piece dinirg- 5 Roomed bungwinWt-cmoaon-JnryI- WEDDING BOUQUETS Stock. Picked up promptly. on Highway 2. Licensed. Ac- C. Borek, Hampton USED 20 gauge shotgun. CaladEETI omsie relr3pceb.Nc enhm.Ak craylt o ute n HOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS Telephone collect 263-2721 cemmodation available. Rind Biackstock 986-4426. 40-1 26-tf chesterfield, 17" Admiral TV, ing $12,500 with $00dw.frainPaeCle rv . * * Tr,.-q~,11I'~.,.j',,..,.,cane. Nurse 24 bns. Visitons Poe23227 à -back-co pies-Naàtional£ Spartan radio, bedroom furri- New bungalow nBwa-c evce 2-25o rt »oinand pick up youMarwil Fu F rnweîcome. Phone 263-22. 9 ýGoOKScmgaie.78-77 Cars fr Sale iture, (full, 3/4 and single) ville. All moder nveine.Bx61 omnil.4 FREE yu TYBONE Westover, Newcastle 2701. 9 eo4picmgzie 27 beds, springs, mattressesndriess- Sepa r atebasemetapnmnt -____ Flowers by Wfre Catalogue. Licence No. 245-C-63 21-tf FABULOUS Jungle Sale at___________402 '62 GALAXIE, V8, automnat1e, ens; safe (Taylor), comiaOnyS00do.BI Conals 2 bauhfu 1-t SOTHHavn urlngHoe iison's Furniture. Tremen-ILIVE poultry, aid feather radio. Cmii 623-2148. 40-1 * tion hock), Propane gas stove, 2 Bedroom om, oefNi Contins26 eauitul19-f SUTHHavn NusIn-Hoeous bargains. veythngEverything ticks., Bth----M. urFia; atngRachne,1,nvnBeths ,I arrangemnents. C Accommodation for private slasbed in prie- ati h _____________ ay hn r1 olc.t'61cAUSTforeda-i 4l., Beatty, stainless steel tub, and Courtice. Only $,0 on PCA AE Corsages Cash forD aso adseipaeptents, t',,nCromebieh char 8tcreneoi - odtin on hlrn' untr.e hicensed Chrome c~~~ Phone623-3277 or 6sm3-hi7d0n1.fumitue. 10 Roomedhm nNwo 2 JCPT and al Dal ..hth driver - he willouge~ TV. Ful iesd $7,88. Two-piece cbesterfield HARDWOOD logs and bush39-* Terms cash. L. Clysdae ville with newaifunc$10ACPTfthydnt Cut Fioweru pay top price on the potse new building, modern. Visitons suites with foam cushions,j lots. Maple, Basswood, Oak, 3- auctioneer. 40-2 Pnice $7,500. Term magd oI h ubr Phone ordlng b sie and condiltion. welcome. Reasonable rates. from $97. Bunk beds, com- .Ash, EIm, etc. Deal with an 1958 INTERNATIONAL, A180 6 Roomed homeirehnyrOSLTINPIE NWewcstie m urret Fur Fan-n SUNSET Lodge, licensed Nus- from $17.66. Three-Diecc b-d- sure cf best prices, measure- S160 cab and chassis, ilonedtgîA Nrh Nercstlre DR.r Glt PHomeNwte 441. luhSt., romeute $7. Bay crnges! e met anshdcpari db dm rck 97Itentoalnwc fmae nie$,00LYî and Orono 7 PETERBOROUGinHoeo10CucbSromsie,97Spi-fi-etadpyet. We willlwheelbase; 1952 Ford ',/-to'rý GARAGE, vicinity cf Liberty with $1,000 down.8pm ~aI olPthone Office Long Distance1 Bowmanviiîe, bas accommoda- cd mattresses from $11.88. help you farm your bush on!1960 Jeep, 4-wheei drive; 1957 and King. Phone 623-3493. After heurs cmli: S.JSP 623-7141'l .,o' Zenith 66550 (ne charge) ltien available for ladies or Students' desks, $12.88. Play- a substantial yieid basis. Please' International 3 1/2 -ton, cab and 40____-1 oadMutJ -6331 or gentleman. Trained nurse in rens, $8.88. Nylon fiezp nlat- write for prompt estimates on chassis; 1957 Chev. 3-ton dump. NEEDED immediatcly, tbrýe dso Wlersnîa Orn169 A DT RU Afer Heursm 6232184 Peterborough colleet, 7424330 attend ance. Reasonable rates.Iform rockers, $2995. Wilbori arge or small lots. H. M.Cowan Equipment Ce., 134 or four bedroom bouse in W.amadl flowens by wlre Colecor'sLlcenceNo.226..C.6sCall Mrs. Margaret Adams atFurniture Co., 20 Churcb St.. Kyte Lumber Ca. Ltd., Black-îRing St. E., Bowmanville. Newcastle or Bowmanville Guy Lefllanc - 6331 het t .-Bwav aaywherm 40-IL. 18-tf 1623-5813. 40-4i0shawa. 40-i stock and Mount Albert. 39-tf'Teiepbone 623-5689. 40-1 area. Phone 623-2329. 40-1 Ross Davidac einy3r 9t -4 1~ I u (J 1