Honor Reqjstrar On Retirement _______ hteemiTft ___________Durhami County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 109 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd. 1963 10e Pe~ r ov ïNTTTvIW' 40 Miss Helen Cryderman, who recently retired asý Dutchman Motor Hotel. The beautiful landscape Registrar of Deeds, is pictured above at tbe reception painted by Arthur Drummond, Orono, a noted artist,ý heid in ber honor on Thursday afternoon by the:! was presented to ber by W. T. Harris, a Port Northumberland-Durham Bar Association, district, Perry barrister, on bebaîf of those present. surveyors, Oshawa lawyers and friends at the Flyingý APPOINT M.P. Many Tributes ta Dedication Word was received frorn 1A reception and tea in bonor I of Miss Helen Cryderman on ber retirement as Registrar, Past of Deeds was given by the'l Northumberland-Durham Bar, Association, district surveyors,ý Ontario County lawyers and! friends at the Flying Dutch-1 man Mator Hotel on Thursday! tifternoon. The serving table was centred with an exquisite ar- rangement of yellow, and. bronze chrysanthemums in a silver bowl, and it was lîghted by tail yellow tapers in silver candlesticks. Mrs. Ross Strike and Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason prcsided over the tea cups. High tribute ta, Miss Cryder- man's ability and Miss Cryder- man's dedication ta, duty was paid by A. H. Strike, the president of the Nortbumber- land-Durham Bar Association. Mr. Strike said that Miss Cry- derman bad first worked in the West Durham Registry Office during the summer of 1919, and the fallowing year accepted a permanent position ithere. 'I"In 1921 she was appointed -~Deputy-Registrar of Deeds, and (TURN TO PAGE TWO) .C. N.1. B. Blitz Raises $1,854 Monday Nightý Wendy, 7, and Cindy, 10, dau 'ghters of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, hold ane of the 'oldest articles on: display at Bowmanville Museum. This litthe iron vessel behongcd to anc of their ancestors, Mrs. Lvdia Truhl, wba witb ber busband John settled in Darling- tn in 1794. Mrs. Truil had great -skili witb herbs and medicines whicb she mixed 'iii this it-on pot. and on horseback she rode mnan *v miles through the forest to rninistei- to the siek amontg eaî-lv settiers in this local- ity. This is just one of th,~ manx- intcresting items ta be found at the Museum. $1,000 to RecreationDe The Bowmanvile -West Durham Advisory Com- mittee to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind is conducting its annual canvass for funds this month. Jack Dunn is the Advisory Committee's Cliairman, George Vice Is Campaign Chairman. Returns from the Blitz canvass held in Bowman- ville and Orono, Monday, amounted to $1,854.47, it wias announced by Treas- urer James Bell this morn- ing Those who were not contacted on Monday are asked to send their dona- tion, which will bc much appreciated, ta Mr. Bell, at the Bank of Montreal in Boumanville. The campaign for the CNIB will bc continued in Newcastle. Courtice, other centres and outlying dist- ricts during next week. epartment One oft hu n .hlixohts of thtc Lelion's Milionaires' Nigbt on Saturday *t the Queen Street Hall wvas the prese itation of a cheque for $1,000 from the -4ranch ta the Recreation Department of the town. Don Stutt, ieft, Recreation h1arman, is accepting the cheque î!oin Legion President Ted Sheeban, rigbt, - hile Past President Ed. Rundie who was in charge of the special event, looks on with approvae. Ottawa hius morning that Russell C. Honey, M.P.. for Durham County, has been appointed Secretary of the National Liberal Caucus by Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. Mr. Honey's new office Is administrative, and as the Secretary bc will pro- 'vide liaison between the Caucus and the cabinet., ÇBtts an( NEED FUNDS FOR TRI] bail club heads for Lorý noon to play a team frc finals. Second game wi: 2:30 and, if a third game take place here the sar unsponsored and their gi funds mostly from pare most of the travelling would be willing to lenc contact Lloyd Forsey at at 623-5427. The team town on Tuesday after: money from merchants. out and dig up the funds willing to help. t~~1 BIG TWO-FACED - Mi way Drive, brougbt an Editor's attention receni] with two large bronzet lack on the one stalk. like it and neither bad tl else seen anything to mat 1. t HAPPY BIRTHDAY - citizen, Ira F. Pearce, Co yet another milestone ci when he celebrates bis1 born in Darlington, near in Bowmanville for many bis son Henry and bis wif Gordon of Toronto. Mr.1 bed, but still ea ts well ar TWO WINNERS- On huge crowd watched Pecý drive his Ferrari to viciý and capture the Pepsi-Col in a Lotus was second an Peter Ryan Memorial Tr His win gave him the over Ludwig Heimrath. Lotus, "Miss Whiz" camE for bim. John Surtees, Il wîth bis Ferrari and had weekend, many buffs will Gleii, N.Y., for the U.S. G TOWN LEAGUE HIOCKI way to form a Young Men to play on Sundays from below the age of 22 any Doug Walton if you live areas: Bob Nemis for Cc Arena for Hampton or B ive coaches and referees Jack Baker or Jim Covie League will open Oct. 20t NEW CARS- Every cai is rigbt on bis toes these in ahl showrooms and ope They wiIl be happy to te without delay. In ther Motors plant in Oshawa is available labor in the ar approaches to meet the de Backward Step Honored By Memorial Park Quebec's Separatism An 'Emotional Binge Says Cdn. Club Speaker Dismemberment of the Fed- the revolution touched off by eral structure of Canada ta the death of Maurice Duples- the extent that some people sis. It represents the derail- in Quebec are demanding, ing of one of the Most excitl- with the resultant expansion ing developments in our re- of provincial powers ta vîrtual cent history. This was the un- national status, would be a leashing of ail the talents and backward step serving no use- energies that were kept pent. fui purpose in regional, na- up during Duplessis' virtual < tional, or international terms, dictatorship when the idea of Charles B. Lynch, Ottawa, Quebec as a peasant economy told the Canadian Club of was nrolonged," Mr. Lynch West Durham meeting held in declared.t the Lions Community Centre "Suddenly with Duplessis last Wednesday evening. gone, it appeared that Quebec Tepresident of the club. was going to bound into the Mr.Edward Samuel, intro- 2th Century, but now the tduced the guest speaker. She province seems in danger of told the members that Mr. rushing backwards into the Lynch is a leading reporter- l9th Century, losing sight of -commentator with many years the larger vision of nation- experience on daily news- hood and turning inward in papers and news services. He pursuit of ber private drearn, was a war correspondent for the speaker asserted. He add- Reuters News Agency, and ed that this would deny Can-X later the CBC correspondent ada the benefit of Quebec's at the United Nations. He ils company in the great Cana- now the chief of the Ottawa dian adventure, and would Bureau of the Southam News cripple the entire nation by% Services. pulling back from the federal The current rise of separat- system. ism among a section of the, Mr. Lynch stated that the Quebec population is a resuit!French speakîng people of "of the emotional binge, Quebec must be convinced by which is one of the fruits of their fellow Canadians that the best chance for jobs and a rising standard of living in Itoday's highly competitive Iworld lies within a united ci ~.64ecesCanada with a strong and thriving central government. [P- Lloyd Forsey's Tyke "Other regions of the world. idonthi Satrda aftr- ncluding the cradie of civili- zation in Europe, are groping -om - there in the Ontario toward the kind of unity with ll be here on Sunday at diversity that we have had ýe is required, it may also for a 100 Years. It would be ne day. The Tykes are the utmost political and eco- nomnic follv to .Split Canada's Tebnrdgeta h eoilPr' pnHueo odyeei gates to date have drawn unitv asunder now. Tehnrdgeta h eoilPr' pnHueo odyee ents who have also paid "Our present Prime Minis- ing was Mrs. L. B. Williams who bas always sbown interest in this project expenses. Anyone wbo i ter. Rigbt Hon. L. B. Pearson, and given considerable assistance. Du ring the evening, Mrs. William wbo wil d a financial band should who also happens ta be our be 93 on ber next birtbday, was presented witb a beautiful bouquet of red roses greate.st statesman in the 'in- by Miss Debbie Stainton, 4, granddaughter of the president, Mrs. Victor Jeffery. 623-3977 or Mrs. Simpson ternational sense, said in bis,________ __________ _____________________ members were around Charlottetown speech that hel rnoon, tryîng to collect did not see bow national uni1y He1d in Orono If tbey are willing to get could he maintained, or Con-i federation survive, if regiori-1 s, surely there are otbers ai, or provincial, or racial _.. L 1 ~~~feeling is carried so far as ta ikrn Aa lyr Irs. Bill Lewis, 29 Soutb- loyalty and love for Canadai c e i g -A a l y r unusual dahlia to the itself. Mr. Lvnch pointed out that i ly. It was a Siamese, Prime Minister Pearson bas ' o i n r t F s i a blooms growing back to stated that national unity 1 r / v ii e s c t F s iv i She bd neer sen on _ (URN T PAG TWOThe Orono Drama FestivaliDrama Workshop, receivedi -__________ bfe Editor. Has anybody held in the Community Hall Honourable Mention. r ~ r'c<. I4,J.? there on Thursday, Friday, and The Best Actress Award; reuera1i Govt. Die SuddenlySaturday evenings was thor- wcnt ta Mrs. Janet Stevenson,I -Bowmanville's oldest oughly enjoyed by large audi- Oshawa, who appeared in the one sio t., wilî attain ences. Essa Ljungh, Toronto, Ajax Drama Worksbop's play' Grant $20,473 >n Fiday Ocober4tbCanadian Broadcasting Cor- bill. D. Kerr McKay of the1T lOlst birtbday. He was poration, was the Adjudicator. New Play Workshop, Oshawa1T os ia Ebneer ad asliedSeven plays competed. and Whitby, received the Bestý y years. He resides with The awards were announc- Actor Award for bis raie 1, in e tt, himno fe and bas one other son, ed by Mr. Ljungh on Satur- "MrretIhSie fBom- asdtutt Chirma or f Peace s cnfnedto isday evening, and he named the selves", which was also written theoardHofirectors once Perc s ofiedt hsentry of the Pic-Ax Players by Frances Parkhill. imori ta ptal, aenn -e ind enjoys life. of Pickering and Ajax, "A The Special Adi udicator's, form*ed in a communication j- Good Woman" by Arnold>Ben- Award went ta Adrienne Haas from Rusýell C. Haney, M.P. Saturday at Mosport, a nett, as the winner of the for ber part in the WhitbyfoDuamCnthtap IraRodiguz f Mxic - Best Play Award. The runner- High Scbool's presentation ofproval has been given for a Iro odriuez f MeicoUp as "A Minus" by Ajax "Hello Out There" by William contribution of $20,473 under tory in the Grand Prix Drama Worksbop, and "The Seroyan. The Pic-Ax Playersi the provisions of the National la Tropby. Graham Hill Sandbox" by Edward Albee,i won the Best Set Award for!Health and Welfare Grants ~d Dennis Coad won the presentea. by the Bowmanvillel (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Prrmtahpfinc te l'ndDenns Cod wo textensive renovatians that ropby by coming third. ' i.* driin ttîePa adh~ave been made ta h le Canain riin tal part of Memorial Hospital. R. M. Hollingshead's Tewr opee nthe ie through in fine style é% v rr,~ ,~ Ie eto te hospital the favorite, had trouble To o r w a o e includes the creation of a miorgue and autopsy . roomn. ta quit the race. This ' U i i JThe cafeteria bas been ex- 1 eheading for Watkins .Need GoodA D tLendance panded and a eat fr _rand Prix. exit provided. A separate for- 1 enehNMorsa public meeting wiIl organizainns and all mdi- mula room bas been set tin, - Efors ae uder Hi mny eNds Mreres be held on Thursday ev- vidiials intercsted in the !which is closer ta the obstc!- Hi y fieds er weeevening at seven o'clock in Santa Claus parade being irical department. The kitchvii n's Town Hockey League ishockedathis marning ta hear the Bowmanville Hotel to held again this year. to bhas heen enlargcd and mod- 17- Il p.m. If you are of the death of former ln-i discuss plans for the 1963 attend. ernized. time- in--1964, contact dstril Cmisine enehS- t Cas aadwic0heeen--asam4- -T-nu-e' itinfo ir dealer in the area Sdays with new models en hauses in full swing. ;ake care o f your needs meantime, tbe General -s gobbling up almost ahi rea as full production emand for new vehicles. t - , RUMORS - There have been many rumors float- ing tbroughout the region ta the effect that the missing Greenley girl bas been lacated. As of Wednesday morning, none of them are true. The girl is stilh missing and ber whereabouts is an unsohved mystery. .t- FULL RETURNS - The October l6th edition wil carry the full poil by poli election returns. An accurate account couhd flot be carried this week because the officiai count takes place on Oct. 9th. Incidentaiiy, many favorable camments have been received concerning aur two edîtion publication hast week. Apparently, the eariy edition Wed- nesday evening (which unfortunately was about tbree-quarters of an hour later than usuai) satis- fied the earhy customers and the Thursday morn- ing election edition carrying the vating resuits caugbt alh the mails. It was close timing, but'- everything wen t according ta schedule. SKUNK INVASION - Lawns ail over town have been taking a beating this year dueto an invasion of skunks looking for white grubs that next year wýAill came out as June bugs. The skunks root out hales twa or tbree inches deep during the night leaving the hawns a dreadful mess. "Should We Split Or Go For- the Bundie?" At the Legion "Milionaires' Night" on Saturday,I for community betterment work. The prize winners these f ive lucky ticket holders bad a big probhem to, are, from lef t ta right: Herb Calmer, Ernie Perfect, decide. Tbey had onhy a few minutes ta make up B oss Wright, Tom Masterson and Harold Moore. The their minds if tbey would stick ta the hast or split the, Ladies Auxiliary served a delicious roast beef dinner main $500 prize f ive ways. They decided ta split atl to start the interesting evening. $100 each. The event is an annual affair to raise fundsl f."iss Helen Cryderman ~ Rceîves 011 Painting as Parfîng Token of Esteem Bring Back the f 1