'..r........ Newcastle Youth Wins Plowing Trophy Fifteen-year-old Bruce Allin of R.R. 2, Newcastle, won the T. Eaton Trophy for the best land by a eame away from the Durham and Northumberland contestant under 18. Northumberland Agricultural Plowing Match at Plainvilie last Saturday with a Representative Ralph Banbury presented the awards. cheque and this beautiful trophy. He won the Esso -Photo caurtesy Evening Guide, Port Hope $15 cheque for best work by a mounted plow and also V Field Tuesday K. Hooper New Union Head Beats Don Kemp By 3 Votes In Rubber Workers Election Ken Hooper, a member o! eiected by acclamation as Town Council, was elected well.i *resident of Local 189 o! the Thase elected ta the Execu- United Rubber Workers Un- tive Board o! Local 189 in Ion in the balloting held yes- the votin.g yesterday were terday, with a majority Of Phil Pattrick, Paddy Dol an,' three votes over Don Kemp, Tom Masterson, Joseph Cud- who has held this office for dahee, William Calville, Carli live years. Devitt, and Ralph Ormiston. Maurice Prout receivcd an The members of the elcc- ~c lamation ta vice-president tion committee wcrc Jack- t the Nomination meeting Baker, chairman, K. Palmer,ý !ýheld in the Union Hall on sccretary, D. Grills, Jack Sunday afternoon. The secre- Baker, W. Adams, and Vince' tary, William Blakely, and Archer. the treasurer, James C. Coyie,. The members of the execu-ý were re-clectcd te these posi- tive.board which includes thel tions, also by acclamation. prsdent, Vice-president, sec-1 Three Trustees, A. Jakeman, retary, and treasurer willi IR. Fice and T. Gould, were eiect the four member Bar- ga-iing Committec inter thisli week. The president auto-, Jmaticaiiy becomes the Chair-' CU 15 Fi lds man of thc Bargaining Com- Wrulinrp Generals Play Jr. Canadians Here on Tuesday Oshawa Junior A Gen- erals wlll open thelr sea- bon's hockey schedule here next Tuesday evenlng when they wlll meet the Montreal Jr. Canadiens. Local fans have already seen the Generals ln actioni here in exhibition tiltsr agalnst Peterborough Petes1 and Niagara Falis, and many1 are looklng forward to a1 wlnter of top notch hockey.t For those who have not 1 been i the Arena this year,r ln store. The interlor bas been repainted and manyr alterations have been madef to improve facilitiez and thee general appearance. The Generals - Canadiense game will get underway promptly at 8 o'clock one Tuesday nlght, se be thereE early to obtaln a good seat t or cholce standing room. Subucribers t 1 c k e tsa are available at the Arena. p Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 109 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, 0NTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1963 10c Per Copy NUMBER 41 HoId Santa Parade Nov. 30 Choose New (ommittees At a meeting held in the Bowmanville Hotel on Thurs- day, Octaber 3rd, represent- atives of various community graups agreed ta give their wholehearted support ta the arganizing of this year's parade. Chairman for this meeting was Carson Eliott who bas been the prime pramoter of the parade in the past. He was unanimously elected chair- man again for this year. The first item of business was the caliing of the roil ta see what organizatians were represented and if they wcre in favour of having a parade this year. The following organizations were polled and indicated their willingness ta support this popular venture: Memorial Park Association, Kinsmen Club,' Canadian Order of For- esters, Kiwanis Club, Good- year Empioyees' Union, Tart- an Club * Lionettes, Ontario Training Schooi, Canadian Legion, Chauffeurs Club, Bus-ý iness and Professional Women's Club. The Rotary Club has not cammitted itself as yet and there was no officiai represent- ative from. the Lions Club but it is expected that these two clubs will lend their full sup- port. Foliowing the decision ta support the parade, a new committee was formed and organized inta various sub- committees as faliows: Chair- man-Carson Eiiiott; Secretaryi -Miss V. Gay; Finance Cam- mittee-S. J. Adams, chair- man; Mr. L. Ellis, Mr. R. Rickaby, Mrs. A. Oke, Mr. Jim Bell, Mr. Bert Snowden, Mr. Ed. Rundie, Mr. George Steph- en. Transportation - Mr. Ted Hutton, chairman, plus onc representative from each or- ganization present. Costumes-Doug Rigg, char man, plus one representtaive fromn each organizatian pres- ent. Para( er. Fiat chairm; Bill Bal ton, C. Hayes, The parade 30lth st 5ijj LMeeting ITheCI ~rs M etng Rotary Meetings as emhs vslle th The first Club 15 meeting anîy bx o! the 1903-64 season was held Tsppr at the home o! Mrs. D. Mas-Trveles escibhTip ters on September l2th, wîth commun ail members present. I o T a elr e cie T ip upr A new executive for the T - Tfer comlng year wns elccted as anrnto d for follows: President, Mrs. P ife tParuvouW rldu ate Passmore; Secretary, Mrs. H. o! al Cooke; Treasurers, Mrs. T. An informative ad dr e ss hast year, by Dr. Keith Bih- I cities Gatelhell, Mrs. G. Stephen; deaîing with the Caribbean îett, the immediate past pr les 1 SrlcneoMrs. S. Mc- Cruise he cnjayed early this sident o! the club. *A vote of ccd n tee sloa T ;h- Press convenor, Mrs. summer was given at a re- thanks ta Mr. Thiesburgcr for A cd n C. * cent luncheon meeting o! the his excellent address was Following the election, the Bwmnnvilhe Rotary Club by moved on behaif o! the club ne xc-ietook charge o! Bill Thicsburger. The beauti- by Merrill Brown. Round -Up post the meeting. Minutes wcre fui and picturesque scenery Queen's Scout Stephen Je!- rend and focs coihccted. Let- o! Venezuela, Colombin, the fery was the guest speaker at Little Janette Wray, ageL ters received during the sum- Domninican Republic, and sev- the next luncheon meeting o! two, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs.fHou mer were fromn Park Yoo.n cml islands were shown in a the Bowmanville Rotary Club. Allen Wray, 11 Veterans Av- Shick, the disabhcd Korean remarknbie series o! colored He gave a graphie accaunt o! enue, had a narrow escaeT wa~r orphan supported by sldes nîsa prcsented by Mr. bis trip by plane ta Greece !rom seriaus injury yester'aYeThar Club 15. Thiesburger. thîs summer, and o! the llth morning when she suddenly Plans wcre then made for The birthdays o! Rex Wal- World Scout Jamboree whicli mn out in front o! the Simp- Hoîî< the first Senior Citizens meet- ters and Walter Reynolds were he attended in Athens. Ste- san-Sears delivery truck onl officea Ing o! the year, ta be held at ceiebrnted by their fellow phen was introduced by Tom Prospect Street. Monda' teLions Centre on Tuesday. Rotarians. Attendance Chair- Rehder, who told the Ratar- The driver, Reginald Hodg- are as Oter8h t8p. Ail man Art Ribey presented n hans that Stephen, a Grade Il kinson, 218 Verdun Avenue, o Ooobr8tat8p.. Nine Years Perfect Attend- student at Bawmnnvillc High Oshawa, was praceeding sauth aox senior citizens are welcome ta t attend this meeting and ail ance Pin ta AI Witherspoon, School, who has gane through on Prospect Street, and he did . t ethr mnthy metigs romand n One Year Perfect At- the Scout anks !rom Patrol nat have a chance o! cam- Publig ther onthl ymeeings4r. tendance Pin ta Glen Hughes. ta Troop Leader and haids the pletciy avoiding the small 8:30 a." thn n nti ay 164 Committee reports were giv- Queen's Scout Award. "Last chiid. Fortunntcly due ta his There After some discuss.ion lb waslcn by AI Witherspoon, Special year Stephen received the driving skiii and instantan- Mail De decided ta hoid this year'sýEvents Chairman; Bill Marri- Gold Cord Scouting's highest cous reaction, she only man in- or Sai Stay-at-Home paty later this son, Youth Service Chairman; honor," Mr. Rehder said. ta the ieft front fender o! the There month. This is an annual and Jim Stutt, Rurai-Umban Bill Coggins moved a vote vehicle. Letter1 fund raising projeet whereby Chairman. o! thanks on behaif of the Mr. Hodgkinson took the 2:00 p.r Club 15 members prepare,, In introducing Bill Thies-, Rotarians ta Stephen Jeffery little girl immedhateiy to Mails pack and deliver box lunchFs'burger, a tribute was paid to for his fine address, a.nd also Memorial Hospital where she East 11 to hostesses entertaning 10 his record o! outstanding work for showing- a series o! nar- received three stitches for a p.m., al their own homes. For !urtherias Chairman of the CripDaled ticularly -ood coiored sliiýs scalp Inceration. She was There Information sec Comîng Ev- Children's Committee, and of o! his trio.) the 1ith XVrd treated by Dr. Ailan B. Syl- of mail eits. his devotion ta the duties o! Scout Jamboree, and o! mod- vester in the Out-Patient De- urday, Sergeant-at-Arms af the club crn Athens, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) a.m., OC Mystery of Missing Trunk W. have a mystery on our bands. At noon on Wednesday, the. Editor recelved a cal from Donald R. Boddam, 44 * Jacobson Ave., St. Cathar- Inea, whose father Wilferd ,Welby Boddam worked for * Goodyear here between 1917 and 1922, until he left fer Montreal. About a year age, Donald Bôddam's sister ln Toronto recelved a phone eall from someone ln Bowmanville - conneeted with a bank, she belrfes- statlng that a tr&,&L;.d other articles be- l.n#ting to her father werc atili ln Bowmanville. Mr. Doddam Sr. was a lber War veteran and It lu '~beleved the trunk centaîns hi, army unlform, his mword as well as other personal property. Donald Boddam Ils an officer with the Lincoln -& Welland Regiment and ý»»ld Mie very much to meebis father's sword and *r paraphernalla for sen- àental reasens. 'f anyone eau help, please 4tthe Editor. ie Marsflli-Ted ts - Bruce C( in, and the foll des, Ted Clarke, C Bell, L. Presto P. Bathgate.' date for this was set for Nov 1:00 p.m. Chairman, Carson 1 szed that àa parad( have had in Bov he past two year e heid with the tand ca-aperati( Sorganizations ih iity. next meeting, was Thursday, Octobi ecommittee woul ehaving the assi! groups and indi, ISupport Our Parade" is the Cai an. tOff ice irs For inksgivin( Iay hours at the on Thanksgiving1 Ly, October 14,1 sfollows- Lobby open from ý6:00 p.m. lic Lobby open f .m. to 10:30 a.m. re will be no IR elivery, Money 01 rings Bank Busit re wll be one St Box collection al SM. *will be despatel 11:00 a.m., West Ill mail 7:00 p.an re will be no des: iafter 3:00 p.m., Oct. 12, until 1 Oct. 14. Apples on Display at 4-H Achievement Day The board roam of the agricultural office here shows the exhibits, and includes, from left to, right, was taken over last week by Durham 4-H Apple Club Fruit and Vegetable speciaiist John Ingratta, Club for its. achievement day, when displays of various members Don Rickard, Bill Kent (who piaoed second), types were presented for judging. Ted Watson was Ted Watson, Bill Gibson, Jim Kent, Professor B. J. E. the top exhibitor and won the Kiwanis Club Trophy. Teskey, and Fruit Inspector Charles Bickie. Complete Hle also led the club throughout the year. Photo details of club standings will appear next week. Brief On Capital Debt Town Clerk Presents Optiemistic Picture of Town's Tax Situation For Several Years In N-ear Future 1Mill- By Town Cierk J. L. Reid 5 years. During the past two two improvements when add- ThewClpitao nebto! the years Cauncil bas constructed cd ta the current capital debt !olell Ton o Bomanill atDe-asCapital Improvements aPlus the assumed debt fromn awing: cember 31, 1962, amounted ta Sewage Treatment Plant, the other municipalities totailing Mut- $1,397,750.00 o! which an cast o! which was $351,215.54 $493,578.98 calculates a grass Dn .amount o! $92,448.02 matures and completeiy serviced Bow- çapital debt commencing 1964 year's during the year 1963 ieaving rnanvile's new Industrial Area inteamuto $2,2 10,096.50. ember starting point for acltn bridge, etc., ta the extent of debt is an amaunt af Eiilhqtt, actuarial forecnst forten t appraximately $60,000.00. These $347,225.72 whieh 15 self liqui- dating leaving a net capital 1e *uchl debt o6f $1,862,870.78. On the wman- I,-s basis of the 1964 antlcipated efull j gc ii '-i~~ sents (a) $242.00 capital debt on of O is an 'i'e"-' per capita.4 n the GIANT SQUASH - Mrs. Harold Cooney, R.R. 3, This appears ta be some- what excessive, and under the scaîl- Bawmanvihle, reports that they have grown an provisions o! Bowvmanville's1 )er 10, amazing squash at their place. It weighs 53 Capital Budget will be reduced d ap- pouds whchis ealysamething. within the five years. stidaceT T Yard sticks used for measur-À vidua T ~ing the maximum debt ta be SPECIAL MEETING - The Junior Men's Softball incurred by Bowmanvile have Santa League is holding a special meeting at the Lions been influenced by several )mmit- Centre on Saturday, Oct. l2th at 7 p.m. for ahl authorities in municipal fin-1 those who played this year and others who are ance nnmely, Mr. Y. H. Lowd-1 er, Commissioner o! Finance,r interested in the league. Incidentally, the league City o! Ottawa and Mr. W. B.1 is also organizing a special draw ta help defray Bolton, Supervisor o! the( some of the extra expenses incurred during its Mun icipal Accounting Brnnch,c firs yer o opeatin. rize ar ondisplay at Ontario Department o! Muni-1 f irt yer o epeatin. Pize areon ipal Affairs which are: Cliffcrest Cleaners, ail of them donated by local c (a) the per capita debt mierchants. should not exceed $200.00. i. i. i j. j.(b) total debt should flotc BREKDO N -On ondy, ne f te esenial exceed 200 of the total tax- BREADOWN- OnMondy, oe ofthe ssenial able assessm ent.t Pot typesetting machines at The Statesman decided (canuldtchrea- Day, ta take a holiday. A thermostat that controls the (TURN TO PAGE TWO> 1963, metal heat refused ta funiction and it was several 8:0 hours later before a new part arrived from C l 8:0 Toronto. This held up production consîderabiy C lbraie .50tF fon with the resuit that several stories have had to rrm be held over. ural t t jt t >rder TOUGH ON TYKES - Bowmnanville's first Tyke ness. tcam to play in the Ontario hardball finals played treet Mountsfield over the wcekend for the title. They bout lost the first game in lVountsfield on Saturday, ,h: 23-3, but came back here on Sundav to win the 4:00 ,atch Sat- 1:00 Rehoboth Choir Presents First Public Concert The Rehoboth Choir members, under Director Iel McCoy have been working hard preparing for its first public concert which wihi be presented in Bow- 'manvilie Town Hall an October l8th and l9th at 8 p.m. 1Prominenfr guest soloîsts include well known pianist Fred Graham, and accordionist Douglas Woodcack who participated in the 1963 Peterborough Kiwanis Festival. Tickets are now available from choir mcm- bers, adults 50c, students and children 35c. The concert theme is "Then Sings My Soul". sccond 2-1. Mountsfield took the third game 16-6 to put the local lads out of competition. Last week, we mentioned that this team was short of furîds and appealed foi' financial help. Many folks came to the rescue with resuit they coiheet- ed $261. The entire club extends sincere thanks. A nice spirit of fellowship prevailed here with the ladies serving lunch betwecn the two games on Sunday. t. j.t j.t jt CONFUSION - Quite apparcntiy, the switch over ta new numbers and the free 'phone calling between Bowmanville and Newcastle went wrong someplace. The system went into effect over the weekend, but ever since it has been bedlani. No doubt, everything will be straightened out in the near future. t j. t j.t j. MANY ORDERS - Car dealers in this area repart that their openi ng shows for new models have met with even better response from the public than last year which was exceptional. Orders, apparently, are coming thick and fast for almost ail makes of new cars and trucks. This will be good news for the many folks in this area whose employment is tied in with vehicle production and sales. + t t j. t. t HOLIDAY WEEKEND - This Monday wihl be Thanksgîving, the hast Monday holiday of the year, when cottagers will be taking their final ciasing up trips ta lakes throughout the area and many others wili be putting storm windows on and doing other odd jobs in preparation for the coming winter season. Youngsters wihl be out of schooi too, having a field day phaying in the leaves, so motorists are warned ta be careful and prevent accidents. Those who like ta dispose of their heaves by burning them, should remember a town bylaw that forbids such action. Jack L. Reid Successf U I First Dance At Badminton There was a good attend-« ance on Saturday evening at the first dance of the season held by the.BowmanvMfe Bad- minton Club in the ciubhouse, King Street. Everyone present enjoyed the varied prograrrn of music for dancing providcd by Bill Millers orchestra from, Oshawa. Don Bagneil was chairmati of the committee in charge of arrangements for the ev- ent. The other members -of the committee were the presi- dent, Dr. Keith Siernon, Mrs. Lr'n Lucas, and Ken Hockin. h Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sellers, 30 Hunt St., celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Saturdny, Sept. 28th, at tbc Memorial Park Club House, where they received many relatives, neighbors and fmi- ends. Mm. and Mrs. Sellers were married Sept. 30th, 1913, in Trenton, Ont., by the late Rev. Armotrong of Trenton. The bride is the former Lillian Weeks, dnughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Wceks, and the bridegroon'î l the son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sellers. The bride o! 50 years aga lookcd lavely ln a Peaceck blue sheath dress with match- ing jacket and a corsage of pink and geld swectheart (TURN TO PArc «Two>