s -The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 9, 1963 Mr. Tom Sobil's, Taunton. L N A L ete:u1~tnadMs Hear Details of Western Trip J B L A.C K S 'IandO C K f (Mr.nd fors.la ek _________________________________________STRon ti, eSudyistos An excellent congregation Larmer gave the Devotionai. Mrs. B. Jeffs, Mrs. A. Mar- i'O rand Mrs. PlTioFR. so.Ms.CosCyi at S. R. ethick's.attended the Communion Ser- Lunch of punipkin pie, whip- tyn, Mrs B. Smith and Mrs i0f thýý Bweresuna.alr h ohro r.Gli n bosMr. a rd la dvi e S natheonitd Th chirped cream and"coffee topped G. Hunter accompaniedb', M.ad rsF..Sit'sseriMr.unngadi Mrs. Snelgrove sang a three !Bowmanville; Miss Glrasndgafe ohsvit ~J. ' ( tu I'I n s ag wa r Sand rday K. Mc gîIl nd ie ii teni.Te hichrundaylvisited friends at Cobourgoontopan B lu l n T g Dy ailers at Mr. and Mrs. Ray sang an anthemn "While 1 Sup off the evemingp nrs CeneM"Sih ootadM.adigi aaa Vanmeer's, Providence. With Thee". Rev. Romeril The first regular meeting Mrs LBaokgv ed n .~ ~ x~ r n r.F ate Q and Beverley were Saturday very thought provoking ser- evening in the C.E. Centre. Sers". Mrs. Van Camp ex- M1r. John Johnson,Oha, Fo NCFo c.14exening callers at Mr&. and Mrs. mon- "Strangers Yet"', from Programmes for the season 1 pressed appreciation to th e with his parents, Mr. adMs e ihM.adMs 'R.Labs1th text "The ionam gwere planned. Rv oei visiting lde forth excel- Br Johnson on Sundr ateOoo The first dinner meeting 'Childs, and the club's histor-1 glorious sceiery osrvd Mr. and Mrs. John Grfiyuwo eko o. 1 ihwdpitrsfo Ge-en pogam ad hi Mrs. Wý. Pcnwarden 5VflMMRIL OSTA of the autumn seasan was ian, Mrs. Mabel Bagneil,.irom the Alaska HighwayiEnniskillen; Mrs. Will Griffin, Rev. Canon Douglas Pat-1 many, Australia, Switzeriand part was closed by singing, ng with the M. Kellttan held by the Bowmanville who enjoyed a wonderful was given by Mrs. Childs. Da'nfr.Mntbwr era ...o ootwsand Italy and commenced a "The Queen". A Penny Sal lle fora cupe ees. DonL EPR Business and Professional trip together ta Alaska dur- A' question period follaxv-i recent dinner guests of Mr. the special speaker for the series ai talks on *lGetting sponsared by the Historical .and Mrs. DBow nni ng Frtewe'fSp.3 Womnen's Club in the Bow- ing the summer. ed, Mrs. Rhoda Anderson, and Mrs. A. Brunt. Havs'hnsiigsrieto Know You"l. Plans wee Research graupwt erlSnasue gs' rnanville Hotel recently. The Mrs. Stevens gave an in- oved a vote of thanks Mrs. Wîll Grîffin, Darling-,in St. John's Church Sunday'md o hegopt, atedcusdoatosfm l e-anMr.Rb C E president, Miss Velma Gay, teresting and informative Mrs. Childs and Mrs. Stev- fond. Manitaba, is spending a monning. Haly Communion the Yauth Rally at Northmin- bers of the W.I. was then en-adMs ot.Cmrn ith.1 ae 3fml -1 inembers and their guests. their trip, and a senies a n o tepeettO f Mrs. John Griffin and visitîng Patterson and Canon Ashmore. tors Kenneth and Pearl Priar been purchased, deposited an d per guests of Mr. andMr.WMioopatns- 3 Miss Helen Devitt, chair- graphie colored slides of thelthe picturesque slides. cousins and fiends here and'The church was beautifully ýfrom Africa. dasmdlnhwssr!ar na aiteanaBuiesthere. 1decarated with flowers and 1Sincere sympathy is extend- vdaws mae, loupnh as seca r .pdMsCh. ma f h analBsies fU* n or*noyd Hamiltan*; Mrs. Gilisad7t8:0pm Women's Week Committee, h MEMn. Clifford Wagg a x fruits in keeping with han- cd Mrs. Freddie Cowling o arejyd reminded the membens that ENI I iN I K I.LL bridge neturned home an Sat-,vest home and there was an 'the death af Mr. Cowling it will be held this year tramn urday from St. Michael's Hos- excellent attendance. T h e- Thur-day. A great many eall- Monday, Oct. 21st ta Satur- (Intended for last week) Ice will be Oct. 20, 7:30 p. .pital, Toranto, with Mr. and chunch was filled. ed aithe Marris Chapel or at- day, Oct. 26th inclusive. Although World 'Wde Cam I Supt. A.J. Werry chose Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Twenty-five members at-itended the funeral an Satur- She also annaunced that the munion Sunday is observed on four yaung ladies ta assist with tended the Town and Country day. ]Bowmanville B & P Clublthe iirst Sunday in Octoben ithe opening worship at the Club meeting in the Christian'i wvill hold its annual UNICEF1 we were one week in advance iS.S. session, vîz Misses Shir- K N A Educatian Centre, Fni d a y1 Several from here attended 'Tag Day on Friday and Sat-;on the Enniskillen Pastoral ley Avery, Lois Ashton, Cheryl K N A night. Miss Beryl Hibbs intro- the funeral ai Mr. Chanles j .ad Oc.1-lt.charge. At aur service ai Rowan and Laura Gnîffin. k. duced the film an Peace en- Samelîs ai Scugog from the' y, '~Holy Communion the guestI The U.C.W. met at Mrs. W. Itnedfrlstwe) tîtled "The Way the Wind MDrot-PnbkrCa In the absence ai the re-- m inister was Rev.P.W. Page,'Gnîffin's on Sept. 18 at 8 p.ml. Trueman Garbutt was tak- Blows" which was iollowed pel Satunday. cording secretany, Mrs lB .A., B.D., af Hampton, who with an attendance ai 26. Mrs. en ta Memorial Hospital on with a discussion. Mr. Ralph' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- rian actein br.place dur-Ichose as bis sermon title "The' L. Ashton gave the devotional Thursday suffening f r o m Nally, Coîborne, spent the' rign atedin er lac du- ords Table",. Fram his text'opcning with hymn 15. Scnip- pneumcnia and pleurisy. We ing the dinner meeting. It he drew attention ta the fîrstýtune was taken tramn Matthew' arc glad ta report that he is Business Dielr eknd with Mr. and Mrs.' w4~s announced that the next communion service which was 5, verses 15-16. Her themeý responding satisfactonily ta ietoy ekWîh dinnen meeting ai the clubheid in an upper room abave'was "Invitatian of Our United treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Jaec ÀCCkI n1anCyIs.Asi ecck I iyta dsre h w*Il be beld an Thursday ith street level in iellowsbip Chuncb ta Came On In and: Garbutt, Toronto, were down A Myns. Auti r n daok Morhsfml.ha eeve h cs'.. evening, October l7th, and'thec co Un ia nC Y staivandg w ith M.drs. o-Coc Pup-Tne t~a tn Buines ame'nd thinking as the chosen the Challenge ta Go On O t".t see hirn Sunday. RAY J. DtLLING John Mcx1vIbs and chlrnTn t..,,c re Bsin ss Hoelen few were shut in witb Jesus.!Hymns were sung thrciughout1 A number of friends were Chartered Accountant onto, while Mn. Beacock is in Week Chisirman, M-Mr. Page made the observa- the devotional, clasing with down ta Port Hope Thursday 9 hrhSre Mount 5mnai Hospital, where È! M~' Devttwil bein hare a tins hatwc eneat(1) The'hymn 518. Mrs. R. Rowan evening to see the Sioens off i6336 ,Tedy y ugr the pnagram. Lods Table with the body, was in charge ai pragram. Mrs. on their jounney back ta Bel-,' - *kIIay Miss Gay, the president,,and blood as sacred emblemns,'F. W. Werry read a ietten frorim , n aws hm'a LEONARD JAIIES BROOKUJ * MUM Intraduced the club's special (2) An Old Table which was Miss Dareen Van Camp in voyage'. ChrtnanAcontntMr. LnduMsslvin cil guests, Mrs. Ross Stevens,,Iand is bracing and stnengtb-!India telling us about heni Mrs. H. Foster and Tommy Accountants - Auditons sand Mers. . ressind- <al. Mrs. W._Bird, Ms._Donothy ening in revitalizing faith, (3)1 work there. Mrs. M. Stainton wene dinner guests Sundav Tnustee in Bankruptcy sy eeFia vnn ai -~lb c idA long table as it is - world-1 favoned with a lovely piano witb Mn. and Mrs. Jerry By- Suite 205W 725-9953 ers and Mn. and Mns. Morley Àt\> wide and is accessible toa al sala. Mrs. F. Draper gave two ers. Tommy is getting around -Oshawa Shopping Centre ! Anderson, Bowmanville, were Well Tr mmed- FuIly Cooked Smoked showîng no distinction. Fnom'readings "Romance Behind the pretty weîî in a wheel chair WM. 3. B . COGGINS ma Fowler. Ms l aur lovely new Comnmunion Wheel" and "Sptember". I these days and hopes soon t:) Chantened AccountantHASU Elb8 5 ENTE~R Tablee s cred wthEIerts tholl Chl wanaihsee plants.eal ouetecrths eodForMess rdTe n wce srvd wth Edr teechneo hueplns1New Lîbnany Building Oliver Smith are on a busi-. Maple Leaf- Sprcially-selected - Fully Cooked- htShn-Sknes-Dfte Mess osAshton, A .Mntso last meeting were, Cor. King & Tempenance Sts ness trip ta Portville, Penn. z.Werry, K. McGill and M. J.- read, treasunen's repart wasi Y L E T N Phone 623-3612 Mn. and Mrs. Charles Mc-! S M"nO K I(ED H A M~lb 57 Staînton assisting. Mn. E. read by Mrs. E. Trewin. Date TLFIDADR luhiTrno n r. MX M.It dek COMPANY J. Farder, Nestlcton, were Mlld Seasonf'd Pure Pork Opening ai the service. Senior cd ta Oct. 11. Mrs. A. Wenny, tnne fr lat we Lb. Pkg. F~our Vnels-MpeLa rNI 'C nain under the direction Of Mrs. K. MeGill will look after Many Yelvetonians attend- Chartere1 Accountantp Sunday supper guests o! Mn. MpeLa Mrs. E. Wigbt and Sn. Organi-,the U.N.I.C.E.F. boxes fan cd oanc on mare days ai the Lieensed Trustees ani Mns. Roy Taylor. M e t- is Mns. M. J. Stainton sang Hallow'en with Mrs. A. Ash-!Linidsay Central Exhibition, In Bankruptcy Mr. and Mns. Anson Taylor, [q S u a e Mt 39 L i LUNIt~I today! ~The Blessing on MY Soul". ton and Mns. R. Sharp loaking Funny how tastes vany judging 64 King St. E. 728-7371 Scarbonough, and Mn. and____________________ C N ETtd Y "Alarge junior congregatiot' aiter the party. The U.C.W. Iby camments - we've heard Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. o alo eeFn- was dinected by Mrs. J. Me-' wil provide a tncat ion the1 some state in noa uncertain _________ _____ oy Tay ofwce r-. FR ELaughlin. Thank-oifering serv- children. Cards were signed tenms they cauld sec ail there MONTEITH - MONTEITH and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and, WISE BUY! - Save 9c! »6c Off Twin Pack2-o.Tn ta send ta the sick. M%,rs.' is ta be seen in two hours and RIEHL & CO. girls. 9 pieceTnewin thanked Mrs. Griffin bave anc hour leit over and 135 Simcae St. N., Oshawa piceEBENEZER fan opening hen home, and theiyet others wbo had been pres- Chartered Accountants Mr. and Mns. Stan Payne LIBB3V!IS PU M PK IN o 7 theEvnin Uitof .CW:Unit in charge. Meeting los-!cnt twa full days, w:r: con- A.B.M 2tet-7B5Cm27 CA.and GffM crs. or odge andl N B E S CR o 5 The September meeting of cd with Hymn 16 and prayer. ing back for another day. Partners., Mn. Russel Spînks, Oshawa, WISE BUY! - Save 6c! ,F'ancy Quality1-z.Tn the Evening ~Unit .Wjni served a dainty lunch. Thene was littie daubt anc ai Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. visited Mns. I. Argue and Mn. wasb.ldinthe Crsia d- Mn. and Mns. Frank lytegneatest atatoswsRel .. ...snSna.N B E S CR /2'/fef cation Centre with a good at- and Paula, Part Credit, wcne' the Musical Ride as penformed G. W.-ihCAR1A os udy g o tendance. Leader Mns. Elmen Sunday visitons of Mn. and.by the R.C.M.P. and their (Licensed Tru]stee) Re48-nona.d Tinsat own apnedth metig rs.Ge. rwi. hanes Cngrtuatins ta G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Re.CnnadM.Pt- WISE BUY! - Save 9c! -$ýtoke1y's Fancy RAVEL KIT an onced the mbusinss. Mn. andMn.DcB. a es dientra thi s R F igtaC.. tersan, Toronto, were week- T TRA ELK to.young ladie_______ _RF._______,C.. ed uests ai Canon adMs'i C and______d teansinsMrs.and rs D.B.7aY gie n hsa e r cid.lieaAbhm ws Toronto, were Sunday visitons cmmnty any Malcolmi WILQON & BIJKROWS- snoe OAu every day the subjcct for aur Bible Mns. Frank Dorland spent !2/5th ai the tap dancing 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Mpns. on, Pnth Pe ny WISE BUY! - Save 9r' r Quality1-o.Tn Study which was ably deait last Wednesday with Ms troupe wbo wan top bonours Pantnens: Msentarund aywt n and. with by Mrs. Henb Mackie, Bruce Ashton, Oshawa. IsCKs mtagd ey evr ntet Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Ms.aodMrtnnda Mn. lod ovrl ad r. n.an Ms.E.O.P thie withfinals nia tu a iht.G. Edmonid Bunrows, C.A. Miss Gertrude Henry spen. Y LE A Mrs. loydCovely ad Mrs Mr.and rs. . 0. ethik, 1withfinalPhonetur728-7554 hone728-554ckeendke atathome. Raymond Osborne. Passages Toronto, were recent visitonsiThe five yaung ladies won an iWISE_____-_Save_5_cOffPac tougitfu expatian ade at S. R. Pethick's. Friday evening in semi-finals- Mr. and Mns. Bill Fengu- ai Scniptun, prayerias Gail Stainton visited and wcnt on ta win the averal C hiropraciiC snadM.RyFruo an nfrmtie Fathaicousins Lais, Jenad Joh cantest an Satunday eening33 - O~ymsun aten'd "Jesus alîs Hope, Prince Albert. Othen prize wînnens ta .EWNMND.C. Fergusan anid famlly, Toronto,1-bPk. Us O'r th Tumlt".Mn. and Mrs. Ed& Coambs this vicinity Include Bruce Chinopractor Sunday. IS BU!-av5e 1" ~~U Y. r Aocial tiTm floct bniadgrsMs lraPgILawson who won several firsts Of fice: 1mhALA Aeirlme we s enve yTwna wr uia i itons wî uies in the back- 15 Elgin St., cor. af HonySt MsGerue tphnan Tornto ise uequins trsWillowdale; Mn, and Mrs. 'â c iF. M AI Mr.Mra onMr. lier ai Nestleton who won Office Hours: By Appointment' oga tpesn as Wm. Wade, Mns. Dan Mtcali Mn. and Mrs. E. Masters and ai pie.Mn. Tenny Mal--e» and Gary, Toronto; Mr. and' WISE BUY! - Save 4c, - I nid Mns. Glenn Piekeil. famlly, Bowmanville, en;clwoscond wth his en- Ms tnRbPu n __-callers at R. Vitue's. try in the champion hog bacon D e i 1a CrL ur Sndy erL v D S FINE QUALITY Mn. and Mns. Clifiord Hetz, c]ass bested only by the entry DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. guestsaLMsUCcl îi HUVa J MONUMENTS AND Fairx'iew, Pa., were weekend of aur fellow Co-op Dinecton 75 King St. E. Baxvmanvîlle Mr. and Mns. Charles Smith WISE BUY! - Save 11et Aluinium 12 inch 5f.Ru MARKERS guests i ai r.' and Mns. L.,Casey Davidson. Have ta, Office Hours: visited Mn. and Mrs. Rus- Lamb. Mn. and Mrs. Garnet change youn brand ai feed, 1 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily sel Lansing, Toronto, on Tues-i gvarantb.of P Saturday eveninig callens. thrce bacon hogs Tenny took Office Phone - 623-5790 Idrive ta Furnace Falls and' flUINI STFFOD MssMayLocbat, oro- ins, Csesecond and Terry's flouse Phone - Newcastle 3551, Bancroft. WSEBY - Save 27c! . 2c Off Pack1-o.T Ar)BROS. LTD. ta, spent the weekcnd with1 ather, Howard, third. Have SAVE À QUART Miss Elsie Oke. ta give the ad man sne DR E W SSSN Dr. Hary Sanderson andi M. and Mrs. Herman H-aass, sons on judging, Terry. L.D.S., D.D.S. Timmy, Oshawa, and r. G ÉM D OFI du:orfd onn ad Nncy Bwma- inday inmaser Ted Office in his home Brack, Toronto, called an Mr Dau ville, with K. McGill's. Spe-ncely reports that the Sat- 10 Phbot Sn.,Bave'63-60 anudaMn. Carn_-aro Day ~n.,,dayout, troughot theMiss Elva Orchard, Mn. Dick urday crowd set a record for Office hone62-60 Strd toua n .ds outh ruhosad us a ni lrk otahiee ee u-an rviusday's attend- 9am a6 ..diyMn. and Mrs. Dave Swain Dliciously Rcfrcshingl- California -N.i yearthuad uponthu ai QA SafforudBrothers day tea guests at Mn. and Mns. ance. Ted wisbes he xvene Co_________-__ R ad rnt Lndnsp C.jtito'sSt D hs ee s e cs ncoupleofdy ih isp people js like you save 2.ý a lIMViED Crtitnis wn hi eka b csýCosd Wdedy udyad rnLndosetap ___ quart on every quart ai milk they Mn. and Mrs. Athur Wright, similar capacity at Oshawa DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.- . ents, M.aidy s. wis r buy Te anui svig i sbstn-Monmets Barrie, were necent guests at Fair, Barrie Fair, Peterborough Office Tree Ripcned - Juicy - Poly bag Fresh ca pay-il.Pg 'A A Th ul vn btanJERSEYnt N. E. Wright's. races an Satunday evening, 75 Kinig St. E. Bowmanivîlle San .tia. Andte quaity is JESE ox 133 Pleased ta report Mn. W. etc., etc. Office Hours: Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Wight Or n e 29c89 r .QUALITY. As aur grandparents 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby Fergusoni Is home irom the Ylvertan's White Chunch 9 R.m. ta 6 p.m. daily and iamily werc Satunday knew-- .andas w stli kaw îhon WhIby ospial.celcbnated its lOlst annivcrsany Closed Satunday and Siinday evening dinner guests ai Mn. Flavorfl Nutritin n eilu .kneRS...UandTas w t notane 1Ohw -352Mn.A. . r y attnde n Sunday, Sept. 22 with Rev. Telephane: Office 623-5459 and Mns-NacIWMotot- an the tulilment of a urealizsol Residence 6355 i ivalu1-ab rgvemi; ae22!-* . et anà 121 Eende adncssand SUN., MON., TUES., 'WED., 7:30 p.m. ta speak - Higbway 7A as an iorHts.~~~--- Decided ta take the Sv 2!-MpeLa anà1/-b i îendyou nae, adres ad !he poces o beig pvedMIS APH 1.HODINS bustri toAreaConento$1 jelephone number wlth bottle I iIfram Highlway 35 west just Bannisten, Solicitor in Toranto, Wedncsday, Nov.;MIGE I rap or trademark froan 2% NotarythPublic , ý6th. The nesalution was given Savupr!me - Apple or -Raisin20-o pne s ona Mn. and Mrs. Pete Glasbeng- 1-4Frank St. Bowmanvalle the second neading and discus- ae4!-FnyQalt lcd2-z i Ail-Jersey and enter the __e_.__oncmet wr I Color ~~~enrcturncd home ta Newton- E. RICHARD LOVEKIN sedAnucmntswr ClrVille atter having spent past B.A., LL.B. nead ne - Duham CountyD L IE P L FakGlasbergen Sr., follaw- King St. E. Newcastle.ana, Oct. 4th; Senior Training Save 8e! - Faney Quallty 2O-oz. Tn urm b îc SU . IDNIE NL (ct 1) ne t urn tramn hospital. IHours: 9-5:30 - Wcd., Sat., 9-I Oct. 7 and 8; Golden Plow Vi Glad ta report Mns. Balfour - Lodge Bazaan at Cobourg, *Ktra CORN 3 for55c R ITCK 59 DAI RYVSN.MDNIE O LY (c. 3 iGladMreotrs lasfgourhne24 Sha tnDssrsatOo oIC JA CONTEST 'eMoore is also home tram hos- Morfgages jSauina Bazaar. Due ta bus trip.,Sv6!- tfe "Te ubteraoeauu pital and able ta be present ai ___ Novemben meeting wilî be SEPT. 23rd te OCT. 18th at chunch an Sunday a.m. SADIE HAMJILTON .ORONO xithdrawn and the Deceni-SUR E Jazz - Beatniks - Color By the time this news reach- Phone 1 r 16 1 ber meeting is ta be held on FROZEN FOOD Con mr Hoi aGeorge Peppardvincial election will pnabably Rsd- s ars inea-~~y as the chiîdneni anc ta 2-lb. Eeonomy Paek Save 9e! - Assorted2-u eerai ALObeacin isoy.Oe a- BusinessPraperties i be invitcd. Rall Caîl for Dec- nuMiu able candidate will find bim- _____-' ember meeting -A Gift ton Fancv reas - V M.i Re4hs I fr'o Winer t Baut Conseorself ira the x'cny responsible Mortgage Loans !the Children's Aid.9c Y ME WlnPrompfBeautyeCounservice ZKit was MRS. E. McKNIGHT, Aâ psition ai an elccted nepre-Paptcotessrve 2-1b. Eeonomy Pack Save 2c! - Chocolat utreth6o.Pg 78 King Si. W., Apt. 8. Bew-' 1*.I sentative for this fain county. HAROLD C. PEDWELL' Group leader Mrs. . W. vp m m To him, whaever he may be, Real Estate and Van Camp prcsidcd for taons ernel Corn -49c V N KR H PT xve profer congratulatos Mortgage Broker ýprogramme as follows- The l9 ;A I lakewise, consolation ta tose Necastle Phone 3856 Motta " We owe the Middle Wedlk o ob rwne.K UEÀU MSMEW1that mounn. Durhami Caunty Ages the twa worst Inven- Prices effective at the Iisted Red &WleFo trsol Wed ik ~U e . wnni' as had very capable cani-I O pnft0M et r y tions ai Humanity- Roman- dates in bath recent elections, Fi__tiLave and Gun Powden". and we can weîl be praud ai' KEITH A. BITLETT, O.D. wsna by Mns. W. Archer. ~'P1k~the calibre ai the standard- Optometrist Ms. Hlenry Wtten and three A L GR V 'MKE beaersoferig hei srvies 41Kin S. E -Bowmaniville daughters, Patsy, Joan and ta this county. Only time Office Hours: By appointment Canal sang "Whispcning Loe will tell whether those north-1 Telephont- 623-3252 Mrs' B. Sneîgnove and Mr, OR I 'S M E AditEnerainintc lights shimmcning across Mon . Tues. - Thuns. - Fnl G. Hunter ncndencd a piano Adl nera=n the sky tcee ig ats gns; .. o5 .. duet. Mrs. A. Mantyn gave a uR E ' R DWHT ...N wtn ll Picae achace n waeter r Tursay venngs i reading- "When Dad was PO TR REWH E Iprovincial gavernnfent. Wed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 iYoung"; Mrs. C. Newnham,