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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1963, p. 9

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Mixed Bowling!1 'j'bst liko- the Yankees, lea- SProut was finally ztrpr. o ,i;day night in Mix- ?o i ".%ý Ig a lion, as Harri- on lri.et the pace-setters -,w:i>'rh. on a shattering 'w..Rua' -pPerfect rnissed a >îa onnortunity to mnake m.,î> r-a"iwav. dropping a 4-3 ý î,.ýiri ou'0ennett. How- ex r. 1l-eepoints narrow- r- -. lo four. M. Etcher nroecl toto third, whipping 1-.~r 7' while in th2 hicl'hul'oît Brorn- e] pii-et E. Brock, as the ~i:d ..urderwent quite a creia 5>v~ over 0 . Et- cnor, ai;r! af'r'r a had start t:'i Ui tc Jal:hv off]v 13 POirt .N'.,mirsiaped fromn l'fr r«!;Ii aitrr a ,werek's stay, d r"gH. Broî'k 5-2 ta dra'p the Ilers 10 ia't. Track, Rid champs at B. H. S. Teenage Bowling Senior Mixed Leazue Callan 7 - Oke 0. Colville 7-Virtue 0, Beauprie .9- Coambes 2, Jeffery 4 - Kit- son 3. Team Standings Callan ---- ---------- Jeffery . ----------------- .....13 Kitson -------12 C olville -- - - ----- ------ Virtue - ------------ Oke ...1--------------- Beauprie ------- ------------- 7 Coombes .2 High Single-T. Callan 227, 2,%1; J. Bennett 228, W. Bur- gess 212, 214, B. Ca]ville 270, 249. 298: R. Brarneli 244, R. Perfect 200, S. Oke 207, B. Coambes 227, D. McKnight 218, 208; A. Kitson 241, 221;- Hl. Moore 229, 208; P. Kelly 209. P. Jeffery 209, 288; G. Porter 237. High Triple - B. Colville 817 P. JefferY 658, A. Kitsan 648, T. Callan 641, W. Bur- *gess 6 10, *Junior Boys Now]an 5 - Preston 0, Piper 3 - Brack 2, Marshall 5 - Wil- son 0. Now Ian iPiper --- 1M arshall ---------- iBrock --------- Preston Wison Team Standings Prn;it A aý ri l-o D jc k ecr e -t iin rom n FakWright, rnaking a hid to j(cri the avcrages.rolled ýl 79if) tr>p'lf c' 31,5 sn ; t r>ke al]il t r' honourcý. Cuxe F': "lcr. trxp he lad- JE 7 ' r> itrlace. pacri w0 \eh .-rares of V lobhho111%.nix've pins cUl f tic paueil I70,followed \Vinniers of charnpioiis}ips ati th roecnt Bowman- ville Htgh Sehool Fcri Diw arcshowti hetooxcept for the Senior Girls tlite Iiolcieî, .\Tarhice Pikat'd, wvho w-- taken to hospital foi- au ippcndcctornýv a feu, da *vs fo. owinig the meet. In tUic front rr>w. frorn loft 10 by . ovward Bionielli--73, Miatt Ila rrlis on 727, Art Sp.; Cri, 704t, Vineur' Prout -6ii0. Ilîlda Broek 6,51, rrlvH cher- 650, Stu Car.oit (i Elton Brock- -637, ..flr>* Bai- Lihhv's - In Tomato Sate ePAGHETT I2 (ioveî' Leaf - Siolid Pack .'tttt'liail Sccdless i1ER GENT ~ nnaCake i. Il FRESFI 7 4)z. Tin ilwi'- 6:3 1, 0 1id Sierp t ci' to MNT; Ia1 lrr i oil 3111o, AI spic r 'f0. owarri R r Il I 1 301',AI 1ohh 301, 37c 39c 49C 4 oz, ,On t. Cake49 . LEAN - PORK oud rROASI T f 'i 1 Il - 1 f-a i IORK BUTT ROAST 1* .?x- Il lieil Trimmcd BUTI PORK CHOPS lb. 45c IL 5 5c liîdie', -Slîred 111. 'ABLERITE: I l ' k. Side Bacon 59c Wieners 45c Bowmanvi'lle IGA Extra a total of ini Roliu T 1apes i'igFtt: Virginia Slemon., Jr. Girls; Jennifer Purdy, Intern-ediate Girls; back t'ov', lefl, to right: Jr'. Boys, Robert Large; lnterrnediatc Boyvs, Don MieMurter; tieéd foir Sr. Boy s Championsliip, Grant Thornpson and John Kilpatrick. Bob Gliî>.ilr- 'l!20).E s Cox 2 0, Ha"PPairnr'î '27 6, oîex' Hii-er 7, NIa rv' WXlcox 269,.A.i (i 7,C, Sivelp - 262, 'Duke' Pruni "62. and Airnold Slccp 2) 52 SReceie $6.00 ln Bontis 5 ROSES FLOUR Tla pes 5 lh. BON AMI Jet Spray ",' OMO Deterge nt ,i ' r t ' f ReCeîi e $4.00> in Bonus 'rapes Van Kirk CHIPITS G69zq. [feeeie 5S2.00lin iiBoni.. 'ape's Cello TOMATOES 'Tub Sliced Bologna Ta ipR ie 12 oz. Pig. ipel - Veri - Park SriIi.ýbi>ry Stect, F roze n CHOPLETS SOUTH AFRICAN ORANGES À 6 9 c (Ailoi 10 ill Emperor Grapes 2 Ibs 29c 01itavi - NI).t1Gracie Crisp Celery staIk% 2 stalks 29c Only the F rps.h Flte Bct Sunkist Lemons 6 for 29c Foodliner - BOWMANVILLE- LOCAL 189 HOCKEY Conets,- Bruce Cole, J. Masoii, A. Ci'ossey, B. Ab- hott G. Fliotoff A. Wisemnan, J. ner G. Marterrison, G.ý Cooper'. Bill Cole, B. Johnson, R?. Wv~iatts, B. Colwell, H. R o w e. 1 Bî'!iiis - ,.Cwln D. Masters, R. Poliardi, L. Harn- ilon. R. Cowxc, B. Crossey,ý R. Fairev, N. Yen, R. Stew-: art G. Heath, G. Davey, D.1 Bo'.c:aft, J. Gooder, D. Mar- Rairlris- P. Stace, G. Mc-, Cii]iough, T. Masters. Mort, Richardis, H-. Lanc, G. Bag- "Il', 1D« \Ic C'iîlo,,eh. B. Sheri- riati, D. Bagneli. B. Ellîs, M. Richrids t. McKnight, J. Lumn, C. \asoe Iloles R,.Mtjerrison, R. WeSt, L,. Prout. T. Fairey, D. (Girardi. R. Cî'orbie, H. (.uiiw iv. B. LvIc. L. Piper, C. B'risoi . Woodward, CG. Rund le, D. Harper, J. Man- lie. [')f:) - 64 Sc'heduie No. 1 ('omets vs Raiders Rriîîns vs Hornets No. 2 Raiders v's Bruins Hornels vs Cornets No. 3 Hornets vs Raiders Cornets vs Bruins No. 1 Bruiina vs Hornets Rai"rs >%'S Cornets No. 5 Cornets v.s Hornets Brins vs Raiders No. 6 BRruins vs Cornets Raider's vs Hernets No. 7 Raiders vs Carnets Ilor-nets vs Bruins No. ô81Bruins vs Raiders Conets vs Hornets No. 9 Raiders vs Hornets Bruins vs Cornets NO. 1ti Hornets vs Cornets Cornets vs Raiders No. Il t lornet.s vs Cornets Raiders vs Bruins Nro. 12('omects vs Brîtins1 Ilrtavs Raiders N, t: ('onets vs Raiders Rru i us vs Hot-nets Ncî 14 R aîide(rs v s Bruins t nlrics és cornets No. 1,5 lnoi iecI,s Raiders-. Conets vs Bruins NO, 16 Rriiius vs I lori-ts Raiders vs Cornets Goodyear Lge. Th]e leapuîr' Ieading 'iîgers won utono> to defeati ThUt s- ciý, i iigh t. losi ug 4-3 ta Lah- fi .blit i creased their Iiar'.1 10 to eveil potints wlheî ri-Lrî -iîtp fose sustaiîîed the ih c.tuîpset defeat of the Ca ubaStecd7-0t hv Braid- 011icu' ndut 1ead Pre-s --3 ite10pa. t lise îin liw pa îtoiî1 I. 11a baille of 1 i(, tail rot~.Ban burvý, Suaîrîîî'd alBist tul ilue eiarspot ertote l-us 111.li a pair of minior up- set ý. Cotiie,'s d'tlfeated Belt7, ânuc ('>nii's doxe ied Mach- tlic SIIOI)bý 5-2 Scores. ,oe'piper 1,ackerl up a huige 82; total 10 captur'e high t ipe h Ioiou is. other top scor- I~gn o llowardi Brarel- A6..ilauî Wra ' \-742, Arnold L.ohhb71:3, Jack Bond- 699,~ lohiIIIL-1-1o 693. Jirn Mur- hmiiî-670.A'\fRandie ---660, t k lOîexrnaii 6.56. Don (;,-) l 6:j anîd 'Bud" Hen- iiî4 6 52. u >>> ar"ciBroriell took the hâ sin:>igle mr'k, î'olling Lup a 3:1,2 ,aine Io lbp,"Joe" Piper*s 3: 0'*- aur' i pin. "Bion" also xad a 26-7), -hîle 'Joe' bad 2 R. a i ci 3< was rîîexlt a:301, toi o>.>. cd b h.vLuxtoti and Art Rowy, e otu aI 2 11 f1aev- mail -293, W ra% ---28-7. 269, Band-r-)8 7 . Lobb 2)82 2) ,and Jack Gedrles -2-79. 1'eam Standings Conet. Nlacbi.,e Shop .ad Pre s Com b.'hii e B:'aidcy.. Fan BEcts 129 91 20) -20: 19 17 17 17 High Single- M. McBRINELUGGAGE Marshall 10 7 - 3 0 234, D. Nowlan 225. High Double - N. Neadsý 368, M. Marshall 367. -Junior Girls Lewis 3 - Mutton 2, Burns 5 - Sellers 0, Goodwin 5 Brameil 0. Team Standings Goodwin ...10 Burns - - ------0 Muttan Bromeli........... Sellers .a Lewis . ..3 High Single--C Sarnells 224. N. Edrnondsan 18.. High Double- C. Samels 410, J. Lyle 341. Bantani Girls Ayre .5 - MeMurter 0, Lyl2, 5 - Sellers 0. Evans 5 - Hen. ning 0. Teani Standings Evans ------- -15 Aî>re .. 13 Henning . . 7 Lyle - ---- . 5 McMurter 1- Sellers 2 Gel Cash Today throuigh STATE SMA N Phone 623-3303 Fulliline of: - DORS COMBINAl ..4 ALUMINUM Prehunq ready to install with er . . e ýn screw driver on your door v h g. trams. Sennationci low price includas averything. Guaraq- r C r 't se ý 6 'ýl-wi r w driver - - teed Quality and Craitemon- c.. yo ta rl $ 88 1 P' ý' ýd y t fr«-.- S.n.-i. - a 1 low 6 6hip. Full 1" thhickness, rein- i-clud.. - it -'Yt inforced corners. interchangeable s!orm and scrun., Site 22* fi" x t--d Qu- y a- d Cr« ýts_--- 6" Compl te ' only Lra ger Sizes i -A'l'e' 377.88 Innssttaall A DOORS WINTERSEAL "TEMPO" 2466 Extra Strength "'Sealmaste," - The New 1 V4" Thickness Aluminuni Door oniy $33.95 Partition Wall Studs VARIOUS SIZES 'SPECIAL ------- HARDBOARD UNDERLAY Multius i x 4 4 _ sh~ets. MARDB ARD 1 ers than 25 Less Ihan 23 shet 5.5 *. PASEET ISHEt,5.5*a H Light, Bright, Beautiful A prefinisz i woodqacinrd.1 tiardbocid w h andom q aavnq n a tue cherrywood raini,;4'x7 GCçd deca a or rolour fo p PANEL on . qoes with any colaur Delî'vered in room lots of 2.5 or more sheets. Less than 25 sheets 4' x 7 $4.35 and 4 x 8' - $500 2x4 7 Ft. 42c 2x 4 CEULING and WALL STRAPPING 1x21 3/4C aft. - 1 x3 23/4af * Attractive Design Best Value... * v u.%.g g r. C. 623-3389 8HF.. -48c BE SURE TO SEXL L THE MNEW lOYS AND (IIITS IN THE I(GA CHRISIMAS S PPLEMENT t ' NO l! 1<. k t l-U SAVE ALMOST HALF AT IGA SAMSONI'IE FOLDING TABLES ONLY $498 with $25 worth of IGA cash register tapes BEAVER LUMBER] iThe Canadian Statesman, Bow.manville, Oct. 16, 1963 High Single-. J. Donaghuè High Double-- F. Henring 181, F.,Henning 162. 317,-J. Sellers 306.-- - Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KING ST. W. The BESI in FOOT WEAR '«e carry national1y advertised Unes ... CHILDREN'S SAVAGE SHOES ORTHOPEDIC SHOES HUSH PUPPIES - NATURALIZERS GREB AND KAUFMAN INSULATED BOOTS KEN WATSON CURLING BOOTS for Men and Women PACKARD SHOES The Comiortable Fit for Children Pts. 27 24 2 ? 911 21 2(l LUGGAGE BýJ $12 A MONTH MAHOGANY

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