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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1963, p. 11

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U 'PAF ~~~~ 1~~1 j~Raplds, Michigan: Mr. and, The CanadarStemaow nvl, t.1,16 I E iv v IL E Mrs.: A. Toit and Clarence, il A AETNINewcastle; Mvr. and NIrs. John afoth e~~uc~~d~~~ WP;,.f~~~~2~~~ Warden Earl Walkey and Picketts brought us a stirr- Ton and Anthony. Cobourg. a o h ar nte a otmdste .C 260Mr. S.J. Lancaster attended'ing message, each time, stress- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tuf- .*Oscaib r MQae ffw er hne I ~~~~~~~~the International Plow i n g ing the need for assessing our ford and daughters of New- ncloegbrngCdushda h ct rmetn o h I ~~~~~~~~~Match at Caledon on Tues- own real values to bath our castie at Mr. Jimi Caswell's. clsebarn l i erylsn i . .ti ota h V>A n w dtrPin 8-42day, Oct. 8th. Warden Walkey church and community, and Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, bnan 'firthswewenom ofheWlnHelis Phone 987-4482 participated in a tractor plow- the importance of taking with M\iss Anne Nesbtt, MIr. anof unttede o nfro u oko ~ tit nta ~C~:~~Agnew, Editor ____________________ ing campetition with 18 other time, occasionally, ta measure Raymond Bruce and friend at of coremnld oa eîet ffnsigofwthafo S WnSoo nareinthe Province of our growth along spiritual as'Bancroft.1taetemîddth attercn n e igI tre f n____________Shoot__ rN.,.D. DlZ t adeio. well as practical lines. In the 1Miss Joyce Campbell intactith e sae ieB- ihapeeai. ots A miscellaneous shower for. morning the choir of 14 ment- Kingston over the weekend. gae is exprdadmutb hsd ihtaat13, l * ~~~~Miss Linda Hatherly, another bers rendered the anthem "it WlaeMrrlDr-reee hsweki hy oe yte etn n Mxx wish towas continuee haaving ththis .home. WlnateMmerto, get- hubby'sc Raises $267.66 bieelewshed 0hei ad hn agive ford with Mrs. W. H. Jones. protection. spe.Sr fawseo home of Mrs. Ray Tompkins thanks," and Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbali The hilîsofMnesaetgodpeaofetoteal J nC l b H c s c lý.9 o n Newcastle - Percy Hare, on Tuesday evening. On Wed- ! Tompkins of Port Hope, the :and dauglhters, with Mr. and their peakaIatmaspe-ni eunng dsf id chairmnan of the Sight Con- nesday evening, the same sort1 guest soloist sang the ever-1 Mrs. Va nce Co,,,,, Oshawa, dor this wek-apaoaawil hi ubis wr fv 'em o ersn ,p L )evelopm enBowranville and District Ad- Clark.1 duet hy Mrs. C. M. Jones and Witae and family, Scar- and pin th aigtdhe Itemeigoidwt h Newcastle - Internation alIadian National Institute for the annual Hallowe'en Party adian National Int t rtheen- ia Dorothy Eliot pe tcr.JimGierMe"My ater br. adMs o rwthe hard mpei trln d olwdb h eo Councillor, Lion Robert E. the Blind in which $267.66 had ini the Community Hall on the Blind, has anstue f tharenhdsaa kncrt.i atchws Ovoie M e."mprn- JMr.and rs. Tom N wnle:contrast, wtv h ihde ina ae naTakgv Jameson, M.D., of Coboconk, been collected in the village. October 3lst. $267.66 was ranou ncetha fie- rnd t arf. ljaop-itirofwstie b thoersMin .Jdyand fri.'cDonealendgreens of thebctonapeigteeb on ac Was the guest speaker at the Satùrday, October 26th, was On a suggestion made by cent Blitz ofaisedvinlthe re- Mr. and bMrs.rtHTop, ister aithe batrful fiowersM. and liM. Macna ,l.ld andres andtecnfr a r-wtmcituera yMr bi-monthly dinner meeting af set as the date for the an- the pragram cammittee it was behaîf aIof the illage on kins nd oys, Pof r.ped eoten aleadmusQ ic. r w itansoi n Mrs e Bob iec mthenaucsm-jaeSionDrth Brs the Lions Club in the Elm- nual Turkey Shoot ta be held decided ta set aven the îast thaCNI.w r w enrets apins. Rande most enjoyab ereusic. B roadson, irtingtetrieeta o ritcu oscntrradtepe hunst Hotel on Wednesday in Waltona Park by the Club, meeting af the month ta Wed- Mr. Hare reports there werc ndMs. CclBre To p ns. e. and Mr. ickettsreatrsfibrtd. even attempr aeurt.Taiiusmeigs iue n evening. Introduced by Lion and Lions Chas. Gilkes and nesday, October 30th, when seven membens of the Lions Maud ns. Ceeu burgy spet Sntertan ebr. andrs. M. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer tisbat ss rnin sterî alwsasee SaurayinCooug it S J Lncstr and Blaine at Mr. L. Clys-hi eu. F'rank Rickard, Dr. Jamneson Ron Munro were appointed as a special speaker fromn out- Club and four members of the Mr. and Mrs. Keith Burlcy Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown Idale*s. indeed reretbas i-oy by ne es pret spoke on the subjegt, "Mem- an advertising committee for ýside the club will be present. Newcastle Girl Guide Coin- and family. iand Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wade, Mr. Jack Wade and Doit,- ready, like as dnru,(neestas).MyStn benship Development and Re- the event. when it is planned ta have pany taking part in the Blitz Mn. and Mrs. Clarence HaY- were in Ottawa, Sunday. las, Newcastle; MnI. andI Mrs.thev are bgnigt hdsngv h raue' e tnin.The Boys and Girls Com- 1every member bring a guest an Monday evening, Octaber wood of Oillia were at the M.adMs aodBrSllWd n os hM'their crowingoy.Shporshwgfve hoedl tention". h t ~~~~~7th, and he wishes ta express Manse over *tMrhe Ms. arldBu- Bh ad ad sns wth mr. n d Lizzie hsweedadlr eti rauy(h il memberhp esi h c-Ivsers for the finjo they nrbe fa rea- T. Henderson and family were Mrs. Neil O*Connell andi This feastaIeat 5gr-hemoh) Bunssc- vasr o tefn obte nme rm eea-at their cottages atLae childrcn, Cobourg, at Mr. ant.ecd ta wknee h itd piaiy wt h bers should keep in mind that did and ta Mrs. Howard Quin- tended the gathering at Wcl- Kennisis. Sa oes quality is more important in: ney for arranging for the camte United Church, Fniday Ms lný a Lions Club than quantity 1 Guides ta help with the can- evcn1ng in honor of Mrs. Mr. AIf. Graham af Tan- Mn. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer Yelverton ..N.iprii atse a h eiiu and urged the club ta make (ew 'cUSl ast en anto was a recent visitan atljand friy Port H-ope, at Mr. pt' nteMnesTs.lnhwn al euln &ure a prospective member is vass. !George Campbell.A ote-pedit aware af the cost af being a y On behaif of the Lions .joyable time wvas spent withi Mr. Leland Payne's. IF. O. Henders-on's.pulesh rnember in the service he wiîî* i Club and the C.N.I.B., Mn Imusic supplied by fricnds Visitors at Mn. C. H. Lane's,1 Mrs. Lorne Todd. Stark- publntic cll d a edDrsRwnadMrae be expected ta give, in addi- ~c Hare expresses his apprecia- fnom fan and near and a littie included- Mn. and Mrs. j. ville, Miss Barbara Stapleton, i avleCmuit akH lp tin o h fnIcilcftb- ..Ilan ersoiial tian ta the citizens of the vil- token af esteem pnesented ta C.MrCher HmilanMn.u ndfalo onotHop, andMr. Donnetally, n iay n aecoe MscJs.nys ic m $orc e i ninvited ta jain the lage who made contributions iMrs. Campbell. wo r MsjChsnH.h,.Bufalo;Ptope. anSt plet akcmedbeÈu~ teGasdnn e 'club, ta thîs worthy cause, and IMn. and Mrs. Ken Ne w n n. nd; Mrs. H Cane rs, to . andplace. takonn Gverothxng mta wit The speakrowasepescdby hvelI fra i eestn wene Sunday dinner last year's contributions from the weckcnd with Mr. and Rae Stewart, Toronto; Mn. and aI Orono, with Mr. and Mns.taLfodSoaopaa- Lin una Ptsnw o t the west coast. guests with Miss C. B. and this village. Mrs. N. Scatt. Mrs. Charles Gray, Bowman- Wallace Bouchien. asfon te ay72thanamz Lion___Murray___Padaerwethen avourd 1 ville. l Mr. andi Mirs. Alf Graham!ig7 ons olwdb ameson in appreciatian a! his and daughters af Toranto vis- Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Rick- for the Annual Thankofferino Wih1Mnen Mrs. M. Smi and hr-F an iet. viatea n Pnolle4 , Stant ited with Mrs. Cecil Fengu- ard and family and Mrs.W services on Sunday, at whichwer r.PoueadCa- rn imc'. sl as l26 ndYlvron2 n J. ns- , ~~~~~Avey successful saeeas lypitbhn.W e i!V/CE informative talk. J ommunitv TeoWr.oiktsBA I i n Ms cntPoouseld Aovera îieîdday a his nat During the businesspatosn and Mn. Milton Payne on S. Rickard wene Thans e.WC.PctsBAOfleadMsNoe rue 1iv ail temeigLinPercy Hare son dy.giving guests with Mn. and Toronto, was gucst speaker.Tornt. Hln Bwn n;wthe on M od allenoof I leve ofAY aiAEL~L themeein, Lon, tuda.Mns. R. B. Riekard andfiant- We appreciated, also, thc îact r.HlnBwn ni ve îeî~ssladefcs ~tr a opettvenur chairman of the "Eye Con- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bitton i.,.WBow ln ht ron ii heRv Darlene, Nwatle, t Mr. Mrs. W. H. Joncs wcre -ia od hn.Iuitoue KLPf8E BelCevi.le wenc ily. that onfown milistefrRev ewtasetaei. i au nervtion Commttee" report- and family o eleilewee Mn. and Mrs. Nino Matina. R. C. White was able ta be C1.Fro'.toe ofa e omrrs- h uisit h raiy W A /RVL on heneen Bit o te eeen gess wthhi pr-an fmiy ndMis nn .Newcastle- The following wt sa ahsrie.Rv Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Wood- Idence. Mr. George IHareai ta hsi opttv Village on behaîf af the Baw- lents, Mn. and Mrs. H. S. Bit- ,atn a i GeawMs nnae is a list of the high scorens'wt sa ohsrie.Rv hams, Toronto, with Mn. Ed. Monnish, having' boughit this'ý world in wichershwh nanville and District Advis- ton. ýSunday dinner guests with i h vnas ege o h Sms pOC'1gH ndbswi tie thane of et a hebs o mmittec ta -the Can- Mn. Harold Deline af Tan- Mn. and Mns. Charles Megit camnmunity bowl m n.g la nes HAÏJJUN Mn. and Mrs. Jim Kendall, and family will be ming î caceo1ucss tpo j> . duning the week cnding Octo- Toronto, with Mrs. A. Baugh-! very saan. mates theeemn aI od 4 .~~ onta was a weekend guestand Wayne. In the evenîng, br2.I(nedc o atwe) n n n r.Allan Clark1 prsasi w oe.I Help Wanted with Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Stonks aIl were suppen guests with' e 2 Itne frls ek n and family.MnadMs.Rbn Wi- anaLaisLege(0j Mrs. G. Turner, Bowmai- 'and son miotored ta Petawawa' encourages sotpriia FA-RETAKER- --Manager - Ou curh asflert ville, with Mrs. F. Nesbitt. and Ottawa vî h ve-te -ahaty ciebd cwateAea uisfrMrs. Cecii Ferguson and liants and f amily in Oshawa. land ave- Nancy Gaines 303. apcty on Sundyeeig Ms ooh Saltn n.wt np Ne csl rn . D t a t Mn. Milton Payne visited with i Miss Helen Allin of Tan- 'Lillian Farrow 298, Eleanorfo pac *nk.-iday eve ing Msso; .anathy St al eend W h SndPY rfe sa ne' ode maintenance of ice M.adMs usl on-ot pn teTakgvn ern23 enAln25,andîorar Thaksevng riceow goltoTrot, tMr civean inhdwiha and equipment, regular janitar jay in Blackstock on Sunday.iweekend witb ber parents, Kay Gustan 231, Betty Major ens, fruit and vegetables and George Stapletan's. YEiRT Na ppointmentaobev th Apply in wnting rntlatc. Mrad s DcMAd r-jM. and Mns. George- Allun. 1223, Nina Madili 221, Mary lovely' colored leaves by t1he Mn.anLMs, . imaî listless Manr n wic than Nov. 2 staýing qoalifica- Ga.rond13,s.uth ouch 212 decorating cammittele, Carol1 at Mn. A. Grabam's. l some af the ugcatsat tions and salary expected, ta o , ,jAlice Rawe 203, Dareen Neal Blackburn, Rena Graham and Mn. and Mrs. Don Vinkle (lntended fon last week) took part. Yudtikte Mn. Sam Beneton, Cairman j203. Lynne Read. and Mrs. C. Bunley at Lind-ý The Sacrament of the Lord's1 xvcre 100 yenaiadcip Ný wcastle Recreation Commit- "J-O Tuesday Men's League (225 We werepasthve sav and Peterborough. 'Spo vscihac t e- it eenoitwihanI.. tee. __ 23. w *~D and lover- Merill Henry 303, the Bawmanville Legion Gîce Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid, vertan United Church on Suri-thii. sth moe gn-rrT CL 6' 1 1' ~Dennis Rudman 300, George Club with us. They sang sev- Orono, at Mr. Wilfned Wood's. day with Re;'. L( ester, Super-I eration destie abcm endes W nte ~C ollectKmbaP o28, Bb Glnvile r1lanthems unden the lead- Miss Enid Veleke and Iriend Iviýor af Home Missions Ion bnaad-beame bypdcto TENDERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~266, Rick Peance 246, Ron enship of Mn. Murdoc'h Beata.hm rmBleil.Bya uneCneeci~arps oton aewt TNESwill be received Newcastle- The local BoyThose outside the village, who Goode 241, George Glanville We were pleased ta have Mrs. Manjanie Watson, Ton-, change, assisted by Mr. Alex ýf labby musce ditdt t tcr the aperation af the booth Scouts will be searching the usually telephone for picku -o'240, Lame Johnson 234, Boa aur minister Rcv. Dugan bank onto, with Miss B. Thomp- Taylior andi local eiders David ispecta'tanitsis ht8 ot conce-sion at the Newcastlc are asked ta note that the She1aren 231. with us for aur Tbanksgiving son., Wilson andi Murray Malcolm. j midget aIourfihsc APrenafoth '63-'64 seasan. village for pop ote on Sat-'ou Leader bas a new phone Service alter a lengthy hoi-1 Witb Mn. and Mns. Anthony Mn. and Mrs. Don Johnson boundiesa nny wool for igthed boeui-uda onig tts 'Spor ut br97-65 Thursday Mixed League day. Rev. Dugan's message Ton and Bart were Mn. and Pnd Carl aite'ided Markhar x-estenday crwe uptis 'f , î~hntsuplid. ppy i wit-9:0. itzen wshig a dn. The Scouts appreciate the,(00an aen- ut ouch was on "The Goodness Of Mrs. J. R. Webstenr Grand Fair on Saturday- a lovelyalone, destindtbcoejt âîng net laten than Nov. 2 tc ate bottles should place themi support given them in these 25 aiy ac 2,GaeGd uc a evdt -_________ r~ . Sain Brereton, Chairman, outside the door in a canspic- semi-annual drives. The first, Couch 227, Lloyd Heard 225, the chair and their fniends by. Newcastle Recreation Coin- uous place and a uniformcd:heîd in May 1960 bnaugbt m Glen Rowe 226, Betty Ten- the lunch committec, Mrs. lnittee. __ 42-3_Scout will caîl ta, collect them. 11118 bottles. The next thnee, dam 219. Walter Loveridge, Mrs. Roy ldrives incneased steadily ta Friday Mixed League (200 Graham and Mns. M. Olesen. 1300 bottles, but by the time, and ave)- Murray Paterson Mr. and Mns. Farewell NEW CASLE OY COU S Ithe fifth drive was held, the 1270 Edna Darling 242, Alice Blackburn, Salem, Miss E. NEWCA TLE OY S OUTSidea had really caugbt on and Rowe 239, Pauline Storks 236, Blackburn, Bowmanville, MissI Semi-Annual aoven 2150 bottles were cal Harvey Partner 230, Manj. Pat- Joan Falls, Kendal, were teaý POPBOT LEDRIE ected in May 1962. The d iv erson 226, Stan Allin 224, John guests with Mn. and Mrs. W. POP B TTLE RIVEes since that tirne have main-1 Cunningham 215, Irene Cun- Blackbonn and Mrs. Cowiing OC .tained the 2000 average. ningham 214, George Zwier on Sunday and attended the Strin :3 . m.fl AT O T.1 i The incarne fnom bottle 206, Nanda Haogkamp 205, Thanksgiving Service. sales bas been dirccted ta- Ben Hoogkamp 201. Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm El- eux Penncae f ropfod ry aeSndaBob a tn equipmcnt and durng thîs Junior League (200 and fond, Barny andaBo, aft rt past sommer the Traop punch- ave)- Ran Good 238, Nancy callers af the Blackburns and IAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ased its finst canae. In addi- Gie 2,Jd oel21 Mrs. Cowling. Stion three local organizations Terny Walton 212. Misses Ann Reimer, Helen W Àav benkid noght High Singles ta date-Nancy Cuppick and Linda Potts, donate valuable camp i n g Gaines 303, Mcmriii Henry Whitby, spent the weekend A group of Newcastle parents items. Thus, due ta the gen- 303, Dennis Rudman 300, Lii- with Mr. and Mns. J. Potts c-ous support a! the peopla lhan Farrow 298.an family and Mrs. W. Mar- to f ori a ofa Newcastle and district, the t in. Troop is in very good shape. High Triples- George Kim- MrDK.TopnEs MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Those who have been' sup-,b ___79,___________w742 Beach, Bowmanville, visited and also a porting the Scout Bottie Driv-' is mothen, Mrs. A. Thomp- es mnay be intere.;ted in the son, on Tuesday. FIG RE SK TIG LU jTroop financial records and LONG SAULT Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Dawn, FI U E S A IG C U the Scout leader informs us Detroit, Mrs. Roy Lunney, Inteestd fthes ad mthes ae ivitd j these records are open for in- A social evcning ta be held' Bowmanville, were Sunday '~ ntresedfater an mthes re nvtedto spectian at any Troop mee- at Long Sault Scbool, Friday callers at Mn. and Mrs. D. a meeting in the Lions Room, Community Hall, ing and also at the monthly ý ,Ot 5h Eeyn aeo's. Wedncsday evening, October 23rd, at 8:30 p-m. meetings af the Graup Com- eveningOc.MSh.Evryn mittee welcome. Please bnring lunch. Mnr.and Mrs. Ted Mayor, to discuss the formation of these associatioït; iq e-Scanbarough, are spending a GETCAS tOA'Mn. anid Mrs. A. Milîson week's holiday at their cot- and to elect executives to work with the arena GTCS tDY adM.adMs .Kvc aei h ilg management in sosrn these activities for FOR OLDAghANE were Saturday evening guests, Mn. and Mrs. Jim Martyn____ .h hie..SASANM. uh f AdMns.Stn Gal,an d Amiy ubnawr ank si f hvilg er weth on dedyatmon br. lffodC r. ad ti tirs e. Thes. lA.eo r 11:GEEM ooh ase-1.9 Value 3c hePOTYO, ii OpL Mn ad rs Stn owin ends wll wis him, anse d sonYSaieBY weMeLSunday 1111.bisMrtanmawst aedilla g e at herf continuessal ens.Bu B ndfor some her ul Di"GentalASH BULBS--- G-1 o 2-1.6Vlu .9 I r.Cîof rd Cutadt po E W e e.Th oagER hmo h Pyoonvns ln vlepusere ne 41 usdy ei tillcuho n is y a oey sihut CONIDETJ 125Value a4car cî~c sitaelnweeI Th SntuI oki ag~ors. HisAanS fi-rusY T oa OmnBU.hy rSIMPLTiOn CAS nheGODT BE COLGATEV alue BueSehnonadM. 10$0,1,0 n 500u ouwl eev orm YOUR -VI -SOc3n69 CanadaSavingsBohvedbeYouacanIocas aCanadaofS$10,00 perugetinterestonCanadaCanadangs Iii ~~etrnhmeaf'iiin cn-1Thfo evr y cash or on insamnt.B Bonds anyeeat teir uia c e odso ovme iIechya Il" CONFIDET -2,s-7cae6C411 1 ingîr hsitl ~~ic ~~aiue Wearen injuriertie nvsîetdaessokrkrs o aetod scmleeto 54 frec fth eann WTHFRTIADEC E i Mrs. aKe hrdle nMrs.on Rdomnain f$0 n peeti 0yurBn.50%yawhnedoauiy homeCatenTLing cn * t 25's - 78c Valueue o n espi- Tery Ser-cetbolB nd r ete hncah oth*6.0 41 Oct. 20,9 W ere lad ta noreprt tPhot III' WÈILI.dl F R LlAS D E CH W EK rKetBradule an oMs -d JU ERY &TOEL Lq ,2 o.o 0Tblets 49 al 447 ,gman whil o giw ao n $1 e bo u etl inga bing aking ter- -3303 f~T IOIIf BOMAVIL WSLE À4à d&1De aAnieray e .I'1J8IIAI1AIM .N lIIIJ3f.

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