DEADLINE FOR CLASSUFIED nick chen-. Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. 0aring- ___ __ dirttis_ __ Coming Events Coming Events_ Articles for Sale- Articles for Sale Auction Sales - Work Wanted eal Stae o saete ALDSWORTH -Archie andl Turkey supper will be held " îldteCutRtr PIH piano. $90. Cail FOUR wide white wall tires,, Auction sale of vegetables, YOUTH requires work on2800,2BERO rm O Helen announce the birth ofat Kendal United Church on'Play, Thurs., Fri and Sat., Newcastle 987-4314. 42-2* 7.50x14, excellent condition. potatoes, apples, home-made weekends. Has chauffeur's bungalow, in BethaVilaephn their daughter Carolyn Eliza-lWednesday, October 23rd. Nov. 21, 22, 23. 42-1*- Phone 623-5081 or 623-3066 baking, honey, stovewood, licence. Willing to do any- recently redecorated hey beth, 5 Ibs. 5 ozs., on Octoberi 41-2 Nsîtnucw iîhî SOLO chaîn saw, 2 bars, new evenings. 42-1 silver tea service, table lamp, thing for reasonable wages. duty wiring, pressuresse, Ist at Memorial Hospital, Hocke FrU. iday, ldChain. 25 Queen St. 42-4* -.ý organ and many other miscel-iPh one 623-5920. 42-1 hot. water, aluminmdor Homaocke 245~,y Mothers Rumma-gë hce pie supper, -rdy NOW In - For Christmas giv- laneous articles at, Havdon - ----- and screens. IMMEiaeps ct.26,9:0 a 1te'octber18 inFoestrsHal,,NEONE O blk il colemaig r mkig -Drsssa-Chuchshe, hisSaSatu y, MUNTOYBacho Sevie, esion Adre Dvidon Arena. For pick-up, 623-2004'from 5:30 on. Aduits $1.25, 20 can. Phone 728-8914.__41-2 teniais, taffeta, brocade, velve-lOctober 19 at 7:30 p.m. Lunch trenches, drains, foundations Bethany, Ont.3-t Bo GlTenn Butt r anunce t2 -527 4 -1 sElz cehv ilr-en *C î CifPehcu2323. li cruoyoli, n Ch rh Stw rs.Cfrd bcfiidiIa o ny ~r~ GlennERY - ry afld Mrehe'r 23527 4- _nîc CurhWATER for sae ana cielivereci. teen, etc. For gifts - feits,1will be sold. Sponsored by and septic tanks, dug and re r bug ar iv i of th i D n t m iss L ions L adies' E i a ep a n cconv l i , ancCu c t w rd . C i f r a kf l e . I a o nt o ,P t r F d ance, printed flannelette, also_ -cottone UnitdethickCaauctioneer.hik42-1-ph1.nen986-4737,ettBlackstock.o Andrea Marie, at Memorial Dane October 26. Dancing will hold a hot turkey supper 32-tf anp wol doule knts, ________ REA21LponeT86-737 priceock Hospital, Bowmanville, on Fni- 9 -1. Ted Taylor, $3 couple. on Wednesday, Oct. 30th, comn-. n ol dul nt 21-tf 3 flTO day, October 11, 1963. 42-1 Tickets,_Caîl 623-5833. -42-2 mencing at 5 p.m. AdmissionIONE 55,000 BTU gas heaterstretchies for slims. Goodbrand __________HAMPTON,____il 1- ___ ----$ 1.50 and 75c for children l2lwith fan. Phone 623-3856. Fabrics, 28 King West. 42-2 WEKY APON N. aa The Enfield U.C.W. bazaar adudr 22 21-LV SO KS LSJ R Uý7 omnil DAVEY-Ralph and June (nee1will be held in the Township CanMd under.teex 42-2 42-1AIN Cll26-2 Taylor) are happy to announce'Hall, Hampton, October 18,ý Annual auction sale Of APPLES - Pick your own, tends to 72", complete with 6 at Durham County Sales Arena "uPLumBI ndG &HeTnG al 23-02 M the arrivai of their daughter, 8:15 p.m. Lunch served 41-2 vegetables, home baking, mis- Bring own containers. Phone chairs, $99.50; chrome kitchen Orono -Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Phone 623-5615MplGrv-4beombug __ ~ on n, cellaneous articles, etc., Haydon 623-40 421*carec$49;forlminrs CteSnCav, Susan Diane, born October 10,ý Turkey Dinner, 01rono Unit ____ne Caves 193,a Mmnii opia, dÇhrcwensdy Church shed, Sat., Oct. 19, OLOE îcrcfrom $13.95; table lamps,letc. For truck pickup Phone Division St. Bomanvehofiill y oe,2.4 ce aa Oct . CifodPehîk and,shp Boxvmanville. A sister for '3Ohca Pm :pm . Clfford Pethckelent citrin. acIf $5.95; five-drawer un- 1Orn 5 r 18 by 1 of 18-tf p niear9,s0,hool nd haVL Robbie. 421Adlts , c ildren 5c. lauct ioneer. 4- Cal_623-3755. 42-1* painted chest, $19.95; hostessisale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales pri e sown l,00 Adls$.0 hlrn7e42-21 An-nual Stay-At-Hoe Party -~ chairs, $14.95; trade-in: chrome iManagers. 52-tf A. Ben hgh ac rones ih sra,25 HANCOCK-Gary and Marilyn -__- by Club 15 on Thursday, Oct.DUL te ecmlt ice ut,$9 odtoný 350 aytrs (nee Forder) are happy to' St. JosepWes Annual Bazaar, 4 Have a box lunch deiv with spring mattress. Phone dition.saMurphy con- rPlumbing& Heating, attacan anonethe birth of their Friday evening, October 25, r24. du d fr 0cniv6-207after 5. 42-1 PoFur3371,Kni tr, CAutectosad of Hierord&HONE0062asy7erms daughter Charlotte Annette, 7 - 9- Sponsored býP the ppe onurdoC ontc rs.G F cents,---125-üsel623-2057.421 623-3781,aiet.,th 3 elonSt I.R.Kingn- lbs. il ozs. A sister forlçatholîc WmnsLau. liis,6323.4-mrigyu w otier. LTom'n-eiocstle2248Pric Doge.4-1_____________ 4- Vnsh 23233 -2 rn orow ot o1McCORMICK W4 Tractor, property of Max Dutka, Lots 46-tfgao The U.C.W.-1of2Enniskillen Baker, R.R. 1, Hampton. 42-1 Foirdson Major tractor, $295.00;122 and 23, Con. 5, Clarke T JAMES-cn an Ruthare i es, unayOt. 20ate23 r e holingan uo nnsae n UEDW- he-ars,---mks;FamalCub w/implement, nship, 1 mile north and 1 Plasterixig Rpairs J. van sIpic happ toannuncethebirh an 7 .m.Specal usi byOctobcr il - 8 p.m., at Ennis- 1/4 h. p. motors. Paddy's Allis-Chlmers 'B' w/Scuffler, iees fOoo aet hafp soan o nre a th Choirnd7 .m. pcilmuic killen shd . Micellancous, Market, Hampton, 263-2241. Massey No. 30 Tractor, Massey icommence at 1 p.m., Saturday, QUICK SERVICE REAL ESTATE BOE ofaso Douglas Ade the Coi. veryone welcome. vegetables, home baking and__________ 11-52 3-furrow Trail Plow, Cockshutt October 19. Tcrms cash. Famm STUCCO AND NEW WORK 118 King St. E. BowavleMm Memril ositl ith MnserBigo - small farm animais. 42-1 POTATOES and Tomatoes. Fertilizer Distributor, 18 ft. soid. Jack Reid, auctioncer. R .L. T A F T Phone 623-33439 October l3th, 193,____---__ 2 seilthanks te Dr. Ewert 1MntrBno Thursday -Dane Triple C, Tecn Age, Edwin Staub, 1 mile east of King Wyse Elevator, trough 4 Rhdr ve2-6 42pecial atnîo'htck8spono anceidy .ih________r dnce4ill t.,BSt.LinE.Ne623-5030p; .Rehderns Ave.xibl-54-ingot. bric3503 and nursing staff. 4- t oclck, ofria ihs rg2rdneMiiS. ae ie ecsle ye -et. insOL lexible ý16-tfbungalow, al ccneinev _____by the Junior Chamber chs. rh f 36-tf Harrows, 32f.PpEevtr Auction sale of farm stock, j garage, nice lot, $1300wt Commerce Red Barn, North -audy nihs orho-____________ - $99.00; 2 self-propeiled No. 191 100 steers, feeder pigs, team of KBV~A 50 cash. STEPHENSON - Ron andOsa.45t Cedar Park, Hampton. Ban- POTATOES, excellent forstor- Combines, one with 10 ft.1horses, sheep, Alis-Chalme rsý ihay n Sandy (noie Macnab) are happy Osaa.4-f quets and hall rentai arrang- in.M.Mntl .R , cdrohe ih î2 t1D7taco,1,nHihay1n1ml0oto to announce the arrivai of Bowmanville Museum open ed. CalMrs. C . Dentinger. Burketo. Phonel986.4407sheader, owan quipmen/2 t iD rcDo heheECAA G- LOADING town, 5-room, 2-storydel their daughter Wendy Ann, Saturdays and Sundays, 2 to 5; 42-tf f2-iCo.S34 Kig StretLEat.dpFILLts thg, on large acre lot, con-e 60 Tuck 6 lbs. 13 ozs., on Tuesday, Oct.tclosed other days cxcept for 42o 14Kn tetES.imns hepoet fFu-hc rv e rc eniences, garage. VLA o-Ai Bth 193, t he shaa Gn-grops y apontmnt.Pla' hiih Uite Curc Ani-KEYS cut automatically, while Phone 62-5689. - 2-1 Russell K. Eanle, Lot 16, Con. with Hcavy Winch. sibilities. $12, erlHsia.Many thanks your vsit now. 42-1 versary, Oct. 20. Dr. Wood- owat at MeMullen Hard- ~1,CvnTwsiiml ESNBERTS HmtnVlae-6ro n eriHopta.__________________hse, guest seaker. Service ywa3igS.E., ' Salea owsi,1 ie RESNBL AE Hmtn ilg ___Dr._Baldwinand____2:30._Hot UurkS y Su re, 3CigS.E. omn ars for à ý east of Ida, on Wcdnesday, dwelling onhafcr.aa too Dre. Baldwin and fuh' at :30. ot Tukey pperville. ______3-tf October 23. Tcrms cash. Sale Poe623-5756 $7,500. Lwdw flor nrse. irs grndcil ?iC.i o November 6. Evcryonu wei M196D AUSTIN 4-clinder, radio. a 23.TdJ ±oeLwdw amn.Ti for MVr. and Mrs. Len Stuphen- ThnschirIX hardwood, 2 cords r- P196 332 r63a 230 e akoPr BOWMAN VILLE 26-tf Why pay ent? 1 of nfiid.421* My sincere thanks to Dm-. come. Adults $1.50, me-Phnu62-327or62-2701. Pmy utocr _____________ AnesiDr Slvr ndth "'~,J. A. Cascaddun, 35 r 9,i SEPTIC TANK little 4-room bungao.A; 11-aqements Surgicai Floor nurses for the Durham County Jr. Farmers' Orono. ___ __39-tf 1962 WHITE Lauren __ecletcm n tetoFraNvme sSln -Pntic,6ylnesanrd Fiday, Oct. 18 - Auctioni ovn1cs e M an.âýc - \Is .H. Mc1lroy, given to me during my recent Community Hall. G ar n e tSIX wooden framu storm transmission, fully equipped,2sa o im3plemuns, nciudn WHIE MING TBLE00 witeho$100 ownTm IR.R. 2, Newcastle, wish to an-: stay in Mumorial Hospital, Poweli's Orchestra. Lunch. wîndos,62 ong and 414 16,000 miles. Phone 623-2603. truclc combine. mower, for- 3 aparcent racelyloaste rîounco thc engagement of!Bowmanville. Tickets $3.50 per couple avaii*wd. ai62-93af1 ,_____________42<1age wagon, on mrubber; forage BR O P IS c.Pie osl.i thi agtrDnaLynn, to William Blakuly. 42-1* able from memnbcrs and at the 'cERock. 42-1 Th. ru epat ebldiglt5.e their daughter Donna ~~~1960PONTIAC-2-doo-r, hamýd-harvestr, etc., the popcrty of PoeNwovii 71 2threserce oprprie.6 r. od Ens ead odoor. Evcryone invited. 42-3 HARDWOOD, resawed for top; radio and automatic. 1953 he estte of aroid-ick, a of Mrs. Leonard Huard andi Mr. and Mrs. Clive Lamb WodiwCmnat etestovu or fumnace; prompt de- Ford sedan, radio, motor just Lot 19, Whitby Twp., 1½ mile] ___4-fSlsan-EneBalyTr ti-e late Mr. Heard o Port wish to express sinerutak -Monster B i n g o. Twunty livury. Phone Oono 30 r 9 or ovemhaulud. Phone 623-3156. east of Whitby on South sid WAYNE'S Phone 623-36.o Hoe.Th mmmag oftakeit thui ayfinsan oo games-twunt3' dollars; five72-5.42 421* of No. 2 Highway, fimst ban' MAINTENANCE SERVICE42l1. plae atrda, ovmbe 1, eihbos orthur ntnig ames-tîîirty dollars; $150 C.C.M. 28,, BICYCLE or wil16 NENTINLSot ast of Thickson Road. TermsIRugs Shampooed, 9c sq. ft. at 3 o'clock in NZewcastle Unit- efforts and hulp with the salejcpt and two jackp~ots at trade for smaîîer size; electrie 1634hceTONL Sstre 4-anfoth nuea l jackpotntrtr,4-hldrive,licash, no eserve, as famm sold.l Bascments and Garages For REnBo ed Church. 4-1 n o$h nnmrbeat 250. Door prizes. Next heater with fan. Tulcphone power-lok front and rear; 1960'R.E. Faulkner, clerk. Sale at 1Removal of ail unwantud items $, ______________of kindness shown duing the Mlonday. 8 p.m.. Red Barn, 623-2466. 421- 13 .m om alne, INOSWA___LREfunse IJeaLfls time of thuir ecent ilînesses. Ohw_______06tADE mm, u 2*Jeep, 4-whei drive; 1958 In- a1:30 pe.. Nrm Fulkn r wNdOW and HiED or cnrLAGE umnised bdooi 1_________GARDEN________eutflowers; ternational A180 dump truck; Rauctionu62339r. ANDERSO-N - At Memorial I would sincurely like to1 Fiorida Tour - Chartered town and hospitai dulîvery. 1957 Chev. 3-ton dump truck;j eiihd6333.4- a Hospital, Bowmanville, on thank ail my friunds and aim-conditioned bus, personally Cali Passant's, 122 Duku St., 1957 International 3/-oCai3-4rosa E25-ORN AP TM in Nwtath, 2, Tuesday, October lSth, 1963, neighbors in Burketon for the escorted _______ r N hne63327 12 n hsss 95 nenainlSHORTHO NS L lre4 2 Edith M. Hoar, agcd 85 years, useful gifts presented to me ngtdiig xeln e BUYING or scîîing fumnitureL90-tnwihdm boy "'QR4R 342*Hg wifu of the late T. A. Ander- bufore moving to my new commodation. January il - or applances, caîl Elmer, complete with snow plow and Sponsored by Durham Ceunty UPHO.iJLTERING-KP-àT-ET son moherof arr, Tmono, om atNesietn. hans Fb.Ph orefurther infra- Hampton: business 263-2294 - wig; 1952Fendu15 t.,oto mnCub ebeh a e olars!chavr e-ur helst- dlsuomond lor frya andder isurofOla ohfeComc Olga reidncu6-f abn aie; 95iFrd.-tn eseried ndchir r-26o3--dolas9o5.. AbtanesLa Louis Grosskurth), Guelph. Edna McLaughiin. Sevie 623-3265 or wr.e Bx ___ __ 26-695._ pickup. Cowan Equipment Trewha~.ven FarmSered. Free estimates, samples non-smokems, MiddeRa.0 _____631, Bowmanvillu. 42-1 TOY Fox Terrier puppies, ex- Co., 134 King St. E., Bowman- 423-115 Restng t te Mrri Funral- ---- -- __cllunt qult;aiso lady's grey ville. Phone_623-5689. 42-1 mile South of taken te the home. 26-205 Chapel, Bowmanville. Service I wish to thank my friends Resurve October 25, 1963 for Borg coat, size 18, neyer ______Trni_______urised in the 'Chapel on Thursday at and neîghbors for their cards, the Dariington Football League worn. Phone 728-8038. 421* BLACKSTOCK WHYTE BROS. UPHOLSTERY moims (nuw fumnitr) N a 2 Interment Bethesdagifts and kindnesses during Annual Dance and Trophy ____-Livestock For Sale11KigW Phn62552bad.Oel Cemctry. 42-11my stay in Memoriai Hospital, Presentation, to be held at ALUMINUM Doors and Wn- YEAR-OLDTRAPP 37-tf funished room o mud I FERGUSON-Aens._Phone__263-2675__42-1 1:30 p.m. floor, heated, cenrlcn FEGSO tthe Lodge iword of thnnks to Dr. AustinM.Pu Konkle and his orch-1 ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- hens. Phone 263-2675. 42- NuringHom, Nwcntle onandDr.Runle nd he nurses stra etemhorough, will bu vill1e. Phone 623-5408. 34f FRESH cows and pigs, straw. 7 BULLS eligible for Bonu A NE YAV aning ot nwbrakas sitn Tucsday, October 15, 1963,'and staff for thuir wonderfullin attendance for round ad BAT ahes , Astin__Wood, 623-2212.__42-1*sikhonncldwtreu-2 a$9..FullnOf30 PIGS, seven weeksod and Open Heifers I SALES & SERVICE pots, pans, bed cetriipi dear brother of Ethel (Mms. Sinceruiy, thank you, - buorbtined fromn team epre- ýBeatty appliances. P a d d y'S986-4769. Oscar MeQuade. nwwrrb.P William Wilton), R.R. 4, Bow- George W. Polley. 42 l* sentatives. 4-Market, Ham~pton 263-2241. 42-1URFnrwcatadoobeshone 623-7201.R rnanville, and Lawrence, New -f-ros bget bmain 11-52 ________ 4-1Soratal ogues, riteR i ure e- Liskicand. Rcsting at the Mon- We wish te thank our Hee-h gea ____________ 12 YEýARLIfqG Hoî1stein ef ertrJH IKAD01B re evc e ris Funcral Chapel, Bowman- neighbours and relatives for opportunity of the year. Dur- CARPETS and D AP S ers, vaccinated.i Teluphone Geo. Carson, Pres., Orone, Ont. SEPTIC TANKS AND VVanted to en ville. Service in the chapel on cards, gifts and fiowers ne- ing the famous Rexali Fali (Samples taken te the home). 263-2655. 42-1 John apErScNwcslTL ES W r3bdo ,Onu Cent Sale you get two Free estimates. F. A. Kramp 20-H- C H42od-nd R1krd*ScPewaHON I E EDpt ornbdoomhoeinO Thrdya :3 ..Itr-cie uin .DnetoAis egu a size items for the Ltd., 37 King St. E., Bowînan- 00_____Hreoradnt ment Cambomne Cemeery. stay in the hospital. Asa ric foepu noevle. 63-071 2-fDurham stock calves; saleHAPO 26-88shw ra 42-1 special thank you te Dm. A. p-cfou lsol ouvle 6377.2- Wednusday, October 23rd. The undersigned nuctionenr TYRONE 263-2650 623-5390.422 Syvsen rsead staff of cnt fHnre. o Ten isto-0 FË;-f Syvsenre iche uredsTof Barg asto100FE fassembýled pickut George A. McGowan, 77822l3,wiii seli by public auction for budmoom L aÉL cpnmn] o he GARROD-At Memenial Hos- Memorial Hospital, Bewman- Thumsday, Oct. l7th thru' Sa t- fence, trvre_______ ____k.W elvr 4-1HrodOmitn 14ml es bdom prm pital, Bowmanvilie, on Satu- ville, and the visits from R ev. unday, Oct. 26th at Jury & two basument windows, each o nilLt2,Cn ,H sYu oS ona ne day, October 12th, 1963, Frank John Verbmugge. 21" x 35", with storms. Tele-ofEiedLt29Cn.8Ha Y ur ose omatnc.RfeceJa S.Garrod, Newcastle, in his The Denhertog Family. Loveli, 2 King St. E., Bow- poe6330.4- ReDairs Darlington Township, Satur- upidCal6 72nd year, brother of the late 42_, manville. ______ 42-1 poe 6330.- _______________19,______1:30_________________Spots?_ Servicewas --- INSULATiON, biowîng meth- GUARANTEED television and Ponies-Bay mare, 8 yeams, John Garod. SriewsThe ldisof Kendal United o ihrc ol ok ai evctealmks rd a ly 8mnh;Help W ane held in the Morris Funumal We wish te take this oppor- Chunch will serve a turkey owt okwo.Wr-rdosrie oalmks rd a il,1 ots s sA otd Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tues- tunity te thank Shaw's Home dinner, Wednesday, October manship guaranteed. Free esti- Televisien Service Co. Phone black pony mare, 8 years, bmed As Us bot WMNedoFîcenng day, October iSth at 2 P.m. and School Club for sending 23rd, commencing at 5 p.m. tantes. Hamry L. Wnde. Tule- 623-3883. 52-tf and colt; black filly, 18 months; A dtoa Phone 623-5731. 4- 27; poe lrk 42. 39-tf RADIO andowTemeves2en Repairs. bred. Interment St. George's Ceme Keith, Clive and Elizabeth The following Sunday, Oct. phoneADOCaarke 2420. daepark rwsae,2yas FEMALE help euie.othD tr.42-1 Lamb gifts of flowers and Kendal United Church Anni- ALUMINUM do o rs a n dPrompt service. Pick-up and HetnaNrsneHm. hn _____ __ fr it duing their stay in hos- versary Thank-offering Serv- windows. Cal us today for deivv . G or e', 4 enre16 ft cm in e, a y foC m and tr c ea t qHNewca s i ng 841 .4- it 1, Morganton, N.C., on and old friends and neighbours Rev. B. Long, Orono, with d. Cowan Equipment, King oeCaeblrwtmtrHg nEeci Ldtl Wicdncisday, Octoben 9th, 1963, fer the lovely gifts we receiv- Kendal Choir; 7:30 p.m., Rev. St. E., Bowmanvilie. Phoneearn M.-H. 101 Junior tracton, 7-disci ' wantcd. Apply Mm1 apel Ethel Mabel Foster, aged 86 d from them on the eve of J. Porter, Oshawa, with New- 623-5689~. 4-f ach earn CsetlrJhDeesiI1 Tmp ac S.eoh HeC yeans, f fte aeD.our meatr o rts ovleCor 12 - ake, scuffler, Cockshutt trac- FULL and panttmehl wif ofthelat D. dparure fo Bntis tovilu hoi. 4-2CARROTS, $1 bushel; Spanish Certified Watchmaker of tom cultivator, Cockshutt piow, Mai-,-hll A. James and dean Columbia. onins, $2.50, bushels ony;l Canadian Jeweller's Assn. Cockshutt3 5 aleandem dal 13ry) uco, rzoa ad421 20RGUA GMS okigonos,$.5 use.tien harows, Case 5 ft. mowcr, 42-1 Apply in purson.421n JmsL-W. Eymann, 1, mile east o f M r TiIwllr Leister 93/4 ginder, fanning Constance (Mrs. JmsL-____ 2 SPECIAL GAMES Nichols Garage, Courtice, go Mlsufe,3du olr o steTM ARE a ford), Hiilntington, Long Island. The family of the latPi 4 - S25 JACKPOTS __________ore. 42139Kn, er-on Sric uerwasl CplB tewman- pRlandthiacert ihante intenumbers NEC-POciuiivu Wdather16-tf beits, tumnip drill, honse-make, te have your car Advertiser 423, coCnda i lpe,3mai esNW2 wagons, 1 on rubber, i on1mnieOt ris cen bindrgdisiplowhT E R Z E DStatesman, P.O. Bx 9IBw ville on Monday, October lhnl their relatives, friends and CONSOLATION PRIZES Cu eflndisltdda- tecr ideds lwl T R ZEDmnilOt at 10 arn. Interment Bo-nighbors fer the floral trib- dry. Patterns and plain. Cus Ref ie in sleîghs, 2,000 lb._______________lad-_ manile emtcy. 2-uts ars ad in eprs-tom-made or by the yard, in and ders, 11,3 h.p gas engine buck nire Cekdad Iyoaeaml -ions of sympathy extended te 8 P.M. your home or in the ster. eric ake, 2 electnic e n Brus UPteitanar make good withnRwliha VANDEREERAt~. Godbman Fabrcs, Kng S.iance Serarc saw with frame and 3' Rad and Heater Hoses Checkedbusiness in Bewmaviend$ VNEME-tMemorial them during their recent bc- Got Commercial and DomesStc slawsic n aku mr Dra e ehl o e I l o s p i t a l , B ei l e o r a v m e t.vm a n v it a n s o S .e ,S P HSo ns t m e a v e m e n t .- t l o m e r i a ape c i a ii s w s bth a n k st k e , e m eyou raST . W FriayTYPWRIERS nders cah-Refrigeration stene on stand, tengues, brood- Dr. Ail LniinChce edt tat r H o t h a n u se.o 4m 2 i - 1 f1 a d a m i y1- I2 6 3 - 2 6 5 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cut Flosvers . Hsiti Phone WAKE-I lvig e" elur K. VET. Representatives'i DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO DasokSrieitriw Orders fe . .. We wish te express our10f a dear husband Sid Waiker 42 Service Newcastle ~~~sincere thanks and appreciatien whe passed wyOtbr1,4-2-1- an Ne ca t e o. . L.o t e al friends, neigh hrs,' aw yo ttob re1 , __ ___4 1 v % r ie rs Bo ft F t F a n W OM A N w h e aa t r leo v e j j , . ot c OO - *CaI Chlct ,,~ oexpesiondst. ofsmh Wa.dRetigarinGds euiflar Time Building ONTARO Supply Contract No. SA-63-3334 Farm Stock - $3 - $10, accord- each month on agopo 623-711 (Aftmnee6Bm3n2h8for helgreden f.rsoî ad ieelFul as fr eaaonCdpleS4huorl dyclng W edfoesb refierai tibutes extended te us pain, inAjax Sprt eidTndr akdSpl Cnrc A334 ng te size and condition. SuitGr osetecinsO Wes nfiwhers by wiie during oui recent bereave- ISafe iîn God's wonderful keep- A lI iae ilswl epa reeled ben e DitritEd'upyngier at meflt cf u ore ove men e t ie !a roelin te ak lih d- an w e e m ent; a s e te St. George's, l M t rixnadgr u d o ingwil b rceied by heDisrit ngiee, Dpatmet f satec isfaon . Cttie o smcwilitic , Dp. W1, 4 hooahv Altar for Salewdle ad nilweCheapet gan Highways, 138 Hope Street North, Box 129, Port Hope, pick-up which guarantees livenies, etc., writ tdoGr 'Poorah' to Rev. K. J. Frampton fer his -Always loved and remum- HeorySale Corruate naie ni 1:0scocatn EST hoeLnisacend s aFeur Ave, Mnra 2 kindncss and consoîing words: bered by wife Edith. 42-1* HavMGei Sidgae Onaiotl1:0'lokNn ESTPheLngDsncadakLFeuAv. .PHO TO G RAPHY te N ethutt & Smith Funeral Mi tlSdn or eterbr6 74430 (o llc >h R ute. 41-3 C Hoe orth etr kndan i RIMAR 8x8MtlCa or Friday, November lst, 1963orPtbr 7240(ole)hu. ehneo drs fficient management of serv- w ~ith track ______________ 161 King St. E.. ice. A speciai thanks te Drs. 'lMM RIALS 3 x 8 B.C. Fl Liinbcr Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender Forma anti Departmeflt of Agriculture 'esnl Bwavle HbadadGlan lthDgiiuadDsicie 10 x 14 B.C. Fir Timbers Enielopes may be obtained by caliing at or by mail address- Licence 226-C-63 41tPYENIc upis RbS Bewmanvlt Pasi rtsHubrses and Gui and aryi h!D iglid at DsicieWindows, etc. ed to the District Engineer at the abeve mentioned address. _______________________ .,Votrals assortsnures ho ere e vry indMonuments - Fiat MarkersAPL -Wedilngs Anniversaries and considerate of oun lovdý in designs for any need. A P Ygos nie a Speciaityon e du in , bis 'stav in hospitai. 152 Sim oe St. S.. Osh awi a p e 5c 4 s i e ASTOR STUIO Athnk vyu aiso te those who 73-00S C% ha Lmbrioesxges) maledstpi npli setflowesadcrste s-* 28-6627 BuildnginjaxPINO _Tun ___n_.____ seni$100. eil dorewt nc it Phono 4S3-250andtal. Evsiogul -iîdin" i .t- axDEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYSPIN TunIngAthrio.MalOdrDtT28 Phoe Z325Mrst. L ukeladFml. office Ee g rPhone AJAX 942-0680 ONTARIO Collson. Phone 623-3900.,,tNov.Rubber C1 ox 0. 202Ms ýBcnl n aiyý26-tf 1 or42-4« 42-2 3-tsamfltOfle ont. '6 the for sale, 701 x 250'. Tele- ý623-2233. 42-1 REALTOR Phone 623-5300 ,vmanville - 2 Bedroom alow, full basement, ail eniences, garage. Asking S$8,300 with $750 down. Bedroom fnmily home with ge, close te schools. New fumnace. Asking price )0 with $1,000 down. apic Grove - 3 Bedroom :alow, with breezeway and ge combined with womk- ýLot can bu extended for A. Pmiced at $ 12,900 with )0 dewn. Bedroomn bungalow with hdgarage, full basement, 2 acre lot. Homne must seen to bu appneciated. cd at $11.000. )urticu - 3 Bedroom bun- v on weli landscaped lot, eout basement. Asking e$10,900 with $2,000 down. SAcre building lot on tin Rond. Asking price 0. 42-1 ]Frank Real Esiate LTD. Church St., Bowmanville 623-3393 )0 Acre Stock Fnrm, 450 es workablu, 4 houses, 3 ýbarns. Automntic feed- system. Peterborough Asking oniy $65,000.00. Ms. 55 Acre Stock Farm near ne, 5 bedroom home with ce. bath. Barn 36' x 80', ,drive shed. Pond. $24,000. 25 Acres with barn and îmr near Enniskiilen. Ex- .et soul. $16,000.00 - $5,000 vn. 5 Acres with strenin near .ne. Only $7,500 - $1,500 vn. 5Acres with fast trout ýar. Only 3 miles frein wmanville. Asking $5,000. - 00O.00 down. 6 Acres choice level mark- gamden land. 1 mile Bow- ivilie. Only $6,000.00 - 00.00 down. 1,Acre building lots on ,hwny 115. $500.00 full ce. 3rick bungalow on Park. y Crescent, Bewmanville.ft rge living and dining-room,~ ner transferred. $13,900.00 ý3,500.00 down. Drono - 3 Bedroomn home. -e garage, $10,500.00 ,500.00 down. liddie Rond, Bowmanville, bedreom home, large lot. Ly $8,000.00 - $1,000 down. 2Bedroemn Cottage on Moira ke, Belleville, $3,000.00 full ice. 3Bedroem Cottage on Ries ie, bathroom, $7,700.00 « =ms. Grocery Store with 5-roo* ®rtment in Bowmanvil1 ily store in this part of. vn. Excellent value at only, 0,500.00. Teiras. Cail 623-3393 fter 9 p.m. : Lk Ricard - - 623-3154 ee Barnoski - Clarke 2202 42-1 John F. DeWith REALTOR 160 Acre faim, east New- stle, with house nnd bain. )dern cenveniences. Price nd terms arranged. 13o Acres bush- with large xeam. Pnie $7,000. Terms. 33 Acres, pantiy orchard with ew house and barn. Located iest of Newcastle. Price and ýrms nmanged. 50 Acres with heusu and mrn. Ail modern cenven- nces. Asking $12,000. Tcmms. 65 Acres with house and Lrn. Large river frontage nd pnved rond. Asking 9,500. Tumms. 32 Acres with house and enn. Pnie $6,500 with 10W >wn pnyment. 100 Acres with two strean»S, ouse and barn. Asking $5,50& lrms. 7 Roemned home in Oronb. ,dern conveniencus, e- icnlly heated. Price $9,500. lrms. 7 Roomned brick home in 2ntypool, furnace, bathmoom. rice nnd terms nrranged. 8 Roomed home in Newton- lie. New oul furnacu. Ask- ng $7,500. Terms. 8 Roomned brick home in 3owmanviilc, modern con- ,niences. Only $1,500 down. 3 Bedroomn bunniow in l3ow. Lanville. Ail modern con- rniences. Asking $10,900. Crms. Bungalow on 2 acres. AUl nodern cenveniences. Prie 8,500. Termns arranged. 3 Bedroom, bungalow in Bow. >rn conveniences. Located iorth Courtice. Only $2,000 lown. 5 Roomned, new, ranch style rick bungalow on 21/z acres& Nttached garage. Location West of Bowmanville. Only ý2,500 down. 5 Roomned bungalow lIn Vhitby. Nice dlean homne. Dnly $3,000 down. LORINDALE DRIVE, Osha- wa. Lovciy, new, brick luw. ,alow with carport, piro Excellent condition. After heurs cafl: >)Onald MountJOl 241 bsn ]DavidOU - DethauY SOrS 42.1, ]Read oid Um. Statesman Classified Adverting ~<-.*.* t.... I