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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1963, p. 13

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ÇJçssified Ads ast Notices Um o n ths oîd Samnoyed MAPLE (;ROVE WH ITE ROSE pup, last Frtday. Pure hîe Plae Phone 623-2298. 42-1 OAS - OIL - L[BRICATION iPAiRfi-imens glasses. in the TIRES Viinity of Scugog and Fred- HARD>WARE SUPPLIES erjck Avenue on Saturdav ev- Let Us Serve You g.Kindly return ta The Lo dE ae , eiman ffice. 42-1 f LodE e ýYASE -The persan who .3 ked up the wrong xhite nen damask (chysanthemum>) e e,;ht s audr Notice to Creditors '. lease 'Phone 623-3223. Re- ward. 42-1 AND OTHERS WALLET containirig moncy IN Tu-E ESTATE 0F MAR-1 and personal cards. vicinity GARET JANE McCARTNEY. Newcastle to Bowrnanville. Ail persons having dlaimis Contact Ray Gibbs' Garige, against the Estate of Margaret1 Norman "Chick" Richards. Re- Jane McCartney, late of the ward. 4-2-1 Cit\,0f Toronto, formerly of Z__ýýý ý- - - -the Town of Bownianville who LICENSED dicd on the 2nd day of Decemn- 'iNursing Home- ber. 1962. are required to file thceir dlaimis with the under- SOUTH Haven Nursing [Iomie signed before 0<tober 31st,c j Accommodation for private 1963. afler which date the) a nd semi-private patients, assets of the Estate will be lounge TV. Fullv liccnised. distributed having regard onlv new building, modern. Visitors ta the claimisso afiled. l)ated welcome. Reasonable rates. ti.is 7th day of October, 1963. F'ree ambulance service. Plione Adamis & Rush. Newcastle 987-4441. 41 -1f Barristers & Solicitors, ýtH1E Lod ge"Nursinz Homne 27ï3 Lake Shore nn Highway 2. Liccnsr'd. Ac- Boulevard West. commodation available. Kind Npv.' Toronto, Ontario, rare. Nurse *24 hrs. Visiiors Toronto 14. 41-2 welcome. Phonfo Mrs;. Wmn.- Westover, Newcastle 2701. Jti0t rrqtrr Janey. Susan and Strphen. Nîr. and Mrs. Robert Collett. Phi'- lio and Paul of Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wood- ward. Douglas and David )f Toronto were weekend gueý*t- of their mother Mis. Norman Kennedy. Mr. KennedY and WaYne. at their farm on 61a Line.' MNr. and Mrs. Nornman Allkr and Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan were in Sinicai on Saturdav attending th' \vedding of Mc Donald Gra,-- son Hay and Miss Danntà Elaine Wkilson. Don i-9 the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ha\x Isiington, and grandson of M:- and Mrs. Lo-an. and Donna i the dauEýhter of Mc. and Mrs. F. G. Wilson af Langton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Muttmi Mrs. Doug. Carter. Bowmai- ville. Mrs. Frank Parise. Wil- lowdale. Mc and Mrs. Luther Barrabaîl, Mrs. H. Burgesý, Mrs. Jim Middleton, Mrs. AIl Saunde-s, Mrs. Wm. Se ' moui of Orono attended the bicîh- day pactv given in honor oi Mcs. Viola Smith, on hec 901h birtbday - Mcs. John Turner af Bow- manville and Mrs. Fred Ne.;- bitt ar Newtonville spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bah Morton and famil v. Over 3.5 guests attendcd a showec given Miss Doreeu Cooping, Reg,.N., bcide-elect., in Kirb "vSUnday School oan Sa turda v. Mr. and Mrs. Jimi Middle- ton. Mrs. Bruce Tennant and SUnSETH odne.n106cnehurS-., A ND OT HERS cd Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hadder, Ing ome n 10 Chu-ch t.,Brian, Michelle and Michael, 13owmanvil1e, has accommoda- IN THIE ESTATE 0F ALEX- Scarborough. tion available for ladies or ANDER AGNEW, RETIRED, -- gentleman. Trained nurse in DECEASED. ) attendance. Reasonable raies. Alprashvn am Caîl Mrs. Margaret Adams at l esn avn -am, HAMPTON 623-5813. 4(1-4 agaînsi the Estate of Alexand- et- Agniew, late of the Tow'%n- Notce o Cediorsshi ofCartwright, in e Mn~r. and Mrs. W. Higgons Ah ilpersons -having dlaims - cs-,wo do raot lowdale, weî-e recent guests at against thr. estate of .Nina the' 13th day of July. 1963. are Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. Sande: Neads of the Town of po%\,-- rh notified to send in ta son*s, Columblis. manville, Spinster, dcecesrd, fihe 1undCrsigned Personal Re- Mr. and Mrs. RaY Petit atid WhQ died on or about the -)tll presco-tative of the said de- Mrs. R. Shaekleton, Gordon Autuùst. 1963, are cequired ta ceasci n or before tile 31 st and BillY were visitors at Mr. file proaf of samie with the day of October, 196:3. full par- and Mrs. L. Cryderman's. undersigned solicitor for the ticulars of their dlaims: im- Mr. and Mrs. Doug CaverlExecutor of the estate of the mediatclY after the said date and familv, Bow ma n vill I raid deceascd on or before the Ille Pccsonal Representative were Monda 'v supper gucats at 6th Novenber, 1.963. Pallr ill distribute the assets of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly*s. Which the said Executovil1 thr said deceased having re- Mr. and Ms. R. Ballard distribute the estate having gard only Io daims of which attended the Whath ---Apple- regard only ta the dim-s <of h shaîl then have notice. ton wedding last Sa ut-day. Wh ich hie shall then have DATED at Oshawa. this 27th Mr. and' Mrs. Ralp 'Iallard notice. day of September, A.D. 196,1. and family were Sur cy sup- DATED Pt Newcastle this 151h ll Aloxandr'r Agnew Jutnior. per guests at Mr. and Mi,. day of October, 1963. Executor, Harrv Appleton's. Whitb. E. R. Lovekin, Box 9, Bv his Solicîtor. The' Thanksgiving Sunday, Newcastle, Ontario. Bruce- V. MackeY. BA . service was at regttlar fini( Snlicitor for Boy Nvads, Barsc- and Solicitor, with Revecend Percy Pa -,e Exzctor of the Estate. Kig Street East. readin- scripture lcsson, Ge.i- 42-3 O hau&aOntario. 40-3 esis ù3. verses 1-1l. Thep children's talk was "Wet LU Sails," with the sermon en-~ une uono iews titled "I Have Enough". The O ono ews j TheHampton Friends Mesý- Mrs..JanesE. ichrds Edtorsengers have donated some 1ý1s.Jaes . icard, diorlarge hymnaries for tWe Mr. and Mrs. MI . \tacGiegor Vistors with Mrs. Lera'. chut-ch which were dcdicatcd ,f Caesarea, Mr. and Mrý - Hamilton were Judge F. A. F Pt SundaY's service. T hi e, tmond Lunn and Sandra of Hamilton and Mrs. Hamilton [Friends Messengers meet ev- t.4shawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ge-riulci of Winnipeg, Mrs. 1-amilton et-y Wednesday at 2:45 p.m. in Lunn of Whitbv spent Thanks- stav.iin over for a few davsýteCrsinEuainCn giving Day with Mr. and Ms.and 1Jud-e Hamilton flew .ta trc. Archie Lutin. New York attending a Ses- . Hampton choir practice ta- Miss Marjoîie Iloidge af :ion ai liie United Nation '-' night, Oct. 177, at 8 p.m. Toronto spent the long an..-sd froni therc flew ta Wash-1 The Hampton Church Ilar- Pnd wih Mrs.Chai'est Home Ser-vice will be on endwit Ms. ha-les Wood. inglan ta attend, as a gueit, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne liooo'y at a Citattan Dinneî- for Dr' November 3rd at 2:30 p.mi., of Toronto spent the holida\- Helen Kim. This dinner was with- Rev. J. Newton Recd. weekend with her parents, Mc. held in ri giina eîoi'Mi. and Mrs. C. Smillh. end Mrs, 1Horace Best. standling missionaî-v work. SFrtnford, nd Miss av e .Mr. Wm. Davey and his dani- Mc. and _Mrs. David Phaseymt. Bîlngo. werr ýqter Mrs. Dane FoLInd : - Wa yne, Kath\- and Brenda Lee akgiiggessa h ded the 401h Wcdding An- of Tyt-one visited at Mrs.,home of Mrs. A. E. Billett. ~ersary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood's Fia vn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billeti c Laurie of Detroit ai theî- ing. Fia vn and son James were recent mer brne ear anetillecallers at Mrs. A. E. Billettîs. ~~mer omenea Jaetvlk Miss M.\argar-et Wilson. Miszi Mr. and Mis. A. Carrick M~ Sundav. Sandra Ferrin and Miss Nancv accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Mc. and Mrs. Walkec Stewv- Iollowell attended a birthdaýYiCheethani, Oshawa, on a mcm- art and Mc. Arthur Davies of partv for Miss Jane Wither t oc trip recently. Toronto called on Mr. a ici 000 of Bowmanville on) Mr. and Mrs. BruLce Keefe Mrs. W. Narman Parier. Monida\ . ad fml.Trno pn Mm-r Haroil A\de and son Thanksgiving weekend with RESULTS C U T Donald Awý\dr. Mrs. Gai-dan Mr-. and Mrs. A. Carcick. ~ Brcvof Toronto, Mc. Demi Mr. and Mcs. Raymond Far- JIodgson of Ajax. Mî-s. Ra- row and familv visited M-.. l UImoud Clapp and Mrs. Harold and Mrs. C. Aliin, Woodville. M lSkinner of T vrone visited last Sundayv. Mm-s. D. G. Hoopci-. Mrs. Raymond Farrowý. anrd Nlis Mary Bo\ven fcom the family visited Mrs. B. DeHart MU'LTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Prov. of Qtebec spent the and Mrs. Sonley, Brooklin, Consuit a Mmerohte lolmdlau weekend with lhetr ast Monda.v. Oshawa & Disrict Mr. andMrs. Jirn Lm nifMr r .S Kare, ofOttawa spent the were Mr. and Mt-s. Ken Pool- Real Estate Board log veekend with Mrs. er and family, Oshawa. Mr. _____________________Wilson.an r.LnPyeadso, M.adMrs. Jack Couipar Bowmanville, and Mr. and ofScarborough visited Mrs. Mrs. Jack Lyans and family. rlrBowen. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Killers L. J Skafe c A. .Mr.and Mrs. Grant Moffa'. and famil.v visited Mrs. E. Fran. Bobieand Donald of Kilens, Whitbv, rerentlv. weeen %vthhis parents, Mc. weekend guest al. Mr. and .isEleanor Mitchell, M;s Mr. and Mrs. C. Slemon \wcekend geî of Mr. and Cooper of Toronto. Phone M~rs. W. Normian Porter. Mc. and Mrs. C. Smale, Toc- r.and Mrs. Everett Ci-- ato. were î-ccent gutesîs of 0rono 138 dei-mai of Enniskillen. M. Mc. and Mrs. Wilf. Smnale. and Mis'. laci-x Cryderman o We are glad ta hear thal Whitby 668-8197 Box'.manvil visited Mi-s. Frrd Mcr. W. Smal1e is homne ai-d Ta oh1 x\!,. reCUperating verY well front \fi-. id Mr :. GUine'.-, o:!e*It - h i s ecent accident. 1IT'S. "SUNSET TERRA CE"r SUB-DIVISION LIBERTY ST., NORTH For the Ultimate in Modern Living!1 Paved Streets and Ail Services in! No Pioneering 1 H031ES BY.. Loupan Developments Ltd. "YourGriaranîe of Quality Construction" NOW SAVE $80000D Govermi men t Vii ter Works Progra ni $500.10 Sales Tax (o be Incrcased April 1, 1964 - - $300.40 For Plans and Information W. FRANK REAL ESTATE Ltd. 177 CHURCH ST. 130WYANVILLE PHONE 6233.3i93 Magistrate's Court HeId in Bowmanville bxer. Andrue, 'lad a low The Canadian Statesman, Rowmanv-ii1e, Oct. In. 1963 1 triple score of 444. 13____________ Alon B age ei r Do agllev Ch NtEr IDý; borne Insurance team, s*,ill are clicking along at a hot Darlington Council Pace with 1l1 wins and only 1 defeat. Dvk]stra's Food team hoid down 'second place. hav- At the recent meetings of itnsprc-t an F. iv. truck. DarlnLyin Tnn-,;in oiin-ilýodelSV.tALC. 4IrJ>Ctv o th hedOtoe Sh.16 a or ohsnamitdtanayn i oianil.ing \won i8games. uriiw onnptoici voe v n rprvo n heldOctber 5th 196 Incour JonsonadmttedIlin anonein Bwniliv l a . Inthe avecag-es. AI Osborne held in the Township Hall. F.W.D. Corporation.kïtcher'-, ri Wayne Williams, 117 Dur- that there had been fights aI 1-e %v.as charged with public has taken avec top position, Hampton. Councillor Mary er. with a view ta approval - barr Street, W., Lindsay, had the dance hall on previaus intoxication October 5th. Thehtin26fo 2gmsHa-Buiwaapotdthm-aihe uraeofhetu' two charges read against bum occasions and that the axe finle was $.50 and cashs or a enttwt'is81ti nicipalityva delegate io the by the Township of Darling- e-careless drîving and fail- handies were broughita othe days in jail.pIc isnnettw runnerup.1stnd- Cneto ite Otratn -ing ta remain at the scenle ai dance for the purpose ai af- Chief B. R. Kitnev stated ing at 244. Dr. Howard Run- Association af Urban and Itasecdrona otn an accident on August l7th. fense or dees.ta Ieplc ee called at de laersnete irst Rural Muinicipalities ta Ne bv- Counicillor Down, secondedd M. Cunning.ham, Lindsay, The liquor was confiscated. 4:10 p.m. because accuseci week, dropped ta 243 anld leld al Niagara Falls on Oc- by Cotîncillor Budai, thal the represented accused. The mat- Charles Edward Rbude' was drunk and beating ]lis third position. lobeî- l7th and 1Bth. Deputyv-,letter froni Parkhill an-d ter xvas adjourned uintil Dec- Waverly Road Bowrnianville wife. But no ane would lay The bowlecs \wcre sporling Reeve H. C. Muir, seconded bx- Yarch Solicitors, Oshawa. re- eniber l2th at the request of pleaded not guilty la drunk a charge. thieir new bowl.-ing shirts,,Counrcillor Carl Down.i movedadngtera lo nc the Crown. dlriving October 6th. H-e plead- -If \a n corne back ier-e." cactctesv ai sanie of the local that Counllýlor Budai s ex- gardinlte14oad 1alon- Terence Johnsont, 20, 27 ed guilty ta iliegal possession wvarimed Ma.-istrate R. B. Bax- businessn. penlses foc the convention bc cen 5lots 14 ai-id o Ille Kippendavie Avenue. Toc- on the sanie date. tel-, "van wil1 go ta the Re- Team Standings pamd, ai-d this xvas carried. Road Committee and the Road onto. pieaded guilt% ta a E. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, clamation Centre at Mimicu Nels Osborne las. il 1 il Four asphal paving tenders Superintendent, R. M. Short, -charge of unlawiul possession îepresented accused ai-d the ta be drmoI .DktaFod 8 4 8wr ree-ed outpee.-o arpat - o a ofeniveweponAu- nvestigating officer was Con- Michael Shabatuî-a, R.R. Ken's Men's Wear 7 q -, The Depnitv-Reeve, secorided ______________ -ust. and abtaining lîquor while;stable L. Phillips. No. 5. Bownmanville, a GMC Libertv Bowl 5 7 7 bx' Couneillor Richard Gibbsj,, under age 21. The liquai- RhLIde was corîvicted anci emplox-ee silice 1950,. had sev- Pepsi Cola 7 5 - noved that the tender ni the' rcharge bor 7t a finle ai $50 wiIl spend 7i days in jin as a eral charges read against him. Jury & Lovelî - 5 K. J~. Beamisb Construction.D y st a' f As the resuIt ofthe allen- rsl itedukdiîgT i iteiN lae ader 1Hdwre- 5 5 Companv at $15,365 be accept- siewepn hrg ahsncharge. Illegal passes s 1i0oIl guilîy. Bath af the tiquor char- Fcank's Varietv a 9a5cd subjeet ta the approx-al aoVafu t i sveas o p cd ai- rgspedosen- brought a fine of $10 and $9 ges xvere second offenses since S. Grant Hleating 4 9 4 the Ontario Department ai tenpce o o ysear sethn-ecasts or an additional 5 day-s. accused had been convicted: Beaver Luniber 4 8 4 1lighwavs. This motion %Vas Vre tipulaotio ha Ne sty tae "About 2:30 a.m. 1 found previously ai- September 3rd. l-looper's Jewl*ry. 4 8 4 cacried. FREEy stiulaiontha hesta ayaccused sitting behind the FE tram the Caesarea area. The Chief stated that On Olympia Rest. 3 9 3 Other tendeis vwcie as fol- DELIVERny o d *Constable L. R. James OPP whe2 ai bis car." testified Septfember 291h, thev ce- Features lows: Ilacoden and King $18.- tetiie ha N adCostbl'Constable Phillips. "The head-ceivedi a catI ironi the Cor- 1-igli Single - IPis week, 375, Disher-Farrand $16.380. PHONE 623-3541 H. R. igNîs were on. the m o tio Cafe that Shabatura Day-e McKnight 315: Ibis scb. at-d W. B. Benniett $16.975. a tengedaceatth Cesiunnîngan th radio blar- was intaxicaled and making Dr. H. B. Rundle 31 arteag dance all he obs ing. The vehlicle was parked SL EN stadac andingeybse-301ta 50 leed south of King a nuisance af imnscîf. This Iligh Triple - Ihis week. CoNy il Down. seconded SL E e S reeti h G akn o braught a charge ai public Harold Bennett 801; thi\sh. CounIcillor Budai, mioved t Iicrd ohoson froni a ginger Steein the IAprin mo ntox'cation amd anoîher Oi Dr. -I. B. Rundle 919.taIthtOtaiaDearmc-i T m aebis le car dcinkerefaingth street. Accused was conscmning liqmot- while anl in- Low Single - Ibis wcek, ai Highwayvs be reqmîested la Ietn binl.Toyuh therar.comleo ely unconieusc art terdicted persan. These wet-e KarI Bickell 114; Ibis sc h. SIL -A check ai the car dis-boteaaiwsanheea adjourned uintil Dcceniber 31s1 Craga 9.5. close([L whiskey. runi. gin and, besidce him. 1 shook hlm vig- ýand Shabatura xvas wacncd LwTi ltis week. P. w o p ne 9 tins $ ,0 wie" cntnud heolicrorously, shone the spotlight bvtheni _Triple______-_____ w"e als fainud touraxer.nd bis face and finally dragged - te agistrate that if there'Andrms 444: this seb. Stan -We al-ohlm iromobisaxerbiota ,h: was any evidenice ai drinking McMcrter 38.9. firsthim rom is cr in th in 'tJeinantoe Extend bcS A L E - LIBBY*S les lied together. AI rt - ithomentiieNe oultNe- Johnson explained be was a cierD r. Sylvster exacn- sent ta Mirnico foi-90) daysý (-arpenter but Nie cotld nat ,e Nan sî hsc nd lined $00 withoutop and $100)dit) Select Tex- ýams Phone Services Tomato Juice produce a Union card or pay dation.wsde nyt itx-tion. SeecPT sl-ar cHenic anowedgethai "At the police station Con- On charges of letting "do"- crdne l nwegofstable Davis and 1 carried No. 1", and "dog Na. "mun ~IWder local calng became 7 tins$10 the axe handles or the liquar. bui bodily froni the cruiser- aI large aller be ng wMar FdrMVTown League effetve October 6 ta tele- jO ta the celîs. Fifteen minutes, by the Dog Conr tol Officer 1Phone stbscribots in Bow-« hae tee w-sacmmoinb as fined $11) and $10 cashstL~ manvîlle and Newcastle when "For QUALITV Cars dowîîstairs aniong the other or 1 as u ir S h d l long ditnecagsLr AE - IPTON*S and ervce"occpansoa the celîs. We On char-ges ni lailig ta o cl a eJ rb< e -imnated between the two CHICKEN NOODLE SEE Iound Rhude had lit a cigar- hav'e a lic-cre tag attacbnd -I el drav ~ nacentres. EEell.e and dmopped it, setting Ia "dog No. 1" at-d dog 1No. l ttîr hne lak nte aer .M.J nsi'te ot5 lI his pnts aire."2" lie\vas fîned $4 and $6 the Amena Iton 7 - Il p.m. h-ope Telephione Comipany,.S - u M Accused stated Ne had been costs or an additional 10) days. This is a aew gcaup and the wvhich aperates the Newcastle drinking in a bouIse in the - __ pla.vers arnd tean officials bave exchange, and J. W. Lowry, M Q E N Courtice area and bad no re- 1U McoQUEENionsof hr e. h r " w ieen selected and are ready /Bell Telephone manager for, 8 p ks 1-0 d tth GAlt.M nthïo feei a-aee M OTOR SALES rivec ItehAlo.ns M jr padrswl-jase n nes top a nîut ai extensive suisnt SALE LP-N' LIMITED - Octo 22, apeared ihheeBare asked 1ontact heirthe long distance calling pat-:Tmt eeal LIMITE - octber Is chargd withthe Bo ling oaco or manager as quicklyltomns between the two cen- Tmt eeal indictable offense aasibe. Naiesaith Ies Earl MeQuen, Pres. cent assault on a 9-year-old I en i daniposile.Ne steflthter -e stuisid-te h girl. He pîeaded guilîy anîd Hrl ent atrdta swl cslce atr 'lesufe niav teS 219 KING ST. E. was found gîîilty and re- tIhe high tipleprie t Teani No. 1-- Ken VeileN, strang 'inter-est between the maîmded in custady um-iil this wcek - scorin mg ,an of 301, goal. Irwin ColwelI. John 'îwa communities. BOWMANVILLE wek 242, 258 for 801. Bennett is -Hughes, George Bail, Pete l adto taN csteS AîthriedDel fr eens cunclwas j. cnioymng one ai bis best bowl- Werry-. Andy Murphy, Irvin Bowmadonvee wn cae A uth rize D ea er Crarknse C ourg. a te - ing seasons and w e ope e G i, D a e W erry, Paul M e-,-_______________________8____$1 60 RClarkeCoCarsgdani thelie- place toll-free calîs ta Osh-1 vestigating officer Constable cntinu e s a kcep cigbt on Intyre, Grant Down, W *le awa and Hampton. Newcast1l Ramble Cars G. Evans OPP. Evidence was hitting the dead Wood and Hasiuk, Gai-y Bowman, Do Uglcustomers bave toîî-îcee ealu-. SALE - FRESII Phone 623336 given Ny the attendiiig pVîy- .cnds cmp wiîh ail average ai Fice, Eacl Wood Jim Lane.: n ih Nwovil n oemd siciao and the child's niother. 240 or better. Hacold Berinelt Coaci'- K. Beauprie. igwt etnil n o emd *S*This week Dr. Cormack, s an msrurtot- ai bowling Team No. 2- Larry Nemi,Or ona aisinole Dit-ector ai the Day Centre, and knows all the righîs and goal. Charlie Murphy, Dave' The t1acaiaie nole A U SAn G Reent sales of new Ramb- O-tia Hsia, C oug rngs that. nakea bowler Kerr, Bob Sleep, Al Osbori-e, have co-nperated la provide' Ier hvebrugh i tes 'gav alegty ad etild etter than aver-age. Evet-v Bob MeManus, Pete Bothwell, their telephone subscribems outstandrng local trade-Ins: psychiatrie report on the ac- Sahurdav aflernoon Hacold Waynie Devitt, Neil Yeo, James vtIbseendaeae- cused. and bis coninittee are at LiN- Ginn, Gene Balson, Terry' vice. »1963 Chev. Impala Kerr was cemanded anothet ertv BowI giving tips on ýBaker. AI Cale. J. Connors, ___2________________ ,ek in custodly. bwn oteyugcide tv aca.Mngr . Sain W g n Sheridan Gibsan, King St i o Bownianvmlle. lt-i the Gm -'Both\&-eh. Coach, Bcrt Perfect. S A L E 8 cil. automatic, ftully W., Bowmanville, was co- turc if Bowmanville produiCeS TeaniNa. 3-- Herman Prak- p%,reuiped including victed on an improper lefisome top bawlers w-et-at-i ail]ken, goal. TtrIIY Thonipson, E RP BLADE or CHUCK winow. 600 garnted andtun a-iHighwav 5adgv Bennett a tip of the bat Brian Down, James F. Coyle,________________ p.,nom,. ,0r urnte hnRO ASoT3 ad-'v original miles. New car Jined $15 and costs or 5 day-s. f'O a terrific Job and a lot or Larry Rager-s, Doug Nieholas,, condition. J. Regan, Bowmanville, vas \w.ork that Ne is putting inta Jack Whaleni, Brian Bradley,! IS ALVVAYS IN SEASON R0 à defese cunse andCon tab e veiy '.eek oi the bowling Dan Hlughes. Grant Flintoif,ý 1962 Rambler M. Joynt OPP, the investigat- 1scason. Dn err. Scott Essery, Larry. l yJTAieatfo ing oticer. Don Bagiieîl fiiished lu sec-- Pearce. Stan Cobbledirk. Man -iTORONTO (stay 14-21 days) QnIy 69l Custonm 4-Dr. Gardon Lot-ne Williamis, 447 ond positiomn with 769 (290), ýý!1 J. Covle, Coach, Grant 6c1 ChureN Street, Toronto, w-as Ernie Perfect 753 (278), Al MallýY. LONDON $395.70, Wagon cbarged JuIy 23rd wîth per-,Osbacne- 738 (2,57). John Oke T<a o aeM-_ AMSTERDAM $ 440.90 LREVREY0 6 cil., standard transmis- jury with the intent ta mis- 1736 (251 ), Cecil Muttaî 728 Feelers, goal, Ted BrownRM- -$5.0 ,H L WE N sion. Local, one owner l ead the court bere July 16th.1 (280), Rcss Oke î726 (273)i, Murray Brown, Jerr y FaIls,1ROE$5.0 H L W 'N Heelctd tralb mgi-Larry Hately, Jim Archer, Ray!ZUCIAHN D5182.S since new. Immaculate. Jl lce ra ymgs Jack Bond 725 (293), Dax-c Piekle, Gary Down, John______________ 'traIe and was remanded untili McKnight had 71.9 and th-:dns Pu utn ar U Y & LVL 1982 Ramnbler ibis wveek for presentence ce- bhigh single ganie 319, Kr Sainis. Graydon Colville, Pele OPEN THURS. & FRIDAY 4D.port.- Piper 718 (2.5î). McCullough, Terry Walloa. TRAVEL AGENCY NIGHT TILL 9 P.. 4D.This shoxved thal in 1961 lie Karl Biekeil had law sinîgle Manager_ lrwi- McCullough, Bowvmanville 623-3361 6cyl.. standard transmis- was r-leased fconi a thcee- amle 114, while aulr ne\'."Coachi, Doua Walton. ______ sion cutom radi. oheryear term la Kingston Peni _______ oiglon e usomnrai,7,ot tentiary. He had a record-- extras, oeonrca,700dating back la 1952. la Kings- oriinl ils.Ths aristan h a learned the weid- like fnw. ing trade and bad a job ta which he could return. 1961 Pontiac Magistrate R. B. Baxter ce- Parisienne manded hlm out af cusîody ta OI Paisen eappear hece December 31st. C Convertible tRob~etKeene. Toronto, was 9 cyl., automatie, power H-iggs lasI week ai- a c-harge extras. Locallv owned since 1!Harvey. He was remandedsteigadbaeohra lepe ru i nrial __gour new.. Top condition. cuslody. Judgmenl was fur- ther reserved until October 1960 Mercedes 22nd. Benz 4-Dr. appeared f yo sentenc .a , .s .v- -:- 4 evl. diesel engine. dence bad been beard pre- c '.-g.. ..- . One owner since ne viously on lbî-ee charges af 1 . YO UR Kitchen could Ne~ arcodiio. reaking and Pentering, theit > BAIIIR-._mrr'or. AsNe did so the trac- and %% reeommend toc traîler slowed on the Nill UNDRPRA ad i earen cllsin e-IN OUR HOME MODERNIZATION DIVISION Open from 7î a.m. isultel. until 12 midnight Patrick Goodwin. 19. Loy- er's Lane, Bowmanville, a MONTHLY PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED construction worker, W' a s 2-I-HOLR charged with driving without O U EERD PY ETPA 24-HOUR ~a hîcense ai- September 281h. O U EERDPY ETPA TOWING SERVICE lie pleaded guilly and w-as fined $20 and costs or 5 days. Phone 623-3401 The car which w-as in star; l-oL U* o L After Hours 623-2083 age ah "Red" Knapp's was ln t have your Koetchen Modernuzea fr C ristmas ord-ýred driven home and the Memiber of N.A.L. plates cenioved and Iurned ovec ta the police. Leonard MaIIey, fori-erly' aio CONTACT: Newcastle, N.B., a passenger mn the Goodwîn car v.Nen itO H W ODGO U T IVeldon Brown part botle ai iquor iound la Oghawa Office and Showroom L MTE Main Office and Showroom Bu ogthe glov e campartmcnî.- I TE - Bu ogThe fine was $20 and casîs OSHAWA SHPIN ETR UTCII 2811 Jim Crombie or 5 da '%S. SOPIN CNTE0 J elepnones CUTC 241 Jack Miller Pete-r Woalincr, Elgin Sîreet. Phone: 728-1617 Sales Bnwmanville, Neard himscll BOWMANVILLE - 728-16111 To Serve You AJAX - ZEnith 2-9609 oiescrîbed Ny the Chie.f as -î ______________________ -greater nuisance ta the police 1

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