14 The Canadian Statesman, BowtnanvMle, Oct. 18, 19631 WESLEYVI LLE (Iritended for last week) Fall quiltings have begun, The lakeshore road îovely with the first one at Mrs. at any time of the year, is Hector Darke's this past week. especially so at the present, With very few exceptions with ail the trees in giowing those eligible to do so in this flU colours. WiId geese have district, cast their vote lasi been going south in largei Wednesday, thus fulfilling numbers, and the roadsideltheir obligation as a respons- bushes are alive with smnall, ible citizen. mnigrating birds and flocks of- There were only 44 at. Sun- our surnmer residents, gather-1 day School on the last Sun- ing for the great trip to warm-! day in September, in spite of er fields. !the fact it was Rally Sunday. BELL UINE by John W. Lowry your telephone manager LEAVE YOU HOLDING THE BAG? Rang on, there, we wouldn't do a thing like that! No siree, a wall 'phone is a WALL 'PHONE is a WALL PHONE, and there 's no need to drag over a table or whatever to rest the receiver on if you want to teave Your calter for a moment. No need either to try a "test drap" to the floor to see if lt's safe ta just Jet go (puhleeze don't do this) or worry about the receiver dangllng there against the watt. As is seen here, the handset hangs quite snugly on the notch at the top. Incidentatly, wall 'phones are available in white, ivory, grey, beige, yetlow, pink, red, and green. White seems to be the most popular - probably because the wail 'phone is especially ideal for the kitchen <where it's close at hand yet out of the way>, and whbite matches the stove and fridge. o o TWO WRONGS Ever answer the 'phone only to find no one an the other end of the line? Dawnright irritating, isn't it? Usuaily when this happens, the caiiing party has suddenly reaiized that he bas the wrong number, and simply hangs up. Eiementary politeness wouid require that he excuse himself for bothering others needlessly, but he prefers ta bide in tbe shade of anonymity and compound his fault. A simple, "I'm sorry, 've got the wrang number," may nat quite mitke up for the mistake, but it certaiiily indicates a sens.e of social responsibility and, as often as flot, is ail that's needed ta bring a sympatbetic or even humorous reply froin the "wounded" party. 0f course, no one in bis right mind would ever purposely caîl a wrong number, but - despite ah aour emphasis on looking the number up and jotting it down, etc. - mistakes do happen. Wben they do, it's gaod ta remember that two wrongs can neyer make a rigbt. * * *. . AND THEN THERE'S GEORGE For months, the area around the zoo at Chester, England, had been plagued by a rash of wrong nuin- bers, and telephone ernployees thought they wcre slowly losig thefr mlnds. Every time the repair- men went out to try and track down the cuiprits, they came back empty handed. But one day the ight dawned. and a telephone pole at the zoo was ralsed by about four feet: the culprit they were looktng for happened to be George, a giraffe. George, 18 feet tait and att of it apparentty playful, liked to grab the tetephone wires with his tongue and let thom twang back. The wires would get tangled up and cause*telephones to ring ail over the place. They stopped wheu the wires unwound. Complets Home $eryh1 AI NO COSI Now B-A Solar Heat home he receive these additional beri FREE ANNUAL CON FREE MID-WINTER1 FREE EMERGENCY JI B-A also provides a Iow-cost j to cover the cost of replacer E..A. ,VIRTUE PHONE 263-2431 TYBONE Bantam Girl Champs Receive Trophy by 3111 Aines As of Friday. aur Curtis Magaazine Sales reached S1800. That's only $700 frein oui goal. I hope at the tîme of ý OBITUARY- Mrs. George A. Patterson The death of Mrs. George A. Patterson occurred sud- denly at Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville, on Saturday,1 October 5, 1963. She was in her 73rd year. Daughter of the late Tho- mas and Marie Adamns, the former Elizabeth Mr d amns was born in Clarke Township. She attended New- p ark School. On January 7, 1907, she married George A. Patterson who predeceased: her. Mrs. Patterson had resîded in Bowmanville for 20 years, and at the time of her death her residence was on Lamb's' Lane. She had lived in Les- kard befare coming ta Bow- manville. For many years the deceased was a practicalý nurse. She was a member af Bowman v i il e Pentecosial Mhrs.Patro issrid J On Monday of last week, members of the Kiwanis Frances Henning who received the trophy, Karen by a ugter, Mi riAver bantam girls saftb all team were guests of the club Shred and Nancy Edmondstone; middle row, Helena Pearce (Myrile) af New- dinner at the Flying Dutchman when they received Wisniewski, Judy Taylor, Gloria Mutton, Rochelleicastle and four grandchildrn. a trophy for winning the town bantam softball league Hunt and Jeanne Hubbard; back row, Coach Bruce Alsa surviving are two sis- charnpionship. This was a new trophy donated by Colwell, Jackie Knight, Gaîl Sellers, Janice Moses tr dn Mrs. ei(Ea)d Smith Beverages and was presented by John Brown- and Assistant Coach Larry Lee; absent .Gail Adams, 1Winch (Maude) of Moose lee. Team members include, front row, left to right:f Susan Mason, Patsy Bell and Noreen Green1ey. 'Jaw, Sask., and three brath- ____ -I ers, Zack and Ernest of Bowv- butseerl amlis er aayfarts have flot received publicimanville, and Oscar of Rase- for the day or the weekend.mA rrerican M to s Ltd. rcgiin hs oiesnah The Superintendent was in for awvards should be conser- The funeral service was held Ichage ad te spcia lealetvationists whose work is less on Tuesday, October 8, froin cargue adthe secalleflt D ra rny "' known rather than those who the Morris Funeral Chape!, was used throuhaut.g>am ofnc Daln re edthe In- havc previouslv rcceived lia- Bowmanville, and was con- Daln re ed inlrconto rhv ducted by Rev. S. A.Grn vacation and Robyn 'Clark~e, - -vin aaie c poniinncernhaera he Pneosa Ghrcht read the first scripture, and ichevd roinnc i tby o t ev E. E. Wood-ch Ruth Nichols the second. Pattyl__ fields. assîsted yRvE..Wod Payne explained the purpose' Amerîcan Motors (Canada) standing contributions" land of the Newcastle United of the special offering; it was ýLimîted has announced that Award winners are sclected, Nominations for awards Church. Interment was in received by Ray Tufford and nominations are now iieing by a cammittee of prominentishouîd be submittcd before Hampton Cemetery. Phillip Nichols, and Cheryl) accepted for its 1963 series of canservatianists hcadcd by thieDecember lSth by letter ý o: Many lovely floral tribute~s Clarke led in the offertory, osrainAad.wllkon atoiy and American Motors (Canada) were evidence of the estccm- prayer. The stary for the, This Awards program an- writer, Ed Zcrni. Assistng ýLimited Conservation Awards in which the deceased was rnarning was read by Sandra' nually honours the work of hum is a panel of experts in-ýCommittee, Room 700, 555 held. Payn. Thre as n lesoniourMadison Avenue, New York Palibearers were Messrs., Paye. her wa nolesonlfou Caadin pofesioal ludng anaianspeialsts 29 N.Y. Nominations mav be Larry Pearce, Richard Pearce. period as Sunday School waS and non-professional canslŽr- Objective of the Awards su'pplemented bv e n d o r s e- Bruce Adams, Albert Adams, shorter because of church serv-ý vationists. ýcmitei oslc i-mnso terspotn hri d sad Jh ice at i\orrish. Sunday Sehool, Two awards, each consiSt- cmîtei aslc i-mnso te uprigCale Aas ad Jh will begin at 10 a.m. next Sun- ing of $500 and an engraved22-.qwhose conservation rf- evidence of achievement. Fowler. day also, as World Communion1 bronze plaque, are made tai for the charge will be held prafessional canservatianistsi hiere. employed by non-profit or-ý Mr. and Mrs. John Groene-Iganizations. Bronze plaquesý veld and family visited in and citations are made ta twol Hamilton during the weekend; nan-professionals whose can-' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell were' servation efforts are a valun-, Clarence Nichais and boys i zenship. were in Toronto an Sunday.1 In annouIncing the '67) were on an cxtended holidayl Motors' president, Earl K. com pletely re-dlesi trip last week and returned Brownridge saîd that partiei- home during the weekend. 'pation of concerned individ-ý David Ashby and C. Beigh- uals is essential ta the con- tl thloeup i e d C terson. resources. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- "~The total conservation need rowciough visited with Mrs.:is toa large and toa diverse, Fred Smith and son Sam inýirgvrmn lnad Bowanvlleon undy ater'ýthere is a great opportunity Jui look eat the '64 Ramiblei American! feature of the 1964 Rambici American. makes the i Si Coongrtlainst1Sao for individual citizen accom- lis the best thing t1hat's happened ta No'.v theie's plenty of rooni for six full- best-Iooking ci Thorndyke on her record-'plishinent in the husbandry of'I compact cars since vve started the trend grovn mnr improved suspension for And Linder tl breaking achievement at Portý our resources," he said. "It isi 3yasao Hop Hgh chol ied Dy ur hope that the American1 3\easao greater riding comfort, minimum exte- 6-cylincler ergi Surely all the rabid animalsiMators Awards in Canada wjlîl -Ail new froinod'w to roofline, tue rior dimensions for handling and park- industi y. I's fa in the district will sean bel iîelp stimulate public interestl 64 American fcat'îies Rcirilers ex,,clui- ing ease. Viins econorr accounted for. David Ashbyiin good conservation practicr's, sive Uniside COislSiton1. The enliie To top tl off. the 1964 Arnerican has po\v,.er enougli shat two skunks in Part'by recagnizing and honourin-" Brtan uin te at eethose who have_ made ouI ,sides cf the car have been stamped out been re-designed fioni Ils eXtruided alu- fun. (For extra briahof thing hde atingout 1 cf single slîeets of steel. It means great- ni mmi grill ta its 22 CLibic feet of trunk optional 125 h[ in a very unusual manner.1KDRNer strengtli. longer lîfe, doors tliat fit space. Lovwer overaîl heîght. curved lis available oi Peiiaytests on the fox, R perfecîly. glass '.undowýs.new unitel-ior fîtîgs. ard Add up the shot by Carroll Nîchals were (lntended for last wcck) A longer vviieel-base us another nevv freshi-fiom-the-dr-aving-boaud styling features-ilhov positive, and word was re- RecentyteKdo o- ceived that the follow-up tests m nt eti the Ker hall on the cat proved it ta be ofnt et in chtohloer hall positive also. Fortunately, e thehecurc.Mrvnha bnour Mr. series of needles begun by thi lan rs.Marn Hanah(ne reporter right after the en -EenrMuto) counter with the cat, were The evening was planned by' Mrs. William Werry and Mrs.! complted ______ ..Douglas Lave. Several gaines' of Password were enjoyed,ý with panel members drawn! froin the audience. A musical, comedy biagraphy of Marviný m and Elcanar froin infancy taý the present was presented. The 'sangs were sung by Mrs., Douglas Love and Ron Werry,' and the seenes were acted out by a large cast. . ... .... Mrs. William Werry read an address and presented the1--------- yaung couple with a folding table and matching chairs, and1 ~« ~a large framned print of an, ~ autumn scene. ~" ~~î~:~::The bride has been guest /~, ~of honour at a number of' sbowers before and after her wed ding Mrs. Earl Fice of Oshawa was the hostess for a miscel- . ... .. .laneous sbower attended by .. cousins. urnomiInstitute at Th1ree Hilîs, Ai-33-2 orSdn40-2DrHatp 440- I UIIIIIl berta. Bath June and Michael33-DorSdn4-2DoHado were presented witb fountainý INSPETIONpens. Iodo NSPECTION ,. this we (SERICEgmnnnmgthe Applied Science coreat Queen'sUnvriy parts insurance plan Doug Scott is returning ta ment parts! ýof studies at Ontario Agri- ;0 cultural College. IKedron and Maxwvell Heights Public Scboals resumed class k SO N e this September with very SEETHE ECONOMICAL RAMBLER AMERICAN 6-THE POPULAR CLA8SIC 6 OR V81THE few staff changes. Mrs. Leaý Dorig is the new Gradeii and Mrs. Rice of Port Perry aluQueen Motor Sales Ltd. ~~ lis the new music teacher for, 1 the âchools of East Whitby. red'this. we have Dut it leaders made an excellent showing and lent their sup- port regardless of vicIt0gor defeat.I 1er American- igned and inadian-built car 54 Airerican are of the -ars on the road. liai smart rew lmood us a ine tîmat's the talk of the ýmouJs for deperdabluty, ny iuns wih ase. has i Iomakc fîighway drivirg performance. specify the p oveiliead valve engune. in aIl models.) anaumy famous Rambler âorld's bestrust-pioofing. guaranteed Ceramic-Armoured muffler system, guaranteed battery and coolant. battery-saving alternator. self-adjusting Double- Safety-bra ke5, reclining seats. 3-year or 30.000-mile lubrication. and 2-year or 24.000-mile warrantee on the enture car. One thin g is CIbiq thme 1964 Rambler Americani contini lime well-known Rambler philoso of "maximum usefulness to the user. Prove ilta yourself wvith a test drive. Tomorrow? compact trend - nowl -'y - Convertible 330 -4 Door Station Wagon American 6 ELUXURIGUS AMBASSADOR VS-AT VOIR DEALER'S 9King St. E. Phone 623-3-2. BeHe.S. NEWS 1 over the top! There were no junior gain- LasL Wednesday. our band es this week therefore no members and some, of our junior victories! In my next sestudents travelled to report, I will be able to tell Toronto by bus. Their destin- you the outcome of Tuesday's \ý.as 'lie O'Keefe Centre junior Anderson vs Bowmanr 'lhe Canadian Opera ville game.j performance of "Hansel and October 3lst, the ni ht- Gretel*. Everyone I have, ghasts and goblins, marïs tr~ talked ta seemed ta reallv night of aur Hallowe'en Dancebo* enjoy themselves. We are not having a simpls Just a reminder that the l'Hallawe'en Hop" or " Utnt-w I.S.C.F. meets this week. kmn Pounce" but a "Body ' Everyone is invited ta attend. Snatcher's BaIl". The prices Our B.H.S. students ex-,are 35e and 50c in costume pressed great elation at the and 50e and 75ceflot in cas- thought of a three-day week-' turne. Having attended the end. I hope everyane had a Students' Councîl meeting, 1 wanderful Thanksgiving. know there are lots of sur- In fotbll w wee diap-prises planned for this dance. painted ta see aur seniors 19se Thios announemen atos o at Clarke but we are looking tfe l.svnendy oai ahead ta future victories. Lastta il Thursday, for this game, we Hope ail you "cool cats". were glad ta see bus trans-ý "beatniks" and "way - out partatian arranged. I think it witches" will put on your gives a lot of support ta the scariest faces and be at the players. The senior cheer- door at 8 p.m. DECORATOR SERVICE Corne in and get your Free Pittsburgh Decorator Service Folder . . . with *COLOR CHART * ROOM DIAGRAM * PLUS BIG COLOR CONTEST Just f iii in the blanks of roomn diagram printed on insîde, complete questionnaire re rugs, drap- eries, etc. . . . and then professional color con- sultants plan a personalized color schemne for your roorn. No obligation! Nothing to buy! PLUS . . . enter our contest and have your paint job done by professional . . . For Further Particulars Contact ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 Kin- St. W. Bowmanville