O The Canadien Statesmnan, Bowinanvflle, Oct. 18, 1963 retary' Mrs. E. Caswell. As- this was the flrst meeting, foliowing the two months of nfo meetings, there were a B.I-.S. Holis Sports Dci> number of "thank you" notes for fiowers, cards, etc., to be Itwsdecided to serve col- nSfee and sandwiches at the sale TO Ch ose N w Cha pion o! Mr. Fred Tufford's on Fni-[ Bowanvipotse Higsheois d 1Lxtn High Junip - 1, Rogers; 2, for this. T annalSprt Dy ashedlHigh Jump - 1, Carol Smith; a tie between P. Vinish and It xvas also decided ta hold a sh Wed., Oct. 2nd, an d the keen 2, Jean Cale; 3, Pat Austi n.1 J. Cayle; 3, D. Richard; heightla tea and bazaar, the date set C. E competition in the many cv- Running Broad Jump - 1, Lin- 4 feet, 107/' inches. Pale Vault for this is in November, and Mint ents proved excitîng ta the da Steele; 2, Jeanette Mars- - 1, Adams; 2, Ferniund; 3, D. as the time is short, we hope werE crowd of spectators. Mrs. E. den; 3, Jean Cole. Standin-g NichaIs; height 10.0 iches. the ladies have their sewing ence Michailovits and W. D. Brunt, Broad Junip - 1, Marg Pick-.Shot Put - 1, J. Kilpatnick; machines in good shape. Tl, the Physical Education teach- ard; 2, Linda Steele; 3, Jean :2, J. Coyle; 3, P. Vinish; dis- The home for the October oper ers, had arranged an excellent Cale, tance 36 feet, 5 inches. Dis- meeting will be announced at bers program of track and field Bail Throw -1 Canol Smith;'cus - 1, J. Kilpatrick; 2, D. a later date. The raIl eaul, Octa contests. 2, Marg Pickard; 3, Lana Mon- Marshall; 3, L. Hately; dis- a donation ta the sewing tab- Th The winners of the Girls' rison. Shot Put - 1, Marg tance 100 feet, 10 inches. les, and kcep in mind the for1 Champlonship.s were: Senior, Pickard; 2, Nancy Samis; 3,1 The Open Mile, ail classifi- touch and take, and fish pond. Dran Margaret Pickard; Intermecli- Pat Austin. cations - 1, Thompson; 2, B. Let us aIl do aur best and Fo ate, Jennifer Purdy; and Jun. Girls Intermediate: 60 Yard :Depew; 3, W. Richard; time make it wothwhile. jouri ior, Virginia Slemon. Dash - 1, Shirley Patficld; 2,14.42.8, a new record. The regular study program Bow] Thene was a tic betwccn' Betty Welsh; 3, Laura Taîsma. I Intermediate: 100 Yards - 1, was not given, la its place a joyec Tolly Thampson and John Running Broad Jump - 1, Jen- iD. MeMurten; 2, D. McFeet- cleaning bee was heid. It was cludi Kilpatrick for the Boys' Sen nifer Purdy; 2, Gail Hobbs; crs: 3, P. Wery; time 11.6 sec- decided ta do without lunch roon ion Championship. Don Mc.-3, Laura Taîsma. Bail Throw- onds. 220 Yards - 1, D. Mc- for this meeting, but one of were Murter won the Boys' Inter- 1, Sharon Burgess; 2, Sandra1 Murter; 2, Bail; 3, Crombie; aur generous members arriv- arrar mediate Champianship, and; Johnston; 3, Linda Baker. 220 time 27.5 seconds. ed with a hcaping plate of de- wcre the winner of the Boys' Junio Yards - 1, Jennifer Purdy; 440 Yards - 1, D. McMurter: liciaus cup cakes which were cred: Championship was Robert 2, Gail Hobb. 2, Crombie; 3, P. Werry; tirne much appreciated. been Large. High Jump - 1, Gail Robb7;1 61 seconds. 880 Yards - 1, RaIl caîl and collection was in ti The2, Shirley Patfield; 3, Laura~ Crombie; 2, W. Richard; 3, D. taken. Meeting closed with Ou Teresults la the Girls' Taîsma. Standing Broad Jump McFeeters; time 2 minutes, 22 prayer. we evetswer a faîo: - î1 Betty Weîsh; 2, Linda seconds. R un n ing Broad owini Senior: 100 Yards - 1, Lana Baker; 3, Bannie Mutton. Shot Jump - 1, Ciifton; 2, G. Har- BuiesDrcory a R Mon 1 n orison; 2, LidiSel.20 ue 1, Daisy Reader; 2, Cor- ness; 3, H. Dykstra; distance________________ Lardse- , ana Mornison; 2y, in Elliott; 3, Sharon Bur- 18 feet, 41, inches. Ar 'nnnf~nj tI Lois agir;3,C erygss. 100 Yards - 1, Jennifer Hop, Step and Jump - 1, I.i u nM a £ c L y J e m 111111LPurdy; 2, Bannie Mutton; 3, Clifton; 2, D. McKnight; 3, G. RAY' J. DILLING going Susan Etcher. Harness; distance 38 feet and CatrdAcutn Junior Girls: 60 Yard Dashhaif an inch. High Jump - 9 Chr c Steet -1, Billie Wiseman; 2, Linda Godfrey; 2, Clifton; 3, L. 23-3861 tretI Morris; 3, Susan Eliiott . High ISimpsan: height 5 feet and- ______________ Jump - 1, Virginia Slemon;oe-ihth of an inch. Pole LEONARD JAMES BROOKU Th( 2, Jenny Stout; 3, Billie Wise- Vut-1 .Gdry Chartered Accountant te man. Running Broad Jump - Burns; 3, Crawford, height 9 Accountants - Auditors insthl )~ l~ 1, Billie Wiseman; 2, V ia feet and 6 inches. Shot Put - Trustee in Bankruptcy Cent] L D« K Slemon; 3, Linda Morris. 1. Rarness; 2, Simpson; 3, Suite 205W 725-9953 Wt Standing Broad Jump - 1,,Prout; distance 36 feet, 71" Oshawa Shopping Centre Wt S Vrginia Sleman; 2, Loraine!inches. Discus - 1,G. Harness; wll. j. H. COGGINS ing o White; 3, Gertrude Cale. Bail 2, Clifton; distance 76 feet, Chartered Accountant Ode, Throw - 1, Gertrude Cale; '2, 10"/' inches. Second Floar repea Karen Kramp; 3, Connie Brad- Junior Boys: 100 Yards - 1, New Library Building ThE ley. Shat Put - 1, Gertrude P. Kelly;, 2, R. Simpsan; 3, Cor. King & Temperance Sts mînut Cale, 2, Jcnny Stout; 3, LynnIMcQuarrie; time 11.9 seconds. Phone 623-3612 The Hellyar. 220 Yards - 1, R. Simpson; YALE, RELNE read. Boys' Senior Events: 10012 D. Harnnss; 3, McQuarrie; & COMPAN regar( Iow often bas the warning Yards - 1, Werry; 2, L. Hate-Itime 28.6 seconds. 440 Yards&COPN be he 'Look Out!" saved you from ly; 3, D. Nichais; time 11.01 - 1, R. Simpson; 2, McQuarrie; Chartereri Aeeountantou ber. an auto accident? What if seconds. 220 Yards - 1, G.1 3, Gilhooley; time 2.38.5, a Licensed Trustees cours( you did bit that car ... or Thompson, 2, D. Nichais; time. new record, ini Bankruptcy be gil damgeprpetyAr -ou 27.2 seconds. 440 Yards -1, G.î 880 Yards - 1, McQuarrie; 64 King St. E. 728-7371 and t daag roety Ae'yuThompson; 2, J. Coyle; 3Mar 2, D. Yourth; 3, G ilhooley; Oshawa, Ontario ta atti rcaII.v sure that «your auto- shall; time 59.0 seconds. 880; time 2.38 seconds, a new re- MNET OTIH ta gi'. mnobile insurance wouid Yards won by G. Thompson. cord. Runnin.g Broad Jump - MNET OTIH heip1 peetfinancial liardshp Running BnoadJup- RIEHL & CO. Canad prevnthi J. Klpanick 2, . l 1, R. Lange; 2, P. Kelly; 3, 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa go by :etter cal! us toclay and J.Siptike 2,da . Crombce; Gilhaolcy; distance 16 feet, 2 Cbartered Accountants the N gette~3,estinsanwered. 3 distance 17 iÎnches. Hap, Step and Jump - 728-7527Ro Setthee qesion anwerd.feet, 3 inches. Hop, Step and, 1, R. Large; 2, P. Kelly; 3, J.Patnors Jump - 1, J. Kiipatrick; 2,1 Cobban; distance 33 feet and Hon. J.* W. Monteith, F.C.A. initia Strikwerda; 3, L. Hately; dis-I21,2 inches. A. B. Montcith, B. Com., C.A. preser DRIVE CARERJLLY tance 38 feet, 2 inches. High Jump - 1, B. Marri- G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. on ",P DRIVE PROTECTED son; 2, D. McFceters; 3, tic (Licensed Trustee) day,t betwecn D. Evans and D. G. E. Trethewey, C.A. abîy1 B KA N E cYourth; heiglit 4 feet, 77/à"i- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. "YestE BÀIC à%C fE'ie ces. Pole Vault - 1, R. Large; 2, P. Meadows; 3, H. Mutton; WILSON & BURROWS chequt *.not me: hcighit 8 feet, 9 inches. Charterecl Accauntants sn Shot Put - 1, D. McFeeters; 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. spend For relief from n R Hooper; 3, Osmond; dis- Partners: Presic S UAR R backache or that tance 36 feet, 6 inches. Discus Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Newto S u R Ltired-out feeling Throw was won by D. Van G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. gave i 1 depend on- Nest, distance 60 feet, 10 in- Phone 728-7554 JAMES #ches. 1RChrprci INSURZANCE REAL ESTATE as follows: Grade IX by 9D, (Tnti Grade X by 10,B, Grade XI G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. King St. F. Ewavle . by l1A, and Grade XII by Chiropractor Mciss Offce ld15 Elgin St., cor, o! Horsey St. evenin esence *:~ : u . ~*Phone 623-50 623-5681 623-5493 75 ~ ~ C Office Hours: By Appointment Ms _z Fund Benefits Mer. wt R O YA L 6358 THIS THURSDAY AT 7:30 FRIDAY and SATURDAY at 7 and 9 p.m. Held Over - Sun. to Wed. at 7:30 p.m. WALT DISNEY'S "Summer Magic" in Color Starring Haley Milis, Buri Ives, Dorothy McGuire and Deborah Wally Excellent family entertainrnent SAT. MATINEE - 2 p.nx. - Children, 25c COMING FOR FIVE DAYS - OCT. 27 31 "Irma La Douce"1# . Restrlcted to Aduits 18 years and over FOR A REAL FALL TREAT 0. . .try with DELICIOUS GLEN RAE DAIRY WHIPPING CREAM HALF 35 C PINT Order today from your driver or purchase at Dairy Bar Last Week's Winner of Beauty Counselor Kit: MRS. HOWARD STURROCK 60 Prospect St, Bowmanville Glen Rae Dairy 99 King St. W. Q2-54 DR. W. M. RUDELL. D.D.S Fro Crd5arying St. E. omni ýFro Cad Paty ffie Hours: 9a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiiy The Oshawa and District Closed Saturday and Sunda: Cerebral Parents Council's Office Phone - 623-5790 manthiy Euchre was held at Rousc Phone - Newcastle 35. Memonial Park Clubhouse on DR. E. W. SISSON a recent cvening. There were L.D.S., D.D.S. '17 tables of cards la play dur- Office in bis home ing the evcning. The con- 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvil venons for the event were Phone 623-5604 'Mrs. David Clark, Bowman- Office Hours: ville, and Mrs. Albert Rase, 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Oshawa. Closed Wcdnesday - Suîda The pnize winnens at Euchre DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D,' *were Mns. Donothy Mutton, Office Ray Bacon, Frank Dinbie, 75 King St. E. Bowmanvll and AI! Clark. The ticket for Office Rours: the doar pnize was drawn by 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily Mrs. D. Mutton, and won by Closed Saturday and Sunda] Mns. Marion~ Marjernison. Telephone: Office 623-5459 The council's annual draw -______ DR.* R. A. HESTON-COOK wa salso held, and the wn B.D.S., L.D.S. !i nan ticket was drawn by a Office: Orono Medical Centr former pupil of the schoo, aapoe 8 Elwin Bacon. The lucky win-Tephn18 nen o! the prize an Electronie * Sterco Hi-Fi was Zbegnew anLuvyn Uszyj, 274 Baldwin Avenue, an uv yn Oshawa. MERRILL D. BROWN Mrs. Ralph Campbell vas P.ENG., O.L.S. the convenor for the delicious 121 Qucen St. Box 1(3; lunch served after the euchre Bus. and Res Telephone games. She was assisted h y 623-7251 h er husband, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bacon, Mrs. Alfred Sam- L e g ai cIls, Mrs. David Gray, New -________ castle, Mrs. Norma Harper, STRIKE and STRIKE Mrs. Victor Smida, Mn. andý Barristerý, Solicitors Mns. John Luke, and Albert Notaries Public Rose, Oshawa. W. R. Stnike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edward C. Wildman, Zion (Hlope Township) 4 igBK (Intended for hast weck) Telephone 623-5791 A meeting o! Zion Sunday LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A Schoal was held last Wednes-ý Barnister, Solicitor day cvening at the chunch. Notary Public Rev. M. Freeman xvas in King St. W. - Bowmanvillt charge and opened the meet- Phones: Office 623-5688 inga with prayer. M in u t es Rsdne6355 were read by Mrs. E. Green, M sI APHA121HODGIN secretary. BiSÎ Parnte, olicito The reason for this meeting Nary Pub, Slico was to appoint a new Super-;4 rn t. Pblie nil intendent as Mn. Gcraw was-. - Ë- resigning. E. RICHARD LOVEIN it was also requested byl B.A., LL.B. Elaine Caswell that a newl Barnister, Solicitor teacher be appointed for heriKirig St. E. Newcastle class, the Juniors. Elaine isl Phone 2246 now teaching school at PinclHours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 Grave, and with these addedi nesponsibilities she would like' M or g a ge s ta be relieved o! her S. Sehool duties. SADIE HAMILTON - ORON Sevenal sugagestions made Phone i r 16 reganding the S. School wcreý First Mortgage Funda discussed and other business Residences - Farine attended ta. Business Properties Mn. Sim Dickinson was ap. Mortgage Loans pointed Supcintendcnt, with Prompt, courteous service Mrs. C. Raby as assistant. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Several names wene suggested Real Estate and for teachers, but as thcy wereï Mortgage Broker not present, they are ta be Newcastie Phone 3856 contacted. The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was ser-i Op meiry v'ed and a social time enjoyed.!____________Mle_______y The Zion U.C.W. meeting i KEITH A. BILLETT, O. was hcld Thursdav, Sept. 19,ý Optometnist at the church. There wrel41 King St. E. - Bowinanvili eight membens present. The Office Houns: By appointinent meeting opened with hymn Telephone 623-3252 and prayer led by Mrs. Mene-' Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fr1. uic.. Mrs. C. Irwin had charge, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. o! t he devotional. 1 Thursday evenings Minutes were read by Sec- Wed. and Sat. - 9 - il ve a donation o! money to the Eskimos o! Northen la. Plans were made t, ybus on Oct. 2nd ta visit .1estleton Institute ladies. Il Caîl "Name a flowe ining with anc o! your s" was answered by all rit. As the meeting wa 'griculture", Mrs. Mun- the Convenor, very cap- bandied the motta, viz.: Lerday is a cancelled e; Tomorrow is a promis. note; Today is ready cash, Jiýt wiscly". Our District dent, Mrs. Milligan of )nvillc, was present and uxs an excellent paper on LIONG SAULT 2 i NESTLETON W.I. itThe September, meeting o!' rNestleton Wornen's Institute the Secretary, Mrs. M. A.ý Bcacock, ovcnlooking Scugagi SLake at St. Chistopher. The President Mrs. R. Vine welcomcd the 13 membens and' jonc visitor present and aftcr: -the usual opening o! the Insti-' tute Ode and the Creed in unison the minutes o! the June meeting were read and ap- proved. 1 July wvas a holiday and in - August the group was invitedj ta, join the Blackstock W.I. for' a picnic in Cartwright Cam- tendcd for last wcck) cnt weather a pleasant aften. ;s Jean Baker and Mr.n. n kSt enjoyed in thE iGable wcne Sunday Baktc Community Hall. ng guests of Mn. and Business included the Shoni John Vaneyk. Course, "Safety Begins ai ýs Barbara Ban:nes, Brook- Home" in Nestîcton United, and Miss Joan 'Porter Church early in January wa, spent the weekend Blacsktock and JanetvillE M'r. Robert Sim. branches will be invited tc * s-ntth wcekend-wi"1yi ta join Blackstock-W.I. for 1and Mrs. B. Dempsey, Wing-I their Millhnery Short Course ham Centre. in February. A donation ai Mr. and Mrs. John Baker $3.00 in talent maney was re- ay and family, Aldershot, visit- ceived from Mrs. R. Davison ) ed Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and and $5,00 voted ta, Community '51 family Sunday. Hospital, Port Perry. A dona- - r.Jh ulr oot tion of $10,00 was made ta the spent Fniday with Mrs. A. J' .W...UNESCO u McLaggan. The Area Convention is ta Lie Miss Gloria Smith, Toron- bc held in Royal York Hotel, ta; Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Wills, Toronto, Nov. 6, 7 and 8. Sev- Inglewood, and Mr. and Mrs: eral ladies will go by charter- J. C. Cook were Saturday ed bus with Blackstock. Mrs. ýay callers of the Smith's. H. Vine will be a delegate and S.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson Mrs. M. Emerson will attend and Linda, Bethany; Mr. John the camplete session. Quiît Lie Johnson, Oshawa, .were Sat- blocks were asscmbled and a, urday supper guests of Mr. quilting arranged by Mrs., and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Langfclds.1 ly On the evening of Oct. 4, Mrs. George Heaslip, Con-ý ý9 the Long Sault Home and venor of Home Ecanomics andý uÎ School Club held their first Health presented the follow-1 meeting of the season. Mrs. ing program. The Rall Cal re Leonard Craig took charge of was "My pet household econo- the election of officers. The my". Mrs. A. M. Beacock pre- officers are as followvs, Pre- pared a fine motta "Men! sident, Mrs. Earl Penwarden; Build Houses, Women Build: Vice-President, Mrs. Earl Pen- Homes". Mrs. H. McLaughlini -warden; Secretary-Treasurer, prcsented the subi ect for theý Mrs. A. J. McLaggan, Assist.- ay on Economics and Mrs. A. ant Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. theln read "The Family andi teBudget". A contest "'rowns 'Sidney Cornish; Sick Com- adCte fCnd" rag mittee -Mrs. Robert Caea-nd bythesfCnvnora,was an- - on and Mrs. Arvilla Barrett. edby tMrs.Wiifor Jason Arrngmets were made Mrs. L. Malcolm presided atý for the annual Hallowe'en the piano for the Hymn of Ail - Party, which is to be Thurs- Nations, the Institute Grace' daOc.e lt and God Save The Queen.! Teconvenars for Nov. MVrs. A. Hyland's group served, meeting are ta, be Davey, Bar- dainty refreshments and Mrs.ý rett and Cornish families. T. G. Langfeld extended the' Mrs. Carl Penwarden was thanks of the gathening ta ail! chairman for the following in charge of the interesting;i lprogramme. Mr. John Butler, meeting. ,laur teacher, played one of his _________ -favourite classics on the piano. A.Mr ad rs LonrdCraig. B NE E Cobourg, showed a numberof E N Z R interesting and picturesque le slides. Scenes were taken of "Be Ye Thankful" was theý Mount Tremblant and well text for the Rev. John Rom- -known lakes and mountains eril's talk ta the Af t. Unit of around Arundel, Que., (Mrs. the U.C.W. at their Thank- McLaggan's home town). Mrs. offening meeting held in the Craig gave an interesting cam- home of Mrs. A. Down, with je mentary of the pictures taken twenty-five attending. -on two trips ta the East Coast. Mrs. Carl Down opencd the' They traveiled through the meeting with the theme hymn potato land o! New Bruns- ' No. 16 and prayer. She re- le wick, Nova Scotia, Cape Bre-!minded the members o! the tan Island and Prince Edward Regional meeting at Newton-ý .1 lsand. Mama Spanks Me read ville on Oct. 29th; meetings' by Jane Woodey. Everyone at 2 and 7 p.m. Bazaar date enjoyed refreshments anda was changed. A letter was social time. read from a nurse at Burns - Little Ann Penwarden spent Lake and it wvas agreed ta >the weekend at the Morley send presents for boys and Kellets, Janetville. girls 5-10 years of age, if any-, Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Scar- one wished to donate sam-.. borough, were Friday supper November meeting will be in -guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. charge o! Mrs. A. Dawn and Cameron. .On Sunday even- Mrs. E. Oke. Treasurer re- ing the R. Camerons visited ported $41.60 for Aug. and with the D. Okes, Oshawa.!Sept. We are down $47.00 On atudayeveing M. for same date last year. and Mrs. Wm. Carr attended' Bible reading and prayer Bthe 5th wedding annivers- ier gven by L. Osborne ary of ber grandiparents, Mr. and after singing hymn 440, and Mrs. Howard Cowling, 1"O God o! Bethel," Mrs. J. C. -Hampton. Found gave a talk on the life On atudayevcning, Mr. and character of Jacob. She i1adMs. N. Davis and Jenni- spoke of the sharply drawn e fer, Enterprise Hill, visited contrast between Jacob who j with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. was bis mother's favorite, and i y ibo.O Sunday a!- his twin Esau,th best loved by, visited with the R. Gib- planter, was himself deceived Bons. mnany times, showing we get ýel it d 7. e 0 d r CASH SAVER! - You Save 4c! - New "Celebration" R BIN HOOD Cake Mixes Package 4 3 CASH SAVER! - You Save 5c! Large Package ÜAKER OATS Quick or Instant 44 CASH SAVER! - You Save 8c! - Kraft VELVEETA CHEESE CASH SAVER! - You Save 17c! LI Y'S Fancy PEAS CASH SAVER! - You Save 10e! - Skini Milk Powder IMSTANT M"IL-KO 1-lb. Package a57C 15-oz. Tins 610's1 3-lb. Package 69c CASH SAVER! - You Save 22c! - 15e Off Deal Pack CIANT OMO Detergent » CASH SAVER! - You Save 25c! - Twin Pack - White or Coloured i"s"à%L ET TSSUE1 (O roil CASH SA VER! - You Save 5c! - Plain 24-oz. ROSE Brand* DILLS 2R~6 Jar i9c CASH SAVER! - You Save 4e! - Pink Lotion Lanolin - For Dishes MAPLE LEAF Detergent 12o. 6z ONTARIO Full flavored, Ont. No. 1, large stalks CELERY 2for27c DflTATflES Nutritions - Bradford Marsh, No. 1 àl- A eCarrotso.Iy'b-a 2 for 29c No. 1 50 IUL bag 87C DISCOUNT PRICES! Regular 93c! 100 BAYER ASPIRIN Reg. 69e! - Marked 59e PEPSODENT Dental Crcam to Btl. 59C Trube Regular 69e! - Manked 59c Tube STRIPL TOOTH PASTE 49c Regular 73c! 7 oz. Btl. LISTERINE Antiseptic 59c Regulan 75e! Z. B. T. Baby Powder 59C Save 17e! - With Pork 210-oz. Tins York BEANS 61R s 1 Save 16e! - Liquid Floor Wax Quart Size A&ERO»WAX 79c Save 6c! - For Dishes 24-oz. Size SUNLIGHT Liquid 59c Golden, Tree Ripe ORANGES doz43c Crlsp, Curly 10 oz. cello bag SPINACH 2 for 33c Fresh Baked! - IVeston or Sunbeam Grandma -,Regular 55e Each Spice Cake 55c Donuts Fresh 29c Cheese Nips 23c FROZEN FOODS! SAVE 6c! - HIGHLINER HADDOCK IN BATTER 14-oz. A Pk.49c SUPREME FRENCH FRIE Bag 49c Prices effective at the Iisted Red & White Food Stores only MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET PORTER'S RED & WHI Maple Grove *eue. .* Orono, lI .. Nwt M"ll 4/ v 'w Iback what we give. Ruriningla wonderful year for almos* fulness ln worship ln church,. awy from his brother's everyone. We have much toi worship in home. Children wrath, Jacob came face to be thankful for - freedom. to uïIl not know how to worship Re o t f! ~face with God. It is easy to' travel and ta oshp om fwe do flot train theni. Mr.. Repo ts f oseoerlonlythe fbelots. nati andt oredSoh eica. o betnam Rmeril closcd with prayer,. see nlvtheblos. artaliy o Soth merca.To e tulvand after thanks had been ex- in a family always mear.s thankful we need to thik pressed by Mrs. C. Down to* Strouble. Just as God chose; more deeply. When concern 1 all who had taken part, Mr ' W om en's Institutes Jacob in spite of his w"eak-, ed with daily tasks, educa- Romeril pronounced the ben:. ness, Sa God chooses and uses:tion of family, worry abott1 diction. HAMPTON W-L Agriculture. Mrs. S. Buttery-a1I who corne to Him in inf-' dailv necessities, we shou!dý A social time was enjoy~ ie omn' Istiut hldgave an interesting reading' cerity. Mrs. Found closed rem-ýain calrn and undisturb-' before the members left for heWmnsIsiuehlentitled "Plant Breeder". wvith praver. Mrs. G. F. Annisie.gtave fwoec oe artbusnes peiodin he1After the singing of "The s !ang the thainks.pgivinig hynmn, 11fe. Remnember how many ____________ E. Building on October lst. Queen" a dainty lunch was '_My God I Thank Thee." epeaeneddfree iutes of September meeting served by Mrs. Munday and The inembe.-s were pleasedi the food we eat, such as the Ct Cash Today ., read, also the carresp- her group. ta have Mr. and 'vrs. Raome ril grower, processar and man v Ge e. wit themfor the fîrts time. others, which we too often!' ta ai Nelaes andourem- NETNVLL Using the occasion of Jesus, take for granted. Think d eeo-,FrOdA pine n toall adis an mem NETONVLLE .1. healing the lepers and onlyl lv and ýthink higher.1 Lîft. sin the C. E. Building on The Newtonville W.I. met'.one returning to sav thanks, thoughts from commonplace,' og ober 16. 17, 18. Wednesday afternoon, Septem- Mr. Rorneril said 'today is see everything in proper per-- he W.I. presented the prize ber l8th at the home of Mrs. 1much the sarne - shocking to1 spective in relation to God. S T A TE S MA N the best director at the M. Samis. with an attendancel think only about one per cet Appreciate what others do.! C L A S S 1 F 1 E 1) S na Festival at Orono. of 15 members and four vis-, remember ta say thank younL. Be filled with gratitude. We' Phone 623-3303 ollowing this business we itors. !He continued, 1963 has been can show our thanks by faitn-' - neyed by Burley Bus to Mrs. T. Henderson, presi-- _ mranville Museum and en- dent, opened the meeting with ? this tour very much in- the W.I. Ode, Mary Stewart!- ing the gardens. The large Colleet and the Lord's Prayar.1 ms of this ancient mansion Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Lancaster read1 ýwell filled and tastefully the minutes of the iast meet- I iged numeraus articles ing and the financial report,ý *e vcry înteresting. Much which showed a balance on' it is due to ail who have hand of $97.83. The area con- rresponsible for the work vention was discussed and it. tis museum. was decided ta pay the ex- r meeting will be onie penses of a delegate. A pair i ýearlier, on Oct. 29th of flannelette blankets are taý nta the Area Convention be given ta a famiiy whose Royal York, Toronto, on home was burned, and $101 6th, 7th and 8th when, sent ta help with W.I. work in sexpected, many of the the North West Territories.i SPECIALLY SELECTED - BON ELESS bers will attend for a day, We are ta continue coilecting' ýby bus. Canada Packer coupons and g ive them. ta Mrs. Farrow who' BOWANVLL W.A. Wadeetin fr ted ppe LEO' OR i s.A.etîng fr teadapp U.CWO R ie September meeting ofon Current events which was Bowmanville Women'siprepared by Mrs. W. Jones. utc was held on Sept. 26 The rail caîl was "What pre- .e Salvation Army Youth caution do I take in prevent- ForM Uo re with a good attendance. ing fire in my home.c a ur President, Mrs. M. Mrs. Samis and her group Roasting i at =nan in the chair the meet- served lunch, and ail enjoycd lID st opened with the Institute the social haîf hour. There 6 singing of O Canada and were two prizes, ta Mrs. C.' .ting The Lord's Prayer. Farrow h a th lky pcal eetd-VleCe' Tnd edr Tsy ie Secretary read the c , whdt M T o whd h d"ukySecalySietd aleChc'dTes - en e - Tasty ites and financial report. fcrphean ars.T itd. we kne b ce crePln erce discussd Mrs. T. Henderson moved aiSt aklb corresonece was then fr te "earstbarhsa"7 9 'I W IENERS lb45i c ding the Convention ta vote of thanks ta the hostessý eld in Toronto in Novem- and her group. Mild Seasoned - Pure Pork Tray Pack Trend - WelI Streaked Itwsmninda In July the W.I. enjoyed a c Light Smoked - Fiat Pack se on "Desserts" was' ta very pleasant bus trip ta Trend 5 BACON l 9 yen on Oct. 7th and 8th Toronto Centre Island and ta ',aIJsaUg lI b b 9 :wo leaders were choseniPioncer Village, near Wood-i end. It was also dccided1Ibridge. ______________________________ i6d 1 . - - -.a Supreme christies Pkg. 12 to Pkg.