parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper, King St. East. OC i Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James, Letter to the taitor I m Twn and Mr. and Mrs. Her- an Lapp, Oshawa, spent the0 Phone 6 3-3303holiday weekend at the JamesA chre 62 -3 3ottage at Gooderham. L IC S Mr. Walter fnrank, well- w, known local realtor, attend-, -1r.and Mrs. Merle Winter Strike have returried from theCoedtenationl Rein Estate Ienw residing in Bowman- Eastern Ontario Hydro Con- ovninhedi in- 'ville. vention held in Brockviilelpeg, October 5thi - lth. by1 .je s ih . Miss byth.MG. Sexsmith,1 l;wt e itr r.Ese M.and Mrs. vn Ds lean isSilyCr Dear M. Editor: the poir Mrn. rs . .Fairey Jntila rcn rd 'adfml. Te mc akd aotncsa fpent Thanksgiving weekend and groom, are residing in Merril Hý--ry n fmly Canadian Government Plan" pensien at theircotgTev itBwavleMran r.GroMatnninl Lake. A h onn evc adduhe oi pnýeso ytm n hcorp Miss Dorothy Dunbar of Tinity United Cburchhanksgiving weekendpwithncenl1election can, I pan wfi Fort William spent the holi- A. A. Merkley was the solo-!M. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin believe, develop into one of aers'imo day weekend witb Miss Joan ist in the antbem, "Let Mount and famiùly, Donval, Quebec. the most important pieces of er' o Buttery. Zion Rejoice"l. Mr. and Mis. Burns Mac- eilto vn ob nr-teAi Mr. Bruce Bowman of Ty. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Frea-IMillan spent Thanksgiving duced in our Canadian Parlia- pas ron is atendng o.A.Cç man, St. Catharines, spent'w ked itMran Mrs. ment, and I think our Ontariothth Gueph.' he eeendwih Mr. and Mars. Murphy and Mr. and voters showed considerabie ent as Guelp . th weeknd wJacksonth Miss Vivian Bunner spent arearelieJs n and*other Mrs Grant MacMillan, Tweed. wisdom, in that they voted citizens, Thanksgiving weekend in St.: rltie.Mr. and Mns. John Humph- against rushing any such tnibutox: Catharines.,Ms. Thomas Ross, St. Tho- rey, Town, are visiting thair legisiation thnough Parliament flot con Mr.andMrs Bil Brk pen ma, i *visiting hier daughter daughter and son-in-iaw, Mr. until a careful examination. of institute Mre.oland Mrs. ul Bur son-in-law, Mrt. and Mrsand Mrs. James Varo (Mary) ail angles pertaining to pension than wi thienholiday weeeng d with James Stutt and family, Wel- and family, Montreal North, is made. . plan, an frliesa hnigcmp near 1 îgo tet Que. At the outset, Public Pen- pbi e.nsiooPlStsraet. ivat Con- a p n C r.Alabogi e , oo t,! M .a d Mrs. Joe Th m - Mr. Bruce Hendry ini bis son Pa , ad Prvtan pe MrsoAnbrofieTor nto n ae ge of first year at O.A.C. Guelph tributory Pension Plans are adequac: was a guest of Mrs. W. J. Bag- thinoM.adMs rdsetteweeda oefot alike, but are fundament- feature nel, in St Wst ovn heThmpsn nd dauh erIwt his parents, Mr. and ally different in both pninciple to main weekend. Chunch Street. . Robent E. Hendry, Con-anaplcto.W hven enship. cessin St.Canada appnoximateiy one mul- Subsis Miss Edythe Laycock of the Mn. and Mrs. WrigbtsoncesoSt lion citizans, 70 yeaas of age jectiva B.H.S. teacbing staff spent the Wight, Town, are visiting their Mn. and Mns. Glen Hughson, and olden, on oun old g Weekend at her home in:duherddso-nlw, snDaiad r.ei uh pensio Brmpon aubtran sninlaMr.soDaiadMsSdHuh pension payroli, plus bundrens prpno Bramton.1 an Mrs Fores Mnroeandson, F.1 of Toronto, spent the or tbousands o! middle aged their l Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cook and family, Ottawa. weakend with Mn. and Mrs. unempioyed and self-empioy- cane of Bradley, Scarbonough, with Mn. Brad Yountb, Queen's Lewis Rundie and Betty, cd citizens not covered by self-emp lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. Univenîity, Kigston, was Angyle St. contributory Pension Plans of not ami Chas. Bickie. Iwitb bis parents, Mn. and Mn. Fred Vanstone and any kind. that the: Miss Shirley Irvine, daugh-Mr. aie outvete Miss Sandra Clark, Toronto, If these cîtîzens could be al o ter of Mn. and Mns. N. Ir- 'holida weekend. vr he sen Thanksgiving weekend eliminatad a punely contnibu- wolekfo ': holday wekend. witb bis mother, Mrs. Morley tory plan might be feasible. suit, BuinessCatteng Obw;Mr.M .Les pn Vanstone, and sisters Helen Our oid age flat rate so called come to Busirnes Worg WstrnThanksgiving weekend with and Barbara. pension plan was set up to plan. M Mn. Gant night Wesernier daughter and son-in-iaw, cmpn Un.iversity, spent the week-, Mr. and Mns. L. Cassel and Mrs. W. L. Rowe, Miss Flon- guarantea a small income for cmai end with bis parents, Mn. and famiiy of Elmira. ence Acheson, Toronto,anpess70yrsoag and oun conti Mivrs. Frank Wright.Mr.A L. sho an Mrs. James Lawrance, G uelph, ai.der. A SUBSISTENCE, noth- about, h Mrs ALW. ammndTor Mr. A L.Ashon ndwere guests of Mrs. H. Hum: ing more on less, and the entat Mrs A.W.Hamon, Tn-daugbten Cathie, Ott a w a, phnays and Mrs. W. H. Dan- Pensionen's Pension is ie provîde onto, was a holiday visitor spent Thanksgiving weekend san îast week. tili hae or sha dies. If you ac- that the; %#thÏMn. and Mrs. Harold witb Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Bab- icept the Biblical statement,aiou Ilammond and family. , cock, Ontario St. Mns. W. H. Dansam and'that the years o! a man's lifa uapl oi Miss Allie Bragg bas re- M.adMs DnRniMns. H. Humphnias spantlana thraa score and tan, you tutpo: turned to St. Catharines after 'Mn. and Mns. Gond Sturrock,' bakgiig ekedwihwilî have to agnea tbat retire- depend( visiting banr sisten, Mrs. P. E. and Mn. and Mrs. Jack Raid, Mn. and Mns. L. Scott Dansam1 ment age is befona and piot ance, b Graenfield, Liberty Place. IsetTakgvn akn and Scott' Junion at Davis 'aftan one arrives at 70 yeans tbroug Miss Vi McFeetens, Ricb- in Detroit, Mich.Lkibro. of age. wellîp inond Hill, was home with Miss Margaret Leander, who Mrs. A. Squaîr, Mrs. K. I wisb to point out that composac lier father, Mn. Chas. Mc-lhas bean vîsiting ban sister,iWerry, Mrs. W. H. Densem thasa old citizens, bath men othanwist Feeters, over the weekend. Mns. Kenneth Morris, Conces. and Mrs. H. Pollock ware and wamen, hava made lange Dr. nd rs.E. W Sisonsion St., bas neturned boler' guasts of Mrs. J. C. Cairns, contributions to aur aconomy Dr adMr. .W.Sssn oe nToono t1 Kairfree Cottage, Lake Scu- and the davalopment o! oun visited with their son, Mn.1oei ot. gag, îast Tuasday. nation. and it would bc grass- and Mrs. Stephen Sisson, inl Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanden- M.AL.nwsoHm- ly unfair to assuma tbat our Kinsto oen he ea end rag, Nelson Street, left Sat-; ilton is thte new accountant presant financial bundan of A sup Mn. and Mns. J. M. Mornison unctay morning on a motor trip.,tteTrno-Dmno taxation is the sole resuit of F.W.T.A. and family, Hamilton, spent tbnougb Algonquin Park and Bank, replacing Mn. R. Joily their pension costs. One need men Tat Thanksgiving with bier moth- the north countny. iMns. Knowlas will be nov_- anly ta think back ta two Ontario) en, Mrs. J. M. Rowe, George Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundia' ing bere shortly. worid wars, plus a world de- creation st. and son Howard spent the Mr. Donald Laird, Kings-~ pression, plus an unforsean Tbunsda: S Mn. Nonis Turner, Univers- holiday weakend at thein cot- rtnntrig rmabsns transition period, which in ty-two1 Ity of Toronto, visited bis par- tage on Wood Island in the ItaeUrnitad Statasuvinsits turn bas tenminated many manville, ents, Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Tun- St. Lawrence River. tri o nte tteviie avenues o! empioyment as North 1 fla, aenThaksgvig wek- Mn an Mr. aryDaut is parants, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- being the major causa of bigh and Car' nerove Thaksgvingwee- M. an Mr. Gay Dultest Laird, Concession St., over taxation witb ail its attendant McKiney end* and baby daughter, Jonatha, the holiday weekend. pnobîems, which combined to Peterbon( Tamblyn ndofMn. Hamints,visiad Mrs. Daults Mr. and Mrs. Norman James, raduce aur olden citizens ta lege wari audl s Co Tamblyn, sos ! n.paens and mrsy. Gr Quean's University, KingstonMcKinne: and rs.Canos ambynGohan nd amiy. ware with thair parents, M.' Cook's were Mn. and Mns. and Mn. Orono, are attending O.A.C., Mn. and Mrs. Victor Han- 'and Mrs. Wm. Allun and M.' Hanny Jondon, Lindsay; Mn. ary P. Guelph. cock and Brian spent tbe and Mrs. Stuart James, oven and Mns. Cynil Smith, Fleat- delîciaus Mn. and Mns. W. Stewart o! holiday waekand witb Mn. the holiday weekend. 1 wood; Mn. and Mrs. George par was visited the latter's and Mrs. Harold Hancock etnd Miss Joan Turner, Brighton' Smith, Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Land, Club. 1brother anîd sister-in-law, Mn. family at Belleville. Highi School staff, and Mn. Cathie and Steven, and Mn. A goo< end Mns. Garnet Goheen on Mn. E. H. Brown, Mn. and Ross Turner, Queen's Uni- and Mrs. Ed. Cook, Town. ed the ir 13unday. Mrs. J. Wallace Braden, Eliza- versity, wene with their par- Mrs. L. B. Williams, Town sermon b Mn. and Mrs. Jack Brough bath and Jamie, attended the ents, Mn. and Mns. T. Turnen, bar daughten, son-in-law anai St. Job] end family spent Thanks. Olsen - Bnown wedding in for Thanksgiving weekend. famiiy ententained on Tbanks- morning. givig weked a thin ot- oroto n Sturay.Mrs. Kathleen Hawkins o! rgiving Sunday at the Caes- There. pge at Willams Point, Lake Mr. Greg Cooper, o! the Rame, N.Y.. was a guest for!area cottage, Lake Scugog. United lu~cugog.. Metropolitan Insurance Ca., 10 days with bier cousin, Mrs. Guasts included Mn. and Mns. Aiinivarsý 'Mn. and Mns. W. Ross Toronto, was home with is M. E. Leask, and is now visit- Chas. Dinneen o! Buffalo and Nestietor îng relatives at Bancroft be- Florida, Miss Elsie Bankan fith of ifore neturning ta hanr home. and Mrs. Ernie Post o! Ton- pastor o Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoc- onto, and Mn. I. R. Bantlay of guast spe TRINITY UNITED CHURCH lkm, King St. West, accom- Rt ery ev Iro Minstr Rv. m.K.Hosinde, .A, .D paniied by Master Ran Thomp- Miss Sheila Brown, 25 Sac- Rv Miniter- Re. Wn. . Hoslader B.A, BD. son, spent the haiiday week- ond Street, iaft fron Malton services Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. aend with Mn.' and Mrs. Elman on Satunday by BOAC fan Banting and famiiy, Ottawa. Glasgow, Scot 1 a n d. Miss Mn.andMrs Byon anBr~own wili stay with friands B stone, Peter and Rick, Town,Î Solnadwh ii e Suriday, October 2th, 1963 Margaret and Nanman o! latives in Ireiand and in Eng- The C.i 1 Qee'sUnvesit, instnland. Afterwands sha wilh day ave], 11:00 a.m. - lIO)NING WORSHIP sQuaen'serUnivieorsitys Kinglston spant the holiday weekend at pndsvra nth in al ih the cottage on Twalva Mile France, Garmany, the Nath- The U. SUNDAY SCHOOL Lake. eriands, Belgium, Denmark, nasday eN 4 Mr andMrs.J. 'Neil hae ýItaly Switzerland Austnia, hall, mhe J'Wnior, IntMn. dnd Mrs.d J.norNei9:45have Greece and Spain. Sha wihling plans JunorIntrnidiae ad Snio - returned ta thair tawn resi- raturn ta Engiand for a sec- Novemba: Primary and Kindergarten - 11:20 a.m. i denc2 on Chunch Street aften ond visit aften han several Mn. Wý spanding the summer and nunths trip, bafore ratunning Memonial Beginners - 11:00 a.m . early fali at their cottage,,'to Canada and bier home here. villa. We A ODA ECM O Li Big Hawk Lake, in Halibun- Mran s.Old will soon A CRDALWECO E O LLton.MnadMs.Oad Plun- Mrs B, _______________________________________ _ is-araetPikrd mer wene pleasantly surnisatd ARH jHpLorne Plu-m mer, 1Pont 11111 Umer Hpreturned necently fnom, 1111u r n a trip ta New York, Wbile and Janic ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH there tbey vîsited relatives in Sna z New Jrsy Mrs. B. it IMiss Wilma Bates o! Bien- 77Matrs Fl 129th Anniversary Services atwdlt~ p eeborough, Bates, Flett St. Mn. Rager com £t wr we Crane, University o! Toronto, Greta Bail( Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D was a waekand guest with NewsMnEa Mr. and Mrs. Bates. Fawssr.s sj Organist - Mr. M. Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., i MFaleogeJmesco- ith Mn L....panied by her granddaugbter, Courage and Mn. Ci Miss Andrea Hoffman, Ontarioj Mn. and 9:5 SUNDAY SCHOOL Ladies Collage, Wbitby, spent will and 9:08.i.Tbanksgiving weekend with '1110 Mn and l'en sistan-in-law, Mrs. R. D. Pr 'di and boys, È Woods, London, Ont. waekend "1rh. Church ini a Changlng Society" Mn, and Mns. George Ern- BOTO Carter. est Staples, Peterborough, and, OS AGEESMn. and Sir Robent Stapias, B.T.o!f thonn anc 7:00 pi. - ICookstown, Tyrone Couýnty, LONDO Grave, weri "WVhere Do YOU Worthip?"" Nonth Inaland, caliad on Mn. Mn. and Mr and Mrs. William S.i Staples 'on Tuesday a!tarnoon. Mnad SPEIALSPEKE: Snda Viiti~swit 1Dr 1iY... $22 6 $11t and girls,C SPECAL SEAKE: Swdayvisiors ith r. 3 Montha $550 day guests RE.SDE .HLIRand Mrs. Ivan Woolsay were 1 Cli Misad eti md Mn. and REV.SIDNY J HILIERMn. and Mrs. J. H. Woohsay. i etun, it wth yrnuvche<ce and !amily, Brooklin, Ontario Kingstoni, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, monoy crder te: ad aotnaigh Woolsey and !amiiy of Nap-; The Christo, ScieeMoit on Monday. anee, and Mn, and Mns. r-r One N.rwey Street M.A don %Vwoisey and famnily o~f S,.,Mss 2 n. a A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Londai', Ont. 1PBs. i t, o n d l' oliday vi.sitons at F.p i'--Hrs.lare d on- of Pensions PART 1 i21 Centre St., Bowmanville it a! penury, making it jenate exclusively te their iry for aur nation's gov- i.ndîvidual advantage. t ta set up a public group is the davison < aplan operating on a own plan. wbich are man, il scale. In other words variaci. They differ in an, resent public pension o! noneys collectable by:i as born out o! necessity, bers, and mambersbip do. iancad with the taxpay- bar thein in any way ney. participating in and colle we procead ta examine the old age pension at 70: Iove named pension o! age wbich constitute it wilh become evident unfair advantage in ini ay are entinely differ- and purchasing power, they apply ta aur other wonds, their contribi and sinca pnivate con- plans ara pnivata ones de ry pensionI plans did te give then samathing ne into baing and ware in both security and ed at a much latar data Under soe agreements vas the aid age public conpany pays full costi id is an addition ta the others costs are sbared plan in itself constitutas 50-50 basis, (axampla) n admission o! the in- Motor Company o! Ca cy o! the subsistance pays full costs, whihe Gei re!anred te, as aboya Motors o! Canada shara, Mtain respectable citiz- costs with thair emplo This expiains how tbay stance was flot the ob- financad. In reality,1 o! the conrtributory pansions are dafarrad p iplan progenitors, and on extra transfen payment vision was includad in o! the workers' pay chel ms ta subsidize or take or out o! the nanufaci Sthe unemployed and product whicb industny ; ployeci citizens. It is among its employees in a]1 ibiguous ta point out ly camouflaged dodge nre are not jobs avail- burden pracess in whicb rahi that ara willing ta and I, the consumer, arei 'itb the consequent ne- pahled ta pick up the tab, at soma bave no in- causa the price o! the proc support a contributony must be raiseci ta caverE [aneover, our insuranca casts incurrad - pass the as' money pools wbicb metbod, if you like. tributony planners boast Wban we talk about have flot ta date prav- tributory pension plans as they ana competent ta oparata today, one can SE full employmant, or a glance that we ara disi ýy ara large enougb for ing a brancb o! pnivate workens inchuding our dustny, and it is fair ta ass oyed ta swim in. Con- that the nalationsbip o! y pension plans do flot two types o! pansions, if on tax money for fin- axists, is in nana only but derived capital that by virtue o! one Sthe contributions o! definition which applies tc aid groups, whetber word pension, viz. - (an a] ci o! companies on ance for services. BLACKSTOCK >per meeting of the change Sunday. L.0. (Faderatad Wo- Giad ta repart Mrs. Wili eachers Association of Fonder raturned home fromý was beld ini the Re- hospital on Saturday. Centra, Blackstock, Mn. Lewis Fitza and Mn._ y, Octoben llth. Six- George Staniiand are in Pont' teachers !rom Bow- Penny Hospital at time a! eSouth Darlington, writing.j Darlington, Manvers Mn. and Mrs. Albert Black rtwright attended. Mr. and Isabel, Midland, arel yand Mns. Emany of spanding a couple o! days with rougb Teachans Col- Mrs. Lewis Fitze. 'a guest speakers. Mn. Mrs. Hammali, Mns. Gibson ey also lad a sing-sang and son Kennath, Montreai, Emery gave a Prim- spant the long waakend with T. damonstration. A Mrs. George Staniland. b ot noast beef sup- Mnr. and Mrs. Frank Stani- sanved by the O.N.O. land spent the waekend witb friands at Minens Bay. >d congregation anjoy- Giad ta report Mn. Jack inspiring Thanksgiving Rahm is impnoving. He and by Canon Asbmone in Mns. Rahm wena Sunday sup- n's Chuncb, Sunday pan guests of Mn. and Mrs. Allan Rahm. and childnen, was no service in the Port Penny. Cburch bere, due ta Mr. and Mxi. Robent Ford Jr. sany Services at North and Rabanta, Mn. and Mrs. nwhane Rev. J. Gnif- Donald Fond, Bannie and Dunsford, a former Dona, Mn. and Mrs. Harry of this change, was Smith, ail of Toronto, Mn. andl )akar. A good num- Mrs. Arthur Rustin, Jim and bahra attanded thare. Donald, Port Cradit, wenal P. Romenil took the Sunday guests o! Mns. Robté on the Dunsford Fond Sr. Mn. and Mrs. John Vanning ~R ET Nand Mr. and Mrs.Cecil Hm Mn. and Mrs. Jim Mott, Sud- G.I.T. net fin Tuas- buny. Mn. and Mrs. Cnaigbton 'iing i the Chuncb Davitt, Bowmanviile, stayed h a good atiandance. at the Hamilton home 1 .C.W. met on Wed- Mn. and Mns. Allan Baiiay' wening in the cbunch and Marilyn, Oshawa, Mrs. ladies are busy nak- Arthur Leigbton, Mn. and Mns. Lfor the bazaar in Hector Shontridge and Bihl r. were Sunday supper guests or raltan Farguson is in Mn. and Mns. Frank Baihay.1 1Hospital, Bowman- Misses Gertrude Henry andi 'hope bis condition Doris Griffin, Toronto, spentj .be mproved. the waakend at home. Sunday,l 3.Hubband and Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Sonairs, Sheila,ý lbbard spent Friday Norman and Gien, Toronto, :oraugh. wera guests of thairs and Mn.1 Id Mrs. W. Vandanlay Melville Gniffin.1 ily have taken up Congratulations ta Mns. Nel-1 in Whitby. son Mariow who was 85 yeans ack Sinclair bas ne- young on Friday the llth. A ome after spending a waek ago Monday sha move1J with friands in Nia- across the streat ta the northi ýs. Mantyn apartmant. d Mns. Gien Lowray Aiso congratulations ta Mr.! ly spent the waakand J. A. Johnston who was 811 tives in Bloomfield. years youn%, Monday 14th. tulations to Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Roger Donrill kAndrews (nea Di- and family, Ottawa, visited; on their manniage on bis fathar, Mn. Earl Donrali,' and bis brot bars Dalton and .emost cordiaily lI. Stuart andi their familles. aur Sunday Scbooi Mn. and Mrs. George Dun- )n Service on Sunday bar and !amiiy, Scarborough, Octobar 20tb. and Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd G.I.T. will meet on Wright and family wera Sun-i )ctobar 22nd, at 7:30 day suoper guests of Mn. and'r La church hall. Mrs. Bill Farguson and Mn. Hyde and Miss Roy Ferguson. pda, Toronto, wera Miss Elizabeth Neville, Ton-ý uests o! Mn. and Mns. onto, was guest o! the Romenil I lodga and family and housebolci fan the weekend. rgue. Mn. and Mns. Gordon Pais- [Mns. Allan Larmer, iey vlsited at thair homes in, were Sunday guasts Dunnvilla. id Mns. Harold Lan- Mn. George Alaxander went ta bis home In Windsor for 1Mrs. Ross Hubbard the weekend. !ce, Trenton, wene Miss Elaine Mountjoy, King- uasts o! Mn. and ston, Miss Catherine Bailav, lubband. Bowmanvilia, Mn. Jack Swain, lood, Toronto, Mrs. Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Nor-, Oshawa, Mn. Had- man Dysart, Peterboroughb,1 Isay, Mn. Mintz, Pet- Miss Betty MeAnthur, Toron-, ýMn. Grey, Toronto, ta, and Mn. Andis McArthur,ý kend guasts of Mns. London, spent the boiidays at' ley. their respective homes. xl Stuart, Niagara Mn. Lanry Hoskin and bisî pending a few days noon-mate in Hamilton, Mn.ý and Mrs. J. Sinclair Ron Baisillie o! Yeliowknifa,i bester Hoskins. N.W.T., spent the waakend,' Mns Kenneth Cang- and Mn. and Mrs. Bob Fiat-, John, Gnavanhurst, char, Lindsay, and Mn. and Mrs. Robent Carter Mns. Harvey Graham and sWindsor, were chiidnan wane Sunday dinnen, guests o! Mns. A. Rruests o! Mr. and Mns. Frank: Hoskin and Ron. 1Mrs. Robent Han- Mrs. G. V. A Scott of Osh-1 id family, Mapie awa Hospital spent Friday at1 re Monday guasts a! bier home. s. Orvus Smith and Mn. and Mrs. Isaac Davey, Alliston, wene Sundav. guests: Mns. Orville Greer o! Mr. .and Mrs. J. A. Jobnston. Oshawa, were Mon- Sunday guests of Mn. and of Mns. E. Bnyan. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and Mrs. J. Honarverst famiiy were: Mrs Editb Mur- iBowrnanvilla, call-iphy, Tyrone,- Mn. and Mrs.ý thbons In the village' James Hegan, Nonthenn Ire-, i. land, Mn. and Mrs. Walter' R. ubbrd aihd'Murphy andi family, Tyone,' and Mrs. Thomas Mn. and Mrs. Hugb Murohy family and Mn. ani and familv. Bowrnanville, Mr.! Id Larmer. and Mrs. Harold Murphy and:, Canon and Mrs. Ashmone, ,ifll,.o I ~iigh. j BRYLCREEM_ ANNIVERSARy OFFER - 2 tubes - 1.28 Value 77C CHRISTMAS CARDS 32's 77C 40's 1.44 5l's 98 C NIVEA SKIN CREME-- 4 oz. - 1.33 1.09 G .E. Best Buy LIGHT BULBS----56c Value -2 for 49c GLEEM Tooth Poste- 109 Value 93< G ERITOL--- Liquid, 24 oz., or 80 Tablets, 5.49 Value 4.47 G.E. FLASHBULBSAG-1 or M2.- 1.56 Value 1.2.9 SACCHARIN TABLETS-- I.D.A. - % gr., 500's « 73c 5 9C EXPORI CIGARETTES Buy By _____The Carton And SAVE DETTOL1.25 Value First - Aid Antseptic 109 COLGATE 51c Value CONFIDETS 4Z. 2 TheSanitary Napkin 1.09 Value 94c SMITH BROTHERS ~BLACK I 5UG PS and caîni upset nerves. This effec. tive scientific formula containirîg 5 time-tested Ingredients goea to 'woric qulckly to speed blessed relief Irom xiervousness. When wark or 'worry mnake yau feel upset, nervous, irritable. get on-the-spot relief wità inew REP5Z tablets. This bene- ficil f ormnula lielps you relax - day and night! Why suifer an- Other day? Ask your druggist for REp5z now- you'Iil e glad yau did! Satis- R PUZ faction guar- anteed on your moncy bacc. 32's. $2.98 1 IrRADE MAR-K STOPS ILATING MESS ON -w-- ONLY *Catches end Holds ALL Baby's Foodl *SOF1, 2 position, Adjusiaible Colon-j 98 *1N0 LAUNDERINGI tintes CLEAN <nder Tape NIEWI SENSATIONALI EXCLUSIVE! (reatest "Mother-Saver" Since the Prescriptions - I.D.A. Remedies Aîlex. McGregor eDRUGSe 5 King St. W. - Phone 623-5792 I. ¶ v~JI v si famlly, Long Sault. TeCnda ttsaBw nvlOc.1,967 Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Barber eC adaSttsa BwaileOc 1,93 7 and family, Oshawa, spent the weekend, and Mr. ana Mrs. J. A. McArthur. Mrs. A. da3'). Jim Bryans and Mr. and Mrs. L. Bailey, Mrs. W. W. Van Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Misa George Bryan, Courtice, M-. Camp, Mrs. H. McLaughlini, Lynda, Toronto. and Mr. Rus- and Mrs. Ray Walker andi Mrs. J. Forder, Mrs. H. Ham-1 sel Spinks, Oshawa, were family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. ilton, Miss Eva Parr, Mrs. J.: Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Will Bryans, Fenelon Falls' Carter, Mrs. T. Langfeld, Mrs. Ed. Darcy and Mrs. I. Argue. were Sundav guests of Mr. V. Bailey, Mrs. F. Staniland,ý Rev. and Mrs. John Romern! and Mrs. Bob Bryans and Mrs. I. Ar.gue and Mrs. M. and familv, Courtice, wers family. Edgerton attended the Dean- Monday supper guests at Rev. A good number from here ery in St. Timothy's Church, P. Romeril's. enjoyed the plowing match Oshawa, Wednesday. Mn. and Mns. Stanford Van at Caledon last week. Our1 Sorry to say Mns. WilbertiCamp visited Mr. and Mr.s. congratulations to Messrs. Roy. Archer was taken to Port Percy Woodwvard. Pointe att and Harold McLaughlin whoPenry Hlospital today (Mon- Baril, Sunday. won the Alex MeKinney Tro- phy for honseshoe pitching. On Friday nigaht Mr. and Mn s. Roy McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin -at tended the banquet in Brampe-( n d i n ton where Roy and Harold N wan d c S wene pnesented with the tro- phy. Mn. and Mrs. Vine Cain,ý CLASSES IN . e Toronto, spent a few days with the Ed Harris family and the Albert Wrights. Mn. and Mrs. Sydney Fer.1 Basic English Ferguson and Milton Payne. vill be held at Newcastle, wene S u n d a y: guests of Mn. and Mns. Russel, Mountjoy.j Ontario Street School Mn. and Mns. Harold Kvte spent the weekend with Till- IF A SUFFICIENT NUMBER ENROLL sonbung friends. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wrightý and family visited ber mo-ý ther, Mns. Harold Stinson, n Phone 623-3529 Lindsay Pnivate Hospital, - FR RGSR TO Sunday. FR RGSR TO spilis 1 ; 1 M" ýq 1 tki 0