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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1964, p. 3

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early ln January. The animual 1 lyear book and a Work-Ex- S. perience Program are also ý Recentiy M arried infl t. ose R epo ts f orn <~ rpart 0f the work of the Repo ts f o m iStudents' Council. 0fth graduates of the Oshawa Business College for F I 1963, the Placement Depart- Wome s .sti~~es ment reports 100%(* placement of aIl graduates. plus many' BOWMANVILLE W.1. Frayer'. placements of students who The minutes were read and ýhad but one or two subjectsi The Bowmanville W-1. had approved and the correspond aefnodrte heewri l en a1 their December meeting on ence read. It was mentioned completed ad witn a the 8th in the Salvation Army! the dates of the course. "ýCura-: Night School. A follow-up on Youth Centre with a good at - 1tive Cookery". would be Jan:! each graduate is made over a tendance. Fresident Mrs. M.'h nd*t. i four-year period and letters Wiseman opened the meeting!ta i edmnyt dct from cm ploy crs and graduates wîth the singing of "0 ooca o are kept on file. Canada', repeating the "Insti-ý ol a____m yu fv tuteOde an The Lod'sourîte carol" was answered............ by al A special collection WEDDING was taken, which we donatedS. ou tc CONWA - BIKETT We repeated The MaryH & S Stewart Colleet. The motto.En oy A pretty weddigwa ol There seemns magie in the enzdon Saturday morning, very name of Christmas" was A mas M essage November 30, 1963. at Il commented on by Mrs. S. But- o'clock in St. joselpb's Roman tery. Mrs. Munday led in Mr. James Young, active in.¶ Catholic Churcb, Bowman- the singing of carols witb Mrs. church work in Oshawa for ville, when Rose-Marie Birk- Bragg at the piano. Mrs. many years and lay minîster ett, daughter of Mr. Cyrîl Beach played two piano solos. at Cedardale, brought the.k Birkett, St. Kitts, West Indies, Readings were given by Mrs. Christmas message to South and the late Mrs. Ruth Birk- Park and Mrs. Wiseman. Two 'Courtier Home and School ett, and Mr. Maurice Gary contests were conducted by; December meeting. Mr. Young Conway were united in mar- Mrs. Abcrnethy and Mrs. Ste- 'in bis own inimitable style r riage. The groom is the son, art with prizes for the Win- i showed pictures of the Natîv- . of ivr. and Mrs. Maurice Con- ners. ity scenes and painted a beau- ,,,way of Bowmanville. After the singing of "thp tiful word pîcture of ît ail. 1?Rev. Fathier F. K. Malane'i Queen", aIl sait down to a de- "I believe," be said, "that theI ~ '.as the officiating clergy- liious turkey dînner with alI Star of Bethlehem sustains mian, and the wedding music the trimmîngs. and guides men still. lit is was played by Miss Mary, the rnost stable and Most con- Fagan of B o w ma n v ie.i vincing symbol of the Christ- Bouquets of red carnations l ae l~,IP.m-< mas season. There was not I. and white 'mumis adorned the Issue Iip III O' roomn enough in the worldforr altar.A themn that first Christmas, but Gi nmarriage by anB sn s room has been made. hr uncle of the groom, MrL.F are still people who refuse to , Mundy of Ottawa, the bride . make roomn in their hearts. wore a full lenigtb wbite o ae I-a t rhioad that brings the ligbt gown of net over satin. The1t he world is neyer an easy bouffant skirt was enhanced, one, whether it be Christ or back and front, by two lace On Satuiday, December 14, any other who treads it. The panel inserts; and the sequin 1963, the staff, students, form- road was not an easy one thât trimmed bodice of lace over er graduates and frîends of first Christmas eve. 'Shahl satin was fashioned with a the Oshawa Business College we find a place to rest, a sweetheart neekline and had' held their annual Christmas 'place to lay our heads'?' But long lace sleeves. Hec linger- party at une Children's Arena, there was no roomn twenty tip veil was eaught to a crown'Arena Street, Oshawa. centuries ago. Today is there of serd pearîs and tiny crystal Arrangements for the even- Him." beas ad he arreda cs-in, were under the direction! roomn whcre you !ive, for' cade bouquet o! red roses and' Of the Students' Council head-' 'Glamour has been given to white carnations. cd by Gail Clayton and her the stable in reccnt years 'y Miss Carolyn Conway of executive committee consist- song and pictures. There was groom, was the briides attend- 1 ng of Mary Olesiuk, Lorraine no glamour- there that night, Toronto, a cousin of the Dayes, Mary Jackiw, Colleen no one else would sleep there. ant in a street-lengtb frock of McAdam, Kathy Marshall, The only warmth came frorn pink net with full skirt and; Connie Stauffer, Doris Lowe, 1 the animaIs stabled thee shor sheves.She ocra' Geoff Mayall, Rod MacDonald. stars were the onlv ight. matcbing bat and her bouquet Dancing featured the firs that setting Jesus Christ was was of white and pink camna- part of the evening fnlwe bnrn.M.adMs arc ayCnasoni h tions. Vco by a presentation of diplomasý "What gifts cao we bring, r n s arc ayCnasoni h Mr. Vco Conway of and awards. today" None other is quiteý ried in St. Joscph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanvi Toronto, also an uncle of the' The Principal, Mr. M. C. so acceptable as what wr are' ing. November 30, 1963, at Il o'ciock. Formerly Miss R groom, was best man. Barnett presided over this part and what we cao be with His bride is the daughter of Mr. Cyril Birkett, St. Kitts, W A reception was held ait the of the programn and welcomed help. î RtBret.Tegom sth 'on fM.ad home o! the groom's parents guests and students. He prais- "We do flot walk alone. Ms uhBret h ro stesno r n where the guests werr reeeiv- cd the graduating group and Jesus Christ who came to Bowmranville. ed by the gcoom's mother wbo explained that these people; Bethlehcm that dav comes to wore a sheath dress of tur- n0W receiving their diplomas us this day, this night, today rn. While the offering fol rserenadrd the homes of the:ý quoise silk brocade Afith xwere students who had com- and evcry day. The Star, this M.1 and M. was being received, I village by sioging carols. Af- rmatcbing biait, black acces-: pleted their courses between great symbol of God's love1 the Explocers placed Wbiteý terwards, they were invited toý socies, and corsage of pink! JulY 1 and December 1, 1963. means so much. Cao we corne: Gifts foir needy children un- ý the home of Mr. and Mný. and white carnations. Diplomas were issucd to thelwith our hands cmpt.v, ouIider the trec. r Gordon Paisley and were sec- Following the reception the1 other graduates ait the end of hearts cohd? What gift shall hn St. dohn'% Church on, vcd lunch and bot chocolate.' bride and groom left for their dune. Mr. Barnett reveahed1 u bring? Turn your thoughts Sundav mocning the regularl Glad to report Miss Lindaý lioneymoon in Bermuda andi that this year had set a re- v ou bring' T u r n y o u r'1 service for 4th Sunday in Ad- rBrown and Mr. Cecil Hamil- .Antigua, West Indies. ForIcord in graduates witb overlthoughts toward Hlm as His ývent was beld. Canon Ash-' ton were both able to comml travelling the bride wore a 50 students receiving ,CanadianlIthoughts turned towacd you, moe'1 emo u.et wal;to their homes fnom Fort Fer- gold wool dress, blaek and 'Business Sehool Association1 so long ago, as He looked« for! "The Ligetmon the Wold rv Hospital Tuesday. white bait, black accessories. Dphoas.hearts in which to find a In the evenin-g the SundaylHoliday Visitons:j red wool coat, and corsage ofi Those receiving diplomasdwelhîng place."i white and ed carnations. Mr,i wrc as folloWs: Stenographicý Mrs. Wm. Henry t1hanked School preented a Cande Mc. and Mrs. Lorne Duff. ,apr- Mrs. Conway will be re- Diplomas issued to: Marjorie Mr. Young for th, beautiful, Lighit Service. Ail the Primarv 1 Mc. and Mci. Lloyd Short and j i Brder BearIc DuBauportaya of he hrismasand i itermediate c h il1 d r e ni familv. Port Ferry, Mr. and the essge o rih .wer gowned and sat in the Mrs. Tom Duff, Toronto, Mr. ;eaparties honored the! Nancy Darrach, Helen God-! Story. emesgehoihinwr lf.Tencsr hl- adMsgsarGaa n '~epirto ber macriage. frey, Ano Fonicky. Leona meaning. corlf.TenreycidadMs sa rhmam ~ Pte Bese o Whtb PwlecbkBonnie Pam hsmein podwt en sat in the front seats.' Miss Hazel English, with Mc.i agea miscellaneous shower; Gayle Shalla, Patricia Shaw. 'the singing of carols, then Mrz.' Nancv\ Stanihand was the! and Mns. Ross Duff and fam-' dr ames Mar and berOlaKlzysi uyAls rheCmblwlc ed candîr ighter an d Sharon Ar- iîy dauhte Mis atrciaMar, Olga Kalicni, Juyihes A rc.his escaitpbTel emued ýcher the narrator for the sec-I Mcr and Mns. BoY Morrow, ~aughtr MissFatriiaSMar, tort, Bon ie Suhcrad s eerese nd. ThoedmintesVice entitîrd "Cbristmas, ofi Hilton, Mc. and Mrs. Stanford& ]Bowmanville, wece bostessesjJunior SecretarialcitDipdomasuwe"ce read and appro.vadd and for a pantry shower; and Mci.lIwere isued to: Anita Chernoff, the treasurer's report wasPat Pesot ndFur.VnC pwihM.ad c. James Bîggs, Bowmanvile, 'Marilyn VanShyke, Eva Yeo, ea d bY Mns. Herb Mackie i i ebr okpree RcadVnapadcid held a miseellaneous showec.1'Jean Manella. Ehaine Page. the absence of Mrs.J. Collier. one reciting a part as bis or ýren. ___________________- rivate Secretarial Diplomas Balance on hand, $61.17. This ber candîr was lighted. The: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brinkmaný wece issued ta Grace Barnes. report was seconded by Mrs. boys of S. S. sang "Wr Threeland Gina, Bnockvihle, Miss r . ..... .Janet danetos. Clerk-Typist ' Ke'th Ormiston. ýKings", Robert Archer, John ýJean Wilson, Mc. Clem Wilson 4 . Diplomnas wece issued ta ay'Rloaladro on Hodge and Donald Edgerton and Miss Dianne Worrel' Jakymyzyn, Clare Preston, were taken with Mci. Bruce taking the solo parts; Primary, Toronto, with Mc. and Mc\. 'J ~John Vandermale. Junior Ac- Lusb's chais winning the pen ad Junior girls sang "Away Chas. Wilson and Glen. counitant Certificates wv e r e nant With 26 points. Januarv 1naMne" heodrgrs Mr. and Mci. Russe out issurd to Messrs. Joseph Seto,: meeting will be hcld .anuarv 'TeWs aJco hi oy with the Fergusoos, New- AGeorge Urquact. A Business, î3th. Mci. Alfced Alhin wijl Leacning-; congregation sangi castle. TO YO Administration Diploma xvas show rpîctures of thein vis. eu iiU Sie n~M.aid Ma *issued to Mc. Douglas Mc- I to Australia and New Zea- "Sulent Nicht". Lessons we-C r'Wright with Mr. and Mr. g F'Bride. land. Everyone is wehcome ncad bv Warren Robrer and Goldwin Faint and familv, I I 'IlPrizes in variaus skill to corne. Donna Edgerton. At the close'ý Toronto. IN 6 4 );isubjecti were awarded as fol-':Mci. Fred Wright calîrd on Of the service, gifts to thel Mr. and Mci. Rupert Werrv à. îlows. Skihl Devmopmeot in IMci. Eldon Essery xvho gave pupihs from the Sunday School Iland ROv with Dr. and Mci*. .. *:Tpewriting, Joy Hoskin; Skill la vccy beautiful rendition of wece distributed bv Harold John Werry and Anne, Bow- * .~~ r DevelopmentinShotad tro teEs.Anmer1 Crawford and Warren Robrer. manville. Clace Prestn Skill evmlop-tarpbeof tthe iaAn.Mca aginadt o c .Age mentin -Bokk.ping Lo- Esey hn1ao eae ol uhhns Sndy-qad ci1MvllrSm donations avec a pmriod of sevecal vcars now,. ostead of Mc. and Mci. John Kewcn and Mci. Bey Dealy. Torontn. f 1' HOPPEDU time a numbmr of gifts xwere White Gîfis a iperial o!feri-.i and famihv' , Beaconîvihle. Qur . with Mr, and Mca. K. Duns- ,UW Umade avaihable to patients of was taken to be sent ta are holidaying with hec fatb-, moor, Brian aod Beth, and BOWMANVILLE 'the Ontario Hospital, Wbitbv. assist in the scbooling of Lus- er, Mr. E%,erett Trcwin. : Mrs. McKechnie. Parents' Day will be the saai ho Angoha. Ail the voung- Mc. and Mci. Austin Bea- Mr. and Mci. Benson Duno. S MRS. A. BROCK oext projeet of the Students 1rmebr of the Suoday' cock are visiting Mc. and Mci.! Oshawa, with the Will Fr I _________ ____ and is panord for School cceived gifts fnom the John Mcxv and familv. Toc- dcci. ___________________ chool. and some older one!z onto. Mr. and Mcs. Harold Mactvný ______________________from their teachers. The High Sehool ,zemi-for- and sons joinmd the cnst of the Suinda\' oicht the United mal Chrîstmnas Dance was'hcid, 'Martx'n famniiv al the home of Church ,v.as ;ain fii!ed for a Dec 2th in the Rectceation Mc. 'and Mci. C. A. Staintn PETERBOROUGH KIW ANIS service. Rex P. Romneril cor- Centre. Music*,as proided bv and farmilY.Oshawa, Wednes.- mary Depactmcnt ofI toc Sun- Dr. and Mci. J. A. MeAthur,i guests of the John Shemons, day Sehool sang two carois. Betty and Ardus spent Tues- Enniskillen. M USIC FESTI AL ilA member of the bntermedi- daxv- - Thucsday with the Mci. Fred Toms, Enniskil- MalCFE TV Le dcptment uýe ari ems.vfmlis trtor.]nM.ansdiMrs Lloyd S3le- Cac&i Singinz.' hn behaîf of Thursday ve-eing with somec and Mca. Harold McLaughljn M e CH 12th t' 2 st 1964 1 'dh Richard Van fInonda, b\' train, foc a week's and familv. Mc. and Mci. Stu- ICamip. Hacx'ev Grahani. Bruce skiing in the Laurcotian.-,. art Docrehl and ebildrcn. Mc. lMoîritjo\- and Bill Ferguson Mc. and Mcs. Norman Dvsact Eaci Docrel. Mc. and Mci. CLOSIG EN RY DA E - anuar 13,1964 -z qve a sHor:- dramna. "ýThe are spending the holidavs Krîtb VanCamp and fami!y, '%Visrm.n" The Messmogens wîîh bis parents al Fargo. xvith Mc. and Mci. Wilbur 'îreFen'ed ;; 1tthc plavlett,?. Florida. Toms. For Information. syllabus or entry fornis please -~ Acnîînd ?hr Tcee" A mmmi- There\val; a good attend- Mc. Clarence Parc. Bow- Wie ber of tc oý,jn and Cutrv aneal te s~erviceyi St. manville. Miss Ea Parr, Mc.ý Fesiva ScrearyI.solo. -I Heari the Belsof 10 a.m. An impressive Christ- Mci. Velva Bailcy and Cath-! FestivalSecretarChristma '."' The Hi-C spre- mas message was conductcd emine. 284Waer tret efted a candh ieh'item., bv Ca!non Ashi-oce, who alîo Mn. and Mc. Bob Bennet, 28 ae Sre The Liýýýo' r' '1 W orld'ami:cd the Saccament Oshawa. Mn. and Mca. Leith Peterborough, Ontario r!Tbcc ho' in an anthem. of Hol'.- Comimun:on xer. Mr. and Mca Hcrh " jl Genl! Marc- Laid Hec Bah'-" On MIonda'.- ex'cninz. thm Swain, Don and Pralph. wîtoh ýas arranged by Harx'ey Fer- Gh'ee Clu~b (aporoximatehv 35). the Mur'ray Bvers'. p~ h' h rc LACKSTOCK IThe Canadian Statesn'an, Bolwmanvlle, Zan. 1, 1984 - 3 p hs Churh iMr. Bob Smith, Toronto with her parents, Mr. and onto, with her parents. Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. chas Mrs. Royal Whitfield, St. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Smith and Oliver. a. Cathýarines. Mrs. Lewis Henry wlth Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin,, and Mrs. Merrili Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmner Lloyd and Earl with the Earl1 f a mil1 y, Bowmanville. for and family with Mr. and Mrs.ý Trewins. Enniskjllen. Christmas. Miss Isabel Henrv Eber Snowden, Courtice. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra-1 came home with her for a Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolmi ham with Mr. and Mrs. Don iweek's visit. and family with Mrs. A. J.! Pargater and familv, Portl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte Cook, Brooklin. F errv.1 and family spent Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright1 Mr.' and Mrs. Ross Curtis, ihhrsse.teBl ad andfamlyMr.Ro Fegusn Oilla.Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, hams, Garden Hill. joined the Noel Mortons of Curtis, David and RobbieI Mrs. Velva Bailey and Miss Oshawa and the Grant Fergu-1 Richmondi Hill, Mr. and Mrs1 Catherine went to Montreal sons of Toronto at the George Maurice Cox, Jeffrey and Da-l Thursdayv to visit the Merlin Dunbars. Scarbor o ugh, on x'id, Peterborough, Mr. and Baileys. Wednesday. Mr. Eric Barr and Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Mr .and Mrs. Bill Ferguson'Bowmanville, with Mr. and~ Camp and Arthur with Mr. with Mrs. Harry McKee and Mrs. Gordon Strong and fam- and Mrs. Glenn VanCamp and other friends, Norwich.. ily. sons, Port Perrv. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Thomp-ý Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hooey,1 Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMahon son and Miss Ethel Thompson!Mrs. J. Forder. Mr. Lawrencejand children with the Harold with Mrs. Wm. Cobbledjck,' Mcbaughlin, Guelph, Mi s s!Lrmers. Orono. ýLinda Ross, Ottawa, Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heayn Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Arch- Mrs. Geo. Wolfe, Brian and and Betty Anne. and Mvrs. er, Bowmanville, Mr. and MrF.. John, Mr. Harry Sanderson, Robt. Tetlow, Scugog, with Elmer Archer and family, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pearce and Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn.'Laughlin. Mrs. Geo. Crawford. Christ- Grace, Beaverton, with Mr.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy mas Eve. The Pearces and and Mrs. Wilbert Archer andjand family with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Crawford with the Fred Mr. Dever. !Harold Hawkins, Port Perry. Crawfords, Port PerrY, Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Allan BaîleylMiss Doris Hamilton, Tor-nesday.__ Sharon Lee and Laurie Ann, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Franki Bailey and Mrs. A. Leighton with Mr. and Mrs HectI Shortridge and Bill Mrs. Edith Murphy, Mr' and' Mrs. Walter Murphy and fam- i]y, Mr. and Mrs. Harold mur1 phy and family, Tyrone, M.1 and Mrs. Hugh Murphy and! family, and Mr. Albert Mur- phy and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Laughlin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edger- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ed- gerton, Cadmus, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford, Janice and Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Drink- water and family, Ottawa, To one and ail, our best Miss Mable VanCamp, Tor- onto, Miss Helen VanCamp. Ç wishes for a banner year Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- ' in 1964. well, Margaret, and Mrs. Rid- ing Sr.. Oshawa Rev. and Mrs. We hope we have Fred Riding, Chicago, Mr. andi broughit a littie humour Mrs. Blake Gunter and farn- into your life during '63 î19 6 ily, and Mr. Jack VanCamp. iotwel he with Mrs. W. W. VanCamp.ke n oniu od Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gunter, kc n oniu od Laura Jo and Scott, with Mrs.ý so in '64. Chas. Venning, Wayne andi Linda. Mrs. Margaret Carley and Anne, Mr. Weir Swain, Tor- o m n il onto,' and Mrs. N. H. Marlow' with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ma rlow. e n r vileon atraymrn- Cheryl and Ricky, Port Cleaner Rosc-Marie Birkett, the ýMr. and Mrs. Orr Venning,ý Ed Leslie Carl -Leslie Jest Indies, and the late 'Cadmus, Mrs. Lewis and Rich- Mrs Murie onwyard, Oshawa, with Mr. and and Staff 'Urs 'Maric ConayMrs. John Rahm. Phioto by Astor Studio. --Mrs. Fred Cowling and Roy1 cJhe JIying l~utcAman- Presents /Vewo aîle a4 rd DINNER MENU lced Shrimp Cocktail Chîcken Vermicelli Soup Consomme Orlozo Tomato, Apple or Grapefruit Juice Assorted Relisi, Tidbits Selections 4. ~ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY - ~ Cranberry Sauce Savoury Stuffing KV BAKED HONEY CURED HAM Champagne - Fruit Sauce ;MROAST PRIME RIBS 0F BEEFq Au Jus - Horseradîsh Grilled Fresh WHITE FISH FILLET Wine Sauce Harvard Ruby Beets Baked Potatoes C au Iiflower Gratinee Candied Yams Whipped Potatoes Green Salad Choice of Three Dressings A Variety of Rolis and Butter r DESSERTS a;'P1um Pudding Dark Rum Sauce Hot Mince Pie - Apple Pie and Cheese Strawberry Parfait Jello and Wbip Creani - Rice Pudding Fresh Fruit Cheddar or Roka Cheest Tea - Coffee - Milk Dinner Mints For Reservations PHONE 623 -3373 BOWMAN VILLE FEW TICKETS LEFT FOR... Gala New Year's Eve Dance ELABORATE BUFFET . .. BEST IN MUSIC Phone 623-3373 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION #', '» 'j-

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