I. 8 l'h. Caniadian stateuman, Bowmanville, Jan. 1, 1984 4 mu wic duc lia lut ad' ier ma fav sh< CO me W., Po pe ita sa Fi t.--,. w w I $1 I À One Week Early Council Inaugural United Church Choir Holds ,Xmas Party rn-m ."C ou mil u le EPI INewcastle-Thermembers of the United Church Choir with thec wives and husbands met Newcastle-The Inaugural has been invited ta conduct alistration; ta see which coun- at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Meeting of the 1964 Village short devotional service in cillors were r e s p o n s i b i e, Bill Allun for their annual Council is scheduled for Mon- which the biessing of the AI-- thcough the committees for Christmas party on Thursday day, January 6th at 7:30 p m mighty will be invoked upon evening, Dec. 26th. in the counicil chamber of the the deliberations of the ad- the various phases of the ad- The evening was spent in community hall. This inaug- mînistratian in the yeair ministration. During later playing cards, crokinole and ural is being held one week ahead. . years, however, attendance atcrbgewteahejyg tanlier than is usually the case! Following the inaugural thp inaugural meetings has been h is favouriteae h enjygae gnd should get council off tolfmembers will get down to non-existent. were bvorke p on The arivi a gond start for 1964. 1 business o! appointment of It would give members o! of good aid Santa Clau, who G The members of the village standing committees for the couincil a reai lift in commenc--Igr cted ,:vtryane presz'I,i 0 envd administration recently eleci- ear -and the general business ing their duties for the new 1preseif-ntt.ci vach wth a castle ed will take their oath of; administration of the village. year, to find a good attendan ce ' h vungxa . ishdtr office at the beginning of the!1 Some years ago the inaug- of interested citizens on handCff vith * tî'<rvin< f de- zk meeting, which will be ad- ural of counicil was attendediat next Monday's meeting, ta or zhmntk, E Ml mînistered by the village bY many interested citizens sec that some of the citizens .iurersmn osk Ml clerk Mr. Frank B. Pidgeon who were in this way enabled were actually intccested in ckesan cookie, Chita The Rev. E. C. Woodiandta get a brief insight ino the 'how their business was be-caendofe.ÂI minister of the United Church, 1 wockings of the local admnin- 1 ing carricd on. On behaîf of the choir, Mr. VYI II 1 - --Glenn Allun thanked Billarnd adMrs J. E. Hawke vîsited Eîieen f or opening their homei with Mr. n rsfo Rb oi this mast enjoyabt.c even- !ertson and family in Toronto ing 101 l.- Q 1,0on Thursday. Mrs. Hawk( e Social at i [ke-P-rsonal ýmained there for the winter. Mc. and Mrs. Howard Allun and Mc. and Mrs. Glen Allun and family were Christmas Eve dinner guests with Mr. Community Bowling ln Cadets on Leave from R. M. C. * Darlington Township Coun- this meeting. U~ cil met in the Municipal On motions as filed, a By- Building, Hampton, on Dec.i Law to further amend By-Law 19th, ail members present, 12111, as amended wvas given its Reeve Blanchard presiding. iseveral readings and signed, Moved by Counicillors Budai i sealed and numbered 2251. *and Down that accounts for - temonth of Navember 1963, litd herewith, be paid: Sal- iaries 1-15, $1,298.24; 16-30.,BTU R $1,612.71; Welfare, $1,913.76; JOSEPH JACKSON :General, $2,987.35; Roads, S30,- 227.41: Roads Pay List, 1-15, The death of Joseph Jack. $1,979.65 - 16 - 30, $2,021.35-1 son, 743 Margaret Stree*, Special account Na. 3, $381.80; Oshawa. occurrer' at the Osh- Special Account No. 4, $548.91, awa General HosZjtal Sunday, total $42,971.18. ýDecember 22. 1963. He had Moved by Deputy Reeve'been iii for three months and Muir and Councîllor Gibbs lwas in his 84th vear. that the Clerk be instructed to I The deceased was the son of delay the application for the late Mr. and Mrs. William Municipal Board apprava 1 of iJJackson and was born at > ~the issue of debentures for lHulme. Manchester, England. the South Darlingtan SchoollIn 1902 lie married the for- Area, Pending further adviceý mer Annie Barnes at Hulme. from the Board. Mrs. Jackson predeceased hier Moved by Counicillors Budai husband in 1936. and Down that the accouant for1 Mr. Jackson had lived ini Iivestock damage in thelCanadla and Oshawa for 58 amount of $475.00 submittc vears. For 38 years hie was a bY Sidney Cornish be flot shipper at Fittings Limited, approved for payment, and. until hiS retirement 10 years that Mr. Cornish be informed, ago.- that hie has recaurse to ti The deceased wvas a keen Live Stock Commissioner if sports fan and was especialI hie wishes ta appeal this de- interested in soccer and h ý,ý cision. kov. He xvas well known h Moved by Deputy Reeve his district and xvas often re- )fficer Cadets R. J. Kazak, left, and R. G. Hendry appear cheerful on re- Muir and Councillor Down: ferrer' to as "the unofficial that this Counicil now adjaurn'Mavor of Cedardale". .g transportation tickets for two weeks Chrirtmas leave at home in the New- for short time. Mr. Jackson is survived by Sarca. Both young men are Air Farce first year cadets at the Royal Miii- Moved by Counicillors Do\vn t\wo dauîghters, Mîrs. Bertha Ciol1ege of Canada, Kingston. Office r Cadet Kozak is the son of Mr. L. Ko- ýMuir and Councillor Gibbsý Jackson of Oshawa and Mrs. RIi, Bowmanville andb Officer Cadet Hendry is the son of Mr. A. Hendry,'that the Road Superintendent' Johin Lunncv (Olive) of Bow- Stret SuthNewaste, Otaro. be authorized to purchase ap-,manville. He also leaves thre Stret out, Nwcstl, Otaro.DND Photo1 proximately 50 tons of calcium sons, Joseph Jr. of New York chloride, also culvcrts and City' . andi Edmund and John Discuss Trade Opportunities wire fence ta the extent that of Oshawa. Ten grandchilcl- --------___- money is available for these cen and two great-grandchild. items in the 1963 roads ap- cren also survive. propriation.i The remains rested at the wjMoved by Councîlliors Down, Armstrong Funeral Home, Plans Con ferenthisAgree-!, srvicefinthe mmra O .D .A . lans Co ferencesiBudiethratectis onwnre- shawaceforthecmaemories. mentwiththe Town of Bow-1 day, Dec. 24, at 2 p.m. Rev. F. manill berenewed for the G. On'iey, rector of St. Peterborough ian@ i 5 t Moved by Counicillors Budai conducted the service. Inter- adDnatRle..g toInpCu ncil IT.., I and £Vrs. Rtoss Allun and fam-[ Newcastle-Following is ai A recent Board o!fIjirectors' Syracuse, New Yack. The As- ily.! lst f th hih sorer intheMeeting of the Lake Ontario sociation will also distribute Gart and Ms Shirle Ross a i nMca. ro ge pn Mrs. Leslie Guy, Miss Jea lwo leagiies bowling on the Development Association ap- the LODA sponsoced maga- Waterloo University w lercle the Christmas holidays with PRa n Mc and Mcgtess. Comn.t olig Lnspcoved the joint sponsorship zine entitled "The Outdoors- Christmas holiday guests xith Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Agnew Snr n Ano!OhwfLde'Lage (0 n the Lake Ontario Develop- man"' at these sportsmen's Miss Marjorie Clemence and and family in Thomasburg. and Mc. and Mrs LNwto ie')H e gCueau(2800etAscito vt heD-sos hemgzn spubc- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Glenney M.ad .G H.ogsnSly n amN cewrs- a t ar 268, Rln C uth uch23,paciment of Economnics and lished by Pen-Reid Pbia n Mrwa..awnd Chrms.H.day g ests m ad a gustswte hrs - arl rc 8,Pa tnc 9 oanDevelopmcent of the Province tions of Campbellford and dis- Mc. EdadMr.H. Hodg- w hrs.a dayget mMrs.esswt Ms al24,Bric ate 29 of Ontario, to conduct an Ex-f tcibuted in Canada and the Mon anded the G.tH.wcddgPingler and amly i Ronald Selby. lArd 228, Evelyn Meadaws 226. port Forum and a Manufac- United States. The magazine sonattndd te 3thwedingPigleandfailyinBowman- I Mr. and Mrs. Ross Aluin and Nancy Gaines 224, Lil Farrowi turing Oppotunities Confer- promotes the Seven Holiday Man d Mers. Wilelero rviam c, M. adMs onl ae famîly were Christmas dinner 222, Diane Langstaff 111, once to be hcld in Peterbor- Arcas located in the LODA Mr. and rS. BW nill B, Mat and MoramtonaldMJo. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ern- Dorothy Mercer 205, Vel Wat- 'ough on Wednesday. January Region. Prsec t. omavlla adfaiy fBamtnM.est Giibank in Orono. son 201, Teresa Langstaff 201, lSth. It is expectcd that many Arpr a ie yM. th hmeo tei snMc aî DugasJseo!St nn' ~ Mrs. Mabel Mattice of Grace Couch 200. outstanding panelists and John Lawson. Assistant Man- Mrs. Eric Barr on Saturday Quebec, and Mc. and Mrs. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Friday Mixed League (2001speakers wîli be availabie forfager of the LOD.A. on the evening, December 2ist. Francis Jase and famiiy were Couch and Betty, Mc. and and cver)-Geocge Zwîer 27,1this pclcofrneThAgiuta Cm te.M. Mr. W. E. Beman, Miss Christmas guests with Mc. and Mrs. Alfred Gro27d9,1 aero 28 Goe upsecilo nftemetne. TheLagwicultural oumt tee. Mcx Irene Rinch and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. H. Jase. Gco n Mrabaeso 7,Goreproeoftemein v ason pitdotta i Jacqueline, Mc, Sierd DeJong, Kimball 261, Irene Cu.iving- be ta assist exîsting manufac- rcpresentatives of variaus Ernest Giikes were Christmas Mrs. J. E. Hawke of Leskard Dee adMs .J unn-hm2? ag aesn23tucors in the Region repre-cunisnth Aea er CharlgestGls an miy ig with Mr. and Mrs. spn telstta ek vst ham and son John wereE. Woodland 18, Mecciii sentcd by L.OD.A. ta expandisponsocod by the L.O.D.A. and, Chaie Gike ad fmiy. ingwih M. ndMrs FedChristmas dinnec guests wîth Henry 217, Glen Row2 217, their export business and as'attcîîdcd tlie 1963 Junr Miss Rowena Bragg was a G. Coueh. M.adMs alc oc rc mly23 lc oewlt netgt h os Christmas dinner guest with Mc. and Mrs. Dick Ander- Mand m. WalaceCauh TacyEmbley 202.ceRo b el, tinvesgat the oSstuin Farmec Souls and Ccop Study M~r. and Mcs. Frank Hoar and son and son Richard of Osha- an om.fbhiisfctemauatcn eor. The reresenatve Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shearer 23 v miy22 under license o! pcoducts now ýeea olw: tamily. tv~a; Mcs. Nettie Butler ando!Trnoad c.ndMs -______ fMcsy. Fe oc rMs c.Hno akr wr osfToron and Mr.andmlr! s. TTrimporteci into Canada from JmsCobBwan Mr.FrdCuc r. r. r Hno Pre wr Rs ulig n aml f te countries. (Details of v;ihe, DurhamnCounty Clre ]Norman Samnis and Mr. Leslie Christmas dinner guests with Oshawa were Cristmas even-L1LlftIJjLLI Allin were Christmas day Miss Cora and Mc. George1 ing guests with Mc. and Mcs. E later on by the Ontario G' rvro, lifedHsig guests with Mc. and Mrs. Butler. Wallace Couch and Tommy. Mc. and Mrs. E. Pethick, lerinrent.) 0'County; Gaye Hoskin, Cobourg, Charles Alldread and familyl Mc. and Mrs. Fred Cauch M n r oeî cadMsFîy ehct AseilRsltos Northumbccland County; John, ilk- and famihy of Scarbaro, and and Robin, Toronto, wece polîcy committee xvas aond1D. unf od, L ake le er- Mr. and Mrs. Reg. C. Lovekin iguests at S. R. Pethick's. f d by the Board ta study thef haw, Milford, Prince Edwardý 1-r>J~% VhqU were Christmas dinner guests f Miss Caca] Yellawlees, o! many recommendations made County: Lamne Dixon, Wood- Hiappy ..Neto Yea4'5 with Mc. and Mrs. E. RichardIfToronto, Miss Donna Yeihow-lby the variclus Zone Commit- ville,, Victoria County; -I FI'I Lovekin and familv. leces, Oshawa, were with their tees.at their mast recent met-____ ' 4. f ~~~~~~~M. and Mcs. Charles Hoag, prntM. n rs. R. Row-ins The omte scm Wehoe heNe Lap Douglas and Janice o! Toron- ian.j prised of six delegates w'ha N, Year ahead is a happy ta; Mrs. John Edwards, Bob' Mr.and Mcs. Cari Bcunt are:- Mc. George Coling. l YE VERTON.'.L .and Jane of Kingston, Mcs. D. and famiîy, r n r.1rgtn lemnE u- ore fornyou. Agd we a M fs. an ikacdMc. Allan Martin and famiîyitin, Peterborough; Mr. Read Christmas festivities begani year foryMc.Ad e and Mrs. rav icd and Bowmanviîîe, wece with their ' Budge, Port 1-lpe: Mc. Doug an Sunday in Yeiverton. leapat he hanc totel !M. an Mr. DvidRiekard parents, Mc. and Mcs. A. Maybce. Campbel!ocd; Mc. Mc. and Mrs. W. J. Malcolm. Iepa h hnet ei were Christmas guests with Brunt. Harold Cleave. Bloomfield; and entectained Mrs. Hecb Taylor1 you how greatly we ap- Mc. and Mrs. John Rickard M dM R.R Mc. D. W. Kingdon, Generai of Biackstock and their îm- and faniily. r n r.R oa Manager o! L.O.D.A. The Com-~ mediate family, the Howard1 preciate your patronage. Christmas visitors with Mrs. attended the Rundie family mittce wihl meet on January and Murray Malcoims and thel 'H. R. Pearce and Mc, and Mcs Christmas party at the Triple 8th. Some o! the resohutions Jerry Bristows. S Albert Peacce were Mr. andi C. lunder discussion will caver OnCrita -tdy 1 r G ~~' "L D H E A T I N ~Mrs. Kenneth Pearce,Per Miss Alice Creeper, Toron- topics such as municipal tax- adMs ak Wlo n and Claire o! Orangevilie; Mr. ilta, spent Christmas with Mcs. ation, liquor laws, agricultur- fml r ceue ased T MSieon.ai eveopent Trnt ate-fwith iLocna's sister, the JimI NEWCASTLEilyn, Linda and John cf. Mrs. R. D. Preston and way cecommendations, picker-1 Ta-, ors and girls, of London.1 _______. Cele;Miss Peggy Peacce, Stuart were Christmas day ei fishing and dccc hunting Mc. and Mrs. Gea. Wilson" Messrs. Albert Visser, Eri. callers at Mrs. E. Page's. f seasan npening dates, high-'the day with the David Wih- Grouvage, Harold Floysvik, Mc. and Mrs. L. E. Wright ways and coads, etc. It is ex- sons and Mcs. A. MeQuade. f Cacîze Spencer and Wesley and family were tea guests o! pecter' that definite action wilh Mc. and Mcs. Jimmy Sheck-' i Spence, o! Toronto.Mcad rs R Cemn be taken on these resolutions Jeton entectained Miss Betty1 .61 ~Mr and Mrs. R. W. Magili Hampton, on Tuesday. fYh or !D~ccosfl Whittaker o! Hamilton and1 91and famiiy of Woodstock andf Mr. an d Mrs. Edgar Wright thwi rCommend atn o the Howard Malcolms andj Mr ;dMs T. C. Gatchelii and family were Sunday even- sentation ta the varclus dre-family adfMcs.f de- le n uet f r adMs.J.The Flovd Stinsons lenter- and fmily r ama nviliue ng ulest sho!wM. adMs .pactmcnts o! Govecnment in-tained the Walter Wrights andý witeh Mi .adIs.in erget uir Ohwvohved wihh be made. irls a! Blackstack on Dec.1 Allin and daughter Helen. Mr. and Mrs. V. Ratz and It was pointcd out by the 2?4th, and on Dec. 25th joinedý Mcs. H. S. Britton ~Ray, Huntsville, were Thurs- President of L.O.D.A.,Mc.thCaenendHodPas I ~were Christn-,zs guests with da alr tMc .Wih'.George Coling, that an ap-l at the Earh McGills o! Peter-, riMr. anai Mrs. Neil Britton On Saturday, Dec. i4th the'pitmn and meeting with bocough. Giad ta hear thatf -~~~~ ~and famihy iii Belleville. Messenger Leaders, a number te Han. James Auld, Ministec cr n Ms1e. aewr jChristmas guests with Mr. o! mothers and friends were!o! Travel and Publicîty, would both able ta he present for, and Mcs. William Stocks andi guests o! Mrs. R. Stenger for be held next week ta discuss the occasion, Mcs. Page beingi 4 fmil wee Ms. lusoîlther anua Chistas art. c-opecation and promotion o! celeased fcom hospital just for! ecick Green aind Mc. Harald Crawford presented beautiful anti in the Lake Ontario reg- Cnrtltost c n Deline o! Toronto and Mc. and Christmas stories in their ýion. L.O.D.A. worked very Cogautin M.nd 0000e Mrs. William Buttecili of mast capable manner. Carols!choielv with the Ontario De- Mrs. Gea. Wilson who will bel - Smiths Falls. wece enjoyed by the chiidren partrnent of Travel andi Pub- celebrating their 58th Wed-1 *Mrs. W. B. Cale, Mc. andi aiong with a riomber o! games. iicity an d with the Regional ding Annivecsacy on New' Mcs. Dan Crosby and Mc, andA smail gi!t was presented ta Tourist Councils this year ta Mles wDla. The lson tam-ei Mrs. W. N. Cale and familviMrs. Stenger for hec kindness maintain staff at Information Chistmiaslsn ceebrcaetion o! Agincourt and Mr. andi Mri. f by Dale Griffia anti Brenda Centres on 401 Highway. The Chrs.a antis. a ocason R. Ballard of Ottawva were iMcLauguhlin. A delicious lunch1 LODA office xvas the admiîni- c and 3iv Mrs. ER nsoine Chr'istmas guiests %with Mc. anti xas eveibyMs Stengael st'ative heatiquairtecs for tis n aihMs Ensie Mrs. Lamne Johnson and fani- and Leaders. praject. Ilenderson anti Murray werel scheduled ta spenti Christmas' i ly. Mi. and Mî's. L. Edigar A special Speakers Commi-it- w -ithi theRap Macmso ïNandi Mrs. 1le-inld Le- Wright, Betty Laur~ence anti tee was set up bx' the Board!S arblouh. h Malcolm o' Crsu and Mcs. P. F. L- Waviie Beckett attended a o! Dicectors to assist comimuni-, 121~~~~T A il sevwere Christmas Peýîets lamihy gathering at îampton!tics cequiring speakcers o rib r chdldtad i wihMc and Mcs. RalfourComnîunity Hall on Saturday chaîrnien tao oîtline the acti-,op they ie!t us something taý LeGceshey and !amiJy in:night, the 2lst, ta honour Mr. vities o! L.O.D.A. Repcesenta- 1eat. Toronto. anti Mrs. N. E.Wright on theirtives on this Committee cameý Miss Mary Rc'dhead antil 56th wcdding annivecsacy andýfcom aIl îhrcec Zones o! the' Christmas visitors at Mal- Mi.g. Sîmnians of Toronto vis- ta bici facewelh to Mrs. L. J. Association andi wihhl becomelconia were Mc. and Mrs. AIda1 The armny ay . od-fshineditcd xith Mcs. P. F. LeGcesley Bradford (Norma Wright) be- active at the first o! Januacv. Nasato andi Louis of Port Cre- oTusdy. ;fore hec cetucn ta Tuscan,' Much discussion levoivédi dit yani rlc.snof S. Royte Mxi. Ca;: Zinn of the local *Arizona. Others present wcce acound the financing of im- Wcyadgrso al t bank 5taff spent Chc:stmnasiMiss Marguerite Wright, St.:provements c! ccsorts foc ces- Marie. But the words are sincere.. holidpys a! his home in Wood- Catharines; Mc. and Mcs. j. j. or opecators in the acca. The 1 ._____ -ock. ;Bradford and boys, Mrs. June iBoard o! Directors agreed that' . Mrs. Flurence Bowec (if Jamer and chiltiren, Mr. and ýL.O.D.A. should investigateM d e D w W. are glad to sing this message V .avc c.W uryMs Herbert Wright and!what agencies are available at M d ts D w al ý Mc. kant Mrs. J. Hutien girls fcom Toronto; Dr. and .tepeen ietaass ef ti Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. D. Bcadford andi boys, sort aperators in obtaining fi-! And sng hioud nd cear.. , ;îey eigusn an: faily!Cobaurg; Mc. andi Mcs. P. A. nancing at reasonable intecestî vaý r wen! Christmas Sunday guests Tresise anti girls, Mc. and rates. .!i, Mcs. C2-il F'erguson, anti Mrs. J. Muller, Oshawa; Mr.: D. W. Kingdon, General Bowmanville fireti five con- To il aur friends and customners Mr. Milton Pavne. and Mrs. R. Chemens and Manager o! the Lake Ontario 5etutive goals ta defeat Mark- i Vc. R. Verînon sperit the Brenton, Hampton. Devehopment Association, ce- hamo 6-2 in Midget hockey ac- Christmas holiidays at his Mcs. L. J. Bradfordi, Toscan, noctcd on his cecent trip ta tion hast Monday night in The. happiest New Yearl home in Simcoe. :Aridora; Miss Ma rg a ret Chicago involving industrial Mackham. pnd te Mc ad rs rema Edyrgh, t.Cahcies M.promatîon. M.Kingdon said The visitors oenf h o!rOcono we. remiagEt dy W rSt.CMuhareshMwa; that the trip was most succes- scocing and Markham tied it of Oonower Friay uessan Mr. J MulerOshwa;fui and that ail agencies deal- early in the gamne, but the THAN YOUwithî Mrs. Cecil Fecguson ant i Miss Doris Wright, Whitby; ing with industriai promotion hocals went in front 2-1 byi TH N Y UMc Milton Payne, Mc. Murray Ax!ord. Mr. anti wece caîhecu upon. the end o! the first, adtied a Mc. and Mcs James Dean inMs. R. Clemens and Brenton, ThiOA Dccosaso pair in the second and made 'MR YOUR PATRONAGE rf Preston andi Mc. and Mcrs Hampton: Mr. anti Mcs. N. E. aphae Ld the recoenaini - bfc h asr oc- rcýsDean an 1 familv o, Wright wece Christmas guests o! the Toucist Committce that! ed their final taily in the'1 O li va wcce C'îri.,tinas gue_,.,s o! Mr. anti Mcs. E. Wright. 'four Spoctsmen's Shows be at- third.1 wxi h Mc. and Mrs. Kenneth!_ tencled bx' the Association in, Steve Burns was the big De.n anti daup«ht-ec Mary. 'Eidney Fecgusc.n and famile 1964. It ii expccted that ap-!gun for Bawmanville, scocîng Christmas daY auests vý.'th and Mcs. M. Sunidourg. pcoximately 400,000 peopheý once and setting up three oth- Mis. Cecil FecguScn anti Mr ' Mc. anti Mrs. Rhoy Nesbt* wili have 'the oppoctunity of'er goals, whihe Don MeMurterý E lmn h u rst H o te l TllonPyeweeM.an n famy of t*rt -MeLe É, personally visiting with repre- j bagged one marker an:d dew NEIVCASTLE ~ ~ touk: Mc o un ..-Chita oît'xith thîeii Sportsmen.. Shows in Cheve-'coliected a pair. Singles went, ..u ý wlLII ue .5j l et was ini Mount L8wf ______ suspended for the duration o!_Cemetery. ________ FANCY QUALITY SPECIAL 1 A%&P TOMATO JUICE 2 48-l-oz tns 5 9C ANN PAG SPECIAL 1 KETCHUP 2 -0ozbtls 35C CHOICE QUALITY SPE A&P PRUNE PLUMS 3 1.RztIns4c JUBILEE R .Piejr5cSV CHEESE SPREAD Priesjar55C-SV A&P ondes Oy MotsPurchased From Federally ispected Pockin Hous CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF Staks OR Rat Boneless ROUND STEAK ROAST POINT SIRLOIN ROAST RUMP or WING ROAST ii Boneless ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN or WING STEAK PORK HOCKS fiEJADCHfEESE &-and Pluictn 3 9cj 9bIc HANDY CONSUMER PACK, NO. 1 GRADE POTATOES CALIFORNIA NAVELS, FINES! FOR EATING, FANCY GRADE ORANGES SIZE 88's dozen 7 C Jane Parker Reg. Prie@e mach H-8AVE »s Orange or Lemon ec CHIFFON CAKE 49C~'7 Jan@ Parker, Dutch R.. sacli 5.-SAVE 14 A&PPLE PIE lag 24oz p 45C Jan@ Parker, Plain Reg. Ioaf 27c.-SAVE lie RAISIN BREAD 216-,,z oaves 4 3 Ail Prices Shown In This Ad Guaranteed Through Jan. 2 to January 4th, 1964 C/IAO ewc4le YqK4m«de«d Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 987-4482 o BURNS WIENERS Z4 ;k 4 9C 1A&P Quolity Sokery Proàlcts Jan@ Parker MINCE PIE Reg. Prie* oaci, Sbo-8AVE 1 largeA( 24-oz pie4 9 £ IrýDairlington Councý il il a *25c juoaty