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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1964, p. 7

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c F "B strot Caru Pres of 1 Coni end sust peri, in C Can sini for Brit A in out] will of wit) mul wid duc a fav ,c Ha fv Phc pe ita soi Fa bu fic gr an ar Di fit ar thi Pl ai ti w P n 0, c itc CE rie er. act. e! te twbt. !n, in ard Mrs. Milton Kimbaîl, Mr. ro n d girls; Mrs. Wag£MUT- I RI ihme-Smith, Mr. and Ms Sr. eainirg for a short time I CO RN ER Alfred 'Grahamn, Fred and With Mr. and Mrs. Ceci!' Jane, Mr andMrs. George Burîey were Mr. and Mrs. Earl so Kimbali and Joan, al cf New- McEwen and famiiy o! Peter- rastle, and Miss Jean Carr of borough, Mr, and Mrs. Don Cobourg. Vinkle.AnA Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bau- At Mr. Wilfred Wood's were gher at Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood and Gordon's, Kerdal. boys, Newtonvilhe, Mr. and At Mr. Don Staphetor's were Mrs. George Felgafe and fam-' »~t'Mrs. Parkinson and daughter lM.ad rs Jack Pye- 'e Stapleton of Toronto, Mr. Graham, ahi o! Toronto, Mr. I It s the Ontarlo Heart Bruce Dornelley o! Port and Mrs. Stewart Wood and Foundation? Hope, Mrs. Lorre Todd, Mr. familv, Bowmarville Mr. an Si Itis a volurtary organiza-adMs m tpeo. Ms aodWo n o. S n e e a d i tion camposed o! medicai and Mrs. M. Waikey with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bih Skeldingl lay peop-, dedicated ta the F nesna r l! n r et at Mr. George Skel-, spansarsbip of heart researt-hidersors in Bowmanville. dirg's, BoYwmarvilhe. fre d May God richly bleu and educatiori in Ontario, ardý At Mr. B. F. Eliott's were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stacey find in Canada. It was organized,'Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Elliott and and famihy at Mr. George Car- yuand your thuhou the lin 1952 and ifs membershipi daughters, Mr. and Mrs.. lisle's, Stirling. yo or ru o band directorship represents ail' Wayne Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Truemar comng ear- nd a te hol wold part, o! Ontario. ;Russell Elliott and family, Young and famiîy of Belle- comig Y ar andto he holeword Wy lu beart research neces- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Don ville, at Mr. Ralph Campbell'%., sary? Elliott and girls, Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Clînton Far-' MOLYlHe grant the treasure of Peace. Heart research is necessary Jones, Miss Carai Cox of' row and Gler with Mr. andiW tdiscover the cause o! heartiBowwmanvilîe. Mrs. Carl Todd and famihy. 1 disease, which is now i-espar-j Mr. Roy Smith, Miss Olive Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter' __ sîbie for are out a! every twoa and Mr. Tupper Jobriston at and famihy at Mr. W. N. Pcr- W deaths in Ontario. ýMr. W. J. Harcock's, Peter- ter', Ororo. G i n R e DFebruary is Heart Month ir borough. With Mr. and Mrs. Stan' a iry 'Canada. On February l7th. M.r. and Mrs. Laurie Stapie-iRowe were Mr. and Mrs. Fred G len fRae Dhaîryrtfor fthe ton of Toronto, Miss Dorothv R:we and family of Port Hope, BO vV ANVILEHeurt. Stapleton of Kingston and'Mr. and Mrs. Neil O'Connel COURTICI the OtroRatFudto.1wt Mr. adMrs, Gea. Sta- Mrs. Doug. Rowean daugh. g Grant Herron of Ebenezer < .~~~, ps~~~~ were aise visitors. Lti n -~ i Mrs. D. M. Palmer, Mr. and! Ltte arovn an *.r G a ia c5ociat t(eurso ali rsdGeorge Fisher, Shelley, ~2i-'erso and Barbara, alo S7 Oshawa, and Mrs. Norman ..... ....... Phon 6233303Smith. Town, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames.; ________________________________________________and Jill, Carlisle Ave. Be sure ta phone in vourlter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Mr. and Mrs. W. Teeple,ý Eist of New Year's visitor .s by Hoar and famrily, Willowdale. Town, and Miss Ruth Hancock. dialng 23-303.Mr.and rs.E. W Foeyjof Toronto, were Christmas, Mr. Bud eth2c3,TorontoMr. aBdert Co.lW.l an Irwînvisitors with Mr. and mrrs. Mr. ud ethckTorntoiMrs Bet Clwel ad IwinTeeple's daughter and son-m.11 was home for Christmas withiwere Chrîstmas-week guests! a M. nwrs el a. his sister, Mrs. Ina McNaugh1of Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Col- BueadEiPtroog. ton, Queen Street. well, Susan and Tommy, Coe!BueadEiPtroog. Mihal ndShwnLedyHil.i Miss Jane Lander. nurse-in-, ' l1eft late Christmas night byl Mr. and Mrs. Norman James, training at Kingston Generali -- Kigston Hospital. and Miss Leslie Lan- train for Vancouver and V:~ iso, and Mr. aoug der, McMaster Univ e r s1ty,, toria on a sight-seeing holi- James, Toronto, spent Christ-~ were home for Christmas va- day. maswihterprnsMrcio with their parents, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nich- and Mrs. S. R. James Centre catind Mrs. Jac Lanr,TM-. ols of Kingston spent Christ- Street. perance Street. mas with the former's father, I Mr. and Mrs. G. Graham, MrHrrOsrnDto, Mr. L. B. Nichais, Carlisle' Scarborough, were Christmas!, Mrc. aspent borne.Desroatt Avenue. gust o heir daughter andwek ithsmoerMr. Congratulations ta Mr. and: son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie R E. Osthboreisster Miss Mrs. R. R. Stevens who cele-î Wessells and Denise, Liberty' Louise Osborne, Church St. brated their 64th wedding an. St. North. He aise visittèd his brother, niversary on Friday, pecem-j Mr. John E. James, Ryerson Mr. Nelson Osborne and other, ber 27th. 1 Polytechnical Institute, Tor- local relatives. Mr. Wesley Allin, Mrs.'onto, is spending Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Saun- Douglas Cale and Jean were holidays with his parents, Edi-I ders and sons Alan and R- recerit guests of Mr. and Mrs.'i tar and Mr.Jh .Jms' bert, Toronto, were Boxing O. Jamieson and sons, Peter- Church St. !Day visitors with his parenMs,I borough. Mr. Ralph Carruthers, Newý Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunderr, '"iss Denise Wessells, Lib-'York City, and Mr. Douglas Waverley Road. Mr. and Mr. t,Çj A St. North, left on Boxing Carruthers, Durinville, sPerit A. Saunders were Christmas! bay to spend a few days with Christmas with their parents, Day guests of Mr. and Mrs ) Miss Wendee Rader of Rex-ý Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruth- jack Reid, Orono. dale, Ont. 'ers, Scugog Street.Ms.MidredAnron Miss Sharon Leach, UniiverÀ Mýr. Ben Thampson, College South Pasadena, Calif., spent sity of Toronto, is with heri Of Pharmacy, University Of a few days last week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Toronto, is spending the Fes- Mrs. M. E. Leask, Ontario St. Leach, Flett Street, for Christ- tive holidays with his parents, Christmas guests with Mrc. mas 'nolidays. Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Leask included Mr. and Mrs. 4 Mr. Richard Lander, Queen's Thompson, Church St. L. Cassel, Penny, Sandra andl University, is home for Christ- Sgt. and Mrs. Robert Oliver Roy, Elmira, Ont., and Mr. mras holidays with his parents, and daughter Cathy, Lowther and Mrs. Robert Leask and' Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lander, Air Base, were Christmas- Tadd of Markham.9 Division Street. week visitars with Mrs. Oli-~ Mr. David Reynolds, Tor- c Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert v er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. onto. spent the Christmas ho- i faiy !Crnal eeFrancis Williams, Prince liday with his parents, Mr.c and aiyoConalwr Street. and Mrs. W. B. Reynolds, Christmas guests of Mr. and t Mns. Fred Thomson and fam- Corp. and Mrs. I. C. Mat- Centre Street. Christmas Day Wee Carolyn Van Dyk and her alert canine guardian Sonja, were caught fly, Church Street. thews, Ricky and Joanne, St.Iguests with Mr. and Mrs. Rey- in a winsomne pose in the above photo. Carolyn, who was two years aid on Box-v Mr oh en,~Bruno, Que., have returned nol1ds were the latter's sister in Day, December 26th., is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Dyk cf t Mr.Joh KntOtawa, was home after spending Christ- adbrother-in-law, Mr. and ii a Christmas holiday guest mas week with ber parents,lMrs. Fred Leask and sons Ian Lindsay. Her very proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Ge boers and Mr. with his brother and sister-in- Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday,land Alex, Uxbridge. and Mrs. John Van Dyk, al cf Bowmanville. law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scugog St.Mr.n Ms.Rsei o- Menr.Loe ret Mr. and Mrs E. J. Fairey, fatt, Vincent and Gail, Scar- ~I~~~ ,***ter, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Mr ay H o usia n der, Town, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fair. borough, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tv E 1owe. Queen's University, is home: ey and daughter Bobbi Ann Moffatt and Kevin, Mr. and N E W T O N V ~IL L M. n b ERssBrw for Christmas vacation with1 were Christmas visitors of the Mrs. Leon Moffatt and Stevei,. The United Church base- pleton and Keith.. and M rs. aveRo nt bis parents, Rev. and Mrs.1 former's father, Mr. E. M. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lianel ment was filled with a capaci- Mrs. Lena o)vens, Mr.an and famceiely frhv ee net Wm. . Hoslaner.Fairey, and other relatives il, Tennant, Mark and Lynn, ty crowd for the annual Mrs. Keith Stevenson and with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. R. G. Cowie spent Newmarket. Town, spent Christmnas Day Christmas Concert on Tuesdayi family 'with Mr. and Mrs. MradMs.GogStp- Christmas at Markham with Miss Helen Vanstone and with Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. evening, Dec. î7th. Rev. R. C. Frank Ovens. ber mother, Mrs. Albert Wide- Mr. Norman Vanstore left on Moffatt, Prospect Street. White, as usual, was the ger-j At Mr. Clintor Brown's were man, and ber brother, Russell Friday for a skiirg weekend Mr. and Mrs. Harry Akey ial chairmar., and tie variety Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Hen-ý Wideman and family. at Çoîîingwood. They will also and Gary were Christmas program of some 33 numbers derson and family, Mr. andý Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kitson attend a reunion of the sum- guests of Mrs. Akey's sister was run off in record timc, Mrs. Fred Herderson and fam-1 and son Ralph of Richmond mer staff at Wirdermere and brather-ir-law, Mr. and as Santa Claus had arrived ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim GilmPr 7Hili were Christmas guests of House, Muskoka. Mrs. Earl Kimmerly of Syra- with his "Ho, Ho, Ho!" and and family, Port Hope, Mr. andý his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ember- ruse, N.Y. Travelling by plane was harding out the gifts ta Mrs. Raymonci Trim, mr. art fred Kitson, King St. West. son, 'Steven, Terri, Michael, from Maltor aîrport on bis willing helpers before 10 Mrs. Bill Wade and sons, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. 'E. V Hoar, and Julie, Guelph, were week- Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. o'clock. Appreciation was ex- and Mrs. Ross Brown and King St East, were Christma,- end guests of ber mather, Mrs. Ted Fairey joired the latter's pressed ta Mrs. Vinkie and ber1 family. guests of their son and daugh Douglas Cale. Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Akey. assistants for their time and Mr. Dave Denault with Mr. for Christmas ir Syracuse. trouble spent on this worthy adMs o uly nPr Howard and John Rundle, pro.ject, withaut which this]Hope. Uiversity of Toronto, are with festive season would notb Mr.and Mrs. Bill Fud T RIN TY UN TED L IUKLH their parents, Dr. and Mrs. complete for either the child-! r.Fud H. B. Rundle, for the Christ- ren or their proud parents. adsn ootwt r Minister - Rev. Wrn. K. Ilousiander, B.A., B.D. mas Holidays. Christmas guests Mr. Vernon Stacey left for WihM.ad rsC.H" "' Organist r.wAtthuDr.lard Mrs.s.BRundR.e.Mn- Englard on Tuesday te spend Ln Orgnis - r. rthr CllianMusB.,L.RS.M cluded Mrs. G. C. Squire, Christmas with his wife and Lane were Mr. and Mrs. Harrv . London, Ont., Dr. and Mrs. famiîy who wilî then return Ln of Owen Sound, Mr. and jWarren Squire, Toronto, Mrs. om wthhi. Rae Stewart of Toronto, î SUNAYJAUAR St ~H. C. Rundie, Brighton, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, Mona Rundie, Toronto, Mr. M.ad rsGegekl- Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs * .~ir m. MoringWorsip ad Mr. Lightr Rudle rd ng or Blackstock, Mr. and Bill Lare and girls, Port Hope. k i/" family o! Brighton. Mrs. George Skelding Jr. and~ Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancas S.;' family, of Bowmanville, wereI ter and Dorella with Mr. andý "The Heari of the Matter"i Mrs. C. H. Dudley has re- Sunday guests hast week at Mrs. Carroll NichaIs and fam- turned from a pleasant ba01- Mr. Bill Skelding's. ily, Wesleyviiie; Mrs. Nichois 7 p.w. - Evening Worship day in Florida at the home o! ber son and daughter-in-haw, Mr and Mrs. Roy Nesbitt Sr. returning home with themi "Believe Witb Ail Your Heart" Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dudley and1 and family of McLeod, Alber- for a visit. SUDYSCOLfamily, at Lakelard. Wbile ta, were visitors last Sunday Miss Allie Nesbitt, To:ronto, SUNDAY SCHOOLthere she enjoyed seeing mnvwith Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. with Miss Anne Nesbitt. places o! interest ircluding Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Martin o! Mrs. H. Trim in Oshawa, Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 9:45 a.m. the fabfflous homes at Palm Oshawa were visitors last Sun- with Mr. and Mrs. Coulson Primary and Kindergarten - 11:20 arn. Beach, Miami, Cypress Gar- diay at Mr. Geo. Stapleton's. and family. Begnnrs- 1:0 an.dens, Bok Tower with beauti- Mr. and Mrs. Clirton Brown, At Mr. Lloyd Clysdale's Beinr 10 ..fui carillon, and the great with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer,l Mr. Willis Farrow, Mr. and, ". < WELOMETO LLmasterpiece, "The' Last Sup- were Sunday supper guests atIMrs. Phil Gilmer, Blaire and ý A CORDIAL pECM T L er", done in mosaic, and had Mr. Jim Giimer's ir Port Hope Kim, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tomp-1 a pleasant Tbanksgivirg Dey and attended the Candie' kins. with frierds in Tampa. Thre*e Lighting service in the Unitedý Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott days were saddened as all Cburch there, later that even-' ard Dorothy with Mr. and mourned the passing of the irg. Mrs. Wray Saules, Toronto. EHO OTH CH IST ANbehoved Americar President. Mrs. W. H. Joncs heft Malton At the Manse were Mr. and! REHO B TH C RISTAN iA happy occasion was a con- by Jet hast Sunday ta sperd Mrs. Miltor McMillan. Mrs. cert recitaI conducted by Ray. th hita olidays in Ed- Ella Brown, Miss Irene Bron R EF RM ErCHeRC pianos were on stage rnonton with Mr. and Mrs. Roseneath, Mr. and Mrs. Char-! Scugog Street, Bowrnanville sitfing at each instrument. In Miss Barbara Ovens heft the Mrs. F. Nesbitt with Mrs. Bey Jon C VebrugeB.A, BD.,Minste \l l 285 yourg boys and girls same place on the same day, J. Turner. Bowmanville. Rev.Joh C. erbugg, B.., .D. Minste paticipated, rangirg f r om by an earlier plane, te sperd With Mr. and Mrs. Karl kindergarten age ta advanced the holiday season with ber Bickle and famiiy were Mr.11. Telephone 623-5023 stens Th anuiPaosse, rsBraNolbsan Mr.LadPyead BETHÂNY Intended For Last Week A Bethany Community Car- ol service was held in the Un- ited Church on Sunday night, with Rev. Reginald Rose of' St. Paul's Anglican Church leading the service. Members of the Joint Youngý People's group, David Staples,ý Ray Porteous, Miss Dianne Smith, Miss Lynda Davidson, Ronald Jackson, Roy Scott,~ R~obert Pierey and Mrs. Allant Beer read portions of scrip- ture concerning the prophecy, of, and the birth of the Babyl resus. Mrs. Jean Piercey was or- ganist and directed the joint choir from the two churches in three nurnbers, "A French Carol" Poverty Carol and "Un- to Us a Baby Is Born." Christmas hymns and carols were sung by the congrega- tion throughout the service. The offering was receivedi by Billy and Bobby Smelt. Read and Use Statesman SClassified Advertising KNAPP', WHITE R05 Service Stati BASE LINE You ean expeet a sharp ln the temperature any now! Better brlng your ci for complete checkup winterlzlng! ['W? aiy White Rose Automatîc Car Wash .ion drap day ar ln and 011: 24-HOUR FS TOWING SERVICE TWN Phone ' - 623-5418 Yrds in stsch a turmoil, Cod, and waras eem a ta cease." hardeneci to each other, and forget the way to Peace. mes wve re very selfish - (but You knou of twhat we'lre Made 1i s strength to really folow You, - we"re often so afair '! cI, out necds ar evj great - and we, <n&dJqo#"Uml ,rWso hp ad g t- and etrmG od, fug 01f M hmw tf0 y relmo throgh the Year You give tu nS0 w'arm wishes to our many customers and vhom we were privileged to serve during the past year! AND STAFF E BOWMANVI LLU ton and Dorothy wlth Mr. and The Canadian Stateman, BownianvMeI, ,Jan. 1, 1984 - J Mrs. Laurie Stapleton were supper guests Suturday with ~ v w '"adure vresfraya Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin anfd Ul1U Yandrd hiduovrsg ord War aMissesf -Nestle. , I with the Canadman Arrned Missesa JAne a eJon, GARNET L. McCOY Forces. He had reslded ini Donn Careth nd JyceBowmanville for rnany yearg Campbell went to Peterbor- The death o! Gai-net Lloyd and wus a member of The. ough Sunday. Co curda eoilSntCub Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown co curdu eoiiSnt lb and daughter Karen of Scur- Hospital, Bawmarvilhe, on Mr. McCoy is survlved by boraugh were Sunday visitors Wednesday, December 18th, his wife, and sari Jack of witb Mr. and Mrs. Harry 1963. He was in his 68th Dngareouth, N.S ALo srviv-o Wd.year and had been 111 for o n r rteLino With Mr. and Mrs. Melville monti. Brooklin; a sister, Mrs. Albert wer Ms. Sono!th lte imn rdPoulter (Verra) o! Oshawa; Samis Suonrdaye at Sion ad dsix graridcbiidren. Prouse and Charhie o! Osa-a Amehia McCoy, the deceased Tefuea srvc ws and Miss Noreen Prause Of was barri in Clarke Township. he f nte asricuerwal Toronto. ~~He atterded scbooh jr Tyrone. hl rmteMri uea Miss Dorathy Elliott wert On Aprii 20, 1932, he married Chapel, Bowmarviile, an Sat- ta Toronto. Surduy, ta stay the former Breta L. Hawkey urday, December 21sf, anid over New Years, with Mr. and who survives. ws cnutd by Rv Mrs. Wray Saules. Win. K. Haushander o! Trim- Miss Tira Kozub and ber Mn. McCoy was a butcher ity United Churcb, Bowman- mother attended our church or severai years, retirirg ville. Interment was in Bow. service Sunday m or ni n gfi-rn that business about 12 manville Cemetery..1 where Tira gave several fin years aga. At the time o! Pahîbearers were Messrg, selections on ber accordion, bis deaf h he was a salesman Lorne Phare, Lance Phare, much apprciuted by the conî- for Bell and Sons, Montreal. Harold Skinnier, Fred Phllip, gregatior. The deceased was a mnember Junior West and Frank. o! Trinity United Church, Jamieson. BOWMANVILLE

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