418 j: h Theli Canadian Stâtesrmni, Bownianville, jan. 1, 1964 &SPORTopICS" Ir Pe) Rv FpfrankMohnbi623-9'7234k ANOTHER YEAR HAS ROLLED AROUND We've said it before - but it docs seem hardly ]possible that another year bas rolled around. Sports-wise in Bow-, manville we saw tbc end of Intermediate hockey, whilc the Junior "B" Pic-O-Mats only lasted one season. Basebaîl con- tinued ta be virtually non-existent. apart from bbc mineri leagues, wbicb seemed te bave a lot cf entbusiasm. Wbether ni this will continue when the players reacb junior and inter p4 rnedîate age remains te be seen. n c The Tykes were the most impresstve basebsîl club es tbbc 0 went three garnes before losing te a London suburb in tb el Ontario finals. New Harnburg ousted bbc Bantam Legionaire I n tbe provincial semi-final. In hockey, our best showiný came from the Pee Wees xvho captured the Ontario Litti, di N.H.L. consolation title. ô On a stnictly local basis town Icague hockey returned an( S a four team junior league was formed. Bowmanvillc ha O been privilcged te bave Jr. "A" hockey at bbc Memoria Arena for tbe 1963-64 season, but if Oshawa Auditorium i S ready next faîl - wonder wbat tbc main attraction will bg - _.then? n Anyone %&bo says there isn't much doing in this bown st f! probably isnt reading tbis columer - because yours truly i a prctty busy in bbc sports line, botb participating (despiti i( our age) and trying te keep our entbusiasbs inforrncd. I n addition te hockey and basebaîl, Bowrnmanville bas a ire f; 'endously strong Town Softball League and last summier. fi Junior loep was aise addcd. The Ladies didnt *win bbc Dur c harn ile in 1963, but it wasn't for iack of ability omr trying i Not to mention an establisbed and quickly-developing gel Ecourse and tbe construction of another which promises t( he quite an 18 bote challenge, witb swimming pool yet. 0f course we bave numerous bowling leagues, badinn ton, tennis and basketball in the organized line. We ontý wîsh Lake Ontario was a littie warmer se wc could enjoý swîmming as wclI as other individual sports such as buntînj and fisbing. We always like te take this opportunity cf thanking thos( Who hav-e helped us during tbe past year, but \vc bave beci told by several that we always say thanks twice. For ex am pie once now and again ie '64 foi- a sport covering boti I years. Okay those te wbomn we expressed cor appreciati last year - you'x'e bad it! This time we're aIse going te digi ess from the usuat bý gving a special tbank-vou te several guys who did a par. ticularly huge amount of work on oui' bebaîf -- Arnîold Et cher, Ted Faircy, Bill Nicholson, Harold Bennett and A Osborne. Aiso - Ted Dadson, Guy Parký, Ken Nicks, Bob Watt. Leý Smate, Bert Perfect, Irwin Beaupric, Don Gillbooty%. Jin- Crombie, Germ'y Marjerrison, Rcgr Witîats, Ena Etcher, Bit' S Orme, Mike Murphy, John Fowler, Peter Stacev, Jim Bishop uHuck"~ Balson, George Ellîott, Kay Beauprie, Jack and Dci' otby Bond, At and Betty Lobb, Bitl Burgess, Dr. Keiti- Stemon, Jack Baker, Jim Coyle, Gery\ Blair, Wren Blair Ratpb Ormiston, Dorig Rigg. Mcl Burgess and those wlh, turn in reports wbicli we dont even sec untit they are ir The Statesman. Hope we dide't miss anycne, PETES EDGE OSHAWA 4-3 It 's always a good gai-ne xvben Peterborough Petes mini Oshawa Generals get bogether, but after five turnes. onIv six goals separate bbc twe teanis and bbc Generals have s alx'aged but a single point. Tbursday night at bbc Liftlock City it looked as tîtougi the Gencrals wvere finall * on their way. Muich-imiprox-ed centre Terry Lane opened the scorng early in the first period on a pass frcm Bob Kilger. Bobbv Omr notched hi: 'l7th.at the 10:40 mark, but Brian O'Byi'ne prit Peterboreugh bbche 'core-sheet, 16 seconds tater. Witbin five minutes i %vas ail even on Dan Sbarp's tatly. Out witb tbree minutes remaining in the period. Orr, Kilger, and Chris Roberts, along witb Jin Sprotb, Self and Bob Jarnieson were dealt major sentences by reforee Loru Mas. chid. Janieson, who had carlier gone off with Bill Smith or five minute spearing penalties, automatically dccxv a mis- -conduct. Generals' captain, Danny O'Shea got a miscen- durt for leaving tbc bencb. Sprott fired tbc winner at 2:48 of bbc final session, wîtl MIike Dubeau off for tipping, making the Genierats two mer short te the Petes' one. Trailing 4-3, tbc Generals dominatcd play, but Goddard r rose ta bbe occasion. Witb 35 seconds remaining, coach Jin' Cherry pullcd Dennis Gibson for a sixbh attseker teor av'a il. FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) Your Fully Recognized Prof essional Travel Consultants AGENTS for ail Airlines, Steanisbip Uines, Hotels, Tours, Car Rentais, Etc. Free Information and Service! PHONE 728-6201 57 KING ST. E., OSHAWA MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMAN VILLE Telephone 623-5728 f~ PUBLIC SKATING - FRIDAY, JAN. 3rd 8 p.m. ADMISSION jý-du1ts -50c- Children - 35c SUNDAY SKATING 2 - 4 P. M. HOCKEY NIAGARA FALLS FLYERS l'S. OSHAWA GENERALS Sunday, Jan. 5th 7:30 p.m. ADMISSION Sides - $1.50 Ends - $1.2.3 Standing - $1.25 Students and Chil dten, scats or standing - 75c v e es ig le ýd s al s )e ti. s ce .n a 'o y 9 ;e nc h n1 Minor Hock Saturday, Jan. 4, 1964- (No. of game in brackets) Pee W'ce: ( 1) - Wings vs Rangers (2) - Bears vs Leafs (3) - Atorns vs Haxvks (4) - Bruies vs Canadians Bantain - Practice: (5)- Pee Wees v's Lions (6) -Cubs vs Pirates (7)- Flyem's vs Braves (8) - Barons vs Rex ais Mid-eb: (9) - Bantais vs Generals (10) -B.T.S. vs Orphans Juvxe nil e: 1I1 A ces v s Mbt. R ovals Atom Playoff Sehedule MIondax' Gai-ne Tuimes: lst came, 5: 00 pinm.; 2nd game.' 5:45 p.m. Saturdav Game Timnes: 7thý came, 11:50 arn.; 8tb game,ý 12:35 p.m. Jan. 6-- (i) - Bombers vs Roaas (2) - Giants vs Indians Jan. Il- ( 7) - Barons vs Bombers (8) - Ilornets vs Giants Jan. 13~ I) - Bisons vs Barons (2) - Hernets vs Rains Jan. 18-- (8) - Indians vs Bisons Jan. 2))- (1)i - Giants xrs Bisons (2) - Roaas vs Indians jan. 25 () - BoniberF vs Hornets (8) - Roayais 's Rarns Jan. 27î -- ,ey Schedule (3) - Huskies vs Pirates Playoff Schedule .Jan. 18.- (5) - Flyers vs Pee Wees (6) - Braves vs Cubs (7) Liens vs Pirates [Jan. 25- f1) - Lions vs Huskies (2) - Braves vs Pee Wecs (3) - Cubs vs Pirates Feb. 1- (5) - Cubs vs Lions (6) -Pirates vs Flyers (7) - Pec Wees vs Huskies Feb. 8- (1) - Braves vs Flyers (2) - Cubs vs Huskies (3) - Pirates vs Pee Wees Feb. 15- (.5) - Pirates vs Braves (6) - Pec Wees vs Lions (7) - Huskies vs Flyers Fcb. 22- (t) - Pee Wees vs Cubs (2) -Hrskies vs Braves (3) - Ft.yers vs Lions Fe b. 29- (5) - Huskies vs Pirates (6) - Flyers vs Cubs (7) - Liens vs Braves. Att pla 'vers must sign their. own naine te bbc score sbeeti five minutes before the starti of bbc garne. Plavers net ar'niving on turne te sign bbe score sheet wiil net be cligible te plaY that gaine. 1The two top tesmes at tbc! end efthbbcPlay-off Schedule' 1witl enter Miiner FHockey Night, WcdnesdaY, March 18, This is a picture of a bcst friends watching a b gardon. It is aise thc pictur iii and a man who is tt-yiný ycaî'-old Debbie Scimes, po a (I) Rais vs Bomibers IAil remaining teains wili)\ s'>S.ophN, A-ssociation of (2) - Hornets vs Barons plat' an elimination tourna-' Bonser, a Xlic-President of Feb. 1 ment foc "The Mug'". lion cf Fire Figlitens. Debb ýs (8) - Giants vs Barons AnY ics in t he leagueCadincldcs a F, Fb. 3-- standing at the ced Of bbc Cnda hlrisgd (I1 ) -Indians vs Bombers plavoff sebiedule will be de- muscular dvý,strophy. Capb. (2) - Giants v's Royals 1cided bx' bbc best goal ax'em- other Canadian fine fighte Feb. 8- age. r'esear-ch on MD se a cure (7) - Bisons vs Ro vals Midget Playoff Schedule for Musculai- Dystî'ephv wi I (8) - Rains vs Indians Ssturdav Gaine Timnes: 9th the w'oek c f November 24- Fc( 1) n,1 -i on :30 p.rn.: 104h gaine. tvil l e asked te contribute 0 (21) - Bisons vs rnts 2:15 p. m. cua -vstr-ophx Associatior n (2). 1--rn v a Jan. Il- -'rDý (8 Febomer15 iat (9) - Generals vs Maroons: will beo asked 'te houp giv (8- obesvsGans (10) - Orpbans vs Cornets chance te live and grow vup Feb. 17-- Jan. 18- d (1) -Roalas vs Hornets (9) - Generals vs Cornets (2) - Rams vs Giants ý(10) - Bantains vs BT.S. y' Feb). 22-- Jan. 25- e(7) - Ranis vs Bisons (9) - Bantais vs Orpbans (8) - Indians vs Horeets (10) -BT.S. vs Maroons La e Fe.24-- adis' M ajor I 1) Bobes v Bson :(9) - B.T.S. vs Generals (2 )- Barons vs Imdians ! (10) - Bantams vs Cornets Bowling startsa bt Feb. 29-l Feh. 8- Alv - - s(7) - Rovals v's Barons. r (9) -BT.S. vs Cornets Aly - - Ai l paxers niust sigte their 0)<~ - Maî'oons vs Ompban3 Jan. 61bh 1-2 3-4 owe i name te bbc score sheet, Feb. 15--- Jan. 13 1(-1-I 9-8 tfixe minutes before tbc stantl 9) - Maroorns vs Bantam.s Jan. 2)3 -5 1-1-2 Of the gaine. (t10) - Ocpbans vs Generaîs 1 2 '. Pars net arrix'ing an Feb. 22-Ja.247 51 ine Ie sign tihe scor'e sheetl (9) - Orphans v s BT.S. Feb. 3 8-6 10-12 that nt be eligibie te play! (lb)) - Maroons vs Cornets :Fcb. 1) 12-Et -1-9 s htgaine, Feb. 29--1Fei). 17 2 -8 ri- 1 The twe top beains at bbc (9 - Gcnem'als vs Bantains. ~ 49I 7I e end et bhe Piavoff Schedue .uvenfle Playoff Schedule Fh 491 7i txiii enter Miner HockevMa.1- 26 Nigbbt, Wednesdav, Marcb 13,, Saturday Gaine Timecs: 1lhMr2 t- 2- 1964. gaine, 2:15 pin.; luth 'gaine.: Macr. 9 6-9 1-7 Ail remaining teains i 1 3:0)) pin. Mar. 16 8-t2 11-5 apla ' an elimination tourna-' Jn 8 sCncsMar. 23 6-5 10-9 -ment foc "The Mug". (11)- Aces sncs Mar. 30 1-I 6-7 Anv tics in bbc leagrie Jan.)2--b standing at bbeed oethebbc )-M. Royals vs Ares Apr. 6 1)0-8 11-1 srbeue il e ocdd ,Feb. 1-- Apr. 13 3-6 9 -112 i bbc hest goal average. y(I1) - Canucks vs Mb. Rov\alXs Apr. 2 0 11-9 4-2 Pee Wee Phayoff Schedule Fb Apr. 27 7-2 .5-8 Saburdav Gaine Turnes: 1 st (11) - Canucks vs Ares 7:45 s.m.; 3rd gaine, 8:35 ar.: . 1 Ae sMb. Ryas Brown, Connîie Wiscmn, Irenc i 4tb gaine, 9:2)) arn.; 5tb garine; e. 2Wbitnev, Elsie Spencer, Ro]b.ý t0:15 arn.; 6tb gaine, i r.(11) - Mt. Rayais VS CaInur'ks Woeodward, Greta Luxten1. Ja a'kIl-Ing '.m.Feb. 29---Teai 2---Jonle Baker, (4) - Hwk vsWigs (t))) - Canucks vs Ares Marg King, Mrîricl, Holi'evd, r(5) - Rangers vs Bruies Mac, 2- Nhyl Sheohaiî, Eleanor Dad- (6) - Leassvts Canadians Ist gaine - Mt. Roassvsson', Lieds McRobbie. Marilyn1 Jan. 18- Aces - Monda 'v 5:00t) .ii. 'Webster. (1 Canaclians vs Rangers 2nd gaine- Canucks vs Mb. Tesîn 3 Doris Jeli, Etunia (29) - Aoi sBun Roy ais- Monda >v 5:45 f101. Broineil, Mariil Wiggins, (2) - Babons vs BHawis The IWO top tbain's aI lie Derr' Mutton, Mc'g Gibbs, Hc- (4) - Wings vs Leafs enîd of tbc pla.voff schedri' Ile, Brexves. ShirleY Foxcler. Jan. 25-- lxiii enter Miner Hockey Tjenîn 4-- Dot Brooks, LoIs (4) - Hawks vs Rangeis iNgb nsdxMrb1,Wr'ight, Bernice Trry, lazel (5î) - Aboins -s Bears 11964. Dceaghuc, Lit Coniiers, Parul- (6) Leaf vsBruis iAnv ics in tire ieagoe ime Willatts, Audrcv Cook. Fe.1 --Lst xsB1îisstanding at bbc end oet bbc Teamn 5 -Ena Licher, DetI Feb. WIng sAt pIsyeoff scbeduie wilI be de- Vinsen, Ex'a Whitehead, Shir- (i Wins 'sAiin cided by the best goal axer- lev Davis, Ex'clyn Williamns,1 (2) Canadians vs Hawks ace, Joa, nîy uan amr (3) - Bcau's vs Bruies (4) -Ranes vs eafsTeai 6 --Ollie Pat)icld, 4)- anor v Lst ,Mabel Lewis, iMariilyn iCole, 8 DA~t' TTLTr' Mary Anîî Richards, Aud'ev (4) - Haxvksx'S Bmuins i JBASE> UNEJOsmon[. Helen Park, Belli (5) - Atoîns vs CanadiansCaran (6) - Boucs vs Winits 1Mr. sid Mis. Carl Dcxvn T-an7 Oi Ecela FUI)h 1.5 --i ere Moiîdav afternoon cali- raine Martyiî, Iloel piper',1 (il I ea s ts taxxk ~ ers xvi)i Mc. amîd M ca. K. C. -\'i vs Briiiîis tlpk 'n. * *i (3I )) Rang.ers vs Alunis lnsiiusDygueî t Niin n K 14) - (Xila(liaiis xS Beais Mn. andîlMrs. Clitfoi-d Uilson FuXb. 2 2incided i'. and Mm-s. Bill- (4)- Wiigs t-s Canadians Kolemiku, Kareni and Jo1lie - Iemýaîiî (5) -Abois vs estsAmui and Mir. snd Mrs, Harold,- (6) - Bears t's Ran.-ens Wilson, Oshawva. IG. Scott ............----..... 40 Feb. 29-- Mumnps, mesIes and cotds G. Bain ............. 3 9 (1) - Leassvts Bears havepuprt a damper on Christ- 1;M. Wýiscman..................'9 (2) - Canadians vs Brîins ;mas festîvities in sevecal cfM. Ilodgsen ..................2 (3)- Hxvs xs toOsur households this year and !S. Coombes ---------- (4) - Rangers v's Win,-., we sinccrely hope evervene L. Burgess .... Ail piax ens nust sîge nt h eir afflicterl i s feeling muchiHigbh Sinie J. Sheai-er 336i cuve naine te tbc score sheet better by now. High Triple- J. Sheaner 772 fit'e minutes before the star) Mrs, I. C. Zwaren returneodl of thme garine. home frein Tor'onto Genci-ali 20 Games PlaYers net arriving on Hospital n turne te speîd .J. Shearer 336, «248: G. ScItt timie te sige bbe score sheet Christmnas at home. We arc 275, 2,56: G. Bain 229, 210): M. xviii net he eligîbie te plav glad she is mrmch impi'ovedi in Wisemnan 28)0, M. Crago 25i. that gaine. ' ealbb. M. Sedî-nan 2,11, A. Pei-for't Tire Iwo tep eains at bbe Mr. and Mrs, Roy Van Camp 23)), F. Paten-sen 229, L Brr- ed cf the Piavoft Scbcdu:e entertained at a farnilv gabh- gess 224, M. Hedgson 224, F. xvii11 enter Minon Hockey erieg cri Chnistis Day. Mr. Allen 222, B. Wilbrmr 203. Nigbî. IWVcdnesdax,',Marcb 18. and Mcs, Ssci Van Camp and Averages 1964. their fsn,ity and Mr. and Mrs. Ailrrnaining teains wil] Neil Brownchî and fammly M. Wisemnan .......18m9 plav sneleimînabion tourna-- were tbci i gucsbs. G. Scott ..........189 ment for 'The Mug"', Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hart- G. Bain ......... ... 8 Aiîv tics in the beague ,ley sind Rick and Heather 'M.. Hodgýson ...............178 'tanding at the ced et bbc spent Christinas Day and Box- J. Shearet'....... ... ..177 Pla' off Scbcdule vviII be dc- ring Day bbc guests'et ber par- M. Sedman-------------......-l7 cided bv bhe best goal aven-- ents. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hop- A. ColxvcIi .............172) age. kins. K. Camnpbelli...............i1 7l;) Bantam Hlockey Schedule Holiday visitors and cahiers M. Foster ........ -168 Saturdav Gaine Turnes: lst with Mr. and Mns. J. A. F. Allen ......... ........ 168 gaine. 7:600 sm.: 2ndgame,ý Barees and Grace and TediS. Coombes................. 166 745 asm : 3rd gaine, 8:35 s.m.: xvcre: Mrs, Charles Noland, M. Crago ........... 164 .5111 gaine, 10:15 arn.; 6bb gainp,i Kingston, on Fridav evening: J. Lune ...........159 11:00 s.m.: 7itbgaine,11:50 ar..Mr. P. Leach and Miss Shar- L. Woodcock .......--...... 19- Jan. 4- 'on Leach on Monday aftcr- J. Woodtock ................ 1557 (5 ) - Pee Wees vs Lions noon; Miss Dorotby Foley and II.Wright ....................157ô (6) - Cîmbs vs Pir ates Mn, Donald Folcy on Christ-ý M. Firth. .................. 157 (7) -FIty ers vs Braxes mas Eve and on Tbursdlay B. Wilbur ............... 15-1 J,11!î ex'ening Mn. Danny Harris. C. Bitter ..-.... - 15 2 (IP Flvors v- Lions Newcastle, was a supper W. McNemIl... - 151 . (2) - Cu bs vs Braves guest. iF. Paterson.................. 1501 ilittie girl an flue jay in th re of a child w g to sax'e her. )ster child for Canada. IHe )f the Internati bie, like thousi idually being .Bonser, like ýrs, helps rais ecan be foun( ýiII be held thiL -30). Canadianw -to th(' SUPpor n's research 1) ve children Ji Pl. p)hot Bowling at 6:45 Jan. 6th 5-6 7-8 5- 6 1-12 8-10 9-I1 2-7, 4-t 12-5 1 1-2 8-7 7-9 10-2 3-1 6-il 2-0 1-3 Il -fi 5-_9 6-12 1-1 12_-4 1-2 1)-t t 13-5 4-7 8-6 12-3 Nnîîia (Gauv,1 Daisy -Iyns Il'1cai Iny* ce Majorî. D( Hlaî'oden, MiVî I'heliina Ferrosir Teani Enid Tonnant, larg Poris, Adla Richards, Stella Broxwn, hida Siinick,, Ruth Wigcht, Lindla Martyvn. Teai 10 -- J.vce LYle, Ma- rion Slaglît, 1-lene Burngess, Karen White. Jackie Alexatn- don, Molly Hoistian, Ceeuee Plark. Teain il - Jovre Tonnant,l Kay Beariprie, Shirley Biekle, - llelen Nic-holson., Jey'e:e Aln-, eiid, Dereemi Park, Shirley Gruenhai. Tean 12 --Donna Preston, Barb Btotesbax, M Narguribe C'îago, Marion Brooks, Doly B3rooks, Main Martin, Mary I la r ve.v. rLadies League R . Robentson J . Parker ..... A. Perfect .... E. Ceembes ... .1. Mutton . MIcaigli .1. Gibnen O, Mottaitt A. Laniis-o' . - M. Noîl V. Bartileti 149 ............. 145 ... .... ...... 144 ........ 143 , .. . . . . 142 ý 3,1 118 . .. .. . 119 113 Neu, Teams as of January 6, 1964 Tearîî No. I - M. Wiseman, M. Ci'age, J. Lumîr, J. Pankerl A\. Perfect, V. Bartlebb. Team No. 2 - G. Scoîtt Wcigbt, L. Woodcock, R. Roc'-1 ecbsen, L. Burgess, M. Mit- TeaiNe. 3 - G. Bain, M, Foster, J. WooclIock M. Swanmn, E. Coombes, M. Neil. TeaiNe. 4 - M. Hodgson,! -'. Coiweii, S. Coombes, F Paterson, J. Mutton, A. Lac:' U055z0.1 Teain No. 5 - J. Sheacer MI. Covie, M> Firth, W . MNzl.' J. Mains, O. Meffatt. Tram No, 6 - Mv. Sedman. K Allen. B. Wilhucr, C. Bitter. M1 MrLaughlin, J. Gîbeer, K. à As we, of Robson Motors, greet the new year, we're resolved to start 1964 right by wishing you and yours a bountiful, wonderful year, With every dream fui- filled and every hope brought to fruition. Indeed, we wish that happincss wulI walk with you always or, your every endeavour! We thank you sincerely for your patronage, which has helped to make the past year so pleasant for us, and we firmly resolve to serve you as weII, or betterA in 1964!A W. McMechan and Staff -. 166 King St. E. Phone 623-3396 40 tPore fufly expla!ned te us lus at eur Oct. meeting. go, through Rev. Page who took Enfiel d. Eldad and Hampton time ta visit us for five meet-l;joined us ta hear guest speak- ings. when chapters were er Mrs. Fred Reed. Being a taken and discussed. Our'missioriary meeting, Mrs. Reed sincere thanks to Mr. Page for:; chose as ber theme "And bis ihis kindness. !work continueth", empbasiz- A kitchen committee was ing it with excerpts from formed, wbereby necessities church wvomen's meetings for for this room would be look- several hundred years back. ed after. Our allocation was It has been discovered that upped 5%/, and, too, we were no leaders are available for notified that overseas parcel'C.G.I.T. There are quite a postage had been eliminated. number of these girls and Four ladies from Zion at- more \vill be added to their tended the World Da% of numbers corne next Septem- Prayer at Hampton. Acar- ber (graduates from the Ex- load attended the annual Pres- plorers). Another baptismal byterial U.C.W. meeting in service wvas held on Oct. l6th, _________________________Bowmanville, where Rev. Wal- when four babies were accept- ton Tonge was the main speak- ed int the churcb. er. A news letter suggestion' A filn strip on Taiwan, the ZIuN Iwsmd. twadeie unknown island, was shown at give it a trial for one year, the November meeting, when A three-fold get-together whereby every home in the our m ission stud mwas ntat was planned for Dec. llth at communîties of the three particular island. It was a 8 p.m. in the Sunday School churches in the Hampton'lovel.N all-colored film of 20- rooms, when the Afternoon Charge would receive this minute duration, and a most Unit and Anne Rced Units news-sheet, where atI activi- clearly spoken oration ex- gathered bo hold a joint mect- ties, etc., for the month. wvould plaining the history of this ing, give annual reports, and would be announced. isle-formierlv known as For- enjoy a Christmas program.! Rex'. and Mrs. Page invited mosa. Report from the con- About 25 members braved thei us to bold our April meeting gregational meeting bcld at bitter' cold, to attend this at the Manse, and a good at- Hampton on Oct. '_2nd whcn meeting. tendance enjeyed tbis visit. xe %were sorry to find that Our business period w'as 1It \vas definitely decided te Re-,. Page bad tendered bis short. We have been notîfied hold a bazaar in June. Mis. resîgnabion. of our clothing allocation ta McMaster offercd te conVenle Decision W a 1;i e a Ch e d Deer Lake. A representative the Cancer Drive. Purchascd \whereb.\ our allocation w W( from the Anne Reed Unit, asI pillow cases as our allocation be raised $10.00 for 1964. a supply assistant, was named in furnishing apartment for Two 20-1b. bales of banict- ( -Mrs. Keith Stainton. Our missionaries home on leave. ages were shippcd to Miss Christmas gift committee, Mrs. Six children received baptism Muriel Stevens. Bert GlaspelI and M.rs. Harold APri! 28th, and Il new mcm- Oui- clobhing allocation In ýGifford, were notified of those bers received into our church. overseas reachcd 196 lbs., and to be remembcred. Mrs. Tomr Our organist, Mr. Ellis. resîgn- clobhing sent via Presbytcrial Sobil distributed the After- cd and Mrs. August Geisbe-g- te M\,anitoba wvas a 96-lb. noon Units' program and er Jr. consentcd to lhclp ont in parcel. luncheon schedules for 1964. that capacity temporarilY. Ten children, upon presenta- We have 20 paid-up members. The C.G.I.T. girls and lead- tion for, baptism, recemved Sorry to lcarn one of our ers planncd a Mother and white Bibles. members. Mrs. Donald Yellow- Daughtcr banquet. It W as' We are very' proud to bave lees, tendcred ber resignation.1well attended, and following a three tife members, Mrs. John Decided to discontinue the 1 bountiful buffet lunch, the Balson, Mrs. Bert Glaspeli news-letter.1 guest speaker, Mrs. Crawford,' and Mrs. Art Stainton. The Anne Reed Unit gave Enniskillen, told the storv of Our sincere 'bbankls' te alI il. asth number of memrbers, Moses in a most interesting non-memnbers for their kindl wit ropcs fmoeb manner. A life member, Mrs. and generous assistance a Joun. After some discussion it J. W. Balson, Hampton, was strawberrv social bîme, also was agrecd dishes may' vbce visited by members of the U. card party preparations. quilb- loaned. but only by conse'nt of C. W. and many fricnds and ings, catermng do's, in helping kitchen committec. Moved' relatives, at an at home on: te set rip tables, etc., food and id one of her by Mrs. Jim Stainton, second-! ber 8Oth birtbday. the use of their cars for e iti ir ~ed by Mrs. Ross Stainton, that Upon the purchase cf a various drives and pleasure .,e itlegil alreports be adopted. joint-meeting secretarial book, trips. ho is terribly A distribution of Cbristmas'Mrs. Arnold Geissberger of-- She is eight- gifts was given and an amus-' fered to be secretary for these the Muscular îng time it was. One of our: meetings. Sorry to lose bbtce TLONG SAULT Bnmembers, Mrs. Robert Killeni, family of Mr. and Mrs M ar- ,is Capt. Bewb,,o bas now gone to reside shaîl Francis, upon their de-' onal Associa-, i Oshawa, xvas given a going' parture to live in Oshawa. <Intended for lasI wrek) iands of other awav gift. A salad plate,. Bazaar was beld on June Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborne paralyzed b\' Christmas cake. boa and coffee Mbh, being opened by Mrs. and familv were Sundav sup- brought this meeting to aiMellow, Northminster. Assist- per guests of bier parents, Mr. thousands of close. ed the Doubles Club at thF and Mrs. J. Joboston. se mnonev for Siate of officers for 1964 is'Strawberry Social. Catered Mr'. Roy Penwarden anti d. The Marcb as follows: Pres., Mrs. Carl to tbree weddings during sum- children, Pickering Beach, is vear during B r a d t e y; Secretary, (Rec., mer1 montbs. also enjoyed a xvcre Sunda «v supper guestîs, ~ x'rvheeCorr.. Press), Mrs. Ray Com- tovel, trip and visit at tho and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pen- eron: Treasurer. Mrs. Tracx' Pingle cottage. Another trip warden andciden wr t of the Mus- GlaspelI: Social Committee, xvas planned and carried eut. Sunda'v evening visitors of 1'ogram. They Mrs. Gerry GlaspelI, Mrs. wherebv manv members en- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden. ke Debbie a liarrv Fisher. Mrs. Hans joyed Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. D. Oke and Geissberger Jr. iMissionary Stainton's bospitaliby at their famil 'y, Oshawa, bad Sunday Lut DileConvener, Mrs. Willis Sayeau;icottage in the Bracebridge supper witb Mr. and Mrs. to: LuzDl Program Convener. Mrs. A.:area. Robert Cameron and family. McMaster; Memnbership Con- The Norninating Committee Mrs. M. Hay, Victoria, B.C., vener and Asst., Mrs. H. Dart, was formed, being Mrs. Nelson who bas been visitimg ber IMrs. A. Dart; Pianist, Mrs. Fice, Mrs. Tracy GlaspelI and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred eague Rssell Stainton: Christian Mrs. Herman Haass. Mrs. Tom, Partner, 1l1eft on Mna Le E~ucato and Stewardship,'Sobil acquainted us wmth the morning byý 'plane for home. rs lses Geissberger, Sr,; amnount of bandages, etc., col- So glad Mrs. F. Partner i Lite .rature and Communica- lected and delivery' vto be mn'coming along so nicely; s'ne tiens. Social Asistance and bbc faîl. No representative te is still in bospital, but was 9-10 11-12 Welfare. Mrs. Tom Sobil. the Oshawa Presby' terial nam- I allowed out of bed for a littîs% 9-lt 11-12 The Season's grectings and'ed. A mnanse committee bas while on Monday. Ke03 7-6 2-3 best wisbcs to the Edtor and1rbeeri fermed. Representingbbc good work, we a 23Statesman Staff for the com- Zion will be Mr. Henry Haas i cheering for you. t-Il 6-4 ing cear, and our tbanks to and Mrs. A'rnold Geissberger. Your correspondent (Mns. 12-9 8-11 you for publisbing our me- r A dessert card partv, spon- Rve Gibson) takes this oppor- 2-4 7-5 iiS ]sorcd by bbc Aftcrnoon rup unt ews you one and 101 '.C.W. Annual Report was beld on Oct. .3Otb and a aill he Compliments of tbe 8_ 01 (Afternoon Unit) pleasant get-together it was. Season. I hope you aill ada 113 12-7 Thisour second ycar as U.: lb was unanirnousîy agreed very Merry Christmas and 5 - 4-8 C.W. members, bas been an- upon te issue invitations te Umat you'll ail enjoy a bright 10-7 .~g other busy one. Tbrough oir, tbrre other U.C.W's te visit and properous New Vear. 3- -0President, Mrs. Bradley, ad- ------ __ 3-8 -i0just-nenb and interest bas 6-1 9-2 been aidcd to a bigbcr level. 12-Il 4-3 with cvery one of us finding 3-2 8-9 igreat pleasure in giving as- D N O 4-6 2-2.sistance where possible. 4- 212l'In 196, eigbt business meet-,KA DIATOR SERVICE 11-8 1-5qý ings were beld. five executive. ,5- 12-10 meetings, and the Christmas 1_10 9-4 meeting, wbich xxas a joiitý COBOURG PHONE 372-3097 meeting, and aIl annual re- l3ickie Taylor, ports from evening and after- - OVERNIGHT SERVICE- Joanne Suds- n1oe units xvcre presented. PO EA .BO KN This ended witb the usual PO EA.BO KN Shirte\' Bickeil Christmas excliange cf gifbs.Fo ikpadDlvr )t Bond, Laura One other joint meeting wasFo Pikp nd eier rien Pearsen', hetd mn MaN. 623-3821 ~~r. ~ AnaMre Our study bock cf bbc vear. "e.An aiý.The Word and the Wav', wsr______________________________ 1