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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1964, p. 8

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9 ~ t~anad!an ~tatesma~. ~own~arvil1e. Feb 1!. lmA4 r "Night Hawks" Ladies League SPORTroplcs01 $~ /'Xi~By Frank Miohun 623-7234ý1'.< PAIR CRACK 400 SARRIER A pair of 400) gamei in the space oif a week, higzhiightrrd bowling Rt Liberty Bowl, as Doris Joli knocked nff a 408 game and Air Samelis came up wîth a 403 effort. Doris competing for a berth in the mixed tournameot j playoff had to beat 838 to quaiify. She told manager George Eliiott "Theres fl ot any point in me bowling -- and prompt- ly rolied 310, 258, and the big 408 for a great 976 total. Towr In the final game iast Frida.v ni ght (Jan. 3lst, Doris bowied nine consecutive strikes before missing the head pin. She got the spare and left a corner on the last bail. , AIE accomplished bis feat last Wednesday afternoon, bow- 5 (Fu Ing early for the Mens Major ioop, wheo lie had 254 and 215 in the first two games for, an 8Î2 triple. He iost the perfect game early, having to settle for a5J second frame spare after striking in the operier. Ait then D proceeded to rack up eight straiglit strikes uintil a corner pin refused Io fall. He gor. it on his final heave. Stepli The mixecd tourney will feature a double-hecader baille rrtpli this Sunday night, starting at 7:30 P.M. Bowling fans are k,ý:balt fnvited to attend. Details appear at the end of this colUmo, 0 3 j .1 - t t + t + LOCAL 189 PLAYOFFS START SUNDAY After building up an impressive record the Hornets çcubter e.ased up or hit a siump, losing four of their last fuve games. They stîli bad enough tb win the league title iY a single point, and we'll know Ir fthe pennant winners were relaxing ore are in trouble when the best oft three semi-finals starti this Sunday mornîng. Hornets meet Cornets In thp fine o'clock opener, withi 13ruins clashing witb the Iast place Raiders in the secondi game. Il seemed strange Ibat the Hornets should eboose the: rurtner-up Comets as their opposition, but the Bruins have m[ae rý>p lion Ca seasann ýpecond, S te p h th roughi afterv first gai talliied ýFuel-1e Prs, Team Standing M. Hodgson M. Sedmnan J. Sicarer M. WXisemian G.. Scott G, Bain 22.G. %ain 211, 1M. Crage S210, K. Campbell 20(). * . 12 .. . l. . .. .. . .. . Htgh Triple - M. Wiseman 626 Hiph Sing-lp - M. Wiaenian 306 -iverage, n League Basketball rels Take Over Top Spc Dwfling Jewellers 35-2. h ri Ftue,ýslootnk nver ling for ten. lae in tne Town Bas- 'Tom' " LnwcrvY gai-nerpd League on the strength eight and John Fowler foui'. 5-22 win over tail-end:for the Jeweliers. s Jeweliers. Corona- afe.leaers inr Hi Coronation led 13-7 iin the ,afe, lades sice hefirst quarter aîîd 24-15 ai halE started, dropped theirlie but McQueen's lied tl start in a row. bowing 3131hadn it Iefiî da' night to Mc- 3quarte iws il otors iii IýMotors 41-35. Ure.I aalMorsi en .s were in command the final .session, as theY hein out. the second gamne,'hie Cafe crew to a pair of watching Coronation's ýbaskets whule picking uip tr'n me defeat. Ken KeIlv[points for the win, 16 points tri pace th1e Lloyd Coverlv was the h;,, with Frank Sobil hit- gun for the winners, sc-nrii 17 poit s, Eric Rose roi] nitie ad Joe Markie eig Scoring leader D SeIn %var, Coronation's \vith and top poinît gett the night with 18. Ker lianîson bit for eig-hl. Team Standings W. L. Sleplieti Fuels 8 4 Co ro nation Cafe 5 McQ. Motor.a 66 Hooper's JuirHockey dJefeated the leaders four times and the Raiders are about; the best last place team in league history. IBob Marjerrison picked up two goals and ani assist Sundav 1 9 'e rs In win the scoring championship. Harvey "Slip" Rowep was the top goal-keeper, witli a large assist from Bob Abbtt Who took river in îwo games, aliowing onl'y five goals. M cQ u ei Raiders' net-minding chores wili be laken river bY Pal Ivurphy from the junior town loop. Regular custodian Cîîrt 'I ev hadl to go ln tle Vanstonc will enter tic hospital for a knee operation. Pat average before deciding will also replace Curt for Crystal Dairv in tflic Town League. r)lac as tp iunor sc t 1~ *i' 'i.+ SCORING CHAMP- BILLY or TERRY? The scoeing tille wîil be on the line Tbuî-sday nighglin the final regular scbedule Town League double-bill. Bill Crossey currenlly bolds a slim n-rme point edge over team- m-te Teeey Black, as the two Robson Motors stars Ai-e wayý out in front. Billy bas fred 30 goals and added .17 assistaý for 6i7 points. whiie Terry bas scored 24 tîmes and set. up 42 others. Next week, playoffs get undeeway witli Robsons having their pick of ther club they w.isli tri memiin tIbm semni-finals, t t + t t t ,Tie Bîils 4-Ail en'ps Edge Nichais Sgo)als Andv Mattbews .scotnri d gfizti four goals for the Bill iai risý .pA,,i0! wblmeBiianiBrdley, Tout r""'~ flTbompson, Genle Balron anri Pnded Suinday niglil. BillfsýBruice Ogden sbared lter pen- ,Billiards held Local 189 ln ainat-winners goals. 4-4 tic in lie opener and Mc-,t Pauli Muttouînîetted a p;iti Queen's edged Nichols' Mo- for MeQueense, singles goin- ltors 4-3 in the nigitcap to.tiec 10 Bill Crossev and Bill Ne- 189 for thie lead. The union rnus. Muitton wms awaidd .iite boyvs earocdthe erown bx-,Ken's Men's Wear Player of sroring six more goals ovetilthe Week Award. lie Il gamp span. i Da Werry tallird l.' Town League Hockey fori Nchiol s arid .sitt(in other iv Jne Ralsoiî. Final Standings W. il. Local 189 5 .1 1cte- Raniblers 5 3 Buil. Billiarda 3 4 Nichols' 'dotons 3 f 'Win t tir, hVeau..e Ic- er-in ng record. T. Pît,- 4 in 2 8 of bel, MrNtiIiv'c I Incc,4 P4ilcrin c MIDGETS PLAY SATURDAV if U Fil %,Ir V "fr#IrE N Bowmanvîlle Mîdgets took the firsit round iun 0-M.IWA. playoff semi-funals Saturday niglit, downing Ajax 512 tb IVai T o s iy win the best of tbree series in two straight games. In another from eiuber Cobourg or Trenton. We understand that Co- League-leading Rolison Mn-' Howir Poilaid, onue of OIt n- bourg received word tbey were In Play Port Hope, but torsi-,;werp banded a 12-8 uipse*t pia's beal, Grant Fliutoff, Get- thc best of aur knowledge tbere lu no midgcî clubli(n Port defeai by MeNuifys SoL yMrerio n ayB~ Hope. and Crystal Dair *v downedineil scored foi- the losera. As w go<o î-es, te Bwmanill maagenenî 0 Oympia Restaurant 8-4 n 'rre playeî-s îed the waAs w. g Inpres, he owmavilp mnagmen isun-Town hockey action Thursd av for McNLllyvs in the iiit-a>p certain of wbat furîber playotf action is next, but tbey are, nighl. as Bob Faitev lallied four11 positive Ibat the midgets wiIl be playving al.flic Memorial Larrv Peruis was the big gpoals and set "un tbîee mnoi- Arena, Saturday night, probably an exhibition contest, gun in tic id-lifter, scoringCbarlie "Rousscaul Trim net- Ire goals. wiile Lloyd Ham-' ted five markcrs and Mi.irrat- t t t t t t ilton bit for a pair aloog witi Brown scored oncte and assisi- ONTAIO 1ADMITON HAMPONSHPStwo assists. Single.s went. to ed on six more. Other goals1 ONTRIOBA MINONCHA PINSHPSTed Fairey, Don Masters an.dweol 10 Bull Elti., and A- For several years now, Bowmanvil]e bas hosted fthe Cen- Gant', Akcv. Masters andj ebie" Cr-os.ae\- tral Ontario closed, wbile Pucton bas been tbe scene rif the Fic lo<nîiueitte sit pee Central open badminton championships. The calibre riE PlayW n PI ' has been excellent, but bbe greatest array of bird-bashei-s W nPayoiJ Series will display their talents this week-end mn Picton. Tbe Ontario champîonsbips will be decided, wlicn a tee- mendous array oft top badminton star-s wiîI be competing. They asked Ibis reporter In play, but we wantcd to give the M d e s Df a ethers a chance. t t t t t t- PowmanviîtP spotteni Ajax MrCosh opened the c ruiug a goal tben came roaring back:earîy in the contest, but Doit POTPOURRI wti five in a row 10 earn ai MeMurler lied it, up ah liii 5-2 midgfet playoff victory at, mîd-wav mark and Pele-r The nId scribe wa-, away tbis week-end, -gbt in the ski tie M emorual Arena, Satun-;Werrt', couîve:-t.d Steve Rurn., country, Hockiay Valley, Hidden Valley, Collingwood, we day nigil. The win gave ýpass to send Bownîanville i were surrounded - - but sking, no we didn'l venture out,. Bowmanville tic best of tbre front befou-m tic period etîced Il's one sport we've neyer attempted, well bardly ever,' but O.M.H.A. series in t wo Dennis Homeuiiuk clickedf we're getting interested. Opposition is being encounberedaIsrillam.ouapa fotWyeDw home, wbere we've been bold that badminton, bowling, curl- Local 1 89 Hockey ing, referceing and waîching sports sbould be enougli. Speakiuug nE walcbing, the past week or so has been realî.y romethung for sports fans. Coverage of thie Winter 01yînpicsBr on lelevision bas kept us glued fa the screen as oflen a possible. Maybc afler watcbing those skiiers were not ito!m i s t Hr inferested affer ail. Boy, do tliey ever fly down that course' Viewung the spccd-sk-aters, %ve forgot to check tbeir limes and afterwards wondcred how they would compare -witb a track star over the same distance. It's probable that the rkaler would be faster, particularly river 1000 metres or an. How about a duel over- sa-r, 100 yards wbho wouuid win Iha t? Canada sure canme Irougl intrite bob sicd event. but an ari from Ibis country*s victor ' , <lis reporter was more excited about the toboggannîng event, making ils Olympic dehut.ý Bath are dangerous but mati -- that hobogganîîing lwo men on a littie lînrk oE wood that couldnit bave been more titan five feet long. So we WOun1d up founîli ln hockey. Gîtes Iat's v. (re the experts had it figured. The club certainly gave il a good baIlle in fie last two important games --- liad they won,ý everyone wvould have forgol Ilat tliey had predicted te! teamn wasn't stronîg enoigh, huit instead il's"I <nId you an." Whcui Canada firsi ]bst, we were astounded. Tiheutext. fime lb was said, wc know %%cre best huit cant send riuîr hest team, sOnwby flot drop out. Il Canada us going Io compete un onier- sports, In whicb I-opes are slim, wve sbould stay witb hockey and face the tact tiat otber nation,% are no longer pushovers. 1h xwould be interestung jUSI ho know how manY of the competitors, paeticularly in bocke *vanud akiing are realiy' and lrtly Varna- teturs. Poor old Jim Tborpc ivas probably more rit an ama- tenur Iban thosc v. b aim 1o ir - t t MIXED TOURNEY SCIIEDULE Sun., Feli. l6th, 7:30 p.m.- Sol Himes. 904: Lou Hîimes, 839. Suin., Feli. i6th, 7.30 p.m. - - AI Perry, 803: Bernice Buday, 829. Sun.. Feli. 161i. 8:30 p.m. Rd Hardie-883; Doris Joli. 811 Sun., Feb, 161h, 8.30 pin.' H. Benett. 789: Janet Peel, 802 Sun., Feli. 23 rd, 7:3 0 p-in. Bob Laverne, 898: Doris Joli, 9î6 Suit.. Feli. 23 rd. 7:30) p. 'Red Hardie, 868; Lou Huimes 843 Sun.. Feb. 23rd, 8:30 pm. Harold Benett. 900; D. Joli, 924t Sun., Feb. 23rd. 8.301 p un. 'Red Hardie. 835: B. 1îîdaY, ;805 JR. HOCKEY Playoffs tari this Suuîday night, wtb Local 189 pliarîu Bill's Billiards in tie frat game and McQnieen Raniblers meeting Nichai's Moines in the nigltcap. - w - - - % WJdEN a rîpia's VT rr Blac'k, Bob Marjerri. son. àilI Crossev and RayE West ecr nolched a pair' foi the leaders. Marjerrison col. lected uirce assista and Eoi gond mea-sure a teî iiii niscondntet for- tlrowing bu5 stick. Crossev was in on tbreE oîheri.s as Wel. Tram Standings W. L Pis Rohan Motrirs 10 4 ?t Crvstal Dairv 7 il O i~f a ie t 4 10) ljOX 5-2 tor the ntt!v goal or tic mini dle session aîîd Wercv adder bis seciond w i tii ieMurter as- sisîîng on rît'inthe tbiudý Datîtîx \ViIk tiiset uup Rer Siîîîp.'.oll t,0Make t 5-I aI thc cîiglît mniuîe umark, hefore Par-ker uwound tup the scoring, four oîiititefz later. ?ets 5-3 Cornets O ut score Raiders Regnîllar scbedule Local 189 Plavofi Leagnie action cuîdcd Sundax' al 9 o'rl( mornnîîîg.withbBonnets, bac- F uuîg aîreadv cîiicd thie pen- \W na. hbeîng inset .5-3 bv tice Hou-iels. Bruiuns. and runnîer-up Coi--9 ,els dfoxvniing Raiders 5-2. Comets: Actuallv the tirai game 9 reail %lt vastît an upset, as hle Brnîina. Bmu:n'.crne - from - bciind lo r defcal lite leaders for tic Rauidens. Eointl time. Hoi-net.s, wîo .n only lost. six aIl vean, drop- Top G ped tour nEfIlueir lasI five "Slip" Ri aes ncuding îwo ta the T ,Bienins i lual span. Rob Marjeri-ison sro r e iBob Maî. txice afior a aroreleas first (H) perîod 10 seiid Ilee Hornets t-t froi:. but Bob Fairev ard Don Masters lied il nîp bcad- .îîg tuthle tfiun Bill Crossex' put the Bi-i.- Tti5îv i: frontbfor tue fîr.at tine bas ýthe onuvIto bave Ted Faîret- note h tat's wl the equalizet. Ltruvd Hami' God'e toit fîredflue winer, - lhtn!Thnursdaý, Croa5c-s seconîd wrapping il xvere trip Lin wlî 1If)seconds nemainitng. huit took Bob Johnson nteled a pa:r Machiine of goals and Gent-v Manicu-ri- press 7-f Suni scored once and assisted L.p. ni ni- th.e other- thîre b Ioead thé> tient for. Cotiets ii tue second tilt. hak. Alex Wk-u-man phckcd un the Ofie o1he:-goal. "Mlort' Richai-ds Ofie.b and 'Hank- Lance were the '~opb Raiders Qoal-geIteris.w- hen7-B Bob Marierrison and Don Coerets. Msesean'iucoltected lhr-',e Faîî eit poinists o aice Marte-rnson tue, ceFar oul cornug tille with51. Ha:-xc" xi rtnrv '.Sl:p' Rowe wtaa the Veziia Lbrt troplux'witîiier. %vithb ig AI"x Alexander wiiîd:ng up as t:uc Ait Rai 189 bad mani. draving 22 moin- 847 total utPeý in Pealties. Alexander, who houi a fate addition, p!avcd ofiy nperforma. fuxe gamma 10 selthie record, for 817, lneiigible fou- olavoffs are Bromell Bruce Col w et I (Cornets). -Bud- Hi "Mo)r" B-tRicand5 <RaiderS) 7.57, Jobr aand Gond Rundîe yl-ornetsî Hone ymai f 5 o' start thua uîod Don Masters. k, (B) ai Stanîding% 'Armuhi.e'Cnoss'i L- T G.F G A Pt; (c) 6f I 116 2 1.9 Hoxvaritd Qtutex -c' (Ht 7 0 g5 69 1 pGarc Cooper. (C) 8 1 79 91 1,5 Doin Banielil. (R) 9 2 65 q4 12 LIox d Hartillon, al-Keeper - fIa vrx' (B)t hie. 69 poals agaiuuat. Bob Faire%, (B) Ten Scorers Bill Croasecv, G1. A. Pt (B) j enrrisoît. '22 294 5 l 22 19 17 21 211 8 12 10 Peiualîc Le-ader - Ale'x Alex- a-cdr r, '22 ui ijlein opeutaliles, GOODYEAR BOWLING cnt'v oftpn tiual a; cat iir wat- upttard. bîr' hai, bappcjîed ini the ir Boxxiing Lragnue n:uý vn i gbl,.Combinis pped up .-2 blitFigera, ove cehe lead whli'i Sho îpset Lead t. Tie machîuîisls and io !ong-pîax ing) a.-e second. en,!,,' a poilît niak:t:g aid *o oth dit'iston ' , Iror.tiuced t to lake ccm Iini. anbnînrv 5t -2 t'o duoppung 10 formm :s vaniîîed ont t OfE :.îe ýthe Žtrengcii nf a 7u over Braidena. tvh;'e uxv defeated Belka 5-2. ondie came ntp %witb a", 1ho pare thebotes irned un auiothcm fine ane. Don Ba.-neflluit Eoliowed liv Howard 777, John Carter 766. ienning 764. Don Ok( in Staintor 71t0,Jac- un 694. Jim Houck fi7m, Fae.e Blackbuurn Brian Mantt n 676 and Tîue 6.58. Bauîdle anîd Carter nu -327 Paines :o l ie fou, bigl ple inors. iîtRandle tb ini a 313 score as well. O top games went bo Bag 3116,1.5 28, Wall Hatly Buomell 296, Oke 280, St lOti 2-7. 257. i-Ieniiinge 275. Ttue 27.5. Ted Haliman louc'k 260. Jim Gnaliamr Arnold Lohb 2.56, Blacki: 25.6. Hoîîecmau 2,56. JimP 2,52 and Rusa 1laielv '2.1. Team Standings Leaci Pre.-sF Miach:ne Shon Offitce Cornets Belts Laboratorx' Ttgemý r Bra:r':! Far Bc.'s Hose ........................ 87 6. Ted lled itri- isel ther gf"' I 307, tain- 268, COF BOWLING Team StandinK Rav Westlakr, Bob Marsalal H. Siîowden B. Westlake Jack Manîle Ron) Brock Gen Dennîu- Glenn Prouti 10 'l'op WX. L 1312 4k 1*2 6 10.Ž2 7' 99 1 a di es Sandrta tJoortit ILt clîvh Marion Malle, Marg PerIrin Gweý,n Dentîts Betty Wnst!Iake Shiirle\- Brouk Vera Ring- Pal Marshall Florencîe Sniowýdcti Joalî Gibzntî 10 l'op Men Hlarrvi îtodett Ev Kilt8 Donî Bîubop Rion Brock ,Jack NMandei Bob Maisliail Rav Westiake Harold B:ain Ertîte Robert.- Gletîti Prolt A\( 20 19~ 1 () Ail teams split points. Rq-. )tWestiake îook 4 from HarrSnowden toi remain on to.p. An oddit 'v was a lie game m: garne No. :3, each team had 2939. Betty Westlake, Gwen Dennis and Bob Marshlal each 2 took 5 points. The liigh tripil was rolled hv Dick Dennis' who seenîs 10 be finding t.he Iecting range in recent weeks with a ght. 709 made up of games of '21F. a ni n v 271 and 2201. Right behiîîd was sbest! Ev King. 697, gaames of 2136. er for 216 and 245. The higli single n Wil- for the niglîl and for the sciiî.- dule and alsn the whole spa- son was Frnie Roberts 343, repiaeing Ev King's 33:3 anid T. Pts. Mai-ion 'Malleva 3,31 a thie 1 17 top gamne. Big games were rolied bv Mult Dakin 266. not 016,10 mention his 95 irst gamr, I 13. Glenn 'Prouit 267, Jack McN.qlî 2'47. Rav Westlake 278. Harrv t)6 Snowdeni 303 and 221, Bob Marshall 236 and 252, Shirley1 Brock 245, Jaek Mantle 231,1 Ron Brock 248 and '293, Don1 BRish op 22. 1 w ganies forf thie week: Bob Goodmurplîvj 60: other leîiion league scorýn, Pat Marshall, Marlon Stepli-F ens. Maurice Stcphenaý, Marion1 MeNali. Carl Schwarz, Dennis1 Gibson and Chester Borek. M. XVsen ia n M. Hodgson K. Campbell G. Bain F. Allen M. Sedmnan tSG. Scott 3J. Woodlnck j' J. Shearer 3S. Coombes M. Fos t er 1. I Wrîglll M. MCra.go tC. Ritter tMairs W. MeNcil M. Co',e -J. Park-er t Cbnier 1' \Xoocck I. Burgn:- SF. Patersrin 67 (O M nffat 6K. Roiston A. Perfect rF.. Coomnbes R. Robert.son MV. M cLacîghlin J.Mîtton M, M.Mitchell 6M. Swanti rnV. Rarilett Ir M. Neil 2 tr- Men's Major League T11, 1,1.Pt'.. Art Bette 1.1 211 Ltb2t Bnq 4 8 Rud Hon nltng Z 12 1 'en MusWer 8 4 9 auoîuL.amauî 9 21 Ilop 'a.Iw 9 ry8 4 9R Bon Mo *vtnard 12 0 Beaver LI rnîber 7 5 7 Rita zý Hatîiîart i 9 2 Pepsi Cola 7 5 7 HlowvardiBrotîelt t 22 07 Landirr Hiirdware 7 5 -, mur'* a; riner 19 20()7 Nets, Osbnrtne lIna. 7 .9 7 lart r AI: 'c12 207 Dv-,...tra's Fond 6 6 6 Har\ v Sowýden 12 206 -Olympia Ie.tat.iraîîît 5 7 5 Jack. L.a'der 12 2t .11v& Loveil 4 8 Bob Richards 12 '206 Selis rnt ilat. 4 9 4 lHaînlciMichelsont 12 206 Franika ýVýrciety 4 8 4 Dae '\/cKiiight .1'2 9206 r.verages Norm l-leiîninz 12 203 Nanie Games Ax'e. Bill Wo:Fltake 12 202 Jlacks pond 12 24() Btllt S:Illt r 12 ý 2 01 Bob Glarîi-lle 12 23-1 Tedf Bagilcîl 12 20() Eroc Printet 12 237 Bowvling New.sî Hal) Pairnier 12 23:3 AUE S-iineI1s ui thle .tack Pol L.atrrv Pipci 1 22o n d.rene-day nîghl when lie Farutn ld 'uînett 12 2.31 boy-led 1the liii he:;î,sîin gle Kart Piper 12 2t9' aelnth Mns Mao AI~~~ Obt e12 27LeaocýPtehuis season. AIElaf Rtîsç k 12 227 nies 403. gaine and added txvo, -Eltoi Rrock 12 2296 mo migrs of 254-215 for- hie AIE Saîmelis 12 23grand ttal nE 872, wbuch Clarence 0ke 12 222 was alstn itgi fiothti evenîng. r esie.12 22 1 Conrîgra'uîllin oSameils for' -Dr. Ti. Rutîdle 12 220) bi 'et effort. r~~~~ FakBtit1 218 Ernic Pet fecit. anotier owlv. e.Jim Cattati 112 2 18 'oui a linI çtreak, had games or [' met B'r j-s, 12 217 287-ý235-2z9:1 for- a total of 8,35. eSi 'rett'itt12 216 Karî Piper Iîad 775 <269g- Jack Ga.e 12 2525,CiarencP Oke 7464 with George Bibpe 12 2 h2 stuig-,ýzn-le gaine nE361. MikeP Rob W.I;uanîs 12 21 4 Muiphîx-761 (275-289), Matir- 0 Beri Englex %1*2 21.3 ice Rciia7,5 (30t9). Georg, 4 ~Bro,.' s -:'t0261It, AI Osborne1 .1 422(î8flý Hap Palmer 705 LADIES' MA JORu (310jack Gav 702 (256). H1arrxSîod 718 t301)t Binokr, rai-ne tip wihh a big Don Bignell bad a 324 game. 3-0 abhutonut victorv over Bak- Bruce Adams 312, Bob Glati- 41 me ta-t Mnnday nigît to forge ville 29)8, George Piper 2-93. thî-ee points ahead un th e Bria!i Trimble 282. KartiBit- Ladies Mator Leagtie stanîd- (,Il 2,,,udiBi-id Barler 2î2 igs. .1o11 xvlloped Duno 3-0,e Cate crea1 ing a fnctr-xvav tic fori,1v hte seconid spot, aloîîg. witlîh 'e Jtick Bond ta stillIrlading tiîpset 2-1 lic Preston and Bick- o lIavrgs utth v~ ell wbo defeaterl Pahfîeld 2I Eruiie Peirfect is crasbing the O. Et lier was victoriotu isPns urî bha rglîto h ave over F.. Etc-ler 2-11, white in a 'vl':'red 1o0k on bis fac. anior '-el -fajnic battîe . PPe iicurîdBob (Iaiiîvulle ire ýTen'irnr rdlged( E. 'F'enîiaut 2-I. tiedlor- secondi place with 217 Ï Barhien Bultnsliaxv took for L' gi bigli triple lînnonîns witli a 69.7)Ii i lie, teniiîstanili'if ils total, bll v ' v 1Helen Dîtîîî Ii ii i-V.ilie for top spot be- 694, Dot Eriioks 679 and Ena tweoi iiet'BowI. Ken's Etcec 675. Meuls Xirr and Hooper's 11gb itt4or nE 8 tqýasrol- J , w Vrr' l ;(,d L,, Dot Brooks, olbeî- top - t argoiliz triElranrîr Dad, [son 27,5, .na ruciier 2,1and Helen Brnwes '268. Tram Standing Bickell Prestlonu7 O. Etci'r .1. 'I'eîunant Pal ficih Baker E. Etulci S Duno E. Tennari' 600 Triples Lcuî Wugh6(67, Matîi! Wiggi iî 664, Eleanor Dadson 631, Jo ",'e Tennatu 626, Adni Richarrds 60t3. 120) andl Over Games Helen Dunn 266. 241, Lor- rai(MNait1>-n 262, Doris Joli 21 Jau'kue Alexanîder 252. Lola Wrtglit '247, Dnlly Brooký 243, Ira un XWhitney'22.2, o- n îe Sitisbi n241.- Shirlev R3icl:elI 2:17. Dot*( Muitton 2:36, Barl Bliinsbaw '235, 23;1. '196; Ena Etlier 2.14. jotcr- Tennant 2.32, 22r5: Shirley Datv- is 232. Ruekue T'a ' lor 232, Mari- lxn Wiggins,; 231, 229; Manionî Brook c 229. Mai-ion Pearsonî 928, 1)oneurPrestonu1226. Adca Richard- 226, Mary Harrisont 226, Fvve1t ri Wiilianîs 226, Onte I-;chr r 224, Lanîra Hazeh- dcn 223, Marg. Petrius 22.3. Mang Ctagr, 2221, Doreco Park 266. .verages 257. Dot B3rooks '227., Doris; Joli bui n 227, I.;:la Wright 215, ShirîeY Aluin Bin-keit ?I0. mine Baker 209, Ka *v Bcauprie '208. Helci Dui, '"'6. Ouuum FIcher 2015. marg Pet ris 204. Joyce Lyl.e P!s.' 20t2, 'JcyteTeuinant 2012. Ena 218 Etc' -r 199 Ollue Patfueld 198, 27 MarPtýn îWu rginsî 196. Donina 217 Presîrin 195,. Beroute Torrc *24 192, Marion SIagil 190, Barli 2 2 Buttooaluu-xt' 190. Kaien White 21 190, He'lene Buirges' 18ô, Shir- 21 1ev Davis 186, Joyce Major 2n 186, Lorraîîue Martyn 18.5. 17 Muril ln1Ilrny-d 183, Iretu' 17 W' ue'18*2. Coruuî te XVcmai 16 181, Eute. Tennant 181, Marilyn 12 Cole 181.1 1971 187 183 181) 18() 1.7 1-.7 176 17 17 157 19 1 tt 153 1 1 16 1 1:3 111 M. Wisemnan 306, S. Coonibes Woodlock20,21 M. Sedmnî 208, 213. G. Scot, 2145. C. Rittr 24-5, A. CoIwull STARTING Ot U h.,tI r'T 1ilci noui ri t he-, tIrfl r .r teiii Iiiiirc pro ¶.ir lit & 11(11er ANve.. Bowvnaitville SUN LIFF 3SUR A N C COMPANY 0F CANA DA MAEMORIAL ARENA RO WIMANVILLE Telephone 62:1-5728 r l' PUBLIC SKATING JîlýmFRIDAY, FEB. l4th 9 i.m. Aduits - MW Children - 35c Saturday, Feb. i Sth HOCKEY O.M.H.A. MIDGET PLAYOFFS Whitby vs Bowmanville <REST 2 OUT OF 3 GAMES) Adîits 50c HOCKEY TORONTO MARLBOROS 't'S. OSHAWA GENERALS Tuesday, Feb. l8th 8-.1) P.111. ADMISSION Sides -Standing -nd$1.25. St udents and Children, s 2s rstanding -75cj Children 25e Buy "Goodwiîî" Used Cars Now Demonstrator Special! 1964 BEAUMONT 4-DOOR SEDAN Equipped with V-8 engine, autoniatic transmission. pom~er %teering and hrakes, (ustoni radio, windshield waslcî s,.%hite 'walI tires, .heldis, s. ae hundieds on this Iuxury. Iîke flci'aut om~obile. 1962 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Beautiful Nassau Bitue ith Black roof, ".;27" V-8 etngine wiih Hurst coiivertcd standard transmnission, power brakes a nd steering, ctistofli radIio. Exceptiona IIy goo<I condition. 1961 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP A utonmatic, customn radio, white walI tires, mvheeI ciiscS. l'ocally owvned silice ne%,.. Priccd right! 1961 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN f; c 'Ni., standard transmission. heautiftilhn.n A rrai hhîîv ai ciearance priccs' 1960 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN f ci .1., autornatie. ccustom radio. One owner var. Gocid cdan car inside and out' 1959 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. STATION WAGON Custoni radio, white w~alI tires. Finished in Azure Aqîta and Ermine WVhite. Real Sharp. Locally owned since new! Don Armistrong, Sales Manager "Hap" I>hilp Stew Preston Ray Lathangue u 200 Gameç Sideç - $1.51) Ends - $1.25 1

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