1Recreation Reviews I --Movie club Bantamn League: I The regular monthly meet- W. L. ~ G rdnPgneondier987-4482 îheld 1this coming Thursdav, Pee Wees Phone n1 Febur 1t a th e LwioL Pirats n ýCommunitv Centre at 8 p-n-1Flyers1 1 Buies:om The highlîght of the meet-I Cubs 1 2 j outIne B sn ssC m ufity ing will be a demoristration Huskiesn 2 B 1 of Kodak 8mmn Sound Pro.jec-ý Braves n 3 ~owling tor along with a l6mm soundý Saturday Rsls film "Mexico". Flyers 4- Braves 1 Newcastle:- Following is a, If. you are interested !ni1 Huskies 3- Cubs 1 Com p ete ater Exte nsilis i of the high scorers in the movies lease feel free ta at-I munit, Bowling Lanes during, Choral Society Co n i L ar s at Fe . Me ti g the wek ending February 8.1 The Bowmanville hrl Coulcil Lea tis at eb. M ee lonLadies' League - (200 and' Society are hard at work pre- over) - Helen Couraux 26,arn for their Gilbert and Eleanor Perrin 258. Madelon Sullivan Operetta "The Mi Newcastle:- The v il1I a g e whîch committee the Cham- Ross Dickinson and Robert MadilI 253, Ruth Couch 252, kado". counicil at its February meet- ber had appointed Councilior Walton xvas appointed to meet Rita Poster 240. Lil Farrow The Operetta willbep- ing held on Monday e'vening H.C. Bonathan and Murrav with Mr. Allison ta discus 234. Evelyn Meadows 229, Kay sented at the Bowemanville S ]earned that the Tripp Con- Walton. No action was take'n the matter. Guster 224. Nina Madili 215, Town Hall on March 6th and ' struction Companv had cam- bv counici1 with regard ta a The resignation of Aley.,Teresa Langstaff 213, Nancy 7th and again on March 13thi pleted the extensions ta the enitennial project. A letter Hendry from the Recreation Gaines 211, Marge Winters and l4th. village water service on King, fram Chamber regarding re- ,Committee was accepted wt4h,211. Alice Rowe 210, Diane& Tickets will be availablel Arthur and Munro streets and placement of trees that h3d regret, effective April 1 st. Lnsaf20 ah ngtfo any member of the' now had only the cleaning up died and were cut down re<ýMrs. Gardon Darling was anr- 209, Doreen Neai 209, Jean Choral Society or may be pur- and keepîng the trenches ceived the attention of coun-! pointed to fi the vacancy n Alli 208, Janice Quantrillichased at the door. levelled up until they are pro- cil and steps will be taken inithe Community Hall Board 206. Elaîne Dost 20.3, Bernicej Figure Skating Carnival periy settled in the spring. hi ircio, nanw r acas w b he a iation of Partner 203, Mary Cwn201a. gBwavil i Tir-members *.a. a lengt'n h e viae poiyo n ph C arkfrls, MAler rcvdom the oe) LrPea e 2675 aI-dwThe lbo in co-peatian. diseussidn regarding suggestedth vilg oiyo akA etrreie rmteoe)-LrYPrc26,I-wh the Bowmanville Re-' changes ta the village's build-'the clerk was instructed ta; village assessar, 1. J. McCCLII bert Pearce 256, Lorne John- ing by-law and a number of write ta the chamber seekingi lough. stated that foliowing son 242, Bill Dennis 238 senttir n ua Cartm n ivll on changes were considered andi suggestions for keeping up an interview with Counicillors George Kimbal] 229, MerrîfTua.Aril2n.16.a left for further study befare pai'ks withotît cost ta the tax-UDckinson and Walton hie had-Henry 227, Gary Barchard 225,1 the Boa nvApilie Memor64,al--- action could he taken on any pavers.i reconsidered bis resignation Ken Wh itney 225. ArenBa nvle Mmra amendments ta the by-lw A letter from Mr. L. M. AI-' n oudcntneintý Junior League - (200an Special guest for this Car- Several letters fromn the'lison regarding land taken byposition for a raise of $150 iniover) - Ran Good 273. Jack nival will ,e De'bbie Wilkes Chamber of Commerce were the Dept, of Highways on hs ar hrd 29 NnySipo and Guy Revelle, Canadian consîdered and discussed by highway No. 35 for dicig eve Douglas Cunningham 216. and North American Skating coucil Thre as legtv ws dscusedat engh~and Cauncillor Robert Walton Thursdav Mixed League " Pairs Chamipions. They alsoSP discussion on the National and a committee of Reeve' we6e appcinted ta4represeot (200 and over)n-dGracetCouc Confederation Centennial, taCunningham and Can ilthe village at the meeting ofi26 lc 4,Btyrprsne aaa a h~4 DA Coucilor jth Town and Village Sectîon, Tenldam 244, Ruth .ouch , Wbrnzer lmed a ndwo. ,of the Ontario Municipal ýZ. Donna Nicks 204, Wallace Weo reedeavorng to sociation at the Flying Dutcnl- Coich 203, Art Dubeau 201. eaeedIvuig t man Motel in Bowmanville 0n Friday Mixed League - (200 bigti air fsae a Saturday, Februarv l5tb. and aver) - Merrili Henry aur club ta show our childeen, awhat ca n be accomplished i 335, Albert Pearce 257, Nar te kaig ird le ca tl jHoogkamp 244, Edna Darling te saet his a ig yea Whcn driving in heavy fog 244, Irene Cunningham 237, forthe Bma nvtileSaing S oc al ~J~ erona r lews igt bckntthe Patterson 233, racey Ernbley for aur guests and give them aîod Idih er'Geogea good aId Bowmanville wel- on h:gb beam. wier 205, Ken Dean 201. cae Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago Mr. and Mrs. Cai i Tadd.! 0 Tickets are available from 1l o Accompanied by Miss DoreenIBruce, Doris and Ann of ( ( rn l l n y Club. r of the Skatingi and Mr. Robert Powell spent Starkville and Mr. and Mrz. - Sa, be sure to markluou the weekend in Quebec City Clinton Farrow and Glen af cal enda ufrte ktingmar - where they attended the Que- Newtonville were Sunday clin- clna frteSajngCr bec Winter Carnival. ner guests with Mrs. Helen, ia n1 rdy p i2d Mr Ni Vut n MsýFlorn Dren.iB y 3 rgan ization S Mnval H u ay , pr6 7n J o a n n e S a le o f S c a r b o r o u g h p s t a r r e i v d r o h v e b n a k d b v h e spent the w eekend vJi H. JApo t a from Ta p r ei d m1 a be M n aem ent Com t - with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. da. oe rmTap, tiAe tarngtae atent mion .4V John Voutt. d, last week, informs us thatD o b e o a i n e obigt h teto Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hît'- i bad been raining steadîly Newcastle:- T h r e e villagel McCracken, Marilyn Ke n t, f ail boys taking part iný chinson and son Garv of To,-frte attw as nteladies' groups combining forl etueGry im Scotti Minor Hockey the seriousness~ -ct setthe weekend vi .-Suin shine State. Mr. Jase saîd I EdnaDrig a i rgigo h c hl ti ing with Mrs. Pearl Hutchin- e had attended a Lions Club'two afternaons and evenings nDrln, a hKmaîofgignte cwheiti ingt spe ear Vtcini ha tede insCu'Mariivn M a r t i ni, Mariorie being cleaned. There is the son.j meeting with George Wa lton1 last week colected $215.95 for ýGraN<l Evelyn Northrup and possibility of serious injury if Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoagkamp and that he had met a num-Ithe anadian Mareh of Dimes., Helen Carveth. someone should slip under the and family of Whitbx- and M:. ber of people dawn there from1 close ta $100.00 more than the! The total amouint collected' wheel.s of the cleaner. Un- an rs .Bomeîe n this area. $11850 cllected in 1963. ' n the bouse ta house cavas fortunately, there is no way family of Oshawa were Sun- Mrs. Helen Bowen and d Tetnte hrh oci ws$095pu $00 on-i which the operator can dlay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ghter Darlene and Mr. aaidc St. George's Evening Atîxili- ation fromn the Lianettes Clubstothe maer cieqIcky on Ben Hoogkamp and famiiv. Mrs C. Farrow of Newton- 1 arye and the Newcastle Lion- $215.95.'hesppr ic.Al oky Mr. and rsetteh Club were the organiza-ý Mesdames Charlotte Rck-1 players are asked to stay com- Mr. a d Mrs John Voutt: ville were Saturday eenng tions uniting with the follow-! ard, Helen Carveth and Anna- 1 pletelv f h ce u tl te visited on SaturdaY with Mr. dinner guests with Mr. and R.kadofafe the ma hne!sca eu tile , f BilBrhrdadfm ing Marching Mothers partici-,belle Rikr job temciebs opee t andMirs.inRobertidge ndMsBllv No.and9. isating in the canvass on Tues- routes and prepared the kits'jstdlw rrth Pay noons and evenings la. t week: dames Grace Brown and Mai ýoff standings in ail leagues: Mesdames Dora Kelse.v Ma ýian Fothergîll met the can ýAtom League: BEGINN ING WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19TH bel Cobbledîck, Charlotte Hen- vassers \kith a light lunch andi W. L. T. Pts.1 T ueAlded J we, ocffefrth acinýRYa ,eý McCullough, Florence, Mothees on their return fromý Giarits 3 1i 1 I H SON DRUG STORE ý Tilison, Judy Miklos, Jatit theur canvass. Indians . i 1 7 l WilI Close Wednesdays ai 12:30 loofl i*Bionbs 2 2 1 5 and remnain open Thursdays until 8:30 p.n Rams . .2 3 n 4' ____________ . . re ia nrHornets . .1i.1 1 3' L.___0.__D .___A .________________Barons0 4 1 1 U m. ~ *Saturday Resuits: S * *~ 8E1 ~ J,: Royals 5- Bisons 2 lI WVU**U1 1 ~Bsn Hornéts 4 ERams 3 - Barons 1 Pee Wee League: W. L. T. Pts. C. of C. Annulailagr )08 Newcastle;- The local Cham-, new industry inta thi8 area Hawks- 2 1 2 6ý ber of Commerce bas been' and Mr. Colling should be Wings ------ 2 1i 1i S fortunate in securing the ser- able fri gîve local ctizensý Bears -. .. i 2 2 21 r.some information whîch wil Canadians I 1 a 2n vices of Mr Calling, the Pr---, hein in the general develop-! Leafs . 1 3 On sident of the Lake Ontarîn ment of this village. Bruins 0 4 1i I Development, Association,' as StMondRsuts its guest speaker for the an-, onay's meeting will be' audvRsis coen to therublic and P Hawks 3- Brumns I nual meeting of the chamber1 ciîz n terested n tel Atoms 3- Canadians n ta be held an Mandav even- ýctzn n t ing. Februarv 17th, at R pimn 1zrowth and econamie and so-ý Wings 6- Bears 1 in the Lions Room of the' rial welfare of the village1 y Hallshould make an effort ta bei Community Hallpeesent ta boar the reports of AY O The Lake Ontarin Deveiop- what the cbamber is trîng ta A meeting was held in the ment Association hias been in-,do in the village anid what schooJ recently wheni it wasi steumental during the ladt the LODA is daing for the decided ta start a Home and1 number of- vears in bringing de.eloorment of this area. lScbool Club. The following afficers were elected: President Mrs, A.1 BASE LINE mi.Blackburn, Secretary r. -in Mý, eoge bA. Milîson, Treasurer r.E PMr "id r -Go1g 0Da- opple, L u n c h Comitirtee, ___________________ Learn'ngtor soent th" Mrs. E. Topple, Prograrn Com- rat eekend with ber mo-1 mitteè. Mrs Cowling. The teMrs M Bennett. at theiýHome and School Club meet.1 A N * Grange. ;îng will be held in the school! Thei Rev. and Mes. Harald on Wednesday evenîng, Feb-' iurs. - Fri. - Sot. 'i Stainton, Oshawa, Mr,,s Sarurarv 26 ohan apl Mesr,. Rosa Pearce and Miss are having a Valentine Party. 20 vaU e .ijJ e Arnold, Ebenezer, wereon FiaVlnieDv n of Mr. and Mes. Rov Metealf. 1 pupîls are having a card partyý Me. Sam Battams accorn-> on Friday night. paie is son Me. and Mrs.1 Mr. and Mrs. DavidMr Dannv Battams and childrenrow and Alexandra, Don l e2 9 .11 to Elgin ta spend the week-!Milîs, spent the weekend wîth 21.6vle1 9 .iI On Tuesdav Mrs. Rov Met-iton, wr udy dne sent the dlav in Hamp- guests of Mrs. Alicle Thomp- 69c 1111ton with Mrs. Austin Barron.Ison. Terry Thompson, New- -- 9c alu IlAt diinner sbe wa.s a guest oflicastle, was a Mondy caller lit SIhanour ýs !t waýs ber birthdav 'bis -grandmothêr's, Mrs. A. 16~z 350 ~ l On Wednezdav Mrs. J c . Thom son. 16 zý .50 &8 Zwarex' was th'e guest of Mrs. Mr. Bert Ashton, Toronto, 169 Elmer EBurtn. Osbawâ, and inicalled on bi& father, Mr. Hen-I S 2.25 value the rvenîrie Me Zwaren loin-1ry Ashton. an Sunday r ed Mr and Mrs. Burton for Susan Siemon with heri supper. grandmother, Mrs. F. Toms,; 99cvale .Ilj Mr.an Mrs. J. C. ZwarenEnniskîllen, on Saturday. Poo 99 ale7 c -,i alled an Mr. and Mrs. Oresti Mr. Ray Ashton, Mr. George Czvjiko and chiîdren in Osh-!Alexa-nder and Grade 13 stu- .1awa on Satîîedav. dents of Blackstock School at- ~ and famulx' attended the Mar- 1University at Kingston on, 12's 39C 37C tin familv ireunion in SolinalSaturday.Tr- ýHall on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mes. Arthur r. ~ j Me. and Mrs. Adam Panas, win attended the Watson-ý 1.09 value 9 7c .11 Newtonville. had as their Anderson wedding at Queens-! SSiindav dinner zuests Mr. and' wav on Saturday. Mes,, J. C, Zwaren. Base Line.i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton,l 20 nz. - 1.50 1 MeIs. John Turkovich. Osh- Ronald and Ray, were Sunday. 4awa. ceeebraied bier birtbdav dinner guests of Mrs. James' Ion F'ridaY. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown and LYnne, Newcastle.1 '40H WEEK Zaren w,%ere among those, Mrs. A. Thompson and Mrs.' H ¶AEEK il wo called ta offer their best H. Crossman visited Mrs. C.ý * Iwjsbes and gzif*s. Sopei- and Mrs. Emma Trick,ý ÏEWCASTLE i Mr. and Mesý. Fred Wright Oshawa, on Thursday. Sand familv called an Mr. and, Mrs. A. Thompon visitedý N SDRU SORE~jMrs. Edgar WrightEnniskili relatives at Bowmanville on ORONO Martin, 'Martin Rd., on Sun-' 3,0 'S HAR'.Mr.da and Mrs. Orest Cvjko individual parts to builda a vIMonday- guests of Mr, and engi.rleers at General oos ~ ~ Mrs. J. C. Zwaren. ofa Canada. Mtr You should keep one car window open a littie at ail timnes (1) to avoid fog- ging up of the car windows? (2) to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning? UD*IP We44 DOI 0 MOXj! IMOPuLM 01 48O4 a1. JalJP 641 JO 41! C'! ODPOa bu':)' * Pue OuI880J .tSIoB 04 es o P!U 04# UO 5UIDI afOSM03UOD aeqiOe à PI> U! paiO.Jop NOU!m 014 l, 44m but.ied * B5eo e aim Un, POOPj P1m 441 Wm ul"!d CUA Co-operators Insuranos Co-oprators Lite Insuranceà Association Association SPECIAL Low1 *ON NATIONAL BRÀ At Your Local Druggist's - Thi I: TONI Il i Home Permanent I: FLASNBULBS "'Sylvania", AG-1 orY I: BRYLCREEM--------- Il w-PARDEC Liquid -------- --- >ii O LD SPICE ----- - Safter Lt : LADY PATRICIA -------------_Shamf IkýO FDE S--h Sanitary Napl SFEEN -A -MINT "CREST Toothpaste- iMAGNOLAX WATCH FOR THIS AD) EAC BOWMANVILLEN ICGWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSO1 SALEX McGREG OR, DRUGS1 JURY& LOVELL STIJTT' Ah. -- - - L WIUULI T Pt.~ 2 El 0 4 i 3 i 3 1 i O 0 Pirates 2- Pee Wees 2 Mîdget Lau Conets i Oephan- Ban'.ans . 2 i B.T.S.' Generals i2 Naroors 2 Satuedav Resuilis: Carnets 4- B.T.S. 2 Oephans I - Maroons I BantamLeague: 5:45 p.m.-Rams vs Giants The Canadian Statesmnan, 1Bowmanville, Feb. 12, 1964 11 Juvenile League, 10:15 am.-Pirates vs ]Braves W. 1, .TPts.111:00 a.m.-Pee Wees vs Lions. Canucks 0 O 4~ 11:50 a.m.-Huskies vs Flyers Mt. Royal$ n 2 iAtom League: Pt.Aces 2 2'12:3,5p.m.-Elemb.ers vs Giants SSaturday Resits: Midget League: 4, Canucks 1 - Aces 0 1:30 p.m.-Maroons v. Bantanm 4,Schedule Saturday, Feb. 15 2:15 p.m.-Orphans v. Gen'rala Pee Wee League: J v nl eg e 27:00 a.m.-Leafs vs Hawks 3:00 p.m.-Aces vs Mt. Royala 7:45 a.m.-Wings vs Bruins Schedule Monday, Feb. 17 8:35 a.m.-Rangrer.-7 v Atoms Atom League: 9:20 a.m.-Canadians Vs Bearsi 5:00 p.m.-Royals vs Hornets FANCV QUALITY SPECIALI A&P TOMATO JUICE 2480-oz ns5 9c CASE 0F 12 TINS $3.54 TROPICAL Reg. Prie* 2 tins 5lo--SAVE 130 Q.T.F. FRUIT SALAD 4 5f-oz ns 89C CASE 0F 24 TINS $5.34 - SAVE 7ge DEWKIST, CHOICE QUALITY ASPARAGUS lIPS CASE 0F 24 TINS $8.00 312-f-or tins 1 .00 (40e OFF DEAL)ETReg.ENrie box $l.15-SAVE AN EXTRA 1M. SURF DEERGENTkin siz box 99C QHICE QUALITY Reg. Prioe 2 tinis Sie-SAVIE 84. A&P WHOLE BEETS 7134Z tns99c, ALE 9 3-lb bug rc e9 dc SA VE 10,r SWIFT PREMIUM loked LNK PORTION C ooked SANDED DEAL 0F2& io-z tiSAIc .1 BBY'S FA NCY QUA LITY (U O FF) BUTT PORTION ,EHAMS l652c Centre Cuts or Steaks r69e NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED NO CENTRE &LICES REMOVED SHANK HALF FULL CUl 1 47c BUll HALF Fat TU RKEYS BLADE STEAKS 7" CUT PRIME RIB ROAST RIBT Grade A'- Oven-Reudy, V« Puc S TO 10 POUND AVERAGE ramada's Funest Qualrty R.d Brard St....- eef For ÀBrdoiing BSam' Hlot Dog Style LL CIT 1657 C 1lb45t ib49c 2-lb O<t I59c1 mBt ib79c J PRESN FRUITS and VEGTALISI RED BRAND STEER BEEF Freai', juicy epples, delicately apiced and baked in, a tender. fiaky crust niakes this à reel pie buy. JANE PARKER APPLE PIE 24-:z pie 3c Reg. Prie* maeh 49* -~ SAVE lflr Jane Parker, Orange or Lemonm Reg. Price @@ehi 590-SAVE 10a CHIFFON CAKE @Ah4 9 Jane Parker Re.Prie loaf 22c-4-AVE 7c B READ WHOLE WHEÂt2 24-mz Ioaves 3 7c Jane Parker Reg, Pricebkg 39ô-8AVE 4c CINNAMON ROLUS pkg of8 3 5C Jane Parker Plain, Sugered or Cinnamon Reg. Prie* pkg 29o-8SAVE 6. CA&KE DONUTS pkg of 223c Your Dollar Buys More of A&P York Reg. Prie jar 47c-4AVE go PEANUT BUTTER 16-z ce boxir39c Nectar Reg. Prie. pkg 66ô-4SAVE 64 A&P TEA BAGS pkg of 6 59c Kellogg'& Reg. Price pkg 39c-SAVE 4e CORN FLAKES 16-oz pkg 35c IHE GREAT ATLANTIC& PACIFIC TL&COMPANY LTD Good Size, No. 1 Grde ORANGES doxen 5 9 Ontario, Cold Storege, R" [Deliebous, FanOY Grade A PPLES 3-16 colla big45 Californie, Fres, Eting, Ne. 1 Grade 4 5 D-PoteSB0012 oz cella pkg 19C CABBAGE r o Floride Pascal, Tender, Cria9, No. 1 Grade CELERY HEARTS budl.125C Ontario, Crisp, Fresh, Waihed, No. 1 Grade CARROTS 3-lb bag 1 9c Ontario Grown, Vellow .,Cooking, Srushod and Polishod, Ne. 1 Grade ONIONS 5ib ceoobag 219c Ontario Grown, Waxod, Ne. i Grade, YeIIow TURNIpS 7c Valentino'& Day Flowe Feantupe PNLODENDRON CORDATUM 3 P .00 I 7/w A/ewca4le 9lediewLd I A&P HANDLES ONLY MUATS PURCHASUD FROM FEDURALLY INSPECTED PACKINC HOUSES 1 .. . . . . 1 -1 Ha s