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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1964, p. 9

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Be sure ta watch "Telescope' Niîlicnls'Mniîurs 4-3 aîîrl .oî aI 1PM tîuînîed Bci ll]* Bîllînîrduý fi-, in drain \fiirsi bîood in ai tiii xleniuîiial \î nna.un N,î hos" gîauî ;mlal 11ni2-il Cal iiitîî' îp i , b Qýa 1u11. gî op( lu: k lu fon Oile f. rsi perioh rîn heh .\ fîlni a scoi clos" nunir e nioiihp leagtrie aru " hi imî. Iiuîî>e '['lc qfi, 1 ni les ltluîl hxu onî a loc(al 18R9 pliai n; i gul iht- \ a i t he Slfiiriîi al Aýi l-n edl f<î:r straîglit ti:u 1 o xw Raîideî 3 .-1 imi i ie îu<ei:l xx bîh pciiîai-wmxu iZ 1[cgIlinii .. . . . . . . 211 Cu. FT. 2.000 LBS. CAR RG M 4LU K S USAOLE LOAOSPACE CARRYING CAPACITY EGNEIGLAESI and "Zero One" now showing on television. Check local listings for tme and chn-nel s h. ROBSON MOT ORS LIMITED 166 King St. E. Bowmanville olitscoie last place Nicliols 3-I for, the win. Pauil Muttoo paîned the wmi- ners xuîtb a pair of goals and ail P-ssîsi La rr v Perris anîd Bill crossexv bagged the otb- o, IS To0M Worden, R o n Bi-ounie and Jîm Lane clicked for tbe losers Irii :e tigbîcaRp .iîii Fiiio cnoîîked rpforce me nPKptnne' niePr the head aficer di-awiriga ets came bfoni behiîîd with seucîl ioiiseeîui ue balles Iode- [pal Comets 8-4 in the second gafil e. l.loa O lfaniutoti upened the ne sciing ufler neun-coiner Pa Murpb' bad stopped twvvo cleai -cut brýeakaways on the Raîders cage. Gar-y McCîil- toîîglî lied il for the Raideirs ai 18:25, but Bob Fairýey sent thle Br-uins in fr-ott to stanv with 10) seconds r-emaining in the staiiza. Hanuilion iiotched the lone niaikei- of the seconîd sessioni to inake ih .-1. Don Masteins bioke in alonue In hag the in- sLIIiance goal aI 15:41 of the liuaI 21) mitnutes anîd Bill Cr-osse , added atuother, two Iminutes later. ('omets led 21ai the end of the fisi as Bob Abbott and iGI- Illb li n off sandwiched oasai ouîiid one buv Howard Qi iiriîne(-. 'Flic Comels made i .-1I on Gary Compers talla* atfier in lY .55 seconds of sec- nod pevîiod action. TheînHorIietst'aile hack 1Io Inirge inî fr-on 4-3 heading loto thlie tliirI. onu goals b ' Bob Maiîerri-iisoi, Lart y« Piper and )onI1Pr-OLIt. Marjerrvison. Pip - er- and Proult riggered their j secondi goals atid Tedi Faii'e' n bap,,cd the eighth to gîxe Hoiesa big 8-.1 lead. befor-ej n eisMa r<erri.on scored the Comets final nmarker. three mîiîile frnm the Pnd. . 1 Goodyear Lge. Lnmbiiie. dcfe-aîed last place 1-bI' f .-2'ThbLi rsdax%,îuîghl lut Fxtend 1Iheir Ieagîîe lead 10 bu r poiîtix' heiithe 1,iiîer-s upt hlîltuost I.ead Pl ess vweî e ti )seb b>' \Ha r uni- \ 5-2 a nd Muhn iishop l 5-2 ho 0f- fi (. c. 'il e uitite-iiihlar boa s niaduitiba thi e v. ai tie [foi seolnd, ii tbi di une to adîl Ill e "îiiid s'il1i5 tille h> Iiie Ili-SI hlaf tille. (.'îiiieîs anîd Beîts hotu %voir Iol-ellhiiaiiî 5ieil Pouints roffthie paunin Comil; defealed Br-aid- er;s ixhile Belt,; douxned TiRer-s. ho tl1) bu .52 scor-es. itithe final att railion La bîratorav edged Bnuua4-.3. AI Wra ucame îîp .ith a greal effort. irolliig games of 342. 3h? ýatnd 231l for- a bîg 88() tipIe. '['cd Bagnell vas nexi ah 765. followed bu Bill Hoi- ro-d 745. Iiîm MtirFOhu 728, Johni Gould 717. Bihl Harrison ,04, Ar nold L.ohb 70)4,iim Hou [jk 7(13. Kari] Piper- 694, Frank Samîs., 675. Doîn Bagn)eli u63 Wi 1 IîOn \'anstooe 657 and rl Braîî Marnîn6.56ý Ot lier b ah ni ngle.g uxeit in Ted Bagiiel! 311, Roîî Wbite, I-oiîd294, 256: -Buid'Hen- iîiig 2-87. George Dadson -2-. Han'isoi 274. van.sione 27,(. irieP« iper' 269, Hnuck 263, .haukHonex nîao '264, Goîtld 264. Jiîm MiirplIu 280. Muke MNlrphnu 25.9 anri Dn agneil 'Jeam Standinp.% \1& uýne Shop 29 ('oms; 26M Banu.r 2 Fan Beipz '1 Tiger., 19 R ra îler nc [1. Hose . .. - - 14 SWIFT'S IGA SPECIAL Swift's Premium Wienprs ~4 39c ln 99C in 19C i21hC AYLMER CHOICE is OZ. ,.PEACH NALVES. 2 TINS & FLORI& 6 FRAGRANCES 0 Z. AEROSOL AIR FRESHEMER TIN WHITE SWAN AU COLOURS MIN séfilE lic PACKS TOILET TISSUE 2 4V KRAFT CANADIAN 160 CIIIEESE. SLICES ,anges Ia s %. To Pre Ndvel 2 for 29c 2 for 35c Fond rrive- Fffeetiv'e I'h. 1V). ?0. ?1. 12 -- Ne Rrserve the Rereive an extra sim. Reteixf, an v %t ra -St1. Bonus Tape %vlth Bonus 'Tape %vith S ~O11~n~V QUTE' eoiK2 In ICA 2 Cooked Ham k. QUIK lin'Ginger Aie2 ElK n Reelhe an E'xra 6. IA STRAWBRR I naBnuq Bonum ~Tapé' with 2JAMz. ONIONS EX Rof, 38 ,p.,,LIPTONS k.JMi. Tea Bags 6f) Receive an extra '. F COLGATE Bonus Tape %%ith ***Toothpaste "n' n' odIn Dow Ç.-îour.d Fish Sticks ; wih irt othbrxh Sie Margarine 2p1,g Bowmanvi'lle IGA Foodliner -BOWMANVILLE 0111111 Sunkist Ori ti:;s's 3 9 Carden i resh I1 \ o. 1G aI c New Cabbage Crisp Lettuce l'astN o<)nain r ;r i \ r Bantams RaIIy in Thîrd Def eut Whîtby in Opener COF BOWLING A" 'am Ili o:' h;çB. A-"ri< xnhBob Marshall, Be*- H. vu ~ î- WoikeadGwer, DennF Ja, ,arn ak;iia 5 pnt* ;and Gv Pon B Rrnk eam î ak:ug R A V n AI! the seheduýec; n'(, me io"rthis achedule ind ct handicap being iropperi for 'he last 7 weeký P roabn veo make ;t'Mi nrn o, 'hp two teamç vwi th hFindicaps are runningoe-Mi txo. .iaek MacNah had the S hizivinp] 6,5( (239. 230 a ndJB s tI i :' *Ah Ron BRrock next S 6Hi14 1. 284 and 2 16). Dîck V Der.nn9 cinnirnies Ioimprn eGv i hp (,ronH dschedule w ith aFi C6i l 'i p ' Mo\.e-loto 91h Pa p n~ *ho mvn'!z auerage5z. 312 ý-rorr" v were rolled bu ilt Dajk 1 2-23. Sirlepun Brook 28.5. 13.. etak 220 Don Biîshop 266. Roh Mirshail 243. Vera F Kin:: 23P,1umoi eagnue sîoreý; R S Conn:.nurphv 87 Mlatir- n .nnnnn n- 2.Finie Rohbe ls 8.'eaHa xkins 98, B. Teamn Standing R, L.1. PtsH RF]n. 912n, li.1 6P Pnb\Ih 'ai 4 34 G. ý.Wes*tIake li [Snouxden iin ck Vanfe q A&Pn De-noni q on Brook len Pro'OLII 10 Top Ladie. larg PrrriF [arion Maliev andra Gooldnvarphv ettv Westlake iirleu Brook era King wen Denni.z lorence Snow,ýdeo at Marsbal an Gibson 10 Top Nien Bisbop K iii Broc k S îîo wden Mattle Marshall W~e st lak e Bani Dciimîî Pro: it n %\-wm qn vi p si.ored four i-i dperind goa:; 10 overcome a 4-'2'deificit andl defeat Wit n". 64 r. 1e fi: "t game of a ofhet t Iiîe Bantarn plaxoit 12 )uaj2nn, nî ti-aiied 1-0 at the 12 20 i ni : i l*i tani 3-2 after \nn niod f plan Wýýhithx- co daLgaîi arl'. îMîthe final nn9 -e-i.:.ni oux i3anx'îlle came r(lai .u ba( k Io eai n the vin. A N;ke(,Hotbwvell paced the - wîns wiýxtb lxo goals, singlez 19 1 2oîng 1 Iojohn O lr Bobb% 187 Houx oN Jeff Gilhoolv -and John 1 R o Second gamie goca bere to- w8 ght (W'odnefsdavi aI 7 p.m. 1 80 If a dpecirin2 cuontest is need- 1 8 Hpn, il uilI also be plalved at 164 Bx auleMemorial Arpna, ' 64Slira afiernoon, starting 1;) il 4 0cîoIok. il 7 291 1 P MAKE e HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 KING, ST. E. B ( ) WNMAX N V IlL E PýHONE 621-.5747 YOUR TROPHY HEADQUARTERS Full lin, of tr<phiem xiiitahle for asny sport C'iiçtnm oengra%,lni tn your requirenients seelal Priceq cliihm and orzanizations. to Ladies' League Look ounI nThe fîrsscbed- !1i l cha rtps are- tInreai en ing toj -al kuti.l b eodd- i iilll ioi<iii n 11<. Joli post- uîi Mounida,,iîil lne shtîî- n lit, wnio m"'i l ic to 3o 1 illîlieiîlhîî a sniiglei-nît <of aI u 'place Dtitiniî2-1t E: Fîfchi stîîpîed BîckeilI i oni gaiimîg on tlhe str*engtli of a 2-1 viloru %',J. Teiinan! carui ii g a 2-1 decision i0u et' Pal fie Id anid0. Fcher how- Do; i jînoo set tlhe pace nniiil 7.34 Iipl, fîl louued lix luine Baker 7<>.Onie Etcher C916,anid Dis Joli 685. J:nu Bakeýr kîocked uoff a :n 111 tînaiui<n 'li)î the i ges îî ici- hig scole s goîng 10 Dot Brooks 3-li'..Ada Rîchai ds 281 éi;. i hjox celA l and ManIa n\r Colo ePacb aI 261. Team Standinzm R3 vonî ,k .I! l"nn ne Si c k CIl 0. Fichr .1i Feuniýnn Pi esîoî Pil filh Bakcî EFtEhber E. '1eritii.nt Dimii Gel Cash Today For Old AppIiances tl-rougrh STA TE S MA N C 1, A S S 1 F 1 E D S Phone 623-3303 BasketbalExhibition Coronation Intermediates Down BHS Seniors 72 to 46 Las'i week. preppîng for their forthconig O.BA. pla -- off series ag-aiiwt Peteîbor- miigii, Bo%%-manu,-l e Ini. Coro- niation Cafe defeaied Bo\w,- manu îlle Hîgli School 72-46. Il wAs 36-28 ai lhalf-t;rme. bat * h e Coi onail o ce eqLuaWed their pare in the John Kîlpatriek hooped 14 second. while holding B.HnS. points and jîm Cou le hagged to 18 points. 13 to lead the losing Seniors. Noun mBuwalda poured in 24 Coronatîonî wil ill3eet the points from his pivot position, Peteq at the H4igh School gýrni- vith starr 'v forward Danny niasium on March 7th i0 thîe Seto hitting, for 18 and John opening garne of a prohable Fowler addiîîg a dozen. total point SerîcuS. PI ayo ifs Next Week Robson's Edge Olym plas McNulty's Nip Crystul Vitb plax ofts slated to start1 Terrv Black, a recent ad- thbs Thursdax ight. thie teams dît ion to Markham .Juniors, displaved ta piai plax -off ac- 'didn't plaY, spoiling the ber- lionlas wek a th Vi- Ialded baille for the scoring moti ia Arena, as pe\V I-ii i îh a mnute and 15 sec- iin.- Robson Motois edgedoîd rmang Mrersn 'Olunipia Restauirant 4-3 and ai3d 'Rori Poiard unre tagge lcNtilt ' \s Spotîî to îîk a .3 1 v fghig m jos f deciý;io ove Dal'Y'PoIlai d had started it with a Sî iiig i ljiai:<i Bill Cruos- high stick. Dean West, v.ho sxDea ne RO BI, a hrn ad \ igoî );v argued a miiio, i i.,îlli anrd (la i Kilpîaîick peiialt 'v seconds earlier. left :cîli d foî r bsonii . xxii laitthle si n bin a nd got a m iscon- ni îik<r (i.\ 'îîq aîici iiit, wbîcb hlie had ben lîî-ku Ke'itl i Wut 1ick iig i j1) tIhft<î enniape th3e trst lime aroiind, losersn laîl ci. M, n i -naYv Brwn's goal 1 Junior Playoffs 16:17 of tbe first ppeilri en- abled Mç,Nilîu-.,1I0 uiînri 1p in second spot ovePr the losiîîlg mîlk dealers. Jim Clarke and Len FOwler- baggecd Ibe oller Spor'ts 'tallies. FDoîî MasterIS and Llo0Yd Hamihtn replîed toni Cr lI Tue aîu Nel- son Yeo pîckeFd 110 a îuîîisî'oîî- hurct peria lt.% Iinal Standings Roh"îîî \îîîîîîn 4 'ls Mi-NuJIt iýs SPîîrt 8 7 I i Cistal Dîî7 R 14 OIc mpia Rtîinii,;nt4 il men s Major Lge. Standing E.nd of Fifth W1eek Second Schedule Tea m Keris iMell*<;'K ear Lîheriv Bowl Holopet vs Jew%-ller v Lainier Hardware NesOshorne lusIn. Frýatkns Variety Pp; 'I Cola .Jiîrv & Loveil Dunksztras <;Food Selh\v Grant Heat, Olympia Rcstair't BeaVer ILuiber 1, Lpti 4 11I 9 6 9 8 7 * 7 6 9 6 9 6 Namne Gm Ae AI Oshorne 15 27 F.rnie, Perfect 15 2:36 .Jack Bond 115 24 iL'arry piper 15 231 Hap Palmer 15 2219 Rîîss Oke . 15 229 Harold Bennett. ..15 22LI9 Bei t nglev - 1.5 2-8 Kari Piper n1.5 227 Filon Brnc)(k n1.5 2- Bob Glanvîlle 15 22 6 Alf Samnelîs ;15 21-11 Clarenîce Oke -1.5 22 4 Jim Callar --15 220 EhLele 5 1 Dr. El.Rundie n. 5 217 Rus; liHalîm-an 1 17 Niel Pres1 17 llovvaid Brorne-,l 1.5 21 SiTreuxiiî15 2 1 iaiiî ille Laman 12 2 Daie \Icl(Krllgpt1l21 .tac(k Gi13 21 Bob \inllia15 21 1 George Bebee 1.5 211 B i 1 We-'.Ilake 1.5 210 Fraýnk Blitot 15 21 Rion Mavrnaid 15 nJack Landri 15 12 08 Bobh Richards 15 208ý Miira aiIarmer 12 2t<7 lian îî Janli: 1.5 2017 Bîidliennîug 15 206 Ted Hagocîl 15 2105 liaiii\ Ake\ 15 2014 I larrv Snouuden 15 20.3 RBid Bai ter 15 202 Gerepiper 15 2( Ilarold M ichelson 1.5 201) Bowlinz NewR Tluo h h lr itthe 9(00 ina rk I hi s ueek vvit h Bernt I tne oppuog ail hovwîeis, comme ,gun ,vith 2aes of n>24- '1hp CariAl-an Stat(,snianr,, wvaî FF<,Pb. 11, 1IQ64 -30q-329 for a grand total of 862. FngleyS 329 %vasais,) Ihr nîgh saing arne .\AIos- bor~ne lîad 316-282-229 for 82 Eî7bî hoîw er> xx irc t Iliati 710 . ! . rd B: ioii 738 (3121, Rum lila. Imar 3211, llank Jan,'on 723 cor,8 Bill WestlakP 72'-'1288,.Lai, Piper 7153f255-, i:"s (le 715 2'77 n* George BîoAi li 268,n and D;ie Skmui:.2' 7(17 (274. Bîîd Baritùrilad a :11,3 gamer. Elton Brock -',IlCia: - elice (Ske 27 alii a:e. Learim 271- Bi tice .nda nia ,pjw(î hou lt i n i the lun\\-snfl i< li pa rtiment. Rruce liha >11 n gamne of 1 10 anid a tImpIe w 408. Ca plain Bob KNon ,orf ii Selby Grant Ileat itig ea ni haci 112 and Captain Bob %WIiin-~ 115. Bob Kentî had a l1 a37 Triple, Art Row~e 47anîd 14.1 O.H.A. JUNIOR ""A"' HOCKEY ST, CATHARINES HAWKS OSHAWA GENERALS 1BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA Tuesday, Feb. 25th 8:01) r . Ne:s \on~Wri a,; staken 1l19. ig l u*ns t n:ossEs. iaberty n a ricord of 10 and na( ,n *<nnn pol Landrer liic 1 ii dIooner;.1w J navelae; AI (3"bnrne jun ou con'<top osi 01 xUtil ,M 1 :or Frn e Per. s n n\ :6and IR(-k Bou, ý:îais xe k (la dr1. ha;, iii nIiuO ' spot, ax'erag. 1pi n h bminpeei hiq a rage uani 213 btlweek In 228. 'Motor xnhicirs providerd pxor, x.,lin 20 ril?3ienls xit~hnn i nima 'erlS655n ilhion ofr ru On::. la. 1i yen. more thlan onie- înh fIthe îtal irt grecrat A )M I SS I ON stalnding n.- $.25 Stiidvnt-s and Chilr'en, seats or standing - 75c slaslî îîg poilallix .n ad hie Bi I la pla ' erl- \as pi013i pti l gxna Match msndc Jim Cou\leo aîîd Hi ain rad- Ion oaci:,;,0c*ri t lx uneforl, lic Wilson andHiie gc. Cross Buns 1 Osp iîaî1ilî Sa peOc' Rhubarb Pie \Aeutuîii i Peaiilit Butinn'l COOK lES - pkg 35c, Mlî ot nicik s I 13 1i :l2 kg Graham Wafers 35c Fainiili Pak Milk ui a-.orird Cadbury Bars 2for49c "nro or %n 'egu'labî Clarks Soup 4'I,-il 45c Fruit Loops -,z. pkz 29c Sîif I11e ff DETERGENTK:,,z 1.iae99C ;ornir 'ii F i'în ),'it N t!-rI Dough 51 1$.00 McQueen's Edge Nichols' 4m3 189'ers irounce BiII's 6 to O Local 189 Piayoffs Bruins Down Raiders Hornets Sting Cornets 1~ Announcing the aiI-new 5;ME HANIJI VAN!1 The ideai combination of carrying capacity, Ioadspace and power! Handi-Van offers you up to 211 cubic feet of loadspace, 2,000 lbs. cf cargo carrying capacity on a 7V2-foot fiat floor... plus a super economy two-engine choîce (90.hp 153 cu. hn. four cylînder or 120-hp 194 cu. hn. six cylinder power) ..plus maximum Ioading ease .. . 16ý4 square feet of rear Ioading access alone 1...plus top manoeuvrability and top Job versatilhty and tough unitized con- struction. Handi-Van also offers you the assurance of GMC truck dura bility and a lasting reputation for GMC Engineering Leadership. See Handî-Van today! A lFNinEPAI, MOTOPS VALLJE ýA'O e - - - JLNCHEON M'AI%\Flocb SWIFT'S PREM 3E E F' n 1,-1R I.SII- S A V F1' SWIFT'S STEW BF o nr BK FVG R AV\' Pard Dog Food 10 BABY MEATS SHORTENING 6 for 39c Phone 623-3396 a a 0 Sides Ends - $1.25 ib 49c

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