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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1964, p. 12

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Thle Canadian Statestman, BowmanvMle, Freb. 19, 1964 Births BAILEY - Neil and Elaine (nee Thempsoo) happiiy an- inounce the safe arrivai cf their son, Howard James Grant, 8 ibs. 61 '¼ ozs., on Feb. 1lth, 1964. Thanks te Dr. Diamoncl anti ail nurses cf Port Perry Hospital. 8-l* BEERS - Betty and Duane wish te announce the birth of a daughtem, Robyn Duane, on Fritiay, Februury 14, 1964,, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- xnanvilie. A sister for Jimmy anti Barry. Thanks te Dr. An- fossi anti the nurses. 8-1 CARR-Biii anti Doreen (nee Lycett) are happy to announce the arrivai cf their son Stev- en William-, on Satunday, Feb. 15, 1964, aI Oshawa Genemal, Hospital. A little brother fori Brenda anti Brian. 8-1l LEDDY-Paui anti Marie (neeý Davis) wish te unnouuxce txel arrivai cf thein tiaughter, Karin-Marie, 7 lbs. 12 czs.,, on Tuestiay, Feb. llth, 1964, atl Oshawa General Hospital. 8-1 MANTL-Juck and Florence, wish te announce the birth cf their daughter Paula Teresa, on Friday, February 7th, 1964,ý et Memoriai Hospital, Biow-1 manvilIe; a littie sister for joanne anti Kathy. Thanks te Dr. Hubbarti anti Matemo- ity Staff. 8-1 PROUT-Ross anti Margaret <nee Hart) are happy to an- nounce the birth cf their daughter on Tbursday, Feb. 13, 1964, at the Qceensway Cen- erai Hospital, Toronto, a sister for Kathy. 8-1 VAN BELLE-Mm. and Mrs. H. Van Belle are happy te an- inounce tLe safe arrivai cf their daugbtem on Tuestiay, Februai'y il, 1964, ut Memoial Hospital, Bov.manviile. A sis- ter for Cari andtiPaul. 8-1* Engagements__ Mr, anti Mrs. Horace Brown wisb te annocînce the forth- coming manriage cf their elti- est daughter, Raye Jean, te Colin, yongest son cf Mr. anti Mrs. Fetirick Davies, both of R.R. 3, Boxvmanviiie. The rnarriage xiil take place at St Georges Anglican C huorch, Newcastle, on Saturday, March 28, 1964, at 4 p.m. 8-11, Mr. anti Mrs. E. J. Foran, Bowrxuonvitie, wish te an-ý nounice the engagement cf, their daughter Mary Vemna, te Mnr. Garny Francis Walter Wichman, son cf Mr. anti Mms. J. O. Wichman, Hanîpton, On- tarie. The muniage wilI take place Friday, February 28th, 1964, at 7:30 p.mn. ini Tinity Unitedi Church, Bowmanviie. ___Deaths___ BENTLEY-At the haspitai, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on Monday, the 3nrd day cf Feb- ruary, 1964. Eva Baskerviiie, deariy beloveti iife cf Harold Bentiey, Clavet, Saskutche-- wan, anti dougbter cf the laIe William anti Mattie Basker- vile, formeriy cf Newcastle, Ontario. 8prI COLE-At Whitby on Weti- niesday, February 12, 1964, F. John Cole, ageti 76 years, hus. banti cf tLe iate Nora Mur- gametta Delmage anti tear father cf Jack, Fred anti Mar' garet (Mrs. J. Permis), al cf Bowmanville; Walter cf Osha- wa anti Herbert, Whitby Service xvas helti in the Mor- ris Funeral Cluapel, Boxvman- ville, on Saturday, Februarý 15th at 2 po.ni. nterment Bew- nanvilie Cemetcny. 8-J PAEDEN, Ccrtnude-At thei IIemoriaI Hcospital, Bowman- ville on Pniciay, Fu-bncary 14, 1964, Genrt'ude Paecieuî belov- I et ivife cf Lorîuc Poocian. Con- cession 4, Lot 9, Clarke Town- ship, ageti 62 yeurs. Resteti aI the Barlowv Fuinemat Home, Oreno, Ont. Service was helti on Monday, Febrcîary 17 at 2 pin. Interment Oronoî Cern, terv. -1 Cardis of Thanks1 In Memoriam Mrs. Greta Carpenter wouid, ALLOWýTAYýý-n-lioving. like to lhank atl hem fientis i momy cf Cccii MA7]oxvýax' r anti relatives for the loveiy 'passeti axvay Febncîanv 1 cartis, gifla anti visits when 1963, she celebrated her 841h birth- It broke or heurts ta lose day, February 13. 8-1 But ycu dîdo't go aIoîie, For part cf us veuxt x: I wouid like to thank ail The day' Ccd caileti my frientis and relatives fer home. their loveiy cartis and visits I -Sadly niiss-.d anti alxx receiveti on my 96th birthtiay remembered Ly' lus xvîfe F at Sunsel Lotige, also the and Daughtcr Suzatnne. Christmas cards.1 Mrs. Rose White. 8-1* BARRETT, Thoruxley Aluri In ioving menions' cf a ci The famiiy of the late Mr. brother xvho passed axc'y Frank R. Parker wouid like te r Februany 15, 1963 thank friends, relatives anti Alxays smi'iîig, hauppy oneighbours for their many contenit, acts cf kintiness floral tributes Lox'ed xxas rus braI andi messages cf sympathy whercven L xcho t 8-1*, To a beaotifcîl 1Irl,2cantie ___________scden cut, Sincere thanks te Dr. Sie- I He dieti us lie liveti mon, nurses anti nursing ex-en5oiC's fnicoci. staff anti relatives and friends -Evrrmme7dh for kintinesses rendereti whiie'sistens anti brothens. I. was a patient in ier±înori'ai Hospital, Bowmanvilie. Wiliard Gorr. 8-1t I wouiti like te, extenti thanks te my neîghbours, frientis anti relatives for cartis, gifts, fiowers anti visits dur- ing my stay in Memoriai Hos- pitl. Speciai thanks te Dr. Sylvester, nurses anti staff for their kintioess. Mrs. Mari crie Stainton. CAUGHILL-In lox'irg n mory cf Edxx'rd J. C:<cîp Wvho passecî axvay ut b<s 1lic in Bunketon, Febrîury- 1940. I Who iox'et hin, sadiy in hlmi As il daxvus another ycoî, In my lonely bacîns cf lIiniu Thouiglits cfIiîiuîî ai-o e, -Lovingîy rceii ercleda sadly misseti by Lis citc Fl ence. i The famiiy cf the late F. J.ARW- o'ii c Cole (Jack) wouiti like te ex- f aRdean otlic'r an i .î press sincere thanks anti ap-ofadr th ndgad preciation te relatives, frientisI e riay2. vt Pco c-t ax anti oeighbors for floral trib-iFbtur'2.15. utes, curtis anti other deetis cf IWithii ccir storu of uîtiiinc kiotiiess tiuing their recent <i-t-" boonetis aii ace «P .11 bereavement. Special thanks 1Fouclcried ' cini ov'c Le te Rev. H. Turner for bis con- IMîecir.:eliuuî î'i soIing words andt t the Morris iLviuls1 'i y iiihr- Funerai Home. 8-i* L :-tc' tîtî îOga chiltinen Dci cci, Jaies. MI wish te thank members cf Memomial Park Association, Catholie Women's League, members cf Local No. 137, C.U. P.E., Dr. Runtile, nurses, nurses on Chrenie Ficer, frientis anti relatives for gifts, cards, fioxv- ers anti kintinesses shown dur- ing my recent stay in Me- meniai Hospital, Bowmnvilte. Laelle Kilgannon. 8-1 FARROW -Iii tox lixg moeo cf c i ta L'<u id tcI ni i Victor' R. Ptîrnoc, c';1< îa axc'ay Februons- 2% 11i.<3 3 Ve caou"ict lithhiclîuics tiUme, Or live upulu thxe pa:t. But in clc'ha:-t ire -nnortxi Thut wilIli:-cn] rt mituit, Rcuth and xcin~r dchii hcl also EcunaPauliianti Cn:î I wish te express my smn- cliiltrie. 8- cere thanks te the nurses, thei-___ staff cf Memorial Hospital i FARIZO'<r-tuI x'îgmxeuux anti Dm. Sylvester for the gooti of oa<eur ccluci p ý,i': ricit<:u V came which 1 receiveti whiie a toi' R. Farroxc' cclxissua patient there. Alse a speciai axvay Phntu'21o, 15 thanks te relatives anti my .Ted:n"t rC1uýxa frientis fer cards, etters antidc<ci buhd, flowers. Thank you a]]. With chîcui'v trulie ai lue.ý (Mrs.) Elizabeth Craig. cf gtlcl: 8-1 *Te thoire x':lîcîkniecv imî, xiiiIluiv 1 wish te express mny sin- Hoxv muclu xVe 10. t, six yecý cere thanks te the Unitedi uo Chunch Women, Womeo's To-- Aiwas's rcmemti",rc't 1, stitute, the many frientis anti Betty>, Lloyd aucliid tieu neighbours for their visits anti! rem, Myntie, ENorn ,îipon for their kintiness in sending chiltiren.t fruit, flowems cantis anti letters whiie I was a patient in the FARROW-i lovux ioo Q o een Elizabeth Hospital. cf a dean c:m<ul Oaia Speciai Ihaoks toe L toctors,lGrancîpoi, \rictoi : rr.xx nurses anti staff. Ipasseti axxay Fohrciors' Bruce Heaslip. 8-1* 1958. __________A ligflit is froru cor Ixouci lx We wish le express or sin- 1 A voicu wvelax'cc is <tril, cere thanks te al cur relu- A place is x'ac.îxt iii tî'îr hui tives, frientis anti neighbours Which neveu' c'îîx lx fnlieci who sent flowers, curtis anti Sunshiue îpasses. :iaic'-fil gifts te Norman whiie in the Love reuciuhrnboce, ccias bospital. Aise a big thank you le Dr. Sylvester. nurses From rcuemcnY's; page tir anti staff cf Memoriai Hos- caîuuot LiaI pitl, te Rev. Dugan anti These litIle xwords, forge Nortbcult & Smith Fuocrai me-ocl()t. Home for their very kind -Lxiv 'reixuembei'ed t service. ieL naad aiy 8- Etiith Leach anti family. wf en îdPxui'. 8 8-1 SCOT Tin ioxinix iluons' Reception lur dean mithur't, RuuttiScc< Reetinwho pascoci axvax' 'buo Mrânti Mms. Rcy Cochrane, 241h i195-2. R,.R. 2, Orono, will be ai V k'th(iuCrhursx'1')ix'î home te frientis anti neigh- A k(cc-iIpnc (rvu hors fmom 2-4 anti 7-9 on Sut- Ad teî< it.rcIoc, fin s-oi, urdoy, Feb. 29, on tLe o Atc- yt Ii<t n1.. aA casien cf their 40th wetidi ng -As c cmixvcwc ci c'.-"' annivemsary. No gifîs, pieuse. ,Yocm pae î - o!î TLf ix:111l it uý 8-2 But sou ltt t Us' ici ta Photo raphywe'1i trc'citsttre tIlurcic' b PHOTOG1R.J..P'l.i±1I -Lox'ingiy u1)'<ul ' it Change of Addness - Jessie, Bruce andcifcl'i:r:c - 161 King St. E., Rnutniunville %'ii U .01Portraits - aiiicPassports RIMA S PEARCE-At Menuorial Hos- %Veddings - Anniversaries pitli.Btxvnanvilie. cn Weti- a Speciaity i E O IL nestiy, Fehruamy' 12, 1964,' Ira A UDO Dignifietiant i Ii,tinctixe F. Pearce, ageti 101 yeoî's. bus' A TOR STU I Miýonuxuný-ts - Flat 71ambeq banti cf the late Enumia Barkem Phone 623-2502 r .Luntcsigns for uxîy ne'ct. dear father cf Hcnry', Boxv- 20-2 i 152 imn1oe St. S., Oshas" naxvlle, anti Gordon cf -- Toronto; grancfather of Gar- LICENSED 723-1002 - 728-662i dcn Ju'. anti Joan (Mms. David Nursing Home Office F s'en iii. Mvorris). Serv'ice xx'cs Lelin.m" 3 the Morris Funemai Chapel, SOUTH Haven Nursing Home'---- ]Bowmanville. on Saturday Accommodation for prîvate' Roomn and Board Febmuary 151h ut 3:30 pr.. In- anti semi-privute patients. terment Bowmanviiie Ceme- Ilounge TV. Fuiiy licenseti,,AVAILABLE for iv x- u tery. 8-1I oew building, nmodern. Visitons Phone Newxca:lte 9 r,, -- t 5 i velcome. Reasonable rates. 1 WILLIAMS - At Memorial 1 Free ambulance service. Phone- Hlospital, Bewianviîle. on INcxvcaslle_987-4141.___ 41-If, Auction Sales Tuesday, Feb. 18. 1964, Frank!_ ___ E. Williams. in hlis 73rd vecurlr"THE Lotige" Nursing Home, Act hon ie c,!ui' beloveti hushanttiof Cecelia onHighway 2. Licenseti. Ac- cattit, iicln irnitu.u ' Hcîton,62 noxv St. Bxi'comomodation avaiiuble. Kind crv. Chev.iîmt't ".c.bi manvilie. Restitxg ut the Mcm-1cure. Nurse 24 hrs. Visitons cd bha".-t tv ri uerlCael ov i- elcome Phone Mrs. XXm.ix'.r fur ., <cuxci-.i . risle Fun ce C hel, Boxmun-Vesover, Newcastlie987-4252. boIhicîrL 111 ux cru' n"o't, on Thurstias' tt 2 pr..Totem--- tiirt(2a 1,juxc x-> i <. mnent B.txnuanx ilie Cernctery. ersnal orou ixia"1ndx.l:c'î FLOVVER SHOP HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber st-ove, <uIco i I'xcxv 1 CARNATION geetis> muiîed postpait in 0plain' set-. c' ei t ct r r sealtd envelope witb price ist !poxvui'1.-uitc 0Oli 55 King St. W.* Six sampies 25c, 24 samplesiof tii'l, cFi " irv~ FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28 lii"xvîiron:îScî:îr- WVEDDING BOUQUETS Nov.-Rubber Co.. Box 91:ý ci ':; c' "'. " HOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS Hanmilton, Ont._____ 1-52' inp ua l -rni." s-1t i r,r Corsages -tbtl<f, SI.' 2'for SalCe and at - ~Se ale 'Id.1:.i<.t, tc t. c "1 Cul F1osens ~CERTIFIED mcxx' xarietlcs cf T' - ' t -. r Phone uCloers. AlfaIfa, Tirnuo*by'.Fc.r- :--c.-., rtii Ordtns from ï. Pasture Grasses, etc., noxv i lru':<t .ci li a i N.î~~~castle ~ ~ ~ gooti suppiy. Eamly' prîces stl'îl ho-"r'.r'- and Orono i~ n effect until Mareh 7th . sz' . S ." ' % Cal oiet .Note. We expect ami ival nf cd fin st,]c' i 623-7141 aur DuPuits Alfalfa <ntiSera- <'attiu' ï ix. J , "e', Aflen Ilours- 623-2184 Itoga Brome in a few tiays for en: Luxuc.-r. I r. , We send fiowers by wlre tIoewiig Sl nt' trfuî.r rtcLe < anywhero 2Iseetis. 8-1* jbilla 8j 7hI~ DEADLINE [I t FOR CLASSIFIED Ï~LJ ____Tuesday, 4:30 p.me 1Coming Events_ Articles for Sale 'Livestock For Sale ___Repairs IReal Estate for Sale, eaEsae forSl me-, Erù%i 'n' r'ScvBw AGEwieci, aiOEHosencx u onGUARANTEED tcex'vision and I100 ACRE posture farm for"500 1DOW'N biiyý six-roomed .vho fl'i"n fiC To. ll, March 20.'623-3688. 1- n Durhaum ccx due salon, radio service to ail makoýs.isile in M.,anvers Township, w th retb:', bth 1Jth, ~IAFaser hn Nv-Jr o 2 bob calves. Telephone Telex-Pion Service Co. Phono !S4.ttOO.0O cash. Write Avr 3x'axti.Phne 6'3-2973, C xr: rtou t W :higtn, Lnv ale 1 uî 2. P8-1N w 3 21i7;. 1 23-3,313. 1-if1tiser '169, c/o The Cariadioi 9ý:31)to Il arn .and aft, ~ DC. i..t r celeud Tee- TRA, 2e: ay,30c A.HENDERSON'S Chick Hatch- RADIO and Television Repairs a.'oP.Bx19,ov-3Pu.\IidybrthFra1 i)-o!.e' Crlîar Travel Service. W"ooc, 623-2212. 8-1 A Cr'y.VLîrczo. If you have Prompt service. Pick-up and rxnîi.83Ai 181 Yeu 2:,"'-r7-3,__llever trie I our special breeds. deiivery. Gloorge'1S, 14 Centre TXý'0'-he.droorn bungalow, cric, yon ~'J - ___ " WAE1tfr5< a c Oiivireci. aiIlxve ast: is trx' themi once. St. Phone 623,-a 713. 41-tf aicre lot, fruit trees and beri' o n uwith ilion. L,- r Bîngo, 'hursday'Call Cliff Petihick 263-2131. i Y01 boave five chances cf xi- -- ic -, hen lhouse, garage anti i LT ýa ni I t t 8 lc , sponsorcdi E L O bx'trr.JunorChroer f ____3.-tf i iii gthein free. 8-tf vvatch Repairing ,table. il, ieul og f Eturke-Bî 8 comi ýrce Red Barn, North HA Yt' straxv, and fou xvhcat.ie Wteimke o ton. Nenr church and schol aî ic-1irn t 8t 4f ý aaC aeil, H ampn ~~ ,Criid lacmkr Telephoie Ilampton 263-21 47.! Dil62-'>950 CS Ilanda. '263-219-1. 8-2 M N - u FiaCanadian Jeweller's Assn.72 î cof<i> xxt go juar i tA'~'" Chorch i WDITGgxnxxt ri cc.cr«). Coul 72:3-71338. .0-1 Marr's Jewellery Nox inCmptchWioiouc breal b-,l I I ". Feb. 2ist at sjze 11. Phone after 7 p.rn. by ______ 8~~~1 -1 WITE, black and tan Walker 39 King St.doo OMW.lri~ix< :ce.Prc -i-ý,.______ ouiid. 9-10 monthis old, Newv-_______Berom OM ar <' 'ou 7-2 GIRL'S clothes, sizes 2 and 6 Aî\ci<i. ixih h~s I' .. ~ om u lchs uis se 4.~ toux'itte a: o. Cdli Roy Wiik - -e-r-g-at-on vith Attaclied Garage ( I<.< «. î i\lilhcovie be l : . -lu.Pc.22- 2:-7 07. 81 ~ c3-31.-11 nt n c P< . Terni," ii l Poard.iSEBAGO potatles. 75 lbs.,ý j-Q~l ri V x1iL'-sixapcd :'iJ17r,-:c J 2.0 El.71 SerRR.3vice varkiwav LCrrî rceinI- Loir. .Ac * ýon rc. 8-1: c' c 6-L oI f child's gIasses oný CommentrcialI ani Dornestie r B-I SONATou I Oui 1,arn ~St. Apply at States- ItRefrizerationix'tŽ.ug N'> Oi t'v i ckets eauriFANCY *'la I", .50 bushel, 1~ - ' < ,' r< : e i hi: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ra noC bb. fii'ceax'mm.adsxct8ier-1egi.Wr Phone liLiT"SYER SM1Iintier Construction <<i i< .i.aikl 8-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n svcec c1t'. r. <i oWoen75T U1T.Ccx. 62,3-22967. 8-1 W anteditO S 623 1 Bllîus to first ownier. Sec J .* Ask- 2 f,,ý'ý_l lor 25c. Prize-ý GATELEG tale, iet h l i'of! 63277' ~< u nie ii cl ç.'qii'rs<and othecr 1cve clrxvrs TV se t. Telcphon'ý PART. TIME clerk. Telephone Lander Hardware DUANE BEERS di" <'.Ie<'iîv ýII 1< hi '.8- 623-.56311 fter 6 o'elock. 8-1 G 2:)-2344.b-a'd U F T I i r<j, 'r jl.Pie' iic Rou-nd acd squaire dancing" USED Xialc Parts, ail mokes; 1b't.'LJL or part time xaitresl s 2-fAL G1i4I .' 20,,Trm'Vc< C, mwi 'c 1w Golden i h. P. 1mo1tors. Paddy's x'îît . Apply ',\. Camipbel, '- b, 8rr î. 1<-'1c Val] . pq t iriug vocalist Market, I-Liiampton, 263-22-11. 'uosaHoiel, Oslixx'a . 37-tf Wr atdGog llvn " r'at1)<Pe nIs Ciau Cc P'r îimloî '. I 2milesi11-5 ,VAFI'iRESSES preteralil George,, r . y'. Fr YOUNG are 'iwl-oTql r iortb 'i t cf ilaimpton, ex'er-, KINDLING Wood, 3.5c a bu:;,p '.'flJ Ontario Traffiii îl:î,c <csxii OALTOR o,,r rr..rr.10 uu r . "l rr i eP iolI ;ii ut ver ,- Piai tao ' tc ocT Boxvmanxi ovonx11.Poo 2-23JELIAELE lhou c,.eeper for,6321.8I.. <ix~<" IIi '3h Sexool'-At 10!i1eame' lcn8-1 n1x tcxi emole' p -IN'TI 540.duc'uoraîiut. Apffly Mîple (R'uîe on WIlihway rc or- CocO i <ri 1)tuil 1 te musicrî.ou wxait. ut -l'i\lLtulleri liard- rlitni 2 :29._iV2 t .) 1-' ir Iuix, li 1<r «.0 an Ic îr- \" , ii' <r a .Ii i'iac. Ask- 8-1, bx i rc "T e ix oions. Non- 'xvre, 36 King, St.E.,Boxvman- W I»A-. ox-ci'30, for part'1) FTCI 11 ' o u<ul -o ii il:e xo :<'rclu. c 10 Ca itaoi i : . ]O,,\tclcx doxvn il' . .<<n8-1 ville. 3-t tm' i 1:< <ci ciî o n nO<i r an",<o'. thi r Ixpe oi ý'< ub".'i. A .u 1,0 x r< lita ifr, 'x ar 3 au uorai f.îu aisci <mail spore ie Pbion 62J-7u,5 1. 'J I 1\TT<F -'i'lION Curn (1rxcr o'î1 <ux Tb îrt ol g:'r- 1<. r.r t..,. 0111 1< r r ihne.wcsl 2 )-ii i iu xp ije cd,, C<t irru I u-trýy Truv- 3 107. 8i x.n't moucilnlixii a ucconi'a'r i <-i 8 ( r" c': 'i' <'> i.rt i':< I ' -cttl^ir J'3rOi. 3 rti; <: ':' 'x r c < 6 extra c' 'Orr. <'. ciinci aoc' FRIC:iO.A'cJRE r e fi' i îcî'atoi', «cia 'ti (7 i'to<'ucd haiti <' c'< tIfe'ic "r i .'1 c "r r \it 8 roo.- ' d,<c' il rr-".'!; ' A lm:,î tt'c coî"l1ttubvtîl ii iLe, 1 <t' pî 'c u, to x < of.' C'îer rr f0ofe Si100 >p-r o t< .8-1;'r su italr for' cattîa,,. Tclephoricr li- r'S'; cff'ie 64-1( ~38.i " <x' 1.1-1 cxt- ;; 1',-irri- icnhro mainr . rr oi luxpvc o : 1, 83 iîli(',S frl' ' l îîrt n m i .6d "ocii <r DR i ng (o. Tve11ttv r E i "GC, or sellin"' furoîlcîre SIX' ni <liiloticllar' pipclili< ' J. ij.i.L UG H . i:" A< <ii Piicr r.o.c - li 1 , 1500) 81_ rdi' x' t ors; fiîvc. ior .<ppl iurcc s, caîl Elmu'r, cci:' "'.R'îiii r im . PL 4 IN( 11A IGG<i l- s<u<i" c" i ~ Lor IIîff r'..e NexI IALUM\INUtM li ir-aîîd 'in- b r 'liîl a's., U.S.A. r Phon e 623-5615.h cd0'rjy, ~~ 'Red ~ c~~ C 1jjj(t mu<1 x~ ii~W~ Division -St. Boivinay1. eerKwailr r lrAr brl! rck itYir r, tu r .î'..l LJr. cf~ TT :'ct 'rciLx xiîe Pr<î' <- ij, 3- r 12ffl e F ORt',ICIT iiM AN A B A A R 5 at G N R iNtI N(F< . '< -ur.,cuc ti . t r it.Ti 'IAiTY "~<.br, cx., sc01'"- illIllecr. Wii 8.- ' i'iî rc . 'av - )src ( S P 'i c: N C ic P-r" i '< " <. oi <x s 5i.tr. Pllue cfE :< c' '~o Pe. Tx- lu1n1cLi a i gR al tte oci' R'13 i i:3 riJt l -ip 3-ir dxx.t rck ix-oascrk îI Cc clinvt îud Boxx-i i- EPIA.A K of &<. 11<<ii jtrî. <ic ', .SSN C - eî.:.o ( îIap l iio; z lciy ' oii. B x 7 1, F r ' H N 6 3 -l2 5 i ciliSt. ce foi' th62 3- ? i ,lT rr j1i()cý[xxi'h ke 111i 5l'c 'fo sLay o r aniced î ci hi-01 (Y~ 3oinJ~ 633 Ici ~ lt)ll J ).'It 'OT r c'r , cn ptn oti- n g roc tri- r ii -Poe ex'ox'ic251 < ,ii r' FitlCroO Yxc Dx'i<I 0î - icl y $2,00 nuns i F ecetiiile. P ýrrm it o netilic .ii coiîi) Lo1i îîcs.fr A ittuîcc : o3-1', t - rno 14 B 1 Souitix, Withy; . Wi\IO 8 - 9 la v m"ib miîct ura rac?-1î' AUT 'i2'jI('CAI î' Sll C i to i car.- At Nr o ices 20-h n,'1)r i 0M9.-tf <tlOuci a C_ i ii C1 sm 'tic'fuicre" «un -D pt -1wli o ".i pr U iti cl igrî Ti.h2< î S tc' s ofc x3 hi:î ta"ntikSlipt cl- G - UEx2CATIN - s1..i " l r.t rv P 0 oi 156 .2hpatverr,î,tt ncusv - -s-. . a(c nt tva iiel' lcîIiic' Pro" Ltlc un A x'w o .. rî ie 2- I art s e11, ri amiltonviu iild iOjorwoporkY cut Ofic 'qip-ý,t 17'lo ad v alig re - u s i a t ti n1Raut,.,.ieze l - alEev'Jcinted Soiîut .iîcîîaî', rRuti',viîMpo' p 1 s5oopc' ACER A 3-h'1 riiii lcioccvi auBc th.'i on iaî aa pît g<i ..':îîî-I. ininiî. xpr «jC-C -C ot:i~,T"otpi- X. Lx:îr'xlc. -l.E C V TN L . I G o Tc-n iii. c'rvoe. cai .1>iicr 23 idi ci. P rk m 'Ai3eS uw o- pritterncoin-i r -4.11d flver alrxiîu'rr Utrail:'t.î ! D .' oiea on ti'ie iletîr 59.95. Trrcte~in:Chromo o ic t .)iic owiic aaig 'il!ian ý FrePo el35 5 vnns: Ii<îiric'(o 'l si SpotVit ic' Buxc mavle Pubt lic'Be-iAVIL 6tfA .loey - 6376 Bîxn,1 au otc -ui~ p rirpl . 62 -31 . Dno, ho n o D p . C '1, 81i h u] p ie .1 n - L arlcurK oAve., 623-5r68lL-t!<il.1 f -ii'.'r S e -t: i rt.WMrg v il e Fu..u- Farrn TV O'VE)r S C" dciKin iîri1' iliaiiupto c$5.0 0 Ier! Box 12, Orno Frtoi. a a s aple' ifl -'ý-aj ,Ii r. o mp<t.expert ccii.in î4cc Il o c'b 15 164. Shoot Met al I-Vork Ileal . s . - iî iii:oC.'n ie rN 2233 r Lice iest CiuiiiFM i:. o. -1r cniitig I'os nt Ioos Il!)N':6<-a' 361 Gibexrabo t. il72-10uexcdiytîî nrion cîp AEL46-Tf le île.tatc ourd'ol iy Cccs 'i on h e S pacrîg T tp Cî cus ni 5,5. Rrt i orclujîce cri lelti :Chrome chlirs re-upholst ti-'îîi o<dhcse î. 1iit f; c i -t 'x.sor n oCrr\c I i cippncled. c i-cx,'I ' Irî,u " iu ic'<uictii" ublie' 37-tf ,"A . <::cî2t-796l' c-0i-nn .S 7-4 z~ii::G> 2:31,ù0.1,x8ij;:ble uti in commission, P nn.0IIAI Bo-' ER IC1x -u'eî B.<l 93c -,98n've ici-n x:ilî rstuLl c'b'uri<îsTcîîîr Sa irgil Frfar uVTurx îe: l rS ~, 1 (îtt I ca, but9xî S ndut 'ial - ('omrc irxc. 2Fraesiialx'staic e,1 Td11'NEtS5'e1o1)Putbxic ti<l las F rnaes ad e a u.i O rs30 2io Licenc No.on5-C-63-etr z, i g -nd rrlî A- 17 ch relTnSt.,t Stncam n' .invi: (i26' li l.ir.W estî et-- <i no xxl 'KT IOSHAW ACO A B L Etonîrîn n t>îie exc lus t tc<. (ttc tid sut Ia-u'. rt rr' iirn xc 1 i i'Pt - cii N ew . ± ew . ~e Au'xîo htx'h'. )ivrsfid AR ES & B A14 cii' <ico. 5( ioll -'i-nii. o t623-I.3393It '- t 4-7î r r- D e' r d s'cl to r, 1'firlt wiVe tîk e re SA IC & SE VIE i . r uOshawa l ni îsBric -il: t'r I. tri r n '.rD-ux e? i .'r.. e o - u 'e. py refnNl i.e lzer illanîc , 4", .8 <uIoi oi ebto. 2 t,164,flor! U 2 O TEI NG 86 ure i ii r'trutil xcellntrot Ph' ::on ie t'-9,31-u362d1n parl'iý!I Iit espt p t 0 t th oin tai f o u Clis-.BuierLerv ce Oi c',r'ilea 'iii<t lu , it n'tt. r tt] ' tr n tsh i b- î:2:i-.C211,>.7- ciiiy. Pitoîî' 7 13 I OTTON 15 Ol h e d Po (licelAnti, o . er,.UreetiL I eIs N cc:,lie aiî--îîotuo'î-: w i.,t'S(t,:re eth PIANO1 . c . - i + ,f î' iliîî;î'r 1-Co1or,-,Plan, 7 , l ,i<'.ice,-4 ; - , j 12,S.l jIl,<.t1-,Il.'-t. .i .1 -4 fee irA~ r- t<l. x.'H pý ou.LINEN - Plain & lfmbroidered jrof 'Dýj' i J- , c, on: 'uSut* u ýtiii i(- Towni 'c 3 , p'r -61c /oN alla lPf Iarn,4 JIereurearHas Your House ' nrîno----2 bc'tlniutîi n îoîîecf Rt.,..l' 1 'ili - ~~~~~ ~ ~ W ,411re 8 s nuoI]. La ot j. si1,)0).' ro Ir I r i l i 't Stee C '. ' "r-'<iiPF.. Bit-, Terylene Batiste, 45"' Responsible Party : odSpots? h':itri 3-iitul*'rtt. (, i i , îSteeta 'J"Polishedtti n - 98e to 2.2911 toree -t u nthe Ask bUshîig, About<'htaLe o c' tl <:c-D--'r l ciiings T ('YLOTII PRINTS îBowmanville Area : Additional nr-. e c aa-p t ':rnciý,19)4, r uthie Council c'(r2:i ..R. Ollig- SPECIAL - 36", 81,49 l hesleo Toes5ar.,'E ec2c6et.0St00r:ii:îc1c-Q'D, tm'"t 1:) ro inu'ms.u te e'i.17 '<i'"l R:1 ,SIIOP IN BOXIMANVILLL Itesorts an'd Suburban proper- E».:... 2-. brick.ý)() 1 r.l pe rn orw, E-ie hre o îjî's. îtpvre:î îsat r t { Higgon Electric Ltd. i cr'riî 1h'r home' :Jd.,; . AS i -' . . -4IGOODBRAND'S ü\" ecede'-irable butt.)'i'ICff SIIEREBY cuÀ b Rent ~ 8 Ring ~necùu"ýsorY. All replies in strict 1 e .rne rr' ut oniyS' 1 7.01)0- $3,010» CIVI-YP iliat tl<.c' (ruîî'ilof the Vlanin- - t. %V. confience. :6 e peri \r .'d r O,. oaa CecaIm- aî.rlîiru î <Town of 0cx.iirix'hc'Etru 1. ut the O x tr. 1 t Icîîstr cî- Cars for Sale iJ. A. W~Ailloughby Phone 623-3305 'pangirugrge. Busy farîn antid . 'tui Yte fe" < r.~ta Pxoto.'56 E 'ICR liancîdtoli, oexvstart- r & Sons 'Musn u1u rci. Goigaa nl u-tc titttrtnc" h 32:-P. r. lt-I _______ - lux~~fie bu' îrîess. Cixvnem Inst Lec tie t'< cimp'r o o 'At .1I ' r'1 :iCm xvtUiim r 'huî rrtn at Bring Your r e!i duet- te a recent seniuuo Dli u t totetir,,, bu - ':r Pr.x.- ..1 -Oroixo - ti c'.irW xb.u srrLimited - LtealLors l itb probîcru. $18,510> withîbu r 1" 'il - r. <'le'ucaballon:. gocd îîîcan. , rdio,I 46 Eglinton AveneEs Power Lawn N4ower:Sftdxoco tc ni"i-ptp"dL-a n -~~~~ i.v -.~c or ~ual.Cou 623-2233. <Toronto 12 I cc' <i îîmc rit. Terrus, p1 i:111 "uî tla truds affect. r '<rn '. .5< .'rx , . -1 Telephone 11t'1-3391 I oday! 'S , ;'<'t Teraci' - Thîr( ru- .vhie'am myofie r i /i C 'i*. - .x..PO. ON E 1954 Pa<i i-c scdan. faiun SeiIiux Sibcii lion Prapenties Freco'tooieui homnes Luiit hylr~in < t ,-c r,r:î J :11ýA. xn iti 3..cr:x lo c.. nîî " cî'xi.ýtuoîî. Radio, for oxer 60 y cons. iHCII:KOVI:l' and TI'NFUP Loti rtî Dcvc'lrpmeuîtttLtd. are lTia-Ce A. ' Ihear in 8-2 bs' t. Pro o . 'ne c] lre. -8-1 irCtH' ~ . Drop i n ttiid pic t.otnt , ' i' .3 un lier coun. Iv~orciage tot c. 1 ', 54<t0 lDon't ll':it 'tii Sping ourr til r !)irani pltan, UI-o , cî. < cî r "îîuîî, any ï,,o., ,-.ag sC. B:urc:, 42 Li'i-'nty St. *S. Pets t AIl w'ork donc by i 1 ' i-f o r EBi c k 1uri- pÎ). i ' .i v t r i.; cj,ýthbi s or r' r r l'.:e -8-1 "T-ncr e ieLicensed 'Mechanies. g.c~xih os 120dw .ra- aii x.î ,tpr<'Iaciicially _ ('l all 623-3393 ar ly ii taid by-iaw IX rj..t:ic- l î3' Ut' For Rent - \o'tircgbt'ered. 263-2503.ilAand9 pru. be heard. PtyL1:i.itod, Lux 188. OFFICE space. Apply 9 ki' ToxvuîLiIie Roati. Gluin Glas- 85 King -St. W. Bowmanvillc<Jue Barnoski, 2202 Netnil *wiCek ' portlcrpe. 4à-tf' st. East. &-1 rpel 728-69U8. 8-1 l'houeo i9J-3134 8-1 1 6.6 . 1

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