~" 7 Versatile Pontypool Hen V O L U E 1 1 _ D u r b a i VOLUE_11 14 Pages BOWMANVILL, O] Council Turns D To Double Watei Bowmanville Town Council on Monday evening. ýHeart Fund rejected the P.U.C.'s bid to increase the cost o watermain and sewer connections. By unanimous Colect $1455vote, council turned down leave to bring in to I-OIet $1A55 By-Laws for this purpose. im County's Great Family Journal ýTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY l9th,_1964 lOcPer Copy- NUMBER 8 own rmain ýInstallation Fees BHS Screech Owls Stage Their Own Hootenanny Believe it or not, one of Wilfred Richardson's Jiens at Pontypool reallv got into the spirit of lhings on Valentine's Day and laid this heart-shaped egg. To show there xvas ni) mistake. she laid another the same shape the folloxvîng day. Possiblv this versatile heri was going al oui for a *super spec ial occasion because, it was also Debbie Richardson's ninili birthday on Valentine's Da ' . The Richardsons are now wondering what the hen will corne up with on Sharnrock Day. -That wo-uld reallY ho a challenge. Police- Constable Resigns fIn First Drive Refui ns fronu (lie Blutz Camn paugn held on Monday even- ing by the Bowmanville Chap- ter of the Ontario Heart Fou n- dation on Monday evening amocnfed >0 $1,455, (lie trcas- crer James A, Bell auinocinc- cd, This «as the fîcst canîpaigr held by the recentl 'y formed Bowmanville Chapter to raise fciîds to assist the valuable research work bcing carcîed oct by the Ontario lleart Fou uîdat ioui. Anvone «ho «as ou> t n the canvassers caled oui Mon- day evcning, who would like to make a contribtution to Ibis worthxvhilc cause, (rau bave their donations at cubher the Bank cf IVontreal or Kranip's Fîîrnîtcure Store. Daylîght Savîng Tîme Here' WIlI Be gin Sun day, Apr. 26 Bov.manvi j]p Toxi Coutitil on iVonday eventng granied permission 'o the Biixvanvtlle Mid-ct AIl Sýtar's Hockey Club fo hold a Blitz for thie pui-pose off raisîng tounds to aSýiS1i ici paying touirc:ameiit expc'nses. This <as nfiocl ix%,Coîmortl- ]or Ken lIooper, arrondcc bv Councilloi' George S t eph1)n.l 'l'le door-to-dloor cma îîva will be hdcd next Moiîdav eveiîtg. Februarv y h ntiite' chf'ocoat. 'Tars <yu'll be sold. D.4.Cornes April 26th -Couneil set the period for: jaylight Saxing 'imre iii this ,,qimunity foi' 1964 to extcnd from 12:01I a.m. on SuîîIday, April 26th, (o 12(11 a.m. un Sunday, October 251h. This was -moved bY'Couiriilor l eitml île ltigt seuotîdedg 1bv Counicilîni' Wýeslex' Fic', andl is in1 accordaiîce «'i h theI spring and sommi-et schedulezz off Canadian Railwxax> as an- nouitrec bv the Ratîea v As- socJýIatoli ot Canada. C'onstable Resigns A let 1er froinuPcd ire Ch iî'f Bernard R. Kitney statud that hc' Iactr(,c'î <'cd aind areepi cc> the cesi giaî ion cm> Constable Louis Phîllîps. C 0oilîIl c' illor liocîpei . chaii'man off the Police Comnmittec, poîntedt out that the Police Chief bas no acthority t h i ce, fire, ci' ac- cepi resignations, Constable Phillip's lcîteî' off resignation explained that he had been cffered a job with helter opportiinilies, and ask- eh tha t li.s esigîaionbeo effective on Febri ar v 2t Couincillor lifoopeî' saici. 01n a niotioî, i) CoittîrîillorI Ilooper. secccnded hb'yVCcuIIIil- TuRN TO P'AriE rx'O) The first was a By-Law to amend certain prov-1 isions as to the cost of construction and repairs of watermain connections as set out in By Law No. 877 as amended in By-Law 1625. It proposedi to change the charge for installation of water-1 main connections from $45 to $90. If. also provided that inflie nevcn t it îs necessa rv Io1 reiai r dthe service from fliecxx',îer- ,main to the st reet h ne thaithte ,foilowing fees \vonId lie pa id: d ( Where the %vuter p;pes 'have becri matai led tfni'a Pur- ind of -'0 years or 10112cr a fee of $90. t(2)Miere flic nwater pipes have blu î:t a -led foi- less (han 20 <carýijs aic ethe pipes <vere otg ' vl iin- Sstalled b 'v the Bowimxil le eP.U.C. nofeur woolidd charg- e d. (3) Where ihewaî er pipes shave heen installeci toc ai pcr- mod of' le.ss than '-0 anatd Ille pipes were riglllin t- talled Pv the poeixox iwr or a contractot. îorum2eîi con his helial f. a fce of SI . 'Thec econdBx-, vtcit 1> the mctiîig of,'l'îîx i toitn - cil on Nlondav x(121 10 posed a chanugce fiou iafiL.i f.e of St)0)to a ilfat rue ni' jIo by 'vapplhianîs for icIao, sewxer c'onnections:i)% appli- caîîts ia'forcle xx ni I. 1: mi- (cuiicilliî or t I spok<' aga i ualt t.ue Ix',o pro- posecl BY-Laxx's. île :idc he felt the charges xieomt i f line. He poîlîtcci out1 thlit maux', olcler Pocîses lire the lono.if peoipte - Ix ng on OlcI antd Un usual Accident '4<', c' "t 4 c..' <., 'cm Masons Entertain at Annual Ladies' Night The Masonii' Ladies Nighît dinner and cdance'hcld by Jercsalem Lodge, A.F, & A.M.. hled at the Lions Conmuinitv Centre on Saturday cvenîng, was an octstanding scucc'ess. The guests wece received by the Master of Jerusalemi Lodgc, Alan Lobb. Mrs. Lobb: tlîe Senior Warclî'i, Dr. Keith Bîl- lett, Mrs, Billet>: aîîd tlî" Junior Warden, Walter Goode end Mrs. Goocle. The head table «'as centreci %vith a beacitifuIl arrangeenît off red anîd «'luit' cliî'saitlic- mli!Tk aîîd il <vas liitec by tlu tapeu s iii crystal candela - bra. The cthci' tablts vere <entrcd xxiti c'llctxx'claffodci!s and lighîed xx tIi litaitapeit, iin c'i'stal c1tdlat; siiste lodg'-,'s colors a r' <i'I Ptxv a d bloc'. Mrs. Alaîî Lobl. i. li >thli- Master off the bld ge.liad a Icivelv c'r'a';c cif roses andi <xhit' or-c'lici'>, and i liuiec' erii attractiv'e coirsages of i 1iiîk car- nations for thce xix'c's mial the otheî' officcrs Tbc'secoccr- sages had beeîî ra':ngcclbv Mrs. XVil.îeît T'fctle andu Mtrs Ha'r ' Sctton. -Grace was sung. l'Flice Toast 10 Ilie 1(ilî\va s gxib y Woi'slipfl Brother Alan Lobb, Master cf Jerusalem Lodge., He also wclcomed aIl the, members and their ladies in ý an cloquent speech, Othiers at the head table in ,,.,., addition to Worshipfcil Broth- --- c'r Lebb and his wife «'ccc: 'TL1RN TO PAGE FVVOc Education To Be Topic at Durham CIlub At the next meeting off the' Durham ('ounty Club of 'orontoto bhe held a> 1.0. D. I' . Illadquartcrs, Lo-wther .Avenue and Spadina Road, on Thiîrsday evening. Feb. 21tli, the speaker %viIl be Arthur B. liaven. Vicv-1'resi- deuit aid Division Manager off lorId Book-('hildcraft of Canada, Limited. Ibis address %'. li be on Changes in Educational liii- Pisis Since (irandfather"s )a v. Last Thuî'sday, Mrs. W. H-. Lewis, 2-) Soct ljvx'\. Dr'ive, nai'iowlY escaped setiotîs injurc'v iiin i nuiaia accident. Site was driving cash on King Si.,a id pl on the brakes to avoid hitiing two childrco «'lic «c stepping off the curb onto the î'oad,. Heu' car \'ent loto a skid on the icy pavement, glanced off a trccc'on itlw north side (if the higliway ancd liiithce cotini ci \lMrs, E. Black's bouse, King and Ontario Sts., cusiîî coin- siderable damage. lVIus. Lewis suffered cts, a bi*(ý'ke nose, cracked î'ibs and multiple bî-uises. Shie w'as t;iketî t) hospital b ' vBîivranville Aiea Amibulance andciru- leasedi on Tcesdav, l'le ear' <as also dama-ecIctîi si'el*v bx- tie impact.-Times Photo, Officiais Taking Part In OMA Regional Conference When over 200 Mavors, Reeves and other muni- cipal officiais gathered here to discuss rnutual pî-ob- lems during the Regional OMA conference on Satur- day, thev \were welc'ied tcî town lmv Deputv-Ree<'e ]Rosa St.evenm. far riL!It. Also on hand'for the *sessions wvas Alex Carrutheî's, N.P.P. for Durham, shoîxoex- tending greetings to Cobourg's 'Mayor Jack Heenaui, president cîf the cenfeu-ence. Another tntercsteclroe- tator \<vas CICiclior (1 IL'nlmlm'I lU idl f- e (J Bo wmanv i le.é Other Pensions, and that the' doubling of thc fee to $180, %vould be a hacdship, if flot' impossible for themn to pay. Mlayor Ivan Hobbs mention-I ed that P.U.C. representatives! had ippeared at a councill meeting last year and de-ý clared that their costs are iný TtRN TO PAGE TWOi Car Plunges Down BankÀ At Overhead On S toidax atternoon at 4:45 o'cdock Harry J. Hobbs, Sun ýt Boulevard, Newcastle, dcix în, east on No. 2 Highway iailed 10 make the' turo fronci the cast end of the overhead' brid",c on the west side of I lis cri «ciiithrough the rails anîd plunged doxvn over Ilic bank into a field to the, s-111 hf tifhe roadwav. Fortun-, atel v the' driver xvas flot in- *îîred. There was about $350 Lanny Cooper and 1ýis guitar, ief t, led ti ok lf orgt uyBruh dainaýgc tbhis car. Constable ti ok ett ihJd ruh iracv Davis invcstigated the singing group i several numibers during the Hoot- Mutton and Dave Werry. 10tcen.Nite at B.H.S. on Friday evening. The others, fromn MORE BUTTERFLIES - Last week, we reported (liai a buttei'fly Iiad been picked up alongside a pat'ked cau'. Apparently, it had a mate flying ai'ouitid town because Gord Sellers, Liberty St., Southl, savs one flew intu bis garage oncii Fida>\, Iw <vu ays atter the paper came ouf, C'HANGES - Recently, tw'o prîlperties along RKin- Street have changed hands. The Corner Store, op- eî'acd for over haîf a century by Harry Allun, was scild through Walter Frank Real Estate, This week, the Buxvmanville Glove & Mitt property in tlie H-alînian family's hands for many years bas been sold b\' Peter Kowal, Real Estate. No details on whai's going f0 happen n0w to the buildings bas 1)000 ieieased bv the new ownei-s. KING 0F THE SEA- Last week it was Ilcuot- Nite at Bowmanville High Sehool and this Frida., tic building will be transformed lito Neptune's Gar'den foir a big dance. Our congratulations also go Ici those students who took part in the Iieart Fcînd canvass on Monday night. They certainly ar'e a busy group these days, with their \vide 'at'i- etY xf factivities, TIZOPHY WINNERS Atîuîa Pordeir andc Richi- aid Stephens off Port Ferry won top honours in a mixed pair figure skating event af Oshawa rec- eîuitl 'v. Miss Forder is the 12-year-old daugbter of Mc. aîîd iMrs. Harold Forder, Port Perry, aîîd gcýiid-daugliteî- cf Mrs, Rupert Bycrs, Church Si.,, Boxvmanx'ille. The trophy wînners <iii appear at ilie carnival ini Orono on Fei). 29th. TOI" SALESMAN - Joe Barnosku, \vho scîls rial eslac' foc- Walter' Franik, xvas presenfed with an awxai'd for being the top salesman out cf 140 in the aiea dUring 1963. The prescntation xvas madle at the Febcciai' meeting of Oshawa & Dist, Real Estate Boar'd at the Genosha Motel iast Weclnes- BUSY NIGIIT - Tonigbt is a busy une in thle ar'ea. 'l'lie Conservatives are holding a meeting in New- castle, Rotarians here are celebrating their 4th birtbcla> at the Flying Dutchman and the Bantams are playing, Whitby here in the second game of their playdown series, In addition, there probably are a dozen other meetings if not more being held scimewhere around the town or' district. Who says ihere is nofhing to do? i t t t t 'f MONEY We note that the fasf-movîng midgeis ar'e staging a blitz of the town on Monday in an effort to raise money for expenses. Harvey Web- ster, the enthusiastîc promoter of Salem Athletic Club, says (bey too are encountering problems due to lack of finances. Anyone with some funds to slpare would make either one of these clubs happy bY contributing to the cause. T ' SORRY TO PART Counicil was infoi'med this wveek that popular Town Constable Louis Phillips bas resigned. His many friends here will wish him w<ell, while expressing regret that he is ]eaving the force. This is the fîrst change in the police per- sonniel here in several years. It is understood that 'Mi- Phillips will join the Roy Nichols Mofur Sales oi ta n izat ion. + t 1' t ' t ('OMING CLOSE - D-Day foir 1963 licence plates P, I"eb. 28th. Time is getting short and there will hic noc extensions. Also, if you have not received t hr, iew forms from the department. for your drix'- îtîi L licence. you should contact Higgon Electrie imrnedîafely. Dont be caught, if runs into money.i CGrant Thompson, Bonnie i Hoot-Nite" Scores Hit With Packed House In B.H.S. Auditorium Bov:tnanvtl le High Sc'hiool*m laîot Nute '64", prescnted on Frictav cvcning mn the A;-' semnblv Hall. sýcored an cxi>-1 standing success. The excelI-, lenit andc diversified programn deiihted the caparlix' audi- ence, and there was much ap-1 piause foc al] whcî took parti in the \<xcii paced entertain- ment Midgets Stage Candy Bil*iz Monday Night The Bowmanville Mlidgct Hockey Club will stage aj one nighit blitz off the tnwn,I 3louîd.y niglît startUng at ý 6:31) p.rn., sclling chocolate i bar,, door to door. Keep your outside IigbitsC on andd welcome these youngJ felloNw's in their attempt to cover expenses. The club is uîîdefcated in a four playoff games and now c mvili mret C'obourg in the next set, First game prob- ablv mill 1w played here i SaLîurday at î:30 p.m.p VTe li rectrcî- prodcl icrs xe- Staff Acîviser Gacth Gilpiný and Bob James, TPe tille Hloot' Nite was ,selected for tle an-i nual u'ariety showv because it is the vocal expression of the Screech Oxvl, whose name ; s borne bv the school's yearlx1 magazine, Dan H-ughies, (lie Masteî off Cecemîînîescx- The sîniging or 0( Canada cipencd thie pcogramn. Then the Concer't Banc] coder the direction of Mc, D. C. Peters played the Overtuce with dis- tinction, The t hree talented soioists <vere Bill Cobb)Iau. ti'unipct, Roi) Thompsorî. cor- tint, anc>Bi-ad Lucas, trom- bone, Thcxse in thie Concer-t Band' weie: J. Adams, Judy Ali,ý Ted Bate, Jdcv Broîîgh, Bill Crombie,, Ranidv Dc-wehl. Cor- rine Elliott, B. FIston, Pat Guil, David Gohieen, Do ug Gcopp. Alan 1-tooper, ArthLi-: J acksn. Steplien J e f f e r y, Mich'ael Ledclv, Bicad Lotis Pafil Lucras, Jane liver, Rirhi- a rd Per fer>, Smiaan Qu itton, G.- Rabb, S Siainton, S. Thompson, andl R. Virtut'. TPe Gymnaste Diîîîla y Ilie Girls' G'm Tc-ain was dic-c Thrilling Display Put On By Gym Team îîîg, Thle tcam, members dm. Imonstrated ca-ordination, ath- lotie ability, and grace dcr. ung a series off difficcit jumpa and tumbling exercises. Per- feet balance was also shown i othe living pyramids and similar feat.s, -TOON TO PAGE Trwoi New Books at Local Library Fiction The Croup, Mary McCarthy;, 'l'lie Venctian Affair, Helen Mlacluîîes; The Shoes of the Fishiermian, Morris West, The Ilat cn the Bcd, John O'Hara; Cara.vans, James Michener; Thei Living Recd, Pearl Bcck; On 1-er Majesty's Secret Serv- ice, Ian Fleming: The Three Sirens, Irvinîg Wallace. Non-Fiction Manate for a Change, r)wiglit Eisenhower'; J. Y. K, - Tlic Man and the Myth, Victor Laisky; Rascai, Stirling North; The Aîeu'ican Wiay of Death, Je: ýsica Mitforcl; I Owe Russia $1,200, Bob Hlope; Dorothy and Th)e restricted area of the stage at Bowmanville Illgh School made things a' bit difficuit for the boyýs' gym team on Friday night, but they went through their routines witb only one mishap, a bleeding nose bit by a flying heel. This didn't slowv them down any as evidenced bY this pho'to. lnteresting to note is the fact i thal. a couple of the squad appear Io be growing popular Beatie haircuts, 1 - 1 140an man peuece Proposai