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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1964, p. 2

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2 Thr CanaHipn 5a'eafrn n. manvillie. Yrh. 1lr, I4 Lanri .V'N:c!hoV Brugh.LannvC p B V It'0"D'Poli eCornmitte nregard to ronrmndation Min - I th'frhe aar 2 25 at C onference V:.n: a Cm IO an CrW ,u D vi1W r dcIg td ci-. He moved that the corn- es under considerta au' R e 0 M ra To n hp Sm nb :0~~,e audience xvith Lii sin ttue be authori.'ed to bu 'v a trce rernoval. drainag; asd-Ree..G oe fCa G: j-orn Tb Esoe.ng of Putt, the Ma -cDragon m Pontiac sedan, whicn hlas autto.Eli paving program n aeTwsiReeW, .1 dv Bre'onh Mai'; Rtbs- That nough. nd Fou J rl and Pa Th a Rupson. _ r S to n ouWnds a nd le oer um atie transm ission, r a m R ob- stor m sew er progr a m î b l t H p o n h p adP'Tons-,r2-S-ngWns A lvr\son Motors at a tradie-in dif- TsigDDSrn adMs ereEwrs a ~ J . è ~ 'l. . P a i e l S L g g e s t re:x d 'i'rk-cd app1asu fo! r iiv s it c d a t e New * e ee s V aent .e f re rc t SlO )e ao o t n ci e ci e b u g w o i t e L eu e a 0 .M eAP a e.rges sfine sŽugîng utfTuimblîn -,waý preentcd w~fille dead-Dance he:ýd b%- ItleCathn:iLesecouded b\ otcîîwîo- Ca utrfa RseiC -lusGvrnr ersnît! h n"oiP311 c tii b a O inzain S,-.Leslie. and earried M.P. fouiDirhamCunxr- sertr-taue sL. . Go;)* a Barrel of Moncex Masters and Don Tay lor JosepbsHall. Liberty Str et* Town Building l'~iia g ýarding its inquirv ocenn OA a ' ea Ttinibling ar.d Balaiicing b\i Sauth. recenil-, ,vas enuved A repart froru Buiildiii-- lî, tIlle Dpartruent e aina'oeor rmth on C o U flty '.11ou fcl S S hfl U URdAo . pî dbi- a rft i Biw ,'Gyni Teani wa cx-bv a larg1e nuruber out p)euople .di ti' ti in- Detci nesiren locale LI l-~lcîosSrk n tie n ng u . a ii h M-- op oa . eil perfornied. îThe spaciotus ;hall watzcic-,furui d FLi Twi C tiiiiiil ldtbuTowii Hall lieue. riîne eaueixdb-th conl Hc bad niadwerepeat-dunapeut iucombio-roto ehatlhe hadlbeine hercu %cern ngctheiP1ng Strset cls i- x - ueu:a v un 1- - . ni t aiîî Stiind t hl dted a t.a 1,el aand f outhe tx iin r~ G g e. ,folu cnudb ' v M nîtr o N to - Ro À A o an e t wa pit- B e . ip e d O u t o r Irrp ro ved 'vr'ili. -~ aC ~:î-~te streaierz, la rge r odami(oud.tbiing unrspcs.Mr - a ti îe PaulT.hîleeduiiteTonCek aTh~l\le \itoît D oueRîî-, Ie ur strenuaous prag,,raru 0e i arl nd c-olp'dl'lie de,--Mursreport stat-d that 1tI1- us one ut a uumplex cnrle h Theprhe O0t\torTeanfileMr o\. Bruut. B. ct le ibv\ilburonBrauil dusirii secion b uture Ten sM.W riI l e% 'ci-beaiS ~holdin Iîgtlite building frani Oshiaîxa, andwodbeCuilo lupr scneî The pday lg R Ma Cn po.Srdonen taBd P va te il ý ilb t u hee-, , T: a-~G- Tauix~'osed ot Charlus Mrb-.togetiir have bien e. t awav ~t ~ b i saalî cuvReeSee Eeeeenan Cobud d atrtheretoaThehpatoD dhcipape! Tb asa(-;)!ii- rgeme] il. eirupuscd cf)Job erBudwl. Ile LaihljgMILeof teebea,-.tTieaBos tGYmakeeaoo Ualu aai ov Mcdatn, Pobia - tni a il pctofaord rv lu ference of theTow ad Vi-Fred ODell Asssmn oruMýo ;.R t(\ Q C drama oi as ablv riret'ted b- xý id Crawford, Rani- Dewei 3wMri c ep te prMisdea -toxi -up et hcsdjto tîýi ii ' IitSO.ow lekb lage Scction. OntroMnicî misoner of Ri-irw onvRi esi(Mr. R. U'. Sheridan:. and it Chaules Ex-ans. Wax" 1-n bt. Cowau and Miss Liid a Mas- Ign, eo the tieiti ffl ramev. Mr.tîîu etras tt srrtdt rt esn n pal Asocatin cd i bte and W. C. Woods o Prsto.aT(prodoîî ccd iprussaiIDnusMFees1A sot e Deputy' Reeve Ross Stex'elis cd t but DNÈD sirensar hk-tetdiibuigtspo Bioy umnIlo- ni Sa ru îîd v . I *.o I.c ht,;t of *buSarniii-l YniCt .Rcbs-. Geougt' Rieka rd adlA luth o .("ec: .tlo the Pbilicttur b t- dmt Is u ntalto aî ut ht h oucldosx diorou nSa rdy Mueî - ii~c~ueuted in a 110 per îîîtigi n llt.sh auid pan\i. Llrn;Ited Grant ThoAomgrp.sf on. *iI tdg~tuPctlrPuprsare' ulec-kcd regrilarî-tee ihl ips tti a than 22f;lcc'utsattendc d. Elt rxeenM DI 'he i tciuhtuu trci- RLII ithli Il mli na - îa p-The Choir dirul-ed b\ Mi-r - ordanurin- was prov îd"d Conirnittee iii report bauk tii aftur lu oenSUre'thatht-ar Cuiilo Hheeond Deputy - Rer-i-c Ross Stevl- declaued. lHe said that pue-i - olishod. Both i algca iiitiofpein leriî o---xup J. Tjhompson pleased the atidi- o v a fou r pluedam budthtfet wetii tI IIill working ouder.Thaîd d e l e g a t e s . lH e c n v ei- t e a s s sfth eh e rlj r j i i g x a d î g f C i i O i o ni a ll - g o o d . Hi e u, p o r t 'r a x a l c n t e b -\ - s i n g i n g G o D o iW x s iu d a' T i s xx a i - - i d u > C o .ib - I e s o u ni d i n g s uoNf iCmEc i r o p t - o e en f ic s l - l oti d t e os f rt e w Cr ou s n u a i i s an i f r t rie h d ofG anty >17 wu , a i sîo0er. low a d Parrv- w as t i llor C arl L eslie, and arrid . w er n suspended %wl(e î e D - t a h t e u d h regrets oif bis Wor-hip, M.\Iyor nicipalities ,oorked independ- uf ariniexation ocre dî'1us--- ied, and ider- xpres-jChli l Waters. Thoseeinlule, ~~iîaiî ane reî.iîBîîîîî'î-îîtsua on partnieîit ot NationalDfe; Ivan Hobbs, that lie xxas cn- cntlv of each other, aod addcd cas a rnieasosif solvin -Ihî ( ucprcîh- -i fvri 'mîuisoa.Choir ýwere- Sopranîo -Ss elinnto criz ii BwinileIiit -ia C i iteeci tid al tunetimsfl oî~te nal eeu able tu bc preselît a nd ruen- that' the lac-k if direct ing au- l<'iIIS if <-.ciîli iî l - Oue Ioe îtî -ilBilIl D, - siîie Ball.B. Beec.ILIC-.id' lier wasxis s oaîînbca Rod-.,m t uni lau adî-eulisiiig. 2'-hî s xxa: .eze upcetih- tioned that Reeve Sidney Lit- thority uescilte-d ioinequalitieý. ti ('ýý,l oo ipiii ieii tai iii tBrugh Maglie Crsi, D-eliee.\eThels atrecibe to aîîdts te "BaseEorLines n be tle was alsa uns xoidablx- ab- N,,,- cinder the directiunîout*Lt', Te1lc i i dd ,iîîcî--.(i l e a iil cm nd i!.ii ea rog,ýMugietCrdn iri -er nteSptroe b oicllrltg sent as hie s a patiniii'Ib'e Couitl-vAssessiiieiîîCoiii,î is- hcfOiefli'(ii.-eO ,lilhatrîx a-bai-el a n on e Mtoî, AuRovse Rubî'Grdnî<e ' ULollct \r in-cprmnt dd Oshawa Gcneral iHospital.Th-The ostereae îî R1obiinC-.ic I1uEP'îc iSli wh -tle iuîie u te ao pni. i SioncIr tere are oIv 1--l uil COi'xî-10lîîEfiler i_ 4îî!îiIvlaudiblelasouîîd-ie-MDtpot R-tRle ienSteoenslespokt Deputv - Reee aid that Boxe Jo1îîî Bidflil as :pleiîclici iison. Pal Thuîîîpsuî a nd Rîîthî exceptiodi-nsfo alagebo C) n1ti(;-irg- tîphci IizedIgoals, lie saitI- Dois dist-iiDa rieticare t xi 1011>. - the conference unît-ihere, anc xvo-iigas ie suid. isoo[ii qîi-ioi >îigCtitl ai] faitlitiii - ieriî. Jack Loa-,i . idi-i clix-:Bas"; - K e - t hi Mus Purîik Raddli- -urt ilntle itstrict iil (-10 sîuîtpdlu-eatriaIFnnetthDeît- extended besl w)ýishcs for il Mr.Woods asserîed 0asteîsti thlnsihi'î-a Iris CamnpbellI oas real ist IciiGrc(iiîanid Doit Mastt'rsîiuî sno ioe Euecess. aSPC fo 0 lle d î anilu h ei-ride îofthe Gua îîî . Jeiiui>- Alta - .Jeann re CaL]]\',Les]:- A del irious I iiieS(1x _ iw iutioli t hi A RDA. iliiti, rîdbuîîdig tDDmnto îîtia lara Iu an addrcsF îoîî hie Amis liaveal sessmentsinatwsflocifii.atut l\ e. e- lle inies f c-iinddfsaînrcto e u lsotindisuî- and Progress outhelînOit anicarea xaîued inder the sa ie Jdatisix c-r ~î- tutas Lo l- Wilk is ca -Eu-trt-, Jeanictt- Marsdn Ii c he uiii'uiibuus tif t rit' uoiiiiiic'iied t it ru atice il ic i vmdsnr laii!> portris'ieci ait sstiiite gs M e Jitîd> Pueduti, S. Pat-litîeî ioimlc xnt .lki tcre ucs- Ili yentr Mi.- IIlie xioe. le sd Vilg' Sctovt t Commission on Taxation, Lau-syte !ib nepusmnre-og- >w,.-> eicted I,' ersat \îuaru îîe eîî îîî Pns Mn uaî-i sicllonîîti i>pt.I't >litîoflculBîx'iîi- leTwui-O iait uicplpsuiiit Sall- Xi tJ.rySamdtaîtVele>st-î.. husperet npoMissclar. Oufor ttheî atdirectC*cîîc V[tr it cteî f asie- Mcld iicre uîî Satird'.- Mu of its w de ternis ot retrenc cîýwould be more efficient. aî giiand!uîiî x a hi-u - V ule A u Sx'p, aid Cusr s oîmtle ouîe I 0col.1î lS ur li uîmcils îî ts u tsuîce -uhe-t o s o n prouciviv f poprtytaa-ý Co ncil il)eNe]l.in In the year since ils luceptioi onn odutxmut pe retr.Theax- o 11 as the att rar-tiv-e-darîglîler Miss E. Lai cork xxas ir,-,Muruplx. iiftîricd oif ail> hIxc i ic su renit iiBowiuiaiiiI. uciteMncpa Wok ation units and prugranîs 0fr disadvantage ; htteie o-lewati iilonripnsbeFi h otne.,-ae.Ctni eie imethodtakes wav a bt moreWalter Rickard acted tile par: 'Crerltul-a, abru ddue Taii Ca]-l' Bont municipal g o v crimu ie nf tueliO tke aa-a itnfrea ich licooti t6,501> Ci.Iai DvdGoiei.PulLt fi or s<oxifutStuiruoc-k Riîsdastrmttattleii-iCî-îuba throughott lie prox-mnc e, sud fth auto mumî>1 reuanuic taO A.EO, I]teato fIl purfecltuti. casii -lai-icigoîMire etî.Ps iI iay Iight :jpir wiI ae eurrnnatosiort lcl u erîî nî,heiOMACtONtilteatîmit i'paitto-raslgîii:MurtuRg Th reorf t lu-Rîîau-acil nd as, possi ble. Tii s wstîidtemresa ors epit tol th e ei-n nien t ta i , ia mcd. liii r tftuni r -l Thei- -' lac e i~n raiiti. udct tage lix- - propeuties: Ka ren Bell, Ei-:îlia- '-it ius Ctiiimutee stxî-it huitil i> t ticiî-l Icr Il îîgiîesscn- u tt ha u usl- îî il l t la ment t Ic'e î ( 1î )1g11iti, ilnid Ite h fietnug ixcs hu Buadeui. Mcurid i I latelI he sidThecumîtte isnuo1 Rad Bîdg. Prt [ope, Ibis is tf itl onc\%.\tiiex'(,t-i el doue.Kath-x Twist, Joanime Wuc i ia t ecîîttî t'dg t t 96 scit cihi>Cîîî iIlrviuier u ttc i i uligu startiug a series of public -Stated tiliIunder the s>steuî dc -)uti itlue iu" iin -The Moiitc'mai-s dsance hanic xîard, cnake-îu p; G.Box coi , 100,5a00l fort's hidg'tîi t 1)114 uIo ledsripton'x hs ix lîxmclegis-îî -m euîiee o hearings lu explore lu detail niade possible b>- sectiuon 9,31 ess uie-are cilutuged Iot c'r- i-ade a re ,atitsd pm-lung- CaisE-m, aî csî ROM rAce ONot ' iiani--couiiittt u 'iianox er hi-11ttîxu.B-i usas adta information reccivecO tram (A) ofthIle Assessmenî \it, orle. ntî itiisi oli iîa dapmlaîî -c' rdeixtnI ilir stage creux :S. Flîntrff, auin* -,Rc.îi luîarct ps iioî u-di<- A tîîîcmiclamtitîfon utheiiuurI teasîiî af written subruiSsians, Mu. Snmith municipaIities w-ould lose lit- a p p 1 iruý ti îilî rou -c-lpi slu i îe imli îuîe Us- lis'c plax cd Ca ru- i pt-tgranis: Daîîîîx ieuiinoui-c~-t e uistblP l licsseci au uI la i îi t of ii Noi liîmrîiiiil -D iih i m stated. ;lie autononi- and mut-h ecuri- sid bu s s wuîpmi i î- x thý - xaîu Stripper,. sand Nig1i t sud Dî'îîîîs i einiru i- cal i -'sguaîîuîxxus ai-replî'd I l(, ii' tuuiuiîlitîuc' as il ri sîtiofr i he,1ti i tîtxas rî'ciîtd sd iiui-pa îxm s grge h e lvbyu k Dcl Vulii,t, -aranv d efcin y uml he icse xx lci a xc' buiow ionies, i Trai r. candcifiletia. au i t o bas, rect* cîîicl j te Put ie ('a-- - ltter , ruiSt p- rau * s Iit uc i le ]d ou i i n mu hi- Cîîî- tî i oihi a li u-o bs p Immediate past nuesident xa gie. lie quuted troru a bcît I l iii>- I otîît( i, a ta Xî ish iýi* Raîîîîî lic- \ontîe- 'l'hie us ,11î un I S wec, G \.l ni it Ii-s' as numiuîwer'edci s -('îur-lt hu e pot'asstî'd. I I ii s t--omicit-d b>-Ciue rlii Oul ir cetii the chairma n outiapaniel dis-1 .udguient givefl by Mr. Jmric i uuug-rputi us mIo gt'u ral racte. rutis: diii Crbba i. Buil Cou- G rahiîmt anid Cl is i'VldcrS lu iie till-, a mîrhrepo)slut Ii ' a t i-t-s sîIf t\- î i i cil - i - uiicî liet Rter't - cîuttfttcIîîî u i t cussion un tue Puassmaid Consl- obinson iii 1860, uxhir-lishowi- Cociii-h 1m Gcougî Str'îîîc'î brepocrbDut iil ou i Eîîî dci - he cslirs i-em of Srcetion 9.1 t (A)i of t ieAs-'cd that Itie sanie di tficclties riai i- uem"i xi iuîcnsîu )îici Guhen- Aa F î,B m thi c a iik- ii lt'ii tlc i-< itttIlg ii ii'-ciitfM ilioi(laiîeulî I2 ir ii s ogieu w îi - -- ~~~~existe ilhon, turecast the puoh- Catuîuuîî Icîr t1001~- l -put>t-- }foolBpr Bac i cas NeuIl Mc- and VI. Vani-locf. The par-kîn2 Bus Newx Cruiser oas amid St uc-lis Ci('ilit cc.;iîitd i-h-i ruîauu tf thcUiI h xcr suiiltdw c crus out odav, and spelled ct tRe,,-,Riîs sStc-î ,ýýi-ml '-î h al Gm noru usncd -\loiî 'Fr-cht ci tteiltus î re Doi, c -îg Mi (i iît l iotieir lpoiu ,iiint-i Ioiii î-îîuîsucieu tt- u'îtî Ii 'd ('îuîît i's lcoarcd f FeIl sae tî01 hetulîî x B .t WL.JVVi tu e lrnius utreterec-e fcor-73.ftlîe itpi> t-d ch î xi lIii mritec Fhet' S ic ' ilu1 ) ix-I, lui-1 iï,,,ii aniri R. Sinusîn. ii thi-eu- rcrtid i ui lit ii -fi t uii .î.î ig il r i l. i ) 'l ' lîi-ci t-m ii'nhu- îanî' ( ) Il i not acting wilh iifl- cm r u'i-sit- The roniciinit t,iaF sItoch- duîe baste wheîî bis suîggestions 'ouîniiloiu uip-uas- e ed nt the sudcuî passuic ut are unIs- starting ta be inmpie- that îîecuîîe ilucdaci*(,s -ou Mu. Frank Parker ast we7ek..memiled atteî 10i-eau-s.."Read plaiîîumîg t-ifpactcliîg îc'ital oui Many troru Brawiuus Section Budge said fîrmîx' . seicer irus puu riissed eau s attended the fureral and ucîr, W. I. L. Goclsaî\ce, )reî-tuîr îgti. le sa id il us (Iliîln tle'- ,.ympathy gulos orut nuotte sou- ut Municipal Finance, Depaut- PU.C. toi kcep tut' c iic's un rowing relatives. ment of Mcunicipal Attaurs, shape. There are SILcieuit ca(nhersspoke cii Luans Under the Mi- 'Pasrt ouithtir l is rdire ln bath the Jcunior sud Senior nicipal Wurks Assistance Prog- lutte P t.C-.i1 c-cls r xas roomni uocr schoul tubs week. ram. Mayor lecnaii, the puesi- tcîiî tor iaterfrnî u er R a mb le Mr. amîd Mus. A. HerreIl dent, spake cii Luans Under The PV C ae a n d fouuîîda le aind fammîx- neCrncd home flic Municipal Wurhs Assîst- thuat ht'ie muainî scîx er icas ptîmg- r . ili , sTuslyance Pora.Mayor Ienngdset h uvLcJat)cd il pThe where theY had been attend-' the president ut tue(,ouganîza- maini trutble ji tirai the p.U.C. lng the fcîneuai utf bus ruather,' tion wras chairman fou a paiel ducs iot kcep tuel ex-'. the latte Mns. Elsue Hferucll. discuîssioni ciiiAiea Goveî'nuî eaniedcîît idîenuin ai-cas Thexr are niasi appreciatixce ut ment aitht e Munic ipa tlexo-f the1' aximueUs n 'tiIcuh a veîp therniamîx- himdues -es of tlîemr The tii)ue us nrc'h îuîî'uîiîî'us ce-poiîî ted ou!. nieghbors l(iiiiîiio-.-owuul'arl Cislp sî;jd time. la ho ýa ll -jj ijc c There at-' sr<lý . 1ýt H c e a,1 tilîtber M0< il- l'aipse iaie chidrn OIooîu o w ru rghît -Il ruuarhd ha) rnea-les. le tOcpoimnts bruught. up h-wb>i tl e Br-ieas I l. : S C!in rIlTo uI resI otc hor I locpeu ixcu n cnaci Bler ini's l a l hile LtiLen ii11 Il rpi 0 - ' . o n T uîsî iip r c t' î î tli e i i) p i . t ( F e b r u a r v 1 [ t h , Dli e n-I c - c' u ît Mu iceisewi d.tc'îtir, Ih u i t - e hbusiness part of fiehie metin ; fith iî et iug cf Itie sî-.sonî r secucidet i('ttiil m emg il was det(-iclcl ta unhae a-- rush Ifie Lionîs Centre i th !2 Stî'plîc-îi. îuîcî-c'citiraï,ilin Pu(LTCl e a t bazaar table al tii<. îîexc ror-,e1-niemnbers pi-esenut Pi-es - Jîîuumu îîîaîsgeu ati icmnrlu usi ing, uruccedis lu bc, iiiaid tif SSimpsonu welc-unîd tue mc'nt- hc' uccîiieuriecinl atf'uileîî The~ ~ ~~~~~o Sat lu sni tbers. Atterualli -a il theieiii uî- Boar-d oft Vxt-rhs îinc'î(q n ,-1, was decided tlioid ihean-utes xxere read and appucîccd Fehucarc2 liili kînimcsir nual carcl part sud Oraux udssuc-stltîumcuaiu' inîriluîuihriixxi i a April. VMore delails lIen. pcort ucas gi-ii b htle t rets.-- Ihl îîmcuipldticIt lt i iire- Mus. RuthîCroweils tokOi,ý!t cimaîîda uglxaxtlitc(, îruîîîî lia charge ot a gai-ne cf ci-be, DOn on aaaNgiiiaiiiis,-Mio the winners beung AIma Fan-- Dru Simupsuon. Rda McRuhi- uow and Ex-aMero- Rulli ents, Marg Tabb and Ev Alder Crowels ad Gwn Huhes.sold badges and pennants aru, Crweisan GenHuhe.$17,.30 was received tronit iM usons these sales. Pues. Joan Simp- - son presentedi hockey eqci-E - --~'- '~~> meut la the iuecueatiuuu depaut *MMt e *t MEM ment anîd Ex. Aider presoeîci FCdAr' haches eqcîipmient t l h ic, W rSM U-t tîle NHL, un X'auiug Caîaiî iiillttu!B Ii ic 1011 (al N'fieft1. tteu Itii lll hu it il-sic Past i A letter -uxas ucad fcuuîî Dci iMatro lLde Gilîcaî, st-olauxut0aie Gatiluel1:BRugli t WVst-isiipf 11! mnanville Little Ni.l., -tiiamih- ua0 lDcid i ro ýMirs ungthie hockeynmatiiers fi-Woi I r'.au-iipfîîî Bucîher Ibemu heîp la making Yoîig JarnicsMî u i\bmBauil Bmulli- -Caniada Ni-hl, a sucuessful cr Bar rini'Ci'imcXis. Cou - eveniag. imîg: Brother lu-am ilIaiex, Mus. - - mu iiv . - ,l,îîîu, u 1j, 'xI Resideic - 72-18695-2 tii nu e oWas Ll'ld ,'.". O .nPî îlt ta tic Iueasc ci at hisnwt Bihb Ilsî,XlsDi iuaBa Ocivr 100 (aiîs og. On a mu on h c li ,\licl lul- Mur to Choose I roin Sim n u conde 1)O v R L -oliu tit Mi. Xi. Ri] r; McRobe ie ihr c Xi îxeri ________________ Oourucdi C t'iirils TIiîcuc uc, .; î'\ cÀintpron g oun tf nat'unnlnu i cd Decorating fleadquarters cd h le Scun01 ar ailt'r. D ____________________________Keiuta Bîi letit. x Lt-cri , SPECIAL PURCHASE! Tîtuit'X ic- * ~cnic citauu.excikt-hud m irl aughi "Sentinel" .Latex rza -$3.9 fi 'h ln-a . ci eait - W HITE -T ic, 'i g san g ()pfii1,11s-- IN COLOURS -----$4-o49i -,t i.tii ti i Lat'a r i uid îriguii 0'u COME IN AND SEE OUR 1964 p1l uti u iii-lts WALLPAPER SAMPLES MORE THAN 300 TO CHOOSE FRONI B U Y T H B STH o o t M i t e î 1- 1et ýj de. The en itre s-ides of t ecar are stam ped oui of sitgle sheets R ua ed, o g-w earluq a Ill t.'Ied S urge UrJnt I ri cde stam p a ' e im o t i pO , ibI y Ii-i .e a clore rn, -ar n ,.corîstr tiort ehîmwn aes bn, o t , r ot error snd variainu onoeicsb gv Pittsburgh and Kem Paints -Scores siek n aie.mr efc àquea%>Immdraills mor penlot dor fît PAINTS & WALLPAPERS 33 King St. W. Phone 62.3-54.31 >-x r -. - i-~ i. - tu-. uns- - G,:,- G-. :urpss-,, D.'-î ,-- -s, r r Slcacci- R.- -, t C i. 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