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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1964, p. 5

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t. Reports f rom I Women's Institutes RETHANI' W. The rnmelnsof,:hmBr Anv Womens rtti' entertaincd ai' homenc Mrs. Clarence Rnxxai for lhE meeting on Monda,,, nig wili MrF. Harrv R. !ev pr siding. t'The roll cal: '.A deoi O ur aîc n F g on Mrs. Tima Jern:n.z -rrc the trea-ur" repor'. minu- off previnuzz meeting and corresponde-ce w ci mclu eda letter frnrn *he Prov%-I rilIPresÀd-n:,. Mr,-. .1_R. 'r! vers. concerning InýtilUtc pr jeets. the Durhiam Counitv A: ricultural raiendar. Federat, New'.s bî andii rIt' odc plough LodeBY'cini firo Cobhou rg. 'Ple East Durham dn : a;nnual meeting w:cl ie li in Betlianv this vear and Mh coinrides xithli il p Fift:ct Anniversarv of ii Be1han brpnch Tentative tilans weI made 0 1f ir .i occ;sýion. M- Harr\ Rvle- ,ard'il, -Tio Jcnnin,; xereantnniiited ia.- 'committee to arrange for- tý lu nceon. The program ivrîsin chai' Off Mrs. T'nn-M- .Jmksn i venor off HztolicatRoe ar, a n d Currr: Evet . NI r Jackson rroam a pocrn -Ti Legend off ant\alentine. Me's. Earl McQrîaid gvccorn Tnents on Ili eve I'i' oitr "The Pazt shoîild he a guli post - lin, a hitchiing p joz; <'onicludîiiug x>'tlia p o e ý 'H or se sense"- MrF. Clarence Rosi aila thie vurnenn ex rot-i5zc\ixer woî'ld-\vid'ý. rational and t iral news itcms. file B e t i an n 'Twerlsniiîî rook, off shte hp ics til', Curator. and e ave numcî'o- Items off inlecre;I frim it cor) c'erning ii(,irs' mrgnizatinr off tie lnstitte (and the eau,1 happeîiing; :tiiîrotihouî Ma eistOWnr1,hiD and Bethanvlg.Ani article off pai'ticum la r wluetxa ffrom the xvrit, ings orfthelete Mr.s. E1iit Monk deniirtingý Rethani' vil lage -n 17 GEl THE PRESTIGE GINGER ALE GET WILSON'S -I mc n ad l'et ie o rn hi S. 0- Cd ien Tweedsmuir Histories were, the brainchild off L a d v - TwePedsmuir. JInlier travefs e with 'the Governor Generalý ~while here she was amazed at - r Me vazztness off Canada. She < *recolgni7ed the possibility off pre erving rural historv and a.; a result off her requestý there are now sorte 1100 of c hese histories compiled. f Recognition being g iven bvl J the Ontario Department of s FriLcation ta the Tweedsmuir'; cHistorv bni)okz is a feather ln! * he cap off Women's Institutes,. M. B. Parnail, assistant super inicndent off the curriculum! -off the new course in histor.v being prepared for intermed-' 1 iate grades off Ontario schoolsý av"The work off the W. 1. in! ie fiold off local comminnity hjstorv invaluable. It is hooed that as a resuit off their 1being mentioned in Mie new' course. the Tweedsmuir hiz-, tories wv'll encourage teachers4;ý and students in a study off their local communities; also, that the ýtudents will corne t1 aonreciate the work orf th1 W I.as an example off goo Ciienship that thev mnav de -_______________ cide Io emulate'". *b The Canadian Hi >torical As- so;rciation lias awarded the The happy, smiling chil Federation off Women'.s Tsti-LxnteEvln 3 'rs tîîh-1s off Canada a certificateLnteE ly 32'vasa off inent for their outstanding are the chiidren of Mir. alr contribution to local historv1' grandparents are Mr'. and Mv in Canada. A similar honori Mrs. Abert Wallace of Osha, came ta the F.W.1O, ffrom the'mihr Ani-can Association off Lo- mlbr cal and State Historv. Followviîg the singing off at Coîîrtice and Port Hope The Queeo" and 'The Insti- Schocls. tute Grace" Mî's. Rowan and Mis. Ross Crvderrnan mov-f niiirbers off the group servcd'ed a vcte off thanks to Mn.- lunch. The luck aeteMuodav for lis splendid ini- tea cup orize was wo bv Mrs. formative talk. Brnue Bvlev " Lunch \vas serePd in t lie Mr5s. Raîpli Preston exores- lower hall bYthie group in .sced the thanks off the mrne rs charge.GegeKxcodit to the hostess and to ai] those Ms erg nxcnnf vho had earticipated in theý ed a ctesi whule lunch wase Progra m. being prepared.p 'The March meeting xviii ho st on Citi7.cnship" and xiili e P SOLIA W I* cooveiîed bv Mrs. John Knox. fi The FebruLary meeting off Solina W.1 'vas lield in the HAMPTON %V. 1. ~Cumnmuîity Hall on Februarv 131hl ai 8:15 p.m. The Fehnuary' meetingx The President Mrs. Raîpli held in the C. E. Riild Davis, npened the meeting an d[ýwith the President Mrs. presicied foi' the business. Mrs. Allun in charge. Meeting op, Wm. Ashton, Sec'y -Treas.,ed with the W.1. Ode, Loi. read the minutes and com-IPraver- and Mary Stewart C munications. Ten dollars was' lect. 'Tle rli ('ail was m, x'oted to Girls' Work in the answered, correspondiencea Coîînty and two dollars ta, tlie thank yoîî ards were re Fedieîation off Agriculture. * t'This included an invitai, was also decided to give ten from Solina Women's Institr dollars to the Mardi off Dimes 10 xisit withl hcrn ont and ten dollars to Mental even'nlg off Feb. 13th. Art-an; Healill.i ments and wavs 0f transpor A letter %vas read bv Mrs. R* tion xxere made. Donation Frasier tram Bîlton Institute in moleý' was gIxn 1 the Si Engtand. The rail cal war, day School. Ai-iani,,emct nseedby "What 1 read for tveie made for a baking sa eduication" and t0 intî'odtîce notion tablle. and also lur youu' guest. will be served. 1 Hampton W. 1. were oui, A nominating comnmitt guests. There were 25 guests %vas appoînted bt eloci officE andl 15 members present. for next year, 1964-65. l\rs. Murr'ay Vice. canvener, Program wý,as ini charge of Groîîp Thrce, took the chair'the c-entre groiip xith Mî's. for MIle pî'agîam and opeoiedlfMounitjoy as lcatler. topic wihh a Valentine paemn. iiig Histaricai l orl fMrs. E. Crvderman mnada Curî'ent Eve(nîs-. Tlhe Moti sijitablr com ments on ieWorid Affairs Are Oîîr Affai MVotto "Education lias been de-.xvas capablY taken liv Mis. ffined as light a lamp ratlierYe. than ffilling a btieket"*. Mrs. De .lon renderod hea Miss Linda Scott and Miss tifful soprano solos verv\' ice Lincla Martin sang several accompanried bv Mis. G,. Brc splendid vocal duets accom-loff Tyn vone. panied bv Douglas Dewell Pt Mrs. Mlligýan nff Ne,.vteI Ille piano. Miss, Scott and Misrville, Distî'ict rsdet. Martin are ffrom Caurtice. The present. Slie showed niai Hanmpton laides brouglit the medals off former 'voars ai musical program. The numn-\vars, also read nian *h lis tri bers sung ivere "Now is theical events off 1860's. I-oui"', "Let the Rest off the, Mrs. Osborne off Bo\a-niai World Go By"vl and "Witer' ville wvas preselît with hi Woîideiland". fmast ioteresting collectiat Mr. J. Muriday. Vice Princi- ;and displavs offhuittons. pal of Courtice Higli Sehool,'kinds and size5<. and m-ouintc spokor on the Revised Cîîrricu- in beamîtifful designs on car( !um in Seconldary Schools. Mn. board. This heing lier hobli Muiîday said a pupil must beshe coiicludied lier talk 1 intercsted and willing ta work î ead'ng a papeî' on sain ta mcclf his goal. ýMeeting closed %villi sinigin Mr. Munda ' also shiowed off the National Anthi air t-oloird sI ides off viexvs taken f lltioeçh. If you'd like to improve your home, why flot do it now? Jalk to your Toronto-Dominion Bank manager about a Iow-cost > Home Improvement Loan. He's a good man to know. I nterestedl in niodcrnizing your kitchen, adding an additional roorn, renovating a bathrooni or instailing a new heating s%-steni ? ia 1k ilt o'er wviîh vour near- 14iI Tornto-FDonignmon Bank Manager. A n N t i nmc voL %va n t to imiprove you r home (i n just about any %%,a%) lie cati bc a v-cry good friend. Drop in and get acquainted soon. amTORONTrO-DOMINION := lilUib r <nlp/e 7oke the diflerense B. L BL'K. Maniager Bowrnanville Branch NIA P1,E (; R 0VE WV. 1. The regular monthlYvnier iig offthie Womeu.s Ilst ici was heIrI iii the chulh basf ment on Feh.l tlhi alI8:15 pi'- In the absenîce off the pres rient. Mi':. S. Do\,](. vire put sident, %vas iii charg-e off Ih mectiiig. Meeting opoeicl xi' tie Ode ai-d Lord's Praxcu. Th(, unît cal!, Name a lut. i"' in Ouir euaîdrnotiir's lii lha li! cnoix'<onsider a il' svýStv. as giveî'u folloîs- bvreadunq off the mnuiles a i communications, Vxe ivee n minded off t le Bîxv'î nviii Kapper Caniii, aI on 'Mac. 12,1 1l ui s docided to ri exvoi subsci'iptiou 10 "l'le Federa' cd News." lVlîs. C. Grcenha'- aànd Mus. W. Browîn were iý look afier seîîding off Valem tine boxes. Miss S. Laird ail Mî's. W. Br'own are ho be Ihb Nominating Cammittee. The pragrani on "Agi'r'ici turc" ivas iin charge off Mis. C .Jefferv. The nînttn "Fu'or king in hut glar. wiaîcer ie falîs the far:îirr. ho niuh fee tieni aIl." Thi 1' îîss x l" liv Mus. R. Dîîbeau and ri ca bv 'Mis. C. Milîs. Sue carI w hav'e alxiavs iiecded.'.irffarmi, er. The tarms max' be n-i a Utamatic. buti a Maliîsî ,; su necded on the ffarm. Frir those iii iur lait s iglit ip t the Queen. it s ilie farineý xvlo feeds tien i al. Some ma' have a higlier stanîdard off l"ý îîg but il a Il cornes funni i li same source. Todax the far- ,mer needs an edîîeCîinil kecp up wiîl prag-re-s and im be ablin farinieffi(îc-entî. Mus. C. 'Mîlîs ntroduiced M-. L. Koendermnî. a local resi'- dent wlia operates tue Carna- tion Floîver Shop 'n Boxvrman- ville. Mn. Koeîîdermn dei. onstraied a floral arne ment .%ihichi was ' zli!() ho laicu' ho a n-ii-ner, M.\I- I Hockîu, who cs coîîfined Io lier home. HP.alsa ansivercd questionis oui hanse plant cane. Mîs. G. Beerli îondum-ed a s îng-song, Gria 'i D i;q ,crved tea. fruit breari and Icheese. fing L., en- and 'a rI tion ýute file Ige - ta - off un- li ,tee ers 11 -ie- ind to. lil." G. Ildi n- il i er -Is t. N'x'eitnuu I'.(.W crie,- î I- lotimiise IIJatuii-n tuof 1964. îg f'd 1hl( iltfidcs c)i lf tav i 1xi'l id U..\.ai th(e, ii lu ui u lItiit-îrmiux- itOxfek ELIZABETH VILLE On miI a' fli ni 'i l, i' ville Jlr. linekex- t1î(u, 8-li t I n <du e i x a hie U. C.)V. r'. nids hm! iBuueh, rn ics i-Ii in h lie t'iî 1)'l lSs l- a nd oi I nS i 011h' ai re Of 4 menut-u \11MrS. \Whi te presîclcd. ie n a sevr i- cý e c ii \ eiuo'kgxr the, clapi ci r n-ý Io 1nnx 1 "'i il: Mr - tom VWord(u n mim ther ax.Tilm- n. George- Page-, le n ,0 i i 's c xte rr'ciml suraid aiP- c- iminut onu lx t1iv r;o o mi l i - ix<I Plauls tir hu-IsI ors 581 îl i l g a!i 1 * C'<Iul l ti ibo d xx' it- i-n i'trl A nciui- e cuffeniic'" a 'o; InrI 'n ( trr îi;iiierl umu grip o h ler Da %, h pori that ll spi ogcc-.--:io ftutPiaxer ai (Mircin HilI. 'l'lie faxv On ra lih -Rnit x ni\(-oCiphelî1foimt'i wxxas ci I i-i L dy Ui i r l içI ci 1N'lmrv Pn 0 nl -mI~N ali(-a tiill acwlie l'irîi . cd aa ni an dîî i ' .. i (] 1 i \.p. hlu 1i Iiî v i nodo i suuec ferIpicmnrafi'- 1I d h isx' x w îur h r 'On- O-tluslics wre iml e L - Wihtao u u u.otMi l iis l ot rouma vsi-liom Box Vý uli i f 'sI 'uî rn 1 OIitc ' - il ti, xxeIlaucudv - lt 10e Mam î i h i lu 1 .ît l umnPiuc-adK i rs P R.ite éi1tov agt ! xnl xI' i heu tîrcîîts Mn.oin l hie Poitx'ioi: 'i a'-puie - ) Slrer M; O Mr s im s tnr h er- te lhiouu po l ill. Sti i e xx eekci R- eu g um; 0 Xi of F 1.0 e larîed - ek d n xatir i i$ Det.auMýIoii ît aPr hm'rhri h e iit-atin u -iIxol f - s te' ti luhi' tihmr \ uil eto ' î - pntt lis axxrtot ir a!;il cs ' M I.. P ndsi Mt' i-i oiR Is v ti d oinmi Xl r- Ri'k ls etile l'lrga net. OluR s . ::' e n ' ii~ u Ii r i. xxeli uil i uNI; M r. andl ci 'e Plx t- - Ye 1: o t-i Xi Peamýv-- nM i-k fr M dunr. l !i ' 1 eîî o ni a .'i g a,.,lîr c pitiiici 11 (( ' x' e t ' tux'rd o' 5Ofla] . Ifi i ads M i -lii i e 1i P ic-h ,for Ici" , lie 'il .: ('d \lmîiiiiî'al. "tOt- th e xs' rkr ilo C h eci ru l -- s- .' x ii lie hr ns rents M ai-d is Ouriua îu Y " -c'ii -:'tl'e 0 eui u-i : 'lai I i :c' ';Chu S Feit- axnt d u and Mr. ho a tl'clwm ;: : lto-' - Piiieii s as, S nd. uLI!! i h 0 - %\C)()i' . tiC aSNÎI eil. 1're S LInîr d' a l- r k.: d n' gi'u-f i - -' ; - d NIr- Ptammck .Mrnd ua i -re a01') i o~li ig v a :, h enmirxv NI r H wiiîle . and- Mu.s'd M \-M"îa W - acu lk o itcv ls 0 r' e cîî Ig"-Sk ic: e Saiv rI s X l e"'\au. "i tio '-': ttiaw' e Sîî:i.'1t' l aîi M.-cPA 'ockSi offnc Cav n ý,,,:1 U i triWîvvid. Handsome Family of Three ldî'eî il, the abo\'e photo are Brîi a alace, 6 v'eatý and baby' hînrMîci' Kexin Wvalter, o0(-e'vear old. Thi id Mrs. Waltcer Tiîk, R.R. -', Bwaviland thei frs. Hilton T k R.R. '-. BowmanvxilIe and Mr, ar ixva. Mrs. H. E. Tink of Solina is tlîeir greatgrand Photo hx' Irelanc BH. Se NE WS fHoot -Nitep Frlirlax' l i h xie tr ci- pml oui- 1iîid îîiîîl 'In Nt'Jîi.*' WVe feu that ixc' orieîta ti or) x v the h1)~ 5eret. Evetux rne xxho h nok a i-- psai!. wlîettîerý a cargii. a ust l olne. shld hrili 'u v'oud \\' liivi'heaCnis m îi ~v 'avour-a hiec'îîiiiîî lf anrl su-e £!!,iciarl Mii t hiý Fhanks aan. s'imlen' 't 1yrnî I id a xvo1ii 1 i1 ili t'OUrtive NvS Bu.11 On WV'el uidî 'ofît .tx'ît îîîr jin m'-;a u O :!,îîx ul Hd host troutieIlliW 'egret t sa v t ii xx'e x c- lefeated ii ihn garnes, au- fanis .1-11 sui jîîir t-1 Aitlîoigh diefeaied. Wive Cxvere titi i 'm i i on() r 1)i caer;. In p t lui 1(Fitai a ndc BiH Muiu-ri n'ou n d !lie- 'ihintr top- 'ie x s Eit 'lfiun wxth 12pi- Henry- St.'.sB1'. r r c r c s a c 1- n- id. Ir- lair 1 hv iSEI lav lioiu. , ncu t iltl bie nc ) O;I-i . t u i s , o d ( l - c i x ' d ilii~tt. i ng I i d k ie 1 finual pliii foi- tli xx iderf exci lheu (.i ones Frirl: '['lie rivof :he At Home i hist tîoglI ii 011nue Decol t;ii )-ie lii np al! dav ai r~~~5 vexM ci sihet'ked fori- p fecltniu '1'tifieî tom s Frur ex~ ~~Il eiui xinuîcouples \V t min iiha'm i mths i TUNE«S GR) Mitchell's Corners Bake Sale Annophr d utîo:"gsct«u' i -îeîl v u-d hiiîl(ion - mui iva s ft1a1 i f i f e inl--iiu' : - v ('d lesi i pi ml on uxxi B I-I S.ganie Jr'îurx S rect gIîîd i 'ai tl'uifpaîcî sa> m bea Boxi cuils bu!xii ;)liii: n-an mntionii xxiIl(e rade off tîý-ItmlctIproi i tcc S ce lie nCpd The teacliirs. abîx ils. d N1 i rp'ic i\xerI'tue piarenit- x' -eî'i el oi ic - x c l a', uj l xx -l isiapipi' 1()hiorl ii s l îliee e ;p!c-Ajaxs fou 1p, ili r i'ICeis prngress xxII final " oesmf -ieha1(, 1îtt leil. spas-oii 'l'lo iomis xrr'atfi BAILS. ;iris îvs <ourtjî' e c-m l-n(i ' xi h varinous rr 01-1- a gain i l n' ti n ein or l - 'iiootiii andm i tîo- uriiiior cit;' henni ix- e t.)mId a uiniieruetîs vaiseix î'cîriii l~ "ur-rlx'Mn nf \vol k tîfitî iîuii ta scores e; r xiei' muni -745- a-d Wm-uit. x uinxe-esuirpig tp. junior's 17-7. Thii- xx eel, hinvx -raiiir si-loml stiudcîîts- plax' xxo camîes aa'îxfioni A lîke s:ite, xxluthexliuii- lîooîe;Moii*ax' Ai.jax uand (tri uc uliîa art off maux' Tuiesda v at Henrux'Stueeî. miuuihtr;<if t li(comiliunui t The Flrîmal ii îd10 uîîo ke liis a bug suit- Weil, :oisis M hie xxek tffrhIl),, isid a1 Il ('.hue fa(th h i hiiges eîînitiro p hie :-eîuoo' x,!huîxe-m liMrs. Cmci; vea r. 'Tle F'nrnisl. Dii-icia Illet a,î r 'nuandlier cIIaIp M a;m- <ais of thile xverk. atcii-*a iM. deuits iilie p uing opl'ein- glîn-Itetables ixere palaie ishiîîg touch-eis ou i ler- meor- .Ir-iiîiil suriandncl thanil; YELVERTON gne - u a i h l b ac resnii h lu Ilii s fau- r'i ' c Cornerra xv;s îî vlopeni I j I. 4 I I a Deep Cul Specials LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED PORK & BEANS 5 20 oz. Tins sl eo ST. WILLIAMS - Two Fruit Marmalade 9 oz.c HEREFr19 12 ozE FOR Corn Beef in Z49C YORK - Bread and Butter PICKLES 16 oz.c 27r c RICHMELLO BRAND PLAIN - SUGARED - CINNAMON DON UTS 2 Pkg. of 12 94 F roz en Food Special HILLTOP BRAND FRENCH FRIED POTATO ES 9 oz. Pkg. T hursday Night Special 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. only RICHMELLO ICE CREAM Pt.C BrickU9 Fresh PRODUCE Specials CALIFORNIA GROWN SUNKIST OR ANGES Si ze 138's CALIFORNIA GROWN - No. 1 GARDEN FRESH B Broccoli' 27~ CANADA GROWN RED - CRISP AND SWEET DELICIOUS 'AP PLE S Pkg. of 6 Fre Parking WL RESERVE 'rHE RI(;HT OLMTqA IIE reValtues Effective in Bowrnanville I'ntil Closing Tte ~, ~ L *Saturday, Fertiary 22, 1964. L )MI NIONI ýL

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