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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1964, p. 7

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- o. - . . - 's IS&cial & £kersonal Phone 623-3303 Mr. and Mrs. Iani Turner and Sandra were Sunday din- ner guents wlth Mn. and Mrs. R. Ke r. Mrt. W. A. Edger and WMs. W. J. Bagnell spent a few days lni Toronte last week wlth relatives. Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Davis, Xing St. East, were Sundayý p ests o! M.%r. and Mrs. F. L. hanlon, Hamilton. M.rs. Benny King who fias been a patient ln Memor-ial Hospital for thé past manth Is progresslflg nicely. Me. Mel Hawley has retuen- ed from Toronto General lies- p itai where he was a patient !ollowin g eye surgery. Mes. T. A. Garton, w-ho recently suffered à fal e- sultlng ln a broken le g, ls re- cuperating niceiy i Memnorial Hospital. Miss Jane Lander, Kingston General Hospital, spent the wz-eekend ,w-ithhlher parents, ý4r and Meis. Jeck Lander, 'Temnperance Street. 'Mir. L. B. Nichols lias re- turned home aftet spending a v,.eek %vith lls son and daugh- ter-in-law, Me. and MeUs. Doug- las Nîchols o! Kingston. LAC Arnold M1aguire of' Meese aw Sask., recently spent iw-e days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mes. Jack Magnîre, Brown Street. Mes. Franuk Rundle, Mr. and ,Mes. S. Trewin and Judith, calleti on Me. and Mes. Russell Oke, Peterborough, formneriy of Bowmnanville, on Sunday. Mes. Ward Ho!fman and daughter Sally, Ellwood City. Pa., visited lier mether, Mes. Geo. W. James, Horsey St., on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mr. Alex Cerruthers, M.P.P. and Mes. Carruthers, Garden HllI, îvith Me1. and Mes. George Theeasher, town, attendeti thel Mlasenic At Homne last Salue- day evening. Beautiftilly decorated shopi windows along "Main Street" indicate thet Sprlng la net tbe far awey and with it waemer weather, more sunshine - and houaecleanlng, ugh! Mrs. Wlfred Bennzett andi granddaughter Cheryl Stain-j ton spent last week vlsitIng laý Ottawa with her daughter ad i #ton-in-law, Mr. and Mes. .1n., Moynes, and famlly. Mr. Allan Porter, Science andr Ma.ff.t facher t Ryerson I Concert Band Thrills Audience though appearing of unhform - thiekness, ha, mmany thin spots - making It uniaf. for skating. Miss Marloh B*llman, mr. aaM Mr$. Kenneth Atklnson &Il cf Toronito,,md Mr.an.â~ Ma.. John Hilaofai Mlbrook were Bunday guesis ci Mr@. R. L. Wordon# Brown Si. North. MiWa forio Martin, who teaches ochool in Toronto, was at home Wlth her parents, Mr. andi Mro. Gordon C. Martin over the weekend. She wào accompmnied by her niece, Miss Colleen Bm gham. Mrs. Agnés B. Young, Woth Grand Mitron, and Mes. PYeggy Murph y, Grand Electa, o! the Gth Chapter of Ontario, Order of the East- ern Star are guests of Mrs. George 11'hasher and while > - here wlll attehd ChÉpters In , e- Oshawa and liândsay, RU I Mr. and Mrs. Robent 0111 Colorfully outfitted in bright red jackets, the Bowffanville High School'a and Me, and Mrs. R. P. GUI Concert Band, under director D. C. Peters, opened the Hoot-Nite proôgram on Sr. were recent visitons at Friday evening. Solois!s were Bill Cobban, Ron Thompson and Brad Lucas, Florida's Silver Springs where showii bere on stage dlurirîg their performance. they explored the exclting - ___ __ ________________________ mysteries of the underwater Vatheir grandparents Mr. and worid through the magie of th frou gas oto bns. V riety on Hoot- Nite Mra. A. Mill. Htel n They began thir trip earlyMr.. Annie Htel ,s Ibis month and will tour other supper guest on Suinday of, nlaco-s of interest ln Florida, Mr. and Mca, Jack Hatherly," before returning home Newtonvllle. Mr. and MrÉ. Roy Webber Mes. Perey Werry, Mrs. R.1 andi Mrs. H. J. Babcock At- Coombes, Mes. R. Virtue, Mes.1 tended the dedication service W. Vaneyk, Mes R. Pooley,- adoe osofteChrist- attended the U.C.W. Presby-! ian Education Centre cf Orono tra tWib atTu United Church on Sunday a!-- day, Miss David Creig, Me.eand! ternoon. While there they Mes. A. iills attended the; visited Mr. and Mes. Clarence eeigssin Allin and Mra. Eyelyn Powers Mr. and Mrs. Relph Glas- who had as their weekend ~,pUan)d Gwendolyn, tIsitedi guests ber son and daughter- Mesg. Alex McMaster, Zion. In-law, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahai, Pewers of Scarborough. a~. long w1th Mr. and Mra, Clem EBENEZER 'le Aftetnoi Unit o! Eb- enezer !U.C.W. met on Trues- day, February 1l wlth an attendance of 16. Mvrs. Garnet Tubb opened with a poem "In Hic Praise", followed by hyimn "Oh, Master Iet Me Walk Witlî Thee" arid prayer. A uilting%,asannouned for vednea a y,'ÉFebruary 19, at the Cl- bulding wlth a pot luck dinner at noon. Good clean used clothinig Is te be brought te aur Mareh meet- ing. Mrs. Allen DÔ*n gave the details of the C.E. nlght on were dinner guests o! Mes. i Melville Jones, Omemnee on Sunday1 On Feb. 4, te occasion o! their twenty - fi!th Weddingi Anniversary, Mr. and Mes.i Stenley Goble was presentedI with a silver pickle dish and: fork, a cnp and saucer, silverl breed trey, from Mr. and Mes.ý Gordyn Brent, Mr. and Mes. Bert Johnson and Mr. and Mes.! J. Jlones, on Feb. 1l, the Long! Sault Club 50 -preseîîted MeIs. S. Goble wilh a sil';-er pickle' dish. Guildettes anu vitui. trécuciIII----- z------rursciay, February 27, wÂLB a Polytechnical Institute, Toron- pot luck supper foi, the whole ta, pen theweeend ithfamlily. The speaker will be bis parents, Mr. and Mirs. the ]Rev. H. Steed ci Toronto.Vae tn Because of mild Epel, ric1 tien froim the Cérebral Palsy Vaientine Teac tonsequent breaking up, the Association te attend an open TeVaeireTadt Bake Ice on Vanstone's pond al- house on March 4 from 10 to Saeheld Vaite Gettes St. John's Parish Hall recenf 1' -~ -~ was a great success. The con- TRINIY UNTED C URCHvenors for the enjoyable eventi TRINTY NITE CH R(Hwere Mes. Ivan Weolsey i Minister - Rev. Wn,. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. y~c Mrs. HrodLer. Eas Organist - Mr. Arthur Collion, Mus.B., L.RSM " rsd. R dbertEas, K. .1 - - pion, wife ef the rector1 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, There was semething for everyône at the BHS o! St, JohnMs Anglan Cuch1j Il *.. - ornig WoshipHoot-Nite prograni on Friday. H-ere, Gail Mý,asters and and Miss Carol Evans were in' il rn.- Mrnng orsipDon Taylor (Io a comic act, taking items of interest charge of !he guest b-ook, Sraeto atsnfrom anewspaper, Mrs. Leonard Lucas andi Sacrmentof Bptirn __________ __________1_ iMes. MI. Marchant were oii-! veners of the Sale of Honic ""OurDall Bred 1Baking. Mes. Norman Hannan' Ty RO N E i . and Mrs. J. Mechinl were in 2 p.rnm Communicant Cas charge o! te& tickets. Miss Twýtenty-five lades from Mrs.Ross Stc ,rs o etfia- Patti Goode was in charge of SUDYSCIIOOL Salern, Hayoo Long Sault ville, sPeak on lier recent visit' the Junior Chioir's Aprorr SUNAYand Tyrone, attended ti'tI" Africa. The March mieetinig'Table. Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 0:46 &.m. World Day o! Prayer servicel N w lie held at the hiome The spacintus room wereï Primary and Kindergarten-120min Tyrone United Cliurch. ivithlofs, iW.ý, Rahîtn, A sociail effectiveiy decorated i-n theý President Mrs. R. Coomi'c-s lfime was spent after the bu- Vaientine Ihieme with heart,, Beginners- 11:00 *.m. presiding and NMes. G. Bi-ent, sîness perîod o! U.C.W. in the cupids, and reci andwbe organlist Is. Twist and Ms ud school roori. streamer The seeving table' ___________________________________________ hackleîne05"" ai <met.r- 0un Satuiday, Februaey 15,j hau a beautifu ccntre-pîece in is £ll.S i'. Sle tr. and Tyrone Tyro's, met coxnposed o! a huge heart out-, Ail ladies are inviteci tu Sa.- for a hoctrcy game at the lined with frill.y ýhite deilies R I-OB TH CIIRSTenJ1c U.C.W. mneetingi£-,tc earfai-i pond owned by Mr, D. with the heart shape ilself RE O O H H ITI N-Stainton ùf Tyrone. filled with exquislte red and 11:30, and 1:30 le 3 Pni., wti lTyoeIlo hogae124 white floivets and trailînc the dedication ntt 15 ' 1III.wsavryladadtyn green vines. The tea tables, REFORNIED CHURCH the Bloci' Si. E.co. We garve right toe wee extedwihsrale Seugg Sreet Bomanvlleweze asked to briiig or lThe gol s ee scored by whte frilled hearts filled, Scuog tret, owmnvileaprons f'or April lucenteSl.Da-Cweî(one with red and white flowers. the Maroli unit inetin'a. i i: av rer fl on Mrs. A. Steele and Mî.s. Leon-ý Miniater Miss Luise Oshot-ne ro- ofîvaID. Tyrone: GlennarLua reichreo Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., iitr Ms oieObrl )Iupý, seven, foyd .eweîî, adcaos.wr nchreo Telephone 623-5023 seiited eur stucty ion -n-;cadBrom Tee L. Meoraicel nd s. .S Way in India auidNel",,Donatld Stainton, îwo. ' Mes. 1Harmv Sutton, Mrs. R.ý lVorship Service over CKLB - e.2 r. soigu nana h t-Smah is extendedtaPhlospeiddvrteta lion where oI churci , ork, Mes. Herb Cameron on ttlPilp rsddoe the e is cencenîrateci. Varios tis nt- igcfbe boteMIcups, Miss Janet Living and, bers assisted by repivin ep Ir.Ms ury Hayes were 'lie In )John Kit cll, Solina. The flow- WORSHIP SERVICES Miss Osbore's questions tt it1r ih cuc Sna tea replenishers. Mers. E.' _____________________the correct figure. lýji 3titS ongwrepadîyr- Blake, Mrs. Walter Goode,ý wywe learned of the popula- moatingwrscdbv. Mes. George Sparrow. Meis., 9:00 a.m. - Dutch tino ni fay,(o(o vt ' a vs Walter Hall and Mes. Alex! ILO am . tien o!2 ,0 Ci tia no!431,uihOu liwt. \Mr. and I Ms, Vill Lake, IMr.' Anonichlk were in charge of 11:0 am. Enlis 2'N hritia oni 4',, and t\rs. Everett Lake, New- sandwiches and cookies, and 7:0Im.-Egls atle, visiteci Me. and Me,. IMes. Clarence Hall, tes. We heard et tnceoi'cero u f I. Skinner.Thswoassednse- the vllage inýIc ýin were Mrs. . Nsch-s. ith e U Mr.e downs i i i i Iniohna ralîad r, Ais. Rut Saun ersoeMs PeeliaCsrc Suzane Geyaroed EngD. Meintoec, Mr.tLc 75 ~~~~ ~ ~ f e oTesfament , nowsest nnu Back ToGoLiberty cheas pou risheci the VCSO ohn t' zctte etn zihMs uhR r.W.Iodi oukfr oegudane vndof he Al thStisheerl beiAthur atceM CKLB Osha 10:00nane. und a S :15ool hyma w ise rpi O Mon ol ne owrad ereMrrs r. .Bgs o!ursds. es. Eer Snowý(d neHlSlnIage lr MsE.Acrr.W.. -70pa.Enelti metn wc sid r e aune _ Cl btý Mes. adPtl IBg iie Sev n r.Jh iig Ms. tasinowderi rer Mt- rWa tln Bowmanville 1 isscorclosd b az On unay Fe. 3rnte efor f owoîhxv6:9.anci thon gavn usu h a nd r L manvlle ad area are nvite to enoy th min- a sing dJohn tin a,aing6 KNGS. . O MAVI lstrc sta Cofc Iuo enet btati sho i nte GNed eaen~. t, a.E -d w i 7R5N SLerSt ORN. I ceredtheters hn 3:16, PHONes 623-2932c sowhih e r înat caire inbtSonnganUvnNg erics. Or oeingtdev - tck bytse il eloaed - 10:0 a.nL unday caospiritu al mese U Ven, Dr.Sxlertore, enir Pyscia at by higod.s. eard. aý-ndb the ickCh-d11:00Hsia.m , Toronto, ice o t pprn iesaep te ci W staning h 7:s0an an.vangoelnistr meatin mui invasesnieue c hu irlsc depl aprcite a teAnua WekcfP ayr olar n u es u' t sacLwGell k lsnhair sty f shw coMms o en e ha eMat here indwanvlle.2rin h pol o - t rnnt:1c9,aaundy.haveetol namrgag o ad ownausl manvile ad ara, ae initedto ejoy he Mn- ýa building.65 KItG a.tW.ieetg&ge onL DRe I. ILV RHRe .A rN astr. omoro. tecuce eP O E 6 3 2 3 bytheing cesed anh ) the Sck Cfldrn's ospial, orono, i an ut- pr ter.cepe. V M ORBISE atedto this trouble which iThe Canadiari StatesrT1an, rwinvfe eb. 19, 190l4 7 Reglarworhipserice exp,' lo.ner m wsand %vas certairÂv appreciatedl ghter of NMr. and Mrs. Fred helatlOarr ~ rntted rind the Rev. M. Free- by al! present. Tiie scripture McConneilin attaiining marks Febniary i6t*h. It -vas "Ve'llitrir closed the service îvith!verses were nicely rea- by with !Irst cass hionours at the attended, Ille Rev, M. k-,e-, the Benediction, NMaster Arthur Marvin from music examinatierts held by man in charge. Tb-e ssuhjcict Surdav School followed- thel the Bible recentixï, presentez 1 oalCnevaov o of the sermon and therne o!i chureh service. There were 29! to the Sundav School for that Music. WAell done, Dianne. the service wis thar of Bo In attendatice, Mrs. D. H1aines. u s yMs ila c!Sixteen 'ables ofi ccre therhood" - t he love, f Fec u per inten dent, conductei theý Holrn. were playved nt Morrish Hall ship andi compya~ssi ~t Aii e scssjon: all teacher.% were are-' e J - g -reei-ecI on Wiesivlas. Vaientine stange rz ',Ev ae wiî. fen d j eni. One blrthdey ivas hon- wto1rci .;v t1 'cv n decorations were p 1 a c e d stanc-s;n'A r ziv~ The *rd-MstrAd Clark was ]and of the ce8a,1i f his mTo- around the hall ancidait choir 7ave tual sicred t'P-happyvolnng mn. iand. ther. We extenci our sincero oe ! hclts ehnu x election 'wi-ich a:'vp-vs addsi jtust to have a place cf honori sympathv 'ý Me. FiFaRýeandI St. Valentine were given af to the un-,e.l wOrzzli1P of j i :-.h her brother, sister Nancy fàMily-. iciz con re) -.\ o.- r.nute oi kup the collection. An- iss Susar £ Fgs. daughiteri M,. John Cornish and Miss before thee t i te itemn of interest, esDec-I of Mr. and M%,rs. î. Egas, is a1 Helen White, bath of Port attention or ow nrrýffls* M rs. i a 11y to mothers, ~a the patient in Cobourg Gêneral Hope. .vcrce evc:ilng gnoUs c f Helen McHûlm s irrinta group singing "We Are Climb- Hospitàl. Susin haci a Mno Mrs. William MeHolrn and the c-ine cOf a Vcrv itiniç)rý ing Jac>b's Ladder" compos- operation earlv this vweek foriMics Beckett. Mrs. Frank An- Young ladr who waF iunable! ed of eighit or nine Pre-school knee trouble. ViXe wish her aR derson was supper guest on to open thehav door in a ts, two Henderson, two Be. speedy recevery.1 Wednesdav, goinc on f0 the the Sundat- Sclhool; qiuietlyl bee, two Eymnan and thrée Congratula tions are due t oieuchre nt tb.e hilf later in the Mes,. McHolmo slippecl out tei; Harrnes. It was welI done Miss, Dlainne McCoinrefl. dau- eî-ening. Stock up flow on l.D.A. TOILET TISSUE Available in YeIIow, Pink, Aqua, Lavender and White. You save 28c on this Special Price CORICIDIN Tablets For effective relief of COMMON COLD 25's - 1.29 SPEC lAI 1.09 Helene Curtis SPRAY NET CHloICE 0F finm -Hld, Extra Firiii Hold, for Dry or Tinted Hair. "- 6 oz. Spray Tin - Reg. 98C SPECIAL 77, Feel better FAST with GERITOL MULTIPLE VITAMIN MRON TONIC Liq uid 24 oz. Tablets, 80's Reg. 5.49 49791 FLUSHmA-BYES 8 ROLLS 88C1 For relief of pain BAYER ASPIRIN 100 tablets- 93c SPECIAL .......,... 63c REGULAR KOTEX FEMININE NAPKINS 48's - Reg. 1.86 SPECIAL ...... -1.47 Vaporizer - Humidifier VAPOMASTE R by Hankscraît Relleveg cold syniptomas. iluini- difies dry air. Shuts off auto- matically. 1 gallon 6.95 value SPECIAL ..... -15 49 DISPOSABLE DIAPE RS Approximately one weel<'s supply compare with diaper services, Regular 2.25 SPECIAL .............................. 1«99 I DASAL .D.A. Brand A.S.A. Tablets, 3Ms' - reg. 99e 77c DISH (LOTHS Open weave for best cleantng - 16" square 2 for 29c1 P DSGuaranteed for 1 year. Features' l HITNG P D low, medium and high switcb J * 7 EX- LAX EVENFLO The faniaus CHOCOLATED LAXATIVE PLEASANT! GENTLE! 300'.- reg. 99e NURSING UNIT It breathes as it feeds Reg. 45c Waste Paper Basket I.DA. BRAND MILK of MAGNESIA Creaimy. pleasazît Listing, IVeli suited for cliildrezî as well as adizits. 16 o unces Regular 57c 43ci Cut crystal effeet in iturdy plactie 77c 3 for 99C1 14,891 g I.DA. BRAND MINERAL OIL Reavy grade- top quality 40 ounces Rogular 1.39 ...... 1 .00 9 Prescriptions Softl Absorbentl Economicll "Snow White" FACIAL TISSUES 400 sheets 81/4x 9/ inches, packed 2-ply Regularly 29c 2 boxes 49c ALKA-SELTZER for SPEEDY RELIEF froni up. set stomach, cold discomfort and headache. Regularly 78c68 SPECIAL ,.... ..8 LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC Mouthwash & Gargit Kilis germs instantiy.. by millions 22 o..1.49 SPECIAL 1.19 mimmi III CADBURY'S *SNACK BAR *DAIRY MILK *CARAMILK lVhenever you take a break enjoy delitious Cadbury's Regula r 10c bars 3 for 27c1 SOLO BOBBY PINS 1/2 lb. pack. Approx. 377 plastic tipped pins 1.25 vaue890. TOOTH BRUSHES I.DA. Brand 3o88 First Quaiity 3fo88 TOILET SOAP cream base. FRST QUALITY NYLON 88C1 STO(KI NGS 2 pairs 99C Micro.Mesh Seamless BALL POINT PEN SPECIAL Metai clip and tip. Guaranteed satisfaction. 9c each 3 for 25c 5 pound bag "Jeanette" BATH SALIS Choice of five delightful fragrances ---Q8C m I.DA. Remedies A ALEX McGREGOR eDRUGS. 5 King St. W. - Phone 623-5792 1- 1, If i\ P 1. D. A. 1

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