News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. and Mr-. Julien De day. rwiýh Mr. and Mrs W. P. Hoar.i Paepe have purchased the Mr. and NIrs. Ed. Henderson Mrs. Ross Knapp has been, home of Mn. and Mrs. Fred and daughter Leigh of Osh- a patient in Memorial Hospi-' Eagle, Church Street South. awa spent Sunday wîth Mr.' tal. Bowmanville. Who are neturning early next and Mns. Orville Chatterton, '.\I. and Mrs. John Eddv.ý week to reside in Toronto af- Carol and David and their vean with Mr. and Mrs. Jimn ter living in Orono for the:weekend guest Mr. Bruce, Middletnn spent a day last past six years. 'Chapman of Toronto. week in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snod- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall M.adMr.Ce Jos grass anid son David of Ro- of Agincount visitedM. -ed Mr. and r.Eta chester, N.Y., were weekend' Mrs. Win. Robin.sonan M. 'se Mr and Mrs tha guestis of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.ý and Mrs. Cecil Robinson a Jonles, Port Hope. on Saturday Hoar and alsv visited Mr. and, few days last week. Mr. and MnIs. Gardon Sug- Mrs. Neil Raine.' and familyý Mrs. D. G. Hooper and Msgitt, _Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jarvie of Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs.ý Tom McRoberts were Sunida., and children of Toronto x isît- Eirvan RaineY and familv. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ed Mrs. Wm. Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Laing, Glen Hodigson and sons. Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton of Mimîco. Mrs. Phil Longi manville. spent a few days last week and son Todd of Oshawa visit-j Mr. and Mrs. F R. Ta 'lor with Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy ed Mrs. W.A. Werry on Sun- of Solîna spent lasT 'hursdav'Grav and son David, Cadmîs. Chrîstain Education Centre Dedîcated ut Orono Unied,ý. The new Christian Educa- as low as -,S at whîch point i ration the Junior Choir, led by tion Centre of the Orono Unit- something had to be done or iMrs. R. Morton. and also a: ed Church was, on Sunday. else discontinue the school. Ai quartette of Hi-C's sang. The' February l6th, consecrated new supeintendent and assist- senior choir also sang 'Teaci'i and set apart for Christian ant were appointed. The Us to Build.".-Times. Education and fellowship. The work of the Church Schoolý Centre was dedicated to the was then considered more teaching of the holy word and seriously with a two weel5sMemrorial Hospital to the development o the training course for teachers inj heart, Imid and body. 1960. This bas been foîlowed Ne ekly Report The Dedication Service was to the present time witlî witnessed by a capacity aud- weekîy and monthly classes: For week Feb. 17-2.3 inclusive lence, who following the for the teachers.1 Admissions 74i service, toured the new centre Attendance in the schoollBirths-7 maie, 4 female il and partook of refreshments then rose and it was necessary1 Dischanges .-'19 at the reception held in the. to hold classes in other build- Maj-on operations -12 1 main hall of the church. lings, the Odd Felîows' Hall MiUor operations 19 Assisting Rev. B. Long with and the Township Hall. It wasj Emergency treatments 22 the Service of Dedication was thon, shle said, imperativp thatVst ror 38pm al Rev. A. Larke, president of a Christian Education Centre Vstn oîs3-8pmdml the Bay of Quinte Conference be built. A committec. was. and Rev. E. S. Linstead, chair- 1 et up in December 1962 for TRN man o the Oshawa Presby- : this purpose. T R N tery. The building is now rom- Rev. Long, in weîcoming .Plete and every' par't, stated Guest speaker of the Tx tonc the congregation and visitons, Mns. Armstrong, is being usedIHome and Seho ol was M, staed hatthi wa a aPP~ ore and more. The wcekîylClaienice Woodlev, wbo sho- day in Onono and one hc Sun day attendance now neg- cd pictures of bis tr'ip to tile' hiad been looked forward to. Isters between 250 and '270 and East Coasts of Can He said they were most en- childnen with al eîassroonisjada. If was the quickest trip couraged in having so many being occupied. Any' newiacross North Anira we.luad'i :". . . present on this occasion, ;classes now formed, she said,, taken and aIl enjox'ed it.ex Rev. Larke directed hisj would have to ise the assemb- tî'emel.v. Miss Pat Knox anci words to the children who, he ly halls. brother tavoned Lis witb ýe said, were part of the new "We have miade some mis- eral duets. There wai a ver s5anctuary being dedicated to- takes." she said, "buît it ik hue r good attendance. Lunch xx\ ASELIN diay. The children will bene- sincere hope that this build- serx'ed. B S N fit inost of ail having the new ing proves satisfactory for thci Agaîn Sundax' morniig ci i centre and he asked that they work for which it has been .Junioî' Choir did well. %v ifi X sc' ' Xl Mii IîîI ii l remember that it was the oid- planned." i joanne Hoaî' as orgaîuist anci ntteiitd Oiwit i ' lirl ili er members of the church who In closing, Mrs. Ai'mstrongI leader Mr.s. J. Woodlev. Rex'.fitue Poi'tl1101)n Iligio Selci made il possible. "You will stated that, "We in Orono want C. Dugan's theme for the sen- xltn'ii-ic .oî lix e '('il grow up in it" Rev. Larke to say a veny siocene 'thank mon was "Is attitude more iiilleci iii lhIn tici'iaIdivis, said, "and even though you you' to Rex-. Long, without important than fact". ion'i sprcad fanr and wide you will whose vision, encouragement Quite a number cf Tvrone Sic. Gci Cli1"ige.UtIinx' always nemember that this is and prayers, the new centre U.C.W. visited Salerni U xvns n "lîa ie(. ex i.ilgsu your church nor wili you efer 1would not have been possible"1lîast Thursdav evening to lucar P("r glicst i ofMr,' o!îd ts. C' fonget this day." Rev. E. S. Linstead bnoughtMrs. Ross Stevens. W. XXiI'.<IIi i'<" wx ri' tIi "We labour on ta seek the words of congratulations froni Mn' gLe. ts <ifSc.'g 'ati best for boys and girls and the Oshawa Pnesbytery. He M. Aldin Hoar attendcida îo's"gii eîî cx'iavli we do not always see the re- said that the work of the convention at Guild Hall in îîî i i'< iîi suIt," lie saici. "We cannot church had been passed Toronto. iast xveek. Sr ic l'.1 iIX'iî sec the end for the begining throughout the Presbx'tet'y of Mrs. W. Rahm spelit a Airx' . d. i"'s. tci Wig ht but must wonk faithfully day youn accomplishrnt a n ddays with Mn. and Mrs . Cleni ai li' it i' <U W by day." It was bis wish that would nodutectrg- Iahmn and childnen, Ajax, lastuni ilcjii. li tt<.i.e n this day would be full of others to foliow. xveek. "'t ii 'l.<(alN î meaning and purpose for "Man shail not live by bi'cad iMr. atduri Mn. C'. Pnt. Be'lle-liîc 'Il i<il lîrtr evenyone that was present. alone but by eveny word that 1ville, xisited Mr-, and Mr-. A.i" i Io"i.rin i Mrs. Wm. E. Armstrong, pnoceedeth out of the mouth Hoar. iicii' fS" ,r1 Iciill Church School Superintend- of God" said Rev. Linstead. i Mi-. and Mi's. Fr'ank Wilso<n "lte r'e îlmîîî ibers and ent, stated that for some years Martin Luthen, lhe saici, stated[ ancl Hector Mr'. andi Mus. Roîss scv u i ii Christian Education has been that breadimeant almaterial ýWilsoni and babx', Oshawxa, pieseýil Xtî'oioei'i: emphasized more and more ueed. We cannot suggest, lhexvere Saturdax' e\ ening vi's i- avv ut l . ii' a< i- i. for both youth gnoups and said, that an economy of tons of Me. andci Mrs. J. Wilson BriV'iî'x rhis dti b', for the churcb as a whole. In abundance means peace. "The: and Allan. Sindav evening setrtr" îr tu îlî'î ofî < Orono, she said. we have had neeci of man is deepen than visitons wene Mn. and Mns. E. ofiir .5 ioî' v oneî (i to build from the bottom up. just the need of bread." *'Look A. -'Vrtue. iîcililimi roi, winrUI fuen A few yeans ago, she said, the at those who have secui'ity .. Mn. and Mns. George White. fî'e' w.;ia'I m iiil Sunday School enrolment wasj they often ]ack something rBowmanvîlle. n n is.tnl b i' niutiril, i i _____________________ ~more noteworthy." The Rev.!Pene<t' Werrv attendoc fi (ciltue ru SC 1('XX'I iit Xice Linsteaci saici that you believe wedding auiivensarv of thein Pr-es dc tIil. i . Rlri bcuse you have bitilt a, parents, Mn. andi Mrs. Frank See;i "" l.'l cI. acia hnstanEdra Wrr. t hehne f their I"ri'iXX'bt u IlVr.'i"î L.. kafe C. A.' Church adaCrsinEua er ttehm tion Centre tb serve the whoîe r daughteî' and son-iiî-law, 'Mn-.Mc' B 's f"r'x',i."iîîîc Chartered Accountant ýneods of man. The speaker'anci Mrs. Aldin Hoan. Con- xxiiî Srm ir"î I n agaîn neferred to Mar'tin Luth- gratulations andi besi x is 1\1i f' xx'Oil .1' 'VIhitby ci w ho bas saici that lie who Io Mn. and Mrsý. Frntk Wennv ioot studies is not toc moxeci but froni their Tvî'oiue frienîci. MxI 'i. n , ' P.O. Box 208 hie who listens to the com-i Mn. andi Mns. H. Van Donp ",ilr p)i<ii i ,mand of God i-i moved and and childrnî andci-n C.Al ro-,\ort. i.xIi Phone ýmotivateci. "God speaks andIFonnatano xisitcd Iast wcck I .[rr.r1; rl i commands and man is chang- xith Mrs. C. A. I"otuatai'o cf coicIo Ii ' rI ' <iiari Orono 138 ed .. . this is the ausxver toi Kitchener xvlene tbe.v are nnxvteiril r u rr .i.airîr. ihmnneeds. living. N ex lt fli 1Rev. Linstead nfficiated aU Little Susari Van Dono baci ciri îrîct i.d i l.ll VJhitby 668-8197 the Dedication of the Chuistian ia tonsîl ouenatioîu to-dax' BRttIaiU i «'xxi niîicn ' '<it iof Education Centre. j(Th ursdlav . XVetrust she xxill fI '.r ckrl cm r o ic i %x.oîîî During the,senvire -of Dccli-!'soen be feeling botten. a fýi cort Sxx elhri iI lrl i Donnie Vivian haci the ni;. xýi <iijSIc11, lI cImu Aflfortune cf gcttin., hix ler bs .in i i r.lîr i'.( îx broken. X'ur lîttle friecix x eSiidr ifîii ir 1 tiore it xiii soon be feclî u j x iiili ii ti 5 i i bot1ter-. Cf XIiiirl1 Mrs .1. W,\Xiik; m n f) i- M i- cIii Mit ei X: i Accepted by United States dealers anad for w'orld- 1teeced the retrelationale'c-tltP 'irOj.<ci1'îuc'- wide sales.. Buit for Safety and Dependability! t';a", xcsG rnao n Constructed with framie which on soinele niodels SI: rarc i GereA-prgntix nlî: 'te is extra reinforced! dicaci. Mn. andiMr.EarI Pro- xi'\"<l u..5 a1."B er't x'sicd Mr n aîu Mn- E:.- (II.cIIi.' lîx i'~ tc SEE "THE CAR 0FTHEYXEAR" 'erFarrc'l arîind rannd's.cîigpn '.' :.'nlu. at these dealers .Jack Pnice, Newx'Toronutono. i t fî 'r.îî !',i 'oicil' Sundqciav. Mn- .liitu McjIcî' skuor1 liai). Mr:. andi Nrs Geo"ge Ra;'il i. e r; cni gx c Ir. l ". lian" NlI ssHeien Rahnu. Grocît batik. Beeket ..SM!'_ rt '.' tti- RA Y RO Y vsi*ec 'i,l andi NrF. W. Ralotuu. ('rsni. '<tr.'llr ~"ciun A' were di'uuer gues'o f i'.oci.S'.X' î îti . an-ci NIe Ronald Rh.. ite dtoîin< xx ti I:I' i occ-',:en of Ronia!lcîs b;rir da . . A i .rî 'I 1' r GI B * G A H Mmanvxilleîs sta'nirwîtIilier gx c' 'i i)' N Donr) c' a b îsx JuciR 'ber eŽ..i . Btu'e. 'HX<'ii c a fi 1.' Ic"L ' BOWIWANVILLE HAYDON cIlci!nHao! l.. xn rcit ' MI- ani Mrs. H. Bure- i rr i iî.' ic u 623-3503 263-2233 Boxx'îuaiviIîle ý.'e nRu-tx c <l~i'cii"o ber* Bure-s anci fniv on :tec.' ' I' il'. , " I.- Cît"Il Sundav.rmu.i n te \chIt n Hydro Vice Chairman Speaks at P.C. Meeting At Newcastle Community Hall la st Wednesday, the Lions r'oom was pack- ed with county and village repnesentat ivtes of the Progressive-ConscOrx'ative, par- ty for one of a srrics cf meetings thcv are holding throughout the counîx'. Guest speaker on this occasion was Robert Boyer, M.P.P. of Bracebridge, second Vice Chairmaru of Ontario Hydro. Some of lhose present ai the meeting încludedl. from lef t to right, Newcastle Chair-man Tom Wallace, Alex Carruthers. IM.P.P., Benson Spicer of Port Hope, Mi-s. Wm. Storks, Newcastle, Mr. Boycr, and Carnet B. Riekard, PC federal candidate. Loxvcî'ph'oto shows Mrs. Laurence Goddard Boxvranvtille, uhn \won the cake dnaw. 11, was also heî' birthda. Over 200 Attend IDisplay of Fine Antiques Features Valentine Tea Sponsored by Unit 1, UCW ou uxiln ver-', llIiisiia i ci ilutetestîîug afteniiooi xx'cîu Il)(,x-ai etuddi"Yc0deVal- ciitot' ,Tea" spotis'ireci b\- UntiI 'iIo x 'll u ro e u Fiîe l aIfiile Oroiiîiu uitecl 'btnutdror bx' th-lue Icienor Ill(' tttiî. Mr s. PuII'î'laSe thueîî'tii'kvI' , x'lichl xxoolitant slapc' an ici iuatî tindiilefofnt nu ît' c'aslîier. Fiitering tueinamiu iaifilct- iuni Ille' g[estu. x'errc'ixed - bx the cmc'îili.,SMrs. iarvs Wiîllpr, lu a delîgluîfîil scttiiug ot X'aîeiutiîîes. "'îic xalls xxere cîilfstaiîi'u xitî tî"iî'hcai'ts alici c'ci i l sxxa-ýIltue <eur clîe'uriatîoîî xxiuielu xvax za îuuc- blc Ic.Thex' xvre oseortoci b' tiluleoi's'cf le tîtu t te t fie t'aentables xxIui 'bxxe e a-;te- cec'-reî'fdi !iltilesaine 1t Seîx'o'd tbeîîî alioloce <if four 1.île' Bouclirre follawxvo b\- il - 1 ri'% et (Icýýe Is s o ent rcing t un i Iflie'. enitilcia i 'c e 1- elle fî'îcîuîaiieug the nmal tq îiiIl rix' iduo1 il i tc'4.' t~~ ~ ~~ iut 'ialt lic. 1cîairs. i rasii.- ba'aiaii i'rei'o s. ut eaiii tos onsdessert. ý'inadox\, tanl.'.10tii anic, lus a A îîriuued h of' it '<me cf tu)af t 1<" tliu'alitir dis- SPla x' i l'. -îsîiiu -cI 'itu tcetarns on luetit xxas plac-ecli iiec t able cmri liai hIlecs cid eaci - i x"î ' iolixiiig îî'c'î' itin -tcn atîci iiiffee. "lieruinu Sleffat SP. S.î "n RîIlloc.1 lliil Mc SI . <tl,, cfres5eci nil~~~ rIiie t tt l i u tia s'1xx, Irilu ('Iîc fu oIlle i î lv i . t is, 'uîxx' i ' .t x'cc P tt ('fciwlix' ibe î'îîîul niil aiiu il s nc'nîcl. 'l'he Ilxxa. lic'ch c otîhoIci ali n Cll(I-Ia xx'îtl bakr atîc lai- elt tfamble's.'x criigeetuî.1 Ot in fluei 'ui' e (fif l(e, tlnxi i cmîîiiiiilrc e.MIh. Mtonteluien- .1~'li nu xli}lei 'l'lîc' Shiîr iiu'fuc ii fi I t i x ilI l'c' iîu Ic ]i r uI l i". Slîi I liiibc, i ciii' l t' 15; ' I 'î x I r' gîî.f ii'acut 'I Irru Il<tIll, hi r"ili ' F î '110 ")I l ir l lix i 1;vm x'i'i'xi uit clnili u n 'lilii1 i t ii mi I t iiii Ii't i )i'. Sr i. Vuu t]c ti îlu i s Sîdur t' l tIlm Wcî ai o i ueiti i cI ii 'b 0,' 1111 t e img 'i'hei o '. iim1 lýi f liîeîî xia, ('l( ', (,i i luroi 1i io(fm dinu r a , 1im'iîlc'( .icm. c efiiitfî il xx Il i euclclr tbc Mtlrouo c lricr,î S aîixi.'i'cfIlc- , p i c ki cc;r mci c cîffoo xx crieasescrx'ocli Soepiclfuitli' nie milur- tnok ia ,Pm'i'ur:i I c pinvg Ilf tlu>i l on - t. O I i h I ..j :l-ci vý a'i'iPd A s nIe cnititiauik o.'a"lprc-n ci n l v NI- Daxxsen Roi Ioi . -F. ct. nn- tise crfiîu r liciile'Ithtc'iîuîîh ' 'imt e SIrý ns .'x'u l l hliceîiil m ricri gi unil i nnmi i t t ee- C a rcm; pcI i ui il uIn ;%. xx'as xxcIIl'i ttem dl.17 talaeI x'cre I)ýtlhxOciPc', Itc'.'aliun egg- Il il n ' fu"c'xxec '20 prcm-e:' . Mi ) iu' u i:titeiidu u. fil, iuc'edthe s-.e nion. fiance Ic'Cuuinell r-adi( I lue si nîpt u te portion, 'There xx o ('eix'î rtuldax'V :î entl- I t"; fnîc i tîccl 'l'he rIde '-' .ctu aund \vunCetst îlalîghter of Mr, and N1rj. Don Lord. oni a hliici ruade bloni frni igiftlix t hr Orouu o coxoei lîouuue grcxxux'ola choppinug Sf0 cnsagO. a Set Miffisi' buuxx'l eaux oeut cf one p ' kuix'esandi forks w-th boie <ifx'mei a Ix'pewnt-tei' that'!hailles. an applepeei'îî x I Il, 1-t t xi t e a Ilucl crint.oing k r i f e. mai bock. anc sen Iqunis Iîuat x'r ini a ivothou's itemîs telununt. derf] eampes f the ait ofen'ocs 10 listI quitlt:iug, egg <'nuets tluat are The menubens xx'cid lîke 1< hctb tisefiul aîud uîbeakable take thîs oppontunitvý to cx- huit tco liard te koep cleaiu. press hein appreciatiot Ito ahl lîcîn stanuds andc a bathbrieký those xx'bo loanecl thern thc cutaituen xx'bch siicwed sigos items for theit' di.splav.xxit cf' bax'iiig hacilots cf tise. special n i IIt j o n cf Mu -s Tîeewere bocks on, the life Schmid for ber musical stanip cf Rohbie Burnos andi somne cf Collection atîd to Mrs. Sici. bis jucenus.atu Atlas cf the Barrabaîl for ber quill mtadet Coiiîuîîx cf Durnham,. a eook b\' hon mother. the late Mî's. bock anîd ueducal journal' Oscar Adams, on xxhich ie cenubineci. a ealling eard foi. replica cf cDir Qucii decr. at inx'alîd's plate, fruit Sex'eneal people weelîear eompcrt. some ver'.'v lovelv to comment that this was oe pIate's. pii'kîe cîcît xatchc.s, of the outstanding rhctrcI' nid fashioneci open salit dishes,:events of the v'ear. Manx' cut txxe lea set.s, one commemo- o! town people camne especial- ratiîug Quero Vic'tonua's Jubi- iy for this occasion froni Ton. !(e( buhe othen eoîtaining twolonto,' Oshawa, Boxxmanvîlle, diffeenut stuc cups, a cocoa Newcastle, Millbrook, Keodal sot that had been given as ai and surrounding district. 12 "Got the order, got a bank boan -we're ail set" \\ Iîcî ii i iuess i xuns, art «rcrror ctîtratî, Ile- ()terr, thie(Ifit U uctk (ur ' itx 'xd ei k ix cant t'a) tirn ho lis Ilocal hank foi- f'ii t'iimtl 't1w<iîir iiîtîiic'tI I'uli tolis"e m x asisane.AIo,în ay' )lie cedled for conemor nire rmtI-lu<<lsim î'mîm'fs 'xîr I' ii;d i'insns-<)Iay' in a siipply cf* î'aw iniitenial, ,tbi by lmnk ni:tiacer's are r Ipdiîiigrtii >rultius, niuiinfair- niex'i eliiipiTienrt. tc mccl a pax'rcl],onto cion ch ier i- es ti'uesre: ilen ut I i.II <m mii l'ii c<msri îintîl the fir'm rechies puivilint Aiunts pnmihii's cieî'lj clhli-iiiticus, nitiiipt îtikm' mi or iexces. attd mui (Iituii]'-, x \\itli hank credit, eonipaîmies Itrge :and<1sniioli (atmnoiiiri iIiitsii îî'mlliri ' <ltli mc< t;ckemi on cjecets tlicy cori n lelIif thex' lad p'irmii hial batik i-x, btlîm m'im'l'-t <if ex u'<011iml tii du'pemd idon ftheir oonfin a nei ai emf re.\Irc- ii nue ic uuiin i th.r'oughIîfui-range ha nk ing ire.çtprsnsi-'r Ibrigrca-win., Ch/îagimig nrd.,s jr The Canadian Statesman, B;owmnarville, Feb. 26, 1964 The Orono DANCE t- CLUB CAMELOT (Formorix', Varcoe's Pavilion) King St. E. Oshawa MIODERN AND OLD TYME Music bv Jirn Fisher and His Band SATURDAY, FEB. 29th Admission - - - $2.50 per couple TheSctany4-H Girls' Club Bethanev. SIeaî, e lr hutig held their meeting on Satur- band icrird in bye i tSE day and cleeted \liss JudNy village somie enr, ago. witr Robinson) as Prrenct .Nys ~t he eepmutof ta' time in be Nancy- Morion, x icee-pî'eidcnî.l _ Ilgr e,r-. \licil Ahe wenil 1\iss Diannle Sliiill. press re- t0 forowntti \w ii'.as a mil- PorMe r. Iller. she hiu il.vcd ail lhet l'h lS year the girls %vill take tisefid I te ni th bIS rca 51wf la ourse on înakiiig sleeping bas been a mon aciu enucm Sarments and rcnamied their ber of the Vllit ci Churech. wae club "The Bet hany Sexeiteers" tlhe orgaii-for som e "Camr The leaders 1Mr s. Hrvand .anu ig the choir Slie Rp]ev and NIrs. Rn ph Prem~one a pw- 'Ot pwirict otf1Me cisu di e ehmartristicy %X'i n àUnIim ewrv Society of pond sleeping Sarmepnts. who macle bher n Ifte memi suitable ma tenaIs amu trî-cw îsia eupn as ident tof tce mi ligs. \\nî sns-*\ rat:on and iltht l'lie nexl meeting \ýi iili e WîS n bt. le5wic aughl jr1 ond i Match 7 dithv Unotcl ao ndm Schiiel c'lsfoi Chîîreh bascient. iilflv 'r a wýa aid ciIss iMargaret I owe:.. ema: k ilbI 1 et\- e.keeinii Toronito, speiît the \\eekeîtd liier \\'n il i .li\ sbusN xith ihir palrents, til,'and C wgad \ h e'.ii ikttîtig, Mrs. Donald Loxx'es tîtîn hof vhicI i odon(, for 1iris. B 'îe x1ev is îiI; 'nI \ oet k. S!c nl 5 Patient n (ii eIbospitïdl Pet- 0(l1 1e -,il i t iii ii'c erborough. j e i d I n a ixx wek A xvedding of local intieîct ige k lipp ni iil ,id thE took place n lIle "irst Metîto- Ire Felilît 'mTeri'eto. dîst Church al Tucson, Ari- lier miv yIl tfcc. t oit in zona on February 1 è h len wi Thin g ber miy exmore, ha ppy ýThelmia Margaret Pat ton form-. birt hciîy s erlv of Beli any, bceamne the N ew ski Cliub bride of W\il 1linm a ene The NnixirIl iii:nate beîel Sa ndy. l'onmerlv of omemee liirtlîii dex ,ýe pîandi ail ew and Peterbortti h.NIdr.a ncskAi chl nM h cIio f BelMii wns Mrs Sandv wvill lbc living ;il opuited teý; - x"eî Iid. -122 E 9t0 SL.Anet Yiin Ttitsei Nnrvedi 'TH ~De is Elb~v The LUnited Churifi lnîs .ilils Pi ojil t \ ho' sbcen (le- ii tlle pi'ei'es of soin lIerai- xelopwd fliv hiree Tloronto imerl tions aned iedt'i'iiiig . ,\ Ai xiiiso0ir il. iiîîîfeignoi new bhicrmn is beng inii- iîîî l'tlil icmi' ThE stalled upmasînîandi the kOuli- cub iirix fi i30 et nbî'rs ci] t'elliodellî'cl liiesl fi (c'n i i Tlln. luit tIr l\'r. Gerrnîci Siaple .lwike- Son'~nr tid Yle npe'.Mt field.. s visit îeg xx'îîh Nr. ails 75 p!)CI f,1ftht île Iî nîhet ISlîîp NMrs. lamoes t\leKiiniinrlxx I i oil.,)I' rie ii'Peter- Fiday. Febriiary 21w1 pase. bîroiigii-() l a . . ile lu an iMCH haetl xllppy' da \foi' 100 zi'i'e.tex cPiieae Mrs. \Veni fred Spencer wlîeti frni Pox "erii iiîd il s H.e relebiate rer 1)à lir% i-expî'î1i'A îwxxP Inuî Ptr iexv day A 'holduîg'dm %etilloiise ' m\Xlon,îîr eiliian StO.i)if toir lie r moox'friend. , ic1bef e tl iw'beil ja' rci ' ipen I lam've Falli- et Lindsav na- 1,2>1> p ces un ii lirThiete ssted inlit 'ei'iving C e gue. t'. 1: i l - li! tnil riîî tiîw (11i 'Servîng the lunSh xxere <Ii'. .a xx d b ill iii oteîcîi* teii1 FThomnas ' Iicie egs Nîir. Ca l ske iened a '.I n lic iope toxv Poîteetoý. Mi Bil W'eallie'î"liii:i 0<1 1 <' i ioi hogiii- Ill, Mi' 11'c11) .'îppins and 'et s. B p iillg 'liîe ce.î ilî's. l.eoîioî'clDriv'er. portncrsi.. m eplans ,foi' a il;nxi 'cl' <iforconîgr'atuila- 'ee dT-bar feri ile thiiec lri. c, ti'li'jiiiiie alls, ICer-' til i n te lie, opi lecirn xi xii i glrai an.d guI xx re i'eeeiveci r. Iliwvx'ei ini. 1'-bar C Ir. . Spu'e î -. thr fcrmer xxill "fecI" hmn ailI rils'. ,Xi .W'în ni fred Lîmxx e s. aboro iin ariafor- 'îe. 't'îinIî tix s k i i n jCavani"xxnu a daughteî';nidîcl flii;iiiî ii.lsfiavail- nif Iw' llti'Mi. andclMis ýlJohn ali)l1e. Lowxe'-. Alt' ier mtunge b,'Pie liiibiiiîw las bren OttoSpenceri'. w'o did'abott tvrîItrimiiie(-Id Fr-ank. 1) x cars agi) Aie rvsîded in alIîii puiblic' siccl . elosed ini 1960 farm oime blit' îîle x'eofif heai. i amI fmît iil:,