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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1964, p. 16

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1. - V n q~ p e Audience On Hoot - Nite IMemorial Park Assn. _______________Plans for Spring Tea ne Cnadan tâtrna, B,%-nanill, Ieb.28, 1964'the ger.eral store featured ln, 16 Te Cnadin Sates~an ~owanvlleFeb -. the north room. Plans arc"L' ~ L Mue m Bo r ep rsbein,- rn ade l?9Jchang~e som BHS Ch~oir Enlerlains Larg Muse m Bo rd epors lý1*1" 'Mrs. Wiseman frMa,. 30. Show visitor Increase M.Tharnpson who acted as Attendance at Bow manville The report of the secreta- r ev, c sw~ascara Musem i the196 ~eaoo rs Wsemn, sowe e ~ in 1963, presen:ed a financial ,howed an increase off near!t c egular meetings held ada"p. o h :a.1 di 00over the pre ions xiear. special meeting v.ith Counic tlieond10 I uo ,e ivtdefTown according ta repors gîx en at in the Fali xshen Maya'- Ivan1_Bfo ,lie Board's meeting held Hbsad onc emo uM ~ .B i:an o January 30. frst tonred the Museum a Oni sm p.îr*poses,' the Mu Cnairma', A. M.Thompscon neard and saw at fisthand :-, rial:ied.or I."v.n nc C..grant %v-i;ch in 1963 ipresided and welcomned ta ,le 'he v.ork accomplisiied si .atnouîv'ed f0 .S725.82. Incarne Board the two new repr-esen- *he Mnseum v.as set p p in tatives from Tow.n Council 1961. Thev were al.-o show "r aa îgnn:d omd Paul Chant and George Ste- w ar e ae reexcd* sale of pos' cards and -phen. Board rnembe'-s are ap- catalogned, marked and ce- books on B o wv m a n v 1I e. pointed annualivlovb Counri t ords kept. arnountîngý to $27.62. Receipts 'ne 1963 members re-appoin:- Mrg. Wiseman also gave +ic St le 3331.09, ,,oiiditLires rrd for another term are:A. report off the Managemeni' 246t) 81. iea%-in a balance off M. Thornoson, Mca. Mei Wiýi- and Dispia.v Committce. TOc 5$870.28 aC Jan, 1, 1964. moan, Mrs. Rov Lunne'., M.>.5 Museunm was open from June ~ . eotgvnb Anha Hodgins and Bert Sver I Thanksgiving, Oct. 14 . uliîînn ep ortvMenni. AHý membecs wr're present. cach iday except Monda,.s. andri z -ohtîe ver dow ned ateu Reports foc the pas' xear open Mondavs when ? holiday,. 1ocs tcpuic lbav wrepresen¶er and adopte.l. ' a also open Saturdavs o oead:îrs n ind Suinda'. s on.'. from OCc ra:<1ores ndco ist in-'a~ 19 o Dr. , %ithattendance 401 Nexv brochuen res n x'.erea ELIZABETHVILLE being high on Sundax s dur-in,, 0.N rohrswr is pro.Te.Msu v pr: 0 ted d'îrinZ i10e summer, , perod. he MSeUr Usig photosofata hi Church Fervicp '.vas held At oen a total off 133 davs, threIf ItcMuema ln Canton. Sundav school vx as lioucs each day. a total off 399 he!d Ocre. Snndav achool xvas rs To onalif\v foc a pro- 'lieP~tcrd .er k wisli a*tendedi. v:ncial grant, a museum cnput cousal a tc uenm _Mr. andi Mrs. E. Bt. Tor- bc open at least 360 hours aac vaoislalots orspit thec veekend wîh var. Mcs. Wiseman explain- Mlrs. 1unnev cxpressed ap-' îrparents, Mc. and 'Mrs. O. ed. prcciatioîî off the excellent Mocrcer. AtIendance tvas i i 196.1 support g:ven b'. Thc Cana- Mr. and 'Mrs. O. Mercer with a total off 1431 visitor sdýain Statesmnin lu blicizin, in Toronto on Wecl- compared with 1144 i 1 q6 2, Boxv man viili .uenn Te -icsdav. Mcas. Wiseman reported. Thc signa ecrected at ail clîtrances, Mrs. H. Quantri had a north room xvas redecorated 10 the toxvn and at other v an- qnlting on Wednesdav,. Mrs.'ta focm a neutral backgronnd' tagýe points for direction lielp-' Peacock, Mrs. C. Meccer, Mrs. for displa * s and Mc. James cd to increase toxirist attend- 0. Mercer, Mca. Eiliott, Osh- Gooding. Mnseums Advie.-. ale,McaIrý.Lnonev saîd. awa, and Mrs. Thickson werc xvas verv favorably lmpresse'd Another forîîï off puhlicitv% This group af x'ocalists sang several numbers dur- hcre. with this rooc whcn lhe visit- and one off the best, Mca. Lun- ing th nuliotNesowaBÂ. Fb14. Mc. Earlwood Whi'e visiteil cd Bowmanville Museunm. nî eflt, are the visitors who he nua Ho-Ntsow tB.S.Fb th with bis parents, Mc. and Mrs. Aubrev Smith was en- tell fricnds and brirîg friends.' vlcs. E. White, over the week- gaged foc the 1963 season ta Their enthnaiasm la excellentî frorn New Yor'k to Califoria3, nev, have liclped ta make the ri. Mc. White la quite poorlv,. show visitors through. and hec, advertNeciî,T Ihci e xve r e \ith cesniting benefit ta local ,MLiseurn a focal point orf in- The Oshawa Muldrewa spcnt pleasant mnanner and know' - anv v:ýsi;tocs frorn Ba'.vman-ý store. restaurants- and motels.' terest foc the area, Mrs. Lun- ii, weekend at Snnnvsicie. ledge of the displaYs were ville and :iurcotnding districjt and tlhe tonnais trade in geni-' ic'.- feit. Mrs. Crace Knox and otheca, most helpful in furthering the in 196.9, as v-clj as from Ail eral in this part off Ontario. An election off officers fol-, ielped celebi-cate with Mcr. J. interest being shown in Bow- parts- of Ontario, four other Ail methods off publicit.v, u , with Mc. T1îompson ce-ý ;ai-new, Cobourg, his lOth manville Museum. The main Canadian provinîces and scv- cliîdiing talks giveni bv bath! ciectcd chairman and treasur- irthida.v an Sunda',-. special displaY for 1963 xva., oral off tlc .'\nerican states Mca. Wisoeman and Mca. Luni r, Mca. Wiseman ,3ccretlr. e and Mrs. Lunniiev publicitv. McNl. Thompsoiî expressed ap- Preciatici, off',lie wock donc. h%, Board memibers in 1963., Thc Board's appreciation off Mc. 'Flîoiîpsniî's leadership aind also undertaking treasur-, cr's dîities as xx'oi, xvas cx- presscd bv .Mrs. Luiînev. Comm nittIescý eeappointed: Management anîd Display '- Mca. Wiscnman, Mcrs. Lunnev and Miss Hodg:n: Pcopertyv and Grounia Bort S\-er. Paul Chant and George Stle- plienl. At the regular monthly dedication of the new Cereb.al 'meeting of Memorial Park As-!Palsy School and Clinic in sociation, held at the c1ub-ýOshawa on March fourth. house on a recent evening.ý Mrs. Barbara Courtney mov- plans for the organization'sýed that the Cubs be allowed Spring Tea and Bazaar to beto use Memorial Park Club- held in Mardi were discussed.i:house for their annual ban- Mrs. Barbara Courtney was quet on February 29th. This appointed convenor for the xvas seconded by Mrs. Betty event. Richards, and carried. Mrs.Àk The pesidnt, rs. arg Charlotte Clarke vas namnecrI The resden, Ms Mrg-convenor for the aret Jeffery, presided. In th~ eringd absence of the treasurer. Mrs.' I.O.O.F. banquet to be hl Helen Park, the satisfactory in the near future. financial statement wvas ; The Birthday Box was start- sented bv Mrs. Dorothv Lea-, :. ihMs.GaeDwe man, who moved ils adoption. in charge. Mrs. Onie Etcher This was seconded by Mrsw~as the first to make a dona- S1 stion ta the Birthday Box. Charlotte Clarke, and carried., Lunch convenors for March An invitation xvas received were appointed as foLjows: from the Parents Council ask-. Mrs. Rose Cowan, Mrs. Iletty ing the members off Memorial Richards, Mrs. Teresa Chit- Park Associ ation tfo attend the ti ck. and M rs. Vera Bate. HeIp Crippled Children, Use Easter Seals In a fexv davs, more than! tario Society for Crippled 2,000.000 Easter Seal ma lings 'Childricii. for the benefit off *will be recceived in homes all the crippicd children in their aovec Ontario. These seals arecity, town or rural areas. searching for helpers orf Rehiabilitation for crippled crippled children. children can very often bc à Thc Easter Seals for 1964 lengthy and expense po illustrate 40 different wavs in grain, but wvhenî the /Msultî which crippled childrcn are rnean sûmne ehildrcn xwilt helpcd bY a program off re- eveiituallv lbe indcpendent in habilitation. Since 1947. con-:,mrovernentý and speech, thp tributions to the Faster Scai Une and cost is not important. campaign have guarantced the In the 40 vcar history off provision of care and treat- the "Service Club - Socicty's" ment for girls and boy' s, in- %vork for crippled children, fants and teenagers who have there. have been thousands of. a physical disability, regard-ichildrcn iwho have overcome îes fth cue.teir physical disability. Eas- Thcre are seric~i~e clubs snicb ter Scal contributions havt- as Rotary, Lions. Kiwanis, made additional services and Kinsmen and others in 231' expansion off activities pas- coi-nminities in Ontario vwho sible, and a great increase in will bie sending Eastcr Sealýslthe numnber of children that ta the people in their areas.1conld bie hclped. These service club mcmber- It is irno)ortant ta know volnntarilv organize the camn-1 thatevr Easter Seal gift will paign and then use the funds bc off sorne heip ta a crippled in co-operation with the On-1ch ild. A $ A A $ ~.-. ~ ,~ __ ~ A ,%"ho lost oyer $900 froin cd by IV. D). C 1). Alex 31c(ri The a m (,ii. totalled $816.50 family and Si. Allin. There wver. and neighbors w iited as weicl as ing ergeni',ation B elions go ~t, Yb, AVE DURING PADDY'S GIANT asher .50 WITH TRADE i trade ......... YouI love thi.i beattiful ne%%, Beatty Electic Range witli its lîaidsonîe fluorescnt control panel Iliglilighted by the rich bro%% n and chrome. Features: automatie timer, timed appliance otitlet, oven Nvindow, ovenl light, broider and 7-heat clements . . . plus reniovable oven door and storage dravver and lift-up elements. Automatie Rotisserie is available as optional equipment---- YOURS5G FORJ ONLY 6 I 9trade Get Positive Protection with a REFRIGERATOR FREEZER T.ast word in an ultra-modern, 12-cubic foot capa- city Ref rigerator- Freezer %vith ail the deluxe feat- ures. Separate doors for freezer and refrigerator provide extra convenience and utility and insure correct temperature being maintained In each compartment. Features Beatty Zero-Temp Freezer, and positive frozen storage of 80 lbs. of food. Automatic Defrost, easy access Slde-Out Shelves; Double Crispers and Nlagna-Lock Door. Other Beatty Ref rigerators as Iow as 179.00 95 With Trade HAMPTON 263-2241 "WE SERVICE R ET EVERYTHING WE SELL"f BARGAINS on USED APPLIANCES *Reconditioned 1Vasirs. (Guarantecd for 3 inonths, from .10.001111). * Electric Stoves and Ranges, ::O-day guarantec, from 30.00) Up. * Refrigerators, with 30'-day guarantec, from 40.00 up. ïl7Lti r. ' à 1 l1 72 EASY, CONVENIENT Use Our I.A.. MERIT BUDGET TERMS PLAN FINANCING /?.vELECTRIC RANGE' 4 I 4 4 4 --j 4 4 OTHER ELECTRIC RANGES AS LOW AS 129.00 With Trade Thcv werc conductcd hy J. Thompson and recet\'Cd considerable applause for their effots.

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