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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1964, p. 2

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c-us cca.s c'alileci - i cilati 1i' Colnsiabi" les Pxcard. 'Illtex' ituadedIcl le icieerjo Wcl llintk seat tf th'e rutiser, 1îir-k-clupi (Citstabie John R-ite! Iocivdice '.'iliiie bt i re iillhe atiriai d 0cco r. (ml sicin loi cccii -ir e rcîpes. xvç-c c-o b alnid cciv'.'ct -t' ieintll he ccîilcJbitte h- -týl mîi i -r ir, tif 1h e tîî ltîn iai c--i ti fiio paio he f lau 11 ci tiiii- ie: tif hlack and !hle ru- c,-, ic1-tid lic'Nv -MrKibson, 'htecas i-tridarnave. Former Members F ROV PAGE ONE i;t - fIe retiiiiderl the aud'- ûn t.hit ait tue tormation et îeBoxx manv£le Reýa!-x C!,. 1924 c~ CIC1lu *b xx as the Osh1a n'a Rotarvcx Cub Mr, Mucdgave ail onilinje' ()f 'ho h:st'- or f *thl(,local Rn-ý ('. nrirand rcceaid man'.' '* e-(sI.g (, %cpn1'* s ponsord A o.n ýe.î, d h% Dr' Keitii Billet t, the imime- o.ate past president, was eo-: oved !B !l Coggmîs ceas toP cadn.utJec-e Van Ne~tc um :n',e lucky wnner of the Hoc- I 2 T he Caiariîan S'aîemi.an. Bov.-manx ilie, Feb. 26, 1964 Hospital Board Acdn ,Round-Up Receives Che que i There wa: a tw..o-crtci dent on Monday morning at 10:50 o'clock on King Street West. Cli Wight, Il On- From A uxiliary tario Street, stopped his car Induct New Minister ke *v Draw. E. C. \Vitherspoorir' on hbchp.1f n! MrF. R. Ash- chairman of the Special Ev- A s c f. hort LV ents CommiC.eeW.an ii, c C. W- %as held. Fol- ent Comiteewasin harge lo0,,11tM i jail ,clades et of arrangements for the dexx '-sa:1,1; 1 d.n -vaen Anniersrv Prte 1w ~Servecd on tables ap- The Bowmen Quiarct. Ke:h cnp n'lxdc -catcd 1for Ille Jack.son. Dr. Keith Siemin. 0CCC I-i <- , t i\ 1 n charge Ken Hockin ai-d Dotig Rack- Mtt ham made a great hit ceito cMr. a- n i : .Flex d Cckt their vcalI selections. Thcx- niii xnNli: O0. Beck - sang a group of entertainie g ect t ,î o .\( ca. HexvmanIvi11e. songs. ci'o i: - nedci rs, Don Accounts amnouliing 10 S19,- îng. This was moved bY James, r no cggSrect. whcn nU5 tcî etttO L i(.) i' a re' e 2.58.05 vere passed for paY- A. Bell, seconded by Rex il was struck from behind b oi~ formier nmenbers cf De tt: ni et n xeeSui- nient ai the meetingcof the Walters. anotner automobile which LesteCu:Eee or .. Board of Directors 0of Memor- proceeding in the saille dirc- Mitchell. C. Ernie Rehderlaett x:hM. aind Mcs. îal Hospital held in the Board Those ai the meeting \verc ineh rve ftescn Room last WAednesdav even- the chairman, James Stut. car '.'as Arîstotle Topalîs, 47 Nest. E. H. Br-o\xen. a past oce- c: -tMr, Cleîe Rex Walters, GlenholmeAllan Avenue, Toronto. Thece sident, nd tc Grarter Ileather- S H~Iughes, Harry V. Cryderman. was minor damage in both., bers, George Mason aoc! A.e\ , Mat x e n a en Lions ~~Mrs. S. G. MeMurter, James cars. Constable Les Ricard in- Emnsoe i fBwin lc (cS-ldI vn A. Bell. Mrs. Ha'rold Gibson,lvestigated. - " atr DGer, icmnd r5. R.\ingl. o Mraîn- A AClarke Township: Harry Jose,' Robert G e o r g e Poseraltr DGe( iho d tîx K C entxx.toMai M- EfljO W ïioIf Newcastle: Mrs. W. M. Ru- Nestîcton, lost conti'lc ie'Hl, naipeîcîo h dcli, Dr. H. B. Rundle, Dr. L. car hie was driving in Caesacea'cuwi saoafrnr FPOM AGE 0E ~ --~i U A ~ D~1on orriic at9 4aDistrict -Govecnor. Buid Rolnh. NcxR. 1). cte. ial fFO AEOE . ils .A arroin, Da-!onSunday rooJak atagh apaî(; nC.ptniS9:45eih e prescrnt ai the dînner. The lington Township; Maurice: o'ciock. The t'ai' rollcd oxeOoo akEsagapa ;-\(.Siii,-ýjhle president alsn intioduccd tco Prout, and the secretary-ýand the damage bo the x'ehicle tPresîden:. BiaooGog cî et .as -.A honoed ur'~x Mc jj trasuerR. J. Dilling. The amounted to more thian $100. Brown and Mci \W. Bagneil. busqiness manager of the hos-lThe driver was nlot injured. Nelson, Oakc'ilIe, Jack WePi;;e. Sic r ai c Mc .Patl cst JmsMrips rs-pitli J. Sierbuis, \vas also Constable Peter DenHloed,'~ Toronto, Cecil Carveth, Necc- Oslî.1xco, xcrt< ile idav caîlers Jams ar, pst presret. OPP, investigated. i-' castle, Harc'. Bribton, New- ati.K WthY dent, gave the Topast 10 Lions , O udyceiga 03 ate osGlhrOot, ()ir(tr î t'iliIcgl International. The Distrct- On behaîf rof the Womnen'si casleGRon. Pebat rhcoîg. it ii -II pit g cs -a- Governor of A C. 3, Ross Cii- Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. W. M;o'cdock thece cvas a txvo-car ILs-iai phant. respondiedi. District- RudelI. the president. cidn o 15Hgha iiBo ocrne iloc-ae îg Governor Oliphant pcescnted cd Board Chairman, Mr. Stutt es anv ar vle t'an!Sannîkn. vthe Mc. :: i A. lliîrv a 28-year Perfect Atteodance with a $3,000 cheque, a do- crhf hucîs noi'd .h Chero 1 RasStecs .nation to purchase equipment. collision wcre M.s.Joan 'ii Thefrln-igmebcicGMcall, wer:\î tiica. Sha cs.lrs Ceo oRsStvn. frtehsia.I xrsiger, Burleigh Falls, and Cle- he fobaw Roba'.- Clb ere of it'0 . iti M.Iat hr Presîdent Okc iicn itcn nec!frtehsial oepes ment V. Sears. 31 Pînexcood appreciation for the gecrous loRet fte 0hAii. n (ý( udvgcI the meeting over In the LadiesconrbtinfomteHop- Avenue. Toronto. There ceas vrac inr tnLvt.a Iia:lMc.L stns N:glît Commîttcc Ciaiiiiaiî. tai Auxiliary, Mc. Stutt spoke more than S100 damage Ioas usso 1 0hAn- dci-ctc udxget Mc. McDonald, xcho talîct oni cf the continucd good work both cars. Constable P. C. G.ChardcLancarcTmDo- Mi îrlMc.larl Aho Stuart James 10 propose the of bbe organization for the Harte-Maxwell, OPP, Niwas the bi. are Hubbncaster ocg aîîd hMr. cnci-e Stiîd Avisitorn Toast bo the Ladies. Mc. James ' hospital. investigating officer. Rev. Charles R. Catto, B.A., B.D. . Carnkeg Akbe, Geoffe aI)Mi a-cr Mc, di- S.Ms.r pcaised the Lions' ladies in a> On Saturday al, 2:10 p.n'i, a' hrtn e kr ef.i m' iý j c o ni c i s e and cntertaining Io the absence of Bernard car drîven hy Mca. Dorothx'i Gît Fridax .%T'ccîa 21,- ini etto. Ileiel a graduate of 'Vie-, Andrews, S tanr Eveî'son. a'lr 0. pec.Mrs. Russell Oke, theljHolden, the Hospital Admîni- Brook îng. 45 Prince Stccet Il laiiOl Cii i-t clt -t11, .a" tCia anc! Emmanuiel Colleges- PasiDsrit-Goenr. a N c ii' n NI c l-~Pt bi fer 'aîd wife of the perstderit. rcspond- istrator, his report '.cas gîven struck one ownrd hv E d. inductetontscxttxc:lic-Id 1) v t îîaî eue.d tcoîRossirreg ordina- cd gracîousiy on behiaif of al, by Mr. Sierhuis, the business Rundie. which was paî'ked nii h aP'steyftu- Rexî. ino uat c1954, he sc\,rgcdia - iiiprlt.lt . the ladies. A beautiful hou-i manager. In the month of Jan- front of his residence al, 10,CIIarles R 13.1).. i "'i. Rv \X'ettriî-. ciîit o cedross ccas reseî- arythere 334 admissions to Jane Street. There was ap- 'lc~ xuîgîiît c'fori') nîiionacy an eitoa.n l l 1dL~ ~ s i îi tY ello0Icu, bo toMrs. Oke by Art Oswcald, the. hospital. There were .955proximately $150 daniage t10ftle indutction Rcdi Ht-e S. f ,ior fivee ars is ccork took spetitle-- eewkî-td ith lier a gift, from thb. Incai Lions. nîa2îor operations, and 94 min- each car. Constable Les R b.înilst(ct!. îliItiItniîo (f tt î 0NotInRoelalfec.E Irc i vectid'e .îtc or opeu'ations. In the Emer- ard inx'estigated. lRie- pccihc i ccx - Rex . I. \î'. 11cr- 'tait-:'. Nu. OtoIta Yelîoxc- A otmber cfr exclcnt duel-,cnc.y, Department. 98 treat- -- itrti ett-e-t tli- ciîetî. re e-ts f lesibs'the ladies fi ornt Enfteld antd fcom opeccttac andi n'usicaî nients cc'cre givetu durîng the tîtltht- ci'x c tl:wî':from ici nilIx'. Mi' Catin c\-as itable IBurketon w ho lbac!jotned En:- Nu. :î l Ni cx. IMitite BReid comedy xccsitnz bY Morts inlonth. Physiothcrapy treat- a Zi. Fidacl i ailI iaîrtptîtiiap- tît rt-f rîtto A frita a fier a fur- niskillen ladies for the \Vorlrl and AlI nil. t"lamc-- SPelt Swann ad - ' nevll, o ents nmed274 in Jan- * a i tittsir '-i-l itiîî'is. ýglDav nf Praver lheld n ntît- itîte ctii iaîd Mrs.. if Toronto, two aîented sîng- uarx . and! Occupational Tuer- b)ttît cI 'e'.c cIl iire if(, 'atoscis a gt*aduL-,kil Iii Cbiu'-! F'bi-iî2BîteRc. crs, who rec'ed mtich ap- ap< 'treatments totalled 140, Io PROM PAGFE:) Ilehoîti: tiý le c!eiittIitîre.Texhac-e p.rnu.Mrs, G. Boccnaî, Rit- aNîr. t M u icx ii Bird piause. Manti ne t10 flc pop)- the'X-Ray Department there Plans wt'i ' tCoiplec! oý lii it hN:i iî-rhçctf t're tltlîictlai8îf: .iii- field, was t he organ ist. M rs. pntii tPet. P,îîtikliii. r li lac mustecof Cha rue ,Cochl- cre 160 X-Ray examinations. 11w anotia I Charter Niglt Diii- 1 !C t-t ', i !i: r ti r:n titiii,îla - t itnls. 1k Wearn. %Irs. K . M-Gil.leî:îri iit cicg i'sts ai _Mr. rane's orch-estra, Obac-, cas 9,2 thest examinations. 59 E.- urac Dnebbchi it-îîî h offli l.titi-tittt 'lu-1t-c îîItttb' cVas î1)'e- iVt'. E. Wcirrc-. MmsA rgîue anîd ttiN'.I.1 iiiitî' cnjox-ed durtig tht' balaniceC.G. examinations. aoc! 27 - car on Sattirdax-eeîi îr puI - ltt' \ tiî-iî ht-ccst-tsi ted t liteoiit-a reby 'Mis. F. Toms cead tfileae Ni:u. It.EdarX'rgb ûf the ec-,enitig.il flouîoscoo)v xarein ,'tnn,. - marv -)thin .,.ý . h: ' ltîttcd i:'i 'l lc-i cprt-d a!ttto t-c of-it )( t hc )lb er sh îp parts. Mrs. G.iccî îreasi xî,- . î - t r BQWMANVILLE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 75 Liberty St. S. ANNOUNCES THE..... (9//wII* a (9peili nc 0F THEIR NEW CHURCH HOME Sunday, March let 1964 - at 3:00 parn. - WITH - REV. W. B. GREENWOOD District Superintendent of Eastern Ontario and Quehcc District of the Pentecostal Assemiblies of Canlada. -AND - REV'. TOM.NlJOHNSTONE Gencral Supcrintendcnt of the P.A.O.C. Rex'. %%. B. Grcenwood wilI minister in the Devotioîial 'Service at 11:001 a.m. anid officiate at the Dedication Service at 3:00 pil. Rev. T. Johîistone wil minister at the 3:00> p.nh. serv ice anîd also ini the Evangelistic Meeting at 7:001 p.m. COMMENCNI ARCH :1 AT 8 P.MN. IZEVIVAL, SERVICES WITH Evangelist Ralph Rutledge TuesdaY - Fridav - 8:0>0 p.m.. Smiîda vs - I1:0(0 a.ni. and 7:00 Impin. W~e invite ou to on r growing Sîînday School at 10:00 a.nx. TPcv. S. A. Graint. Pastor. Fourth AMiriviersarx-oftifihi-' frîtiinig of the Bcc-maniîxtlie Kicvanîs ClUb. The Kiccaniaits deeirlet Io agait- hold a Rummape Sait this sprîng. Plaîtns credis- cussed for Ibis e'ertt xchi ccill be hcld in the' formner ]GAN -store on King Street West Cin Fridays anc! SaturdaYs c!ocînu Aprîl. TheY ask ihat poplcý in the toccn t-ontrihbite artiCleS for the sale. Furtîlîre, :tp- pliances. ociianuents. flatîvaic. dîshes. to vs, and cl cltthiiîg ccill be welcome. Wh ci) spriiîg cîear.ing people are requestcti 10 keep the Kiceanis Rumin-age Sale in mni, ai-d i0nc!nnatv anythiog they do not rcqiiire 10 the sale. WESLEY VILLE Relief camne tn fanîtîx ai frîends on J' iidav. ecînin cchenri c-i'! cas rect'c't'c!frcrt' Mca. A. Ford iii Toronîtuo Isi daughter Gccnn ba come safi- ly through a long operatitîtion hec beart. The last xcck of E'eiît îarcv is beginning briphi. lîrîsk andr windy. There are no ioo-aI signs otf spriî-g uîuless a ccaî- ciering muskrat arnîînd cite barn aoc! lic- vc rotîs ii an- ote.aoc!th(, metkirtg bird spending a fce ceceks iii Port Britain, couIc! be t-onsideced sut-h. Carroll Nit-bols bas hecît very ili ibis wcck villh unfoce- lion in bis bead. Ht' us uner the doctor's care aoc! oucicum- proced. There ccas tio qîîiît inglont last cceek so ladies ceere alîl to catch up wcith visitttîg aund other bomeccork. There xcece 54 al Sotîdax' sebool with Patti Payne ceac!- ing the moroing srripbcîre. Rex'. M. Freeman's sernmon turuuîp moining church servi-e niacie clear the diffreco ehbeern bbc modern meaniîg cf th(e Englîsb ccord "icce," andtI lie ineanîng implied tic- t at cc ocri that is necessace* v te ibrin-, about itbe tu-ue ic rtl(Iîcltîcliof man. The choira aiîthem ccas bbc negro spirituial. "Steal Away", aoc! the' flor-al offer- ing was a lovel u-t-ac brought by Mci. Wat. Visitors during bbcceek end cverc misses Grace An- derson, ai-d Norali Robinsonî tf Torooto ccitiî Mr. auid! Sic Clarence Nichols. Th( gîtrls bac! recently sperut a holiday in Jamaica and bac! nich cf interest to tell; Mr, anti rsc E. Karc-oncn and Mlti-or Scarborough aodc! ak Rchhtif RCAF Clinton, cith E. Bar- rowcl10u gi-i up tîtlî-t il i il l ii" iii ilîti l('c lt- Sciii .--ic i - îîc,îî i iil --i.tt <ii c cii i i erlî- otf T el'iîc ..tec tît î:îîîni lit1 " xc <-i i. :tt Iit %..s Ch'lîtî't lî N\'îîî fî'îîîîî ail1 ap- atnd' (;nd etîiniiiicits set cccl iîî-li lit a M r. i01< i i tof Ioi- ittpI tt New Mem ber To Speak Here Joins Ladies Aux. to Legion fîtiar ir il t il ic SC t d1ti al - Il i i tIi hadtc~ . oe11-il i 1 te it ceaî11 p1lai1eFfocr t': oii.-ftsec'- ftor t1xe î)ýtîîtîît l t l Ili ud!oit >F'cl. 24t î i m ttuýl t o'tf staîff St gii tt Guido lt::i i . (A)P.ý iii i i-l't- ci b* ' l.t t'dt m l. c tsaili t- cIa'eilicg, Nittî ld litc.ii 1;taîttiîicîlt cai i t ;c-rlenta ('artel- (rttccli 1tnt 1lite ai-- sccotcid h' b n-cle .-Xrla Pit--cîli-i 't t i('tîîtbectepîn i:c . cci i foll ltcwsý (ICa-: tt,(tiîii. ll-a('ttî',nl Biter: Grac ,rtli-îird'tii aîn'nlt-t Rat t-i CI cicl e I i l .îu1i11s i Ili-e thei a iiii FnlIttc'îi-c- .1 -u- ttettV Free Ski HeIp T'ihr t-lucxtS - (ý'lih cst ofr u - i iî'u a xx't'uuîti- f i c ai ri îc: i ' i i i ti alneci ie til-ùîc c .x-.t oc- i tlit- ex-lIci i l l-- tlit-i.e TItis Sitti i "' -'iuite ut1 t t 1iitc ii c -lni gciu 11c1 fo t ilt 1 1)iîg I li- Inî"n.î .tî Dur' ti: Nic. 11i' eC'l t-ti as pi i See Our NEW MURAL SAMPLES FOR A DECORATION THAT WILL ADD DIGNITY AND BEAUTY TO YOUR ROOMS! FULL LINE 0V... WALLPAPER SAMPLES (Apn)roxiniiatel>- 2.0 in stock) WEEKLY SPECIAL! SOIMF 50 SMAI, REMýN.NN-, (3 TO 6 ROL[.Si PACKAGE DEAL, - ONLY Regular Prices up to S6.( $1-00 *PITTSBURGH PAINTS e KEM PRODUCTS "SENTINEL" WHITE LATEX $9 Per Gallon$39 ABERNETHY'S PAINTS & W'ALLPAPERS 33 King St. W. Plionle 62:J-531 Norbert Prefontaine A tîîpuc of t iuiicx'itîtecstý cciIl lie disccusstc!a nt te Ca- ndiaut ( -'lobef West Durbantý tit Mar-h 4tiî at bbc Lieuls Ceuntre e Norbert Prefon- tait,(, ccli be the gcîest speak- et-r l.ecvill sîîcîik ocn 'A Re- x oluitîtim iii Frcench Can)ada -- ouct i f the Ca iaduan Ceni- tcîîcîcv Cotncîl - ccas hon un St. Pierre .tol 'vs. Manuiitoba, in 1927 lile us a gianlclunît' of tht" L'n ix ý oct - f Manit oba atici aI.s ia htsait M.A. fru-ct-iibc Vii c-i it rf iVittcai for' stl ditr t- iin 1'rtchlî it ertîti i-.. fI- ht- ý iis ie-t ab en-lier in mtont- itîl. ('ltefcf îfcîcuîîrabicîî cci-ý ice Cf rtdnu stat iti CKSBj mi Si. Brutu fat-e, a 'reporter fcur, i li e 'RCf' "reuît-h tiet x.ock,1 Situtt Ka..cu' Dicisioun of tht' ('N (cliu lttoIcn andAgrt- cutltur tin- ci-vice . publit-cerla t tits offttcc ii i bbcCou poca - lio tiitf Profeasiotia I Enginleers if Qîtelîrcaui!ni a u-agiuîg Du (eti if tht' Qiiehet-Rond Deer Visits F rt'i'î (,>J ,î oi the sripture Tht' iimic- (ti la- -lt- N rNItî tniA-xfoc! fion oin prayer ceas gîit b> t-r- SwIi\i- i na dt îrcgueteba' Mca. E. Treccîî, Mrs, R. Vir- Eir iiN' N' Fsander- te andre-iM . iSharp. Oiht t' Y, . îiun,îii.lin utî-ejou-r of ladtes t bkiig part cccnt M s. Ni cr Fnl ar 5V igiti cent iA. Taylor. Enfielc! -Mc5. Tiir i It: bîîiî.Burketon. Mis. L-.A'slî M. at bon and Mca. A. Vcerrc'. Ennis- Na .. indci t;mbotiýNIî.f;îi killen. M rs. G . Btxcniait'eni tIitlc .c c piayed a Ioc'ely orgati soîI. c i ti-c-' NIMi. atiinI rs. IH. Mcc. W. Crawford and Mrs. A.Nt1 Weirv c(et-ic-cc!the offcrîîîg N ind 'Gi-ý. Kritît eri-u and IVrs. Crac"ford pcnntii- son i iQ f-in»iiltc. - rc-nlct it- ced the beniedir-tînt Sevocal Nît -tii NlîM'. JiniM a .1nr byrnins were scîng dttrng tht-Np ; -ii i ic! Jo.îî servic-e. Mca. K. M-G(il iJoit rî -Mi .1hr' iit.Mc thankec! ail cc-bit ac! aketi ai tIMNI: Kitnti-tritgitutandu Kellv. Oshava. were visitors' Mrs. Harold Larmer, Burke. at McI. and M.%rs. C. Ferguson's. ton, nad tea last Thursday Nl-s Frank Dorland. Misswith Mrs. F. Toms. EIs:ýe Oke. NIr. Albert Oke and, Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, Miss Maureen McNair, were Oshawa. vere Sunday visitors Sunidav dinner uiests at Mr. at Bruce Reid's. and MIrs. C. Av crys. Mr. and MIrs. R. .1. Orrmi'- Mýiss KathY Sharp spent the ton were Sundayvivsitors at xseekend ,vith Miss Debbie M. and Mrs. 1-oskin Smith's, Dccxv,\- Hampton, Hampton. Jury &Loveil Ltd.. TO THE END 0F FEBRUARY Hy-Style HAIR SPRAY $2.2.5 Va lite NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 10-o,. Special 1.45 NOXZEMA INSTANT LA w ith Free Shave Lotion 89)c Value Rexail Fluoride TOOTH1 Reg. :; for 1.89 ALKA-SELTZER Reg. 78c size -Special 9 7c Now OnIy 1.16 &THER -Special 63c Nom.,Only 1.09 Special 63c Aiberto VO-5 HAIR SPRAY . Reg. 1.89 Nmw Only I DRISTAN VAPORIZER s1.39 Valuie For 11 LISTERINE with Bromo-Seltzer 98C Value Both for 73c SAMSON HEATING PADS Reg. $6,95 HOT WATER BOTTLES Reg. $1.29 METRECAL WAFERS $1.29 Value POLIDENT with Denture Kit $1.49 Value 0111-v4.95 Now Oinly 99C Special 1.09 Special 83c Jury & Loveil Ltd. We Deliver 2 King Si. E. P>h one 623-3361 1If i you're a financial wizafd, you don't have to read this ad I1 Payday. Bis. Expenses. Fun Money. Savings. ý,t How to keep track? Easy! Get a Pocketbank À %mail hocik.But a migbîy big purpiuce: it recordsc nur prîigrs in saving! Thi ki.i a 1Prrso-iai (bicquing Acciit chequehook compîcie withi'îsxocco dcpi(i > slips. A coccoicot and! locc--co.ct cciy 10 pa * ing hilix.Sýtcs tinte ai-d treuhie ico. Want fi, depoit nooney in yoîtr -4--Sac ings Accutini?7 Youîir dcposii clips arc right here. ln the front!t a con- venîcot cheque record for listing dcpositc aoc! chcqucs. li-elps you in record payrmcntc and K'cep (rack of cxpcnocc. One cf the ccîi-ýc c Ieeres ithat makes Pockeuhanik such a gond Idea The "Mrlocy \ianagcr-". [t actualiy heips ycu 10 organîce your mcîrc t 1 cixt you figure ouitue rîgit amounit for every necd. . . enahle'. ý uîtotan? icîpaie expense hefore it happens antd %et aîde the flc£ccýr ' i mix Thiî, cv eeuia takes care of every dollar anc! does a .y cctiltdouoncmpuiytldis. It's amazing that nobody exer îtiieght iof i>utkc htok i-ifore. It saves 'tOI time. Does for the indivîduai what accounting Because when y-ou reasu> tbinlc ahetît t, ju it et-il> icugî)gcal records do fer business concerns. Heips you to keep control to hndi mo'.-c'.isex Pî5kch.iîk t ercnai of cour rooney ail the time. flow do you get oole? iust walk wac-c - iC an> hranch cf "The Bank" and! ask. The friendly people ('hcquîng Accounit. a Sac tngcý ACCtrIrtitand a cimiIilcd nieney ihce cccîîld love tb show it to you. And it oniy costs 2Me management sysîem aIl comnbincd iin a liancsrînc walct. plus le salcs bax. -n rORtONTO-DOMINION WhecpîoLe ýmake the duference B. L. BURK, Manager Bowrnanvillc Branch ýOiD!ca tî,on cServce 1 14 w

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