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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1964, p. 4

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l'~hm Cinmdiipn St;%,.nrrîmn, ýtwrtmville, FTh, 29. 1PA4 EDITORIALCOMMENT - While wo are on Ibis earlv morn- fng kick, we cant belp wondening why that young deer chose t-be window of the Bowmanville Frigid Locker Svstemn to crash thnough on Sat-urday*v after- m-uon. And where did it corne from? There have been reports t-bat it f Iew past thbe Liquon store on Church St., seconds before it- aimost landed in a freezer. A dog was in bot pursuit-, ap- parentiy. Unt-il we beard this repor-t, we surmised that it had been cbased Plong the ice or shore of Vanstone's pond, had run behind Glen Rae Dairy and then made a mad dlasb tbrough the laneway jusi west of The States- mnan and acnoss the road. The possibilities of the incident ai-e fabulous. It could have picked ane of the ladies' bair dressing establishment-s just east of the lockers. Wbat- wot-ld have bappened then? A deer gailoping Pround in one cf t-base places, women ducking out- from under the dnî*-er-s in droves, heading out into the street, ibeir curlers flapping in the breeze. What- a ocramble that would hav-e been, and wvhat a picture for the paper. Sorne- hody migbt have been kiiied though, thase razor sharp hoofs or hooves are iot ta be fooled with. Furt-her to t-be east tbeî-e is Mai-ns Jewellery Store. One shudders ta \'is- N At thfe Presrnt timp, there appeass tn be a battie of sorts in pragî-ess over thbe proposed Canada Pension Plan. ru Prime Minister Pearson is doing his ut-- anst, or at ieast appeais t-n be quit-e Pager, Inc have it- in openation by t-be end of thîs year, wbilc Ontaîio's Prime Minister John Robat-ts is suggest-ing a slower approach, t-o provide adequate turne for a Iborougb analYsis cf t-be ec berne - We go aiong wit-b nI. Robatts, but can underst-and ftîll" vt-be polit-ical i-eas- ons bebind Mi-. Peaî-son's piegî-am.le hav sc iý.pedappeal oieel ectoatethatit s anattîmal issue in an Plecion ïhatcoul core PlaI . ie dur to is minoit.v psiltion .Asha of poitial art' vdependent- lîton t-be suppt-eofiose fel t-batisan lwiII ings, al cf these aspects mut-st be con- sideî-cd by a part-y leader-. Ilowûeen.t'te Pensiontisulie-me ts a big and terribl 'v costlY endeavut t As it- is preenl pinned it is mast- att-tac- tive ta t-be "vo)tens who neitber- tnder-- stand nor appreciate the cost-s. Familv alaowances wcre used as election bait at ane point. incîcases in aid age pen- sions have aiwaYs been gond polit-ical tîalize what- cotîld have happened in t-bat place. Ail t-bat glassware, tbose beautiful showcases. and se on. It could ha-e been disastrotîs. Or think wbat m7ould bave bapperi- ed in one of the town's supermat--kets. Picture youi-self shopping. You've just iifted a couple cf cans froni a sheif and rigbt- in front of N'ou a deen is skidding dow-n t-be aisie towaî-d vou. It- would have been sheer havoc. Yot- migbt aise consideî- tlis pos- sibilit -,-. Wben the deer leaped tbt-ou-gb the window of t-be Frigid Locker store, thet-e was a lange freezer just inside, witb the lid up. Just suppose it had jumped right imb t and there had been someane nearbv ta snap down t-be lid and turýn on the pewer-. That would reall*v bat-e been something by wav cf a news st-env. Fort-unately, it- bit the onc stor-e in town, wbere an experienced huiiter, Wilf Kitson was an t-be Job. 1le showed tremendons courage and se did Robent Graham in tackling the animal and wrestling it ta submîssion. We know quit-e weil if it had landed in The Stat-esman office, ail of us would be heading for caver, not- tbinking about a n vthi ng but aur own safetv\. But. tbat's t-be way things go, and tbat's wbat- makes life int-erest-ing. One neyer knows wbat- will happen next. gimmicks. But-, in each case. t-be eost-s bave skyi-ocket-ed. Mn. Rabat-t-sbas had some expenience in t-bis regar-d witb the bospital plan and want-s t-o go siowiv* because be realizes how eas y it is te st-ai-t sarnething that- has fan.reacbing ramifications. He bas just corne througb a budget-t-bat incîeased t-be cost-s ta bospit-al plan subsenibens and t-be in- creased revenue st-bu won't- bring t-be plan close to br-eaking even. One cf tbe best- articles we have repd conccrnintg t-le Caniada Pension Scbeme appeaî-ed iii t-h recentl AIac- lean's magazine, v.n-ittcti bv Blair Fras- en. We 'xvauLld commend il tI anvuine int-eî-t-ted in lcai-ninonmore aboupt it. Thei-c is a gi-cat- ceal t-c be said for a U-nixersal pension plan, htut- there au-e also sex-e,;-ai xeaknesses t-bat mîust be iruîed t-u--tbefcre ilit S latitched. The onlv tt-trgeic\v wc cao see al the mo- ment is a po)it-icail oneî. And t-ats iot it-uicd elcli 1tocii st-tuh ani ipourtantt mcuasn c. I1,t 's take al]t-be ltue neces- sait-' ta niake it- igbî before itl is bt-ont-t-hlt in. We migbt aise suggest t-bat thbe plan shot-ld st-art- ah a bat-e mini- mnUm and gradually impieve, rat-ber tban beginning too bi gb, befone ail tbe complications are taken cane cf. Uthe a4114anIUttt#lnan Durherm Counhyx Gr.>cr Farm)ly Journal lEstablshed 110 years cuqo in 1854 Aliso lncorpcsrcuînq The Bowmanvilie News The Newcastle Independent- AulISrigeti ci@ Su-nd( JOHN M. JAMES EDITOR-PUBLISHER $4.00 a Year, structly un advcunce h q pe; ..% The Orono News (-ro%% MoAbt he h. rtsi ce De.rOtiolwr,. ootfuir mnenr mi poaogo Prodcced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King Si. W., Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. W. GRAHAM ADV-rc. MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION RATES GEO. P. MORRIS BUSINESS MGR. $550 o Year in the Unit-ed States Altkouqh *vety pieccut0fl wii b@ tOk.en ici ovrrd PricrThe Cinrndirin Stlpsmon accepte odveitis- ini n lis columnns on the ,inde.ionodnq tbct til -1; tri o. lahi.le Inony e-ror orr rvrîpnn publiahod hereund1r r nless a rroint su.ch odvertisemeoint 1% ested i <t il<10hv 5h.Ccdvertîîsr end ltreunocd 10 The Conad:cin Sta-tesmnan hr.s ne%% olt-. ,It.% Oned hy the edve.:î.neî rond with sù-h arfor or colection piainiy noted in w.tirrather.on. mrd n tnt-i crço A ano ertior 30 noi.d :&nt rorected hy the Cnodian Statesmau, it% t'bll %ti trot c-xre. n '11 nipo!tioon 15the fitîer. t mi such advertim.meni as the %poco. occupied hv ho. nmt@d ertet bfors lt he. v.no. %poco nectiped Receive Royal Welcome Early Morning Musings Did you evçr wake up about 4 o'clock in the morning and find you couldn't go back to sleep? It is a most annoying experience, but one that hap- pens ail too frequentiy in the news- paper business where work piles up and has to be disposed of bv a certain dead- line. This happened to us on Tuesday morning this week and it is now short- ]y after 6 ar. We've breakfasted and shavied and been at work foi' more than an hour, no doubt disturbing resting tenants upstairs. This morning. we everi heid open the front door and weicomned the milkman. While eating breakfast, we hap- pen-ed upon an article ky a mcust- ac- complished young coiumnist, Gary Lau- tens, who writes regulariv for The Tor- onto Star and also appears on television. ht was about a sad woman from Hamil- ton whose 3-year-oid boy \vas in Sick Children*s Hospital, waiting for a seri- nu brain operation. Each day she carne to Toronto ta, visit him. Each evening, she returned home hv train ... a tragic, lonely figure. She brought to his mind the realiza- tion that ail of us parents, no matter how high our station ini life or how low, lîve, work, sweat and worr ' for and about our children. On the sarne page of this newspaper was the story of a farnily in Toronto who came home from à late church meeting to find their 19- year-old daugbter asphyxiated in the famnily's second car, still running in the garage. The fumes had permeated the bedroom above where a i4-vear-old daughter was dead on the floor and heir son. 8. died two hýouri later ln hospital. Can \-ou imagine the despair those parents are experiencing, their whole life's purpose wiped out? A fload of local memnories came ta mdnciaIt-iis point, tied in xith chiid- ren. We recalled the mothers and some- times the fathers making earlv rnorn- ing trips to the arena where their boys were plaving hockey' vat uneatthly hours. We thought of the %vork and planning that- had gone mbt the Cerebral Palsy Schooi and Treatment Centre in Osh- awa b « parents of handicapped young- sters. Incidentaliv, the\,at-e planning an Open House and Dedication on Nlarch 4t-h, We thought of the months of anxiet v and futility of a friend and his wife vwhose chiid siowiy died fromn leukemnia, and manv other similar ex- periences over the vears where parents had appiied themseives to so many causes, beiping thbe Blind, the Cancer Society. t.he Red Cross, the Ileart Fund, mostl y because their children or other childien were going ta be helped. In that- same vein, we are aid enough now ta have seen many youngsters trans- form f rom wild, reckiess, thoughtless adolescents mbt the mast serious adults, all because they got married and had children and accepted the dreadful res- ponsibiliiy of raising themn. It has been said t-bat "the bond that rocks the ci-adie rudes the wor-id'. Ou-r experience has been that the littie guy or girl w'no is either in the cradie or just bouncing out of it. in most cases is t-he one who calis the shots. Witbout them, life wouid be pnetty dull, wouidn't it? Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Whvte and their thrve chiidren, foi-me-lv of Bcxvnî ville, arrivedi recent-iy in West Afnica to join his mother and father, \.and IM Bert Whvtqe at Whvtehaven Missions. Thev atre shown hene, receivin- a toweicome from top officiais of the at-ca. The right side cf the picture pi-esnits1 chiefs from severai surroutding villages. Mrs. Wh.-,,te (Senior) or- 'Mlim' ass was known whetî she opeî-ated the WhNtehaven Home hete, is sbowti stancl rdirectly at rear cf her son. Sos' lio-t- aholt t- Beatîrs, hih* [ike Cacsar. lie> va t be> sot-, th> -iqi-e noxv. -,thev re bai-k houmer Rcgardless of xx liel itr luke theni, voîvepi ho off Ille nId chapeau t oa one w-lic ouîd, ini the nil- of a Northl Amerî--otu xvii att-i-art a foumr ttioîsa nd pe- screamîng wxelc-oming icomn tee, and a forttîîgtlaiel t birls',-fix-e li îuîdî cd sriîci butcmot- f w-ail ing baiîslees. top of aIl tIiot, - h Il art-ived bdac-k, inî Bligli fnomrntheur Aniicauî sof sux thoîisauîd scrreamniug mi mies met Iiîni aIttir Lonu ai rpor0. No %v, tlat-'s -ea sometbing bet-acîse nioxx- î ieîownted celebr-its' lîas ec had as big a sselc-oîiuîp c- nite, anîd t-s ti-nui.v tiroî able bcauseof ils sporitai 1 doti't feel sorrv f'or t-hemn for-svhat tie.v dit- paon aild Br-itai axvay bac-t h17716. A-I tiat time t-lie>-ni Bitain J.ook prýet-Ix' sil.v beat-ing t-hie fine, lpstaîdi Red Coats ih a buncb r a g R e ci, soîrl>. coloi wearitig ccciiskin beaddre 25 YEARS AC1O (IMarch 2, 1939) 'jouiýigiîzan 'S Coi/ini ýal- vln 'lî 'ui de (ux of Mý ptlio fr 1964. 1lIt t-cal anîd lic-altiifor 1 lIe a aîi l d\vas 1925 be Report from Queen's Park by Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. The iutPrestîîîg feature of the past week in the Ontarie Irezistature w-as of course tbhe Pre'se"Ilitîoî of the budget bv Ilie 1-1on. Jamnes Allan. Pro- vincial Treasurer. Perbapc due ini large part In the buox-ant economrv of the Provinice, t-be crîîpleasaîîî pro- pheicîs respecting i e%\,and sevci-e taxation did not ma- teiize. The increase in the ,asolirîe tax of Iwo cents aînd the Iicrease in h osi p i t a 1 Iprefmîumrs from $2.1() to $3.25 per niontlî for single persorîs ahi]11trom $4.20 t-o $6.50 for tarnilirs xvcre severe enougb, 11o-Vve-rt-o niake us panse and conuisder v-erýv carerully the st-Ste of otîr e cononiv. l'lie budget-s predîcîs a total of $1.1592 billion ilîcomne for tle clîrrelît fiscal vear, aînd out of esc-h dollar nf Ibis aliiontî't 35c w-il] go for educa- tiOll, for a total of $41 2,300.,- 000.I.lighw-a's s wil] receive asl icreose [o $299,400,000 and ~l5I t-O0tOw-il] be designated fot Il-ealtb - Public Wr]fane i<s iîcreased 1Io S$70,900,000 O and Muniipal Affairs w-îil recci ve $ 4:3 ) ().t())() (). TFiche bdget, the largest iîî I lic hist-ory of thle Pr-oviiîu-e, lînu Id c'a l for ca refcît scu t- inî'v biv thbe Goverrometît ilseif arîd liv Ibose bodies, wtîetbei- t1 le> h e municipal couccd. svhlîot b oa r ds, or 1tio s pital OBJTUARY ýh se ls takcîu s lonîg tinic-.huit kurîs ah. uirh-d Ileil- schliliig toni. Br1ilitaî fials et--oued thIl xl-itl Itlir sanie as icix .liii tt Mvr. Co: a all,cour b> vseuinug the Beatles hbc i-a> for fî. c it-'(' 'apte Gir auid acîuis thelie tînnuîg pond.,oaîrl >eam-s aotui-r lIa - ir i i-, 1ldet'- crI fuir 28 r lue saille R-at tes niade gant .Ire(t-vos a N, 1smiril t --al1ec- Ani e rijca fIip ils 1 diriit- t--i ie Butb- il r1oilip Imc take W-19c-îsc t--~. iota ofutllt-ir tit, Idcl1iliolIIu. Fi e s s ail>- ' Fic ir ailcged siuîgiug drîan't or moule> . AXîv g nuilp of anmd onci dd le 'scur(l' nie t ike it- does mns-v oiing fol lot--s xviii, li tiir A dat-'. ont it-er,i t-cuiuge graîuc-chlîdreti, but- (<t-ii Iit-uatl t- c. cJii lIist <l'itliv> 11 uscul thel r oioppisti baurcuts, dress, cf a 'totiglî licigili mi-icio, su i s - sM ýmit- anîd happy expressionîs, whlîeu ke NMerscv siîco, arnd risc (1)11< 1)i r a perforuîî îîg, do amuse me. As t th-le t-op if Illie rut-t-r- Ro.ý- o, I.v I-cî ff an '-vtenager tori ianie oeeof lau umenit-wxvc1u1Ici,- t-it i such Betty' v)ai .0ii thlesti ext raou-d iuary t--t-ing lit-île prepamat iit-îîi, or ' alî îuu>- niioui, sud 1II la>- v>oîu 10 t-o orne artistic sîtilI, du. <rt-e aniiru- TIlie('o ta «v , thiat- t-le onusxer i- wu be a t-fit-e i, v adc iîi "at-i( lu:u guruii i r vvÉ, - fa ni, fast- "John, u.Paul, George ansuri lick thiuî. uas-clis' îee- R-igo Pot-l is the sex.vei -'liýe ya 1iî l(,--s t-cc-i- ju l ti uiISatiiu. doî Iliat- sthie best- singer, Georýge qulit-k ta copi ta 117ze oiit-le ccli 'EhT-l(mcie alla-Y lias a sare tbuoat, Rhmîgo is t-be' ruenî craze, bv settig p ii lI ttril orld t-onîeciaî W-ho beats t-beimeichaud isitir o r ag anîzatîîîn s Iahot-t-ao vrt--rudn ts, Joli i s mannied, and kuîoxx-uas, Si-Itloc,b t-t- h i-ljisla srt;-- i-cn cr11- auu't t-le>- cnt-r." Beales ' pclecl bac-l-t-ard--. clu>, yeb. rk- 'Flic same teenagr-acou tel]i This oîîtfît ias atreodv sold R. J. 0>1h e i v. .\-ciou xx' nuchîmotev, cdean artilt-les ht-ai ug t-licBoailelIniiiuiliA n Ille cf taxes, t-le boy\s" rantr iinamne, sucli as rtI, i g- li a I,-il i--d t t-o bIllieStat-es, iow mnin-- recorîds shirts, mturs-uct- s sg.S. liOIl tt-tas 1t-o t-he ic-tat-- soîd durnîg tli i -palins, stvcatsîi rts, 3-huIt-unCcicl-r- k- Ili sîungung cancer: a Beatie w p tennîis ahi nIa, dîl la. lui tuine of ode P ost-s from $4 95 Io $2995, and sex-crat îmillionî collai t:-t-l. by 'tvt--bre t-ft-an bc obta iued : low x it-cmîe poissu ie xlîîîsu inîg tlie>-came lat-t--ar t-hem ont- ,I*iggel,"a %t-t-u up ii S2t9.i.ýa e of landlsbhihair-do, besides a T-shirt $2.98: a hucislii als, t---a lfîhit oft-ler per-tinîenîtin- $95 oi-. Diii t-nl ui st- 'e ss -formationi. So behp nme, if t-he tha t a liiript-aniuîu uit-is Chair t-osuîg ao ucnrd t-silit-li t-utlu-elu of tirinîg cuit ao Boa t iîtbilc -i for cn I loe no dotliblG v lutit-Iîs Bcatie-Iiilia ius 1tue In he imbîppest nier-liaiidi. mît -ft- uînr- 'Tlic ["e timu boom ta hilt bllîe wt-ccerî Rot-t--matrivsu bemispliere ini 1 l r - P roeii t- Cross ,Bîsu and centuiry. tflot dippel> dY(ogt' Tont-Hl Thîe snaziilg tiiic (- iii -is on Wcdnes S scnîbblor is lîrxc-tour niotr - Minuctes DI~istant P st licr, iialren-Edac-u diai pîî- n et oranm-ci ritad uîoFdsadit otb ea u Freili the Statesmnan Files tani- -Pla-yutg, rcii bt -<iilt vcr:S cbaps c-ould t-ait-o [liii uoîtî- foîr assistar cut t--a- lii il ili- in Jouîtian 4.9 YEAIRS AG(>:ru a.onid stoîî il ing t-t-lu i-hs 'Fi i dîstictît- Atiîc--icai «V' 1-a o'ln ncPortt t Niarc-h 4. 1915) c-hancue if.or o atu-lgii- ic I lleilinic. a i ilîcd du. t-<liitu h i5 ilc hoami bc- niWliel t)isasler MissPaue 'sgar, I 5 Nir surind rs. Il.A. Singer ou uas andocries. bas heon appouuîîed U~bliiniaiihiave rîîoved t-o BceeuIe. ai Fort- Franc-is Librar>- sud Mrs. Jas. Richards ' t-ait îeft t-is t-teck t-otake up lier i ier tînm- ct-e.Mis Grcî Nm-H a t r.>n t-t-rut. er, vseiat-va. M ibses M'a niouî Sc-ott- arnmsiGtds tolsSal11 Ireuî'Ii at-Qicii -' - Ia tcmixsurookst-lie ise :ts. K uigstoii, apeuiltheie-t-ce.- Hrinîoc-ouîhIlcSp ech Cli nic enid itb Mn.,aand Mrs. S. M. iss Yrciiiîpsd isEihe -iIdP.~h Mn. CecdltC. Mencur. P.P.are altelldillg the Milunei *E lot- DîrhauiuCoîîîînt-stusil' ripciî in Torii'Ionitt-. lt-t iiludas sud amîîuîuphis Ni. BAia llggibthiani, .A eit-icti l- u cx a- liic nuiiiiotis catis st-rs oniet-i Oit-oriiiLdies' College, Wtiht- Mh1 Ic-NnniuileMni,<îur- Tlic Wooad Sta r.hi> -petit- Stmuicîsea t lier fat -li- arniiicla llhi uiil Ol i nu-. Co- MiVsa Violet Os;bii-ir. ti1-al-crs hio 01-1t. ci Feiui: 1'1lu. 0 fr n)f ir. sud Mis . Kh .. O- Mrr. '. W. ,tulîufe snd 19tiili hi lcron uu t-t-lt-i îfu bt-mue, Xelliugtoniît.,enercu- Privut-ieRepiuahcl I lrollmffe , -ttuijuirili t-h lis rilIts 5-Cru ed rnUiitt inVWel lu-sic-s- To,'cronit-o, suirrl oid frîruds sar-iabs ac-n i cnsin-ig t-ut e-taToo.t-ci c eeourhure..M-s i. v-N uu u Fi îsîr oi Gu-eTm org e and t--cck. it-t-Rc-îî,h-iitatioi lc-uîidiu-, ii. Liliu-ii-s.Bt--tiiruit-iHt--,Aici Nl !Luet--l iephuitri lias rio-t-ensuis cr liii luuurail M s snt-S uI, etI sr lmi ird t-nulici honme ot- Kd- JeanitîF.««ai ril, s 1-uuh i Iuu :i Mt-isdc-t-h huMitel s aiîum Iomiialler a pîcasanu itt-sut- Ot uîdct-iiu-îl tlu:ueIýjru,îî ti- iigliî ai Mu. Atlf Nluiiis'. E[- Mm Vt-i rlcp.alel-i ii t-îuituiîii ni Slt--ct.\M r. umi Airs. t-M. D-, N'illiauiis - li- the (i11111c si- urriruhi ?tliss Gî-lt-ys Chu. ocîat-t i t-tnibu vIu i i iii chu-u u î-h(lrutL- I. 114<:<i -rî-r spemi thîe xxeckcîîc t-ili NI r i lu i F( Rt-o.> I E. Miles, ht-ai Ut-tc-inu t-tflluilul an sot- Mca. Leonrard Ma ri ii, Vt-iIos * 'N.Y Tsstas a lnlu-t i -u tiu Bnadsaaxt Strent-. MmnsKE.W'. Par tinîsu, Mibs cliic hld li"-meFeitumyi I 1 - "lie Yot-img Meu's Club hl-linugian anîd Miss [aIe Bic-k -Ninre cli udre-uispvci t-l t-Iil a meetingir n t-hei n , em-- tn- cli xere in Ihe t--t>-at-teuîduîg it-h e -t-r-u mîrîhîti iin rlu pou-ont-club ritunris ui Tiethe Mt-illiuery uîpeuîiugs. xcxarnd l-tiltlu- t-s uit ýl u Stat-e ni Block, Tîîesdat- N-Ia. J. I-. Cat-anagh anîd son cnisde -l ft-r îanluinrtuens.i right. Menihershiu tcuniinil - Hi] Ivt-t-hohiavt-e ben spend- tihrap> dcliii d luiliu-hoiu lii tee iricîtuderu .Ab. Cclls , Fr n-eth au scouple <if tuiohs w'ittr 'ou-omît-o iie launuîîu i - 1 Jac-kmamî, Huîb,lHruopor sud lier t-mu-leanîd sîîut, Mn. an-i childrnrîst-rru- -cii fuorir Il-fut--I BiI laines. t-ls. V. Il. Wilimaois, t- b tunir-. NIci-i itf' i-es i-i ltlbss L. Cit- uii, Toroto. St,,tsa et-i d t-cmt-hein forrt-hftccîiîni<lucit-ti x-strd xvurhîlirr coumaun, IVrs. hîonîîoini Nedne cHat, Alla, cill>' or a stanmr ru--i exl M. Cocxd. lt-ias clada-s tVeatsxas- a w-ho as in effet-I iicir :ut-t-i i- An !Metcme. g rp ;roprsiui t-.s îo-hec-nin cle hiospital fan gpose srd hruît- hi-nr ici ic t-f puesented oui Moidav eveuuiiip t-vo t-vnok,, st--ile undergoiui t-ouatiloti. at- Sui- Joîîîî s A.Y. PA. Pr-e-r- an opmmot ue îhlas so fanrm-o 'T're chu drein <alud f"i n dent- S. Casbcîîrmi t-c astser ot-rnet-hasin ho r enint-ed t-u s animîtparie if Ilralnu andîr of cer-emnomies. A inoI-set!ier born Btt- inut-iîllieur Nonttî ii rilaiid Cu. Oýbs ant- plat-'it-as prisenîred C'a"l cI uns ut--frietîrs ilu s i i Il be rang i n i irufrinei n sc-'u15. Tchie Bo e> Rrt--nms' hicI idcd pieased t-o knrîxoft ler ra pid Sornî rfdhîth liii h iiiI out-_ Ctîc:r Janmea, \Valler [hall: tenes .-er-. iid <ator. es t-t-eu-re-irît- t-r it-I l'and ut i-t-o Philiip, Ant Cîll> - Auiît Eui- Mn -, Perc- Piper is paîuîiuîg Pe n e ronm li-ii -Hn 1uni il> Rcth N'u-e: Mary, t-liendsur cIterinp for 'l'hie W\V ,n, cirfrcunu tutt (alt i ,illeit rnîaud, Hachuel Wrighît: tbc Gray & Souis and Camipbeltoltaocservec Cook -,t-VIns t-h iggilia. rs Fuir- Co.. Chlihiain. Dr. ;Cul(u- - ut-l il est Dittmng t--as preseît-ed xxibhî Mn. J. 1- Pansons, Darinug- speech traininîg irdclt-cour- a becqcmt cfflnot--eus for tbelhonu, l iug lieu-st-er, Musast eci s d isabi lut-s dut-nuract-rd-ý t-a>- she bad xxorked wt-t-t-h tleL. C. Hcakli. iug lt-r t-lit-asdt-C a lt'a chuuupuic- dasi. -mak inrg t-be plat--possible. Ma.r -El iabc-ti i Ru>.Lexiuig- me siioult-I ho siai Ilit-t-I1lu nrt Hia-don : Mnl Wtn.TrTent- tonil t-o i -hi- s t-liiîg bol -er eregrc-It-eclthat- t-ic ta c iies us v-ust-îng at Mn. \Wm. Smuths cousimn. Mrs. (Rem) , W' . C -c speech lherapp: xer vert- Whit-bt. W's-hngt-omî. - niiled dune prnnîsrîlt- t--r Harnpom: Mr. Fred BilltI Hampt-n:uMn. and Ms J.' sbontagt cf quialified Iruer-' 'oronito, speuit Itie weekend Ranîuun have reîcînned aflerspîsîs. aW A. E. BiH Wt-ta. vsit- pIhi r daîugblers in Tb iii .dunst-vas iii hlu-- leskard:-MMn. Bos obhuns. Tornmto.t-aîitne ilett c-opu-ranoiuicf Toontto. ismed bis parei-eît, Euikil cri: Mn. JaF. St-sun- the faninlv pi-,1sict-r dni lefer- N. amnd Mms.-. N. Bobburs. t-oui lnded dean c-nut t-vr a-ring =>-and nt- -t-ukur. n.i (on- Orotit-: Gloti Tarmhly-tîpas- stock rat-k anîd st-rt-rktIs hîcad t uncticn iii -i ti- t ic-[uh I h Pdnecromt- urtermrediaîe exanîsis asîoux--auk.i-ecei--nig s nurses. i,-nomst tiutlie setu t-it tl irat- ciscs hoions. ses-cre slakitîg-cîp. on Monda.v.'10 ibe pli rai-ici îd - [<ori)l t- Mr Ccii Fchl, bu'i atlbcaî behctîgiîtng triàht-ptI ancliitbl- but a s smo hie ng nS ire. . .Muunt-upset thbe slîgb,, U w bc hhelu -it-ui t-ticpeur. lt-vu f1neC)a ri vue t-l 'it- -et leit--i 7 pe-ople bave benefied si t-li-( hast mîee-ting, arnd ais t-h a t-h \\ cha r cd el Tlheu- iuîuie ic irSimgc-las-, hi iimtr- u îrcr- tlle scupcu-s-, utfN ujs ayue- uIli oui Moinda: rgt--aIlIlie Kiox Cti-ist ai Schlûul A l-tial uof22 larhît ait akuuîg [Iarnui t-lis 1- t OBJTUARY MitS. LYDIIA M. ('AMi-:iO: 'Tî h-numl ut- ofa Puni-1Whi'tIi ru cuîî .lM 1>s. t- lia Mai-ia dîms Fehi mars- 1P 1964, ah tht, (ishiit-a\ Cc-uit-i-aI ilcnpibs I sfic-, a ong< iIiutes. M ru. Camernt- n it-lied or 101 Brcock St-ec Sonit]!, Whiths * and \-as in bei She t-tas the fuît rer Lt-di. NiMa'r l- onid w-as bcuuuîni h arriipnion 'Fow-tistuu p. FH er paui irts tt-et-o tfie haie Case-, Shie tuaicn-I rlDoualdh (;ranit Cami-roi Fin 1914. Afîcie e nîîuîm npe. N t.Co ourou i resin t-ti ru Prt Wbulbs 'iede- i n-a-e-h t-- Osamernhercof tht Aigi-(ari (h rt-h o! St-. John, Sîsc asjîrlceasedbslic-i hw d-iiuti 'lx a-ouuph t-r's sutn t-ve t i A t-utt- o I li,-a Mîth raln An. C Hcî,IcinRlo- i(Cbar - bt-rli tut-f 'hilh su t--o uandhiildrnet- is\,e s ustit- aIan st- ýi %e :s NIrS. Sehîjl o-uip f Selhi> Mu NI Ma re .Sexsninîit hI i-rs. Edia Prîtu-. nr- sh el Bot- iivi' anîd us Witinifred Gon-d- roe -uli t-f Boxxmanv-llo. Tiirt-cbru lc-s.Fnch.Ro>-arnd lua- ' Tuuil.prodoueased Nuhus To.'lcwnî Fcuuîeral Chape], Wl tb.-for the fumnîcuaI sent--ut-- r Ih cuhapel oui'Ihis-daiv.ý Frnîrv 20, at 310 pm Ros' I NcKihbcri.rec o f îbý Auugîua n Chi t-ci) oIS,.. .John,. --cund iinrd tiIre uit- tCrItr- nicui t-t-as in St-. John'usCemne- tci:-. IVARI) E. (OX 1h cf Edward F 4apte Grove, occurre orotîto General Hfoo nSat-urdla v, Feb, 151h, t-tas<in lus 65t! 1had bren in faîling r sonirlime. s hom n H amiltn the son oi the laie nd Ilarrielt Cox. In nîamîied the former r> Clark at Homil- x Irfi Hamniltoti for rove wlîere be resud- v\,a rs. For t14 vears ail emplos ee cf Hom luit-tries im-ited. sirv-ivcd b>- hîs t--:f daiphiter, M.rs. larrY i (Fratices) cf Wliî 1also lest-es four rs. William Leckner MIrs. William Laws MIrs. John Pearson ind Mrs. ,Jack Dcîggat Ill cf Osbaxt-a. grandcbihdren as Mr. Cox w'as prede- lt-tO brothlera. Ernest uet îatsresîrd ai the. t- Fcîneral Ilhomne, for tlie nmemorial ihe -hapel on Tues- 19 at 2',p.m. Rex' îoruîe of Chris;t Me- iglîcan Chîîrch c-on- lie sori-t-ce. Itu er- r in Oshat-va Unîion Cross rmen Reports Phrcir *v mïeetng col îleI and District Rec ich was hîeld in the Ill cotmoril chamber ,dav. Feb. 12, at 8:30. of t-be meetming w'ere appt-ovedi. The Sec-, irtrd sendiîig tbank- -s tii variocîs people ire dcuring t-be eluuic uiruîîau cf Blond Do- Ld ci t-be sureess cf <tIi To'rnto, Penter- îriîîg thc eveniîîg b is talenit. is Campaiguinionîli îîîîal Blitz for funds Id oii Monda>-, Mar. i7 - 8 ptîî. Châirrtîan reportrd i Il e il 1~ t- e t-- r r c-r iii Mls 'F niuiifm:fi 1 llus', t g- o o~ u l fo r a n < '\o l jr- l I in a hole dIjipt-i) l liu1v I plat-Place; Ihaï. tthe us. hurl il tiFiiiip a: iu ,u -il fs ý1ni smaitî îoNviî dorsum't provide lime ori1 hei-irI in ili- s, t Iii ui ( a nif- c ltrar l ttl>l)Otitities imuuiuiuii. l luu1on li d Iuîl l uu. al'.um: u t ecthui it-til v i <- ii l e i - pJuu i s of 44ft- t. uth i i l li Ip dtih )I ul]("i orirt-i c a(.t- ,lIt-' a sniili i'tu sut- ".c-t-u. cf aux -uizt-. bhui-I, Itimuis t-iiîi 1) .li-- n u ll foilo-erd hy a djatr-jhe ilict--j Itiut-cev l to--- iui agaiîst *"titY iin-tg." Ils high pia in iect rnts.lils hercvy traffic, frulitshisu-nluus ut-lue -ity a frienilunrss; il'. distance< r l-t-ti i. loîuî t- il, i i qo IlîOuî i o il hat idemi -raradise, the speak - h tl-îurcviii <ht-uit tl- r er',, home lot-sn. oîîd ttMiili avét--cliti I ku 1o. I lt-uit-ut-t--1, utilfi( -'1'lis .inâoltiuc riu tcjln-t-- nos-ct xsuiirtlsrd i lwimter un t-lt iahéIin cut-.anul gue)- club t-nlid ri rînni 1u "This n;FriiI.fa - jrncorS rruun lu i c-.u-tluibt- nui1uj , filu; -lti-t-I ii ic ti(, le (I fr at'vnr ra 1 0iî'poaful ,at iouIl - 0[ cf 11rf[p:- niiredirilîl-,, cf tt ncl athilî,t-- cîrtu.sd cunuh esopli-ýtIcLrd afilhilit-houiie ts n;uu.i-l a acc <tr) i-uts- rot l. t-tliai -,îu u doi inu Iho i chjumi I p he myth', iultipiv. In a - <p iioriii nit-uiîg. pli;ipn, c-ht-iof a million, theatres or.> -bringri u u %4-tr aili ], ,i i uIr- .-hru f empli-, comet t. Iic Ppat- [uu. lii- n l. - t-mt-h Piu su, inatii rtrwds,, exotlt restau- - mtg Itlu-i liants. go broke. Iii - a small h - -place, one-tenth of two per Oîr uuîru iîi5iai k,11il-c- a' cnt of the populatioîn 1 res'- - t nul -i i- in cîcr lii o- lling in thal. fishinz, hunting tio f'Ii u tt- -t îu lt-ut-t--lo(i uu- and '.0ofn at the front door. ouf lu fc. tO c tt-i ) tairt- The' rosI are at home watr'h- 'Fhetit-n! rl: Iu pucuuîunîing the same 'IN'program as t-t- tI t suii -r fi-icl ( >the Iio - in the ity. igot aIt-n, -. h lum-nhî-lg ()il SatuArrios - 11 whiuîe c--cl): ai lulur. i l(.' [u- it", ploiiî iit-i s bru> pluIt înîto prer- a n uit-i uiot- o- 't-u c-. iloti d >[)"(<!1% (c, <uni a fuurIi i bp -- Ilîte tlui l'i Ihuiltltuu-. : lImilt-sa'ý, iut-Into tlic. cit-, inuOllé, Jimt-li i - i llu I il tu -iu-Iiovr trsti u piorulr t-hie thtu.salisOrf tct-Itiu - i,llu O .uîiuh-p fu .ti ) i l;p( pcnîrg lui foir a da ot- r t-r xc l tillr h ,i--e n fiiîitc- o0- aht-1. su-e shct-tSsLmuk Up Sonie fisliir, t nlliF guîfiuîg ali-h fa,1( 1 t i luîy- 1%nheu I'm iisteningte ,.tume ut icn t-i aumpountlicrtire î nid buddy r.ho live%. in the' aur)5 tf pce Pgcîuug uort-b fomr city, 1 nod '.agepy when h P, ilre ukimng ornswîmmuîg <or Poit, cut Ibluthlie rit', O- ln tirlîn Thc-s drmtes-i-n eciting place tu lut- e thaft ilt-o ci t-n t caccil nt-hrcn. fboards. w lin will be 'the in- 'Citv gnralpposepd the pro- 1 vertors or the monev. ject. The abilitv of Ille îaxpav er (21 [t would tend to Ob- to meet the rising cost of il\,- st rut-i aud arrow' both Wood ng is rapidîx' reachîng flee'and Carlton Strerts. saturation point and aniv (3) Public Ut ilities-. Hvdro. tsharp increase in taxes :miglt Wa'ter and Gas oppose'd ,t be the straw that will break stron-I v the carnets back. (4 t ,wotlld set a dangcrc1fi. Il îs therefor. nm v prer-edent. rîtv stadiumn opinion, the dut.v of alt bnards;w asi frd to but the en- and aIl levets of govcrnîrnent croachment of that stadiuni 1to make full disclosure or w-as on pt-opertv o\wnted by 1hlow public funds are, being thîe Universit 'v at the timr. ispent. Tl'o oflen tlîis is tot (5) No atlowance. apppared fuîll 'v douc, dire perhaps to to be madie for- parking ne- the getîeral coînceptioni that commodatjon. the average citizen is îlot in- «il l'le apartmreîîtg adjacent 1tercoted, or dors îrot under- to tlre Gardetîs on Wood Street stand. As th( SI/e (if Illtin- w-ould be deprecitîd in value. \-cstmenî of public fiiids and ( 7)r Thle project was strotîg- the size o-f guo crii'meut opera- Iv oppoýýed h\-tte Toronto t loua on aI levelsni-ieases PlaIn îîiIugRoard aud bh. of- il is becom ung moire aud more fitu nil*th( Departîmeut of apparent that UIll taxpavýeIr S Nlîîn ipal Alfaîrs. going ln demaud a fnllerIci-- Tue 10>1 cveek gave me irw colin tilîng oppoî t'ni t i:to in elo0'v severa lu1 presonitng a non -oîfi- Ilcî i llte Couit v. On detîce motioni, th(e Li bcra I fin-Wdîcs 1 , lad thte priv'i tcge anc-jo] cri1 c, Ross 1,. Wh cher (if slîariîîn laiîîl Niplit"at ( Brcc-cIirit îî-î,d 'lic use in tlle MilîikA rena The cx- the pasolîîîe tax anîd hospîta] ecnn\-e ofthie Millbrook Miii- preroI inis. If tax iî-ra c o ic- lt-ev ssocaîi are t o niake tlîuîs îîlerhe.h wlng-anae ute I.r o- sail. moensd more of our anci tuelîîce players o<n protile vîll no-e t-n oîlîcî tleîir oîtslaniîdîg slc .Fri- a rc- S. Thrje a re ai1 rea d v da vei i \î vas tIlle anila it 1,000,000Canaffians ini Cali- dînlivi r îIflte Chrr - Port foro a tiîow ' hlopie Briîc-hof Ilie Na vt- M r. Br \-de,ituîanî-al c-r 1-- Learýîîe cf (aiiada. This \wai- for tIlie N.D.P. n rgcd a furthler a iîu-t rew.a rditig oc-casionî andi expîenditulre n i 'i vErsi t v rt -cailevd airot her i ni por til it e x 1)a ris ion. The vrr 15 i i naspect of voiîîh Ira iîîiug The P tieed', lho said -10 mov-e to- le cufi the T an sd Vitl- ward a halarîied bridgct. lage sectioni of ttîe MavRN1S and Que co0111olo\ rsîa I til] arulîs- Rce--e> Association ii Bow - rd -oîisideu-a Ie puli l inte11r- mnit- il le ci otnîrd pro-id - est baît -ek. Thi s ,vas ttîe cd mec pa n iiila rI s w-tî an ini- Au-t ri-spec-tiugthie Ciltv of -reasevd kowleg f t Ie( '[or -11t0, anîd partic-îla-l - Scc prrihleiiîs facîîîg 011r mniuîe- tiomn 4 oif thle AcI. wlii-l soîiglî t politàus oaid thec dcdîcatcd cf- Permission for à1a pIe f Lea f forts (If or îiîîlic'ila] (01< licil Ga rdrîs Ioerct an i thop or s ii s-ekI<ng siîlît jols t-a in, section oîî Wood anîd Coi I- tlîeîî ton Streets Io accoîîîmodlaîc '1lîe tt- 'k <-brd in a verv sonîe 4,000 more people. pli-osant ulatîler, wîith the The Comîîî lIce. of w-hic-h I pport un lt-v cri Sotlii-dav eveli- bav- e l-lee 0 lie a up (if sarilipg the aîîîîîîot tiienîber, ru 'edog st5 this sec- Ladîcs' Nîght of tuer Masonic t ii of th(e Act.Ih d id so for Or cIrrliR -îoîi leaîd a t-he toIlom-l up reasoîls. \t- c iciîjîoble drîceat- Ts- î l îilic opiniîonî îî tlîc 1,011C. Minister Describes His Varied Experience On B. C. Coastal Charge A<t thr i- îîer rmccii upnut Clcub lielci lorhe'spDîî-- mîari Motor Hotet on Mvond-a v, Fehi ciar nsv17 t-lie giest salîcakorl Rot- . John îRomnerîl. Maplo Grox-e, shosvcd a sonies cf coîored alinhos depict-iîg tbhle magnifîrenr aceocr f tbc, TEhe gciest speakter t-s-s ini- t-rodrd b isG ordoni Bee-h t-tho told 11P le t-uîb tlia t Rev - JohnmuRonîcrîl. H.A., B.D.. ilaO zradcistr of Quectîs Umivcr- arts K irîpatoni. ard Iliat Or als nlook pot-'-graduote aI i- dI ce iii Si. An rcs, Scot- lanîd, at St MavaCollege. Folluxving his oaidinatioin Mn. Huinuriil s-cvnl*,o 1hi(, West C'oastto toit-e up a anet-ial seut moing UicddChîînhcha lirge. Dîuring Wuild Wr Il Mn. Rornieil scvdas a na pîî in thle novv, Mn. Boch sta .d -Mnr. R omne ril lias hc- MinistEr of the Unlîrd Clîîîrch ai Maple Groxe siu-e1%. 1962. HoPle nîarried and lias t-rrr daughters sud crie son. He is the sou cf Rcv. Piluhp Romet-îl, paslon cr the Itnitcd Chii-h inlii Hac-ksînc- Mstr.1 Heu-cIii nuu)fne-ird iii fMo o-- Kitt-a mi1la n -r Mn. Rtmpr il spcikct-if his iharp 1- ~ -e on-wes evoa st- <h I ci-turd 100> niles fnoîîî Band fîctd ciii a rlot-',Soîund îîrtî Eslevcii, BC. Aniotig flic pla-es he sn-das mnîu- i1ri-n iii1ewan-es w-crePou-t Alliot-ni. the Indisuî Rrscrx', Lit-Icli. Tofitia Air Base, and t-li Sardi Indiat i errvr. Dii rng bis threo --cvars pin tflic, Unit-rd Chîurcb muulst or for thîs eutirr roastal ares, Mn. Romerul t-ravrlled fnom iîlo c-e t-o place bv xtat-er-%iii a 70t-ouidiesel dri\ b ,hp clt! rcuîd the clcub t-b 4. Sl< i i la eac-l centre in» 1Z e ind tishitîp crumiitnvwene sisg to riplit t-ecks spart, but tlint lie haod est-ablished sex'efra1 Suuda- Sc-bools that t--rre The eolnîrod aiidespesne b-- Mn. Ronienil shoîsed th- faisbro ac h es, r n xg ford îotiîî nu onie plac-es, am-j th liith foircats cf that psu-t uf Calnada. Somneof !t-be reat trocs pitured are six feet in A xit e cf adid re Ssand bi s talk with t-t-s movrd b- Tue, prealdetît, aIt-o exprea.sur ;ipll!rPciaiollutr b i-s ihn tPres 1i n 1 for i111stra t i ii igrapbhc sie e }lank .Jetîstiî. James Calla.s, i bis pn sorn a Mn r luo nil . SUGAR and S pIlC,- , iBY'itt B Bill o onriti i o hp' ihle ntmrtke urul theUi shose s amndmicr Wh at Would You Have Done? Let's Not Hurry This Pension Plan Smi lev GRASS is ALWAYS GREENER

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