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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1964, p. 6

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Il RecentLE rRaise Hc The mental],vili patien,, Most cases. has a better thr 80 per cent chance of retur mng tn society witbin mnthu, as a result of rece brea kthroughs in drugs a therapy, Frank R. Ho, Toronto, toid members of t Bowmanvjlle Kinettes Cli lie was the guest speaker the dinner meeting heid the Flying Dutchman al Hotei recently and was inti duced by the secretary, Mi Audrey Sleep. In describing mental illne as the number fine heai problem, Mr. Ilogg, of tl Smith Kline & French Inte American Corporation, saird fis more hospilal beds iib cancer, heart disease and d lu erculosis combined. Accon ing te the Canadian Ment Health Association, lie sai imental illness of sorme kir afflicts 1,800000 Canadians. strikes one persiioni 10 (j i family in four. -"But the pictiii-(- :rnr Rue Dairy PIIONE 623-5444 FOR LHOME ')ELIVEItY SU MtUR ('AR1 1 M[K TO THE BAI I lieu arre 'rugir fur'.' i ntic n,i iîeîrt c'. SOI on ir crn dralrr itif- "r î nuc a citai ltat And %.'hrri\ icis h.irgcinhi,' Str B.nk et \litiiei faitîl'.' h iri c-1P la'.'.-tacýt. hvi c tic bargai uliiU'. .î ýI -BANK 0F. liqFpl Bovvmanvill1e Brandi: Oîhawa Branch: j AmNir' 8 7%0. Canadilan t-t Kinette Club Spe2 -t 1< Jr 'esnmn, ntwMnrwlle, Feb. 28, 1984 eomne çwhm lediln the ffrst, M' prayer. The re5rnr's1ve pnalmM i s k ~~ker was read hxSusan c'ever ~ E meyer oi Port Iliae repi tCUe El ected senîplure and G! cliClarke, hspesident of Weih'orne char tu' rugBre kth ougHiC, led tice oifercnig dccii- U nited )ru B eak hr utl s cat -ion. Rev. F i Musnes- sage was for ailbn. ite_ýpec'caIic Li I I the manv -,ourg r'otc PrIcoeSre-Uie ent. Flocintf ho seceivl(',2 )pes for M entally ltiH over 30 .i rv SCicr. : n iu brîgbt sude bon." the speaker regular hasîs for patients ne- paewaSr.F.Be n1'v.ti.rStM ran saîd. "The suilerer from most leased from mental hospilals poreope c.hoofc c c:cf 9r . V, t rn- types <of mental iliness has is necessary bo reassure thî eople of 10n a e .'~tc ini, )'l, i.cclelc six a better chance of being cur- [patient and-heip him cape with ' ui," ' _i 1'.L V. Rurtard Itheir need for, i pa iacc ent ed Ihan if he %vere suffeningipersonal prablemrs, ensure thatilsrtdh ak nd fîom .eîther cancer, heart dis- he takes his medication, heîp ilîtae utrc u U utpc-diî perientes in lI-s t 1K'. Blrc' 99, ease, arthrilis or nephritis,' him find a job, and loccer the Couînc iHor *p r\ l.i' \r. he Mr'. Hogg pointed ont in hîsr risk o? relapse, the speaker ex-- Rev. Freceî ri v r.cli i!lci ll IL k',ri119 lub address on The Sulent Revalu-Ilie.H eerdt hs11sD.S!,.ln' o lPi M .Dt at lion. teamnt Hs rcferr-e -F thî a Msr<. Sk'clu oi o Hof' c a'. i. Htle explained that at no timer the bridge needed by the ,Weicom-e mncI "rc cu orjr, the past have prospects for patient ta make the transition Hcrcld I r .of thecluntf sec'r o- unders'randiîîg and îreating (o his normai lufe. .CclKingcSt Irs. mental iiaess been as promis-1 We heip thase recovering - r. j cl*ui c 1 l ,;Mr ing as the,, are today. "Pro-ifrom mental ilines 'cshen ,%l Suinnce r 1r I, rr - i cc-r i i. O 'r ", b e'felssional forces ar'e mobilized accept then' as thev are, wlien Pleaseci 'uc I.r cîcot "Mr. *tc' r'p 3cr lhagainst mental iiiness, and we %velcome them Intol aUI'Davco clcc' J, cl icri cl rr ' ionuci he iec dîngs are povenîLI wea- homes, au uiesses, aur or- an lIoo cc' 'ui ,(ir,'c ,'c' , ri - roporactu - itpoî.s n their hands. The ganizalians," the speaker said. Toacniî Cl'; r' ( r' rý,rîc i'ciii l au ear1 for new, '.more effective Vhat a former mental patient Mr.W rIl B o r crf1I_o ! " r; r c oi b-drg aîud psychiatrie îech- wanls above ail is a chance~__vîsted wit;il l... : l c rT Bc lh iiLiu, s cniiii a chanc'e ta pick up the tîtreads cîji' r d- ofiqties--t bcontptd nceuuin rs.Si ai The discocerv -ofte un- o i u t eacptdoc lo M. r:,rC r r cid, nsc:al propertues ai psycholra-, more by hsfamîly, bis frieiids 'o'm uc ,irrc c l"bî id pic' di- cgs-- or ' r n ui i rs and his com m u ictit ici r I ic t-in 19.54, miaiked an import- Kiîîelîe u n e 'icMIcllen Business Direciory'y.r moved a vole ai thanks ta MNr. --- --(. r r .rîuac lie ail s eib'ieakhhlracigh, Hogg foi- bis informaticve ancd AFI. un s cîculIltie speaker. 'Il ceca- ml eresting add,'ess. c o ta y it ;Itoizd retnet fmental il unteBcnai c ' r ilr"s. p h \ li. ic'auis a new ile'.'tt President G lad ' - î<r" ':r'c' irie ccc' ii vii ritu tîeat Il t,'utt iaisi) expresser l ccc a ."r rI r J.c cscc îc i c fi atens îeii ,jpi eciation b o the guestcîspeak- Cc.ii trli n ' r' iir i ,, rr ¶ii. i~'r ticr'~c iis the n iinette Club's àMohîc nu ctl iIn5." 51'.llog ai. and Guests Niglltdîîîîer niecî- .î:>'.~). i tl)Kt ,r "oecf the l taîqcîilizers, îîîg iececed a beaUtifciî ii- (c 'îrIi,, rr.':r ,., . ' clicrrrrrr'r inrr' Iltle spring ,sage o astelcalarcd chry',saic- lc'c cr1r r"r .' c'rî'g rrf 19,52 c'.a. heli. ,stcîdîed ait, mnis Ilhoic' Biuîluct' Laboratoi'ies -Otcr' i f.rrr .' t"u' ' r, ' 'rri( n F'ranc'e andcIat SîrîîtiîKliner CcMr'7'7TTr IM IG. 1N5c,]irî c & *'eI"reîil îLabaratarues in WVV1JEYJIYLE Plcttcrcic'tthia. SK&F svientisu 1~a' ia L.. hi ' t '.I'rr"'%t iii t(iîc tiaît tcipioiiiazin i h ega bo report niiiac N',. .rr ' ' .' r lt l' ini rîîo f rc inteiestîng e?- o? the lttle folk ci'.Ic i tieiCar. Rrccr', i. 'I ' ' feri t ý. 1*,L-cntrol led nausea iccerut il lîess. Allait Wi 'oic I:>",." r ilrilc(f c'cIîIîIi t iig. 1 t pradced bias reca'eî'ed fi oni a tonsilc'c- ~r' i1 tic r henietv jr'.'.'body tem-, tamy'aînd lus sisîci' A ilme. 'YALE., l'il Il t)1 N N 1>1RPr itrcitcres iiceded for certain irani the Imcîmps : Wesle'y aouuu& (10'<111A I, ' r c cel iite cpeicitons .And il Banc-ý Best, vere a'.av fiont (l.itr'I, iiitiu' 'crt luicî crîua/icg 'csults ini saoth-i'sciîoal 0111\1 aa c"eek c. lbth cI t'he' ~. c cct~uieita pîiiis.' A t t-: ame sc'olliiit fac'e- trocuble,. i.iIrI'ipIji' à c iiu.f poinît nimetîal beaiîb ýGcven For'd cent la te Toron-..64 Kt 'S.t .' it'c tii1tui'.' cas ieat'bed ta 1956. 'ta Geiîer-aiHosptîai lastF Rida'. 't'r c c . 'c].. i r'-ýin i lie speaker satd. "It cvas the cc'heî'e she expects bo avce O 111 t\ .1 fir< vie ar in c.'lic'tîtrauqul- lîeart Suur'gei'. ricxt c'. ekA Il tII t ('O. i/ w .eeciseci on a large fornmer- resid'eri, M is. Cai Il11 O ic o"nrr c 'ýcil ler. It %v.as also the yeaî' Pavue weîît ta a Pelei'bcîî'ocug!l (li c . ' ~ c cr rc w'.eîc, fui' the fil iln e inlbospital for fintbei' tests tco ' ' 'i isîcc ic ere va drop i 1fid the basic cacuse of lierilîl- Pcu ti ic'aùa ii ' Ir'. viiîill the nuîîber of? ueteuai hospital 'ness. I Iîî M drrt ' r.l'C1. ] W.crc paltien tsin proporticnî Ia tbe Former neiglîboci s lere oi A. B, inIc f lg'" '('în r,. popci i lt ion. .oîne Paeden w'eîe sorry ta G. W I, c i r t'C, f1i1.A ""h di".îîcaid T renid lias beau' ai the deatb o? hlci î ' sr. c genc'iallv' coniiccd, anîd it !fast Friday., Fcb. 141htli, rf". 5' ' c '.r tuas 'oll iiLIc-'l at a timie wheii 'The qîîîlling fast cccek o': ihl' t " M ti(l' c. I"c w adIni.ý',îin ao umental tospitali doue litthie lhone of Mrs. Ken B .'. ti.~ 'r' r '.'cir' ic is hi-be tiuaîi ccc. IliiotheriAshh'.'and c'.'as iueîed b. hv le x11!tOu 'c"'tcici coorcO, nmore patients are be- added pleascure of snoc'.'niabile 'îîcîrc 'cr r 'cc ",' ing rieceîvcd paîtl 'v peîhaps rides on tbe iîuski with EFait 114 I lig S t. Il rlt î i r ù.1' t. 'l' i'r 1rc 1t becacuse there is less ?eaî ai: Ashby as driver. pai-Inîrs : ' r " cîctc'rîîg a mental liospilal -'Noighboîiis oci tie lake'shirre Rani ici P. 1). ".c. O' t iii c' marc' au',-bcng were sai'v laor tthesui G.at 'I.' e hr tcci trieated SLcccessfiily, aîîd sa ne- tracuble iii the hontes tif l\1 . G cncic c .( luî'îîuîg t hilte conîimuniby." W. E. NichaIs aîîd Mr. Chartes - pl. " I. ' il.p 'T'be SK&F represenlatic'e Beighton. uchen liie, i'.l ' rritf'r<, Fpcike of te utecd for an un- Mrs. Ruth Hanmpshire di C h iro p ra c f i c 'c'"'c'i.cl ierstaiuiing aifnmental iilness;.,suddenic'rv n Poil Trope lasi- lfe saîd, by mneauus o? modern veek. Mrs. liampshîire, since G. EDWI AN , D i ~'.~. ' ,,,c im kiîowlcedge it îs afteîî passible,. her relcîrîitola is district iront CI) l'alun' I'i1 ta dc'iect nmental iiîîîess iin ad- the wesh, had been aii active Offire: . cr ' 'lii c auce. "The incipleat mental worker civtfith te Wcineni5 15 Elin aS t., , cor- St'.c'. c'c.fr( clcc piatient (eaut be lreated sa that Instlhcîe. Prc ~< h ' îî cccc Ire ctcs îîcîl bave Ici be has- MsaîsG uîcbuî.c OfceItcMi f"c, r~ n , Ir Xcîct mpitat;i.eci at aIl." Dickinsan, H. Ree'e, . Wat- ' I r. Foîci.'.-cttreatnîîentt o aile and E. BaIroWC.'. iîta- 1D e n t a 1c "'ic teîîded bbheX\onld Dai.'c- - - vc '.of~ . Pra eu' at W'elcome on Friclav JDR. IW.. Ai. il(IM1A11. Jt.' .'.rt'rIi' aiteî'noaîî. 75 lKing Si. IK. I )cc,"c lce 1. c C it i' The Couîples Cluîb mîet aI Officce Dav ". 'c\ '.lidi th ho e of Mr. and MIrs 9 a ti. tcIl 1 ' . ' c ic, . ' i George Tufford cOit Fiida,' Cia cc 5c ti ci.,.' cci t 'c . . i ' r ' ;cr cciVic niglit. ' Of iit'r' licri .- ' ,rcr rr lcc i r U..C.Wîr. fiel In Itle ScuItcaVc Vu Vcic' r .cc 'c.5 'X .' 1' Schoi roani ait Wednescla v' 11. i. .SISSON r SI 1. Il aiternooi, Feb. 12t1h. cDlii.t~, H..c c.cc.a'u(ii aboit24 presenîThe preie- f 11ce i; t ccr'r'r M I.. Bog dn p nd the îîeetiîgc'iitli 100 Lilguct s St. " fc".ri," i R B. Ms.A. Ttorndx'ke 'icc'tc Office I lîri t i.c c thie devotians c'.ittt Irts. A. 9 ac.i t o r'. I r. 1 .1 .rpl t r i y ~Auistini givic'i the catjIoIcicccl- Closud Wet' r '"o .Ir. rrI't 1 slip. Psali'n 25 %vas î'ead i 1)II .1.('Nr1NN . î. cînison, Mis. A. Tbci'id ' ke 0f< ci rnu' tI crcc rrein a paper explainiiîg Ille'75Kini i f frrcrrrue"ti' x 'cî purpose ai Lent, and Mis. J. officelcîu'cr rrcl Graenîcceld led i pua c'cr. 9a.ruPIo î hcc The new churci stuîdv b ook lscSr!il 'ri u.rt"t 'rcIr"i an an c edames irp s(" eop ccit t i i, I.i;k.)! lisf h hîr i litt '1 ta ln îiing good c'.isbes ta b, îrîr, ' cc ' ' '\ ' , 0 for-mer Donnîa Ocightrîed." '- icsd i Ilc Licucr scas lte firsh lime Dnna iha- E. R 't R iON EK.N r'c r cr rcult'c ntc i iî-i rlh eeîi bomTe for au v Itirgth rit.N. ...i ' '.rtcrrîSsflhiihp ture sirice lier oîarria-e h " I'nc.tr'rc ic . c .' \ow- n[gSt. t . , 1V~'rr r~r ,'j ir h nhir'<ctr Mr. C;enald Hoîîslo ofai 'oroti- t"uc:c:r ' '. tt i il~~~~~~~ ~n pc l.. onîg jable gaulv fr.shoon- îîoccr- t c. r;c.r î . iI e <iglît fer cn. PH 'cith pale pink and bie. Irr " ic s i'h c' t rcod Pccu atîdbinmed c'.'th l7elis, c.'a~""cIh'lc te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uI tl c hec.eoaded wmiî igaitv Mwra pý M.O ritg a gcs ' c'rrcin 1,1 oteppd parcels. Wlieuî Dotnlîtu a- ' ' tc. u c .1leBof St nved shp was preseîuted cc'iu SADIE Il NUl! 'ION - OIIOM 'lIran iter'.cii a c'orsage bv itirs. Bruce Dccc- Frîr ' h Tc' c uer: a short address vvas real \cr .r'r ired nietliod rch hv Marie Acustinu, iii c'hir'l tî' lieroi i c' 1'," r ' tcct ici i c, \ko.cur fnuercds nemîîîded liei' or ttue folc.' r t' rc"c. 'r ' r' ' c 'Bat lie. oc'inig iîteresl anîd good c.-c -it'bc'r ' lu'r ' .cccc es thal acc'unpauicv lte gi iOn. < r "'t 'cc Aller the usual i pîlcg acnd Ir't c' c'. . .c 'rI 1r.cia! a mrn .Donna biîaîîked those rc'ailf. ' "" ' ' ' lii'mcotuc present. and eecneec î' can .' ~~r.' ONTREAL ~ed a hippy evening.c",'ti' 'c. c .,rrit Conigratlla t ionuu cciewcec w c Ruth Nic'hcjs a co ipIeowe u c. ,"'c I M t11 ) c. 1'l t1M î11.1, '. I. c . c.c agt)011Ohhîe occasioulniflier I 2t i Bu.er' r, '(r g birhhdac'. and she is onîce more N. f'r iance plan ig ber Grade8 in E ISURD LANSspecial contendahioui fioni _0Op t0oM e r y r.- the exaniiners. KEITII ..Bi1t',0.) There ccere 55 atSutîda'. i arev't c 'AMES BELL, Manager Sciîooi oui Feb. l6th c'.itît Gai- 1.11 IK;ccg S. 1"- I .' '.- .' ' 'l.h:' r field Pactie neading the main- Offiic'Ihc. 'I 'r. r'! i c i's.' ic aitc S McCANSH, Nianager 'inz 'cript Liue. Stiida' evtoicir cf cf tu ; O" -2 r o. c r'icd b.' 'iervice c'.as paîîlahîv "il oui t- Mon. -h. - ' - li, e 'r , cib'. une pcd b'.' nîebrs o? Hi-C. RI" -v' 'r r'1 ' e CW, ,Slis ~"'~~ VI Fîeen'ait c'.as isc~ 'i hi" , r . c" htr '-fic Catherine NicHoliii of Wc1- 4i WL. uý r'.-.-J- 3 b :(nn Coni( crft ti ' rtiîd be .,Bel le - tri1 aid a V, - Lfucnci. illicg Pre, Chu cîke o? Sim dec Chcrcîî 'cd presidetil Preshyter ia' omeit at the eetiîîg beIt surks Unmîted ected ccere rdsauu W'hîrt M irs. Allan and Mis. Il ýSlack, c'iuc Miles Clîp- x'ecord ing nc.glas Red- t, Oshawa, etar ;Irs. i 'et, Osha. nrS' j. IH ibc, Christ' ÀSocial Ac- "an, Grceen- cy iici M" i t h Mi-S. Mr. E. oi n ai'.'i e, Mis. ste- St ephenci s, -1lan: Mi r s. Aîidre.'s, ics chir icrli, Sliut- lli'liit) andu Mtr crI!s S. J.1,a ".' 111 cr du .ri. 1. F uIt gur'lrid (M îillMli c'at. tIll cIcrcr nl un i' 1121(til drirt rui. Ill tu ue ciIo.,- ri.' BONUS FEATURE! - Granulated SUGAR W~'ithOrders o(f S20.001 or (item! 5 lbs49c1 MIX OR MATCH Clhoce Qualitv - 2(-oz. * PEACHES < hqîce Sliced - 20-oz. * PINEAPPLE ('hoice Red Pitted - 15-oz. * CHERRIES 2 tins 49C BEST BUX'! Save 2c' Rose Margarine 4aie 491 price tags mean Special Savings this week!1 1-1b. Packages 2 0A ,'49c~5 BEST BL'V Savre 7c! - FANCY QUALITY 14-O0z. Tins YORK Kernel (orn 3R49c BEST BUY! Save 14e! - Econoimy 400's - White or Coloured KLEENEX TISSUES 2 SK49c BEST BUX'! Save 9c! - Twin Pack - White or Coloured Burns' - Mild Cured - Sweet Pickled , Cryovac Half Cottage Rolis 49ib LEAN I 31.1 - "IDEAL FOR STUFFING." PORK SPARE RIBS 1b 49c IDEAI, FOR STEAK ON A BUN - LEAN BEEF STEAKETTES lb 5 5c IIFor I.unelhes or Snacks. By the Piece Burns Bologna .... IL 29c Burns Lean - Weill Streaked Rindl.ss Bacon .... lb. 65c 9c FEATURE SAVE 13c!- BEEF OR IRISH 15-0z. Tins YORK STEWS 2 for 49c SAVE 8e! - JUNIOR OR STRAINED Heinz Foods 5for49c Save 8v! Red & White Homogenlzed 9 oz. Jar Peanut Butter 2for49c SAVE 9c! - CHOICE QUALITY 28-oz. Tins TOMMES 2 for 49c SAVE 6c! - RED &WIHITE ASSORTED) Jelly Powders 5 pkgs 49c Ontario's flnest Maclntosh, fancy grade APPLES 6 qt. basket 73C~ Economîcal Ontario l'elle'w., No. 1 large ONIONS 10 lb. mûsh bag 39c P.E.I., No. I grade POMMTES 50lb. l>ag $1.49 New spntng Texas, No. 1 INTRODUCING! REGULAR 47e VALUE!-- flWmw-- -J&& F SUPREME BRAND - S APPLE or 9 REGULAR 13e VALUE SUNSPUN - lE RAISIN 9 1 JG.7 C FRESH FROZEN M 24-oz. size3 c rcm ýri 9 SAVE1 40 -Large DI M) E 1 ANt b. ag PRUNES 37C Sa% 3'. I -anc' I 'i'. lrd J i s-in RIA1) StEMI Salmon 2for85c Sï%r Ir! - !le In Coupon. on Carton 'rap l-tb. pkg. 1)OMIfSTI(' Shortening 35c Scîce Ie! - Iteadycut - (' tetti 211). <'elle Spaghetti 37c .Save 61c'! - 40c off pac'k ... KING SIZE pkg. MAPLE GROVE MARKET BEST BUV' Save 4c! - Fancy Quality Medium Smal GREEN GIANT PEAS BEST BUY! Save 16c! - BOSTON BROWN Baby's Own 2 for 29c Regular 79c! - Williams Bti. Lectric Shave 59c PORTERS'RK&WET PORTERS RED & WHITE * . . Newtonville .1 15-0z. Tins 310R55 :!O-Oz. Tins Fresh Baked! Regular 29e! IVESTON or SUNBEAM 10 to pkig. Crisp 'N Serve ROLLS - - 25c RAISINS 6p 29C Excellent Value BROOMS ra. CLEAN SWEEP .......89C 6 00aple Grove a a . N onol ,,tLuk 1, tteekn ihM an B.H.S. . CoNEWSan ent L uice '~~amily. eN e NW *UPUI fOur Sunday Sho n sident of l*church worship was weli at- The big night has passed., derful affaîr was drawing to tended on Sunday rnorning. ýFriday, February 2ist, the-ý ls;atog n ms Mr.W. H. Crawford delivered 'nit of our "At Home" acos;athuh in ms irch W om en a fie sermon. orFl dover, but the mernorie: of cases, tii: evne nnOu g1964 fral Don't forget orFl n exciting eeigaeee- 1- The guest speakers for the ville on Thursday evennin iasting. It seems that we did vas over, but wiil nover be 1brougliî greetings to the Pres- the church. noting thus week but Wrepare' forgotten. ta wverhv Dnant The Explorera will meet in! for the formai. I da wee te Rv. uncn te school on Friday evening r Thursday and Friday wve e White in the miorning, Msýt7pm d livrie Smnith in the afternoon t pm.saw the assembly hall trans-' i n D.CltdeVpodintli 'u are most cordially in. formed into 'Neptune's Gar-1 Lvenîrg. Evening devotions'vited to our church service on demi" Here we extend thank.ç' xverc' led bY members of the Sunday morning at 11:45 In the rnanv people who as- j Triiit 'îý huc oewhen Rev. W. Rackham n f sised, especially to Mrs. Me-, n Bwninvile.Oshawa will be our guestI Master and Dianne Biggs whni speaker. Sunday School will prepared tha beautîful decora-. l'le Rev. E. S. Linstead, ibe at 10:45 a.m. lions. 1ch airînaji of the Oshawa Pres- 4Irn r.Fan lio tte aetmmn bye\presided aver the elec- M.adMs rn lio tteLm îe nn lion of uilicers, afier the bus-and family, Oshawa, were students worked long hours i d iess of the day wvas conclud-!Sunday guests of Mrs. Pearl making our corsages. Th Li ci.i Avery. phase of our formal was un- *îr an udRss.baddr h ietino t Ili lie a cep anc s eec ,, nd Janice, Trenton, w ere Oke. Thank vo , Steve! I a y I s to have us Mis ' M illcnt i L uH e, niyt Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Next we saw the hov' y (ete presiei dehaora ed' the thobý o:"v îad wrke sodnle lB.Hubbard. dco ated dtetables setl look for trouble celil in the past tîwo ears, M r. and M rs. Fred Terry hch as il Paby d n ilui askced for the contin1l.d Mrs. M. Patterson, Mrs. Helen1 tînder committee head ]arg Apnornu~cp. (ftemembership Scott, Ohwa, vere SLnal Cryderman. Yan did an ex- grami can mean serious ll iîber tellure of office. guests of Mrs. Greta Bailey. celient job,' Marg! linancial loss to you and -Mr. and MUrs. T'. C. Stephen-ý AlI these things completed, Your familY. It Pays te have flTTTTIr~v son, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. we were neady ta neceive thr, us look for these trouble LaU.rv Ri IUIN Newmarket; many couples who attended.1 %pots through a caraful TC- BURKE ON Mr 'andMrs. Dave Gatcheli, Each couple was met at he' Oshaw, weîe Sunday guests door by an undersea diver,' 'view of your poIicie6 It's Mir. Geraîd Beech had his of Mr'and Mrs. A. C. Steph- then a staff o? girls checkeil possible, to, that somwo f 1oiisiM' reînved i l Memorial enisori and family. coats and D)inned on corsages. your policies can bc updated ll>îa, omnile e Mr. nd Mrs. Murry Abbott Upon entering Neptune's to provi de broader dmore uel Ilcic u~u i bed and famiîv, Bowmanville, Garden, hie excellent an-' economical protection. Call \V vir n Sils VleSLlid.v: gîlests of Mr. nouîîcer xvas DOLIg NichaIs. us for a no-obligation Il >11ult teachers titis and Mlrs. Hloward Abbott. iThere xvas dancing from nine chk p !)il\ i k !il t he Senior Roomi. M rs. F.Tms nns illen li eleven anîd tiien il camp hc îi 'l'lie C.G.IT. met last Tiies-: '.DOLiglas Ttaylor, Bowman-l time for refreshments. The d, ightithewCIurch Hlall, ýville, '.ere recent guests afigrand march. starting fronm Mr.anid Mi . Samcueet Granit i', and Mrs. Leslie Taylor ýthe assembîx' hall and ending ric, d fail'. Osbacc a. \\ e and famiv. in the boys' gym, was xvell of'ti uc in Mis. R. Davey.. Mi.. and Mis. Stan Payne'arganized hv Ml'v Lncg S UA R .JA E M.AR.lit.ibbard W'as anîd Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Artr Evervone enjoYed the lg lUAiIJAE 2'hrr h vi eiicig ,Ulest nfiGlenn and family, Scar- lunch served. Mi ci \î.C. P. Devitt, harough, wuere Sunday guests~ Pancirîg continued t ram 11INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 1brncc, 'ieof Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge, 11:30 ta one a'clock, The lasti 'tc 'x njî' et lu the and lamily and Mrs. 1. Ar'gue. waltz, Moon River, \&as play- King St. E. Bowmanvllle r()ilo V'iîddc c'.inîg-wîth m î. antd Ms.KennethCilid- dpr-o cl-1-aim ing thai thIis wo n - ofr eie trrrrc dai cer. bailli were Sunday guests ail \lc'i Xlç Steplueiriso i i- Mis. E. Bryan. Frank Dorland is prngressingi6't3-5681 623-5493 a iI111e of claOliiC'n friends Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larm-; 'fac'aurabl 'y in Mvemorial I-ls- ýj i l r r Onît' he l occasion c-, Peterb rough; M . and pi l , B ow m anvill,. r rt 'ir jri t on Saturd-ca.'M s. Allan Larmer, Toronto, Mr. Anthony Smith is; ual ici uniwere Sunday guesîs of Mr. sa wel1 iateiy. W'e hope his z Ml crinuCousins, Mr, and M\rs. Harold Larmer. condition wiil sortn be improv -_______ I'iuc Marldi tîle, Kliee, Glad la repart that Mr. ' cd.- _______ ilililtti' L Icc i tech cl u i'rr'c'- i 23 ?ur1ro ili- Dccc. i, id ifhcic- ins fri' '5ý Ioi bc 'v lie as ci sccii ,g, c'.rtIdn" lI1 a ut Wni' '\- i tetueut Ici 'Ir Ici. iii of il ut tri i i i lie uc- blc l'rcsis. loo rl il 'c', Oak, ('or ic'- s.tiinci od donc 'enl iii- ru relur- a rid ini Sdict er ici I mtoltint 1a guif, lie R". c 'irb. r t v r' cr rcri - i r c i i r. M'r l! - friî'c c. rndpaMt Ii'.n îr CORNISH'S MARKET

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