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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1964, p. 7

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£Pertsotiil Phone 623-3303 ar nd Mu~. Earl Thornp- the 'v altended the Holarf roni, Pat and Cynîhia visittpd Rlack & Whitçp Show inS Mr. and Mr5, Norman Watson. -Juan. Dunrforrd. 'Mr. and N!rsý :Je H7 Hrz Mr. andi Mr5. E. W. FnlPv -r Ba5;hpwI Alta. are gur rprnt Wednesday with theirlof VIr. and Mr5z. Wilfred 1K son, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Folev i sonn, King St. W es t. NI andi farnil.v. Base Line. Htjsebv, je Mr. Kitson's coiu Mr. Brian Hughes returnedland tIýs as a reunion for ahc ]a-ýt WedneFdav fr-om- England after parting in England aft.tr spending two vears wilh 191:3. Mr. and Mrs. Huse a British Sujpermarket. wl spent some lrne ani Mr. and Mr-s. George rv area x isit.ng members oft Wellington St., havr'- returnrd Raitson famîl. fr-o a wo-eekvacation al Da.ytonla Beach, Florida. Mr-. Ver-non Saunders, Toron- to, waz a SaturdayviFi~tor writh his parents. Mr. and Mr-s A. Sauoders. Waverle 'v Road. Congratulations aod hest vvishes to Mrs. H. Lavman who will criehrate hier 9lst birth- day next Sundav, Marcrh lat. Congratuîlations and heset wishes i Mr. Mort Klgannon whn celehrated his 88th hir-lh- dlc n Saturdia ', Fr-ruar-cv 22. M;,and Mrs. T'. R. Widep- tian 'r(tiirnt>d home last Suri- rlas' a ftr a \ver-*v pleasalit va- cation at Holl.vuwod. Florida. M,-. sort Mrs. R. Cil! and Nir rd Mr-S. F. Gil ret rner-I homo S;i-tiiîrda\,e 1-uîgfo ari Prjoyvahie thr-ee-wxcek va- catron in F'orirda. Mr. Don Morris aterd-d the execulice meeting ofIllhe B3ay of Quinte Furreral I)ir-ec- tor-'s Association hrld ro-nl pt the Has olo(k Hotol. Rcv. ar-d N Er.E S. Cnl.c cil. ,r i.s3 n anrd Torri- , Coc Hil. s pont lasi Siindav ex crurr-ip and-IMondlas ith T'Yods molh- ort- a ndrihrotIhr-,. Mr-s. Ber-I Co1l -lIard Jr wi n Recent vîrrtOrs vith MI'. aird Irs. J. A. Liva ng. Chu -t h St.. w-r-e the(,ir daughter Jean arnd hrrshand. Mr-. andiMrý-. N l3ocian ot Toronto0. Mis. E. Pollack, Kingston, ar-d Mr-s. J. Ede-orfoOrangeville. Mir- ar- id-5r. .Foien, Tarrs.R. L. 'or-den, H-. owc- ard Fl,'v, Mrs. Ber t Col%\el and Irwrn %were Siindav dîi- lier guosts of Mr-. anià[rn- Wallace Munday, Don and Jan r ce. Mr. Richard Larder, Quccisý Univcersi ty, RKrngston, speirt the Weekend with hi-, par-eols, MVr. and Mrs. Glenn Landor, Division S t., and attended the Hagzh School "At Home" on Friday evenir- Mr-. ar-d Mr-s. lIar-r ' Hughes attenrled the Capping Ccr-- moîry or thpir daaighter, Miss Ealeon Hughes. at Westminster Char-ch, St. Catharines, last Wodnosda.\. Fileen is a sti- depnt nurse an the Clase of '66 ai st. Catharirnes Gerer-al Hos- pitli. Mr. Samn Olvers tir -ce child- rer>, fîve grandchildr-en, ar-d their families made SaturdaY evening, Februar * 22nd, a In-imora.hble occasion %v h en, laderi «'ith gifts and a large cako, thev called *1 his home Io help him celebrate his 86t1 bi rth day. J0essre. Barton Aide, Dick )owniey and Georce Mullor- rtrirnpçd howmlrrr-î ýtScanda-, fr-om a; weckerid of ice fishilig at Rodcstone in the Halibur-ton district. Tho frsh co-oper-al- ed nrcely and lhev hrouighl home Sj0>1-e -att-h of trotit. papch wpighing al, le-ast twno pot> n d s. Wookend gLi(oste %ift>Mr-. prrd Mr-. Brenton Branigan. Onitarro Street, scere Mr. ar-d Mrs. Charles Peter-s, Who jars1 iptarned aftor- three years in Ger-imY wilh the Canadliati Arm.Mr. PelerI-s is mr-s. Branîigans cousin îfrom SI. ,Johns, Nefoindland, wt>om xhp hir-int seen for 15 vears. (o-hmi rng hu)isi ress a rn d Mrasîr . Nrai-d IVr,-. R. B. Pr-occ r, R.R 3, Bowýrinarrvalle: Nr.and Mrs. Ted Spenceley, Retlhany:ý Mr. Howar-d Tr-ewin, Blaakstock, ar-d Mr-. Ton-iMa, plr.torr -r-Pon yenj> d a nu- tia trip raPriert»Rico xxhere M r-s. NI. Lajeunesse a daughtcr- Chantai of Montrr Que., have returr-ed hoi afler- a pleasant vîsit wrth i parents, Mr. and M rs,. ONeill. vIr. and Mrs. O'N also had as their guesl IM ONeýil's sîster. Nrs. A. Spra- 'Li of Belleville. TI! r etur oed to therr respecti homes on Trresdav of t \v ee k,- OBITUARY K J J' 'i EBENEZER &oclal 'The esei1îng uni, a-f Frrr- cci- United Church mret Fch 201h in lite C. E. buiilding wi'iî Presitie-t Mut. I)oug Oke in the chair. There le bo be a pot lut-k supper on Feb. 271h al 6:30 pro - cc-lth Rex . Stord as 'hr-, speaker. The aflerrnon 111111 ha s ins-ited th-e ecen ing unr t to attend heir Mar-ch rireet i!.g. wxith I-arold Hare as thrp ziiest speaker. We have heen askeri 10 bri ng ilaed doIt> iig anto he Mar1ch meet in'o. 1Thank voir nlote5 wre read fr-or- lia/el Rîrr-dlr, Dor-olhv Oke ar-d Ed- wc;i Ormistonr An imc h atiriý w as sont fr-on-i the Os>awva District cerebral Palsv Cou r.- i-il ar-- alle- i eir Operi irouSO at lire Bloor St. <-hool r-arr N'art-h 4th aI il1:30 a ni., 1 :30i p.1r-i ar-d 3:00 pi.1. The n-ieeting w a s t i i-r i e ovor to Mrs.Grant Down. N'rs. Il. Nlat-kie ai-d Mrs. Hl. Nichr ois, Thoc hiar-Ianinr-tr ctudv on Indlia ar-d a ccor-.-hio servirce wi ah a trio riss of Mr-. L. Dowcri Mr- \V Downrrarnd N-rs. M. Osbr-îe. Lucîih was then served bMis. F. Reed ar-d Mr-sW Down. rThrre ere 189tîia i- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Mirnistcr - Rev. W'm. X. Ilotislander. B.A., B.D. (irganast M 1r. Arthuîr Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. St'NIAY. MARCH îS'r, 199;4. Il i.m1. - Monting W'orshiip Service of ad mission of I1lers anîd InlstalIlationi of Stewards andt Trtistees. "And Forqive Us Our Trespasses" 2 p.nt. -(mtiiutiantC ass SUNI)AY SCIIO<)L J u n or, It ter nîed îate antd Senior - 9:45 a.îni. Pr iaryand K inderga rteii - 11:20 a.ii. litcîis - 11:001 a.11. SREHOBOTH CHRISTIAN ' REFORMED CHURCH Sctigog Street, Bow-miattviîle .Rev. JcîhtîC. \raiac AB.D., Mi\nster a- Tleloane 623-502,13 WORSHIP SERVICES 9:11 ant. - Dutch 11:01 a.nt. - English 7-31 p.nî. - English Ir.claittîing the W1hoîe Cotinsel of (iod "Back To God Houri' Broadcast I I CanAdiafl ~tatpemarr, ~riwnans-ifle F'r-i~. i'ti, 10~1 & 1 1 - 1 ein San eh the m -i e eill 1rs. j Ve ýhis i - apv Pil e c_ er In - e.l n n id il r- h r 1.001 Clear your 'throat pIeasaty~ W EGGEZON ES __69c __ ORA Fix laids dentures fast...all day! 49c 89c 1.29 i I. These SPECIAL PRICES Good Until February 29th -BAYER ASPIRIN 100's Save at 6 3 c J. &J. BABY OIL POLY -VI -SOL DRISTAN TABLETS MODESS LAVORIS Mouthwash & Gargie VICKS VAPO-RUB MACLEANS Tooth Paste HALIBUT LIVER Oit Capsules siniall Si-te 73 c 50 c.c. - 5.25 vatiîe 4.29 24s- 1.25 valtue 1.13 -2 -)]ic 2 for 93 c 1.25 valueic 1.13 1.019 %allite 9 7c .39 %-allie 99C I.D .A. Br-and 2.31's - 2.29 1.77 E XPORT CIGARETTES Buy by the carton and SAVE n-onthsý. the death of M7 Lor-ne Paeden. ager-l62> e occurr-cd at Mdemnoral Hos, a'. Bocsmansle. on Fr idý Fohriîerv 14. 1964. Dalirgterr <n te late and N-rez. E. Brillirci, J-icf( ni Er- Ger-Iriide Mac Builli iva ab or- ir a enda! arnd r enired Nicleans ~Suhoot. 19218 sihpnar rred Lircpi den> who survives. The late DMi- Par--en1 -dcd the wrxIir-(letoIlhPr 1 n Clar ke Towoliip SAe u a niemb( ofrilShiiloh IUnit ('unr-c-h. Starkcille. Besides lier h r sl-irrrl. paoden i.,; irivc hcn dauighter-,Jean. 'l'lire linera: s i cce 'x5 hid frairi Ba rlowxvs Virir Home. 0-or10,onrMonî Fehrîîarv 171 h. an-dwa -r- ductcd hx Rex-. R. C. 'Ahi' Inter-ment was r-r Ororro Ce' et r-s PaIlîea rer-s ser-e NIr---r Hih Reid, Or-me FaUrLs Fal s, LleclIi R iRrss( Savcr-v and Ha rold Sou(-l. Armong the heaitti uMfoi' lr-ihuep, esidente of ophe teeni in which the decoasf ccas hceld. scere those fr-c Ci-ooked Cr-cck Cornni SIiloh United Clir--IiW'or- St> lolirCommun ils O flic< and Member-s of Or-nonFor-I AF. ar-d A.N-. No 32.5- Feel Stronger Fast wil'h 5.49 value LLIQUID 24 oz. G ERITOL or TABLETS 80's 4047 Remember . . . . you must feel stronger fast - wifbin 7 days or your money back. General Electric Save 1.00 - reg. 18.9,5 SUN TAN KIT Includes a G.E. Sun Iamp, safety guard, ad1ustable clamp with switch and Noxzema Suntan Lotion... everything you need17 9 for a winter tan.17 9 General Electric AUTOMATIC reg. 24.95 1001H BRUSH19.75 PROVEN THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD FOR CLEANING TEETH IN THE HOME We reserve the right to limit quantities. GLEEM TOOTH PASTE 39c tube for 29c DODD'S KIDNEY PILUS For backache, tired feeling du( to urinary irritation and blac der discomfort. 79c pkg. for 69c General Electric %" Best Buy l LIGHT BULBS 40, 60 or 100 watt reg. 28c each for 499 HollIywood Wave Set FAVOURITE FOR SMART HOME HAIRDRESSING " Dries quickly " Leaves no flakces " Unbreakable bottle V New 8-oz. 37e OId Spice SUPER SMOOTH SHAVE The smoothest shave ever 2.00 value for l125 SO0LO0 SAFETY TIPPED BOBBY PINS black or blonde 75's reg. 25c 19C Prescriptions - I.D.A. Remedies Alex. McGreàgor 0 DR UGS 0 King St. W. 623-5792 7 Pleasant Tobacco Deterrent Eas v to use ..easy to car- r v. Take ue Ru rbaco tah- let after eadiltnieal. Excessi%-eh heavvsmokers ilt ,aV illn t re.its dosagýe to six Kutrbacio ta blets d l 12 TABLETS 97 DEMINERALIZED WATER for- iise iti steait irons 3 5C a gallon plus .10c efotr container 39c 75c What soap q Cou/d ccst Neulrgena r, ifs rrme.Is fnon- atkainc tix r'- d, and ir'r saopure il s' iransprcn rt. M s> important. ifr.yrgh. rr :nxgir-cerne for- rnla crie-. inti(tefar and dry >th ikr, as" rP ris d o This ni eans iF at W, r Ce ss,r dry skns. Ca' " eN-n -. - th terpler con f cor e N, . r-o-. o-na cos rs a a k , bue whu nat itdocs is What? Broken Teeth? Fi aulr owiî Irtoketi deli- titres at bomte witli NI>XMPTE Ba<-k i a ranr t e $1. 98 KO0T EX 47 FEMININE NAPKINS 12's reg. 51c 4 KLEENEX 2063e FACIAL TISSUES 400's 2 6 "SYLVANIA" M2 or AG-1 1.56 value FLASHBULBS 1.1029 A N A (1 N 100s sugg. ret. 1.29 for fast pain relief 9 Headache, Common cold, arthritic and rheumnahic pain (DETO100H 1.09 value CflEJI PASTE87 The tooth paste that reduces cavities 8 i e 1- SORE 41ROAT 9 50C

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